Results for 'Vladimâir Bakoés'

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  1. La controverse sur la philosophie moderne en Slovaquie à la charnière du XXe siècle.V. Bakos - 1989 - Filozofia 44 (4):453-466.
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    The topophrenic space and the double exile: Norman Manea.Alina Bako - 2023 - Studies in East European Thought 75 (4):655-669.
    The present study sets out to discuss a literary work as a reflection of topophrenia, a space of anguish, which contains the data of both the abandoned space and of the new home, which are hypostasized in positive or negative emotions that the exiled writer experiences. Focusing on the exile and the space in Norman Manea’s works, this article proves the existence of an original view about this experience. Manea’s last novel, The Exiled Shadow (2021) is also included in our (...)
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    Echitatea în dreptul penal substanțial =.Monica-Marcela Dinu-Bakoș - 2018 - București: Universul Juridic.
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  4. Questions about the history of Slovak philosophy.V. Bakos - 2003 - Filozofia 58 (10):671-683.
    The history of Slovak philosophy can be reconstructed along two basic lines: along the line of the school philosophy, developed at existing high schools, colleges and universities, as well as along the other line - that of philosophical thinking. The researches should focus not only on professional philosophy, but also on the forms of applied philosophical thinking as a part of the community's culture. The standpoint of the researches should be non-ideological, non-national, non-ethnical. "The Slovak philosophy" is related to all (...)
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    Patoč ka a slovensko.Vladimír Bakos - 2010 - Filozofia 65 (1).
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    Structuralism redivivus (Situation in the 1960s).V. Bakoš - 2005 - Filozofia 60 (10):746-760.
    Structuralism took part in the efforts to revive intellectual development in the former Czecho-Slovakia in the 1960s as an efficient methodological instrument, a scientific meta-theory, as well as an inovation in the field of philosophical theory . Open discussions were focused on the questions such as the relation between methodology and philosophy, system and structure, system and development, problem of the connection of synchronicity and diachronicity, the role of the subject, etc. Czecho-Slovak school applied the dynamic aspect of the structure (...)
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  7. An introduction to contemporary aesthetics.O. Bakos - 2002 - Filozofia 57 (5):342-348.
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  8. Über ein neuntdecktes Fragment der Sárospatoker Ausgabe des Vestibuli et Januae lucidarium.Josef Bakos - forthcoming - Acta Comeniana.
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    O socialistickom realizme.Mikuláš Bakoš - 1952 - V Bratislave: Statne nakladatelství.
  10. ""The" double well-head" in Schiller and Bergson.O. Bakos - 1999 - Filozofia 54 (8):586-591.
  11. Probability cueing of distractor locations: both intertrial facilitation and statistical learning mediate interference reduction.Harriet Goschy, Sarolta Bakos, Hermann J. Mã¼Ller & Michael Zehetleitner - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Rozhovory s Vladimírem Čermákem o filosofii, politice a právu.Vladimâir écermâak, Petr Fiala & Frantiések Mikés - 2000 - Brno: Centrum pro studium demokracie a kultury. Edited by Petr Fiala & František Mikš.
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    A Makarenko-hatás magyarországi történetéhez.Gyöngyi Bakó - 1988 - Budapest: Művelődési Minisztérium. Edited by Ildikó Bárdossy & László Gáspár.
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    Metamorphoses of Ownership and Dilemmas of Communist Monument Protection.Ján Bakoš - 2004 - Human Affairs 14 (1):57-70.
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    On Czechoslovakism in Slovak Thinking.Vladimir Bakos - 1996 - Human Affairs 6 (2):154-171.
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    The Coexistence of Scientism and Surrealism in Slovak Culture.Vladimir Bakoš - 2002 - Human Affairs 12 (2):186-197.
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    The Prague Linguistic Circle's Contribution to Art History.Jan Bakos - 2005 - Human Affairs 15 (1):22-34.
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  18. K ideovej orientácii hlasisticko-prúdistického hnutia.Vladimír Bakos - 1983 - Filozofia 38.
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    When irrelevant alternatives do matter. The effect of focusing on loan decisions.Barna Bakó, Gábor Neszveda & Linda Dezső - 2018 - Theory and Decision 84 (1):123-141.
