Results for 'Virginia Carol Hagelstein Marquardt'

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  1.  48
    Women and Moral Theory.Eva Feder Kittay, Carol Gilligan, Annette C. Baier, Michael Stocker, Christina H. Sommers, Kathryn Pyne Addelson, Virginia Held, Thomas E. Hill Jr, Seyla Benhabib, George Sher, Marilyn Friedman, Jonathan Adler, Sara Ruddick, Mary Fainsod, David D. Laitin, Lizbeth Hasse & Sandra Harding - 1987 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
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    Psychometric Properties of the Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 and Generalized Anxiety Disorder-Mini in United States University Students.Carol Byrd-Bredbenner, Kaitlyn Eck & Virginia Quick - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  3. Surveys of Distance Learning in the Virginia Community College System by Carole Schultz.Carole Schultz - 2001 - Inquiry (ERIC) 6 (2):34-38.
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    Virginia Woolf's Criticism: A Polemical Preface.Barbara Currier Bell & Carol Ohmann - 1974 - Critical Inquiry 1 (2):361-371.
    As a critic, Virginia Woolf has been called a number of disparaging names: "impressionist," "belletrist," "raconteur," "amateur." Here is one academic talking on the subject: "She will survive, not as a critic, but as a literary essayist recording the adventures of a soul among congenial masterpieces. . . . The writers who are most downright, and masculine, and central in their approach to life - Fielding or Balzac - she for the most part left untouched....Her own approach was at (...)
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  5. Justice and care: The implications of the Kohlberg-Gilligan debate for medical ethics.Virginia A. Sharpe - 1992 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 13 (4).
    Carol Gilligan has identified two orientations to moral understanding; the dominant justice orientation and the under-valued care orientation. Based on her discernment of a voice of care, Gilligan challenges the adequacy of a deontological liberal framework for moral development and moral theory. This paper examines how the orientations of justice and care are played out in medical ethical theory. Specifically, I question whether the medical moral domain is adequately described by the norms of impartiality, universality, and equality that characterize (...)
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    Reviewers, Critics, and "The Catcher in the Rye".Carol Ohmann & Richard Ohmann - 1976 - Critical Inquiry 3 (1):15-37.
    The front page of the [New York] Times on July 16, 1951, serves to outline, quickly enough, the situation of the world into which The Catcher in the Rye made such a successful and relatively well-publicized entrance. The main action of the world, the chief events of its days were occurring within a framework of struggle between two systems of life, two different ways of organizing human being socially, politically, economically. The opposition between East and West, between socialist and capitalist, (...)
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    Universals and the Historically Particular.Carol Ohmann & Richard Ohmann - 1977 - Critical Inquiry 3 (4):773-777.
    To address, as Miller does, the text of Catcher particularly, we would argue that Holden's experiences of old age, physical repulsiveness, sex, aloneness and isolation, and even death are embedded in his full experience of society, and that his responses, moment by moment, bear the imprint of his total response to the competitive, dehumanizing world he is in the process of rebelling against and rejecting. He finds old Spencer pathetic not just because he is elderly and arthritic and snuffy with (...)
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    Reproducing the Souls of White Folk.Carol Mason - 2007 - Hypatia 22 (2):98-121.
    Focusing on a textbook controversy that emerged in Kanawha County, West Virginia, in 1974, Mason explores the discursive production of white ethnicity in the rhetorical, visual, and political strategies used during an organized protest against the new multicultural curriculum adopted by the local school board. What the author finds puzzling is the ways in which these productions of “soul” and “nation” enabled unlikely political alliances between national conservative elites and the local, historically left-leaning working class protesters. The author argues (...)
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    Naturalizing power: essays in feminist cultural analysis.Sylvia Junko Yanagisako & Carol Lowery Delaney (eds.) - 1995 - New York: Routledge.
    This collection of essays analyzes relations of social inequality that appear to be logical extensions of a "natural order," and in the process demonstrates that a revitalized feminist anthropology of the 1990s has much to offer the field of feminist theory. Fashioned as a response to the lack of cultural analysis in feminist scholarship, the contributors question the category of gender within the inclusive context of the structural dynamics of inequality. They also examine how cultural identities, domains and institutions affect (...)
