Results for 'Ursula Ziegler'

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  1.  17
    Die Bildung der Seele: Platons Konzeption Eines Lebendigen Wissens.Ursula Ziegler - 2020 - Baden-Baden: Verlag Karl Alber.
    Plato's concept of education raises the question of the conditions under which the epistemic quest and a change in the attitude of the soul actually correlate. The Platonic motifs of self-care and a good life, soul therapy and shame lead, as this study shows, to a self-reflective movement of knowledge, which has an orienting effect in view of the good and a mediating and ordering effect regarding the soul-body relationship. This work contours the dynamics of learning processes on specific, and (...)
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    The contribution of cathedrals to psychological health and well-being: Assessing the impact of Cathedral Carol Services.Leslie J. Francis, Susan H. Jones & Ursula McKenna - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):8.
    This study was designed to test the hypothesis that events such as the Christmas Eve Carol Services at Liverpool Cathedral that include some regular churchgoers (people who attend services most weeks) and much larger numbers of occasional visitors (who may attend church only once or twice a year) make a significant impact on the psychological health and well-being of the participants. Using a repeat-measure design, participants were invited to complete a copy of the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire while they were waiting (...)
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    Indicators of argumentational integrity in everyday communication.Margrit Schreier, Norbert Groeben, Ursula Christmann, Ralf Nuse & Eva Gauler - 1993 - Argumentation 7 (2):205-219.
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    Resenha de A Critical Introduction to the Epistemology of Memory.Glaupy Fontana Ribas & Úrsula Maria Coelho Lied - 2020 - Cognitio 20 (2):456-460.
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    Ecological Location of a Water Source and Spatial Dynamics of Behavior Under Temporally Scheduled Water Deliveries in a Modified Open-Field System: An Integrative Approach.Alejandro León, Varsovia Hernández, Ursula Huerta, Carlos Alberto Hernández-Linares, Porfirio Toledo, Martha Lorena Avendaño Garrido, Esteban Escamilla Navarro & Isiris Guzmán - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    It has been reported in non-contingent schedules that the variety of patterns of behavior is affected by the temporal variation of water deliveries. While temporal variation is accomplished by delivering water at fixed or variable times, spatial variation is usually accomplished by varying the number of dispensers and distance among them. Such criteria do not consider the possible ecological relevance of the location of water dispensers. Nevertheless, it is plausible to suppose that the intersection of the programed contingencies, the ecological (...)
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    Shifting the Boundaries: Transformation of the Languages of Public and Private in the Eighteenth Century.Maria Luisa Pesante, John Brewer, Dena Goodman, Malcolm Cook, Vivien Jones, Ursula Vogel, John Christian Laursen & Edoardo Tortarolo - 1995 - University of Exeter Press.
    "The book mounts a challenge to the notion of a clear distinction between public and private and attempts to account for the mobility of the many boundaries between the two. The first essay introduces some of those problematic boundaries in the light of the influential studies of Habermas, Koselleck, Aries and Chartier, who together have helped shape our understanding of the formation of the modern public and private spheres. A number of essays deal with the nature of public opinion in (...)
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  7. Was ist struk-jektive Hermeneutik?: rekonstruktive Sozialforschung, objektive Hermeneutik, dokumentarische Methode der praxeologischen Wissenssoziologie und post-strukturale Kritische Theorie.Frank Schulz-Nieswandt, Anne Bruns, Ursula Köstler & Kristina Mann - 2022 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
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    Leopold Ziegler, Karl Hofer: Briefwechsel 1897-1954.Leopold Ziegler & Karl Hofer - 2004 - Königshausen & Neumann.
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    Conceptual and Methodological Considerations for the Study of Wisdom Arising from Adversity.William J. Chopik, Eranda Jayawickreme, Ursula Renz & Eric Yang - 2019 - Journal of Value Inquiry 53 (3):393-396.
