Results for 'Teuta Shala-Peli'

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  1.  13
    The Nobility of Drivasto and Scanderbeg.Teuta Shala-Peli - 2022 - Seeu Review 17 (1):69-76.
    This article aims to elaborate on the relationships between Georges Castriota Scanderbeg and noble families from Drivasto. Drivasto was an Albanian medieval city located in the Northern Albania, about 12 km away from Shkodra. Its origin dates to antiquity but it has achieved its cultural, economic, and political peak during the Middle Age. Drivasto had its schools, church, and social life. The city elite consisted of noble families, such as Engjelli, Spani, Suma, Moneta, and Dushmani. The city elite played an (...)
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    On repentance: the thought and oral discourses of Rabbi Joseph Dov Soloveitchik.Pinchas Peli - 1984 - Northvale, N.J.: Jason Aronson. Edited by Joseph Dov Soloveitchik.
    In On Repentance, noted scholar Pinchas Peli has gathered the major points of Rabbi Soloveitchik's teachings on teshuvah (repentance), based on the annual series of lectures on the theme of teshuvah, presented on the anniversary of his ...
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    Conceptual Blends Across Image Macro Genres.Shala Barczewska - 2020 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 61 (1):7-30.
    This paper analyzes image macros via the theoretical framework of conceptual blending on the example of online responses to 2011 and 2012 doomsday predictions. To date, conceptual blending has shown promise in the analysis of a variety of internet memes; however, most studies have been limited to one type of meme or one blending model. This project adds to the discussion in two ways. First, it presents a thematic analysis – image macros responding to end of the world predictions – (...)
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    ‘We Need to Ask Ourselves’: We, As A Marker of (Inter)Subjectivity in Academic Debate.Shala Barczewska - 2024 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 69 (1):183-211.
    This paper combines Langacker’s notion of intersubjectivity with research into the discursive purposes of the first-person plural to analyse the 2008 debate between Richard Dawkins and John Lennox Has Science Buried God? The analysis identifies several differences and similarities between the debaters. Both speakers navigate the objectivity – (inter)subjectivity continuum in similar ways. Both speakers also use we to create their unique discursive identities. Dawkins primarily uses we to refer to himself as a member of an atemporal or cross-generational scientific (...)
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  5. Ambient Meaning: Mood, Vibe, System.Peli Grietzer - 2018 - Dissertation, Harvard University
    This dissertation will present a mathematically informed interpretation of a classically romantic literary-theoretic thesis: that a work of literature can aesthetically communicate an ineffably complex holistic understanding of the real world, which we might call the work’s ‘aesthetic meaning.’ Drawing on a generalization of ‘deep learning’ (“artificial intuition”) systems and on elementary algorithmic information theory, we describe a kind or aspect of aesthetic meaning – ‘ambient meaning’ – that may have a special resonance with Modernist and avant-garde approaches to aesthetic (...)
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  6. The Role of Care in the Relationship Between Teacher-Student at South East European University.Teuta Iljazi & Sadri Alija - 2013 - Seeu Review 9 (2):113-132.
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  7. ʻAl ha-teshuvah: devarim shebe-ʻal peh.Pinchas Peli - 1975 - Yerushalayim: ha-Histadrut ha-Tsiyonit ha-ʻolamit, ha-Maḥlaḳah le-ḥinukh ule-tarbut toraniyim ba-golah. Edited by Joseph Dov Soloveitchik.
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    Adam mehalekh ba-ʻolam: śiḥot ʻim Avraham Yehoshuʻa Heshel = Man walks in the world: conversations with Abraham Joshua Heschel.Pinchas Peli (ed.) - 2019 - Rishon le-Tsiyon: Miśkal, hotsaʼah la-or mi-yesodan shel Yediʻot Aḥaronot ṿe-Sifre Ḥemed.
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  9. The Logica Yearbook.Michal Peliš & Vít Punčochář (eds.) - 2011 - College Publications.
  10.  47
    Blood clots: the nineteenth-century debate over the substance and means of transfusion in Britain.Kim Pelis - 1997 - Annals of Science 54 (4):331-360.
    Summary Historians have devoted little attention to blood transfusion in the nineteenth century. In part, this neglect reflects the presentist assumption that, before Karl Landsteiner's discovery of blood types, this practice would have failed too often to gain currency. Yet, transfusion was in fact the subject of much debate, and was actively practised, primarily by obstetricians on haemorrhaging women. Examining this practice through the conceptual lens of ‘blood clots’, both as noun and as observation, I follow transfusors’ assumptions about the (...)
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    Blood Standards and Failed Fluids: Clinic, Lab, and Transfusion Solutions in London, 1868–1916.Kim Pelis - 2001 - History of Science 39 (2):185-213.