    In this paper, we investigate some implications of recent results about salience on loan decisions. Using the framework of focus-weighted utility we show that consumers might take out loans even when that yield them negative utility due to the focusing bias. We suggest, however, that this can be counterbalanced and consumers might be more prudent in their decisions and less likely to take out such loans when the usual fixed-installments plan is coupled with an equivalent decreasing-installments option. Moreover, we show (...)
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  20. Currents of Intellectual Modernism (100th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Journal Prudy).Vladimir Bakos - 2009 - Filozofia 64 (10):913-928.
    The journal Prúdy served the liberal-democratic part of the Slovak intelligentsia as a platform for promoting Masarykian ideology. The young intellectuals grouped around it were familiar with the progressive thinking of that time and promoted the positivist realistic attitude and world-view. Similarly to Czech intellectuals the Slovak adherents of Masaryk contributed to introducing the rational approach, the principle of criticism and other progressive trends in Slovak cultural millieu. The journal offered the place for discussing the burning political and social, as (...)
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    Introductory: Gombrich's Struggle Against Metaphysics.Ján Bakoš - 2009 - Human Affairs 19 (3):239-250.
    Introductory: Gombrich's Struggle Against Metaphysics The paper deals with E. H. Gombrich's lifelong polemics against metaphysics in art history and the humanities. They began in 1937 and continued up until his final (posthumous) book The Preference for the Primitives. Analyzing the "fallacies" and "pitfalls" resulting from metaphysical collectivism, essentialism, expressionism, holism and relativism such as a "belief in hypostatized collective personalities" and "style as a super-artist" or "physiognomic fallacy", Gombrich also unmasked their ideological implications. He first targeted nationalism and racialism, (...)
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    Igor Hrušovský in Polemics with Dogmatic Marxism.Vladimir Bakoš - 2000 - Human Affairs 10 (2):143-155.
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    Kapitoly z dejín slovenského myslenia.Vladimír Bakoš - 1995 - Bratislava: Polygrafia SAV.
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  24. Le concept de loi de la beauté chez Marx.O. Bakos - 1988 - Filozofia 43 (4):457-468.
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    Monuments and Ideologies.Ján Bakoš - 1991 - Human Affairs 1 (2):106-119.
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    Masaryk and the Slovak Question. A Contribution to the History of Ideas and Concepts.Vladimir Bakoš - 1994 - Human Affairs 4 (1):30-45.
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  27. Philosophical inventions of Igor Hrusovsky.V. Bakos - 1998 - Filozofia 53 (9):603-617.
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  28. Paradoxy vkusu: príspevok k poznaniu estetiky I. Kanta.Oliver Bakoš - 1989 - Bratislava: Pravda.
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  29. Stur and havlicek, 2 views on slavism (a comparative analysis of political concepts of nation).V. Bakos - 1995 - Filozofia 50 (12):679-692.
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    Slovak Thought on the Threshold to Modernity.Vladimir Bakos - 1999 - Human Affairs 9 (2):162-172.
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  31. Vlastimil zatka: Kantova teorie estetiky.O. Bakos - 1995 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 32 (2):33-36.
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    Prúdy ideovej moderny (k 100. Výroýiu revue prúdy).Vladimír Bakoš - 2009 - Filozofia 64 (10).
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  33. О aprioristickych zäkladoch umenovedy.Jan Bakos - 1968 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 5:336.
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    Discrete dislocation dynamics simulations of dislocation interactions with Y2O3particles in PM2000 single crystals.B. Bakó, D. Weygand, M. Samaras, J. Chen, M. A. Pouchon, P. Gumbsch & W. Hoffelner - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (24):3645-3656.
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  35. Ethical dimensions of the pure judgement of taste in Kant's aesthetics.O. Bakos - 2003 - Filozofia 58 (3):147-154.
    The paper deals with pure judgments of taste in Kant's aesthetics regarding the meaning they achieve due to the presence of the other subject. In his Critique of Judgment Kant defines the subject as a physical individual endowed with feelings, related not only to objects, but rather expanding this relation on the community of others. Therefore, the aesthetic relation to an object, which is the precondition of the pure judgment of taste, involves implicitly a recquirement on the subject to renounce (...)
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  36. The founding father of Slovak professional philosophy (Igor Hrusovsky).V. Bakos - 2003 - Filozofia 58 (7):450-461.
