Results for 'Vedran Ceranic'

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  1.  24
    Lysenko in Yugoslavia, 1945–1950s: How to De-Stalinize Stalinist Science.Vedran Duančić - 2020 - Journal of the History of Biology 53 (1):159-194.
    By the summer of 1948, socialist Yugoslavia seemed determined to follow in the footsteps of its closest ally, the Soviet Union, and strike a decisive blow to “reactionary genetics.” But barely a month before the infamous VASKhNIL session, the Soviet–Yugoslav split began to unravel, influencing the reception of Lysenko’s doctrine in Yugoslavia. Instead of simply dismissing it as yet another example of Stalinist deviationism, Yugoslav mičurinci carefully weighed its political and ideological implications, trying to negotiate the Stalinist origins of Michurinist (...)
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  2.  45
    A Note on Bisimulation and Modal Equivalence in Provability Logic and Interpretability Logic.Vedran Čačić & Domagoj Vrgoč - 2013 - Studia Logica 101 (1):31-44.
    Provability logic is a modal logic for studying properties of provability predicates, and Interpretability logic for studying interpretability between logical theories. Their natural models are GL-models and Veltman models, for which the accessibility relation is well-founded. That’s why the usual counterexample showing the necessity of finite image property in Hennessy-Milner theorem (see [1]) doesn’t exist for them. However, we show that the analogous condition must still hold, by constructing two GL-models with worlds in them that are modally equivalent but not (...)
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  3.  15
    Recent trends in the history of science in Croatia.Vedran Duančić - 2021 - Centaurus 63 (3):553-568.
    The essay outlines the development of the history of science and medicine in Croatia since the first half of the 20th century, addressing in more detail some recent research trends that seem to have the potential to reshape and reposition this relatively marginal field within the national academic landscape. It examines the origins and implication of the “historicization” of the history of science, as manifested in, among other things, tentative convergence between the history of science and medicine and “general” history. (...)
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    On the share of closed IL formulas which are also in GL.Vedran Čačić & Vjekoslav Kovač - 2015 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 54 (7-8):741-767.
    Normal forms for wide classes of closed IL formulas were given in Čačić and Vuković. Here we quantify asymptotically, in exact numbers, how wide those classes are. As a consequence, we show that the “majority” of closed IL formulas have GL-equivalents, and by that, they have the same normal forms as GL formulas. Our approach is entirely syntactical, except for applying the results of Čačić and Vuković. As a byproduct we devise a convenient way of computing asymptotic behaviors of somewhat (...)
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    Filmowe interpretacje tekstów literackich w realizacjach telewizyjnych.Dorota Ceran-Pikala - 2003 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 6:437-449.
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    Grenada Chocolate Company: Big Decisions for a Young Social Enterprise on a Small Island.Tara L. Ceranic, Ivan Montiel & Wendy S. Cook - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 10:327-337.
    Three partners founded the Grenada Chocolate Company in 1999: Mott Green, Doug Browne and Edmond Brown. Several years ago Doug passed away of cancer and in June 2013 Mott suffered a fatal electrocution while repairing a piece of equipment. Edmond was now thrust into the leadership position and left to decide what direction GCC should take. The GCC product line was becoming increasingly popular both on the island and internationally and demand was high,but the original vision for the company was (...)
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  7.  19
    Kur’an ve Eski Ahit Metinlerindeki Savaşa Dair Anlatımların Mukayesesi.Zeynep Ceran - 2021 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 7 (2):1305-1334.
    Sosyal, siyasî, iktisadî, psikolojik, kültürel boyutları dönemlere ve coğ-rafyalara göre çeşitlilik arz etse de savaş mefhumu insanlık tarihi kadar eski-dir. Savaşın, dünya hayatının durum ve problemlerinden kaynaklanan yönlerinin yanı sıra dinî sâiklerinin bulunması, onun tarihe mal olmuş sürekliliğinde oldukça etkilidir. Eski Ahit ve Kur’an dâhil kutsal metinlerin söz konusu sâikler arasında yer alması, pek çok farklı okumaya tâbî tutulabilecek bu metinlerin savaşa dair anlatımlar bağlamında değerlendirilmesini mümkün ve hatta gerekli kılmaktadır. Bu makalede Kur’an ve Eski Ahit’in tarih boyu insan hayatını (...)
