Results for 'Virginia Burgdorf'

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  1.  18
    The Interpersonal Mindfulness in Parenting Scale in Mothers of Children and Infants: Factor Structure and Associations With Child Internalizing Problems.Virginia Burgdorf & Marianna Szabó - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Objectives: Mindful parenting, measured by the Interpersonal Mindfulness in Parenting scale, is beneficial for parents and children. However, the IMP has not been validated in English-speaking parents. Further, little is known about whether mindful parenting is similar in parents of children vs. infants, or how it reduces child internalizing problems. We sought to validate the IMP in English-speaking mothers of children and infants, and to examine relationships between the facets of mindful parenting, child internalizing problems and parent variables related to (...)
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    The Effect of Mindfulness Interventions for Parents on Parenting Stress and Youth Psychological Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.Virginia Burgdorf, Marianna Szabó & Maree J. Abbott - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Imperial reform and visions of a European constitution in Germany around 1800.Wolfgang Burgdorf - 1994 - History of European Ideas 19 (1-3):401-408.
  4. The Ethics of Care. Personal, Political, and Global.Virginia Held - 2007 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 69 (2):399-399.
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    Virginia Moyer, Steven M. Teutsch, and Jeffrey R. Botkin reply.Virginia Moyer, Steven M. Teutsch & Jeffrey R. Botkin - 2009 - Hastings Center Report 39 (1):7-8.
  6. Feminist Morality: Transforming Culture, Society, and Politics.Virginia Held - 1996 - Hypatia 11 (1):155-167.
    Virginia Held's Feminist Morality defends the idea that it is possible to transform the "public" sphere by remaking it on the model of existing "private" relationships such as families. This paper challenges Held's optimism. It is argued that feminist moral inquiry can aid in transforming the public sphere only by showing just how much the allegedly "private" realms of families and personal relationships are shaped-and often misshapen-by public demands and concerns.
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    Resistance to extinction as a function of the distribution of extinction trials.Virginia Fairfax Sheffeld - 1950 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 40 (3):305.
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  8. The Ethics of Care: Personal, Political, Global.Virginia Held - 2006 - New York: Oup Usa. Edited by David Copp.
    Virginia Held assesses the ethics of care as a promising alternative to the familiar moral theories that serve so inadequately to guide our lives. The ethics of care is only a few decades old, yet it is by now a distinct moral theory or normative approach to the problems we face. It is relevant to global and political matters as well as to the personal relations that can most clearly exemplify care. This book clarifies just what the ethics of (...)
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    A vindication of political virtue: the political theory of Mary Wollstonecraft.Virginia Sapiro - 1992 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Nearly two hundred years ago, Mary Wollstonecraft wrote what is considered to be the first major work of feminist political theory: A Vindication of the Rights of Women . Much has been written about this work, and about Wollstonecraft as the intellectual pioneer of feminism, but the actual substance and coherence of her political thought have been virtually ignored. Virginia Sapiro here provides the first full-length treatment of Wollstonecraft's political theory. Drawing on all of Wollstonecraft's works and treating them (...)
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  10. Feminist morality: transforming culture, society, and politics.Virginia Held - 1993 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    How is feminism changing the way women and men think, feel, and act? Virginia Held explores how feminist theory is changing contemporary views of moral choice. She proposes a comprehensive philosophy of feminist ethics, arguing persuasively for reconceptualizations of the self of relations between the self and others and of images of birth and death, nurturing and violence. Held shows how social, political, and cultural institutions have traditionally been founded upon masculine ideals of morality. She then identifies a distinct (...)
  11.  30
    Introduction.Virginia Rowthorn, Jody Olsen & Jon Mark Hirshon - 2014 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 42 (S2):5-8.
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  12. How Terrorism is Wrong: Morality and Political Violence.Virginia Held - 2008 - Oup Usa.
    How Terrorism is Wrong collects essays by Virginia Held that examine terrorism and other forms of political violence. Held assesses popular attitudes that glorify some kinds of violence and vilify others, and discusses the kinds of moral evaluation appropriate for terrorism, war, violent political change, or repression. This collection suggests ways of improving how we understand and deal with violence.
