Results for 'Ursula Klingmuller'

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  1.  45
    Short‐term information processing, long‐term responses: Insights by mathematical modeling of signal transduction.Annette Schneider, Ursula Klingmüller & Marcel Schilling - 2012 - Bioessays 34 (7):542-550.
  2.  33
    Systems biology of mammalian cells: A report from the Freiburg conference.Jens Timmer, Adriano Henney, Andrew Moore & Ursula Klingmuller - 2010 - Bioessays 32 (12):1099-1104.
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    VII. Die Idee des Staatseigentums am römischen Provinzialboden.F. Klingmüller - 1910 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 69 (1):71-113.
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    Ursula Streckert: Der Briefwechsel Ferdinand Christian Baurs mit Ludwig Friedrich Heyd – die Introspektion. Teil 1.Ursula Streckert - 2016 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 23 (1):56-129.
    Nineteen newly-transliterated letters between Ferdinand Christian Baur and his friend Ludwig Friedrich Heyd are presented. Seventeen of them were written by Baur, and two by Heyd in the period between 10th February 1836 and 16th January 1842. A further sixteen earlier letters were already published by Carl Egbert Hester in 1993. The correspondence between the two close friends cover a broad range of subjects, predominantly historical, as well as family, scientific, political themes and particularly university politics. The key personal topic (...)
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    Ursula Streckert: Der Briefwechsel Ferdinand Christian Baurs mit Ludwig Friedrich Heyd – die Introspektion. Teil 2.Ursula Streckert - 2016 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 23 (2):236-272.
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    The sacred depths of nature.Ursula Goodenough - 1998 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    For many of us, the great scientific discoveries of the modern age--the Big Bang, evolution, quantum physics, relativity--point to an existence that is bleak, devoid of meaning, pointless. But in The Sacred Depths of Nature, eminent biologist Ursula Goodenough shows us that the scientific world view need not be a source of despair. Indeed, it can be a wellspring of solace and hope. This eloquent volume reconciles the modern scientific understanding of reality with our timeless spiritual yearnings for reverence (...)
  7.  59
    Freedom and Responsibility in Neoplatonist Thought.Ursula Coope - 2020 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Ursula Coope presents a ground-breaking study of the philosophy of the Neoplatonists. She explores their understanding of freedom and responsibility: an entity is free to the extent that it is wholly in control of itself, self-determining, self-constituting, and self-knowing - which only a non-bodily thing can be.
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  8. Time for Aristotle: Physics IV.10-14.Ursula Coope - 2005 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    What is the relation between time and change? Does time depend on the mind? Is the present always the same or is it always different? Aristotle tackles these questions in the Physics. In the first book in English exclusively devoted to this discussion, Ursula Coope argues that Aristotle sees time as a universal order within which all changes are related to each other. This interpretation enables her to explain two striking Aristotelian claims: that the now is like a moving (...)
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  9. Measuring consciousness in dreams: The lucidity and consciousness in dreams scale.Ursula Voss, Karin Schermelleh-Engel, Jennifer Windt, Clemens Frenzel & Allan Hobson - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (1):8-21.
    In this article, we present results from an interdisciplinary research project aimed at assessing consciousness in dreams. For this purpose, we compared lucid dreams with normal non-lucid dreams from REM sleep. Both lucid and non-lucid dreams are an important contrast condition for theories of waking consciousness, giving valuable insights into the structure of conscious experience and its neural correlates during sleep. However, the precise differences between lucid and non-lucid dreams remain poorly understood. The construction of the Lucidity and Consciousness in (...)
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  10. Why does Aristotle Think that Ethical Virtue is Required for Practical Wisdom?Ursula Coope - 2012 - Phronesis 57 (2):142-163.
    Abstract In this paper, I ask why Aristotle thinks that ethical virtue (rather than mere self-control) is required for practical wisdom. I argue that a satisfactory answer will need to explain why being prone to bad appetites implies a failing of the rational part of the soul. I go on to claim that the self-controlled person does suffer from such a rational failing: a failure to take a specifically rational kind of pleasure in fine action. However, this still leaves a (...)
