Results for 'Tiago Neves'

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  1.  68
    A walk on the wild side: Urban ethnography meets the Fl'neur.Chris Jenks & Tiago Neves - 2000 - Cultural Values 4 (1):1-17.
    This paper focuses on the concept of the flâneur, deriving largely from the works of Baudelaire and Walter Benjamin, and attempts to reveal its contemporary relevance for sociological practice. The flâneur is treated as an instructive metaphor for the sociologist's relationship with modernity and urban life, and therefore as providing insight into the social, historical and theoretical contexts for the analysis of the world today. More than this, the idea of the flâneur is treated as highly instructive of research strategies (...)
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    A importância da liturgia no cântico da missa: Análise histórica de documentos da igreja à Luz do vaticano II.Anderson Neves Cunha & Tiago Tadeu Contiero - 2018 - Revista de Teologia 11 (20):55-66.
    The rite of the Mass has undergone changes that have transformed the way the faithful participated in the celebrations. On the occasion of the Second Vatican Council, there were changes which were intended to bring about a more active participation of the assembly in the liturgical act. The distance between the canticle and the liturgical rite calls for an investigation, for it is necessary that we know the reason for this happening even today. There is evidence that many chants sung (...)
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    Linking Learning Contexts: The Relationship between Students’ Civic and Political Experiences and Their Self-Regulation in School.Carla Malafaia, Pedro M. Teixeira, Tiago Neves & Isabel Menezes - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  4. Consciousness: Converging insights from connectionist modeling and neuroscience.Tiago V. Maia & Axel Cleeremans - 2005 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 9 (8):397-404.
    Over the past decade, many findings in cognitive about the contents of consciousness: we will not address neuroscience have resulted in the view that selective what might be called the ‘enabling factors’ for conscious- attention, working memory and cognitive control ness (e.g. appropriate neuromodulation from the brain- stem, etc.). involve competition between widely distributed rep-.
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    Uma solução baseada no realismo experimental para dois argumentos pessimistas.Tiago Luís Teixeira Oliveira - 2017 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 62 (3):595-623.
    No presente trabalho procurarei expor dois desafios antirrealistas ancorados na história da ciência, que Stanford apelidou respectivamente de ‘antiga’ e ‘nova indução pessimista’. Argumentarei que existe uma solução realista já disponível a ambos os desafios pessimistas: o realismo experimental, inicialmente proposto por Hacking e Cartwritght, segundo o qual é possível comprometer-se com entidades teóricas com as quais desenvolvemos interações causais e com as quais produzimos fenômenos controlados, sem que tal compromisso se estenda às teorias mesmas. Tomarei como parâmetro não propriamente (...)
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    The Explanatory Role of Umwelt in Evolutionary Theory: Introducing von Baer’s Reflections on Teleological Development.Tiago Rama - 2024 - Biosemiotics 17 (2):361-386.
    This paper argues that a central explanatory role for the concept of _Umwelt_ in theoretical biology is to be found in developmental biology, in particular in the effort to understand development as a goal-directed and adaptive process that is controlled by the organism itself. I will reach this conclusion in two (interrelated) ways. The first is purely theoretical and relates to the current scenario in the philosophy of biology. Challenging neo-Darwinism requires a new understanding of the various components involved in (...)
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    Cosmologia dionisíaca.Juliano Neves - 2015 - Cadernos Nietzsche 36 (1):267-277.
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    A Inclusão Escolar Do Deficiente Na Percepção Do Coordenador Pedagógico.Tiago Fernando Alves de Moura, Paulo César Gomes, Ana Carolina da Silva Barreto & Laís dos Santos Soares - 2018 - Simbio-Logias Revista Eletrônica de Educação Filosofia e Nutrição 10 (14):01-23.
    Although there is broad support in the current Brazilian legislation and many curricular documents published in the last three decades, we still face the challenge of the inclusive education in our classrooms. This is a qualitative research in which we investigate the perception of three school pedagogical coordinators about the inclusion of disabled children in regular classes of Elementary and High School of the schools that self-declared favorable to the Inclusive Education. The results suggest perceptions of Inclusive Education with specific (...)