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  13. Hijos y padres en la tele.Virginia Fernández Aguinaco - 2005 - Critica 55 (928):66-68.
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  14. Jorge del Romero, Coordinador del Centro Sandoval.Virginia Fernández Aguinaco & Jorge del Romero - 2008 - Critica 58 (953):68-72.
  15.  7
    “Esta maravilha de cenário”: as representações da cidade do Rio de Janeiro e seus habitantes na fotografia de moda.Virginia Todeschini Borges - 2018 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 24 (3).
    A cidade do Rio de Janeiro é considerada um centro difusor de moda, inovações, modismos, cultura. Até mesmo quem nunca colocou os pés na cidade tem um julgamento a respeito dos estilos de vida locais e de seus habitantes. Sede de um dos principais eventos do calendário brasileiro de lançamentos, o Fashion Rio, é do Rio que saem as maiores tendências da temporada primavera-verão. O objetivo deste artigo é analisar as representações da cidade, dos seus habitantes e dos estilos de (...)
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  16. Foreword.Virginia S. Lee - 2017 - In Jeffery W. Galle & Rebecca L. Harrison (eds.), Revitalizing classrooms: innovations and inquiry pedagogies in practice. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
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    (1 other version)Discovering the More: Reading Wright's, Colette's, and Cather's Texts as Philosophy of Education.Virginia Worley, Stacy Otto & Lucy E. Bailey - 2010 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 46 (2):192-223.
    Rather than using literary texts to evidence an analytic argument, within this piece we read Julia McNair Wright's (US, 1840?1902), Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette's (France, 1873?1954), and Willa Cather's (US, 1873?1947) texts through theoretical lenses that expose their educational meaning and value and that create conversation among them concerning girls? and women's educations. While we do not claim that one can generalize these women's works and lessons to every life, we contend that these women and the literary products they created offer girls (...)
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  18. Justice and Care: Essential Readings in Feminist Ethics.Virginia Held - 1997 - Hypatia 12 (4):200-202.
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    A Place for All at the Global Health Table: A Case Study about Creating an Interprofessional Global Health Project: Teaching Health Law.Virginia Rowthorn - 2013 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 41 (4):907-914.
    Many ideas grow better when transplanted into another mind than the one where they sprang up.
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  20. Responsible Artificial Intelligence: How to Develop and Use Ai in a Responsible Way.Virginia Dignum - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    In this book, the author examines the ethical implications of Artificial Intelligence systems as they integrate and replace traditional social structures in new sociocognitive-technological environments. She discusses issues related to the integrity of researchers, technologists, and manufacturers as they design, construct, use, and manage artificially intelligent systems; formalisms for reasoning about moral decisions as part of the behavior of artificial autonomous systems such as agents and robots; and design methodologies for social agents based on societal, moral, and legal values. Throughout (...)
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  21. El Fondo Monetario Internacional y el Banco Mundial.Virginia Fernández Aguinaco - 2007 - Critica 57 (942):71-75.
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  22. Historia del ecumenismo en España: José Luis Díez Moreno, San Pablo, 2008.Virginia Fernández Aguinaco - 2009 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 59 (960):105.
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    Búsqueda de salud y oferta de sanación. Estudio teológico de caso: Parroquia «Natividad del Señor».Virginia Raquel Azcuy - 2020 - Franciscanum 62 (174):1-33.
    El foco de atención está puesto en la afluencia espontánea de una gran multitud de personas a la parroquia rosarina «Natividad del Señor» en busca de salud para sí mismos y/o sus familiares. El fenómeno manifiesta una de las principales motivaciones que acompañan las creencias y las prácticas religiosas actuales en la Argentina, sobre todo de quienes pertenecen a sectores sociales medios y bajos, aunque no exclusivamente. La explicación de por qué esta parroquia se ha constituido en un lugar de (...)
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    Les Dieux-gardiens et la Genèse des TemplesLes Dieux-gardiens et la Genese des Temples.Virginia Condon & Jean-Claude Goyon - 1988 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 108 (1):149.
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    Special Issue: Global Perspectives on Business Ethics from the 40th Anniversary Conference of the Hoffman Center for Business Ethics at Bentley University, 2016.Virginia W. Gerde & Christopher Michaelson - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 155 (4):913-916.
