Results for 'Thomas Cassirer'

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  1.  13
    Awareness of the City in the Encyclopedie.Thomas Cassirer - 1963 - Journal of the History of Ideas 24 (3):387.
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    (1 other version)Cassirer's Problem and Geometrical Aspects of Epistemology.Thomas Mormann - 1994 - In Georg Meggle & Ulla Wessels (eds.), Analyōmen 1 =. New York: W. de Gruyter. pp. 241-250.
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  3. Cassirer and Dirac on the Symbolic Method in Quantum Mechanics: A Confluence of Opposites.Thomas Ryckman - 2018 - Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy 6 (3).
    Determinismus und Indeterminismus in der modernen Physik is one of Cassirer’s least known and studied works, despite his own assessment as “one of his most important achievements”. A prominent theme locates quantum mechanics as a yet further step of the tendency within physical theory towards the purely functional theory of the concept and functional characterization of objectivity. In this respect DI can be considered an “update”, like the earlier monograph Zur Einsteinschen Relativitätstheorie: Erkenntnistheoretische Betrachtungen, to Substanzbegriff und Funktionsbegriff, a (...)
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  4. Two Kindred Neo-Kantian Philosophies of Science: Pap’s The A Priori in Physical Theory and Cassirer’s Determinism and Indeterminism in Modern Physics.Thomas Mormann - 2021 - Journal of Transcendental Philosophy 1 (1).
    The main thesis of this paper is that Pap’s The Functional A Priori of Physical Theory (Pap 1946, henceforth FAP) and Cassirer’s Determinism and Indeterminism in Modern Physics (Cassirer 1937, henceforth DI) may be conceived as two kindred accounts of a late Neo-Kantian philosophy of science. They elucidate and clarify each other mutually by elaborating conceptual possibilities and pointing out affinities of neo-Kantian ideas with other currents of 20th century’s philosophy of science, namely, pragmatism, conventionalism, and logical empiricism. (...)
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  5. Encyclopedia. Selection.D'alembert Diderot, Nelly S. Hoyt & Thomas Cassirer - 1972 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 162:320-321.
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  6. Idealization in Cassirer's philosophy of mathematics.Thomas Mormann - 2008 - Philosophia Mathematica 16 (2):151 - 181.
    The notion of idealization has received considerable attention in contemporary philosophy of science but less in philosophy of mathematics. An exception was the ‘critical idealism’ of the neo-Kantian philosopher Ernst Cassirer. According to Cassirer the methodology of idealization plays a central role for mathematics and empirical science. In this paper it is argued that Cassirer's contributions in this area still deserve to be taken into account in the current debates in philosophy of mathematics. For extremely useful criticisms (...)
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    Ernst Cassirer.Thomas Meyer (ed.) - 1949 - Hamburg: Ellert & Richter.
  8. Die Kampfgemeinschaft Hermann Cohen und Ernst Cassirer.Thomas Meyer - 2019 - In Eveline Goodman-Thau & George Y. Kohler (eds.), Nationalismus und Religion: Hermann Cohen zum 100. Todestag. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter.
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  9. On the Vicissitudes of Idealism in Philosophy of Science: The Case of Cassirer's 'Critical Idealism'.Thomas Mormann - 2014 - Lectiones Et Acroases Philosophicae (1).
    In Anglo-Saxon philosophy of science there is strong conviction that idealist philosophy of science on the the one hand and serious science and philosophy of science on the other do not go well together. In this paper I argue that this sweeping dismissal of the idealist tradition may have been too hasty. They may be some valuable insights for which it is striving. A promising case in question is provided by Ernst Cassirer’s Neo-Kantian „Critical Idealism“ that he put forward (...)
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  10. Idealisation and Mathematisation in Cassirer's Critical Idealism.Thomas Mormann - 2004 - In Donald Gillies (ed.), Laws and Models in Science. KIng's College Publications. pp. 139 - 159.
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  11. A Virtual Debate in Exile: Cassirer and the Vienna Circle after 1933.Thomas Mormann - 2012 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 16:149 - 167.
    Ernst Cassirer, 2011, Symbolische Prägnanz, Ausdrucksphänomen und „Wiener Kreis“, Nachgelassene Manuskripte und Texte, vol. 4, ed. Christian Möckel, 478pp., Hamburg, Felix Meiner Verlag.
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    Ernst Cassirers kritische Sprachphilosophie: Darstellung, Kritik, Aktualität.Thomas Göller - 1986 - Würzburg: Königshausen + Neumann.