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    Estilos parentais e práticas educativas de pais de crianças com TDAH: um estudo piloto.Silvana Soriano Frassetto & Daniela Di Giorgio Schneider Bakos - 2010 - Revista Aletheia 33:6-17.
    Estilos parentais e práticas educativas têm sido considerados preditores para o desenvolvimento infantil. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo realizar um estudo piloto ao investigar e comparar os estilos parentais e as práticas educativas de pais de crianças com TDAH do tipo combinado e desatento. Part..
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    "qui Nescit Dissimulare, Nescit Regnare": Louis Xi And Raison D'etat During The Reign Of Louis Xiii.Adrianna E. Bakos - 1991 - Journal of the History of Ideas 52 (3):399-416.
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    Dislocation dynamics simulations with climb: kinetics of dislocation loop coarsening controlled by bulk diffusion.Botond Bakó, Emmanuel Clouet, Laurent M. Dupuy & Marc Blétry - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (23):3173-3191.
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  40. Introduction to philosophy as a subject taught in Slovak high schools 1918-1948.V. Bakos - 1996 - Filozofia 51 (10):619-633.
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    Neoliberalism and its Effect on Women in Poverty.Olivia Bako - 2011 - The Lyceum 1 (1):32-40.
    There is a negative influence of neoliberalism on poverty in Canada, specifically its impact on women in the lower socioeconomic sectors; the relationship between the government and women; and the importance of addressing women‟s issues in the context of welfare.
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  42. „Otázniky nad dejinami slovenskej filozofie.".V. Bakoš - 2003 - Filozofia 58:671-6.
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    Religious Minorities' Web Rhetoric: Romanian and Hungarian Ethno-Pagan Organizations.Rozalia Bako & Laszlo-Attila Hubbes - 2011 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 10 (30):127-158.
    The comparative study of Romanian and Hungarian Neopagan organizations with an ethnocentric or "Ethno-pagan" ideology is an exploratory research aimed at mapping the similarities and the differences between these religious minorities, with a highlight on their level of institutionalization, their core values and degree of political mobilization. Zalmoxian groups and organizations promote the revival of Romanian spirituality through a process of reconnection to its ancient, supposedly Dacian and Thracian roots; by the same token, Hungarian Shamanist movements are aimed at recovering (...)
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  44. Slovak (Philosophical) thought between tradition and modernity (Remaks oil the history of Slovak philosophy).V. Bako - 2004 - Filozofia 59 (10):727-739.
    The author points to the power of traditionalism in Slovak cultural – spiritual milieu and to the rise of the intellectual modernity in the Slovak thought in 17th – 20th centuries . There is a continuity of alternating between tradition and modernity. The problem of this philosophy remains “idolatrism”. Regarding the problem of receptivness, the author points to the theoretical and methodological standpoints of structuralism with its principle of immanence. In conclusion the author examines the problem of the marginality of (...)
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    Filozofické iniciatívy Igora Hrušovského.Vladimír Bakoš (ed.) - 2009 - Bratislava: Filozofický ústav SAV.
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  46. Histoire de la philosophie slovaque.V. Bakos, T. Pichler & B. Zala - 1988 - Filozofia 43 (3):325-364.
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  47. Hrušovského úsilie o konštitúciu vedeckej filozofie.V. Bakoš - 1987 - Filozofia 42:448-461.
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  48. Patocka and slovakia.Vladimir Bakos - 2010 - Filozofia 65 (1):1-11.
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    Religious Icons in Romanian Schools: Text and Context.Gisela Horvath & Rozalia Bako - 2009 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 8 (24):189-206.
    Public discourse on religious matters is a sensitive issue in Romania. It has raised heated debates for at least two reasons: on the one hand, the repressive policy of the Communist regime concerning religion created a strong boomerang-effect, a religious renaissance after 1989; on the other hand, there is a deep cleavage between the “two Romanias:” the urban and the rural, the modernized and the traditionalist, the liberal and the conservative. Religion still serves as a major cultural marker of national (...)
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  50. Religious Minorities' Web Rhetoric: Romanian and Hungarian Ethno-Pagan Organizations.Bakó Rozália Klára & Hubbes László-Attila - 2011 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 10 (30):127-158.
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