    This special issue of the Journal of Business Ethics commemorates the 40th Anniversary Conference of the Hoffman Center for Business Ethics at Bentley University. It collects seven of the papers that were presented at the conference in 2016, when scholars, practitioners, and policymakers from across the globe convened to discuss “Global Perspectives on Business Ethics.” From conceptual thinking to theory building and empirical analysis, these articles present several future and mutually supportive directions for research to influence the context and conduct (...)
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  26. The Purpose of College Greek.Virginia C. Gildersleeve - 1916 - Classical Weekly 10:114-117.
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    Witchcraft, Demonology, and Confession in Early Modern France.Virginia Krause - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    Denounced by neighbors and scrutinized by demonologists, the early modern French witch also confessed, self-identified as a witch and as the author of horrific deeds. What led her to this point? Despair, solitude, perhaps even physical pain, but most decisively, demonology's two-pronged prosecutorial and truth-seeking confessional apparatus. This book examines the systematic and well-oiled machinery that served to extract, interpret, and disseminate witches' confessions in early modern France. For the demonologist, confession was the only way to find out the truth (...)
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  28. Justice and Care.Virginia Held (ed.) - 1991
  29. Justice and care: essential readings in feminist ethics.Virginia Held (ed.) - 1995 - Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press.
    When feminist philosophers first turned their attention to traditional ethical theory, its almost exclusive emphasis upon justice, rights, abstract rationality, and individual autonomy came under special criticism. Women’s experiences seemed to suggest the need for a focus on care, empathetic relations, and the interdependence of persons.The most influential readings of what has become an extremely lively and fruitful debate are reproduced here along with important new contributions by Alison Jaggar and Sara Ruddick. As this volume testifies, there is no agreement (...)
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    Three Guineas: A Broadview Encore Edition.Virginia Woolf - 2012 - Peterborough, CA: Broadview Press.
    In Three Guineas, first published in June, 1938 Virginia Woolf set about answering three questions. How should war be prevented? Why does the government not support education for women? Why are women prevented from engaging in professional work? Many at the time saw the matter of how best to prevent war as entirely unconnected with “women’s issues”; Woolf linked together the answers, and connected them too with discussions of such matters as social class, in what has come to be (...)
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  31. The ethics of care.Virginia Held - 2000 - In Steven M. Cahn (ed.), Exploring Philosophy: An Introductory Anthology. New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press USA.
    In the last few decades, the ethics of care as a feminist ethic has given rise to extensive literature, and has affected moral inquiries in many areas. It offers a distinctive challenge to the dominant moral theories: Kantian moral theory, utilitarianism, and virtue ethics. This chapter outlines the distinctive features and promising possibilities of the ethics of care, and the criticisms that have been made against it. It then examines the ethics of care’s recognition of human dependency and of the (...)
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    Syntactic subjects in the early speech of American and Italian children.Virginia Valian - 1991 - Cognition 40 (1-2):21-81.
  33. Comprar un juguete o cómo complicarse la vida.Virginia Fernández Aguinaco - 2007 - Critica 57 (947):77-80.
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  34. V. 3.Virginia Cox & Joanne Paul - 2021 - In Eugenio F. Biagini (ed.), A cultural history of democracy. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Tentando Decifrar Um Enigma: Por Que Certa Apatia Estudantil Diante da Ascensão Do Neonazismo No Brasil?Virginia Figueiredo - forthcoming - Prometeus: Filosofia em Revista.
    Por que muitos estudantes aderiram com tanto entusiasmo às jornadas de 2013, ocupando as ruas pelo país afora, e agora, diante da perigosíssima, dangerosíssima ascensão do neonazismo no Brasil, mantêm-se apáticos, indiferentes e até, ousaria dizer, passivos? Talvez, possamos comparar as Jornadas de 2013 com o Maio 68 na França. Aventei a possibilidade de os/as jovens estarem à procura de novos modos de existência, tentando “aplicar” esse conceito deleuziano (com uma admirável posteridade) ao movimento cuja característica mais notável e, aliás, (...)