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    Phenomenology, modernism and beyond.Carole Bourne-Taylor & Ariane Mildenberg (eds.) - 2010 - New York: Peter Lang.
    CAROLE BOURNE-TAYLOR AND ARIANE MILDENBERG Introduction: Phenomenology, Modernism and Beyond Etat Present It was at the Eleventh Virginia Woolf Conference ...
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    “My main job is to translate / pain into tales they can tolerate // in another language”: Women’s poetry and the health humanities.Jane Dowson - 2017 - Angelaki 22 (1):247-259.
    This article examines the contribution that poetry written over the last fifty years might make to the established and burgeoning field of Medical Humanities. It takes poems by women about cancer and depression as a case study of how they can offer insight into the impact of these conditions on the sufferer. Collectively, the poems document and effect shifts in knowledge about, and the associated stigmas concerning, illnesses that carry secrecy and shame, specifically cancer and depression. Additionally, drawing on (...) Woolf’s remarkable essay “On Being Ill”, we see how the non-verbal features of poems, particularly metaphors and symbols, mark the space of what a patient cannot fully articulate. Accordingly, the poems discussed illuminate how literature can express human interiority but at the same time remind the reader – or health professional – that interiority can never be fully presented. Thus, poetry both contributes to and also checks the ways in which literature is appropriated by the biomedical sciences. The poets included are Eavan Boland, Julia Darling, U.A. Fanthorpe, Jackie Kay, Gwyneth Lewis, Carol Satyamurti and Jo Shapcott. Some poems specify a female subjectivity, some express agency as autonomous individuals, while others presume to speak of common human experience. (shrink)
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  12. Responsible Artificial Intelligence: How to Develop and Use Ai in a Responsible Way.Virginia Dignum - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    In this book, the author examines the ethical implications of Artificial Intelligence systems as they integrate and replace traditional social structures in new sociocognitive-technological environments. She discusses issues related to the integrity of researchers, technologists, and manufacturers as they design, construct, use, and manage artificially intelligent systems; formalisms for reasoning about moral decisions as part of the behavior of artificial autonomous systems such as agents and robots; and design methodologies for social agents based on societal, moral, and legal values. Throughout (...)
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  13. The Ethics of Care. Personal, Political, and Global.Virginia Held - 2007 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 69 (2):399-399.
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  14. Can a random collection of individuals be morally responsible?Virginia Held - 1970 - Journal of Philosophy 67 (14):471-481.
  15. Justice and care: essential readings in feminist ethics.Virginia Held (ed.) - 1995 - Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press.
    When feminist philosophers first turned their attention to traditional ethical theory, its almost exclusive emphasis upon justice, rights, abstract rationality, and individual autonomy came under special criticism. Women’s experiences seemed to suggest the need for a focus on care, empathetic relations, and the interdependence of persons.The most influential readings of what has become an extremely lively and fruitful debate are reproduced here along with important new contributions by Alison Jaggar and Sara Ruddick. As this volume testifies, there is no agreement (...)
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  16. The ethics of care.Virginia Held - 2000 - In Steven M. Cahn, Exploring Philosophy: An Introductory Anthology. New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press USA.
    In the last few decades, the ethics of care as a feminist ethic has given rise to extensive literature, and has affected moral inquiries in many areas. It offers a distinctive challenge to the dominant moral theories: Kantian moral theory, utilitarianism, and virtue ethics. This chapter outlines the distinctive features and promising possibilities of the ethics of care, and the criticisms that have been made against it. It then examines the ethics of care’s recognition of human dependency and of the (...)
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  17. Feminism and moral theory.Virginia Held - forthcoming - Bioethics: An Introduction to the History, Methods, and Practice.
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  18. Ethics in artificial intelligence: introduction to the special issue.Virginia Dignum - 2018 - Ethics and Information Technology 20 (1):1-3.
  19. Feminist transformations of moral theory.Virginia Held - 1990 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 50:321-344.
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  20.  51
    Cosmopolitanism.Carol Appadurai Breckenridge (ed.) - 2002 - Durham [N.C.]: Duke University Press.
