Results for 'Technology Religious aspects.'

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  1.  14
    Technology and the philosophy of religion.David Lewin - 2011 - Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    The last one hundred years has seen unimaginable technological progress transforming every aspect of human life. Yet we seem unable to shake a profound unease with the direction of modern technology and its ideological siblings, global capitalism and massive consumption. Philosophers such as Marcuse, Borgmann and especially Heidegger, have developed important analyses of technological society, however in this book David Lewin argues that their ideas have remained limited either by their secular context, or by the narrow conception of religion (...)
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    Religion and technology: a study in the philosophy of culture.Jay Newman - 1997 - Westport, Conn.: Praeger.
    Religious criticisms of technology are addressed by Newman, who concludes that religion and technology are largely compatible, mutually supportive, and very much alike.
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    Toward a Religious Ethics of Technology: A Review Discussion.Carl Mitcham - 1987 - The Thomist 51 (1):146-168.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:TOWARD A RELIGIOUS ETHICS OF TECHNOLOGY: A REVIEW DISCUSSION [I]t seems to me that Schema 18 [preparatory draft for the Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World] needs to rest on a deeper realization of the urgent problems posed by technology.... (The Constitution on Mass Media seems to have been totally innocent of any such awareness.) For one thing, the whole massive complex of (...)
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    Image: three inquiries in technology and imagination.Mark C. Taylor, Mary-Jane Rubenstein & Thomas A. Carlson (eds.) - 2021 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    What are the primary characteristics that define what it means to be human? And what happens to those characteristics in the face of technology past, present, and future? The three essays in Image, by leading philosophers of religion Mark Taylor, Mary-Jane Rubenstein, and Thomas Carlson, play at this intersection of the human and the technological, building out from Heidegger's notion that humans master the world by picturing or representing the real.Taylor's essay traces a history of capitalism, dwelling on the (...)
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  5. Neuroscientific Explanations of Religious Experience are Not free from Cultural Aspects.Anne L. C. Runehov - 2008 - Ars Disputandi:141-156.
    We cannot disregard that the neuroscientific research on religious phenomena such as religious experiences and rituals for example, has increased significantly the last years. Neuroscientists claim that neuroscience contributes considerably in the process of understanding religious experiences, because neuroscience is able to measure brain activity during religious experiences by way of brain‐imaging technologies. No doubt, those results of neuroscientific research on religious experiences are an important supplement to the understanding of some types of religious (...)
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    Rejoicing: or The Torments of Religious Speech.Bruno Latour & Julie Rose - 2013 - Cambridge, UK: Polity Press Ltd. Edited by Julie Rose.
    Bruno Latour’s long term project is to compare the felicity and infelicity conditions of the different values dearest to the heart of those who have ‘never been modern’. According to him, this is the only way to develop an anthropology of the Moderns. After his work on science, on technology and, more recently, on law, this book explores the truth conditions of religious speech acts.Even though there is no question that religion is one of the values that has (...)
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    The Devil in Technologies: Russian Orthodox Neoconservatism Versus Scientific and Technological Progress.Marcin Skladanowski - 2019 - Zygon 54 (1):46-65.
    One of the interesting aspects of Russian self‐definition in opposition to the West is its attitude toward Western science. Russian distrust of scientific and technological progress in the West is an important force shaping contemporary Russian identity. This article touches on these issues in four parts. The first section characterizes two main conservative circles that are active in today's disputes over the significance of scientific development for Russian identity. The second demonstrates certain Russian contemporary concerns related to scientific and technological (...)
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    al-Istinsākh, qatl al-shafaqah, kirāʼ al-arḥām: qaḍāyā ṭibbīiyah muʻāṣirah ʻalá ḍawʼ akhlāqīyāt mihnat al-ṭibb wa-al-adyān wa-al-qawānīn al-waḍʻīyah.Muḥammad Miftāḥ - 2012 - Manūbah [Tunisia]: Markaz al-Nashr al-Jāmiʻī.
