Results for 'Transcendence (Philosophy) History.'

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  1.  21
    Transcendence and History: The Search for Ultimacy From Ancient Societies to Postmodernity.Glenn Hughes - 2003 - University of Missouri.
    _Transcendence and History_ is an analysis of what philosopher Eric Voegelin described as “the decisive problem of philosophy”: the dilemma of the discovery of transcendent meaning and the impact of this discovery on human self-understanding. The explicit recognition and symbolization of transcendent meaning originally occurred in a few advanced civilizations worldwide during the first millennium?.?.e. The world’s major religious and wisdom traditions are built upon the recognition of transcendent meaning, and our own cultural and linguistic heritage has long since (...)
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    Transcendence and History: The Search for Ultimacy from Ancient Societies to Post-Modernity. [REVIEW]James L. Marsh - 2005 - International Philosophical Quarterly 45 (3):418-420.
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  3. Foucault and the history of philosophical transcendence: freedom, nature and agency.Christopher Falzon - 2024 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    In an original approach to Foucault's philosophy, Christopher Falzon argues for a reading of Foucault as a philosopher of finite transcendence, and explores its implications for ethics. In order to distinguish Foucault's position, Falzon charts the historical trajectory of transcendence as a philosophical concept, starting with the radical notion of transcendence that was introduced by Plato, and which reappears in various forms in subsequent thinkers from the Stoics to Descartes, and from Kant to Sartre. He argues (...)
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    Transcending the Realism/Anti-Realism Divide in the Philosophy of History.Sina Talachian - 2017 - Philosophy 92 (2):183-206.
    In this essay an attempt is made to transcend the divide between realists and anti-realists in the philosophy of history by proposing an alternative account of understanding the past, one based on the nature of testimonies, specifically theirscopeanddepth. This is done through a critical engagement with the works of prominent realist and anti-realist philosophers of history ; other philosophers working on relevant topics such as epistemology, and historians who have written on historical method. The alternative account thus developed is (...)
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  5. Models of Presence and Loss of Transcendence in History.Ronny Miron - 2013 - Philosophy Study 3 (4):331-351.
    The article seeks to elucidate the status of transcendence in the historiography of secularization through the perspective of collective memory. It discusses two typological models dealing with the basic metaphysical problem concerned with the presence and meaning of transcendence in real human existence. According to the first, the historical reality of secularization causes a break from the collective memory whose roots are in religion. In contrast, the second model considers that despite the deep transformations in the status of (...)
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    The Transcendence of History: Essays on the Evolution of Historical Consciousness. By Joseph L. Esposito. [REVIEW]Richard Taft - 1987 - Modern Schoolman 64 (3):209-211.
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    The Transcendence of God in Whitehead’s Philosophy.Paul Desch - 1961 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 11:7-27.
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  8. Transcendent or immanent? Significance and history of li in confucianism.John W. M. Krummel - 2010 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 37 (3):417-437.
    This paper investigates the meaning of the neo-Confucian concept of 'li'. From early on, it has the sense of a pattern designating how things are and ought to be. But it takes on the appearance of something transcendent to the world only at a certain point in history, when it becomes juxtaposed to 'qi'. Zhu Xi has been criticized for this 'li-qi' dichotomization and the transcendentalization of 'li'. The paper re-examines this putative dualism and transcendentalism, looking into both Zhu's discussions (...)
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    The Fundamental Principles of Mulla Sadra’s Transcendent Philosophy[REVIEW]Sayeh Meisami - 2010 - Journal of Islamic Philosophy 6:145-147.
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    History and Transcendence.Goichi Miyake - 1962 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 2 (2):127-130.
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    Transcendent Man in the Limited City: The Political Philosophy of Charles N. R. McCoy.James V. Schall - 1993 - The Thomist 57 (1):63-95.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:TRANSCENDENT MAN IN THE LIMITED CITY: THE POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY OF CHARLES N. R. McCOY ]AMES v. SCHALL, S.J. Georgetown University Washington, D. C. The history of political philosophy since the time of St. Thomas has been a history of successive failures to relate ethics to politics and of successive attempts to find a substitute for theology, either in politics itself... or in economics.... Men are today oppressed (...)
