Results for 'Vargas-Vizuet Ana Liviere'

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  1.  5
    A critical perspective on institutional violence against hospitalized children: Testimonies by health professionals and family members.Ana Carla Petersen de Oliveira Santos, Climene Laura de Camargo, Mara Ambrosina de Oliveira Vargas, Cristina Nunes Vitor de Araujo, Maria Carolina Ortiz Whitaker, Francielly Zilli, Ridalva Dias Martins & Nadirlene Pereira Gomes - 2024 - Nursing Inquiry 31 (4):e12665.
    The purpose of this study is to understand institutional violence (IV) in the relationships between health professionals, hospitalized children, and family members. This is a qualitative study developed at the pediatric inpatient unit of a university hospital in the city of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. The research participants consisted of 39 health professionals who specialized in pediatrics and 10 family members of hospitalized children. Semi‐structured interviews were the method used for data collection. Using discourse analysis as a basis and taking a (...)
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    Informed consent in clinical research at a general hospital in Mexico: opinions of the investigators.Laura Vargas-Parada, Simon Kawa, Alberto Salazar, Juan Jose Mazon & Ana Flisser - 2006 - Developing World Bioethics 6 (1):41-51.
    ABSTRACT In Mexico informed consent is a legal requirement that ensures that patients who are invited to participate in clinical trials are provided with all the information needed to decide whether to participate, or not, in a research protocol. To improve our understanding of the problems physicians in developing countries encounter, when obtaining informed consent (IC), we examined their opinion on the importance of IC in clinical research, the quantity and quality of the information provided to the participant, and the (...)
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  3. Legal and social norms for development : why legal reform of the informal economy failed to influence vulnerable groups in developing countries.Ana Maria Vargas Falla - 2013 - In Matthias Baier, Social and legal norms: towards a socio-legal understanding of normativity. Burlington, VT, USA: Ashgate.
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    Mental Health and Social Connectedness During the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Analysis of Sports and E-Sports Players.Ana Karla Silva Soares, Maria Celina Ferreira Goedert & Adriano Ferreira Vargas - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Recently, the pandemic context in which the world finds itself has inspired studies that sought to evaluate to mental health and the way people are relating to the purpose of understanding and promoting improvements psychological health. The epidemiological and public health literature shows that social connection protects and promotes mental health, being an important clinical tool for reducing anxiety, depression, and stress. Thinking in the broad sense of connection, that is, feeling and perceiving oneself connected with the environment, applied to (...)
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    Notas para un análisis de la historia político-social paraguaya.B. Livieres & N. Lorenzo - 2009 - Asunción, Paraguay: Arandurã Editorial.
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    Upper limb joint coordination preserves hand kinematics after a traumatic brachial plexus injury.Luiggi Lustosa, Ana Elisa Lemos Silva, Raquel de Paula Carvalho & Claudia D. Vargas - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:944638.
    BackgroundTraumatic brachial plexus injury (TBPI) causes a sensorimotor deficit in upper limb (UL) movements.ObjectiveOur aim was to investigate the arm–forearm coordination of both the injured and uninjured UL of TBPI subjects.MethodsTBPI participants (n = 13) and controls (n = 10) matched in age, gender, and anthropometric characteristics were recruited. Kinematics from the shoulder, elbow, wrist, and index finger markers were collected, while upstanding participants transported a cup to their mouth and returned the UL to a starting position. The UL coordination (...)
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    Defensione delle donne by Agostino Strozzi. Two mysterious manuscripts.María Dolores Ramírez Almazán & Ana Vargas Martínez - 2023 - Ingenium. Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología En Historia de Las Ideas 17:47-55.
    _Defensione delle donne_, de Agostino Strozzi, es una de las obras filóginas más significativas en lengua italiana compuesta a finales del siglo XV. Nos consta la existencia de dos versiones recogidas en dos manuscritos que presentan contrastes significativos entre ambas. Una de ellas más extensa y, sobre todo, más radical en sus argumentos en defensa de las virtudes femeninas, está dedicada a su prima Margherita Cantelmo. En esta comunicación se describe y profundiza en los contrastes presentes en ambas versiones o, (...)
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    Subjetividad moderna y nihilismo. Una lectura filosófica de la narrativa de Juan Rulfo.Christian Guillermo Gómez Vargas - 2022 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 54 (153):124-168.
