Results for 'Ultimate Good'

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  1. Ultimate Good.Henry Sidgwick - 1997 - In Thomas L. Carson & Paul K. Moser (eds.), Morality and the good life. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Pleasure as Ultimate Good in Sidgwick’s Ethics.Stephen L. Darwall - 1974 - The Monist 58 (3):475-489.
    The notion of pleasure lies at the very heart of Sidgwick’s moral philosophy. For Sidgwick holds not merely that pleasure is a good, but that ultimately it is the only good. And hence it is the good of pleasure which grounds his utilitarianism.
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    Hedonism and ultimate good.T. H. Green - 1877 - Mind 2 (6):266-269.
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    (1 other version)Hedonism and ultimate good.H. Sidgwick - 1877 - Mind 2 (5):27-38.
  5.  13
    Ultimate End and Common Good.Gregory Froelich - 1993 - The Thomist 57 (4):609-619.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:ULTIMATE END AND COMMON GOOD GREGORY FROELICH University of Alaska Anchorage, Alaska IN HUMAN ACTION what is last in execution is first in intention. For just this reason Thomas Aquinas begins the secunda jmrs of the Summa Theologiae with a consideration of man's ultimate end. It is the end and the end alone that renders intelligible all those choices and activities that human life comprises. " (...)
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    Desire, Death and Goodness: The Conflict of Ultimate Values in Theravāda BuddhismDesire, Death and Goodness: The Conflict of Ultimate Values in Theravada Buddhism.James P. McDermott & Grace G. Burford - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (3):605.
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  7. Good and evil as softwares of the brain, on psychological immediates underlying the metaphysical ultimates-a contribution from cognitive social-psychology and semantic differential research.Guido Peeters - 1986 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 9 (3):210-231.
  8.  27
    The Ultimate Enhancement of Morality.Vojin Rakić - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This book deals with good, evil, happiness and morally enhanced post-humans. It offers a succinct historical elaboration of philosophical stances towards morality and happiness, focusing on Kant's ideas in particular. Human augmented ethical maturity in a futuristic version of Kant’s Ethical Commonwealth implies, among else, voluntary moral bio-enhancement ; consequently, more happiness – as morality and happiness are in a circularly supportive relationship; ultimate morality. UM is in its own way a universal morality. In line with the contention (...)
  9. Harmonious Balance: Ultimate Essence of Beauty and Goodness, A Confucian View.Tsung-I. Dow - 2008 - Analecta Husserliana 97:165-172.
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    Quod significat: Vitruvius’ ultimate criterion for (good) architecture.Pavlos Lefas - forthcoming - British Journal of Aesthetics.
    The present paper proposes a new reading of one of the most obscure passages of De Architectura; in I, 1,3 Vitruvius claims that in architecture there is always a signifier and a signified, but his approach differs from Quintilian’s as presented in the latter’s Institutio Oratoria. Vitruvius’ is closer to Chrysippus approach, but he fails to mention the third constituent, the tynchanon. This omission is probably due to the fact that Vitruvius speaks of designs rather, than of existing buildings. What (...)
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    The Good and the Good Book: Revelation as a Guide to Life.Samuel Fleischacker - 2015 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Religions that center around a revelation--around a 'good book,' like the Torah or Gospels or Quran, which is seen as God's word--are widely regarded as irrational and dangerous: as based on outdated science and conducive to illiberal, inhumane moral attitudes. The Good and the Good Book defends revealed religion and shows how it can be reconciled with science and liberal morality. Fleischacker argues that revealed texts aim to teach neither scientific nor moral doctrines but a vision of (...)
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  12. Good and Evil: An Absolute Conception.Raimond Gaita - 1991 - New York: Routledge.
    Raimond Gaita's _Good and Evil_ is one of the most important, original and provocative books on the nature of morality to have been published in recent years. It is essential reading for anyone interested in what it means to talk about good and evil. Gaita argues that questions about morality are inseparable from the preciousness of each human being, an issue we can only address if we place the idea of remorse at the centre of moral life. Drawing on (...)
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    Goodness and Advice.Judith JarvisHG Thomson - 2009 - Princeton University Press.