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  8.  29
    Ömer Seyfettin'in Falaka Hik'yesinin Türkçe Eğitimi Açısından İncelenmesi.Dilek Ceran - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 12):57-57.
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  9.  26
    Szymon Olszaniec, Comites consistoriani w wieku IV.Waldemar Ceran - 2009 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 102 (1):258-261.
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  10.  20
    Time for a Tune-Up: Engaged Learning for a New Generation of Business Students.Tara L. Ceranic - 2013 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 24:269-277.
    The Millennial Generation has grown up with unprecedented access to technology and they view learning and access to information differently than previous generations. These differences mean that there is a need to engage them in new and creative ways in the classroom. This paper offers a variety of pedagogical approaches for Business & Society that are linked specifically to generational differences in order to better address the needs of Gen Y. Responses from student reflections to these changes are discussed, as (...)
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  11.  44
    XVI. Yüzyılın İlk Yarısında Türk-Fransız İlişkileri, Kanuni Sultan Süleyman - I.François İttifakı.İsmail Ceran - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 2):391-391.
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  12.  41
    Heidegger’s Vulnerability: On the Reversibility between Nihilism and the Turn of Being.Vedran Grahovac - 2018 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 49 (3):243-254.
    In this paper I claim that Heidegger exposes himself to phenomenological vulnerability in his encounter with Jünger’s reflections upon nihilism. Jünger insists in the essay “Over the Line” on the necessity of the alternative to nihilism because nihilism reveals itself as an existential global threat. Heidegger challenges Jünger’s suggestion, proposing that one’s alternative to nihilism needs to take into account one’s fundamental complicity in its global domination. Nihilism necessitates the fundamental-ontological investigation into its essence, which is the way of the (...)
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  13.  44
    The persistence of self-enclosure in the whole-part relationship: The case of Husserl and Kracauer.Vedran Grahovac - 2016 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 5 (1):194-213.
    In this text I suggest the possibility of the strategic-philosophical closeness between Husserl and Kracauer,by closely reading Husserl’s Third Logical Investigation and Kracauer’s essay «The Mass Ornament». Although the both thinkers come from the traditionally different and often mutually opposing philosophical schools, neither of them simply dismisses or crosses out the position they criticize. To the contrary, I propose that both thinkers exaggerate the seeming self-evidentiality of the phenomenon they analyze. In the Third Logical Investigation Husserl rearticulates the whole-part relation (...)
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  14.  68
    Kantov pojam genija i smisao umjetnosti.Vedran Rutnik - 2013 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 33 (1):69-81.
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    Philosophy’s Desire for The City/State: A Comparison Between Platonopolis and al-Madinah al-Fadilah.Ömer Ceran - 2024 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 14 (14:1):153-166.
    Felsefelerinin amacı bireysel ve toplumsal anlamda mutluluğa ulaşmak olan bazı filozoflar bu amaca hizmet edeceklerini düşündükleri şehir ve devlet modelleri tasarlamışlardır. Bu düşüncenin zemininde insanın bir toplum içinde yaşamak zorunda olduğu düşüncesi bulunur. Ahlak ve siyaset felsefeleri de bu düşünceden hareket ederek üretilmiştir. Filozofların tasarladıkları şehir ve devlet modelleri kendi düşünceleri çerçevesinde ideal felsefi ortamın yaşanacağı toplumu da öne çıkarmaktadır. Üretilen bu düşüncelerden bazıları ütopya olarak değerlendirilmiş ve hayata geçirilme imkânı açısından eleştiriye tabi tutulmuştur. Biz bu çalışmamızda böyle bir şehir/devlet (...)
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  16.  19
    : Pseudoscience: A Very Short Introduction.Vedran Duančić - 2023 - Isis 114 (4):892-893.
  17.  21
    The Influence of Orthodox Christianity on Economic Behaviour.Goran Ćeranić, Rade Šarović & Nataša Krivokapić - 2023 - Filosofija. Sociologija 34 (2).
    Weber’s very important theory on the influence of religion on economic behaviour was tested in the societies which belong to different cultural and religious circles. However, due to various socio-political circumstances, the testing of Weber’s theoretical-methodological framework has been largely neglected in the countries where Orthodox Christianity is dominant. However, the difficulties that arose in Orthodox societies during the post-socialist transformation, as well as the shift from the economic research paradigm to the cultural one on the global level, along with (...)