    El presente artículo propone realizar una lectura filosófica de la narrativa de Rul- fo, en especial del cuento “Luvina”, haciendo hincapié en la interpretación de la historia y el antihistoricismo según Nietzsche; con la finalidad de explorar de manera crítica los ideales de la figura moderna del progreso. Igualmente, examina la concepción de la historia —siguiendo a Benjamin— a partir de una noción a contrapelo de los discursos hegemónicos de la narración histórica de Occidente, entendida ésta en clave de catástrofe. (...)
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  9. A Self-Applied Multi-Component Psychological Online Intervention Based on UX, for the Prevention of Complicated Grief Disorder in the Mexican Population During the COVID-19 Outbreak: Protocol of a Randomized Clinical Trial.Alejandro Dominguez-Rodriguez, Sofia Cristina Martínez-Luna, María Jesús Hernández Jiménez, Anabel De La Rosa-Gómez, Paulina Arenas-Landgrave, Esteban Eugenio Esquivel Santoveña, Carlos Arzola-Sánchez, Joabián Alvarez Silva, Arantza Mariel Solis Nicolas, Ana Marisa Colmenero Guadián, Flor Rocio Ramírez-Martínez & Rosa Olimpia Castellanos Vargas - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: COVID-19 has taken many lives worldwide and due to this, millions of persons are in grief. When the grief process lasts longer than 6 months, the person is in risk of developing Complicated Grief Disorder. The CGD is related to serious health consequences. To reduce the probability of developing CGD a preventive intervention could be applied. In developing countries like Mexico, the psychological services are scarce, self-applied interventions could provide support to solve this problem and reduce the health impact (...)
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  10. Legal traditions? In search for families and cultures of law.C. Varga - 2007 - In Josep J. Moreso, Legal theory: legal positivism and conceptual analysis: proceedings of the 22nd IVR World Congress, Granada 2005, volume I = Teoría del derecho: positivismo jurídico y análisis conceptual. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
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    Arbitrary Public Announcement Logic with Memory.Alexandru Baltag, Aybüke Özgün & Ana Lucia Vargas Sandoval - 2022 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 52 (1):53-110.
    We introduce Arbitrary Public Announcement Logic with Memory (APALM), obtained by adding to the models a ‘memory’ of the initial states, representing the information before any communication took place (“the prior”), and adding to the syntax operators that can access this memory. We show that APALM is recursively axiomatizable (in contrast to the original Arbitrary Public Announcement Logic, for which the corresponding question is still open). We present a complete recursive axiomatization, that includes a natural finitary rule, and study this (...)
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    To Help or Not to Help? Prosocial Behavior, Its Association With Well-Being, and Predictors of Prosocial Behavior During the Coronavirus Disease Pandemic.Elisa Haller, Jelena Lubenko, Giovambattista Presti, Valeria Squatrito, Marios Constantinou, Christiana Nicolaou, Savvas Papacostas, Gökçen Aydın, Yuen Yu Chong, Wai Tong Chien, Ho Yu Cheng, Francisco J. Ruiz, María B. García-Martín, Diana P. Obando-Posada, Miguel A. Segura-Vargas, Vasilis S. Vasiliou, Louise McHugh, Stefan Höfer, Adriana Baban, David Dias Neto, Ana Nunes da Silva, Jean-Louis Monestès, Javier Alvarez-Galvez, Marisa Paez-Blarrina, Francisco Montesinos, Sonsoles Valdivia-Salas, Dorottya Ori, Bartosz Kleszcz, Raimo Lappalainen, Iva Ivanović, David Gosar, Frederick Dionne, Rhonda M. Merwin, Maria Karekla, Angelos P. Kassianos & Andrew T. Gloster - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The coronavirus disease pandemic fundamentally disrupted humans’ social life and behavior. Public health measures may have inadvertently impacted how people care for each other. This study investigated prosocial behavior, its association well-being, and predictors of prosocial behavior during the first COVID-19 pandemic lockdown and sought to understand whether region-specific differences exist. Participants from eight regions clustering multiple countries around the world responded to a cross-sectional online-survey investigating the psychological consequences of the first upsurge of lockdowns in spring 2020. Prosocial behavior (...)
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    (1 other version)Dos pais pobres ao pai dos pobres: cartas de pais e mães ao presidente Vargas e a política familiar do Estado Novo.Ana Paula Vosne Martins - 2008 - Diálogos (Maringa) 12 (2-3).