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    (1 other version)Feminist Directions in Medical Ethics.Virginia L. Warren - 1989 - Hypatia 4 (2):73-86.
    I explore some new directions—suggested by feminism—for medical ethics and for philosophical ethics generally. Moral philosophers need to confront two issues. The first is deciding which moral issues merit attention. Questions which incorporate the perspectives of women need to be posed—e. g., about the unequal treatment of women in health care, about the roles of physician and nurse, and about relationship issues other than power struggles. “Crisis issues” currently dominate medical ethics, to the neglect of what I call “housekeeping issues.” (...)
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  37. Justice and care: The implications of the Kohlberg-Gilligan debate for medical ethics.Virginia A. Sharpe - 1992 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 13 (4).
    Carol Gilligan has identified two orientations to moral understanding; the dominant justice orientation and the under-valued care orientation. Based on her discernment of a voice of care, Gilligan challenges the adequacy of a deontological liberal framework for moral development and moral theory. This paper examines how the orientations of justice and care are played out in medical ethical theory. Specifically, I question whether the medical moral domain is adequately described by the norms of impartiality, universality, and equality that characterize the (...)
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  38. Feminist transformations of moral theory.Virginia Held - 1990 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 50:321-344.
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    Laughing rats? Playful tickling arouses high frequency ultrasonic chirping in young rodents.Jaak Panksepp & Jeffrey Burgdorf - 1999 - In Stuart R. Hameroff, Alfred W. Kaszniak & David John Chalmers (eds.), Toward a Science of Consciousness III: The Third Tucson Discussions and Debates. MIT Press. pp. 231--244.
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  40. Feminism and moral theory.Virginia Held - forthcoming - Bioethics: An Introduction to the History, Methods, and Practice.
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    Transhumanismo y posthumanismo.Virginia Fusco & Fernando Broncano - 2020 - Isegoría 63:283-288.
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    Selected Essays.Virginia Woolf - 2009 - Oxford University Press UK.
    'A good essay must draw its curtain round us, but it must be a curtain that shuts us in, not out.' According to Virginia Woolf, the goal of the essay 'is simply that it should give pleasure...It should lay us under a spell with its first word, and we should only wake, refreshed, with its last.' One of the best practitioners of the art she analysed so rewardingly, Woolf displayed her essay-writing skills across a wide range of subjects, with (...)
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  43. The creed of Lucius Annaeus Seneca.Virginia Beauchamp - 1896 - Syracus, N.Y.,: C. W. Bardeen.
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    New Documents at Rieti for the Monasteries of San Benedetto ad Xenodochium and Santa Sofia in Ninth-Century Benevento.Virginia Brown - 2001 - Mediaeval Studies 63 (1):337-350.
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    The role of entitativity in perpetuating cycles of violence.Virginia K. Choi, Joshua C. Jackson & Michele J. Gelfand - 2018 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 41.
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    Emotion as the Transformation of World.Virginia E. Cobey & Robert L. Hall - 1976 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 6 (2):180-198.
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    What Mathematical Truth Need Not Be.Virginia Klenk - 1990 - In J. Dunn & A. Gupta (eds.), Truth or Consequences: Essays in Honor of Nuel Belnap. Boston, MA, USA: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 197--208.
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    Animals, Superman, Fairy and God: Children’s Attributions of Nonhuman Agent Beliefs in Madrid and London.Virginia L. Lam & Silvia Guerrero - 2020 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 20 (1-2):66-87.
    There have been major developments in the understanding of children’s nonhuman concepts, particularly God concepts, within the past two decades, with a body of cross-cultural studies accumulating. Relatively less research has studied those of non-Christian faiths or children’s concepts of popular occult characters. This paper describes two studies, one in Spain and one in England, examining 5- to 10-year-olds’ human and nonhuman agent beliefs. Both settings were secular, but the latter comprised a Muslim majority. Children were given a false-belief task (...)
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    Reflexiones agustinianas sobre el amor en las Enarrationes in psalmos.Virginia L. Noel & José Oroz - 1991 - Augustinus 36 (140-143):185-190.
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    Ucr diminution in temporal conditioning and habituation.Virginia E. Pendergrass & H. D. Kimmel - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 77 (1):1.
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