Results for 'Vedas and science '

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  1. The world made of sound, Whitehead and pythagorean harmonics in the context of Veda and the science of mantra.Ba Amodio - 1992 - Journal of Dharma 17 (3):233-266.
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  2. Hinduism and science: Some reflections.Varadaraja V. Raman - 2012 - Zygon 47 (3):549-574.
    Abstract In recent decades scholars in every major religious tradition have been commenting on the relationship between their own tradition and science. The subject in the context of Hinduism is complex because there is no central institutionalized authority to dictate what is acceptable Hindu belief and what is not. This has resulted in a variety of perspectives that are touched upon here. Historical factors in the introduction of modern science in the Hindu world have also influenced the subject. (...)
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    Veda, vijñāna, evaṃ brahmāṇḍa.Candramaṇi Siṃha - 2012 - Ilāhābāda: Rākā Prakāśana.
    Study on the creation of the universe in the light of Vedas and science.
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    Vedānta ānvīkṣikī, science and philosophy in contemporary perspective.Girish Nath Jha, Sukalyan Sengupta & Bal Ram Singh (eds.) - 2017 - New Delhi: D.K. Printworld.
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  5. Transformation of Economic Thought between Rg Veda and Ramayana1.Bharat Jhunjhunwala - 2007 - In Krishnamurthy Bheemacharya Archak & Dr Michael (eds.), Science, History, Philosophy, and Literature in Sanskrit Classics: Dr. D.N. Shanbhag Felicitation Volume. Delhi: Sundeep Prakashan. pp. 55.
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    Science of consciousness: a synthesis of Vedānta and Buddhism.V. N. Misra - 2014 - New Delhi, India: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt..
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    Veda as global heritage: scientific perspectives.Girish Nath Jha (ed.) - 2019 - Delhi: Vidyanidhi Prakashan.
    Contributed research papers presented at International seminar on scientific aspects of Vedas and Vedic literature; Volume 1 comprises 27 papers out of 72 papers on a wide-ranging topics.
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    Science, patriotism, and mother Veda: Ritual activism in maharashtra. [REVIEW]Timothy Lubin - 2001 - International Journal of Hindu Studies 5 (3):297-321.
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    Göbekli Tepe’s Pillars and Architecture Reveal the Foundation of Religion, Metaphysics, and Science.Howard Barry Schatz - 2023 - Open Journal of Philosophy 13 (1):112-144.
    Once the Luwian hieroglyphics for God “” and Gate “” were discovered at Göbekli Tepe, this author was able to directly link the site’s carved pillars and pillar enclosures to the Abrahamic/Mosaic “Word of God”,. Archaeologists and anthropologists have long viewed the Bible as mankind’s best guide to prehistoric religion, however, archaeologist Klaus Schmidt had no reason to believe that the site he spent years excavating at Göbekli Tepe might be the legendary “Pillars of Enoch”, carved by the first Biblical (...)
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    Vedānta and Bhagavadgītā: the unpublished writings of K. Satchidananda Murty.K. Satchidananda Murty - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge. Edited by Ashok Vohra & K. Ramesh.
    K. Satchidananda Murty (1924-2011) was a vociferous writer and an iconoclast. This volume is a collection of his unpublished writings. It includes Murty's views on the Veda, its meaning, relevance, and study, and shows the significance of the Vedāntic vision to the modern world. Murty elucidates the basic tenets of Advaita Vedānta and expounds the Advaitic doctrine of the relationships between Brahman and God, Brahman and the individual self, as well as between God and the world. In his writings, Murty (...)
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    Vedānta: the science of integral reality vis-a-vis modern science. Mukhyānanda & Swami Vivekananda - 1998 - Calcutta: Centre for Reshaping Our World-view. Edited by Vivekananda.
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    Science and spirituality in Vedic tradition.Śaśi Tivārī (ed.) - 2018 - Delhi: Pratibha Prakashan.
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    Causality in science and Vedānta: leading to the solution of the quantum measurement problem.Paramananda Bharathi - 2018 - Bangalore, Karnataka, India: Jñānasamvardhani Pratiṣṭānam.
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    Science and philosophy in ancient India.Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya - 2013 - Delhi: Aakar Books.
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    Science and technology in ancient India.Bijoya Goswami (ed.) - 2013 - Kolkata: Sanskrit Pustak Bhandar.
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    Dravya-guṇa mīmāṃsā meṃ Vedānta aura vijñāna.Sudyumna Ācārya - 2016 - Naī Dillī: Dillī Saṃskr̥ta Akādamī. Edited by Jītarāma Bhaṭṭa & Pradyumnacandra.
    On fundamentals of Vedanta and science; a study.
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    Věda, pojmy a sociální prostředí.Michael Halewood - 2012 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 34 (3):21-42.
