Results for 'Vicente Bosch'

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  1.  33
    Stakeholder Integration.Pursey Pmar Heugens, Frans A. J. van den Bosch & Cees B. M. van Riel - 2002 - Business and Society 41 (1):36-60.
    This study examines the central contention of instrumental stakeholder theory— namely, that firms that breed trust-based, cooperative ties with their stakeholders will have a competitive advantage over firms that do not. Acase study of the introduction ofgenetically modified food products in the Netherlands provided the basis for the empirical analysis. The results support the instrumental stakeholder management thesis, showing that stakeholder integration, through the development ofmutually enforcing relationships with external parties, may result in both organizational learning and societal legitimacy.
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  2. Polysemy: Current perspectives and approaches.Ingrid Lossius Falkum & Agustin Vicente - 2015 - Lingua:DOI: 10.1016/j.lingua.2015.02.00.
  3.  56
    Hybrid collective intelligence in a human–AI society.Marieke M. M. Peeters, Jurriaan van Diggelen, Karel van den Bosch, Adelbert Bronkhorst, Mark A. Neerincx, Jan Maarten Schraagen & Stephan Raaijmakers - 2021 - AI and Society 36 (1):217-238.
    Within current debates about the future impact of Artificial Intelligence on human society, roughly three different perspectives can be recognised: the technology-centric perspective, claiming that AI will soon outperform humankind in all areas, and that the primary threat for humankind is superintelligence; the human-centric perspective, claiming that humans will always remain superior to AI when it comes to social and societal aspects, and that the main threat of AI is that humankind’s social nature is overlooked in technological designs; and the (...)
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    Modulators of the Personal and Professional Threat Perception of Olympic Athletes in the Actual COVID-19 Crisis.Vicente Javier Clemente-Suárez, Juan Pedro Fuentes-García, Ricardo de la Vega Marcos & María José Martínez Patiño - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  5. Inner Speech: New Voices -- Introduction.Peter Langland-Hassan & Agustin Vicente - 2018 - In Peter Langland-Hassan & Agustín Vicente (eds.), Inner Speech: New Voices. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    This is the introductory chapter to the anthology: Inner Speech: New Voices, to be published in fall 2018 by OUP. It gives an overview of current debates in philosophy, psychology, and neuroscience concerning inner speech, and situates the chapters of the volume with respect to those debates.
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  6. The challenges raised by comorbidity in psychiatric research: The case of autism.Valentina Petrolini & Agustín Vicente - 2022 - Philosophical Psychology 35 (8):1234-1263.
    Despite several criticisms surrounding the DSM classification in psychiatry, a significant bulk of research on mental conditions still operates according to two core assumptions: a) homogeneity, that is the idea that mental conditions are sufficiently homogeneous to justify generalization; b) additive comorbidity, that is the idea that the coexistence of multiple conditions in the same individual can be interpreted as additive. In this paper we take autism research as a case study to show that, despite a plethora of criticism, psychiatric (...)
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    El deber de beneficencia en Kant y Fichte.Vicente de Haro - 2020 - Ideas Y Valores 69 (174):123-141.
    Este artículo expone los argumentos de Kant y Fichte a favor del deber ético de la beneficencia. De manera concreta, se evalúan las razones para que este deber, en sus respectivos sistemas de deberes morales, obtenga un posicionamiento particular y requiera consideraciones aparte de los criterios que, en general, estructuran dichos sistemas. Además, se hacen comentarios comparativos respecto al papel que juega la facultad de juzgar ante el margen de latitud o de juego que, en particular, implica este deber ético (...)
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    Extended Skill Learning.Edward Baggs, Vicente Raja & Michael L. Anderson - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:533394.
    Within the ecological and enactive approaches in cognitive science, a tension exists in how the process of skill learning is understood. Skill learning can be understood in a narrow sense, as a process of bodily change over time, or in an extended sense, as a change in the structure of the animal–environment system. We propose to resolve this tension by rejecting the first understanding in favor of the second. We thus defend an extended approach to skill learning. An extended understanding (...)