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  18.  13
    Il paesaggio cognitivo tra pervasività psichica e mediazione estetica.Marko Ćeranić - 2023 - Studi di Estetica 26.
    The aim of this work is to show, first of all, how landscape cannot but stand out on the horizon of a cognitive flux that affects every aspect of our being in the world (or, better said, of our being in the world) world). A special role will be reserved for aesthetic mediation, to be understood as a n act that regulates the epistemic negotiation between what is in the center and what is ”in the surroundings”. In this sense, the (...)
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  19.  24
    İlk Osmanlı Fransız İlişkileri, Haçlılar İle Mücadeleler Ve Cem Sultan Olayı.İsmail Ceran - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 1):97-97.
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  20.  38
    10.5840/jbee20118140.Tara L. Ceranic - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 1 (1):410-415.
  21.  39
    The New Corporate Men.Tara L. Ceranic & Wendy S. Harman - 2006 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 17:3-8.
    Women in the business school are beginning to assume characteristics that will prove both ineffective and detrimental in the workplace. This paper seeks to present a framework for understanding these changes as well as their implications. We present several testable hypotheses as well as suggestions for easing the tensions felt by women in business settings.
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  22.  21
    Turkish Teachers Attitudes Towards The Evaluation Of Writing Training Course.Dilek Ceran - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8.
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  23.  36
    (1 other version)Philosophy as an Exercise in Exaggeration: The Role of Circularity in Husserl’s Criticism of Logical Psychologism.Vedran Grahovac - 2019 - In Iulian Apostolescu (ed.), The Subject(s) of Phenomenology. Rereading Husserl. Springer. pp. 57-94.
    I propose in this text that Husserl’s response to his contemporaries, critics and immediate predecessors in Logical Investigations consists in the development of circular strategy. Husserl does not challenge psychologsim, empiricism or neo-Kantianism by immediately assuming a position of epistemological primacy over these philosophies. To the contrary, Husserl philosophically challenges these positions by enacting a circularity that already underlies them. Husserl’s critical distance from these theories implies a methodological proximity which enables him to advance his phenomenological project with constant backward (...)
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  24.  27
    Philosophy as an Exercise in Exaggeration: The Role of Circularity in Husserl’s Criticism of Logical Psychologism.Vedran Grahovac - 2019 - In Iulian Apostolescu (ed.), The Subject(s) of Phenomenology. Rereading Husserl. Springer. pp. 57-94.
    I propose in this text that Husserl’s response to his contemporaries, critics and immediate predecessors in Logical Investigations consists in the development of circular strategy. Husserl does not challenge psychologsim, empiricism or neo-Kantianism by immediately assuming a position of epistemological primacy over these philosophies. To the contrary, Husserl philosophically challenges these positions by enacting a circularity that already underlies them. Husserl’s critical distance from these theories implies a methodological proximity which enables him to advance his phenomenological project with constant backward (...)
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  25.  26
    The Tenacity of Vicious Circularity in Kant and Husserl: On Transcendental Deduction and Categorial Intuition.Vedran Grahovac - 2018 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 7:32-56.
    In this paper, I explore the strategy of circularity employed by Kant and Husserl in their treatment of categoriality. I focus on the relation between transcendental and metaphysical deductions in Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason, and on the problem of “epistemic foundationalism” and categoriality in Husserl’s Sixth Logical Investigation. I propose that the strategy of circularity is manifested through the peculiar self-enclosure of the categories of transcendental deduction vis-à-vis metaphysical deduction (Kant) and categorial intuition vis-à-vis sensuous intuition (Husserl). Although it (...)
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  26.  28
    A Modern Rigorous Approach to Stratification in NF/NFU.Tin Adlešić & Vedran Čačić - 2022 - Logica Universalis 16 (3):451-468.
    The main feature of NF/NFU is the notion of stratification, which sets it apart from other set theories. We define stratification and prove constructively that every stratified formula has the (unique) least assignment of types. The basic notion of stratification is concerned only with variables, but we extend it to abstraction terms in order to simplify further development. We reflect on nested abstraction terms, proving that they get the expected types. These extensions enable us to check whether some complex formula (...)