    This paper will suggest that the work Alfred North Whitehead (1861-1947) provides a fruitful resource for understanding the philosophical development and validity of scientific concepts through an analysis of their socio-historical location. The paper will address two key elements of Whitehead’s thought. One element is "The Bifurcation of Nature" and the paper traces the influence that this conceptual compromise has had on philosophy and science through its reinforcement of the division between the natural and the social sciences. The second (...)
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  18. Veda v hospodárskom rozvoji.Viera Krajkovičová - 1974 - Bratislava: Ekonomický ústav SAV.
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  19. Significance of the Veda in the Context of Indian Religion and Spirituality.Kireet Joshi - 1996 - In Debi Prasad Chattopadhyaya & Ravinder Kumar (eds.), Science, Philosophy, and Culture: Multi-Disciplinary Explorations. Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers. pp. 1--158.
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    Science and Technology in Non-Western Cultures.Jensine Andresen - 1999 - Zygon 34 (2):345-352.
    Seline's edited volume relevates non‐Western interaction between religious and scientific domains of human intellectual history. Middle Eastern, South Asian, and Chinese thinkers have played central roles in pursuing intellectual inquiry into topics of broad human concern. Although copious and nuanced literary collections in Arabic, Sanskrit, Chinese, and Tibetan languages document non‐Western contributions, these primary sources often are inaccessible to Western scholars, creating the false illusion that members of non‐Western cultures have offered only marginal contributions to the rigorous investigation of the (...)
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  21. Debating Freud on the Oceanic Feeling: Romain Rolland's Vedāntic Critique of Psychoanalysis and His Call for a "New Science of the Mind".Ayon Maharaj - 2020 - In The Bloomsbury research handbook of Vedānta. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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  22. Věda, pseudověda a paravěda.Filip Tvrdý - 2020 - E-Logos 27 (2):4-17.
    Finding the demarcation criterion for the identification of scientific knowledge is the most important task of normative epistemology. Pseudoscience is not a harmless leisure activity, it can pose a danger to the functioning of liberal democratic societies and the well-being of their citizens. First, there is an outline of how to define science instrumentally without slipping into the detrimental heritage of conceptual essentialism. The second part is dedicated to Popper’s falsification criterion and the objections of its opponents, which eventually (...)
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    The philosophy of the Vedānta, a modern scientific perspective.Radhey Shyam Kaushal - 1994 - Delhi, India: Sri Satguru Publications.
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    Vēda vijñānam, or, Physics in philosophy.T. U. S. Dasu - 1980 - Hyderabad: Veda Sāmrājya Parishad.
    Interpretation of the Vedas and Hindu philosophy in the light of modern material sciences.
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    Old Wisdom and New Horizon.Manoj Kumar Pal - 2008 - Jointly Published by Csc and Viva Books for the Project of History of Indian Science, Philosophy, and Culture.
    This book by an internationally reputed Indian scientist traces the developments of Science, Religion and Philosophy in human civilization through the ages. The common underlying bond-more specifically, a linkage of philosophy with both science and religion-has been examined incisively. All the three sub-areas of human culture have been presented from a holistic point of view, and at the same time, stressing some of their irreconcilable basic differences in scope and outlook. Meant primarily for general readers, the book achieves (...)
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    Science and the Spiritual Vision: A Hindu Perspective.Varadaraja V. Raman - 2002 - Zygon 37 (1):83-94.
    Every religious tradition has a spiritual basis. Hinduism is no exception. In this paper the spiritual framework of Hinduism is discussed, after a brief historical background, with reference to scientific worldviews. Particular attention is paid to the notions of objective knowledge, transcendental reality, and the Hindu view on the meaning of human existence.
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    „Roušky s TULkou“: Věda a etika v liminalitě.Jana Jetmarová & Michal Trčka - 2022 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 44 (2):217-251.
    The text presents the results of a qualitative study focused on the issue of using nanomaterials in the extraordinary circumstances linked to the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly referring to the “Roušky s TULkou” initiative. Within several weeks, this initiative managed to launch the production of highly efficient nanofiber filters using the original AC Electrospinning technology on an industrial scale. The goal of the research was to analyse both the regional experience and the value-based challenges, conflicts and ethical dilemmas posed by an (...)
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    Filosofie přírody, nebo věda v předmoderních epistemických režimech? Případ astrologie Alberta Velikého a Galilea Galilei.Scott E. Hendrix - 2012 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 34 (3):111-132.
    Scholarly attempts to analyze the history of science sometime suffer from an imprecise use of terms. In order to understand accurately how science has developed and from where it draws its roots, researchers should be careful to recognize that epistemic regimes change over time and acceptable forms of knowledge production are contingent upon the hegemonic discourse informing the epistemic regime of any given period. In order to understand the importance of this point, I apply the techniques of historical (...)