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  9. As raízes filosóficas de democracia : o lugar de Unger na filosofia política contemporânea.Tiago Medeiros Araujo - 2019 - In Carlos Sávio G. Teixeira (ed.), Rebeldia imaginada: instituições e alternativas no pensamento de Roberto Mangabeira Unger. [São Paulo, SP]: Autonomia Literária.
  10.  32
    Ferraz, M. Sacrini. Fenomenologia e ontologia em Merleau-Ponty. Campinas: Papirus, 2009.José Luiz Bastos Neves - 2012 - Dois Pontos 9 (1).
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    Mémoires migrantes et temporalité.Luiz Felipe Baêta Neves - 2003 - Diogène 1 (1):29-37.
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    Ritualística tabajara: O toré como meio de avivamento étnico.Tiago Alves Callou & Miguel Ângelo Silva De Melo - 2018 - Odeere 3 (5):147.
    A etnia Tabajara da Paraíba está passando por um processo de etnogênese e luta para a sua autoafirmação e reconhecimento como povo indígena, bem como lutam pela retomada das suas terras que foram retiradas pelo processo de colonização e devido a ambição dos grandes proprietários de terras. Nesse processo, surge a profecia Tabajara, que traz um avivamento da sua espiritualidade, cultura e ritualística, reagrupando assim, um povo que estava espalhado e afastado das suas origens. O ritual do Toré ganha grande (...)
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    The topic about Ethics of State in comedy "The Birds" by Aristophanes.Tiago Nascimento Carvalho - 2014 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 12:19-24.
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    Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie e a visão de história dos annales.Tiago De Melo Goes - 2008 - Dialogos 12 (1).
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    Ethics as Reciprocity.Neve Gordon - 1999 - International Studies in Philosophy 31 (2):91-109.
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    Migrant Memories and Temporality.Luiz Felipe Baêta Neves - 2004 - Diogenes 51 (1):27-33.
    The text analyses rituals as endeavours to preserve the identity of a people or a portion of a people. Rituals present or re-present the supposed common history of all the migrants. Social memory and history then tend to merge and to forget... forgetfulness is the driving force behind the writing of history. Particularly critical is the moment when the migration starts, because the need to adapt to new conditions as well as to maintain what is represented as their social identity (...)
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    Boldness Personality Traits Are Associated With Reduced Risk Perceptions and Adoption of Protective Behaviors During the First COVID-19 Outbreak.Tiago O. Paiva, Natália Cruz-Martins, Rita Pasion, Pedro R. Almeida & Fernando Barbosa - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The containment measures imposed during the first COVID-19 outbreak required economic, social, and behavioral changes to minimize the spread of the coronavirus. Some studies have focused on how personality predicts distinct patterns of adherence to protective measures with psychopathic and antisocial traits predicting reduced engagement in such measures. In this study we extended previous findings by analyzing how boldness, meanness, and disinhibition psychopathic traits relate with both risk perceptions and protective behaviors during the first COVID-19 outbreak. A sample of 194 (...)
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    Viagens aos Infernos: a experiência visionária como ensaio para uma filosofia pré e pós humanista.Tiago Brentam Perencini - 2021 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 11 (3):100-122.
    Por que a experiência visionária perturba a filosofia (crítica)? Experimentando uma anarqueologia como procedimento de leitura, argumento que a relação entre filosofia e magia no curso da história ocidental pode ser encenada como uma peça paradoxal. Da mesma maneira que a filosofia racionalista conjura a magia, simultaneamente, tais saberes estiveram presentes de modo polifônico nos bastidores da encenação ilustrada. Para conjurar o demônio é necessário antes evocá-lo. Evoco, assim, o itinerário das viagens aos infernos ao qual certa visão xamanística de (...)
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    O “super-homem” nietzschiano e o “super-humano” transumanista.Tiago Xavier - 2022 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 22 (1):117-129.