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    Comparison and Outcome Analysis of Patients with Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy Triggered by Emotional Stress or Physical Stress.Ibrahim El-Battrawy, Giannakopoulos Konstantinos, Katja Schramm, Ansari Uzair, Ursula Hoffmann, Borggrefe Martin & Akin Ibrahim - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Investigating Nuisance Effects Induced in EEG During tACS Application.Romain Holzmann, Judith Koppehele-Gossel, Ursula Voss & Ansgar Klimke - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Transcranial alternating-current stimulation in the frequency range of 1–100 Hz has come to be used routinely in electroencephalogram studies of brain function through entrainment of neuronal oscillations. It turned out, however, to be highly non-trivial to remove the strong stimulation signal, including its harmonic and non-harmonic distortions, as well as various induced higher-order artifacts from the EEG data recorded during the stimulation. In this paper, we discuss some of the problems encountered and present methodological approaches aimed at overcoming them. To (...)
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    Book Reviews Section 1.John Ohlinger, David Conrad, Frederick S. Buchanan, Jack Christensen, Jeffrey Herold, J. Don Reeves, Everett D. Lantz, Ursula Springer, Robert L. Hardgrave Jr, Noel F. Mcginn, Malcolm B. Campbell, R. J. Woodin, Norman Lederer, Jerry B. Burnell & Rodney Skager - 1973 - Educational Studies 4 (2):65-75.
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  13. Nihil sine ratione. Mensch, Natur un Technik im Wirken von G. W. Leibniz.Hans Poser, Christoph Asmuth, Ursula Goldenbaum & Wenchao Li (eds.) - 2001 - G. W. Leibniz Geschellschaft.
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  14. Guilielmi Pacidii Non plus ultra, oder: Eine Rekonstruktion des Leibnizschen Plus-Minus-Kalkiils.Bearbeitet von Heinrich Schepers, Martin Schneider, Gerhard Biller, Ursula Franke & Herma Kliege-Biller - 2000 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 3:71.
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    Ursula Streckert: Der Briefwechsel Ferdinand Christian Baurs mit Ludwig Friedrich Heyd – die Introspektion. Teil 2.Ursula Streckert - 2016 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 23 (2):236-272.
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    Person im Kontext des Sittlichen: Beitr. zur Moraltheologie: Josef Georg Ziegler zum 60. Geburtstag gewidmet.Josef Georg Ziegler, Joachim Piegsa, Hans Zeimentz & Helmut Juros (eds.) - 1979 - Düsseldorf: Patmos-Verlag.
    Juros, H. Die "Objektschwäche" der Moraltheologie.--Nossol, A. Christsein als radikale Proexistenz.--Styczen', T. Personaler Glaube im Spannungsfeld von religiöser Autorität und Gewissensautonomie.--Piegsa, J. Die "Sache Jesu" und die Reformmarxisten.--Szostek, A. Zur gegenwärtigen Diskussion über den Utilitarismus.--Pryszmont, J. Die Wiederherstellung der gefallenen menschlichen Natur.--Theiner, J. Gedanken zur Sündenlehre Abaelards in seinem Werk "Ethica seu Scito teipsum".--Sikorski, T. Die Aporie des gemeinschaftlichen Lebens.--Kleber, K.-H. Der Christ und die Armut.--Wojtyła, K. Die menschliche Person im Kontext der ehelichen Hingabe und Elternschaft.--Tischner, J. Überlegungen zur Arbeitsethik.--Zeimentz, (...)
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    Ursula Streckert: Der Briefwechsel Ferdinand Christian Baurs mit Ludwig Friedrich Heyd – die Introspektion. Teil 1.Ursula Streckert - 2016 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 23 (1):56-129.
    Nineteen newly-transliterated letters between Ferdinand Christian Baur and his friend Ludwig Friedrich Heyd are presented. Seventeen of them were written by Baur, and two by Heyd in the period between 10th February 1836 and 16th January 1842. A further sixteen earlier letters were already published by Carl Egbert Hester in 1993. The correspondence between the two close friends cover a broad range of subjects, predominantly historical, as well as family, scientific, political themes and particularly university politics. The key personal topic (...)