    Medicine; religious aspects; laws and legislations.
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    Personhood revisited: reproductive technology, bioethics, religion and the law.Howard Wilbur Jones - 2012 - Minneapolis, MN: Langdon Street Press.
    Howard W. Jones, Jr.'s Personhood Revisited chronicles reproductive technology's debate-evoking history meanwhile exploring the ongoing moral dilemmas of the twenty-first century, including: personhood, in vitro fertilization, conjugal love, eugenics, cloning, stem cell research, and more. Balanced readings on each reproductive topic represent conflicting viewpoints from legal, religious, and scientific perspectives. And Jones' personal experiences, such as meetings with the Vatican, add a unique look into the highly political yet benevolent world of reproductive medicine. Author Howard W. Jones, Jr., (...)
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    Bearing witnes: religious meanings in bioethics.Courtney S. Campbell - 2019 - Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books.
    In Bearing Witness, Courtney S. Campbell draws on his experience as a teacher, scholar, and a bioethics consultant to propose an innovative interpretation of the significance of religious values and traditions for bioethics and health care. The book offers a distinctive exposition of a covenantal ethic of gift-response-responsibility-transformation that informs a quest for meaning in the profound choices that patients, families, and professionals face in creating, sustaining, and ending life. Campbell's account of "bearing witness" offers new understandings of formative (...)
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  11.  8
    The psychological aspects of Christian experience.Richard Hooker Keller Gill - 1915 - Boston,: Sherman, French & company.
    Excerpt from The Psychological Aspects of Christian Experience Continued observation of the various methods of religious instruction has brought upon me a conviction that grows stronger as the years go by, that there must be, as Francis Peabody says, a new expansion of the range of studies appropri ate to the teachers of religion. There ought to be a far deeper study of the psychology of reli gion. The appeal to the impulses and emotions, so prevalent in the methods (...)
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    Islamic ethics of technology: an objectives (Maqāṣid) approach.Amana Raquib - 2015 - Kuala Lumpur: The Other Press.
    This book approaches the question of technology from an Islamic ethical perspective. The book tries to broaden the scope of the Sharia to deal comprehensively with the ethical questions and dilemmas that arise in the midst of a postmodern technological culture due to the absence of well-defined religious-ethical ends. It looks at the maqasid as a universal ethical theory to be interpreted and applied in the global technological context. It weaves the contemporary philosophical analysis of technology within (...)
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    Valuable potencies of religious faith in the context of scientific knowledge.M. G. Marchuk - 2000 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 14:3-11.
    For thousands of years, religion through the universal system of its values ​​actively influenced the formation of the worldview in all its most important aspects, including in purely scientific, helping or, conversely, interfering with the actualization of the spiritual and practical potential of culture. And although intensive scientific and technological development significantly influenced the fate of religion itself, leading to a "re-evaluation" of its individual values, the latter did not lose their own, without exaggeration, a leading role in the life (...)
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    Assisted Reproductive Technologies: Comparing Abrahamic Monotheistic Religions.Md Shaikh Farid & Sumaia Tasnim - 2022 - Asian Bioethics Review 15 (1):53-67.
    The impact of culture and religion on sexual and reproductive health and behavior has been a developing area of study in contemporary time. Therefore, it is crucial for people using reproductive procedures to understand the religious and theological perspectives on issues relating to reproductive health. This paper compares different perspectives of three Abrahamic faiths, i.e., Judaism, Christianity, and Islam on ARTs. Procreation, family formation, and childbirth within the context of marriage have all been advocated by these three major religions (...)
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    Evolution of the display of high technologies and social networks in the «terminator» universe in 1984-2022.К. В Каспарян, М. В Рутковская & А. С Линец - 2023 - Philosophical Problems of IT and Cyberspace (PhilITandC) 2:33-52.