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  27.  64
    The Ethical Standards of Judgment Questionnaire: Development and Validation of Independent Measures of Formalism and Consequentialism.Ed Love, Tara Ceranic Salinas & Jeff D. Rotman - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 161 (1):115-132.
    The ethical frameworks of consequentialism and formalism predict moral awareness and behavior in individuals, but current measures either do not treat these frameworks as independent or lack sufficient theoretical underpinnings and statistical dependability. This paper presents the development and validation of a new scale to measure consequentialism and formalism that is well grounded in prior research. The Ethical Standards of Judgement Questionnaire is validated via six studies. Measurement items are developed in the first three studies, which also confirm the need (...)
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  28.  52
    Establishing Sensible and Practical Guidelines for Desk Rejections.Helmar Bornemann-Cimenti, Vedran Katavić, Aceil Al-Khatib & Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (4):1347-1365.
    Publishing has become, in several respects, more challenging in recent years. Academics are faced with evolving ethics that appear to be more stringent in a bid to reduce scientific fraud, the emergence of science watchdogs that are now scrutinizing the published literature with critical eyes to hold academics, editors and publishers more accountable, and a barrage of checks and balances that are required between when a paper is submitted and eventually accepted, to ensure quality control. Scientists are often under increasing (...)
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  29.  43
    Perceptions of Ethical Climate and Research Pressures in Different Faculties of a University: Cross-Sectional Study at the University of Split, Croatia.Mario Malički, Vedran Katavić, Domagoj Marković, Matko Marušić & Ana Marušić - 2019 - Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (1):231-245.
    We determined the prevailing ethical climate at three different schools of a single university, in order to explore possible differences in the ethical climate related to different research fields: the School of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Naval Architecture; the School of Humanities and Social Sciences; and the School of Medicine. We used the Ethical Climate Questionnaire to survey the staff at the three schools, and used the research integrity and organizational climate survey for early-stage researchers at the three schools. (...)
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  30.  14
    The Cardinal Squaring Principle and an Alternative Axiomatization of NFU.Tin Adlešić & Vedran Čačić - 2023 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 52 (4):551-581.
    In this paper, we rigorously prove the existence of type-level ordered pairs in Quine’s New Foundations with atoms, augmented by the axiom of infinity and the axiom of choice (NFU + Inf + AC). The proof uses the cardinal squaring principle; more precisely, its instance for the (infinite) universe (VCSP), which is a theorem of NFU + Inf + AC. Therefore, we have a justification for proposing a new axiomatic extension of NFU, in order to obtain type-level ordered pairs almost (...)
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  31.  20
    (1 other version)Prof. Dr. Muhammed İffet Şarkavî. Çağdaş Dinî Düşünce (Modern Dönem Tefsir Akımlarının Analitik İncelenmesi). Terc. Prof. Dr. Orhan Atalay-Prof. Dr. Veysel Güllüce. İstanbul: Ravza Yayınları, 2019, 310 s. [REVIEW]Zeynep Ceran - forthcoming - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi.
    Prof. Dr. Muhammed İffet Şarkavî, Çağdaş Dinî Düşünce (Modern Dönem Tefsir Akımlarının Analitik İncelenmesi) adlı çalışmasında “çağdaş sorunlar karşısında dinî düşüncenin vereceği cevaplar neler olabilir?” sorusuna cevap aramaktadır. Eserin temel gayesi genelde tüm müslümanların bu sorunlara çözüm üretebilmek için sergiledikleri felsefî, kelâmî, hukukî gayretleri incelemek; özelde ise çağın problemleri karşısında müslüman müfessirlerin konumunu ortaya koymaktır diyebiliriz. Müellif müfessirlerin özellikle on dokuzuncu ve yirminci yüzyıllarda yoğunlaşan sömürgecilik faaliyetlerinin İslam coğrafyasında sebep olduğu siyasî, ekonomik, kültürel bunalımlara çözüm sadedinde ortaya koydukları fikir akımlarıyla (...)