    As the final installment of Public Culture’s Millennial Quartet, Cosmopolitanism assesses the pasts and possible futures of cosmopolitanism—or ways of thinking, feeling, and acting beyond one’s particular society. With contributions from distinguished scholars in disciplines such as literary studies, art history, South Asian studies, and anthropology, this volume recenters the history and theory of translocal political aspirations and cultural ideas from the usual Western vantage point to areas outside Europe, such as South Asia, China, and Africa. By examining new archives, (...)
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  21.  21
    Interactive Democracy: The Social Roots of Global Justice.Carol C. Gould - 2014 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    How can we confront the problems of diminished democracy, pervasive economic inequality, and persistent global poverty? Is it possible to fulfill the dual aims of deepening democratic participation and achieving economic justice, not only locally but also globally? Carol C. Gould proposes an integrative and interactive approach to the core values of democracy, justice, and human rights, looking beyond traditional politics to the social conditions that would enable us to realize these aims. Her innovative philosophical framework sheds new light (...)
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  22.  57
    Moral Subjects: The Natural and the Normative.Virginia Held - 2002 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 76 (2):7 - 24.
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  23. The Meshing of Care and Justice.Virginia Held - 1995 - Hypatia 10 (2):128 - 132.
    This essay attempts to work out how justice and care and their related concerns fit together. I suggest that as a basic moral value, care should be the wider moral framework into which justice should be fitted.
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    Resistance to extinction as a function of the distribution of extinction trials.Virginia Fairfax Sheffeld - 1950 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 40 (3):305.
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  25. Group responsibility for ethnic conflict.Virginia Held - 2002 - The Journal of Ethics 6 (2):157-178.
    When a group of persons such as a nation orcorporation has a relatively clear structureand set of decision procedures, it is capableof acting and should, it can well be argued, beconsidered morally as well as legallyresponsible. This is not because it is afull-fledged moral person, but becauseassigning responsibility is a human practice,and we have good moral reasons to adopt thepractice of considering such groupsresponsible. From such judgments, however,little follows about the responsibility ofindividual members of such groups; much moreneeds to be (...)
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  26. Can the Ethics of Care Handle Violence?Virginia Held - 2010 - Ethics and Social Welfare 4 (2):115-129.
    It may be thought that the ethics of care has developed important insights into the moral values involved in the caring practices of family, friendship, and personal caregiving, but that the ethics of care has little to offer in dealing with violence. The violence of crime, terrorism, war, and violence against women in any context may seem beyond the ethics of care. Skepticism is certainly in order if it is suggested that we can deal with violence simply by caring. Violence (...)
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  27. Terrorism and war.Virginia Held - 2004 - The Journal of Ethics 8 (1):59-75.
    There are different kinds of terrorism as there are of war. It is unpersuasive to make the deliberate targeting of civilians a defining feature of terrorism, and states as well as non-state groups can engage in terrorism. In a democracy, voters responsible for a government’s unjustifiable policies are not necessarily innocent, while conscripts are legitimate targets. Rather than being uniquely atrocious, terrorism most resembles small war. It is not always or necessarily more morally unjustifiable than war. All war should be (...)
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  28.  49
    Domesticating Rewilding: Interpreting Rewilding in England's Green and Pleasant Land.Virginia Thomas - 2022 - Environmental Values 31 (5):515-532.
    There are many different forms and interpretations of rewilding: the concept and its practice vary from country to country, with distinct interpretations according to its geographical location. Despite the term rewilding having been present in the lexicon for three decades, the concept of rewilding in England has experienced a prolonged developmental stage. This paper argues that a unique form of English rewilding is now emerging, which is distinct from rewilding in other parts of the world. Compared to other locations rewilding (...)
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    Feminist Interpretations of Mary Wollstonecraft.Maria J. Falco (ed.) - 1995 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    Combining the liberalism of Locke and the "civic humanism" of Republicanism, Mary Wollstonecraft explored the need of women for coed and equal education with men, economic independence whether married or not, and representation as citizens in the halls of government. In doing so, she foreshadowed and surpassed her much better known successor, John Stuart Mill. Ten feminist scholars prominent in the fields of political philosophy, constitutional and international law, rhetoric, literature, and psychology argue here that Wollstonecraft, by reason of the (...)