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    Rodrigo Escobar-Holguín. Territorio y voluntad comunitaria.Andrés Suárez-Astaiza - 2023 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 55 (154):296-301.
    Bajo el título Territorio y voluntad comunitaria, la editorial Aula de Hu- manidades, de Bogotá, publicó en 2021 el trabajo de investigación doc- toral de Rodrigo Escobar-Holguín: “El ordenamiento territorial como acto volitivo comunitario. Un enfoque fenomenológico”, sustentado en junio de 2019, como requisito para optar al título de doctor en Filosofía por la Universidad del Valle en Cali, Colombia. La tesis fue dirigida por el profesor Julio César Vargas Bejarano y el jurado evaluador estuvo compuesto por los profesores (...)
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    Verdad filosófica y arte literario: ensayos.B. Livieres & N. Lorenzo - 2005 - [Asunción, Paraguay]: Edición del Instituto Cultural Paraguay-Alemán Goethe-Zentrum.
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  16. El derecho y la justicia.Vargas Ortiz & Carlos Ignacio - 1956 - México,:
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  17. The Trouble with Tracing.Manuel Vargas - 2005 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 29 (1):269-291.
    Many prominent theories of moral responsibility rely on the notion of “tracing,” the idea that responsibility for an outcome can be located in (i.e., “traced back to”) some prior moment of control, perhaps significantly antecedent to the proximate sources of a considered action. In this article, I show how there is a problem for theories that rely on tracing. The problem is connected to the knowledge condition on moral responsibility. Many prima facie good candidate cases for tracing analyses appear to (...)
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  18. Building better beings: a theory of moral responsibility.Manuel Vargas - 2013 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Part I: Building blocks. 1. Folk convictions -- 2. Doubts about libertarianism -- 3. Nihilism and revisionism -- 4. Building a better theory -- Part II. A theory of moral responsibility. 5. The primacy of reasons -- 6. Justifying the practice -- 7. Responsible agency -- 8. Blame and desert -- 9. History and manipulation --10. Some conclusions.
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  19. The Revisionist’s Guide to Responsibility.Manuel Vargas - 2005 - Philosophical Studies 125 (3):399-429.
    Revisionism in the theory of moral responsibility is the idea that some aspect of responsibility practices, attitudes, or concept is in need of revision. While the increased frequency of revisionist language in the literature on free will and moral responsibility is striking, what discussion there has been of revisionism about responsibility and free will tends to be critical. In this paper, I argue that at least one species of revisionism, moderate revisionism, is considerably more sophisticated and defensible than critics have (...)
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    Utopía y distopía: entre la ficción y la realidad, desde el impacto de Schopenhauer en Zola.Carlos Germán Juliao Vargas - 2024 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 42:42-72.
    Este artículo, después de situar etimológica e históricamente los conceptos de utopía y distopía, realiza un breve vistazo a la doctrina pesimista de Schopenhauer, para luego mostrar cómo Émile Zola la articula y la despliega en una distopía, en ciertos pasajes de La alegría de vivir. Se concluye, a través de varias preguntas, cómo Zola ficciona, en la figura de su personaje Pauline, una pequeña isla de felicidad dentro de un enorme océano pesimista, inquietante y malévolo: la utopía y la (...)
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  21. Artículo convertido automáticamente ver artículo original.Roy Alfaro Vargas - 2011 - Telos (Venezuela) 13 (3):285-296.
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  22. Vargas de Basterra, Ricardo. et al." Visión retrospectiva de los principios de la programación y su impacto en la formación de ingenieros y en la calidad de software".Mc Ricardo Vargas de Basterra & Agustín Gutiérrez Tornés - 2004 - Episteme 1 (2).
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  23. " Le pressentiment" d'Emmanuel Bove.María Azucena Macho Vargas - 2008 - Studium 14:29-40.
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    Vernunft und Moral.Alexander von Varga - 1973 - München: Verlag Uni-Druck.
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  25. Responsibility and the aims of theory: Strawson and revisionism.Manuel Vargas - 2004 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 85 (2):218-241.
    In recent years, reflection on the relationship between individual moral responsibility and determinism has undergone a remarkable renaissance. Incompatibilists, those who believe moral responsibility is incompatible with determinism, have offered powerful new arguments in support of their views. Compatibilists, those who think moral responsibility is compatible with determinism, have responded with ingenious counterexamples and alternative accounts of responsibility. Despite the admirable elevation of complexity and subtlety within both camps, the trajectory of the literature is somewhat discouraging. Every dialectical stalemate between (...)