    It seems obvious that blood itself is the most appropriate fluid to replace blood, and there is no doubt as to its efficacy. On the other hand, to my surprise, it has not shown itself, experimentally, to be so much superior to certain artificial solutions, such as gum arabic, as I expected.
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  12. The march of nonsense: how and why we live a life of endless lies, obfuscations and plain bull.Doron Pely - 2024 - New York: Nova Science Publishers.
    We're a story-telling species. Stories give our lives meaning; they cause us to get up in the morning, fashion our thoughts and behavior, send us to war, to church, to the marketplace and to the workplace. Our stories become us, and we become our stories. Using a wealth of scientific evidence and real-life examples, this book illustrates how many of the stories we regularly use to explain and motivate our lives - from religion to economics, from free will to rights (...)
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    Defensive burying as a function of insulin-induced hypoglycemia and type of aversive stimulation.Stephen F. Davis & Shala A. Rossheim - 1980 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 16 (3):229-231.
  14.  18
    Michael Bliss. Harvey Cushing: A Life in Surgery. xii + 591 pp., figs., apps., bibl., index. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2005. $50. [REVIEW]Kim Pelis - 2006 - Isis 97 (4):764-766.
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    Relevant Agents.Marta Bílková, Ondrej Majer, Michal Peliš & Greg Restall - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 22-38.
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    Relevant Agents.Marta Bílková, Ondrej Majer, Michal Peliš & Greg Restall - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 22-38.
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  17. Knowledge Interpretation in Substructural Frames.Ondrej Majer & Michal Pelis - 2013 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 20:79-98.
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    Plagiarism in Kosovo: a case study of two public universities.Tina Morganella, Dukagjin Leka & Sabiha Shala - 2018 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 14 (1).
    This article presents the current legislative and educative measures in place for plagiarism prevention in Kosovo, especially in the case of student work, and provides an analysis of the effectiveness of such measures. Two public universities are used as case studies – the University of Haxhi Zeka and the University of Kadri Zeka – and the research is based on the legal and policy documents enacted by the two universities, as well as many reports, scientific articles on plagiarism and HEI (...)
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    Epistemic Erotetic Search Scenarios.Paweł Łupkowski, Ondrej Majer, Michal Peliš & Mariusz Urbański - 2018 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 27 (3):301-328.
    The aim of this paper is to introduce erotetic search scenarios known from Inferential Erotetic Logic by using the framework of epistemic erotetic logic. The key notions used in this system are those of askability and epistemic erotetic implication. Scenarios are supposed to represent all rational strategies of an agent solving the problem posed by the initial question where the interaction with an external information source is seen as a series of updates of the agent’s knowledge.
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    Douglas Starr. Blood: An Epic History of Medicine and Commerce. xvi + 446 pp., illus., index. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1998. $27.50, Can $39.50. [REVIEW]Kim Pelis - 2003 - Isis 94 (2):355-356.
  21.  13
    Addressing contract cheating in Kosovo and international practices.Afrim Selimaj, Mimoza Hyseni-Spahiu & Sabiha Shala - 2020 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 16 (1).
    Although there is much research on the contract cheating phenomenon, there is very little research on the legal solutions available to address such problems and almost zero research on the contract cheating phenomenon specifically in Kosovo in the Western Balkan region. This article presents the current situation with regard to contract cheating in Kosovo and compares it to western countries, with the aim of identifying the best international practices for combating contract cheating. We also present the results of a study (...)
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    Impact of Oncoming Headlight Glare With Cataracts: A Pilot Study.Alex D. Hwang, Merve Tuccar-Burak, Robert Goldstein & Eli Peli - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Editorial Boards of Finance Journals: The Gender Gap and Social Networks.Barbara Bedowska-Sójka, Claudia Tarantola, Codruta Mare, Alessia Paccagnini, Belma Öztürkkal, Galena Pisoni, Albulena Shala, Rezarta Perri & Hanna Kristín Skaftadótti - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-19.
    We investigate gender disparities and network linkages among editors of Finance journals at the end of 2022. The role of journal editors in shaping academic disciplines is crucial, yet gender imbalances and the geographic concentration of editors remain poorly understood. Ethical considerations arise when examining the representation of women on editorial boards, as these imbalances can impact academic equity and the diversity of perspectives. We examine the gender composition of editorial boards and uncover the network structures among editors, seeking to (...)
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    In memory of Tracey Bretag: a collection of tributes.Robert Crotty, Brian Martin, Ide Bagus Siaputra, Jean Guerrero-Dib, Zeenath Reza Khan, Dukagjin Leka, Sabiha Shala, Tomáš Foltýnek, Phil Newton, Michael Draper, Gill Rowell, Stella-Maris Orim, Erica J. Morris, Thomas Lancaster, Irene Glendinning, Teresa Fishman, Rebecca Awdry, Katherine Seaton, Guy Curtis, Felicity Prentice, Saadia Mahmud, Ann Rogerson, Helen Titchener & Sarah Elaine Eaton - 2020 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 16 (1).