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    Idealistische häresien in der wissenschaftsphilosophie: Cassirer, Carnap und Kuhn.Thomas Mormann - 1999 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 30 (2):233 - 270.
    Idealist Heresies in Philosophy of Science: Cassirer, Carnap, and Kuhn. As common wisdom has it, philosophy of science in the analytic tradition and idealist philosophy are incompatible. Usually, not much effort is spent for explaining what is to be understood by idealism. Rather, it is taken for granted that idealism is an obsolete and unscientific philosophical account. In this paper it is argued that this thesis needs some qualification. Taking Carnap and Kuhn as paradigmatic examples of positivist and postpositivist (...)
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  14. Animal Symbolicum as Homo Interrogans. : Cassirer's Philosophy between Neo-Kantianism and Philosophical Anthropology.Thomas Schwarz Wentzer - 2017 - In Richard L. Lanigan (ed.), Cassirer on Communicology. University of Chicago Press.
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    Ernst Cassirer, Jacques Maritain, and Susanne Langer.Thomas A. Sebeok - 1989 - Semiotics:389-397.
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  16. Wissenschaftliche Philosophie im Exil: Cassirer und der Wiener Kreis nach 1933.Thomas Mormann - 2016 - Veröffentlichungen des Instituts Wiener Kreis 23:159 - 179.
  17. Ernst Cassirer’s Writings.Thomas Meyer & Bill Templer - 2013 - Journal of the History of Ideas 74 (3):473-495.
  18. From Mathematics to Quantum Mechanics - On the Conceptual Unity of Cassirer’s Philosophy of Science.Thomas Mormann - 2015 - In J. Tyler Friedman & Sebastian Luft (eds.), The Philosophy of Ernst Cassirer: A Novel Assessment. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 31-64.
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    From Vico to Cassirer to Langer.Thomas A. Sebeok - 1995 - In Marcel Danesi (ed.), Giambattista Vico and Anglo-American science: philosophy and writing. New York: Mouton de Gruyter. pp. 119--159.
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    Constructivist Pedagogy and Symbolism: Vico, Cassirer, Piaget, Bateson.Thomas Erling Peterson - 2012 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (8):878-891.
    Constructivism is at the heart of a pedagogical philosophy going back to Vico, whose view of the interrelationship of the arts and sciences sought to reconstitute the classical paideia. The Vichian idea that human beings can only know the truth of what they themselves have made has theoretical and practical consequences for Vico's pedagogy and view of the university. Vico's ideas on education are extended in the modern period by such thinkers as Cassirer, Piaget and Bateson. At the basis (...)
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    Metaphysics Avoidance: Mark Wilson and Ernst Cassirer.Thomas Ryckman - 2021 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 103 (2):466-472.
    Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Volume 103, Issue 2, Page 466-472, September 2021.
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  22.  44
    Two Roads from Kant: Cassirer, Reichenbach, and General Relativity.Thomas Ryckman - 2003 - In Paolo Parrini, Merrilee H. Salmon & Wesley C. Salmon (eds.), Logical Empiricism: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives. University of Pittsburgh Press. pp. 159.
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  23. The Debate on Begriffstheorie between Cassirer and Marc-Wogau.Thomas Mormann - 2010 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 14:167 - 180.
    Abstract. The aim of this paper is to reconstruct the debate on Begriffstheorie between Ernst Cassirer, the Swe¬dish philosopher Konrad Marc-Wogau, and, virtually, Moritz Schlick. It took place during in the late thirties when Cassirer had immigrated to Sweden. While Cassirer argued for a rich “constitutive” theory of concepts, Marc-Wogau, and, in a different way, Schlick favored “austere” non-con¬sti¬¬tutive theories of concepts. Ironically, however, Cassirer used Schlick’s account as a weapon to counter Marc-Wogau’s criticism of his (...)
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    Animal symbolicum and homo interrogans. Cassirer’s philosophy of culture between neokantianism and discursive anthropology.Thomas Schwarz Wentzer - 2011 - Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 46 (1):61-80.
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    Critical Idealism Revisited: Recent Work on Cassirer’s Philosophy of Science.Thomas Mormann - 1999 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 6:295-306.