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    Transcendence and Immanence. Philosophy and Theology in a Changing World. [REVIEW] B. - 1979 - Philosophy and History 12 (2):157-157.
  13.  58
    Enlightenment, Philosophy of History and Values.Concha Roldán - 2009 - Dialogue and Universalism 19 (6-7):7-20.
    Philosophy of history has been condemned in recent times; however, it is becoming increasingly evident that a new Europe cannot do without a critical philosophy of history that analyses values and gives hierarchical structure to diverse experiences and historical memories. From this hypothesis, a result of previous projects, the project “Philosophy of History and Values in the Europe of the 21st century” has these fundamental objectives: 1) critically analyze the complex forms of conceiving science, history (society), culture (...)
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  14.  43
    Transcendence in the Philosophy of Heidegger.Thomas D. Langan - 1958 - New Scholasticism 32 (1):45-60.
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  15. Immanence Transcendence and the Godly in a Secular Age.Traill Dowie & Julien Tempone WIltshire - 2022 - Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy 18 (2).
    The terms immanence and transcendence have played a significant role in philosophical thought since its inception. Implicit in the notions of immanence and transcendence, as typified within the history of ideas, is often a separation and division between the human and the godly. This division has served to generate ontologies of isolation and set up epistemologies that can be both binary and divided. The terms immanence and transcendence thus sit at the heart of contemporary onto-epistemic accounts of (...)
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  16.  23
    La crise de la transcendance au XXe siècle: voix reçue, parole transmise.Éléonore Mermet & Pierre Poligone (eds.) - 2023 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    La littérature du XXe siècle est trop souvent réduite à quelques mouvements littéraires, généralement contestataires. Nous avons voulu rendre hommage à ces chercheurs de l'absolu qui ont profondément marqué leur époque et dont nous voulons montrer l'actualité. Ce recueil d'articles a pour ambition de sonder les nouvelles modalités d'expression d'une parole enthousiaste au moment où l'immanence semble s'imposer. Il s'agit de rendre compte des stratégies employées par les écrivains pour effectuer la transcription langagière d'une forme de transcendance. Au-delà de la (...)
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  17. A History of Russian Philosophy 1830–1930: Faith, Reason, and the Defense of Human Dignity.Gary M. Hamburg & Randall Allen Poole (eds.) - 2010 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The great age of Russian philosophy spans the century between 1830 and 1930 - from the famous Slavophile-Westernizer controversy of the 1830s and 1840s, through the 'Silver Age' of Russian culture at the beginning of the twentieth century, to the formation of a Russian 'philosophical emigration' in the wake of the Russian Revolution. This volume is a major history and interpretation of Russian philosophy in this period. Eighteen chapters discuss Russian philosophy's main figures, schools and controversies, while (...)
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    Ethics and the history of Indian philosophy.Shyam Ranganathan - 2007 - Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers.
    Ethics and the History of Indian Philosophy (Motilal Banarsidass 2007). Regretfully, it is not an uncommon view in orthodox Indology that Indian philosophers were not interested in ethics. This claim belies the fact that Indian philosophical schools were generally interested in the practical consequences of beliefs and actions. The most popular symptom of this concern is the doctrine of karma, according to which the consequences of actions have an evaluative valence. Ethics and the History of Indian Philosophy argues (...)
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    Altérité et transcendance dans le Mvett: essai de philosophie pratique.Steeve Elvis Ella - 2014 - Paris: L'Harmattan. Edited by Dominique Folscheid.
    Pour faire parler le Mvett, la philosophique devait de faire pratique, pour que la pensée se conjugue avec l'action, tant il est vrai que le Mvett, par-delà l'épopée, est au fond la vie pensée par l'Etre. D'où une approche phénoménologique et éthique, qui permet de montrer comment le Mvett met en oeuvre, à sa manière, les deux catégories fondamentales de l'Altérité et de la Transcendance. Ce qui se vit sur le mode initiatique peut alors se conceptualiser avec le concours de (...)