    The article is devoted to a comprehensive analysis of the transformation of the reflection of computer technologies and network resources in the Terminator cinematic and literary universe created by the American director J. Cameron in the mid 1980s and early 2020s. In this study the authors substantiate the relevance and scientific component of the problem under study. The paper considers the degree of importance of high technologies and social networks in modern public life. The article provides a justification for the (...)
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    Anthropological Aspects of Modern Protestant Preaching.A. S. Zhalovaga - 2002 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 22:31-45.
    In the context of changing paradigms of human thinking, secularization of social consciousness, scientific and technological and information revolution, social and environmental cataclysms, Christian preaching seeks to answer the "challenge of time", seeking and offering man such spiritual foundations of life that will help him to "find himself" in the changing in the modern world.
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    Transcendence in Technology.Ciano Aydin & Peter-Paul Verbeek - 2015 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 19 (3):291-313.
    According to Max Weber, the “fate of our times” is characterized by a “disenchantment of the world.” The scientific ambition of rationalization and intellectualization, as well as the attempt to master nature through technology, will greatly limit experiences of and openness for the transcendent, i.e. that which is beyond our control. Insofar as transcendence is a central aspect of virtually every religion and all religious experiences, the development of science and technology will, according to the Weberian assertion, (...)
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  18.  6
    Technik und Lebenswirklichkeit: philosophische und theologische Deutungen der Technik im Zeitalter der Moderne.Anne-Maren Richter & Christian Schwarke (eds.) - 2014 - Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
    Philosophen, Theologen und Soziologen deuteten in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts die Technik als ein die gesamte Lebenswirklichkeit prägendes Phänomen. Dabei entwickelten sie sehr unterschiedliche Positionen. Walter Benjamin sah in der Technik einen Weg, die Wirklichkeit neu zu konstruieren; Rudolf Bultmann nahm die Technik zum Anlass, das Transzendente neu zu bestimmen. Der Band bietet in Teil I Rekonstruktionen klassischer Positionen der Technikdeutung: Max Weber, Ernst Troeltsch, Paul Tillich, Rudolf Bultmann, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Walter Benjamin, Martin Heidegger. Die Beiträge in Teil (...)
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    "the Handmill Gives You The Feudal Lord": Marx's Technological Determinism.William H. Shaw - 1979 - History and Theory 18 (2):156-176.
    Many contemporary Marxist scholars consider technological determinism a "vulgar" interpretation of Marx's theory of history. They argue that though Marx may have made such statements, they were inconsistent with many other aspects of his paradigm. However, a more fundamental analysis illustrates that the themes contained in the Preface to the Critique of Political Economy pervade Marx's scholarship and letters. Though the term technology may be a misnomer, Marx believed that productive forces form the material basis of society and determine (...)
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  20.  27
    Philosophy of technology for the lost age of freedom: a critical treatise on human essence and uncertain future. Rajan - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-18.
    All theories of world creation, whether scientific, philosophical, or religious, can readily acknowledge the fact that humans have primarily evolved to engage with nature, the individual self, fellow human beings, society, and other naturalistic aspect of existence. Nevertheless, several novel challenges ascend when the human mind engages with technology, media, machines, and related concepts such as—ChatGPT, artificial intelligence, and to name a few. For that reason, we need philosophy and critical assessment of the uncovered essence of advanced technologies, (...)
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  21.  30
    Mediality/theology/religion: Aspects of a Singular Encounter.Virgil W. Brower & Johannes Bennke - 2021 - Internationales Jahrbuch Für Medienphilosophie 7 (1):5-20.
    How can the medium be addressed when it is always already saturated in religious over-determinations and ever marked by theological concerns (such as revelation and incarnation) while, at the same time, religion would not be practiced and theology not be done without using some such medium? We encourage methodological and conceptual shifts, first, from medium to mediality; second, from religion to its partial negation (or, perhaps, partial permeation); third, from theology to doing the theological differently. With these shifts we (...)