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  18.  30
    Elemente Einer Metaphysik der Immanenz.Robert Hugo Ziegler - 2017 - Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag.
    Die Fragestellungen der Metaphysik, so scheint es, sind nicht mehr zeitgemäß. Der Begriff erinnert an abgehobene Systeme ohne jeden Realitätssinn. Dabei gibt es kein Denken ohne Metaphysik. Unter Bezugnahme auf die Traditionen der Phänomenologie und der französischen Philosophie versteht Robert Hugo Ziegler Endlichkeit als eine positive Auszeichnung, während der Begriff der Zeitlichkeit die erste Dimension von Sein beschreibt. Sein grundlegender Beitrag zur Reflexion über Mensch und Welt zeigt, wie sich die Philosophie selbstbewusst einer Erneuerung der Metaphysik stellen kann.
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    How broad are thematic roles? Evidence from structural priming.Jayden Ziegler & Jesse Snedeker - 2018 - Cognition 179 (C):221-240.
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    The sacred depths of nature.Ursula Goodenough - 1998 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    For many of us, the great scientific discoveries of the modern age--the Big Bang, evolution, quantum physics, relativity--point to an existence that is bleak, devoid of meaning, pointless. But in The Sacred Depths of Nature, eminent biologist Ursula Goodenough shows us that the scientific world view need not be a source of despair. Indeed, it can be a wellspring of solace and hope. This eloquent volume reconciles the modern scientific understanding of reality with our timeless spiritual yearnings for reverence (...)
  21. Model theory of modules.Martin Ziegler - 1984 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 26 (2):149-213.
  22. .Ursula Coope - unknown
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    Economical Assessment of Working Memory and Response Inhibition in ADHD Using a Combined n-back/Nogo Paradigm: An ERP Study.Carolin Breitling-Ziegler, Jana Tegelbeckers, Hans-Henning Flechtner & Kerstin Krauel - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  24.  11
    Yoga heute; Hilfe für den Westen.Ursula von Mangoldt - 1971 - Weilheim/Obb.,: O. W. Barth.
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    A cellular survival switch: poly(ADP‐ribosyl)ation stimulates DNA repair and silences transcription.Mathias Ziegler & Shiao Li Oei - 2001 - Bioessays 23 (6):543-548.
    Poly(ADP‐ribosyl)ation is a post‐translational modification occurring in the nucleus. The most abundant and best‐characterized enzyme catalyzing this reaction, poly(ADP‐ribose) polymerase 1 (PARP1), participates in fundamental nuclear events. The enzyme functions as molecular “nick sensor”. It binds with high affinity to DNA single‐strand breaks resulting in the initiation of its catalytic activity. Activated PARP1 promotes base excision repair. In addition, PARP1 modifies several transcription factors and thereby precludes their binding to DNA. We propose that a major function of PARP1 includes the (...)
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  26. Chto takoe nravstvennostʹ?Theobald Ziegler - 1895
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    Medical Similes in Religious Discourse: The Case of Giovanni di San Gimignano OP (ca. 1260–ca. 1333).Joseph Ziegler - 1995 - Science in Context 8 (1):103-131.
    The ArgumentBy the beginning of the fourteenth century, medicine had acquired a cultural role in addition to its traditional functions as a therapeutic art. Medical subject matter infiltrated the religious discourse via the new thirteenth-century encyclopedic literature. Preachers came to employ in their moral analogies a wider range of medical topics, using sophisticated medical examples and citations attributed to recognized medical authorities. These developments coincided with the growing prestige of medicine as an academic discipline.
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    Book reviews and notices. [REVIEW]Carl Olson, Edwin F. Bryant, Rachel Fell McDermott, Karen G. Ruffle, Brian K. Pennington, James R. Egge, Chandra R. de Silva, Paul Waldau & Ursula King - 2001 - International Journal of Hindu Studies 5 (2):200-216.