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  30. X-Men Ethics: Using Comic Books to Teach Business Ethics.Virginia W. Gerde & R. Spencer Foster - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 77 (3):245-258.
    A modern form of narrative, comic books are used to communicate, discuss, and critique issues in business ethics and social issues in management. A description of comic books as a legitimate medium is followed by a discussion of the pedagogical uses of comic books and assessment techniques. The strengths of the pedagogy include crossing cultural barriers, understanding the complexity of individual decision-making and organizational influences, and the universality of dilemmas and values. We provide an initial source for educators on the (...)
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  31. The Ethics of Care as Normative Guidance: Comment on Gilligan.Virginia Held - 2014 - Journal of Social Philosophy 45 (1):107-115.
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    Nursing professionalization and welfare state policies: A critical review of structural factors influencing the development of nursing and the nursing workforce.Virginia Gunn, Carles Muntaner, Michael Villeneuve, Haejoo Chung & Montserrat Gea-Sanchez - 2019 - Nursing Inquiry 26 (1):e12263.
    Nursing professionalization is both ongoing and global, being significant not only for the nursing workforce but also for patients and healthcare systems. For this reason, it is important to have an in‐depth understanding of this process and the factors that could affect it. This literature review utilizes a welfare state approach to examine macrolevel structural determinants of nursing professionalization, addressing a previously identified gap in this literature, and synthesizes research on the relevance of studying nursing professionalization. The use of a (...)
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  33. Birth and death.Virginia Held - 1989 - Ethics 99 (2):362-388.
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    Otherworld Journeys: Accounts of Near-Death Experience in Medieval and Modern Times.Carol Zaleski - 1987 - Oup Usa.
    Carol Zaleski's book is the first objective, comprehensive survey of the mass of evidence surrounding near-death experiences: the extraordinary visions and ecstatic feelings reported by people who have survived a close brush with death. Comparing recent near-death narratives with those of a much earlier period she finds both profound similarities and striking contrasts.
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    (1 other version)Feminist Directions in Medical Ethics.Virginia L. Warren - 1989 - Hypatia 4 (2):73-86.
    I explore some new directions—suggested by feminism—for medical ethics and for philosophical ethics generally. Moral philosophers need to confront two issues. The first is deciding which moral issues merit attention. Questions which incorporate the perspectives of women need to be posed—e. g., about the unequal treatment of women in health care, about the roles of physician and nurse, and about relationship issues other than power struggles. “Crisis issues” currently dominate medical ethics, to the neglect of what I call “housekeeping issues.” (...)
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    Informed consent as an ethical requirement in clinical trials: an old, but still unresolved issue. An observational study to evaluate patient's informed consent comprehension.Virginia Sanchini, Michele Reni, Giliola Calori, Elisabetta Riva & Massimo Reichlin - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (4):269-275.
    We explored the comprehension of the informed consent in 77 cancer patients previously enrolled in randomised phase II or phase III clinical trials, between March and July 2011, at the San Raffaele Scientific Institute in Milano. We asked participants to complete an ad hoc questionnaire and analysed their answers. Sixty-two per cent of the patients understood the purpose and nature of the trial they were participating in; 44% understood the study procedures and 40% correctly listed at least one of the (...)
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  37. Development of preferences for the human body shape in infancy.Virginia Slaughter, Michelle Heron & Susan Sim - 2002 - Cognition 85 (3):71-81.
    Two studies investigated the development of infants' visual preferences for the human body shape. In Study 1, infants of 12,15 and 18 months were tested in a standard preferential looking experiment, in which they were shown paired line drawings of typical and scrambled bodies. Results indicated that the 18-month-olds had a reliable preference for the scrambled body shapes over typical body shapes, while the younger infants did not show differential responding. In Study 2, 12- and 18-month-olds were tested with the (...)
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  38.  64
    Applied Mysticism: A Drug‐Enabled Visionary Experience Against Moral Blindness.Virginia Ballesteros - 2019 - Zygon 54 (3):731-755.