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  22.  17
    Comparative Study of Evil and Suffering in Western and Eastern Religious Philosophies.Yasir Al- Hussain - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 16 (1):54-67.
    The purpose of the research study is to determine a comparative analysis between evil and suffering. Comparative studies of these Western and Eastern religious philosophies demonstrate different results. In Western philosophies, the cause of evil is related to human free will and the law of the universe, focusing on justice driven by God and moral values chosen by humans. On the other hand, the Eastern philosophical theories of various religions focus on the series of experiences that humans face depending (...)
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  23.  24
    Conceptual, Historical and Practical Aspects of Apostasy and Freedom of Belief.Faruk Sancar & Rıza Korkmazgöz - 2023 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 27 (2):404-421.
    The rapid change in the world after the Enlightenment not only brought about revolutionary scientific and technological innovations, but also opened the door to important transformations in the context of thought. Especially with the wind created by the French Revolution, some concepts such as equality, fraternity, and justice, which were already in circulation before, came to the fore even more. One of the concepts that was magnified in this process was freedom. The concept manifested itself in philosophy as an understanding (...)
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    Gao ke ji yu zong jiao.Yanli Ren (ed.) - 2001 - Tianjin Shi: Xin hua shu dian Tianjin fa xing suo fa xing.
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    Bibliometric Analysis of Ancient Egyptian Religious Studies.Nihat Durak & Cafer Pala - 2025 - Kocaeli İLahiyat Dergisi 8 (2):332-353.
    Bibliometric analysis method, which quantitatively examines and evaluates previously conducted academic and scientific literature in any field, has begun to be used quite frequently in various branches of science in recent years. In particular, the rapid increase in technological developments makes it easier to access information; at the same time, it causes a loss in information density. Bibliometric analysis, on the other hand, allows the researcher to access the desired sources more easily. This study aims to evaluate the studies conducted (...)
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    Shifting Dakwah Methods to Match Media Technology Transformation.Murodi Murodi, Muhtadi Muhtadi, Kamarusdiana Kamarusdiana & Deden Mauli Darajat - 2023 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 18 (1):93-113.
    The advancement of communication technology has sophisticated all aspects of human lives, including Islamic _dakwah_ (preaching) activities, for Muslim communities in Indonesia. As a result, several Islamic organizations in Indonesia try hard to match this advancement by using digital media for their _dakwah _to reach larger audiences and youth media-savvy generation. This article, by focusing on three Islamic organizations in Indonesia (Nahdlatul Ulama known as NU, Muhammadiyah, and Al Washliyah), addresses the question of how their _dakwah_ activities and strategies (...)
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  27.  6
    Liberating creation: foundations of religious social ethics.Gibson Winter - 1981 - New York: Crossroad.
  28.  5
    Prometheism.Jason Reza Jorjani - 2020 - [London]: Arktos Media.
    Shamelessly Promethean -- The end of humanity -- The end of history -- The end of reality -- Atlas never shrugs -- (R)evolutionary spectre.
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    The Epistemological Paradigm of Post-Religious Humility.Nick Overduin - 2023 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 60 (1):131-148.
    After Copernicus (1473–1543) and the ongoing development of contemporary cosmization, a new epistemological paradigm of post-religious humility is replacing religious versions. In the 100th year of Kuhn/Lakatos, this article explores the differences between religious and post-religious paradigms of humility as a formative aspect of human knowing. Although post-religious humility does not necessarily strive to criticize earlier paradigms of humility, an implicit critique is often present. In accordance with Kuhnian/Lakatosian theory, this article is not about psychological (...)
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  30.  10
    高科技与宗教.Yanli Ren (ed.) - 2000 - Tianjin Shi: Xin hua shu dian Tianjin fa xing suo fa xing.
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    Nuevos desafíos en el inicio de la vida: perspectivas ecuménicas en bioética: inicio de la vida humana, fertilización asistida, aborto.Rubén Revello & Daniel Carlos Beros (eds.) - 2014 - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires: Editorial Croquis.