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    Invariant reversible QEEG effects of anesthetics.E. R. John, L. S. Prichep, W. Kox, P. Valdés-Sosa, J. Bosch-Bayard, E. Aubert, M. Tom, F. diMichele & L. D. Gugino - 2001 - Consciousness and Cognition 10 (2):165-183.
    Continuous recordings of brain electrical activity were obtained from a group of 176 patients throughout surgical procedures using general anesthesia. Artifact-free data from the 19 electrodes of the International 10/20 System were subjected to quantitative analysis of the electroencephalogram (QEEG). Induction was variously accomplished with etomidate, propofol or thiopental. Anesthesia was maintained throughout the procedures by isoflurane, desflurane or sevoflurane (N = 68), total intravenous anesthesia using propofol (N = 49), or nitrous oxide plus narcotics (N = 59). A set (...)
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  10. More on pejorative language: insults that go beyond their extension.Elena Castroviejo, Katherine Fraser & Agustín Vicente - 2020 - Synthese 198 (10):9139-9164.
    Slurs have become a big topic of discussion both in philosophy and in linguistics. Slurs are usually characterised as pejorative terms, co-extensional with other, neutral, terms referring to ethnic or social groups. However, slurs are not the only ethnic/social words with pejorative senses. Our aim in this paper is to introduce a different kind of pejoratives, which we will call “ethnic/social terms used as insults”, as exemplified in Spanish, though present in many other languages and mostly absent in English. These (...)
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  11.  50
    Methodological Decolonisation and Local Epistemologies in Business Ethics Research.Obaa Akua Konadu-Osei, Smaranda Boroş & Anita Bosch - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 186 (1):1-12.
    This paper contributes to the discussion on methodological decolonisation in business ethics research by illustrating how local epistemologies can shape methodology. Historically, business ethics research has been dominated by Western methodologies, which have been argued to be restrictive and limit contextually relevant theorising in non-Western contexts. Over the past decade, scholarship has called for more diversity in research methods and epistemologies. This paper regards arguments founded along neatly divided universalist versus contextualised methodologies as a false dilemma. Instead, we explore how (...)
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  12.  30
    Social and Psychophysiological Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Extensive Literature Review.Vicente Javier Clemente-Suárez, Athanasios A. Dalamitros, Ana Isabel Beltran-Velasco, Juan Mielgo-Ayuso & Jose Francisco Tornero-Aguilera - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The Coronavirus Disease 2019 pandemic, now a global health crisis, has surprised health authorities around the world. Recent studies suggest that the measures taken to curb the spread of the COVID-19 outbreak have generated issues throughout the population. Thus, it is necessary to establish and identify the possible risk factors related to the psychosocial and psychophysiological strain during the COVID-19 outbreak. The present extensive literature review assesses the social, psychological, and physiological consequences of COVID-19, reviewing the impact of quarantine measures, (...)
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  13. Perspectives of Critical Epistemology: The Fundamental Question About a New Science.José Vicente Villalobos Antúnez, José Francisco Guerrero Lobo, Jesus Enrrique Caldera Ynfante & Reynier Israel Ramírez Molina - 2022 - Novum Jus 16 (3):161-187.
    Many current problems surrounding science revolve around the complex epistemological framework that shapes a new vision of knowledge about reality. The traditional epistemological positions are characterized by the explanation of nature by means of concatenated facts; that is, as bricks attached to each other giving shape to the edifice of science. A conception of this nature showed that the idea of certainty was nothing more than a mere illusion, opening the way, on the contrary, to the idea of the uncertainty (...)
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    Meet the Metaorganism: A web‐based learning app for undergraduate and graduate biology students.Susanne H. Landis, Agnes Piecyk, Manuel Reitz, Carolin Enzingmüller, Hinrich Schulenburg, Thomas Bosch, Katja Dierking, Peter Deines, Jonas Hunfeld-Häutle, Konrad Rappaport & Tom Duscher - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (10):2300043.