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    Danijel Džino, From Justinian to Branimir: The Making of the Middle Ages in Dalmatia. (Studies in Medieval History and Culture.) London: Routledge, 2020. Pp. xiv, 258; black-and-white figures. $160. ISBN: 978-0-3672-8004-8. [REVIEW]Vedran Sulovsky - 2022 - Speculum 97 (3):825-826.
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    Moral Courage in Organizations. [REVIEW]Tara L. Ceranic - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 8 (1):410-415.
    The Board of Directors of Vermilion Iron Mining Company was faced with a difficult decision. Since the early 1900s Vermilion operated in the tiny town of Ely, Minnesota. In 1967 Vermilion abandoned its operations in Ely due to the increased cost to mine hematite (high grade iron ore) deep within the ore fields. Vermilion’s departure from Ely was economically devastating to the town. Recent research (2008) found that it was now possible to extract the remaining hematite in Ely’s ore fields (...)
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    Audra Wolfe, Freedom's Laboratory: The Cold War Struggle for the Soul of Science Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2018. Pp. x + 302. ISBN 978-1-4214-2673-0. $29.95 (hardback). ISBN 978-1-4214-3908-2. $19.95. [REVIEW]Vedran Duančić - 2021 - British Journal for the History of Science 54 (1):120-122.
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    Editor’s Foreword.Tara Ceranic Salinas - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 20:3-4.
  36.  34
    Grenada Chocolate Company Deliciously Responsible.Wendy Harman, Tara Ceranic & Ivan Montiel - 2007 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 18:504-505.
    Grenada Chocolate Company (GCC) is the world’s smallest chocolate factory. After being hit with several hurricanes, the founders of GCC must decide the best way to continue their business. This case addresses the possibilities GCC has while exploring the benefits and pitfalls of a small business.
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  37.  24
    10.5840/jbee20118123.Tom Morris & Tara L. Ceranic - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 1 (1):231-243.
    The Board of Directors of Vermilion Iron Mining Company was faced with a difficult decision. Since the early 1900s Vermilion operated in the tiny town of Ely, Minnesota. In 1967 Vermilion abandoned its operations in Ely due to the increased cost to mine hematite deep within the ore fields. Vermilion’s departure from Ely was economically devastating to the town. Recent research found that it was now possible to extract the remaining hematite in Ely’s ore fields and the option to return (...)
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    A Methodology for Evaluating Algorithms That Calculate Social Influence in Complex Social Networks.Vanja Smailovic, Vedran Podobnik & Ignac Lovrek - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-20.
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    An Introduction to Business Ethics, 3rd Edition. [REVIEW]Tara L. Ceranic - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 7:233-238.
  40.  13
    Publications of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology in Foča (University of East Sarajevo). [REVIEW]Vedran Golijanin - 2018 - Philotheos 18 (1):175-179.
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    Bioethical Discussions on Being of “Parent” and Child.Yaylagül Ceran Karataş - 2023 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 13 (13:4):313-339.
    yüzyılda teknolojinin, değişen doğa ve insan anlayışlarının, dönüşen tarihsel ve kültürel kodların etkisi altında aile, ebeveynlik ve çocuk kavramlarının yeniden düşünülüp sorgulanması ihtiyacı doğmuştur. Endüstriyel üretim ve tüketimin farklı boyutlarda nesnesi haline getirilen çocuğun kim ve ne olduğuna dair tartışmaların yanı sıra anne-baba olmanın kültürel, tarihsel, dini, fiziki, hukukî ve ekonomik boyutları ve sorumlulukları açısından yeni tartışmalar birbirini takip etmektedir. Farklı boyutlarıyla bütün bu tartışmalar özerklik-özgürlük, insanlık onuru ve kendilik bilinci açısından çocuk-ebeveyn ilişkisinin doğum öncesi-sonrası fiziksel süreçler, temel eğitim ve (...)
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    Boffa’s construction and models for NFU.Tin Adlešić & Vedran Čačić - forthcoming - Studia Logica:1-25.
    New Foundations with Urelements (NFU) is a theory that extends Quine’s original theory (New Foundations) by adding “urelements” (atoms). It was discovered by Jensen in 1969, who proved that NFU is relatively consistent with Peano arithmetic and consequently with Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory (ZF). Jensen’s proof is rather hard to follow, so Boffa introduced a more straightforward method of constructing models for NFU from a model of ZF. However, Boffa’s presentation of his construction is extremely terse with many essential details omitted, (...)
