Results for 'Tōju Yamaguchi'

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  1.  9
    Passive Synthesis und Intersubjektivität bei Edmund Husserl.Ichiro Yamaguchi - 1982 - Hingham, MA: Springer.
    Das Problem der Intersubjektivitiit Intersubjektivität ist Husserl schon seit der Darstellung der Ideen I in Zusammenhang mit dem Problem der phiinomenologischen phänomenologischen Reduk tion sehr stark bewusst und wird, wie die neue VerOffentlichung Veröffentlichung 'Zur Phänome Phiinome nologie der Intersubjektivität'l Intersubjektivitiit'l ausdrücklich ausdrucklich zeigt, zeit seines Lebens in seinem Denken mit mehr oder weniger Intensitiit Intensität behandelt. Bekanntlich hat Husserl Hussed die Einfühlungslehre EinfUhlungslehre in seinem spiiten späten Versuch mit der 'Selbstobjektivation' 'Selbstobjektivation',, 'Selbstauslegung' des absoluten, anonymen, transzen 2 dentalen ego (...)
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    Multidimensional vector model of stimulus–response compatibility.Motonori Yamaguchi & Robert W. Proctor - 2012 - Psychological Review 119 (2):272-303.
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    The roles of action selection and actor selection in joint task settings.Motonori Yamaguchi, Helen J. Wall & Bernhard Hommel - 2019 - Cognition 182 (C):184-192.
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    Threat captures attention but does not affect learning of contextual regularities.Motonori Yamaguchi & Sarah L. Harwood - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 31 (3).
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    Is Your Color My Color? Dividing the Labor of the Stroop Task Between Co-actors.Motonori Yamaguchi, Emma L. Clarke & Danny L. Egan - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Apparent Universality of Positive Implicit Self-Esteem.Susumu Yamaguchi, Daniel Chen & Huajian Cai - unknown
    The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study found that even though children from all East Asian countries outperformed American children, American students reported higher self-evaluation of their math and science abilities than did students from East Asian countries such as China, Korea, and Japan (Mullis, Martin, Gonzalez, & Chrostowski, 2004). Such cross-cultural differences in self-appraisal fit the stereotype of the modest East Asian and contribute to the received view that East Asians have less positive self-concepts than Americans. This view (...)
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    Action-effect sharing induces task-set sharing in joint task switching.Motonori Yamaguchi, Helen J. Wall & Bernhard Hommel - 2017 - Cognition 165 (C):113-120.
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    Flowers and spiders in spatial stimulus-response compatibility: does affective valence influence selection of task-sets or selection of responses?Motonori Yamaguchi, Jing Chen, Scott Mishler & Robert W. Proctor - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (5):1003-1017.
    ABSTRACTThe present study examined the effect of stimulus valence on two levels of selection in the cognitive system, selection of a task-set and selection of a response. In the first experiment, participants performed a spatial compatibility task in which stimulus-response mappings were determined by stimulus valence. There was a standard spatial stimulus-response compatibility effect for positive stimuli and a reversed SRC effect for negative stimuli, but the same data could be interpreted as showing faster responses when positive and negative stimuli (...)
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    Controversy over genetically modified crops in India: discursive strategies and social identities of farmers.Tomiko Yamaguchi - 2007 - Discourse Studies 9 (1):87-107.
    The controversies over genetically modified crops in India involve what Gieryn refers to as ‘boundary work’ in the ongoing competition for credibility and trustworthiness among claimsmakers with opposing points of view. Discourse about GM crops involves extensive drawing of boundaries by actors including policymakers, technocrats, NGOs, scientists, industrialists, and farmers. The issues raised range from governmental processes to moral and ethical implications, from environmental consequences to integration into the global economy. Those involved in these discussions frequently invoke the idealized notions (...)
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    Twin boundaries and incoherent steps on twin boundaries in body-centered-cubic metals.M. Yamaguchi & V. Vitek - 1976 - Philosophical Magazine 34 (1):1-11.
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  11. Kingship as a System of Myth: an Essay in Synthesis.Masao Yamaguchi - 1972 - Diogenes 20 (77):43-70.