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  20.  5
    Human existence and transcendence.Jean André Wahl - 2016 - Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press.
    William C. Hackett s English translation of Jean Wahl s "Existence humaine et transcendence" (1944) brings back to life an all-but-forgotten book that provocatively explores the philosophical concept of transcendence. Based on what Emmanuel Levinas called Wahl s famous lecture from 1937, "Existence humaine et transcendence" captured a watershed moment of European philosophy. Included in the book are Wahl's remarkable original lecture, the debate that ensued, with significant contributions by Gabriel Marcel and Nicolai Berdyaev, as well (...)
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  21.  42
    On the Use and Abuse of History in Philosophy of Human Rights.Lena Halldenius - unknown
    History plays an important role in the philosophy of human rights, more so than in philosophical discussions on related concepts, such as justice. History tends to be used in order to make it credible that there is a tradition of rights as a moral idea, or an ethical ideal, that transcends national boundaries. In the example that I investigate in this chapter, this moral idea is tightly spun around the moral dignity of the human person. There has been a (...)
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    From evolutionary theory to philosophy of history.Isabel Gabel - 2018 - History of the Human Sciences 31 (1):3-18.
    Well into the 1940s, many French biologists rejected both Mendelian genetics and Darwinism in favour of neo-transformism, the claim that evolution proceeds by the inheritance of acquired characteristics. In 1931 the zoologist Maurice Caullery published Le Problème d’évolution, arguing that, while Lamarckian mechanisms could not be demonstrated in the present, they had nevertheless operated in the past. It was in this context that Raymond Aron expressed anxiety about the relationship between biology, history, and human autonomy in his 1938 Introduction à (...)
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    A history of scottish philosophy (review).Manfred Kuehn - 2011 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 49 (1):124-125.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:A History of Scottish PhilosophyManfred KuehnAlexander Broadie. A History of Scottish Philosophy. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2009. Pp. viii + 392. Cloth, $140.00.Alexander Broadie is well known to those who have an interest in Scottish Philosophy. His 1990 book, The Tradition of Scottish Philosophy: A New Perspective on the Enlightenment (Barnes & Noble), attempted to show that there were two great periods in the history (...)
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    Immanence et transcendance chez Teilhard de Chardin.Nicole Bonnet - 1987 - Paris: Editions du Cerf.
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    The end of philosophy, the time of Auschwitz, and the bound transcendence of communities of differences.James R. Watson - 1995 - History of European Ideas 20 (1-3):567-573.
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    Alterity and Transcendence.Emmanuel Lévinas - 1995 - Columbia University Press.
    Internationally renowned as one of the great French philosophers of the twentieth century, the late Emmanuel Levinas remains a pivotal figure across the humanistic disciplines for his insistence--against the grain of Western philosophical tradition--on the primacy of ethics in philosophical investigation. This first English translation of a series of twelve essays known as _Alterity and Transcendence_ offers a unique glimpse of Levinas defining his own place in the history of philosophy. Published by a mature thinker between 1967 and 1989, (...)
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    Wagering on transcendence: the search for meaning in literature.Phyllis Carey (ed.) - 1997 - Kansas City, Mo.: Sheed & Ward.
    Through essays, Mount Mary College professors from various disciplines analyze several pieces of literature from a variety of genres and authors to show how ...
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    The soul's upward yearning: clues to our transcendent nature from experience and reason.Robert J. Spitzer - 2015 - San Francisco: Ignatius Press.