    Friedrich Nietzsche, who sought to understand very deeply an inner tension of human feeling, brought up the "superman" as a proposal for the overcoming of man through a force derived from the individual himself, in order to transvalue the dichotomies, errors and prejudices that denied existence, for the sake of its own affirmation. The proposal of overcoming man, announced by Nietzsche in the second half of the nineteenth century, returns later, but no longer through the idea of a force derived (...)
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    Was Hanslick a Closet Schopenhauerian?Tiago Sousa - 2017 - British Journal of Aesthetics 57 (2):211-229.
    A common tendency throughout the history of thought concerning the nature of music has been to attribute to it a peculiar power to represent the dynamic of the universe. The tradition has perhaps its most developed expression in the philosophy of Arthur Schopenhauer. The strict formalism present in Eduard Hanslick’s treatise, On the Musically Beautiful, clearly stands in stark opposition to such ways of thinking. And yet the book’s final paragraph ends with a paragraph in which music is referred to (...)
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  21.  36
    Understanding Reciprocity and the Importance of Civic Friendship.Catarina Neves - 2023 - Res Publica 29 (4):577-594.
    This article aims to contribute to the existing literature on the virtues and challenges of political liberalism. It argues that the principle of reciprocity can only sustain political agreement under pluralism, if citizens share a relationship of civic friends, based on mutual recognition as equals (Lister in Anal Kritik 2011, pp. 91–112), a non-prudential concern for the interest of others (Leland and van Wietmarschen in J Moral Philos 14, 2017, pp. 142–167) and shared experiences that can foster interpersonal trust. Inasmuch (...)
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  22.  20
    O allemanismo em Recife e a primeira recepção de Nietzsche no Brasil.Tiago Lemes Pantuzzi - 2019 - Cadernos Nietzsche 40 (1):160-192.
    The purpose of this article is to investigate the first reception of Nietzsche’s philosophy in Brazil, which happened at Escola de Recife (Recife’s School). For this purpose, at first, by using a historical-philosophical approach, the article analyzes the formation of the intellectual movement within the Pernambuco faculty, whose goals included to build a national identity which could detach itself from the European predominance. Then, the article analyzes the first explicit quotation by Tobias Barreto in 1876, which came amid this moment (...)
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  23.  27
    Carnation Atoms? A History of Nuclear Energy in Portugal.Tiago Santos Pereira, Paulo F. C. Fonseca & António Carvalho - 2018 - Minerva 56 (4):505-528.
    Drawing upon the concepts of civic epistemologies and sociotechnical imaginaries, this article delves into the history of nuclear energy in Portugal, analyzing the ways in which the nuclear endeavor was differently enacted by various sociopolitical collectives – the Fascist State, post-revolutionary governments and the public. Following the 1974 revolution - known as the Carnation Revolution - this paper analyzes how the nuclear project was fiercely contested by a vibrant anti-nuclear movement assembled against the construction of the Ferrel Nuclear Plant, the (...)
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  24.  34
    Notas sobre o problema do realismo científico.Tiago Oliveira - 2020 - Investigação Filosófica 10 (2):47.
    O problema envolvendo o estatuto ontológico das entidades inobserváveis postuladas pelas teorias científicas é um dos mais centrais em filosofia da ciência. O objetivo deste pequeno artigo é o de oferecer um mapa dos posicionamentos mais recentes, sem a ambição de aprofundá-los. O enfoque será nos principais argumentos a favor e contra a capacidade de a ciência descrever corretamente a realidade natural inobservável. Mais especificamente, exporei o argumento do sucesso para o realismo e uma variação do mesmo, bem como as (...)
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    An algebraic topological method for multimodal brain networks comparisons.Tiago Simas, Mario Chavez, Pablo R. Rodriguez & Albert Diaz-Guilera - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  26.  21
    Criteria for Ethical Allocation of Scarce Healthcare Resources: Rationing vs. Rationalizing in the Treatment for the Elderly.Maria do Céu Patrão Neves - 2022 - Philosophies 7 (6):123.
