Results for 'Todd Wronski'

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  1.  36
    Theater in American Higher Education: Respected Discipline or Academic "Poor Cousin"?Todd Wronski - 1990 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 24 (3):107.
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  2. The variable nature of cognitive control: a dual mechanisms framework.Todd S. Braver - 2012 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16 (2):106-113.
  3. Defending (a modified version of) the Zygote Argument.Patrick Todd - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 164 (1):189-203.
    Think of the last thing someone did to you to seriously harm or offend you. And now imagine, so far as you can, becoming fully aware of the fact that his or her action was the causally inevitable result of a plan set into motion before he or she was ever even born, a plan that had no chance of failing. Should you continue to regard him or her as being morally responsible—blameworthy, in this case—for what he or she did? (...)
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  4. The Replication Argument for Incompatibilism.Patrick Todd - 2019 - Erkenntnis 84 (6):1341-1359.
    In this paper, I articulate an argument for incompatibilism about moral responsibility and determinism. My argument comes in the form of an extended story, modeled loosely on Peter van Inwagen’s “rollback argument” scenario. I thus call it “the replication argument.” As I aim to bring out, though the argument is inspired by so-called “manipulation” and “original design” arguments, the argument is not a version of either such argument—and plausibly has advantages over both. The result, I believe, is a more convincing (...)
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    Environments That Make Us Smart Ecological Rationality.Peter M. Todd & Gerd Gigerenzer - 2007 - Current Directions in Psychological Science 16 (3):167-171.
    Traditional views of rationality posit general-purpose decision mechanisms based on logic or optimization. The study of ecological rationality focuses on uncovering the “adaptive toolbox” of domain-specific simple heuristics that real, computationally bounded minds employ, and explaining how these heuristics produce accurate decisions by exploiting the structures of information in the environments in which they are applied. Knowing when and how people use particular heuristics can facilitate the shaping of environments to engender better decisions.
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  6. Subjectivity “Demystified”: Neurobiology, Evolution, and the Explanatory Gap.Todd E. Feinberg & Jon Mallatt - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    While life in general can be explained by the mechanisms of physics, chemistry and biology, to many scientists and philosophers it appears that when it comes to explaining consciousness, there is what the philosopher Joseph Levine called an “explanatory gap” between the physical brain and subjective experiences. Here we deduce the living and neural features behind primary consciousness within a naturalistic biological framework, identify which animal taxa have these features (the vertebrates, arthropods, and cephalopod molluscs), then reconstruct when consciousness first (...)
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    Rawls and Habermas: reason, pluralism, and the claims of political philosophy.Todd Hedrick - 2010 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    A critical evaluation of Rawlsian and Habermasian paradigms of political philosophy that offers an interpretation and defense of Habermas's theory of law and ...
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    Emancipation after Hegel: achieving a contradictory revolution.Todd McGowan - 2019 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Divided he falls -- The path to contradiction: redefining emancipation -- Hegel after Freud -- What Hegel means when he says Vernunft -- The insubstantiality of substance: restoring Hegel's lost limbs -- Love and logic -- How to avoid experience -- Learning to love the end of history: freedom through logic -- Resisting resistance, or freedom is a positive thing -- Absolute or bust -- Emancipation without solutions -- Replanting Hegel's tree.
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  9. Data models and the acquisition and manipulation of data.Todd Harris - 2003 - Philosophy of Science 70 (5):1508-1517.
    This paper offers an account of data manipulation in scientific experiments. It will be shown that in many cases raw, unprocessed data is not produced, but rather a form of processed data that will be referred to as a data model. The language of data models will be used to provide a framework within which to understand a recent debate about the status of data and data manipulation. It will be seen that a description in terms of data models allows (...)
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  10. Sensory malfunctions, limitations, and trade-offs.Todd Ganson - 2018 - Synthese 195 (4):1705-1713.