    Thomas Hardy's The Mayor of Casterbridge attracts the attention of ethnologists who are interested by the symbolical analysis of kingship. Although this book does not deal with the theme of kingship as such, it overlaps it on a mythical level. It is a novel about the rise and fall of a man, Henchard, whose initial act is to sell his wife and daughter; in order to commit this act he deviates from the context of the human norm by way of (...)
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    Freedom, responsibility and the past: A consideration of the new consequence argument (Proceedings of the CAPE International Workshops, 2013. Part II: The CAPE International Conference “A Frontier of Philosophy of Time”).Sho Yamaguchi - 2014 - CAPE Studies in Applied Philosophy and Ethics Series 2:181-197.
    30th Nov. and 1st Dec. 2013 at Kyoto University. Organizer: Takeshi Sakon.
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    Exploring an emotional basis of cognitive control in the flanker task.Motonori Yamaguchi, Jack D. Moore, Sarah E. Hendry & Felicity D. A. Wolohan - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    The present study investigated the influence of emotional stimuli in the flanker task. In six experiments, separate influences of anticipating and reacting to valence-laden stimuli (affective pictures or facial expressions) on the flanker effect and its sequential modulation (also known as conflict adaptation) were examined. The results showed that there was little evidence that emotional stimuli influenced cognitive control when positive and negative stimuli appeared randomly during the flanker task. When positive and negative stimuli were separated between different participant groups (...)
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  14.  38
    Christianity and Women in Japan.Yamaguchi Satoko - 2003 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 30 (3-4):315-338.
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    An Examination of Strategic Thinking of Teachers in Physical Education Classes.Kohji Yamaguchi, Keiji Umeno & Yoshiki Koutou - 2006 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 28 (2):85-104.
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    A historical study on microscopical visualization and belief in existence:顕微鏡による視覚化と実在の信念について.Mari Yamaguchi - 2021 - Kagaku Tetsugaku 53 (2):115-131.
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    An inquiry into physical freedom as it is related to the transfiguration of the eye to human body.Junko Yamaguchi - 2003 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 25 (1):1-11.
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    Aida no genshōgaku: ningen no kenkyū.Isao Yamaguchi - 1992 - Tōkyō: Bunka Shobō Hakubunsha.
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    Adipose tissue NAD + biology in obesity and insulin resistance: From mechanism to therapy.Shintaro Yamaguchi & Jun Yoshino - 2017 - Bioessays 39 (5).
    Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) biosynthetic pathway, mediated by nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase (NAMPT), a key NAD+ biosynthetic enzyme, plays a pivotal role in controlling many biological processes, such as metabolism, circadian rhythm, inflammation, and aging. Over the past decade, NAMPT‐mediated NAD+ biosynthesis, together with its key downstream mediator, namely the NAD+‐dependent protein deacetylase SIRT1, has been demonstrated to regulate glucose and lipid metabolism in a tissue‐dependent manner. These discoveries have provided novel mechanistic and therapeutic insights into obesity and its metabolic complications, such (...)
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    Assessing the Sustainability of Japan’s Foreign Aid Program: An Analysis of Development Assistance to Energy Sectors of Developing Countries.Hideka Yamaguchi - 2005 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 25 (5):412-425.
    This article examines the effect of Japan’s official development assistance (ODA) over 10 years that proposed to facilitate environmental conservation in developing countries. Special emphasis is given to ODA disbursements in the energy sector to evaluate whether Japan’s foreign aid has shifted its policy toward more environmentally sound goals. The article finds that despite its articulated premise, Japan’s ODA for the energy sector has favored environmentally problematic projects, that is, those based on fossil fuels and larger scale (10 megawatt or (...)
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  21. Bukkyō ni okeru mu to u to no tairon.Susumu Yamaguchi - 1964 - Tōkyō: Sankibō Busshorin.
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  22. Bukkyō to sono tetsuri.Yusuke Yamaguchi - 1968 - Okura Shuppan.