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    Doxastische Selbstkontrolle und Wahrheitssensitivität: Descartes und Spinoza über die Voraussetzungen einer rationalistischen Ethik der Überzeugungen.Ursula Renz - 2014 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 96 (4):463-488.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie Jahrgang: 96 Heft: 4 Seiten: 463-488.
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    Developmental dyslexia and the dual route model of reading: Simulating individual differences and subtypes.Johannes C. Ziegler, Caroline Castel, Catherine Pech-Georgel, Florence George, F.-Xavier Alario & Conrad Perry - 2008 - Cognition 107 (1):151-178.
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    The End of Roe v. Wade.Mary Ziegler - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (8):16-21.
    The Supreme Court seems poised to overrule Roe v. Wade and hold that there is no constitutional right to choose abortion. The reversal of Roe seems to run counter to public opinion in the United St...
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  32. Measuring consciousness in dreams: The lucidity and consciousness in dreams scale.Ursula Voss, Karin Schermelleh-Engel, Jennifer Windt, Clemens Frenzel & Allan Hobson - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (1):8-21.
    In this article, we present results from an interdisciplinary research project aimed at assessing consciousness in dreams. For this purpose, we compared lucid dreams with normal non-lucid dreams from REM sleep. Both lucid and non-lucid dreams are an important contrast condition for theories of waking consciousness, giving valuable insights into the structure of conscious experience and its neural correlates during sleep. However, the precise differences between lucid and non-lucid dreams remain poorly understood. The construction of the Lucidity and Consciousness in (...)
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  33.  10
    Friedrich Nietzsche.Theobald Ziegler - 1900 - Berlin,: G. Bondi.
    Friedrich Nietzsche gilt als einer der bedeutendsten Philosophen des 19. Jahrhunderts und hat die moderne Philosophie maßgeblich beeinflusst. In diesem Buch gibt Theobald Ziegler einen umfassenden Einblick in das Leben und Werk von Nietzsche und zeigt, warum seine Ideen bis heute relevant sind. Eine unverzichtbare Lektüre für alle Philosophie-Interessierten. This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the "public domain (...)
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  34.  22
    Emotional mimicry as social regulator: theoretical considerations.Ursula Hess & Agneta Fischer - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (5):785-793.
    The goal of this article is to discuss theoretical arguments concerning the idea that emotional mimicry is an intrinsic part of our social being and thus can be considered a social act. For this, we will first present the theoretical assumptions underlying the Emotional Mimicry as Social Regulator view. We then provide a brief overview of recent developments in emotional mimicry research and specifically discuss new developments regarding the role of emotional mimicry in actual interactions and relationships, and individual differences (...)
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  35.  21
    Spinoza on Human and Divine Knowledge.Ursula Renz & Barnaby R. Hutchins - 2021 - In Yitzhak Y. Melamed (ed.), A Companion to Spinoza. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. pp. 251–264.
    This chapter argues that the human perspective is not fully reducible – that is, that something would indeed be lost in the absence of the human perspective. It shows that epistemic subjectivity itself is an irreducible, ineliminable feature of the human standpoint. Subjectivity goes along with substantiality, and to be an epistemic subject is to be a substance with a mind. In E2p13, Spinoza identifies the mind's object with the body, thereby specifying where the multiplicity of epistemic subjects comes from (...)
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  36.  57
    Freedom and Responsibility in Neoplatonist Thought.Ursula Coope - 2020 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Ursula Coope presents a ground-breaking study of the philosophy of the Neoplatonists. She explores their understanding of freedom and responsibility: an entity is free to the extent that it is wholly in control of itself, self-determining, self-constituting, and self-knowing - which only a non-bodily thing can be.
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  37. Aristotle on action.Ursula Coope - 2007 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 81 (1):109–138.