    Teleological accounts of sensory normativity treat normal functioning for a species as a standard: sensory error involves departure from normal functioning for the species, i.e. sensory malfunction. Straightforward reflection on sensory trade-offs reveals that normal functioning for a species can exhibit failures of accuracy. Acknowledging these failures of accuracy is central to understanding the adaptations of a species. To make room for these errors we have to go beyond the teleological framework and invoke the notion of an ideal observer from (...)
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  11. Visual Prominence and Representationalism.Todd Ganson & Ben Bronner - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 164 (2):405-418.
    A common objection to representationalism is that a representationalist view of phenomenal character cannot accommodate the effects that shifts in covert attention have on visual phenomenology: covert attention can make items more visually prominent than they would otherwise be without altering the content of visual experience. Recent empirical work on attention casts doubt on previous attempts to advance this type of objection to representationalism and it also points the way to an alternative development of the objection.
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  12.  28
    Education, Contact and the Vitality of Touch: Membranes, Morphologies, Movements.Sharon Todd - 2021 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 40 (3):249-260.
    This paper explores how touch is key to understanding education—not as an achievement or an instrument of acquisition, but as a process through which one becomes a subject capable of both living and leading a life that matters for ourselves and others. As a process, it is concerned with how we encounter things and others in the world and not solely with what we encounter. In particular, it argues that the dynamics of touch-as both a touching and being touched by-are (...)
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  13. The Senses as Signalling Systems.Todd Ganson - 2018 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 96 (3):519-531.
    A central goal of philosophy of perception is to uncover the nature of sensory capacities. Ideally, we would like an account that specifies what conditions need to be met in order for an organism to count as having the capacity to sense or perceive its environment. And on the assumption that sensory states are the kinds of things that can be accurate or inaccurate, a further goal of philosophy of perception is to identify the accuracy conditions for sensory states. In (...)
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  14. Manipulation.Patrick Todd - 2013 - International Encyclopedia of Ethics.
    At the most general level, "manipulation" refers one of many ways of influencing behavior, along with (but to be distinguished from) other such ways, such as coercion and rational persuasion. Like these other ways of influencing behavior, manipulation is of crucial importance in various ethical contexts. First, there are important questions concerning the moral status of manipulation itself; manipulation seems to be mor- ally problematic in ways in which (say) rational persuasion does not. Why is this so? Furthermore, the notion (...)
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  15. Thinking in groups.Todd M. Gureckis & Robert L. Goldstone - 2006 - Pragmatics and Cognition 14 (2):293-311.
    Is cognition an exclusive property of the individual or can groups have a mind of their own? We explore this question from the perspective of complex adaptive systems. One of the principal insights from this line of work is that rules that govern behavior at one level of analysis can cause qualitatively different behavior at higher levels. We review a number of behavioral studies from our lab that demonstrate how groups of people interacting in real-time can self-organize into adaptive, problem-solving (...)
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  16. Explanatory pluralism in paleobiology.Todd A. Grantham - 1999 - Philosophy of Science 66 (3):236.
    This paper is a defense of "explanatory pluralism" (i.e., the view that some events can be correctly explained in two distinct ways). To defend pluralism, I identify two distinct (but compatible) styles of explanation in paleobiology. The first approach ("actual sequence explanation") traces out the particular forces that affect each species. The second approach treats the trend as "passive" or "random" diffusion away from a boundary in morphological space. I argue that while these strategies are distinct, some trends are correctly (...)
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  17. Aristotle on the sense-organs.Todd Ganson - 2000 - Philosophical Review 109 (1):89-92.
    Aristotle’s philosophy of mind is often understood as anticipating present-day functionalist approaches to the mental. In Aristotle on the Sense-Organs Johansen argues at length that such interpretations of what Aristotle has to say about the senses are untenable. First, Aristotle does not allow that the matter of a sense-organ can be identified without reference to the form or function of the organ, so sense-organs are not compositionally plastic. Second, Aristotle’s conception of sense-perception is radically different from anything a philosopher today, (...)
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    Nonclassical Probability, Convex Hulls, and Dutch Books.Michał Gil Sanchez, Zalán Gyenis & Leszek Wroński - 2024 - Episteme 21 (2):498-518.