    This paper stems from the current global worsening of the scarcity of resources for healthcare, which will deepen even more in future public emergencies. This justifies strengthening the reflection on the allocation of resources which, in addition to considering technical issues, should also involve ethical concerns. The two plans in which the allocation of resources develops—macro and micro—are then systematized, both requiring the identification of ethical criteria for the respective complex decision-making. Then, we describe how the complexity at the macro (...)
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  27.  32
    Uma proposta em dois passos para reabilitar O realismo experimental.Tiago Luis Teixeira de Oliveira - 2019 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 60 (144):727-748.
    RESUMO Neste artigo pretendo expor sinteticamente os problemas levantados contra uma das formas de realismo científico conhecida como realismo experimental, além de propor uma formulação mais aceitável do mesmo, resistente a tais críticas. Os problemas alegados pelos oponentes do realismo experimental variam desde a acusação de inadequação em relação à prática da comunidade científica, até a inconsistência ao admitir entidades e propriedades postuladas teoricamente recusando, entretanto, as teorias em que tais entidades e propriedades aparecem. Some-se a essas críticas a de (...)
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    Amygdala responses to unpleasant pictures are influenced by task demands and positive affect trait.Tiago A. Sanchez, Izabela Mocaiber, Fatima S. Erthal, Mateus Joffily, Eliane Volchan, Mirtes G. Pereira, Draulio B. de Araujo & Leticia Oliveira - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  29. Variação não-métrica craniana na região do lambda: os casos identificados nos indivíduos inumados na Gruta dos Ossos (Alto Ribatejo, Portugal).Tiago Tomé - 2013 - Revista Techne 1 (1).
  30.  12
    Democracia e literatura no pragmatismo de Rorty.Tiago Medeiros Araújo - 2010 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 2 (2):52-62.
    O pragmatismo de Richard Rorty possui como uma das suas peculiaridades o fato de atribuir plena relevância moral à literatura em detrimento da pretensiosa prescrição filosófica que põe a moral na linha reta da ética. Uma vez que as descrições filosóficas, de caráter universal, não são capazes de impelir indivíduos à progressão moral sem sugerir uma dada concepção política indesejável, Rorty compreende que a literatura, cujo vocabulário pretende esboçar as faces do particular, atende, melhor do que a própria filosofia, às (...)
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    O que houve com o sujeito histórico na arqueologia de Michel Foucault? um debate com Sartre e a tradição.Tiago Hercílio Baltazar - 2012 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 5 (1):141-153.
    Jean-Paul Sartre e Michel Foucault travaram acirrado debate em torno de suas concepções acerca do que é a História. No presente artigo examinaremos o debate entre esses dois autores privilegiando as contribuições que fizeram a partir de suas obras principais nos anos 60. Na Crítica da Razão Dialética Sartre explicita uma noção de História que tem como perspectiva geral a superação e a transformação de estruturas pela práxis humana, determinando assim um lugar fundamental para a atividade do sujeito e de (...)
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    O encontro entre as religiões na perspectiva da esperança em Jürgen Moltmann.Tiago de Fraga Gomes & Janaina Santos Reus Freitas - 2019 - Revista de Teologia 12 (22):78-88.
    The present article intends to approach as its theme the encounter between the religions in the perspective of the hope in Jürgen Moltmann. In the first moment, it is noticed that, due to the serious problems that affect today’s society, there is the necessity of having a cooperation among the different religions, which will only be possible if there is a perspective of change based on hope in the transformation of the current reality Secondly, there is the discussion about the (...)
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  33. Hamas and the Destruction of Risk Society.Neve Gordon & Dani Filc - 2005 - Constellations 12 (4):542-560.
  34.  8
    Os militares no pós-1964: um estudo histórico sobre a Linha-dura(1964-9).Tiago Guerra - 2019 - Verinotio – Revista on-line de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas 25 (2):364-391.
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    O ceticismo epistemológico e a agenda pós-moderna: implicações para o trabalho educativo.Tiago Nicola Lavoura - 2016 - Filosofia E Educação 8 (2):194.