    Meet the Metaorganism is a web‐based learning app that combines three fundamental biological concepts (coevolution, community dynamics, and immune system) with latest scientific findings using the metaorganism as a central case study. In a transdisciplinary team of scientists, information designers, programmers, science communicators, and educators, we conceptualized and developed the app according to the latest didactic and scientific findings and aimed at setting new standards in visual design, digital knowledge transfer, and online education. A content management system allows continuous integration (...)
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  15. Phenomenal contrast arguments: What they achieve.Marta Jorba & Agustín Vicente - 2019 - Mind and Language 35 (3):350-367.
    Phenomenal contrast arguments (PCAs) are normally employed as arguments showing that a certain mental feature contributes to (the phenomenal character of) experience, that certain contents are represented in experience and that kinds of sui generis phenomenologies such as cognitive phenomenology exist. In this paper we examine a neglected aspect of such arguments, i.e., the kind of mental episodes involved in them, and argue that this happens to be a crucial feature of the arguments. We use linguistic tools to determine the (...)
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    Economía, valores y democracia. Diálogo con Christian Felber.Vicente Ordóñez Roig - 2014 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 15:153-161.
    Entrevista a Christian Felber al hilo de su visita a Benicàssim en agosto de 2013. Charlamos con él sobre algunos aspectos de su teoría del bien común, así como de otros temas de corte ético, político, económico y social.
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    Signs, paradox, and sporting games in school physical education.Vicente Navarro-Adelantado & Miguel Pic - 2022 - Semiotica 2022 (248):153-168.
    The wide range of semiotic possibility, through networks of motor communications, reveal processes for decision-making with playful meaning. We describe a physical education experience according to a sequence based on five motor games, corresponding to five networks of motor communications, with the purpose of revealing the signs to interpret a fully comprehension of playful communication. A total of 180 high school students were part of this pedagogic experience. Events were obtained through the systematic observation of three game conducts, to be (...)
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  18. De la axiomática a los sistemas formales.Muñoz Delgado & Vicente[From Old Catalog] - 1961 - Madrid,: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto de Matemáticas "Jorge Juan,".
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    Publishing Karl Marx's Le Capital (1871—1875).Kenneth Hemmerechts & Nohemi Jocabeth Echeverría Vicente - 2024 - BRILL.
    This book presents an examination of the (context of the) publishing process of Karl Marx's Le Capital, including the overlap with the publishing process of the second German edition of Das Kapital.
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  20. Hermeneusis sinóptica de ontologías convergentes en las Disputaciones de Suárez.Vicente Llamas Roig - forthcoming - Thémata Revista de Filosofía.
    Las Disputaciones metafísicas de Suárez son el punto de encuentro de dos líneas ontológicas, energetista y dinamicista, amenazadas por el nominalismo ockhamista, sin otra tangencia posible que una original reelaboración de la unidad formal (in natura rei ante operationem intellectus) al esse simplicissimum et primum omnium en aras de una autónoma scientia perfecta et a priori. La distinctio rationis ratiocinatae entre esencia y existencia en los seres creados, la individuación per intrinsecum y la posibilidad de su noticia directa o la (...)
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  21. Lógica matemática y lógica filosófica.Vicente Muñoz Delgado - 1962 - Madrid: Rivista "Estudios".
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    Disertaciones filosóficas.Juan Vicente Ramírez - 1959 - Buenos Aires,: Editado por la Universidad Nacional de Asunción en la Impr. López.
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    The Microbiome Mediates Environmental Effects on Aging.Brett B. Finlay, Sven Pettersson, Melissa K. Melby & Thomas C. G. Bosch - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (10):1800257.
    Humans’ indigenous microbes strongly influence organ functions in an age‐ and diet‐dependent manner, adding an important dimension to aging biology that remains poorly understood. Although age‐related differences in the gut microbiota composition correlate with age‐related loss of organ function and diseases, including inflammation and frailty, variation exists among the elderly, especially centenarians and people living in areas of extreme longevity. Studies using short‐lived as well as nonsenescent model organisms provide surprising functional insights into factors affecting aging and implicate attenuating effects (...)