    How should we live? What do we owe to other people? In Goodness and Advice, the eminent philosopher Judith Jarvis Thomson explores how we should go about answering such fundamental questions. In doing so, she makes major advances in moral philosophy, pointing to some deep problems for influential moral theories and describing the structure of a new and much more promising theory. Thomson begins by lamenting the prevalence of the idea that there is an unbridgeable gap between fact and value--that (...)
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  14. Virtue as Loving the Good.Thomas Hurka - 1992 - Social Philosophy and Policy 9 (2):149.
    In a chapter of The Methods of Ethics entitled “Ultimate Good”, Henry Sidgwick defends hedonism, the theory that pleasure and only pleasure is intrinsically good, that is, good in itself and apart from its consequences. First, however, he argues against the theory that virtue is intrinsically good. Sidgwick considers both a strong version of this theory — that virtue is the only intrinsic good — and a weaker version — that it is one intrinsic (...)
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  15. The Good and Human Motivation: A Study in Aristotle's Ethics.Heda Segvic - 1995 - Dissertation, Princeton University
    Aristotle takes his ethics to be an inquiry into the ultimate good of human life. In the course of his criticism of Plato and Eudoxus, Aristotle formulates two general conditions on the concept of the ultimate good. Firstly, the ultimate good has to be something prakton. The primary sense of prakton is not, as it is often taken to be, of something that is "realizable" in human action, but of something that is, or can (...)
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    The Morals of Cicero. Containing, I. His Conferences de Finibus: Or, Concerning the Ends of Things Good and Evil. In Which, All the Principles of the Epicureans, Stoics, and Academics, Concerning the Ultimate Point of Happiness and Misery, are Fully Discuss'd. II. His Academics ; Or, Conferences Concerning the Criterion of Truth, and the Fallibility of Human Judgment. Translated Into English, by William Guthrie, Esq.Marcus Tullius Cicero, William Guthrie & Francis Hoffman - 1744 - Printed for T. Waller, at the Crown and Mitre, Opposite Fetter-Lane, in Fleet-Street.
  17. Heidegger Otherwise: In Search of a Good Beyond Being in Heidegger.Drew Dalton & Drew M. Dalton - 2007 - Phenomenological 31:111-129.
    The Levinasian critique of Heidegger is well know: Heidegger’s phenomenological investigation into the nature of beings, employed towards the end of catching a glimpse of the Being behind those beings, though undeniably rich, is nevertheless fundamentally limited as it fails to allow for anything “beyond being,” anything outside the sway of presence, like, for Levinas, an ultimate Good. In recognition of this limitation, Levinas attempts to expand the Heideggerian project by accounting in his own work for those phenomena (...)
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    The Good Place and The Good Life.C. Scott Sevier - 2020 - In Kimberly S. Engels (ed.), The Good Place and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 47–56.
    For most pre‐modern philosophers, questions about the good life and the happy life were inseparable. Happiness is primarily a subjective notion. The Good Place suggests that relationships are key to the good life. It is a laboratory for testing moral theories, providing the show's writers opportunities to see which theories help the protagonists become better persons. An ethics of virtue is difficult and messy because it does not reduce morality to a simple formula. Instead, it involves an (...)
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    Done good.A. L. Caplan - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (1):25-27.
    How did bioethics manage to grow, flourish and ultimately do so well from a very unpromising birth in the 1970s? Many explanations have been advanced. Some ascribe the field9s growth to a puzzling, voluntary abnegation of moral authority by medicine to non-physicians. Some think bioethics survived by selling out to the biomedical establishment—public and private. This transaction involved bestowing moral approbation on all manner of biomedicine9s doings for a seat at a well-stocked funding table. Some see a sort of clever (...)
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  20. (1 other version)Desire and the Human Good.Richard Kraut - 1994 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 68 (2):315.
    When we compare contemporary moral philosophy with the well-known moral systems of earlier centuries, we should be struck by the fact that a certain assumption about human well being that is now widely taken for granted was universally rejected in the past. The contemporary moral climate predisposes us to be pluralistic about the human good, whereas earlier systems of ethics embraced a conception of well being that we would now call narrow and restrictive. One way to convey the sort (...)