    We report a solution to an open problem regarding the axiomatization of the convex hull of a type of nonclassical evaluations. We then investigate the meaning of this result for the larger context of the relation between rational credence functions and nonclassical probability. We claim that the notions of bets and Dutch Books typically employed in formal epistemology are of doubtful use outside the realm of classical logic, eventually proposing two novel ways of understanding Dutch Books in nonclassical settings.
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  19. Reductionism and the unification theory of explanation.Todd Jones - 1995 - Philosophy of Science 62 (1):21-30.
    P. Kitcher's unification theory of explanation appears to endorse a reductionistic view of scientific explanation that is inconsistant with scientific practice. In this paper, I argue that this appearance is illusory. The existence of multiply realizable generalizations enable the unification theory to also count many high-level accounts as explanatory.
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  20. An Argument against Causal Theories of Mental Content.Todd Buras - 2009 - American Philosophical Quarterly 46 (2):117-129.
    Some mental states are about themselves. Nothing is a cause of itself. So some mental states are not about their causes; they are about things distinct from their causes. If this argument is sound, it spells trouble for causal theories of mental content—the precise sort of trouble depending on the precise sort of causal theory. This paper shows that the argument is sound (§§1-3), and then spells out the trouble (§4).
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  21.  24
    Direct Associations or Internal Transformations? Exploring the Mechanisms Underlying Sequential Learning Behavior.Todd M. Gureckis & Bradley C. Love - 2010 - Cognitive Science 34 (1):10-50.
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    Why the mind is not a radically emergent feature of the brain.Todd E. Feinberg - 2001 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 8 (9-10):123-145.
    In this article I will attempt to refute the claim that the mind is a radically emergent feature of the brain. First, the inter-related concepts of emergence, reducibility and constraint are considered, particularly as these ideas relate to hierarchical biological systems. The implications of radical emergence theories of the mind such as the one posited by Roger Sperry, are explored. I then argue that the failure of Sperry's model is based on the notion that consciousness arises as a radically emergent (...)
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  23.  46
    Interpretive social science and the "native's point of view": A closer look.Todd Jones - 1998 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 28 (1):32-68.
    In the past two decades, many anthropologists have been drawn to "interpre tive" perspectives which hold that the study of human culture would profit by using approaches developed in the humanities, rather than using approaches used in the natural sciences. The author discusses the source of the appeal of such perspectives but argues that interpretive approaches to social science tend to be fundamentally flawed, even by common everyday epistemological standards.
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    Forgiveness or breakup: Sex differences in responses to a partner's infidelity.Todd K. Shackelford, David M. Buss & Kevin Bennett - 2002 - Cognition and Emotion 16 (2):299-307.
  25. (1 other version)Reid's Rejection of Intentionalism.Todd Ganson - 2008 - Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy 4:245-263.
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  26.  43
    What chance-credence norms should be.Mariangela Zoe Cocchiaro, Zalán Gyenis & Leszek Wroński - 2022 - Synthese 200 (6):1-22.
    We show a somewhat surprising result concerning the relationship between the Principal Principle and its allegedly generalized form. Then, we formulate a few desiderata concerning chance-credence norms and argue that none of the norms widely discussed in the literature satisfies all of them. We suggest that the New Principle comes out as the best contender.
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  27. Moral Individualism, Moral Relationalism, and Obligations to Non‐human Animals.Todd May - 2014 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 31 (2):155-168.
    Moral individualists like Jeff McMahan and Peter Singer argue that our moral obligations to animals, both human and non‐human, are grounded in the morally salient capacities of those animals. By contrast, what might be called moral relationalists argue that our obligations to non‐human animals are grounded in our relationship to them. Moral relationalists are of various kinds, from relationalists regarding assistance to animals, such as Clare Palmer and Elizabeth Anderson, to relationalists grounded in a Wittgensteinian view of human practice, such (...)
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    Probability and Symmetric Logic.Michał Gil Sanchez, Zalán Gyenis & Leszek Wroński - 2022 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 52 (1):183-198.