    Western culture has been moving away from its Christian roots for several centuries but the turn from Christianity accelerated in the 20th century. At the core of this decline is a loss of a sense of our own transcendence. Scientific materialism has so seriously impacted our belief in human transcendence that many people find it difficult to believe in God and the human soul. This anti-transcendent perspective has not only cast its spell on the natural sciences, psychology, (...), and literature, it has also negatively impacted popular culture through the writings of Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, and many others. The warning signs of this loss of transcendence have been expressed by thinkers as diverse as Carl Jung (psychiatrist), Mircea Eliade (historian of religion), Gabriel Marcel (philosopher), C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien. These warnings were validated by a 2004 study in the American Journal of Psychiatry which showed that the absence of religion alone was responsible for a marked increase in suicide rates, sense of meaningless, substance abuse, separation from family, and other psychiatric problems. Thus, the loss of transcendence is negatively affecting not only individuals’ sense of happiness, dignity, ideals, virtues, and destiny, but also the culture. Ironically, the evidence for transcendence is greater today than in any other period in history. The problem is – this evidence has not been compiled and propagated. Fr. Spitzer’s book provides a bright light in the midst of this cultural darkness by presenting both traditional and contemporary evidence for God and a transphysical soul from several major sources. He also shows how human consciousness and intelligence is completely special – and cannot be replicated by artificial intelligence or animal consciousness. We are transcendent beings with souls capable of surviving bodily death – self-reflective beings aware of perfect truth, love, goodness, and beauty. We are beings with an unrestricted capacity to know and create science, law, culture, art, music, literature, and so much more. The evidence reveals that we have the dignity of being created in the very image of God, and if we underestimate it, we will undervalue one another, underlive our lives, and underachieve our destiny. This work is the most comprehensive treatment of human transcendence available today. (shrink)
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    Transcendent love: Dostoevsky and the search for a global ethic.Leonard G. Friesen - 2016 - Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press.
    In Transcendent Love: Dostoevsky and the Search for a Global Ethic, Leonard G. Friesen ranges widely across Dostoevsky's stories, novels, journalism, notebooks, and correspondence to demonstrate how Dostoevsky engaged with ethical issues in his times and how those same issues continue to be relevant to today's ethical debates. Friesen contends that the Russian ethical voice, in particular Dostoevsky's voice, deserves careful consideration in an increasingly global discussion of moral philosophy and the ethical life. Friesen challenges the view that contemporary (...)
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  30.  36
    Shipwrecked: Patočka's philosophy of Czech history.Aviezer Tucker - 1996 - History and Theory 35 (2):196-216.
    Czech history defies dominant Western progressive historical narratives and moral evolutionism. Czech free-market democracy was defeated and betrayed three times in 1938, 1948, and 1968. The Czech Protestants were defeated in the fifteenth and seventeenth centuries. Consequently, Czechs have a different perspective on the traditional questions of speculative philosophy of history: Where are we coming from? Where are we going? What does it mean? They ask further: where and why did history go wrong?Jan Patocka , the leading Czech philosopher (...)
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  31.  26
    The Problem of Transcendence in the Philosophy of Joseph Geyser.W. D. Nutting - 1933 - New Scholasticism 7 (4):326-361.
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    Transcendence’ in Being and Time and Its Chinese Translation.Qingjie James Wang - 2023 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 50 (3):283-297.
    The problem of ‘transcendence’/‘transcendental’/ ‘transcendent’ runs throughout Heidegger’s Being and Time, and it is central to many of its core concerns. The confusion about the different meanings of using the same words in the history of philosophy from Kant to Heidegger causes not only problems in understanding but also problems in the translation of the philosophical classics, especially in a non-Indo-European language such as Chinese. Through examination of Kant’s conception of the ‘transcendental’ and a critical textual analysis of (...)
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  33. Jacob Burckhardt: Transcending history.Albert Salomon - 1945 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 6 (2):225-269.
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    Time and History in the Philosophy of the Cosmonomic Idea.M. D. Stafleu - 2008 - Philosophia Reformata 73 (2):154-169.
    This article identifies two trends in Dooyeweerd’s conception of ‘cosmic time’, and elaborates their consequences for the philosophy of history. The first trend, connecting time to modal diversity and the order of the modal aspects, prevails in Dooyeweerd’s analysis. The application of the second trend, emphasizing that in each relation frame the temporal order governs subject-subject relations and subjectobject relations, sheds a new light on the interpretation of history conceived of as development of the culture and civilization of mankind. (...)
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    The yoga tradition: its history, literature, philosophy, and practice.Georg Feuerstein - 1998 - Chino Valley, Arizona: Hohm Press.