    In the first third of this century Cassirer was one of the leading, most influential philosophers of the German-speaking world. He was the respected opponent of such giants as Husserl, Russell, Schlick, Heidegger or Carnap who left their mark on the philosophical landscape until this very day. One might recall his discussion with Schlick on the philosophical relevance of Einstein’s relativity theory in the first decade of this century. Carnap reported to have received essential ideas for the Logical Construction (...)
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  26. Religion als Überwindung des Mythos: Anmerkungen zu einem Aspekt der Kulturephilosophie Ernst Cassirers.Thomas H. Stark - 1999 - In Wolfgang Vögele (ed.), "Die Gegensätze schliessen einander nicht aus, sondern verweisen aufeinander": Ernst Cassirers Symboltheorie und die Frage nach Pluralismus und Differenz. Evangelische Akademie Loccum.
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  27. Infinitesimals as an issue of neo-Kantian philosophy of science.Thomas Mormann & Mikhail Katz - 2013 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science (2):236-280.
    We seek to elucidate the philosophical context in which one of the most important conceptual transformations of modern mathematics took place, namely the so-called revolution in rigor in infinitesimal calculus and mathematical analysis. Some of the protagonists of the said revolution were Cauchy, Cantor, Dedekind,and Weierstrass. The dominant current of philosophy in Germany at the time was neo-Kantianism. Among its various currents, the Marburg school (Cohen, Natorp, Cassirer, and others) was the one most interested in matters scientific and mathematical. (...)
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    Kritik über Cassirer & Simon (1998): Leibniz' System in seinen wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen (Berlin 1902) & Cassirer & Berben (1999): Das Erkenntnisproblem in der Philosophie und Wissenschaft der neueren Zeit, Erster Band (Berlin 1906) & Cassirer & Vogel (1999): Das Erkenntnisproblem in der Philosophie und Wissenschaft der neueren Zeit, Zweiter Band. [REVIEW]Thomas Leinkauf - 2001 - Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Mittelalter 6 (1):293-300.
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  29. A place for pragmatism in the dynamics of reason?Thomas Mormann - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 43 (1):27-37.
    Abstract. In Dynamics of Reason Michael Friedman proposes a kind of synthesis between the neokantianism of Ernst Cassirer, the logical empiricism of Rudolf Carnap, and the historicism of Thomas Kuhn. Cassirer and Carnap are to take care of the Kantian legacy of modern philosophy of science, encapsulated in the concept of a relativized a priori and the globally rational or continuous evolution of scientific knowledge,while Kuhn´s role is to ensure that the historicist character of scientific knowledge is (...)
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  30. Structure-preserving Representations, Constitution and the Relative A priori.Thomas Mormann - 2021 - Synthese 198 (Supplement 21):1-24.
    The aim of this paper is to show that a comprehensive account of the role of representations in science should reconsider some neglected theses of the classical philosophy of science proposed in the first decades of the 20th century. More precisely, it is argued that the accounts of Helmholtz and Hertz may be taken as prototypes of representational accounts in which structure preservation plays an essential role. Following Reichenbach, structure-preserving representations provide a useful device for formulating an up-to-date version of (...)
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  31. Topological Aspects of Epistemology and Metaphysics.Thomas Mormann - 2020 - In Silvano Zipoli Caiani & Alberto Peruzzi (eds.), Structures Mères: Semantics, Mathematics, and Cognitive Science. Springer. pp. 135 - 152.
    The aim of this paper is to show that (elementary) topology may be useful for dealing with problems of epistemology and metaphysics. More precisely, I want to show that the introduction of topological structures may elucidate the role of the spatial structures (in a broad sense) that underly logic and cognition. In some detail I’ll deal with “Cassirer’s problem” that may be characterized as an early forrunner of Goodman’s “grue-bleen” problem. On a larger scale, topology turns out to be (...)
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    Francesca Biagioli. Space, Number, and Geometry from Helmholtz to Cassirer[REVIEW]Thomas Mormann - 2018 - Philosophia Mathematica (2).
    © The Authors [2017]. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: journals.permissions@oup.comThe book Space, Number, and Geometry from Helmholtz to Cassirer is a reworked version of Francesca Biagioli’s PhD thesis. It aims ‘[to offer] a reconstruction of the debate on non-Euclidean geometry in neo-Kantianism between the second half of the nineteenth century and the first decades of the twentieth century’. More precisely, Biagioli concentrates on how the Marburg school of neo-Kantianism dealt with what may (...)