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    The Good, the Bad, and the Impartial.John Horton - 1996 - Utilitas 8 (3):307.
    In Justice as Impartiality Brian Barry seeks to present ‘a universally valid case in favour of liberal egalitarian principles’. It is an ambitious enterprise undertaken with originality, vigour, and wit; and containing a wealth of interesting argumentation. If, ultimately, Barry fails in the task he sets himself, as I shall argue he does, the attempt is none the less highly instructive; not only because of the many local successes in his arguments with proponents of alternative theories and his often illuminating (...)
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    Good catastrophe: the tide-turning power of hope.Benjamin Windle - 2023 - Minneapolis, Minnesota: Bethany House Publishing, a division of Baker Publishing Group.
    In a gritty and unique take on the story of Job, Pastor Benjamin Windle shows that "the good life" is not one devoid of problems, pain, and heartache. It's one lived with hope engineered for adversity. You can flourish in the storms of life when you find the Ultimate Hope in the midst of unavoidable pain.
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  23. The Good Death, Virtue, and Physician-Assisted Death: An Examination of the Hospice Way of Death.Franklin G. Miller - 1995 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 4 (1):92.
    The problem of physician-assisted death, assisted suicide and active euthanasia, has been debated predominantly in the ethically familiar vocabulary of rights, duties, and consequences. Patient autonomy and the right to die with dignity vie with the duty of physicians to heal, but not to kill, and the specter of “the slippery slope” from voluntary euthanasia as a last resort for patients suffering from terminal illness to PAD on demand and mercy killing of “hopeless” incompetent patients. Another dimension of the debate (...)
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    Hobbes's Theory of the Good.Arash Abizadeh - 2021 - In Marcus P. Adams (ed.), A Companion to Hobbes. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 109–124.
    One of the central assumptions of ancient Greek ethics is that human beings have a single supreme and ultimate good – eudaimonia or “well‐being” – which includes and integrates all other final goods into an account of the good life. Thomas Hobbes was a eudaimonist who held that felicity is an overarching good giving coherence to a valuable life; he therefore agreed with the Epicureans that it is good to forgo lesser pleasures for greater future (...)
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  25. Ultimate-Grounding Under the Condition of Finite Knowledge. A Hegelian Perspective.Dieter Wandschneider - 2005 - In Wolf-Jürgen Cramm, Wulf Kellerwessel, David Krause & Hans-Christoph Kupfer (eds.), Diskurs und Reflexion. Wolfgang Kuhlmann zum 65. Geburtstag. Königshausen & Neumann. pp. 353–372.
    Hegel's Science of Logic makes the just not low claim to be an absolute, ultimate-grounded knowledge. This project, which could not be more ambitious, has no good press in our post-metaphysical age. However: That absolute knowledge absolutely cannot exist, cannot be claimed without self-contradiction. On the other hand, there can be no doubt about the fundamental finiteness of knowledge. But can absolute knowledge be finite knowledge? This leads to the problem of a self-explication of logic (in the sense (...)
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    The Geography of Good and Evil: Philosophical Investigations.Andreas Kinneging - 2009 - Wilmington, Del.: Intercollegiate Studies Institute. Edited by Ineke Hardy & Jonathan Price.
    _Do good and evil exist? Absolutely._ In this bracing book, the eminent Dutch philosopher Andreas Kinneging turns fashionable thinking on its head, revealing how good and evil are objective, universal, and unchanging—and how they must be rediscovered in our age. In mapping the geography of good and evil, Kinneging reclaims, and reintroduces us to, the great tradition of ancient and Christian thought. Traditional wisdom enables us to address the eternal questions of good and evil that confront (...)
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    Ultimate Lost and Philosophy: Think Together, Die Alone.William Irwin & Sharon Kaye (eds.) - 2010 - Wiley.
    Expanded and up-to-date-the ultimate guide that explores meaning and philosophy of all six seasons of Lost Lost is more than just a popular television show; it's a complex examination of meaningful philosophical questions. What does good versus evil mean on the island? Is it a coincidence that characters John Locke and Desmond David Hume are named after actual philosophers? What is the ethics of responsibility for Jack? An action-adventure story with more than a touch of the metaphysical, Lost (...)