    PART ONE: FOUNDATIONS: Building blocks -- The wheel of yoga -- Yoga and the other Hindu traditions -- PART TWO: PRE-CLASSICAL YOGA: Yoga in ancient times -- The whispered wisdom of the early Upanishads -- Jaina Yoga: the teachings of the victorious ford-makers -- Yoga in Buddhism -- The flowering of yoga -- PART THREE: CLASSICAL YOGA: The history and literature of Patanjala-Yoga -- The philosophy and practice of Patanjala-Yoga -- PART FOUR: POST-CLASSICAL YOGA: The nondualist approach to God (...)
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  36.  58
    Transcendence and Historicity In the Self As Ātman.P. T. Raju - 1990 - Idealistic Studies 20 (3):203-229.
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    Quantification: transcending beyond Frege's boundaries: a case study in transcendental-metaphysical logic.Aleksy Mołczanow - 2012 - Boston: Brill.
    Drawing on the original conception of Kant’s synthetic a priori and the relevant related developments in philosophy, this book presents a reconstruction of the intellectual history of the conception of quantity and offers an entirely ...
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  38.  16
    Transcendence: the disinformation encyclopedia of transhumanism and the singularity.R. U. Sirius - 2015 - San Francisco, CA: Disinformation Books, an imprint of Red Wheel/Weiser, LLC. Edited by Jay Cornell.
    In nearly ninety A-Z entries, Transcendence provides a multilayered look at the accelerating advances in artificial intelligence, cognitive science, genomics, information technology, nanotechnology, neuroscience, space exploration, synthetic biology, robotics, and virtual worlds that are making transhumanism a reality. Entries range from Cloning and Cyborg Feminism to Designer Babies and Memory-Editing Drugs. In addition, the book notes historical predecessors and personalities, both in mythology and history--ranging from Timothy Leary to Ray Kurzweil. It also introduces the culture around transhumanism, covering all (...)
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    History and philosophy of science rapprochement: Shared methodological framework.Dominika A. Yaneva - 1995 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 26 (1):143 - 152.
    The paper intends to identify some particular basic assumptions, approaches and means of proceeding, which are spontaneously shared by philosophers, sociologists and historians of science, besides the common interchange of meta-notions describing science. To this end, the specific subject matter, scope, meta-cognitive goals and methodological background of each of the three domains of science study is first outlined. Only two shared proceedings are further discussed in details: the objective attitude, called 'playing a stranger', and the historiographers' involvement in demarcational problem (...)
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    The Meaning of History in Siemek’s Philosophy of Marek Siemek.Marcin Julian Pańków - 2009 - Dialogue and Universalism 19 (3-5):245-250.
    In the paper I try to define some basic ideas and sketch a style of Marek Siemek’s epistemological reflection and its influence on the notion of do called “meaning of history”. I referee some elements of his interpretation of Kant and Hegel as a background to paradox of “meaning of the history”—the paradox of its necessary transcendence and immanence, the contradiction between a history as an eschatology, and history as a “project”, a dialectic of sense and non-sense. The conclusion (...)
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  41.  19
    A Forerunner Philosophy of History in the Humanism: Philipp Melanchthon (1497-1560).Pilar Pena-Búa - 2022 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 53:87-113.
    Resumen El artículo aborda el vínculo que se establece entre Humanismo e historia en el pensamiento del humanista luterano F. Melanchthon. Su formación académica, previa a su llegada a Wittenberg, y su trabajo como renovador del sistema educativo reformador, lo vinculan con la tradición del humanismo histórico-filológico, que aúna este doble aspecto: humanismo filológico y humanismo histórico, que recíprocamente impulsan la búsqueda de una humanidad terrena. La historia para la Reforma, en convergencia con el Humanismo, es una tarea ética que (...)
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    Ne me raconte plus d'histoires: Derrida and the problem of the history of philosophy.Edward Baring - 2014 - History and Theory 53 (2):175-193.