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  33. Martina Plümacher: Wahrnehmung, Repräsentation und Wissen. Edmund Husserls und Ernst Cassirers Analysen zur Struktur des Bewußtsein. [REVIEW]Thomas Rolf - 2005 - Phänomenologische Forschungen.
  34. (1 other version)Carnap's Aufbau in the Weimar Context.Thomas Mormann - 2016 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 18:115-136.
    Quine’s classical classic interpretation succinctly characterized characterizes Carnap’s Aufbau as an attempt “to account for the external world as a logical construct of sense-data....” Consequently, “Russell” was characterized as the most important influence on the Aufbau. Those times have passed. Formulating a comprehensive and balanced interpretation of the Aufbau has turned out to be a difficult task and one that must take into account several disjointed sources. My thesis is that the core of the Aufbau rested on a problem that (...)
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  35. Matthias Neuber: Die Grenzen des Revisionismus: Schlick, Cassirer und das "Raumproblem". [REVIEW]Thomas Mormann - 2014 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 68 (1):127-131.
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    Den Sinn der Sinne erschließen.Thomas Dworschak - 2016 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2016 (2):67-82.
    According to Cassirer, humanity is defined by the activity of the spirit. In other places, he attempts to explain the transition from ›life‹ to ›spirit‹, but this proj- ect seems hampered by his taking spirit to be a phenomenon of consciousness. Plessner’s »aesthesiology« opens up an alternative route. He discloses the mean- ing of ›spirit‹ or ›understanding‹ by an inquiry concerning the work of the senses in the context of behavior. This paper shows that for Plessner behavior is closely (...)
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  37. (2 other versions)Zur mathematischen Wissenschaftsphilosophie des Marburger Neukantianismus.Thomas Mormann - 2018 - In Christian Damböck (ed.), Philosophie und Wissenschaft bei Hermann Cohen. Springer. pp. 101 - 133.
  38. La idealización en la matemática.Thomas Mormann - 2012 - Discusiones Filosóficas 13 (20):147 - 167.
    Abstract. El objetivo de este documento es elucidar el papel de las idealizaciones en el conocimiento matemático inspirado por algunas ideas del filósofo neo-kantiano Ernst Cassirer. Usualmente, en la filosofía de la ciencia contemporánea se da por hecho que el tema de la idealización se refiere únicamente a las idealizaciones en las ciencias empíricas, en particular en la física. Por el contrario, Cassirer afirmó que la idealización de las matemáticas, así como en las ciencias tiene la misma base (...)
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    Morphologie und Humanismus oder: wie man zur Katze wird.Thomas Reinhardt - 2019 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2019 (1):45-62.
    Though the relationship between Goethe, Cassirer and Levi-Strauss has been explored extensively, the focus usually lies on questions of genealogy. This article aims for a different course: Building on the notable similarities between Goethe’s discussion of morphology, Levi-Strauss’ structuralistic approach and Cassirer’s philosophy of symbolic forms we will investigate the epistemological similarities between the three authors. They can be found in a specific form of humanism (or anti-humanism) which connects questions on the conditions of the world and its (...)
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    Review: Neuere Literatur zur Philosophie Cassirers. [REVIEW]Thomas Mormann - 2000 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 54 (3):445 - 464.
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  41. Between Heidelberg and Marburg: On the Aufbau’s Neokantian Origins and the AP/CP-Divide.Thomas Mormann - 2006 - Sapere Aude! 1:22 - 50.
    In A Parting of the Ways Michael Friedman proposed to conceive the contemporary divide between analytic philosophy (AP) and continental philosophy (CP) as the outcome of the bifurcation between the Neokantians of Heidelbarg and Marburg. According to Friedman, Carnap can be characterized as the executor of the Marburg school, while Heidegger is to be considered as the heir of the Southwest Neokantianism. In this paper it is argued that Carnap was much closer to the Southwest Neokantianism than usually recognized. To (...)
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    A Retrospective View of Determinism and Indeterminism in Modern Physics.Thomas Ryckman - 2015 - In J. Tyler Friedman & Sebastian Luft (eds.), The Philosophy of Ernst Cassirer: A Novel Assessment. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 65-102.
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  43. Ist der Begriff der Repräsentation obsolet?Thomas Mormann - 1997 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 51 (3):349 - 366.