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    Free editors and peers: squeezing the lemon dry.Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva & Vedran Katavić - 2016 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 6 (3-4).
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    Vermilion Iron Mining Company. [REVIEW]Tom Morris & Tara L. Ceranic - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 8 (1):231-243.
    The Board of Directors of Vermilion Iron Mining Company was faced with a difficult decision. Since the early 1900s Vermilion operated in the tiny town of Ely, Minnesota. In 1967 Vermilion abandoned its operations in Ely due to the increased cost to mine hematite (high grade iron ore) deep within the ore fields. Vermilion’s departure from Ely was economically devastating to the town. Recent research (2008) found that it was now possible to extract the remaining hematite in Ely’s ore fields (...)
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    Authorship in a small medical journal: A study of contributorship statements by corresponding authors.Matko Marušić, Jadranka Božikov, Vedran Katavić, Darko Hren, Marko Kljaković-Gašpić & Ana Marušić - 2004 - Science and Engineering Ethics 10 (3):493-502.
    The authorship criteria of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) are widely accepted in biomedical journals, but many studies in large and prestigious journals show that a considerable proportion of authors do not fulfill these criteria. We investigated authorship contributions in a small medical journal outside the scientific mainstream, to see if poor adherence to authorship criteria is common in biomedical journals. We analyzed statements on research contribution, as checked by the corresponding author, for individual authors of 114 (...)
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    Is there an effective approach to deterring students from plagiarizing?Lidija Bilic-Zulle, Josip Azman, Vedran Frkovic & Mladen Petrovecki - 2008 - Science and Engineering Ethics 14 (1):139-147.
    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of plagiarism detection software and penalty for plagiarizing in detecting and deterring plagiarism among medical students. The study was a continuation of previously published research in which second-year medicals students from 2001/2002 and 2002/2003 school years were required to write an essay based on one of the four scientific articles offered by the instructor. Students from 2004/2005 (N = 92) included in present study were given the same task. Topics of (...)
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  47.  34
    What Prevents Students from Reporting Academic Misconduct? A Survey of Croatian Students.Vanja Pupovac, Stjepka Popović & Vedran Blažina - 2019 - Journal of Academic Ethics 17 (4):389-400.
    Academic misconduct is widespread in all cultures, and factors that influence it have been investigated for many years. An act of reporting peers’ misconduct not only identifies and prevents misconduct, but also encourages a student to think and act morally and raises awareness about academic integrity. The aim of this study was to determine factors that prevent students from reporting academic misconduct. A questionnaire to assess views on reporting the academic misconduct of a colleague was developed and sent to all (...)
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    Decomposition in early stages of learning novel morphologically derived words: The impact of linear vs. non-linear structure.Upasana Nathaniel, Stav Eidelsztein, Kate Girsh Geskin, Brianna L. Yamasaki, Bracha Nir, Vedran Dronjic, James R. Booth & Tali Bitan - 2023 - Cognition 240 (C):105604.
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    Organizational ethical behavior.George W. Watson (ed.) - 2011 - New York: Nova Publishers.
    The mother discipline of organisational behaviour has deep roots in psychology, particularly industrial and organisational psychology. It comes as no surprise, therefore, that new and theoretically incommensurate findings involving human moral behaviour have been met with calls for a more psychologically informed investigation of ethical behaviour in organisational contexts (DeCremer and Tenbrunsel, 2012; Reynolds and Ceranic, 2009). This project, aimed at a fuller understanding of the psychology of ethical behaviour, typically falls under the label of Organisational Ethical Behavior (OEB).
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    La interdisciplinariedad dentro de la fenomenología.Lester Embree - 2011 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 8:10.
    El reconocimiento de tendencias fenomenológicas en varias docenas de disciplinas fuera de la filosofía plantea la pregunta acerca del modo como puede de-finirse la fenomenología en general antes de la especificación según la disciplina particular. A continuación, tras un ensayo de respuesta a esta pregunta, se ofre-cerán algunas observaciones relativas a los posibles beneficios para la fenomeno-logía filosófica de los encuentros interdisciplinarios.Recognition of phenomenological tendencies in several dozen disciplines beyond philosophy raises the question of how phenomenology in general might be (...)
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