    This essay reads Derrida's early work within the context of the history of philosophy as an academic field in France. Derrida was charged with instruction in the history of philosophy at the École Normale Supérieure, and much of his own training focused on this aspect of philosophical study. The influence of French history of philosophy can be seen in Derrida's work before Of Grammatology, especially in his unpublished lectures for a 1964 course entitled “History and Truth,” in (...)
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    Le principe de la transcendance et la théorie de la raison.Maurice Duval - 1937 - Travaux du IXe Congrès International de Philosophie 8:39-43.
    Le problème du fondement de la raison ne peut se résoudre que par le principe de transcendance. Les principes rationnels ne sont pas constitutifs d’un esprit pur, qui imposerait, du dehors, ses formes aux objets de sa pensée ; ils naissent dans le progrès et l’effort de l’esprit, pour se dépasser lui-même.
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    Critical history according to Bernard Lonergan.Humphrey Uchenna Ani - 2017 - Roma: G&BPress.
    Critical history is a philosophy of history that highlights the peculiarity and originality of the epistemology and methodology of Bernard Lonergan in the study of history. It is a method of reading the movement of history, through the Lonerganian creative criticism as well as a critical instrument that can help one rise above diverse forms of oversight and bias while working for progress in a human community. It tries to expound on how one can build personal capacities that work (...)
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    Transcending the Human.Ronald L. Hall - 1994 - International Philosophical Quarterly 34 (3):361-373.
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  46. Transcendence in Simone de beauvoir's the second sex: Revisiting masculinist ontology.Nadine Changfoot - 2009 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 35 (4):391-410.
    A large number of feminist philosophers and social critics accept that Simone de Beauvoir's conception of transcendence in The Second Sex relies on masculinist ontology. In contrast with feminist interpretations that see Beauvoir claiming the success of masculinist ontology, this article argues that transcendence as masculinist ontology does not succeed in The Second Sex because it requires a relation of domination, something contrary to its own definition of freedom-producing relations. The Second Sex obliquely reveals this failure, but Beauvoir (...)
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  47. The Oxford Handbook of the History of Political Philosophy.George Klosko (ed.) - 2011 - New York: Oxford University Press UK.
    The Oxford Handbook of the History of Political Philosophy presents fifty original essays, each specially written by a leading figure in the field, covering the entire subject of the history of political philosophy. They provide not only surveys of the state of research but substantial pieces that engage with, and move forward, current debates. Part I addresses questions of method, and examines the value of the history of political philosophy and the history of the discipline itself. Part (...)
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    Transcendance pratique et transcendance sensible.Michel Souriau - 1937 - Travaux du IXe Congrès International de Philosophie 8:75-79.
    L’opposition de la transcendance à l’immanence exige qu’on localise l’immanence dans le temps. La transcendance devient alors passage du temps à l’intemporel. Mais l’intemporel peut être soit l’éternel, soit l’instant. Il y a donc deux transcendances, l’une vers l’éternel, qui est ascendante et active : la transcendance pratique ; l’autre vers l’instant, qui est descendante et esthétique : la transcendance sensible.
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    Transcendance et causalité. Proclus sur le principe premier.Marilena Vlad - 2009 - Chôra 7:53-69.
    One of the major difficulties that the Neoplatonic tradition had to face concerns the relationship between the transcendence and the causality of the first principle. As transcendent, the One – or the absolute Good – must be above the intelligible being, completely different from its nature. As the first cause of the whole reality, the One is still conceived in a certain connection to the intellect. In this article, I discuss the philosophical background of this problem and Proclus’ attempt (...)
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    Interpreting the World Kant's Philosophy of History and Politics. [REVIEW]Michael L. Morgan - 1988 - Review of Metaphysics 42 (2):376-378.
    Against the background of the current interest in hermeneutics and interpretation theory, the title of Booth's book might lead one to expect a post-Nietzschean reading of Kant's philosophy of history and politics. But the actual source of the book's title is Marx's final thesis on Feuerbach. Booth gives us a sceptical, realistic Kant who faces the shortcomings of reason and the challenges of the natural world not by trying to change the world but rather by seeking interpretations of it (...)
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