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    Cyberlaw.Itsuko Yamaguchi - 2006 - Theory, Culture and Society 23 (2-3):529-531.
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    Characteristics of dispersions based on the pooled momentary reaction potentials sEr of a group.Harry G. Yamaguchi, Clark L. Hull, John M. Felsinger & Arthur I. Gladstone - 1948 - Psychological Review 55 (4):216-238.
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  25. Can synaesthetic tendencies be grasped in the preattentive task?T. Yamaguchi & H. Yamada - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva, Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 144-145.
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    Dynamic Buddha and Static Buddha.Susumu Yamaguchi & S. Watanabe - 1963 - Philosophy East and West 12 (4):365-366.
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    Drive (D) as a function of hours of hunger (h).Harry G. Yamaguchi - 1951 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 42 (2):108.
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  28. Die Einbildungskraft in Kants Philosophie (in Japanese).Kazuko Yamaguchi - 1978 - Bigaku 29.
    In kants kritik der reinen vernunft ist die urteilskraft ein vermogen, das besondere unter das allgemeine zu subsumieren. unter dieser bestimmenden urteilskraft wird die spontaneitat der einbildungskraft, die auf der subjektsseite von der urteilsform wirkt, durch die verstandesbegriffe, die die pradikatsseite ausmachen, beschrankt. trotzdem realisiert die einbildungskraft die verstandesbegriffe durch die produkzion der schemata. also muss die eigentliche spontaneitat der einbildungskraft darin bestehen, das intellektuelle ddrzustellen und zu realisieren. in kants kritik der urteilskraft ist die urteilskraft die reflektierende, zum besonderen (...)
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  29. Die Frage nach dem Paradox der Zeit.Ichiro Yamaguchi - 2002 - Recherches Husserliennes 17:25-50.
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    Die japanischsprachige Hegel-Rezeption von 1878 bis 2001: eine Bibliographie.Seiichi Yamaguchi - 2013 - Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Edition. Edited by Taiju Okochi.
    Die vorliegende Bibliographie gibt erstmals einen Gesamtüberblick über die japanischsprachige Hegel-Rezeption von 1878 bis 2001. Die Bibliographie umfasst ca. 4500 japanischsprachige Titel der Übersetzungen u.a. von Hegels Schriften, Monographien, Aufsätzen sowie Lexikonartikeln, mit japanischen Zeichen, Umschrift und deutscher Übersetzung.
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  31. Die Kunst beim spaten Schelling (in Japanese).Kazuko Yamaguchi - 1993 - Bigaku 44 (2):24-34.
    Der spate Schelling sieht aber in der Natur nicht mehr die gottliche Poesie, sondern das irrationale Prinzip, auf dem die "Unseligkeit alles Seins" beruht. In die Natur zu pflanzen bedeutet daher in die Unseligkeit des Lebens zu pflanzen. Beim spaten Schelling liegt das Grauen der Schonheit zugrunde. Der spate Schelling fordert von der Kunst, sowie von der Philosophie, die Starke, sich mit dem Leben zu messen und ihre Kraft aus der Wirklichkeit zu nehmen. Und diese Starke allein fuhrt den Menschen (...)
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    Doitsu kannenron ni okeru hansei riron.Masahiro Yamaguchi - 1991 - Tōkyō: Keisō Shobō.
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    Die Lehre vom Leiden im Buddhismus.Ichiro Yamaguchi - 1982 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 24 (1-3):216-232.
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    Envy and the social construction of political reality in communities.Masao Yamaguchi - 1997 - Semiotica 117 (2-4):227-230.
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    Electron diffraction observation of magnetic domains.S. Yamaguchi - 1968 - Philosophical Magazine 17 (147):635-637.
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    Enhanced Feedback-Related Negativity in Alzheimer’s Disease.Shuhei Yamaguchi, Eri Nitta, Keiichi Onoda, Fuminori Ishitobi, Ryota Okazaki, Seiji Mishima & Atsushi Nagai - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Effective Nonrecursiveness.Takeshi Yamaguchi - 1997 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 43 (1):45-48.