    Intellectuals such as William James and Aldous Huxley have thought it possible to develop a technique to apply to this world the mystical-type insights gained during drug-enabled experiences. Particularly, Huxley claimed that the visionary experience triggered by psychedelics could help us rethink our relationship with technology and promote a much-needed cultural change. In this article, we explore this hypothesis. To do so, we build a philosophical framework based on Günther Anders's philosophy of technique, presenting human beings as morally blind when (...)
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    A Place for All at the Global Health Table: A Case Study about Creating an Interprofessional Global Health Project: Teaching Health Law.Virginia Rowthorn - 2013 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 41 (4):907-914.
    Many ideas grow better when transplanted into another mind than the one where they sprang up.
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  40. Taking Responsibility for Global Poverty.Virginia Held - 2018 - Journal of Social Philosophy 49 (3):393-414.
  41. Intended models and the Löwenheim-Skolem theorem.Virginia Klenk - 1976 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 5 (4):475-489.
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    On the meaning of trust.Virginia Held - 1968 - Ethics 78 (2):156-159.
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  43. Defining 'life'.Carol E. Cleland - unknown
    There is no broadly accepted definition of ‘life.’ Suggested definitions face problems, often in the form of robust counter-examples. Here we use insights from philosophical investigations into language to argue that defining ‘life’ currently poses a dilemma analogous to that faced by those hoping to define ‘water’ before the existence of molecular theory. In the absence of an analogous theory of the nature of living systems, interminable controversy over the definition of life is inescapable.
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  44. Morality, care, and international law.Virginia Held - 2011 - Ethics and Global Politics 4 (3):173-194.
    Whether we should respect international law is in dispute. In the United States, international law is dismissed by the left as merely promoting the interests of powerful states. It is attacked by the right as irrelevant and an interference with the interests and mission of the United States. And it follows from the arguments of many liberals that in the absence of world government the world is in a Hobbesian state of nature and international law inapplicable. This article reviews the (...)
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  45. Feminist moral inquiry and the feminist future.Virginia Held - 1995 - In Justice and care: essential readings in feminist ethics. Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press. pp. 153--176.
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    The Effect of Mindfulness Interventions for Parents on Parenting Stress and Youth Psychological Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.Virginia Burgdorf, Marianna Szabó & Maree J. Abbott - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    She who changes: re-imagining the divine in the world.Carol P. Christ - 2003 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    It was only recently that people began to refer to God, occasionally, as “she.” Is it now possible to re-imagine divine power as a female force deeply related to the changing world? If so, then we can understand the deeper meaning of female images of divine power including depictions such as “The Goddess.” Carol Christ offers a new look at these female images of God in She Who Changes . She shows how many traditional ideas about divine power reject (...)
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  48. De Günther Anders al transhumanismo: la obsolescencia del ser humano y la mejora moral.Virginia Ballesteros - 2020 - Isegoría 63:289-310.
    This paper critically compares the philosophy of Günther Anders and the contemporary transhumanists, like Julian Savulescu, Ingmar Persson, or Thomas Douglas. The Andersian concepts of moral blindness, promethean gap, and promethean shame will be discussed in order to understand human beings’ outdatedness; parallel to this, we will also expose the transhumanist analysis on the unfitness of human beings in evolutive and cognitive terms. We will show that much of the transhumanist analysis is a reformulation of the Andersian thesis, now under (...)
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    An Examination into the Disclosure, Structure, and Contents of Ethical Codes in Publicly Listed Acquiring Firms.Virginia Bodolica & Martin Spraggon - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 126 (3):459-472.
    Due to the prevalent influence of legal trends in driving ethical homogenization and persistent decoupling between ethical substance and symbolism in today’s organizations, scholars are calling for a renewed interest in the structural makeup of ethical codes. This article explores the disclosure trends and examines the contents of codes of ethics in the context of Canadian publicly listed acquirers. Relying on the analysis of codes’ public availability, structure, purpose, and promoted values, four clusters of behavior are identified. Although many firms (...)
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  50. Legitimate authority in non-state groups using violence.Virginia Held - 2005 - Journal of Social Philosophy 36 (2):175–193.
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