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  24.  20
    Centralidade e Seletividade da Matemática: Da Paideia Platônica À Contemporaneidade.Milena Fontana & Vicente Zatti - 2023 - Desleituras Literatura Filosofia Cinema e outras artes 11.
    Nesse trabalho apresentamos os resultados obtidos na pesquisa “A centralidade da Matemática no currículo: um estudo sobre as origens a partir da paideia platônica”. Partimos do estudo bibliográfico da paideia platônica, com o objetivo de demonstrar que a Matemática é central no sistema educacional platônico na medida em que possui a função de instrumentalizar o pensamento e formar homens aptos a guiarem-se pela razão em todos os aspectos da vida. Caberia à Matemática, dada sua dificuldade, o papelde selecionar os homens (...)
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    Dialéctica das consciências e outros ensaios.Vicente Ferreira da Silva - 2002 - Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda. Edited by António Braz Teixeira.
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  26. Educação e personalidade.Vicente Porto de Menezes - 1968 - Belo Horizonte,: Promoção da Família Ed..
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  27. Lógica formal y filosofía en Domingo de Soto, 1494-1560.Vicente Muñoz Delgado - 1964 - Madrid,: Revista "Estudios,".
  28.  6
    Sceptical doubt and disbelief in modern European thought: a new pan-American dialogue.Vicente Raga Rosaleny & Plínio J. Smith (eds.) - 2021 - Cham: Springer.
    This volume examines modern scepticism in all main philosophical areas: epistemology, science, metaphysics, morals, and religion. It features sixteen essays that explore its importance for modern thought. The contributions present diverse, mutually enriching interpretations of key thinkers, from Montaigne to Nietzsche. The book includes a look both at the relationship between Montaigne and Pascal and at Montaigne’s criticism of religious rationalism. It turns its attention to an investigation into the links between ancient scepticism and Bacon’s Doctrine of the Idols, as (...)
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    (2 other versions)O direito e a vida dos direitos.Vicente Ráo - 1900 - São Paulo: Editora Resenha Universitária.
    Traz os diversos sistemas de direito positivo: o sistema romano, sistema germanico, sistema anglo-americano, sistema sovietico, sistema chines, sistema juridico da india, direito muçulmano, direito israelita.
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  30.  26
    Ética, tecnología y desafíos de futuro.José Vicente Villalobos-Antúnez, José Francisco Guerrero-Lobo, Belisario Prats-Palma & Francisco Rojas-Torrejón - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (5):1-15.
    Se analizan los desafíos de futuro de la sociedad digital. Desde perspectiva fenomenológico-hermenéutica, la idea de una ética de la tecnología considera la sociedad digital como dispositivo técnico. La literatura pertinente permite, primero, estudiar la tecnología disruptiva como generadora de cambios sociales, los cuales, a su vez, transforman las formas de la facticidad de la vida. De esta manera, la ética de la sociedad material, sirve de argumento para analizar la ética en la sociedad digital. Tomando la bioética filosófica como (...)
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  31. On the nature of the lexicon: the status of rich lexical meanings.Lotte Hogeweg & Agustin Vicente - forthcoming - Journal of Linguistics.
    The main goal of this paper is to show that there are many phenomena that pertain to the construction of truth-conditional compounds that follow characteristic patterns, and whose explanation requires appealing to knowledge structures organized in specific ways. We review a number of phenomena, ranging from non-homogenous modification and privative modification to polysemy and co-predication that indicate that knowledge structures do play a role in obtaining truth-conditions. After that, we show that several extant accounts that invoke rich lexical meanings to (...)
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  32.  37
    La ética de Kant, la ética kantiana y la ética contemporánea.Vicente de Haro Romo - 2024 - Estudios filosofía historia letras 22 (149):95.