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  26. On the importance of history for responsible agency.Manuel Vargas - 2006 - Philosophical Studies 127 (3):351-382.
    In this article I propose a resolution to the history issue for responsible agency, given a moderate revisionist approach to responsibility. Roughly, moderate revisionism is the view that a plausible and normatively adequate theory of responsibility will require principled departures from commonsense thinking. The history issue is whether morally responsible agency – that is, whether an agent is an apt target of our responsibility-characteristic practices and attitudes – is an essentially historical notion. Some have maintained that responsible agents must have (...)
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  27. Situationism and Moral Responsibility: Free Will in Fragments.Manuel Vargas - 2013 - In Andy Clark, Julian Kiverstein & Tillmann Vierkant, Decomposing the Will. , US: Oxford University Press USA.
    Many prominent accounts of free will and moral responsibility make use of the idea that agents can be responsive to reasons. Call such theories Reasons accounts. In what follows, I consider the tenability of Reasons accounts in light of situationist social psychology and, to a lesser extent, the automaticity literature. In the first half of this chapter, I argue that Reasons accounts are genuinely threatened by contemporary psychology. In the second half of the paper I consider whether such threats can (...)
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    Metaphysics of Extermination: Decolonial Considerations on Theodor W. Adorno's Critique of Identity and the Abject Construction of Alterity.Fabrizio Fallas-Vargas - 2024 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 42:73-96.
    RESUMEN La modificación de la dialéctica que propone el planteamiento de Adorno despliega una crítica inmanente del principio identificatorio que emerge del conflicto entre componente somático y concepto, entre lo idéntico y lo no idéntico. Ello resulta fundamental para comprender la dominación como segunda naturaleza en las formaciones económico-sociales modernas/coloniales. En este trabajo proponemos, en primer lugar, examinar críticamente las relaciones de alteridad que estructuran la experiencia de lo político al interior de la modernidad/colonialidad, y la configuración de la subjetividad (...)
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  29. Scaffolded Minds: Integration and Disintegration.Somogy Varga - 2018 - Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
    Scaffolded Minds offers a novel account of cognitive scaffolding and its significance for understanding mental disorders. The book is part of the growing philosophical engagement with empirically informed philosophy of mind, which studies the interfaces between philosophy and cognitive science. It draws on two recent shifts within empirically informed philosophy of mind: the first, toward an intensified study of the embodied mind; and the second, toward a study of the disordered mind that acknowledges the convergence of the explanatory concerns of (...)
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  30. Perceptual Experience and Cognitive Penetrability.Somogy Varga - 2017 - European Journal of Philosophy 25 (2):376-397.
    This paper starts by distinguishing three views about the phenomenal character of perceptual experience. ‘Low-level theorists’ argue that perceptual experience is reducible to the experience of low-level properties, ‘high-level theorists’ argue that we have perceptual experiences of high-level properties, while ‘disunified view theorists’ argue that perceptual seemings can present high-level properties. The paper explores how cognitive states can penetrate perceptual experience and provides an interpretation of cognitive penetration that offers some support for the high-level view.
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  31. Authenticity as an Ethical Ideal.Somogy Varga - 2011 - New York: Routledge.
    Authenticity has become a widespread ethical ideal that represents a way of dealing with normative gaps in contemporary life. This ideal suggests that one should be true to oneself and lead a life expressive of what one takes oneself to be. However, many contemporary thinkers have pointed out that the ideal of authenticity has increasingly turned into a kind of aestheticism and egoistic self-indulgence. In his book, Varga systematically constructs a critical concept of authenticity that takes into account the reciprocal (...)
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    Dialéctica y aprendizaje en Theodor W. Adorno y Lev S. Vygotsky.Fabrizio Fallas-Vargas - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (3):e02400164.
    This article addresses the relationships between dialectic and learning within the constellations of the conceptual universes of Adorno and Vygotsky. In that order, we proceed to analyze the set of links between the main dialectical categories that structure the dialectical approach that characterizes both representatives of the Marxist thought tradition (process, totality, mediation, fields of force, antagonism, praxis) and the communicating vessels that go from epistemology to aesthetics and that demonstrate the relevance of the tasks of thought in the face (...)