    O texto está dividido em três momentos distintos, porém, inter-relacionados. Inicialmente, busca-se sintetizar alguns argumentos que ajudem a compreender a emergência do pensamento pós-moderno a partir do final do século XX, notadamente a partir dos anos de 1970. Posteriormente, busca-se historicizar a gênese e o desenvolvimento das teorizações pós-modernas. Por fim, tem-se como ponto de chegada a análise das implicações do ceticismo epistemológico da agenda pós-moderna no trabalho educativo.
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    Manual de Edição das Gazetas Manuscritas da Biblioteca Pública de ÉvoraEdition handbook of «Gazetas Manuscritas».Tiago C. P. Dos Reis Miranda, Fernanda Olival & João Luís Lisboa - 2005 - Cultura.
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  37. Normatividad y descripción: aspectos problemáticos de la filosofía de la ciencia en la segunda mitad del siglo XX.Pablo Melogno Neves - 2011 - A Parte Rei 73:11.
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    Biomedical Ethics and Regulatory Capacity Building Partnership for Portuguese-Speaking African Countries (BERC-Luso): A pioneering project.M. Patrão Neves & J. P. B. Batista - 2021 - South African Journal of Bioethics and Law 14 (3):79-83.
    Biomedical research has a strong impact on a country’s scientific-technological and socioeconomic development. It can make a significant contribution at three different levels: promotion of public health; the exchange of knowledge within the scientific community; and economic/ financial profitability. Africa only attracts ~3.3% of the world’s clinical research. This small proportion is due to, among several factors, the absence of two fundamental aspects: specific robust legislation and capacity for regulatory and ethical evaluation. There are five Portuguese- speaking African countries – (...)
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    Qual regime socioeconômico é mais adequado à realização da justiça como equidade?Tiago Mendonça dos Santos - 2023 - Griot 23 (1):175-190.
    O presente artigo tem o objetivo de discutir os regimes socioeconômicos que permitem a realização da justiça como equidade, focando em especial nos dois regimes apontados por Rawls como capazes de constituir uma sociedade bem ordenada, a democracia de cidadãos proprietários (property-owning democracy ou POD) de um lado e o socialismo liberal do outro. Para tanto, em um primeiro momento serão considerados os argumentos de Rawls a respeito dos regimes socioeconômicos dentro da Uma teoria da justiça. Em seguida, com base (...)
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    “O pensador e o pintor: sobre Merleau-Ponty” - Jacques Taminiaux.Tiago Nunes Soares - 2023 - Trans/Form/Ação 46 (1):269-284.
    Resumo: Encontra-se, no título, a temática do artigo de Taminiaux: trata-se de uma abordagem sobre a relação entre filosofia e pintura, no pensamento de Merleau-Ponty. Ela desdobra-se em reflexões sobre seu projeto de superação das dicotomias clássicas sedimentadas na filosofia. O autor trata do tema a partir de três eixos, todos interligados ou entrecruzados, no interior da filosofia merleau-pontiana: a percepção, o pensamento e a pintura. O artigo é uma oportunidade para entrar em contato com a filosofia de Merleau-Ponty, particularmente (...)
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    Método teológico e ciência: a teologia entre as disciplinas acadêmicas.Tiago José Theisen - forthcoming - Horizonte:903.
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  42. The somatic marker hypothesis: still many questions but no answers: Response to Bechara et al.Tiago V. Maia & James L. McClelland - 2005 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 9 (4):162-164.
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    Algumas razões para levar a sério a metaindução pessimista.Tiago Luís Teixeira Oliveira - 2014 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 18 (2):269.
    The present paper aims to give an account of pessimistic meta-induction and reply to some representative realist authors who want to consider PMI a fallacy. Most of that accounts are misinterpretations of Laudant’s ideas and fails the target. This work intend that PMI is neither a induction nor a reductio, but a skeptic challenge. If this is right then PMI could not be a fallacy and the realism cannot escape from the task of explain why the success is a good (...)