    Productive sets are sets which are “effectively non recursively enumerable”. In the same spirit, we introduce a notion of “effectively nonrecursive sets” and prove an effective version of Post's theorem. We also show that a set is recursively enumerable and effectively nonrecursive in our sense if and only if it is effectively nonrecursive in the sense of Odifreddi [1].
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    Effects of computers on Japanese schools.Eliichi Yamaguchi - 1990 - AI and Society 4 (2):147-154.
    In this paper I consider how the computer can or should be accepted in Japanese schools. The concept of “teaching” in Japan stresses learning from a long-term perspective. Whereas in the instructional technology, on which the CAI or the Tutoring System depends, step-by-step attainments in relatively short time are emphasized. The former is reluctant in using the computer, but both share the “Platonic” perspective which are goal-oriented. However, The “Socratic” teacher, who intends to activate students' innate disposition to be better, (...)
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    Effect of hydrogen dilution on the optical properties of hydrogenated amorphous silicon-nitrogen films prepared by plasma deposition.Masaaki Yamaguchi & Kazuo Morigaki - 2003 - Philosophical Magazine 83 (25):2955-2972.
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  40. Experimental studies on relationship between feeding materials and increase of soft parts of Corbicula japonica.K. Yamaguchi, A. Ko-Uchi & K. Fujioka - 2008 - Laguna 15:49-55.
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    Editorial: What's Shared in Sharing Tasks and Actions? Processes and Representations Underlying Joint Performance.Motonori Yamaguchi, Timothy N. Welsh, Karl Christoph Klauer & Kerstin Dittrich - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Genese der Zeit aus dem Du: Untersuchungen zur interkulturellen Phänomenologie.Ichirō Yamaguchi - 2018 - Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
    Im vorliegenden Buch wird das Verhaltnis zwischen den Problematiken der Zeit und des Anderen durchdacht. Die Genese der Zeit wird inhaltlich hinsichtlich der Entwicklung der drei Schichten des Werdeprozesses des Subjekts untersucht. Die erste Schicht wird als die ursprungliche, vor-ichliche Zeitigung durch die Triebintentionalitat zwischen dem Kleinkind und den Eltern angesehen. In der zweiten Schicht wird der Ursprung der messbaren, objektiven Zeitlichkeit und Raumlichkeit durch das Auftreten der aktiven Synthesen des Wahrnehmens, des Sprechens, des Urteilens, des Rechnens usw. intersubjektiv grundgelegt. (...)
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  43.  28
    Gradients of drive stimulus (Sd) intensity generalization.Harry G. Yamaguchi - 1952 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 43 (4):298.
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    Hyōsetsu Indo Bukkyō tetsugakushi.Zuihō Yamaguchi - 2010 - Tōkyō-to Chiyoda-ku: Iwanami Shoten.
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  45. Hannya Shiso Shi.Susumu Yamaguchi - 1953 - Hozokan.
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    Hēgeru tetsugaku no kongen: "seishin genshōgaku" no toi no kaimei.Seiichi Yamaguchi - 1989 - Tōkyō: Hōsei Daigaku Shuppankyoku.
  47. Iēringu hō shisō kenkyū.Michihiko Yamaguchi - 1977
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    Idee und Aufgabe der Wissenschaftslehre beim späten Fichte – Zum Vortrag im Jahre 1812.Masahiro Yamaguchi - 2017 - Fichte-Studien 44:64-75.
    The theory of the appearance of the Absolute is the last theme of Fichte’s Science of Knowledge. Since he lectured the theory of appearance with that of truth in his Systemconcept of the Transcendentalphilosophy in 1804, he said that the Absolute exists, and that the Absolute appears. In the lecture in 1812, he explains the necessity of appearance, criticizing Spinoza’s Monismus. It is denied by the fact that a concept exists outside the only one substance, while the latter is thought (...)
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  49. Jin no kenkyū.Satsujō Yamaguchi - 1936 - Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten.
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    Kokoro no tankyū: jikaku no kaitei.Yasuji Yamaguchi - 1990 - Tōkyō: Bunka Shobō Hakubunsha.
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