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    Human Goodness: Pragmatic Variations on Platonic Themes (review).Catherine E. Morrison - 2008 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 41 (2):190-194.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Human Goodness: Pragmatic Variations on Platonic ThemesCatherine E. MorrisonHuman Goodness: Pragmatic Variations on Platonic Themes by Paul Schollmeier Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006. Pp. x + 302. $80.00, cloth.This is a book about spirits—human, godly, ghostly, and alcoholic. Paul Schollmeier's Human Goodness: Pragmatic Variations on Platonic Themes explores how humble humans act morally in an absurd world. Schollmeier contends that the Socratic spirit, or daimon, of self-knowledge and (...)
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  29. ‘The Ultimate Kantian Experience: Kant on Dinner Parties’, History of Philosophy Quarterly 25(4): 315-36, 2008.Alix Aurelia Cohen - 2008 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 25 (4):315-36.
    As one would expect, Kant believes that there is a tension, and even a conflict, between our bodily humanity and its ethical counterpart: ‘Inclination to pleasurable living and inclination to virtue are in conflict with each other’ (Anthropology, 185-86 [7:277]). What is more unexpected, however, is that he further claims that this tension can be resolved in what he calls an example of ‘civilised bliss’, namely dinner parties. Dinner parties are, for Kant, part of the ‘highest ethicophysical good’, the (...)
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    Goodness and Advice.Amy Gutmann (ed.) - 2003 - Princeton University Press.
    How should we live? What do we owe to other people? In Goodness and Advice, the eminent philosopher Judith Jarvis Thomson explores how we should go about answering such fundamental questions. In doing so, she makes major advances in moral philosophy, pointing to some deep problems for influential moral theories and describing the structure of a new and much more promising theory. Thomson begins by lamenting the prevalence of the idea that there is an unbridgeable gap between fact and value--that (...)
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    Gratitude to the Ultimate Reality in Zhu Xi: A Case Suggesting How God can be a Fitting Target of Prepositional Gratitude.Yat-Hung Leung - 2022 - Philosophia 51 (3):1385-1400.
    Marcus William Hunt argues that prepositional gratitude to God is metaphysically impossible. This is because a fitting target of prepositional gratitude should be able to be benefited in return. Having the maximum well-being, God cannot be benefited in return and fails to be a fitting target. This view is debatable as some argue that God’s well-being can be increased in some peculiar sense. This paper proposes that Zhu Xi (1130-1200), a Confucian philosopher in China, can offer some plausible perspective. The (...)
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    In pursuit of goodness in bioethics: analysis of an exemplary article.Bjørn Hofmann & Morten Magelssen - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):60.
    What is good bioethics? Addressing this question is key for reinforcing and developing the field. In particular, a discussion of potential quality criteria can heighten awareness and contribute to the quality of bioethics publications. Accordingly, the objective of this article is threefold: first, we want to identify a set of criteria for quality in bioethics. Second, we want to illustrate the added value of a novel method: in-depth analysis of a single article with the aim of deriving quality criteria. (...)
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  33.  23
    The Good Place as Philosophy: Moral Adventures in the Afterlife.Kimberly S. Engels - 2022 - In David Kyle Johnson (ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of Popular Culture as Philosophy. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 3-22.
    The Good Place was a historical landmark in the field of pop culture as philosophy, as it was the first mainstream sitcom to explicitly tackle the works of philosophers in its content. In addition to exposing its viewers to the works of famous philosophers, The Good Place makes its own philosophical arguments. The show is ultimately about the concept of the afterlife – what it might look like, how it would operate, and if it is even desirable. The (...)
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  34. Seek the Good Life, not Money: The Aristotelian Approach to Business Ethics.George Bragues - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 67 (4):341-357.
    Nothing is more common in moral debates than to invoke the names of great thinkers from the past. Business ethics is no exception. Yet insofar as business ethicists have tended to simply mine abstract formulas from the past, they have missed out on the potential intellectual gains in meticulously exploring the philosophic tradition. This paper seeks to rectify this shortcoming by advocating a close reading of the so-called “great books,” beginning the process by focusing on Aristotle. The Nichomachean Ethics and (...)