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  29. The Bloomsbury research handbook of Vedānta.Ayon Maharaj (ed.) - 2020 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    This handbook brings together a distinguished team of scholars from philosophy, theology, and religious studies to provide the first in-depth discussion of Vedanta and the many different systems of thought that make up this tradition of Indian philosophy. Emphasizing the historical development of Vedantic thought, it includes chapters on numerous classical Vedantic philosophies as well as the modern Vedantic views of Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Aurobindo, and Romain Rolland. The volume offers careful hermeneutic analyses of how Vedantic texts have been interpreted, (...)
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    Ved vijnana Upanishad: decoding the Vedic sceince of the creation.Gulāba Koṭhārī - 2022 - Jaipur: Patrika Publication. Edited by S. L. Gandhi.
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  31. Vijñāna-sārathiḥ =.Vijaya Rani (ed.) - 2006 - Delhi: Parimal Publications.
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    Vedic cell biology with life energy & rebirth.Candra Prakāśa Trivedī - 2007 - Delhi: Parimal Publications.
  33. Svet a Veda U ludwiga Von misese: Esej O misesovské metafyzice.Petr Specian - 2012 - Filozofia 67 (3):335-346.
    The paper deals with von Mises’ metaphysics and argues that his methodological dualism concerns only his epistemology. The framework of Mises´s ontology is materialistic monism. Although Mises strongly criticizes materialism, his critique does not concern metaphysical ontological materialism as long as it does not try to eliminate the specific method of the social sciences. In this sense Mises’ metaphysics is fully naturalistic – it does not include any “spiritual” agents and postulates a world consisting exclusively of elementary physical particles. The (...)
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    Hermeneutics and Science.Márta Fehér, Olga Kiss, L. Ropolyi & International Society for Hermeneutics and Science (eds.) - 1999 - Kluwer Academic Publishers.
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    Categories, Creation and Cognition in Vaiśeṣika Philosophy.Śaśiprabhā Kumāra - 2019 - Singapore: Imprint: Springer.
    The proposed book presents an overview of select theories in the classical Vaiśeṣika system of Indian philosophy, such as the concept of categories, creation and existence, atomic theory, consciousness and cognition. It also expounds in detail the concept of dharma, the idea of the highest good and expert testimony as a valid means of knowing in Vaiśeṣika thought. Some of the major themes discussed are the religious inclination of Vaiśeṣika thought towards Pasupata Saivism, the affiliation of the Vaiśeṣika System to (...)
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    The Concept of Maya: From the Vedas to the Twentieth Century. [REVIEW]W. E. - 1963 - Review of Metaphysics 17 (1):150-150.
    The Indian philosophy of Maya is devoutly reviewed with extended analysis of Amobindo and Radhakrishnan. Introductions pose sharply the centrality of the concept, but in her faithfulness to the positions discussed, the author fails to reveal Maya as a unitary concept. Reyna's greatest admiration seems to be for the Sankaran formula that the phenomenal world is not real, a description which she "finds" vindicated by modern science.--E. W.
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    Vaidika sr̥shṭi prakriyā.Santoṣa Kumāra Śukla, Lakṣmīkānta Vimala & Maṇi Śaṅkara Dvivedī (eds.) - 2023 - Dilli: Vidyānidhi Prakāśana.
    Contributed seminar papers on Vedic theory of creation, philosophy and science.
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    Pride of India : a glimpse into India's scientific heritage.R. M. Pujari, Pradeep Kolhe & N. R. Kumar (eds.) - 2006 - New Delhi: Samskrita Bharati.
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    The Divine Word and its Expression in Sanskrit: Continuity and Change in Vedic and Classical India.Florina Dobre Brat - 2022 - Diakrisis Yearbook of Theology and Philosophy 5:81-99.
    The Vedas are said to be not a human creation (apauruṣeya), but Revelation imparted to the Vedic sages who have put it down in inspired verses. Vedas’ words are therefore divine and eternal, and thus extensively praised. Vāc, the Vedic word, is eulogised in several hymns, among which Vāk Sūkta (X.125) is by far the most illustrative of all. In some teachings of the Upanishads, Vāc is equated to Brahman alongside other interpretations. When analysing the nature of the (...)
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  40. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Vedic Astro Sciences.S. Sudarsana Sarma (ed.) - 2009 - Tirupati: Sri Venkateswara Vedic University.
    Contributed research papers presented as National Seminar on Vedic Astro Sciences, organized by S.V. Vedic University on 7th and 8th June, 2008 in association with the Centre for Theoritical Studies and Research, Birbhum, West Bengal).
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    Vaidika paramparā meṃ vijñāna aura adhyātma.Śaśi Tivārī (ed.) - 2018 - Dillī: Pratibhā Prakāśana.