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    Wissenschaft verantworten: soziale und ethische Orientierung in der technischen Zivilisation: Wolfgang Bender zum 70. Geburtstag.Christine Hauskeller, Wolfgang Liebert, Heiner Ludwig & Wolfgang Bender (eds.) - 2001 - Münster: Agenda.
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    Religioni & media: un'introduzione ad alcune problematiche.Michele Olzi & Roberto Revello (eds.) - 2021 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    The Altars Where We Worship: The Religious Significance of Popular Culture eds. by Juan M. Floyd-Thomas, Stacey M. Floyd-Thomas, and Mark G. Toulouse. [REVIEW]Michael R. Fisher - 2018 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 38 (2):194-196.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Altars Where We Worship: The Religious Significance of Popular Culture eds. by Juan M. Floyd-Thomas, Stacey M. Floyd-Thomas, and Mark G. ToulouseMichael R. Fisher Jr.The Altars Where We Worship: The Religious Significance of Popular Culture Juan M. Floyd-Thomas, Stacey M. Floyd-Thomas, and Mark G. Toulouse LOUISVILLE: WESTMINSTER JOHN KNOX PRESS, 2016. 250 pp. $25.00The Altars Where We Worship: The Religious Significance of Popular Culture (...)
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    Bunūk al-nuṭaf wa-al-ajinnah wa-tahdīd jins al-janīn: dirāsah muqāranah bayna al-fiqh al-Islāmī wa-al-qānūn al-waḍʻī.Faraj Muḥammad Muḥammad Sālim - 2017 - ʻAmmān, al-Urdun: al-Warrāq lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
    Human reproductive technology; law and legislation; religious aspects; Islam.
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  36.  19
    Taking Persons Seriously: Where Philosophy and Bioethics Intersect.Mihretu P. Guta & Scott B. Rae (eds.) - 2024 - Eugene, Oregon.: Pickwick Publications, Wipf and Stock Publishers.
    This volume attempts to show why ontology matters for a proper grasp of issues in bioethics. -/- Contemporary discussions on bioethics often focus on seeking solutions for a wide range of issues that revolve around persons. The issues in question are multi-layered, involving such diverse aspects as the metaphysical/ontological, personal, medical, moral, legal, cultural, social, political, religious, and environmental. In navigating through such a complex web of issues, it has been said that the central problems philosophers and bioethicists face (...)
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  37.  16
    A historical survey of the African Neo-Pentecostals’ response to digital transformation.Daniel O. Orogun & Jerry Pillay - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):11.
    The ongoing digital transformation (DT) in our world has not only brought change to secular systems but also to how things are done in the mission and ministry of the Christian faith. Although before the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, some churches were interacting with DT, the post COVID-19 experience has shown that many more Christian organisations, especially, the African Neo-Pentecostal Churches (ANPC), have carved their niche in the digital space. With South Africa and Nigeria in view, this article investigated (...)
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  38.  7
    Ärztliches Ethos: Technikbewältigung in der modernen Medizin?Karl Hunstorfer - 2007 - Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
    Dieses Buch setzt sich mit dem Schlagwort des Arztlichen Ethos auseinander. Die moderne High-Tech-Medizin bietet dem arztlichen Handeln Moglichkeiten zur Lebensrettung, wie Heilung und Linderung von schweren Erkrankungen, die es in der Medizingeschichte vorher nicht gab. Diese positive Seite der heutigen westlichen Medizin, auf der Grundlage der Naturwissenschaften beruhend, fuhrt das arztliche Handeln andererseits in Grenzgebiete menschlichen Daseins, in denen die angewandte Technik zur Frage nach der Sinnhaftigkeit dieser technischen Anwendungsmoglichkeiten fuhrt. Medizintechnisches Konnen reichen aus der Sicht und Erfahrung der (...)