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  35. Goodness beyond Reason.Roberto Keller - 2022 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 11 (2):78-85.
    Reasons-first theorists claim that facts about reasons for attitudes are normatively primitive, and that all other normative facts ultimately reduce to facts about reasons. According to their view, for example, the fact that something is good ultimately reduces to facts about reasons to favour it. I argue that these theories face a challenging dilemma due to the normativity of arational lifeforms, for instance the fact that water is good for plants. If all normative facts are, ultimately, facts about (...)
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    The Good and its Relation to Music Education.Yaroslav Senyshyn - 2008 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 16 (2):174-192.
    An aesthetic distinction between good music and the good in music is crucial for a philosophy of music education. Ultimately, it is not the music's fault, as it were, that someone may view it as being 'not good' in either a social or aesthetic context. Regardless of how music is colored it remains an entity unto itself and thus untouched by our pronouncements. Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations recognized the falseness of such propositions as biased pronouncements taking the form (...)
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    Positive business: doing good and doing well.Marcel Meyer - 2015 - Business Ethics: A European Review 24 (S2):175-197.
    This article investigates the meaning of doing good and doing well in positive business. It examines the relationship between the two expressions and discusses their relevance, shedding new light on the significance of ‘positive’ in positive business and positive organizational scholarship. Thus, this article illuminates the ultimate end of positive states and practices. ‘Positive’ primarily represents values and assumptions. These lead to the creation of beneficial situations and marked improvements, which put individuals and organizations on an upward trajectory (...)
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    Good Things to Do: Practical Reason without Obligation.Rüdiger Bittner - 2023 - New York, US: OUP Usa.
    Rüdiger Bittner argues that the aim of thinking about what to do, of practical reason, is to find, not what we ought to do, but what it is good to do under the circumstances. Neither under prudence nor under morality are there things we ought to do. There is no warrant for the idea of our being required, by natural law or by our rationality, to do either what helps us attain our ends or what is right for moral (...)
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    The science of good and evil: why people cheat, gossip, care, share, and follow the golden rule.Michael Shermer - 2004 - New York: Times Books.
    In his third and final investigation into the science of belief, bestselling author Michael Shermer tackles the evolution of morality and ethics A century and a half after Darwin first proposed an “evolutionary ethics,” science has begun to tackle the roots of morality. Just as evolutionary biologists study why we are hungry (to motivate us to eat) or why sex is enjoyable (to motivate us to procreate), they are now searching for the roots of human nature. In The Science of (...)
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  40. Two Theories of the Good: L. W. SUMNER.L. W. Sumner - 1992 - Social Philosophy and Policy 9 (2):1-14.
    Suppose that the ultimate point of ethics is to make the world a better place. If it is, we must face the question: better in what respect? If the good is prior to the right — that is, if the rationale for all requirements of the right is that they serve to further the good in one way or another — then what is this good? Is there a single fundamental value capable of underlying and unifying (...)
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    Common Good Constitutionalism and the Problem of Administrative Absolutism.Bruce Frohnen - 2022 - Catholic Social Science Review 27:81-96.
    This article responds to the theory of Common Good Constitutionalism as posited by Adrian Vermeule. He argues that a powerful centralized government composed of wise rulers must use law to direct the public towards a proper political and substantive morality to achieve the ends of the common good. This article then explores the broader concept of Integralism, in which Common Good Constitutionalism is rooted, similar in its belief that politics must be concerned with the human good (...)
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    Soul of goodness: transform grievous hurt, betrayal, and setback into love, joy, and compassion.Christopher Phillips - 2022 - Guilford, Connecticut: Prometheus Books.
    This moving, insightful and ultimately hopeful and helpful blend of memoir and philosophical exploration begins in Christopher Phillips's native stomping grounds of the tiny volcanic island of Nisyros, Greece and unfurls through space and time as the author explores the connections between his immediate circumstances and the eternal wisdom of popular philosophers.
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    Aristotle on the Human Good.Richard Kraut - 1989 - Princeton University Press.
    Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, which equates the ultimate end of human life with happiness, is thought by many readers to argue that this highest goal consists in the largest possible aggregate of intrinsic goods. Richard Kraut proposes instead that Aristotle identifies happiness with only one type of good: excellent activity of the rational soul. In defense of this reading, Kraut discusses Aristotle's attempt to organize all human goods into a single structure, so that each subordinate end is desirable for (...)
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  44.  50
    “Was It Good for You?”: Recasting Catholic Sexual Ethics in Light of Women’s Sexual Pain Disorders.Elizabeth L. Antus - 2018 - Journal of Religious Ethics 46 (4):611-634.
    Over the past one hundred years, Catholic sexual ethics has become more hospitable to sexual bonding as a good that is distinct from procreation. However, our increasing knowledge of women’s sexual pain disorders highlights ongoing problems with official Catholic sexual ethics. This essay argues that the Catholic Church still reproduces gendered social scripts that unwittingly encourage heterosexual women to ignore their sexual pain and continue to engage desperately in intercourse, out of an exacerbated concern to satisfy male partners. These (...)
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    Evaluating the Goodness of Actions on Plato's Ethical Theory.Elizabeth Jelinek - 2015 - Philosophical Inquiry 39 (3-4):56-72.
    Can Plato’s ethical theory account for the goodness of actions? Plato’s Form of the Good is regarded as the ultimate explanatory principle of all good things, which presumably includes good actions. And this is indeed a standard view. However, in this paper I argue that the theory of the Form of the Good cannot explain the goodness of actions. This is a highly contested claim because, if it is accurate, it suggests that there is a (...)
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    Evil as the good? A reply to Brook Ziporyn.David Loy - 2005 - Philosophy East and West 55 (2):348-352.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Evil as the Good?A Reply to Brook ZiporynDavid R. LoyI was surprised to receive this lengthy response to my short review—yet not displeased, for the important question is, of course, how much Professor Ziporyn's reply helps to clarify the issues at stake, which we agree deserve to be pursued. One of the many admirable aspects of his Evil and/or/as the Good is that, in addition to presenting (...)
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  47. The good & the right: a Christian introduction to moral philosophy.J. Caleb Clanton & Kraig Martin - 2025 - Abilene, Texas: Abilene Christian University Press.
    The Good and the Right is a Christian introduction to the major theories of ethics in the history of philosophy (e.g., relativism, egoism, utilitarianism, Kantian deontology, social contract theory, natural law theory, virtue theory, and divine command theory). Philosophers J. Caleb Clanton and Kraig Martin offer a lucid survey of each ethical framework, and they carefully reconstruct and critically evaluate the case for and against each view. Along the way, the authors engage with the presuppositions, affirmations, and implications of (...)
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    (1 other version)The Generosity of the Good.Joseph Grange - 2008 - Review of Metaphysics 62 (1):111-121.
    This paper presents a reflection upon Plato’s good that surpasses even being. It looks for parallels between Western and Asian sources and examines aspects of Pierce and Whitehead’s philosophy in some detail. Ultimately, it attempts to vindicate metaphysics from accusations of death.
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    Good, Bad or Offal? The Evaluation of Raw Pancreas Therapy and the Rhetoric of Control in the Therapeutic Trial, 1925.Martin Edwards - 2004 - Annals of Science 61 (1):79-98.
    In 1925 a debate erupted in the correspondence columns of the British Medical Journal concerning the effectiveness of eating raw pancreas as a treatment for diabetes. Enthusiasts were predominantly general practitioners , who claimed success for the therapy on the basis of their clinical impressions. Their detractors were laboratory‐oriented ‘biochemist‐physicians,’ who considered that their own experiments demonstrated that raw pancreas therapy was ineffective. The biochemist‐physicians consistently dismissed the GPs' observations as inadequately ‘controlled’. They did not define the meaning of ‘control’ (...)
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    (1 other version)The definition of good.Alfred Cyril Ewing - 1979 - Westport, Conn.: Hyperion Press.
    First published in Great Britain in 1948, this book examines the definition of goodness as being distinct from the question of What things are good? Although less immediately and obviously practical, Dr. Ewing argues that the former question is more fundamental since it raises the issue of whether ethics is explicable wholly in terms of something else, for example, human psychology. Ewing states in his preface that the definition of goodness needs to be confirmed before one decides on the (...)
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