    Transcript of papers present on the 19h India Conference of WAVES was organized with the collaboration of Delhi Sanskrit Academy at its campus on November 27-29, 2015 on the theme 'Science and Spirituality in Vedic Traditions.
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    Interactive Communication in Pharmacogenomics Innovations: User-producer interaction from an innovation and science communication perspective.R. Verhoeff, E. Moors & P. Osseweijer - 2008 - Genomics, Society and Policy 4 (2):1-17.
    Pharmacogenomics is a quickly evolving field of research that increasingly impacts individuals and society. As some innovations in biotechnology have experienced strong public opposition during the 1990s, interaction between producers and users of these innovations may help in increasing their success in social and economic terms. However, conditions for effective interaction have so far remained under-explored. This paper explores user-producer interactions in pharmacogenomics from an innovation and science communication perspective in the Netherlands. To find possible ways of engaging stakeholders (...)
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    Nelson algebras, residuated lattices and rough sets: A survey.Lut School of Engineering Science Jouni Järvinen Sándor Radeleczki Umberto Rivieccio A. SOftware Engineering, Finlandb Institute Of Mathematics Lahti, Uned Hungaryc Departamento de Lógica E. Historia Y. Filosofía de la Ciencia & Spain Madrid - 2024 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 34 (2):368-428.
    Over the past 50 years, Nelson algebras have been extensively studied by distinguished scholars as the algebraic counterpart of Nelson's constructive logic with strong negation. Despite these studies, a comprehensive survey of the topic is currently lacking, and the theory of Nelson algebras remains largely unknown to most logicians. This paper aims to fill this gap by focussing on the essential developments in the field over the past two decades. Additionally, we explore generalisations of Nelson algebras, such as N4-lattices which (...)
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    A Critique of the Stem Pipeline: Young People’s Identities in Sweden and Science Education Policy.Heather Mendick, Maria Berge & Anna Danielsson - 2017 - British Journal of Educational Studies 65 (4):481-497.
    In this article, we develop critiques of the pipeline model which dominates Western science education policy, using discourse analysis of interviews with two Swedish young women focused on ‘identity work’. We argue that it is important to unpack the ways that the pipeline model fails to engage with intersections of gender, ethnicity, social class and nationality, and their impact on science and with debates about science as elitist and implicated in neoliberalism.
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    The Unification of the Unifier’s Thought and Its Challenges. Abdus Salam’s Views on Islam and Science.Stefano Bigliardi - 2022 - Lato Sensu: Revue de la Société de Philosophie des Sciences 9 (1):28-35.
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    Brahma-knowledge.Lionel David Barnett - 1907 - London,: J. Murray.
    In this classic work, L.D. Barnett delves into the ancient Indian science of Brahma-knowledge. Drawing from sources that predate the Vedas, Barnett presents a detailed study of the cosmology and spirituality of the Brahma tradition, exploring the nature of the universe, the workings of the human mind, and the path to enlightenment. This insightful and beautifully written book is a must-read for anyone interested in the spiritual traditions of India. This work has been selected by scholars as being (...)
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    Science, truth, and meaning: from wonder to understanding.Benjamin L. J. Webb - 2022 - New Jersey: World Scientific.
    Science, Truth, and Meaning presents a scientific and philosophical examination of our place in the world. It also celebrates how diverse, scientific knowledge is interconnected and reducible to common foundations.The book focuses on aspects of scientific truth that relate to our understanding of reality, and confronts whether truth is absolute or relative to what we are. Hence, it assesses the meaning of the scientific deductions we have made and how they have profoundly influenced our conception of life and existence.The (...)
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    Essay Review: Cancer and Science: The Hundred Years War.Joan H. Fujimura & Robert N. Proctor - 1998 - Journal of the History of Biology 31 (2):279-288.
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    Feminism, animals, and science: the naming of the shrew.Lynda I. A. Birke - 1994 - Philadelphia: Open University Press.
    The book then addresses the human/animal opposition implicit in much feminist theorizing, arguing that the opposition helps to maintain the essentialism that feminists have so often criticized. The final chapter brings us back from ideas of what 'the animal' is, to ask how these questions might relate to environmental politics, including ecofeminism and animal rights.
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    Routine, Scale, and Inequality: Introduction to the Special Issue on Ethics, Organizations, and Science.Jennifer L. Croissant - 2015 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 40 (2):167-175.
    This special issue of Science, Technology, & Human Values contains articles concerned with ethics in and around scientific practice. These articles ask how organizational routines both produce and diffuse concerns about the risks and benefits of scientific research and products, and why context remains elusive in formal ethical analysis. These cases are from diverse settings, with several touching on issues of economic inequality and participation in scientific research. Each article describes in some way how cultural and institutional configurations shape (...)
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