    Entre los elementos básicos de la ética de Immanuel Kant destacan el imperativo categórico como fundamento de determinación de la ética, su apelación a la facultad de juzgar y la posibilidad de considerar a la ética kantiana del deber como un modelo de formación de carácter, y por tanto, como una ética de la virtud. El planteamiento de Kant es fecundo incluso en propuestas éticas que difieren de él, específicamente en lo que podría llamarse su "ética material". Finalmente, se muestra (...)
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    Palabras de Carmen Bosch de Montero.Carmen Bosch de Montero - 1998 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 2:12.
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  34.  18
    La Teoría de Los Nombres y El Realismo Metafísico.Juan José Colomina Almiñana & Vicente Raga Rosaleny - 2013 - Praxis Filosófica:75-95.
    En el presente escrito, los autores pretenden una nueva interpretación de las principales tesis de la más conocida obra de Kripke, Naming and Necessity. Se atiende a las nociones de a priori (y de necesidad) y a posteriori (y contingencia), la noción de designador rígido (con su explícita crítica a la teoría descriptivista fregeana de los nombres) y su revisión de los conceptos metafísicos de modalidad de dicto y modalidad de re. Más tarde, se definirá mínimamente la noción de realismo (...)
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    The Effects of Immigration on Labour Tax Avoidance: An Empirical Spatial Analysis.Diego Ravenda, Maika M. Valencia-Silva, Josep M. Argiles-Bosch & Josep García-Blandón - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 170 (3):471-496.
    We investigate whether the geographic concentration of non-EU immigrants in the various Italian provinces affects labour tax avoidance practices adopted by firms located in the same provinces, as well as in the neighbouring provinces, and operating in construction and agriculture industries that mostly employ immigrants in Italy. For this purpose, we develop a LTAV proxy based on the financial accounting information of a sample of 993,606 firm-years, disseminated throughout the 108 Italian provinces, over the period 2008–2016. Our results, based on (...)
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  36. AIMMBE e IBV cuentan con un novedoso servicio de diseño, fabricación y evaluación de implantes veterinarios.Irene Lara, Juan Vicente Haro, José Ramón Blasco, Víctor Primo, Luís Portolés & Carlos Atienza - 2011 - In Ivano Dionigi & Guido Barbujani (eds.), Animalia. Milano: Biblioteca universale Rizzoli. pp. 38-41.
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  37.  12
    Los adversarios de la ficción. Una defensa de la literatura, de Gregory Jusdanis.Vicente Raga Rosaleny - 2015 - Co-herencia 12 (22):253-256.
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    The theoretical basis of cancer‐stem‐cell‐based therapeutics of cancer: can it be put into practice?Isidro Sánchez-García, Carolina Vicente-Dueñas & César Cobaleda - 2007 - Bioessays 29 (12):1269-1280.
    In spite of the advances in our knowledge of cancer biology, most cancers remain not curable with present therapies. Current treatments consider cancer as resulting from uncontrolled proliferation and are non‐specific. Although they can reduce tumour burden, relapse occurs in most cases. This was long attributed to incomplete tumour elimination, but recent developments indicate that different types of cells contribute to the tumour structure, and that the tumour's cellular organization would be analogous to that of a normal tissue, with a (...)
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  39.  21
    Descartes sobre la percepción sensorial.Vicente Sanfélix-Vidarte - forthcoming - Anuario Filosófico:327-356.
    Este artículo defiende que según Descartes hay dos clases de percepción sensorial. Una que opera por impulso, confundiendo las propiedades de las cosas físicas con nuestras ideas de ellas; y la otra que procede por deducción y distingue entre aquellas propiedades de las cosas físicas que tienen una representación adecuada en nuestras ideas y las que no la tienen.
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  40. What is Said by a Metaphor: The Role of Salience and Conventionality.Fernando Martínez-Manrique & Agustín Vicente - 2013 - Pragmatics and Cognition 21 (2):304-328.
    Contextualist theorists have recently defended the views (a) that metaphor-processing can be treated on a par with other meaning changes, such as narrowing or transfer, and (b) that metaphorical contents enter into “what is said” by an utterance. We do not dispute claim (a) but consider that claim (b) is problematic. Contextualist theorists seem to leave in the hands of context the explanation about why it is that some meaning changes are directly processed, and thus plausibly form part of “what (...)