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  39.  23
    What makes us human?: an Artificial Intelligence answers life's biggest questions.Jasmine Wang - 2022 - Boulder, Colorado: Sounds True. Edited by Iain S. Thomas & Gpt-3.
    A groundbreaking endeavor that explores human spirituality using the evolving technology of artificial intelligence.
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    The Religious Aspect of Evolution.James McCosh - 2009 - Cambridge University Press.
    The Scottish scholar James McCosh was a champion of the Free church, a successful and much-published philosophy professor at Belfast for 16 years, and an energetic and innovative President of Princeton University from 1868 to 1888. The Religious Aspect of Evolution was published in 1888, and this second edition from 1890 took account of A. R. Wallace's latest work, Darwinism. McCosh, who already in Ireland had developed a 'theory of the universe conditioned by Christian revelation' was one of very (...)
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  41.  29
    After God.Mark C. Taylor - 2007 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    With fundamentalists dominating the headlines and scientists arguing about the biological and neurological basis of faith, religion is the topic of the day. But religion, Mark C. Taylor shows, is more complicated than either its defenders or critics think and, indeed, is much more influential than any of us realize. Our world, Taylor maintains, is shaped by religion even when it is least obvious. Faith and value, he insists, are unavoidable and inextricably interrelated for believers and nonbelievers alike. Using scientific (...)
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    An energy Primer: From thermodynamics to theology.Normand M. Laurendeau - 2011 - Zygon 46 (4):890-914.
    Abstract Scientific, technological, ethical, and religious issues confronting the human prospect are emerging as we encounter the inevitable shift from fossil to renewable fuels. In particular, we are entering a period of monumental transition with respect to both the forms and use of energy. As for any technological transition of this magnitude, ultimate success will require good ethics and religion, as well as good science and technology. Economic and political issues associated with energy conservation and renewable energies are (...)
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    Hunting and weaving: empiricism and political philosophy.Thomas W. Heilke & John von Heyking (eds.) - 2013 - South Bend, Indiana: St. Augustine's Press.
    The essays in this volume honor the work of political scientist and Eric Voegelin scholar, Barry Cooper, by considering how political philosophy (a form of hunting) and empiricism get "woven" together (to borrow a metaphor from Plato). In other words, they consider how science needs to be conducted if it is to remain true to our commonsense experience of the world and to facilitate political judgment. Several of the essays cover Eric Voegelin, including his understanding of consciousness, a comparison of (...)
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  44. The Religious aspect of philosophy, a critique of The bases of conduct and of faith.Josiah Royce - 1885 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 20:283-296.
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  45. The Religious Aspects of Skepticism. A Lecture, Etc.John Owen - 1891
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    The Religious Aspect of Bakhtin's Aesthetics.David Patterson - 1993 - Renascence 46 (1):55-70.
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  47. Some religious aspects of the great-plague of the 14th-century.J. Brossollet - 1984 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 64 (1):53-66.
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    The Religious Aspect of the Intrinsic Aim of Education.Ho-Chan Lee - 2012 - The Journal of Moral Education 24 (3):193.
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    The Religious Aspect of Confucianism During The Ly-Tran Dynasties, Vietnam.Nhu Nguyen & Quyet Nguyen - 2024 - Griot 24 (2):234-246.
    This article explores the religious dimensions of Confucianism during the Ly-Tran dynasties (1009-1400 AD) in Vietnam, a period marked by significant sociopolitical and cultural transitions. Initially introduced as a moral and ethical philosophy from China, Confucianism underwent a complex process of localization, blending with indigenous Vietnamese beliefs and practices as well as Buddhism and Taoism. Through historical records, literary works, and ritual practices documented in “The Complete Annals of Đại Việt” and other classical texts, this study delves into how (...)
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    The Religious Aspect of Traditional Education and Hierophany : An Interpretation of Yuehling in Liki.Jeong-Min Chi - 2006 - Journal of Moral Education 17 (2):115.
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