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  33. Revisionism.Manuel Vargas - 2007 - In John Martin Fischer, Robert Kane, Derk Pereboom & Manuel Vargas, Four Views on Free Will. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
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  34. The Aim of Medicine. Sanocentricity and the Autonomy Thesis.Somogy Varga - 2023 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly (4):720-745.
    Recent criticisms of medicine converge on fundamental questions about the aim of medicine. The main task of this paper is to propose an account of the aim of medicine. Discussing and rejecting the initially plausible proposal according to which medicine is pathocentric, the paper presents and defends the Autonomy Thesis, which holds that medicine is not pathocentric, but sanocentric, aiming to promote health with the final aim to enhance autonomy. The paper closes by considering the objection that the Autonomy Thesis (...)
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    Reflexión en torno al concepto de constitución en la cultura jurídica moderna.Rodolfo Andrés Correa Vargas - 2007 - Ratio Juris 2 (4):57-70.
    Nuestra época, y seguramente la de las generaciones venideras, desarrolla su vida dentro de los lineamientos trazados por la Carta Política, esto resulta un axioma. Pero no siempre fue así, mucho camino se ha tenido que labrar para llegar a consolidar la realidad que atravesamos. Nuestra actual concepción de la Constitución es producto de muchos años de práctica socio – política y de actividad teórica, y este ensayo pretende, de una manera genérica, por supuesto, mostrar cómo se ha formado este (...)
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  36. Implicaciones filosóficas del abandono del concepto del "masa relativística".Celso Vargas - 2009 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 47 (122):81-86.
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  37. La propuesta de igualdad entre los sexos en el pensamiento de John Stuart Mill: la no asimilación del yo dentro del nosotros igualitario.Karla Vargas Vargas - 2009 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 47 (120):19-25.
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  38. Philosophy and the Folk: On Some Implications of Experimental Work For Philosophical Debates on Free Will.Manuel Vargas - 2006 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 6 (1-2):239-254.
    I discuss experimental work by Nichols, and Nichols and Knobe, with respect to the philosophical problems of free will and moral responsibility. I mention some methodological concerns about the work, but focus principally on the philosophical implications of the work. The experimental results seem to show that in particular, concrete cases we are more willing to attribute responsibility than in cases described abstractly or in general terms. I argue that their results suggest a deep problem for traditional accounts of compatibilism, (...)
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  39. Libertarianism and skepticism about free will: Some arguments against both.Manuel Vargas - 2004 - Philosophical Topics 32 (1&2):403-26.
    In this paper I criticize libertarianism and skepticism about free will. The criticism of libertarianism takes some steps towards filling in an argument that is often mentioned but seldom developed in any detail, the argument that libertarianism is a scientifically implausible view. I say "take some steps" because I think the considerations I muster (at most) favor a less ambitious relative of that argument. The less ambitious claim I hope to motivate is that there is little reason to believe that (...)
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    Socio-economic research on genetically modified crops: a study of the literature.Georgina Catacora-Vargas, Rosa Binimelis, Anne I. Myhr & Brian Wynne - 2018 - Agriculture and Human Values 35 (2):489-513.
    The importance of socio-economic impacts from the introduction and use of genetically modified crops is reflected in increasing efforts to include them in regulatory frameworks. Aiming to identify and understand the present knowledge on SEI of GM crops, we here report the findings from an extensive study of the published international scientific peer-reviewed literature. After applying specified selection criteria, a total of 410 articles are analysed. The main findings include: limited empirical research on SEI of GM crops in the scientific (...)
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  41. Background Emotions, Proximity and Distributed Emotion Regulation.Somogy Varga & Joel Krueger - 2013 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 4 (2):271-292.
    In this paper, we draw on developmental findings to provide a nuanced understanding of background emotions, particularly those in depression. We demonstrate how they reflect our basic proximity (feeling of interpersonal connectedness) to others and defend both a phenomenological and a functional claim. First, we substantiate a conjecture by Fonagy & Target (International Journal of Psychoanalysis 88(4):917–937, 2007) that an important phenomenological aspect of depression is the experiential recreation of the infantile loss of proximity to significant others. Second, we argue (...)
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  42. Defining mental disorder. Exploring the 'natural function' approach.Somogy Varga - 2011 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 6:1-.