    When I raise my arm, what makes it the case that my arm's going up is an instance of my raising my arm? In this paper, I discuss Aristotle's answer to this question. His view, I argue, is that my arm's going up counts as my raising my arm just in case it is an exercise of a certain kind of causal power of mine. I show that this view differs in an interesting way both from the Davidsonian ‘standard causal (...)
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    Abortion in the Republic of Ireland.Ursula Barry - 1988 - Feminist Review 29 (1):57-63.
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    Philosophie als mediana mentis?Ursula Renz - 2010 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 58 (1).
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    Insight and Dissociation in Lucid Dreaming and Psychosis.Ursula Voss, Armando D’Agostino, Luca Kolibius, Ansgar Klimke, Silvio Scarone & J. Allan Hobson - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  41. Origin of the Concept Chemical Compound.Ursula Klein - 1994 - Science in Context 7 (2):163-204.
    The ArgumentMost historians of science share the conviction that the incorporation of the corpuscular theory into seventeenth-century chemistry was the beginning of modern chemistry. My thesis in this paper is that modern chemisty started with the concept of the chemicl compound, which emerged at the end of the seventeenth and the beginning of the eighteenth century, without any signifivant influence of the corpuscular theory. Rather the historical reconstruction of the emergence of this concept shows that it resulted from the reflection (...)
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    Persuasion, education, and manipulation: Some questions from ancient greece.Ursula Coope - 2016 - Think 15 (43):9-15.
    If you kidnap or drug someone to prevent her from casting her vote, then you are responsible for her failure to cast her vote. There is nothing she can do about it. If you hypnotize a person to get her to assassinate your enemy, then you are responsible for the assassination. She cannot be blamed. Kidnapping, drugging and hypnosis are all methods of subjecting someone else to your will. But does persuading a person to do something count as a further (...)
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    To-morrow's children—the goal of eugenics.Ursula Grant Duff - 1936 - The Eugenics Review 28 (2):131.
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  44. On the truth-and-politics section in the Denktagebuch.Ursula Ludz - 2017 - In Roger Berkowitz & Ian Storey (eds.), Artifacts of Thinking: Reading Hannah Arendt's Denktagebuch. New York, NY: Fordham University Press.
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    The order types of termination orderings on monadic terms, strings and multisets.Ursula Martin & Elizabeth Scott - 1997 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 62 (2):624-635.
    We consider total well-founded orderings on monadic terms satisfying the replacement and full invariance properties. We show that any such ordering on monadic terms in one variable and two unary function symbols must have order typeω,ω2orωω. We show that a familiar construction gives rise to continuum many such orderings of order typeω. We construct a new family of such orderings of order typeω2, and show that there are continuum many of these. We show that there are only four such orderings (...))
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    The Concept of Control: A Key Concept in Understanding and Overcoming Barriers to Responsible Environmental Behavior1.Ursula Peter & Ruth Kaufmann-Hayoz - 2000 - In Walter J. Perrig & Alexander Grob (eds.), Control of Human Behavior, Mental Processes, and Consciousness: Essays in Honor of the 60th Birthday of August Flammer. Erlbaum. pp. 281.
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    Moral Integrity.Marianne Thejls Ziegler - 2020 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 39 (3):347-364.
    This article outlines different attempts to define integrity, and argues, with reference to the theory of moral particularism, that definitions acquire universal applicability at the expense of their informative value. The article then proceeds to more delimitating definitions that emphasise the social aspect, and argues that their ideas of the concept, like courage, require certain situations in order to unfold. Since not every person is challenged to act with integrity, the delimitation requires a distinction between manifest integrity and dormant integrity, (...)
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    Entretien avec Sylvie Le Bon de Beauvoir 30 août 1994.Ursula Tidd - 1995 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 12 (1):10-16.
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    Les Inséparables, by Simone de Beauvoir.Ursula Tidd - 2022 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 32 (1):147-151.
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    Das associationsprincip in der aesthtik.Johannes Ziegler - 1900 - Leipzig,: E. Avenarius.
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