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  11. Origin of the Concept Chemical Compound.Ursula Klein - 1994 - Science in Context 7 (2):163-204.
    The ArgumentMost historians of science share the conviction that the incorporation of the corpuscular theory into seventeenth-century chemistry was the beginning of modern chemistry. My thesis in this paper is that modern chemisty started with the concept of the chemicl compound, which emerged at the end of the seventeenth and the beginning of the eighteenth century, without any signifivant influence of the corpuscular theory. Rather the historical reconstruction of the emergence of this concept shows that it resulted from the reflection (...)
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  12.  26
    Emotional mimicry as social regulator: theoretical considerations.Ursula Hess & Agneta Fischer - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (5):785-793.
    The goal of this article is to discuss theoretical arguments concerning the idea that emotional mimicry is an intrinsic part of our social being and thus can be considered a social act. For this, we will first present the theoretical assumptions underlying the Emotional Mimicry as Social Regulator view. We then provide a brief overview of recent developments in emotional mimicry research and specifically discuss new developments regarding the role of emotional mimicry in actual interactions and relationships, and individual differences (...)
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  13.  44
    The Explainability of Experience: Realism and Subjectivity in Spinoza's Theory of the Human Mind.Ursula Renz - 2018 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    This book reconstructs Spinoza's theory of the human mind against the backdrop of the twofold notion that subjective experience is explainable and that its successful explanation is of ethical relevance, because it makes us wiser, freer, and happier.
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  14. Aristotle on action.Ursula Coope - 2007 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 81 (1):109–138.
    When I raise my arm, what makes it the case that my arm's going up is an instance of my raising my arm? In this paper, I discuss Aristotle's answer to this question. His view, I argue, is that my arm's going up counts as my raising my arm just in case it is an exercise of a certain kind of causal power of mine. I show that this view differs in an interesting way both from the Davidsonian ‘standard causal (...)
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  15. The Sacred Depths of Nature: Excerpts.Ursula Goodenough - 2000 - Zygon 35 (3):567-586.
    For many of us, the great scientific discoveries of the modern age--the Big Bang, evolution, quantum physics, relativity-- point to an existence that is bleak, devoid of meaning, pointless. But in The Sacred Depths of Nature, eminent biologist Ursula Goodenough shows us that the scientific world view need not be a source of despair. Indeed, it can be a wellspring of solace and hope. This eloquent volume reconciles the modern scientific understanding of reality with our timeless spiritual yearnings for (...)
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  16.  53
    Insight and Dissociation in Lucid Dreaming and Psychosis.Ursula Voss, Armando D’Agostino, Luca Kolibius, Ansgar Klimke, Silvio Scarone & J. Allan Hobson - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  17.  54
    Who may frown and who should smile? Dominance, affiliation, and the display of happiness and anger.Ursula Hess, Reginald Adams & Robert Kleck - 2005 - Cognition and Emotion 19 (4):515-536.
  18.  77
    Technoscience avant la lettre.Ursula Klein - 2005 - Perspectives on Science 13 (2):226-266.
    I argue and demonstrate in this essay that interconnected systems of science and technology, or technoscience, existed long before the late nineteenth century, and that eighteenth-century chemistry was such an early form of technoscience. Based on recent historical research on the early development of carbon chemistry from the late 1820s until the 1840s—which revealed that early carbon chemistry was an experimental expert culture that was largely detached from the mundane industrial world—I further examine the question of the internal preconditions within (...)
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    ‘Change and its relation to actuality and potentiality'.Ursula Coope - 2008 - In Georgios Anagnostopoulos, A Companion to Aristotle. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 277–291.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Account of Change in Physics III.1–3 Some Problems for This Account of Change Notes Bibliography.
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    The Chemical Workshop Tradition and the Experimental Practice: Discontinuities within Continuities.Ursula Klein - 1996 - Science in Context 9 (3):251-287.