    In this paper we study the interaction between symmetric logic and probability. In particular, we axiomatize the convex hull of the set of evaluations of symmetric logic, yielding the notion of probability in symmetric logic. This answers an open problem of Williams ( 2016 ) and Paris ( 2001 ).
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    When more is less: Feedback effects in perceptual category learning.J. Vincent Filoteo W. Todd Maddox, Bradley C. Love, Brian D. Glass - 2008 - Cognition 108 (2):578.
  30.  71
    The Platonic Approach to Sense-Perception.Todd Ganson - 2005 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 22 (1):1-15.
  31.  67
    How the unification theory of explanation escapes asymmetry problems.Todd Jones - 1995 - Erkenntnis 43 (2):229 - 240.
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    Progress in Philosophy.Todd C. Moody - 1986 - American Philosophical Quarterly 23 (1):35 - 46.
    The work is an attempt to answer the transcendental question, "How is progress in philosophy possible?" The character of philosophical beliefs and doubts is examined, and it is argued that in the exigent context of philosophical practice in the agonistic analytic tradition, a certain limited doxastic voluntarism is possible. The role of both ordinary and ideal language intuitions is criticized; it is concluded that these cannot serve as uncontroversial pretheoretical givens of inquiry. As an extended example of the covert adoption (...)
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  33.  21
    Time pressure disrupts level-2, but not level-1, visual perspective calculation: A process-dissociation analysis.Andrew R. Todd, Austin J. Simpson & C. Daryl Cameron - 2019 - Cognition 189 (C):41-54.
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    Getting more colors II.Todd Eisworth - 2013 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 78 (1):17-38.
    We formulate and prove (in ZFC) a strong coloring theorem which holds at successors of singular cardinals, and use it to answer several questions concerning Shelah's principle $Pr_1(\mu^+,\mu^+,\mu^+,cf(\mu))$ for singular $\mu$.
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  35. Everyday Thinking about Bodily Sensations.Todd Ganson & Dorit Ganson - 2010 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 88 (3):523-534.
    In the opening section of this paper we spell out an account of our na ve view of bodily sensations that is of historical and philosophical significance. This account of our shared view of bodily sensations captures common ground between Descartes, who endorses an error theory regarding our everyday thinking about bodily sensations, and Berkeley, who is more sympathetic with common sense. In the second part of the paper we develop an alternative to this account and discuss what is at (...)
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  36. Extracting core components of cognitive control.Todd S. Braver & Deanna M. Barch - 2006 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 10 (12):529-532.
  37. Difference and unity in Gilles Deleuze.Todd May - 1994 - In Constantin V. Boundas & Dorothea Olkowski, Gilles Deleuze and the theater of philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 33--50.
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  38. Strenuous Moral Living.Todd Lekan - 2007 - William James Studies 2.
    In this paper I seek to make sense of James's account of strenuous moral living, and the role that theological belief plays in the strenuous life. I will show that some of his arguments for the moral necessity of belief in the "theological postulate" are not tenable, and that his case is stronger if his conclusion is weakened to the claim that theological belief may be necessary for some, but not all serious moral agents. I suggest that by drawing on (...)
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  39. Constraints and spandrels in Gould's structure of evolutionary theory.Todd A. Grantham - 2004 - Biology and Philosophy 19 (1):29-43.
    Gould's Structure ofEvolutionary Theory argues that Darwinism hasundergone significant revision. Although Gouldsucceeds in showing that hierarchicalapproaches have expanded Darwinism, hiscritique of adaptationism is less successful. Gould claims that the ubiquity of developmentalconstraints and spandrels has forced biologiststo soften their commitment to adaptationism. Iargue that Gould overstates his conclusion; hisprincipal claims are compatible with at leastsome versions of adaptationism. Despite thisweakness, Gould's discussion of adaptationism –particularly his discussions of the exaptivepool and cross-level spandrels – shouldprovoke new work in evolutionary theory and (...)