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  41.  15
    ¿Montaigne escéptico? La influencia de Pascal en nuestra comprensión de Los ensayos.Vicente Raga Rosanely - 2019 - Ideas Y Valores 68 (171):59-80.
    Michel de Montaigne, el reconocido autor de Los ensayos, ha sido interpretado como un escéptico y, más en concreto, como un defensor del fideísmo escéptico; lectura que tiene su origen principal en la interpretación de B. Pascal. El artículo pretendereexaminar tanto la cuestión del fideísmo como la del escepticismo presente en Los ensayos, para concluir que quizá la interpretación de Pascal, que todavía perdura, se basa en un “desvío” involuntario o intencionado, pero en todo caso creativo y fértil.
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  42.  41
    Affective Empathy and Moral Disengagement Related to Late Adolescent Bullying Perpetration.Izabela Zych & Vicente J. Llorent - 2019 - Ethics and Behavior 29 (7):547-556.
    Bullying has damaging short-term and long-term consequences. Research suggests that perpetrators have low empathy and high moral disengagement, but relations between these variables are unclear and are rarely integrated in a single study. Thus, the objective of this study was to discover if empathy and moral disengagement mechanisms were related to bullying perpetration. This study was conducted with 904 Polish adolescents enrolled in 6 rural and urban upper secondary schools. High affective empathy predicted lower bullying perpetration. Moral-disengagement mechanisms such as (...)
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    Role of emotions in responsible military AI.José Kerstholt, Mark Neerincx, Karel van den Bosch, Jason S. Metcalfe & Jurriaan van Diggelen - 2023 - Ethics and Information Technology 25 (1):1-4.
  44. Sobre el gusto y la verdad práctica.Jorge Nicolás Vicente Arregui - 1990 - Anuario Filosófico 23 (1):163-176.
    El propósito de estas páginas es establecer un paralelismo entre el gusto y la verdad práctica, y lo que se ha venido llamando la dimensión reflexiva de la verdad y la verdad teórica. La tesis que se va a defender es que la dimensión reflexiva de la verdad práctica es el gusto porque éste es la constatación de la adecuación, congruencia o armonía entre la subjetividad y un objeto o entre el sujeto y sus acciones, es decir, la constatación de (...)
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  45. Sentido y verdad en el "Tractatus" de Wittgenstein.Jorge Nicolás Vicente Arregui - 1982 - Anuario Filosófico 15 (2):159-174.
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  46. Propiedades irreductibles.Agustín Vicente Benito - 2003 - Laguna 12:77-88.
    En la literatura filosófica de las últimas décadas, existen numerosos argumentos orientados a demostrar que las propiedades fenoménicas, los qualia, no son integrables en el mundo natural. En este trabajo se sugiere que una gran familia de ellos, los basados en una simple distinción no especificada entre las propiedades naturales y las propiedades fenoménicas, carece de la fuerza necesaria para apoyar las intuiciones dualistas.
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  47. Los conventos franciscanos en la provincia de Albacete.Vicente Pascual Carrión Iñíguez - 2009 - Verdad y Vida 67 (255):665-682.
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  48. El desarrollo de las comunidades más desfavorecidas en la India.Fundación Vicente Ferrer - 2008 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 53:143-146.
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  49. San Agustín: lenguaje y alegoría.Joâo Vicente Ganzarolli de Oliveira - 2001 - Revista Agustiniana 42 (127):263-275.
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  50. De la confrontación entre la astrología y el primer cristianismo al aprovechamiento de los arquetipos astrológicos por el humanismo cristiano.Luis Miguel Vicente García - 2004 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 11:227-242.
    Se estudian las reacciones de los primeros pensadores cristianos frente a la astrología, los antecedentes clásicos en que se basaron, y el posterior aprovechamiento de los símbolos y arquetipos astrológicos por la filosofía y literatura del humanismo cristiano.
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