    The ArgumentThe overall portrayal of early modern experimentation as a new method of securing assent within a philosophical discourse sketched in many of the recent studies on the historical origin of experimentation is questioned by the analysis of the experimental practice of chemistry at the Paris Academy. Chemical experimentation at the Paris Academy in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth century originated in a different tradition than the philosophical. It continued and developed the material culture of the chemical work shops (...)
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  21. [no title].Ursula Coope - unknown
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  22.  10
    Die Rationalität der Kultur: zur Kulturphilosophie und ihrer transzendentalen Begründung bei Cohen, Natorp und Cassirer.Ursula Renz (ed.) - 2002 - Felix Meiner.
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    A Revolution that never happened.Ursula Klein - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 49:80-90.
  24. Aristotle on the infinite.Ursula Coope - 2012 - In Christopher Shields, The Oxford Handbook of Aristotle. Oxford University Press USA. pp. 267.
    In Physics, Aristotle starts his positive account of the infinite by raising a problem: “[I]f one supposes it not to exist, many impossible things result, and equally if one supposes it to exist.” His views on time, extended magnitudes, and number imply that there must be some sense in which the infinite exists, for he holds that time has no beginning or end, magnitudes are infinitely divisible, and there is no highest number. In Aristotle's view, a plurality cannot escape having (...)
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  25.  65
    Rational Assent and Self–Reversion: A Neoplatonist Response to the Stoics.Ursula Coope - 2016 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 50:237-288.
  26. (1 other version)From Biology to Consciousness to Morality.Ursula Goodenough & Terrence W. Deacon - 2003 - Zygon 38 (4):801-819.
    Social animals are provisioned with pro-social orientations that transcend self-interest. Morality, as used here, describes human versions of such orientations. We explore the evolutionary antecedents of morality in the context of emergentism, giving considerable attention to the biological traits that undergird emergent human forms of mind. We suggest that our moral frames of mind emerge from our primate pro-social capacities, transfigured and valenced by our symbolic languages, cultures, and religions.
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    Waking and dreaming: Related but structurally independent. Dream reports of congenitally paraplegic and deaf-mute persons.Ursula Voss, Inka Tuin, Karin Schermelleh-Engel & Allan Hobson - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (3):673-687.
    Models of dream analysis either assume a continuum of waking and dreaming or the existence of two dissociated realities. Both approaches rely on different methodology. Whereas continuity models are based on content analysis, discontinuity models use a structural approach. In our study, we applied both methods to test specific hypotheses about continuity or discontinuity. We contrasted dream reports of congenitally deaf-mute and congenitally paraplegic individuals with those of non-handicapped controls. Continuity theory would predict that either the deficit itself or compensatory (...)
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  28.  28
    Spinoza on Human and Divine Knowledge.Ursula Renz & Barnaby R. Hutchins - 2021 - In Yitzhak Y. Melamed, A Companion to Spinoza. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. pp. 251–264.
    This chapter argues that the human perspective is not fully reducible – that is, that something would indeed be lost in the absence of the human perspective. It shows that epistemic subjectivity itself is an irreducible, ineliminable feature of the human standpoint. Subjectivity goes along with substantiality, and to be an epistemic subject is to be a substance with a mind. In E2p13, Spinoza identifies the mind's object with the body, thereby specifying where the multiplicity of epistemic subjects comes from (...)
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  29.  65
    Emotional expressivity in men and women: Stereotypes and self-perceptions.Ursula Hess, Sacha Senécal, Gilles Kirouac, Pedro Herrera, Pierre Philippot & Robert E. Kleck - 2000 - Cognition and Emotion 14 (5):609-642.
    Three studies were conducted to assess prevalent stereotypes regarding men's and women's emotional expressivity as well as self-perceptions of their emotional behaviour. Emotion profiles were employed to assess both modal emotional reactions and secondary emotional reactions to hypothetical events and personal experiences. In Study 1 we asked how men and women in general would react to a series of hypothetical emotional events. In Study 2 we asked how participants themselves expected to react to these same situations and in Study 3 (...)