    Due to several socio-political factors, to many psychiatrists only a strictly objective definition of mental disorder, free of value components, seems really acceptable. In this paper, I will explore a variant of such an objectivist approach to defining metal disorder, natural function objectivism. Proponents of this approach make recourse to the notion of natural function in order to reach a value-free definition of mental disorder. The exploration of Christopher Boorse's 'biostatistical' account of natural function (1) will be followed an investigation (...)
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  43. Is Health the Absence of Disease?Somogy Varga & Andrew J. Latham - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    While philosophical questions about health and disease have attracted much attention in recent decades, and while opinions are divided on most issues, influential accounts seem to embrace negativism about health, according to which health is the absence of disease. Some subscribe to unrestricted negativism, which claims that negativism applies not only to the concepts of health and disease as used by healthcare professionals but also to the lay concept that underpins everyday thinking. Whether people conceptualize health in this manner has (...)
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  44. (1 other version)Understanding in Medicine.Somogy Varga - 2023 - Erkenntnis 134 (8):3025-3049.
    This paper aims to clarify the nature of understanding in medicine. The first part describes in more detail what it means to understand something and links a type of understanding (i.e., objectual understanding) to explanations. The second part proceeds to investigate what objectual understanding of a disease (i.e., biomedical understanding) requires by considering the case of scurvy from the history of medicine. The main hypothesis is that grasping a mechanistic explanation of a condition is necessary for a biomedical understanding of (...)
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  45. Compatibilism evolves?: On some varieties of Dennett worth wanting.Manuel Vargas - 2005 - Metaphilosophy 36 (4):460-475.
    I examine the extent to which Dennett’s account in Freedom Evolves might be construed as revisionist about free will or should instead be understood as a more traditional kind of compatibilism. I also consider Dennett’s views about philosophical work on free agency and its relationship to scientific inquiry, and I argue that extant philosophical work is more relevant to scientific inquiry than Dennett’s remarks may suggest.
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  46. Psychopaths and moral knowledge.Manuel Vargas & Shaun Nichols - 2007 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 14 (2):157-162.
    Neil Levy (2007) argues that empirical data shows that psychopaths lack the moral knowledge required for moral responsibility. His account is intriguing, and it offers a promising way to think about the significance of psychopaths for work on moral responsibility. In what follows we focus on three lines of concern connected to Levy's account: his interpretation of the data, the scope of exculpation, and the significance of biological explanations for anti-social behavior.
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    The Epistemological Value of Depression Memoirs.Somogy Varga & Jennifer Radden - 2013 - In K. W. M. Fulford, Martin Davies, Richard Gipps, George Graham, John Sadler, Giovanni Stanghellini & Tim Thornton, The Oxford handbook of philosophy and psychiatry. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter argues that despite the recent, welcome interest in autobiographical writing about depression, its use for research purposes presents an epistemological challenge because the extent to which these descriptions illuminate the true nature of depressive experience cannot be discerned. Contextualized within the genre of autobiography as well as the subgenre of illness memoir, the depression memoir exhibits ambiguities, it is shown, imposed by the constraints of its genre, and by the nature of autobiographical memory. Sources of ambiguity distinctive to (...)
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  48. Introduction.Miguel Ángel Fernández Vargas - 2016 - In Miguel Ángel Fernández Vargas, Performance Epistemology: Foundations and Applications. New York, NY: Oxford University Press UK.
    This book brings together previously unpublished work which looks at issues concerning the foundations and applications of a prominent branch of virtue epistemology: “performance-based epistemology”. The chapters in Part I examine some foundational issues in the conceptual framework of PBE: the relations between apt success and luck; the connection between aptness and a safety condition for knowledge; the fallibility of competences; the kind of reliability needed for knowledge and justification; the nature of epistemic agency; and some ways of enriching the (...)
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  49. Declaration of Helsinki.A. C. Varga - forthcoming - The Main Issue in Bioethics (Revised Ed.) Paulist Press, New York.
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  50. The Philosophy of Accidentality.Manuel Vargas - 2020 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 6 (4):391-409.
    In mid-twentieth-century Mexican philosophy, there was a peculiar nationalist existentialist project focused on the cultural conditions of agency. This article revisits some of those ideas, including the idea that there is an important but underappreciated experience of one's relationship to norms and social meanings. This experience—something called accidentality—casts new light on various forms of social subordination and socially scaffolded agency, including cultural alienation, biculturality, and double consciousness.
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