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    Coordination and Embodiment in the Operating Room.Tiago Moreira - 2004 - Body and Society 10 (1):109-129.
    In this article, I investigate the process of coordination between three ‘bodies’ of surgery: the patient-ensemble(s) constructed in pre-operative activities; the surgeon-body constructed with these ensembles in the operating room; and the body-world inhabited by the surgeon. This investigation is done through an ethnography of a neurosurgical clinic, with an analytical focus on the relationship between the spatial configuration of the body of the surgeon and the embodied practices of operating that this configuration demands. My argument is that coordination between (...)
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    Squaring the Curve: The Anatomo-Politics of Ageing, Life and Death.Tiago Moreira & Paolo Palladino - 2008 - Body and Society 14 (3):21-47.
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    When corporate social responsibility (CSR) increases performance: exploring the role of intrinsic and extrinsic CSR attribution.Joana Story & Pedro Neves - 2014 - Business Ethics: A European Review 24 (2):111-124.
    This study investigates whether employees attribute different motives to their organization's corporate social responsibility efforts and if these motives influence employee performance. Specifically, we investigate whether employees could distinguish between intrinsic and extrinsic CSR motives by surveying 229 employee–supervisor dyads from various industries , and the impact of these perceptions on in-role and extra-role performance of subordinates. We found that employee task performance increases when employees attribute both intrinsic and extrinsic motives for CSR. Moreover, when employees perceive that their organization (...)
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    Knowledge, Belief, and Science Education.Tiago Alfredo S. Ferreira, Charbel N. El-Hani & Waldomiro José da Silva-Filho - 2016 - Science & Education 25 (7-8):775-794.
    This article intends to show that the defense of “understanding” as one of the major goals of science education can be grounded on an anti-reductionist perspective on testimony as a source of knowledge. To do so, we critically revisit the discussion between Harvey Siegel and Alvin Goldman about the goals of science education, especially where it involves arguments based on the epistemology of testimony. Subsequently, we come back to a discussion between Charbel N. El-Hani and Eduardo Mortimer, on the one (...)
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  48. Pressupostos fundamentais da tese dos dois aspectos.Tiago Fonseca Falkenbach - 2331-51 - Kant E-Prints:220-243.
    No presente artigo, pretendo analisar uma das interpretações da distinção transcendental entre fenômenos e coisas em si mesmas, a tese dos dois aspectos [the two-aspect view]. Meu objetivo é indicar e esclarecer alguns pressupostos fundamentais dessa interpretação, nem sempre explicitados pelos seus defensores. Um dos maiores desafios dessa interpretação é explicar como é possível conciliá-la com a tese kantiana da não espacialidade das coisas em si mesmas. Pretendo mostrar que a conciliação pressupõe a satisfação das três seguintes condições: em primeiro (...)
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  49. The Explanatory Role of Umwelt in Evolutionary Theory: Introducing von Baer's Reflections on Teleological Development.Tiago Rama - 2024 - Biosemiotics 1:1-26.
    Abstract: This paper argues that a central explanatory role for the concept of Umwelt in theoretical biology is to be found in developmental biology, in particular in the effort to understand development as a goal-directed and adaptive process that is controlled by the organism itself. I will reach this conclusion in two (interrelated) ways. The first is purely theoretical and relates to the current scenario in the philosophy of biology. Challenging neo-Darwinism requires a new understanding of the various components involved (...)
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    Between truth and hope: on Parkinson’s disease, neurotransplantation and the production of the ‘self’.Tiago Moreira & Paolo Palladino - 2005 - History of the Human Sciences 18 (3):55-82.
    In this article, we argue that contemporary biomedicine is shaped by two, seemingly incommensurable, organizational logics, the ‘regime of truth’ and the ‘regime of hope’. We articulate their features by drawing on debates sparked by the recent clinical trial of a new approach to the treatment of Parkinson’s Disease. We also argue that the ‘self’ is configured in the very same process whereby these two organizational logics interlock and become mutually dependent, so that the ‘self’ might be said to be (...)
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