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    Kim Pelis.Charles Nicolle, Pasteur’s Imperial Missionary: Typhus and Tunisia. xx + 384 pp., figs., apps., bibls., index. Rochester, N.Y.: University of Rochester Press, 2006. $90. [REVIEW]Andrew Aisenberg - 2007 - Isis 98 (3):654-655.
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    Review of Shala Barczewska (2017). Conceptualizing Evolution Education: A Corpus-Based Analysis of US Press Discourse[REVIEW]Ewa Gieroń-Czepczor - 2019 - Evolutionary Linguistic Theory 1 (2):197-202.
    This article reviews Conceptualizing Evolution Education: A Corpus-Based Analysis of US Press Discourse.
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    Cine, 100 años de filosofía: una introducción a la filosofía a través del análisis de películas.Julio Cabrera - 2015 - Barcelona: Editorial Gedisa.
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  28. Maʻrifat al-maʻrūf: taḥawwulāt al-taʼwīlīyah min Shalāyrmākhr ilá Diltāy.Fatʹḥī Inqazzū - 2017 - al-Rabāṭ: Muʼminūn bi-Lā Ḥudūd lil-Dirāsāt wa-al-Abḥāth.
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    La proyección del periodismo en el cine: treinta películas indispensables.José Santillán Arruz - 2018 - Cultura 32:77-97.
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    Yoga mala.Sri K. Pattabhi Jois - 2000 - New York, NY: Eddie Stern/Patanjali Yoga Shala.
    The seminal treatise and guide to Ashtanga yoga by the master of this increasingly popular discipline There is a yoga boom in America, and Sri K. Pattabhi Jois is at the heart of it. One of the great yoga figures of our time, Jois brought Ashtanga yoga to the West a quarter of a century ago and has been the driving force behind its worldwide dissemination. Based on flowing, energetic movement, Ashtanga and the many forms of vinyasa yoga that grow (...)
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    Toward a new creation of being.James B. Ashbrook - 1996 - Zygon 31 (3):385-399.
    The author traces the path from split brains to basic beliefs by linking the deautomatized pattern of spiritual masters, as reorted in Rorschach protocols, with subsymbolic, parallel, distriguted processing, The older brain structures constitute humanity's common heritage, while the new brain constitutes particular cultural heritages. Expanding levels of complexity move from the limbic system throuh conitive left‐mind vigilance and right‐mind responsiveness to %Pelie patterns of proclamation and manifestation to the world‐integrating mysticism of limbic input and the world‐fulfilling action of the (...)
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    Freud and yoga: two philosophies of mind compared.T. K. V. Desikachar - 2014 - New York: North Point Press. Edited by Hellfried Krusche.
    Lessons from a great yoga master and an eminent psychoanalyst that explore what psychotherapy and yoga philosophy have in common Yoga philosophy and Freud's revolutionary approach to psychology could not have been developed in more different times, places, or cultural conditions. And yet these two profound and dynamic systems of understanding human behavior, emotions, perception, and what's essential in our existence have an astonishing amount to share. What we learn by comparing their similarities as well as their differences can enhance (...)
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    A Historiographical and Cultural Overview of Old Albanian Writing.Dr Anisa Kosteri & Dr Zamira Shkreli - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:116-126.
    The northwestern dialects of Albanian stretch from Plava and Gucia in the North to Mat in the South, from Tivari and Ulqini in the West to Nikaj-Mërtur and Pukë in the East. This group of dialects includes the dialects of Kelmendi, Hoti, Kastrati, Shkreli, Buza e Uji, Koplik, Grizha, Lohe, Reci, Rrjolli, Shala, Shosh, Pulti, of Postriba, Shllak, Temal, Shkodra, Buna Bank, Drini Bank and Zadrima. The areas where the northwestern dialects of Albanian are spoken, as evidenced by the (...)
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    Artistic ecologies: new compasses and tools.Pablo Martínez, Emily Pethick, Nicholas Callaway & George Hutton (eds.) - 2022 - London, United Kingdom: Sternberg Press.
    An inquiry into the current ways of knowing, their ramifications, and institutional and noninstitutional artistic practices that provide channels for education from below. Artistic Ecologies: New Compasses and Tools aims to both analyze and speculate about potentials of artistic ecologies, collective learning, and engaged pedagogies to engender new institutionalities. Going beyond tensions between individuals and institutions, Artistic Ecologies examines avenues for collective learning. If learning for life is emancipation—understood not just as a matter of power but of freedom—the essential question (...)
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