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  30.  35
    Reason’s genuine historicity: the establishment of a history of philosophy as a philosophical sub-discipline in Marburg Neo-Kantianism.Ursula Renz - 2021 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 29 (4):694-717.
    . Reason’s genuine historicity: the establishment of a history of philosophy as a philosophical sub-discipline in Marburg Neo-Kantianism. British Journal for the History of Philosophy: Vol. 29, Special Issue: Historical Thought in German Neo-Kantianism, Guest Editors: Katherina Kinzel and Lydia Patton, pp. 694-717.
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    XIII—Self-Knowledge as a Personal Achievement.Ursula Renz - 2017 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 117 (3):253-272.
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  32. Facial Reactions to Emotional Facial Expressions: Affect or Cognition?Ursula Hess, Pierre Philippot & Sylvie Blairy - 1998 - Cognition and Emotion 12 (4):509-531.
  33.  44
    The Hassle of Housework: Digitalisation and the Commodification of Domestic Labour.Ursula Huws - 2019 - Feminist Review 123 (1):8-23.
    This article revisits materialist second-wave feminist debates about domestic labour in the context of digitalisation. Using a differentiated typology of labour, it looks at how the tasks involved in housework have undergone dramatic changes through commodification, decommodification and recommodification without fundamentally altering the gender division of labour in social reproduction, drawing on recent research on the use of online platforms to deliver social reproductive labour via the market in a context in which reproductive labour sits at the centre of an (...)
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    Remembering in signs.Ursula Bellugi, Edward S. Klima & Patricia Siple - 1974 - Cognition 3 (2):93-125.
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    Cassirer’s enlightenment: on philosophy and the ‘Denkform’ of reason.Ursula Renz - 2020 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 28 (3):636-652.
    This paper examines the way in which Cassirer implicitly commented on current issues in his historical studies, proposing a case study on his monograph The Philosophy of the Enlightenment, published in November 1932. It begins with a general overview of a few famous and a few neglected instances of Cassirer’s position-takings through historical studies, before discussing briefly the context in which this monograph was written and examining how the Enlightenment is presented in the monograph from 1932. The paper claims that (...)
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  36.  52
    The Prussian Mining Official Alexander von Humboldt.Ursula Klein - 2012 - Annals of Science 69 (1):27-68.
    Summary From summer 1792 until spring 1797, Alexander von Humboldt was a mining official in the Franconian parts of Prussia. He visited mines, inspected smelting works, calculated budgets, wrote official reports, founded a mining school, performed technological experiments, and invented a miners’ lamp and respirator. At the same time he also participated in the Republic of Letters, corresponded with savants in all Europe, and was a member of the Leopoldine Carolinian Academy and the Berlin Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde. He collected minerals, (...)
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  37.  74
    A comparison of sign language and spoken language.Ursula Bellugi & Susan Fischer - 1972 - Cognition 1 (2-3):173-200.
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  38.  80
    Mindful Virtue, Mindful Reverence.Ursula Goodenough & Paul Woodruff - 2001 - Zygon 36 (4):585-595.
    How does one talk about moral thought and moral action as a religious naturalist? We explore this question by considering two human capacities: the capacity for mindfulness, and the capacity for virtue. We suggest that mindfulness is deeply enhanced by an understanding of the scientific worldview and that the four cardinal virtues—courage, fairmindedness, humaneness, and reverence—are rendered coherent by mindful reflection. We focus on the concept of mindful reverence and propose that the mindful reverence elicited by the evolutionary narrative is (...)
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    (1 other version)Becoming aware of one’s thoughts: Kant on self-knowledge and reflective experience.Ursula Renz - 2015 - In Danièle Moyal-Sharrock, Volker Munz & Annalisa Coliva, Mind, Language and Action: Proceedings of the 36th International Wittgenstein Symposium. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 581-600.
  40.  38
    Socratic Self-Knowledge in early modern philosophy.Ursula Renz - 2017 - In Renz Ursula, Renz, Ursula . Socratic Self-Knowledge in Early Modern Philosophy. In: Renz, Ursula. Self-Knowledge. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 146-163.