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  40.  44
    Democritus against Reducing Sensible Qualities.Todd Stuart Ganson - 1999 - Ancient Philosophy 19 (2):201-215.
  41.  48
    Reid on colour.Todd Stuart Ganson - 2002 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 10 (2):231 – 242.
  42.  48
    Beyond the Manager’s Moral Dilemma: Rethinking the ‘Ideal-Type’ Business Ethics Case.Todd Bridgman - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 94 (S2):311-322.
    Case teaching occupies a central place in the history of business education and in recognition of its significance, the Journal of Business Ethics recently created a new section for cases. Typically, business ethics cases are used to teach moral reasoning by exposing students to real-life situations which puts them in the position of a decision-maker faced with a moral dilemma. Drawing on a critical management studies' (CMS) critique of mainstream business ethics, this article argues that this 'idealtype' decision-focused case underplays (...)
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  43.  59
    The Competing Practices Argument and Self-defeat.Todd Stewart - 2005 - Episteme 2 (1):13-24.
    Andy believes that p because his tarot cards indicate that p. Betty believes that ∼p because her crystal ball reveals that ∼p. If Andy and Betty know that they disagree, and disagree because they engage in different practices, is Andy's belief that p rational? The answer depends in part on whether Andy has good reasons to think that reading tarot cards is reliable about the topic while reading crystal balls is not. If a person has good reasons to believe that (...)
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  44. The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Evolutionary Psychology.Shackelford Todd & Vonk Jennifer (eds.) - 2012 - Oxford University Press.
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    Electrophysiological evidence for the time-course of verifying text ideas.Todd R. Ferretti, Murray Singer & Courtney Patterson - 2008 - Cognition 108 (3):881-888.
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  46. Unconscious mental factors in hiv infection.Peter Todd - 2008 - Mind and Matter 6 (2):193-206.
    Multiple drug resistant strains of HIV and continuing difficulties with vaccine development highlight the importance of psychologi- cal interventions which aim to in uence the psychosocial and emo- tional factors empirically demonstrated to be significant predictors of immunity, illness progression and AIDS mortality in seropositive persons. Such data have profound implications for psychological interventions designed to modify psychosocial factors predictive of enhanced risk of exposure to HIV as well as the neuroendocrine and immune mechanisms mediating the impact of such factors (...)
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    Comments on Green’s “Metacognition as an Epistemic Virtue”.Todd M. Stewart - 2019 - Southwest Philosophy Review 35 (2):21-22.
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    Impact of depressive symptoms, self‐esteem and neuroticism on trajectories of overgeneral autobiographical memory over repeated trials.Todd B. Kashdan, John E. Roberts & Erica L. Carlos - 2006 - Cognition and Emotion 20 (3):383-401.
    The present study examined trajectories of change in the frequency of overgeneral autobiographical memory (OGM) over the course of repeated trials, and tested whether particular dimensions of depressive symptomatology (somatic and cognitive‐affective distress), self‐esteem, and neuroticism account for individual differences in these trajectories. Given that depression is associated with impairments in effortful processing, we predicted that over repeated trials depression would be associated with increasingly OGM. Generalised Linear Mixed Models with Penalised Quasi‐Likelihood demonstrated significant linear and quadratic trends in OGM (...)
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  49.  27
    Does identity change matter? Everyday agency, moral authority and generational cascades in the transformation of groupness after conflict.Jennifer Todd - 2024 - Theory and Society 53 (3):571-596.
    Everyday identity change is common after conflict, as people attempt to move away from oppositional group relations and closed group boundaries. This article asks how it scales up and out to impact these group relations and boundaries, and what stops this? Theoretically, the article focusses on complex oppositional configurations of groupness, where relationality and feedback mechanisms (rather than more easily measured variables) are crucial to change and continuity, and in which moral authority is a key node of reproduction. It uses (...)
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  50.  29
    Toward a Speech Act Theory of Literary Discourse (review).D. D. Todd - 1978 - Philosophy and Literature 2 (2):269-271.
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