    Der Antirepräsentationalismus behauptet, es sei an der Zeit, das auf dem Begriff der Repräsentation basierende Paradigma der Philosophie zu verabschieden. Die von Rorty und anderen propagierte Unterscheidung von Repräsentationalismus und Antirepräsentationalismus beruht jedoch auf einem verkürzten Repräsentationsbegriff als Spiegelung. Der Begriff der Repräsentation, so wie er in der Philosophie und Wissenschaft gebraucht wird, hat nur wenig mit Spiegelung zu tun. Statt den Begriff der Repräsentation mit Hilfe der Spiegelungsmetapher zu explizieren, sollte man Repräsentation als strukturerhaltende Abbildung konzipieren. Dadurch lassen sich (...)
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  44. Completions, Constructions, and Corollaries.Thomas Mormann - 2009 - In H. Pulte, G. Hanna & H.-J. Jahnke (eds.), Explanation and Proof in Mathematics: Philosophical and Educational Perspectives. Springer.
    According to Kant, pure intuition is an indispensable ingredient of mathematical proofs. Kant‘s thesis has been considered as obsolete since the advent of modern relational logic at the end of 19th century. Against this logicist orthodoxy Cassirer’s “critical idealism” insisted that formal logic alone could not make sense of the conceptual co-evolution of mathematical and scientific concepts. For Cassirer, idealizations, or, more precisely, idealizing completions, played a fundamental role in the formation of the mathematical and empirical concepts. The (...)
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    (1 other version)The art of language teaching as interdisciplinary paradigm.Thomas Erling Peterson - 2008 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 40 (7):900-918.
    One can extrapolate from the art of language instruction to discover methods applicable across the disciplines in higher education. The paradigm presented by language instruction is applicable throughout the arts and sciences. If cultivated—and there are institutional pressures working against it—such an art can impact the languages and codes of the individual disciplines so as to advance the research mission of scholars in those fields; it can also favor the interrelationships between the disciplines. How the student learns another language (L2) (...)
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  46.  33
    Leiblichkeit. Geschichte und Aktualität eines Begriffs.Emmanuel Alloa, Thomas Bedorf, Tobias Nikolaus Klass & Christian Grüny (eds.) - 2012 - Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck / UTB.
    Der Körper hat Konjunktur. Als ausgestellter, verfüg- und verführbarer begegnet er uns täglichim Übermaß. Es war nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis im Spiel der sich in den Wissenschafteneinander ablösenden turns auch ein corporeal (oder body) turn ausgerufen würde. Dabeibleibt im genannten turn der Gegenstand der Untersuchung nicht selten reduziert auf das, wasman im deutschen Sprachgebrauch »Körper« nennt: ein physisches Substrat, das wie ein Dingunter Dingen beschreibbar ist. Gegen diese Verkürzung stellt der Begri des »Leibes«,spätestens seit Edmund Husserl, eine präzise (...)
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  47. Infinitesimals and Other Idealizing Completions in Neo-Kantian Philosophy of Mathematics.Mikhail G. Katz & Thomas Mormann - manuscript
    We seek to elucidate the philosophical context in which the so-called revolution of rigor in inifinitesimal calculus and mathematical analysis took place. Some of the protagonists of the said revolution were Cauchy, Cantor, Dedekind, and Weierstrass. The dominant current of philosophy in Germany at that time was neo-Kantianism. Among its various currents, the Marburg school (Cohen, Natorp, Cassirer, and others) was the one most interested in matters scientific and mathematical. Our main thesis is that Marburg Neo-Kantian philosophy formulated a (...)
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    Pierre Bayle, Historical and Critical Dictionary: Selections, translated and edited by Richard H. Popkin, The Library of Liberal Arts, The Bobbs-Merrill Co., Indianapolis, 1965. Pp. xlii, 402. Paperbound $3.25. Diderot, d'Alembert and others, Encyclopedia, translated and edited by Nelly S. Hoyt and Thomas Cassirer, The Library of Liberal Arts, The Bobbs-Merrill Co., Indianapolis, 1965. Pp. xliv, 456. Paperbound $2.45. [REVIEW]James A. Leith - 1967 - Dialogue 5 (4):639-640.
  49. (1 other version)Ernst Cassirer and Thomas Kuhn: The neo-Kantian tradition in history and philosophy of science.Michael Friedman - 2008 - Philosophical Forum 39 (2):239-252.
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    Ernst Cassirer, L'idée de l'histoire. Les inédits de Yale et autres écrits d'exil. Présentation, traduction et notes par Fabien Capeillères (traduction avec la collaboration d'Isabelle Thomas). [REVIEW]Geneviève Warland - 1989 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 87 (76):655-656.
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