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  41.  10
    Das Problem des Moralischen Sollens.Ursula Wolf - 1984 - De Gruyter.
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  42. The Implicit Contribution of Fine Motor Skills to Mathematical Insight in Early Childhood.Ursula Fischer, Sebastian P. Suggate & Heidrun Stoeger - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  43.  81
    Vertical and Horizontal Transcendence.Ursula Goodenough - 2001 - Zygon 36 (1):21-31.
    Transcendence is explored from two perspectives: the traditional concept wherein the origination of the sacred is “out there,” and the alternate concept wherein the sacred originates “here.” Each is evaluated from the perspectives of aesthetics and hierarchy. Both forms of transcendence are viewed as essential to the full religious life.
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  44. Aristoteles’ ‘Nikomachische Ethik’.Ursula Wolf - 2004 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 66 (4):772-772.
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  45.  14
    Zwischen erkenntnistheoretischem Rationalismus und wissenschaftsphilosophischem Empirismus. Zu Cohens Philosophiebegriff.Ursula Renz - 2018 - In Christian Damböck, Philosophie Und Wissenschaft Bei Hermann Cohen/Philosophy and Science in Hermann Cohen. Springer Verlag. pp. 1-12.
    Versucht man die philosophische Entwicklung von Hermann Cohen zu überblicken, so sticht ins Auge, dass er genuin rationalistischen Überzeugungen immer näher rückt. Welche Bedeutung dabei der Philosophie von Leibniz für die Entwicklung einer rein idealistischen Urteilslogik zukommt, ist bekannt. Ich denke aber darüber hinausgehend, dass Cohens Ansatz im Verlauf der Jahre ganz zentralen erkenntnistheoretischen Grundintuitionen des klassischen Rationalismus immer näher kommt.
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  46.  25
    Appell an Das Publikum: Die Öffentliche Debatte in der Deutschen Aufklärung 1687-1796.Ursula Goldenbaum - 2004 - Akademie Verlag.
    Nach einer umfangreichen theoretischen Einführung wird auf der Grundlage von sieben Fallstudien die Funktion der öffentlichen Debatte für die Entstehung bürgerlicher Öffentlichkeit und Aufklärung im protestantischen Raum des Alten Reiches analysiert. Die Untersuchung bietet zugleich einen methodischen Zugriff zur Erforschung der Geschichte von Ideen, der sowohl den Vereinseitigungen der traditionellen Ideengeschichte als auch der sozial- und mentalitätsgeschichtlichen Forschung entgehen will. Im untersuchten Korpus jeder Debatte sind die Texte großer Schriftsteller ebenso enthalten wie die Arbeiten weniger bekannter Autoren. Es handelt sich (...)
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  47. [no title].Renz Ursula - 2015
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  48. Colloquium 5: Aristotle’s Account of Agency in Physics III 3.Ursula Coope - 2004 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 20 (1):201-227.
  49.  61
    The bidirectional relation of emotion perception and social judgments: the effect of witness’ emotion expression on perceptions of moral behaviour and vice versa.Ursula Hess, Helen Landmann, Shlomo David & Shlomo Hareli - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (6):1152-1165.
    ABSTRACTThe present research tested the notion that emotion expression and context perception are bidirectionally related. Specifically, in two studies focusing on moral violations and positive moral deviations respectively, we presented participants with short vignettes describing behaviours that were either moral, polite or unusual together with a picture of the emotional reaction of a person who supposedly had been a witness to the event. Participants rated both the emotional reactions observed and their own moral appraisal of the situation described. In both (...)
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  50.  57
    Doxastische Selbstkontrolle und Wahrheitssensitivität: Descartes und Spinoza über die Voraussetzungen einer rationalistischen Ethik der Überzeugungen.Ursula Renz - 2014 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 96 (4):463-488.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie Jahrgang: 96 Heft: 4 Seiten: 463-488.
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