Results for 'Vocation Philosophy.'

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  1.  6
    Hagar’s Vocation: Philosophy’s Role in the Theology of Richard Fishacre, OP.Raymond James Long - 2015 - Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press.
    Genesis 16 tells of Abraham conceiving Ishmael with his wife Sarai's servant Hagar. Dominican Friar Richard Fishacre (ca. 1200-1248) used this Biblical narrative to explore the relationship of the natural and Divine sciences. Fishacre believed that the theologian must first study the world, before he could be fruitful as a theologian. How do the natural sciences, in short, help us better understand the Scriptures? Fishacre, like his contemporaries Albert the Great (ca. 1200-1280) and Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) looked at ways that (...)
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    Hagar's vocation: Philosophy's role in the theology of Richard fishacre, op by R. James long, the catholic university of America press, Washington, D.c., 2015, pp. XVIII + 271, $69.95, hbk. [REVIEW]Maura O'carroll Snd - 2016 - New Blackfriars 97 (1070):507-509.
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    La vocation prophétique de la philosophie.Anne Dufourmantelle - 1998 - Paris: Cerf.
    Pourquoi faut-il que nous nous interrogions sans relâche? Qu'un seul veille et le monde est sans repos, libre à nouveau de toute réponse, comme si ni l'histoire ni la mémoire n'avaient tracé les signes, multiples et réitérés au long des siècles, de nos balbutiements devant l'énigme de l'être. D'aussi loin que les textes nous parviennent, la philosophie s'est érigée contre la superstition, la croyance vaine, l'opinion. Elle a fait œuvre de discernement en direction de la question de l'être, du monde, (...)
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    Vocation and Destination in Kant’s Practical Philosophy.James DiCenso - 2019 - Con-Textos Kantianos 1 (10):121-139.
    Kant frequently employs the German term Bestimmung in his mature work, and depending on context, this term can signify the Latin determinatio, vocatio, or destinatio. These three senses of Bestimmung are interconnected within Kant’s system of moral teleology. Bestimmung as determination expresses our wills as formed and regulated by the moral law, via the categorical imperative. Bestimmung as vocation guides us toward a determination of willing by rational principles based on the moral law, and this “call” is inseparable from (...)
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  5. The Philosophy for Quality Vocational Education Programs.Melvin L. Barlow (ed.) - 1974 - American Vocational Association.
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    Philosophy of Vocational Education in China: A Historical Overview.Carsten Schmidtke & Peng Chen - 2012 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 46 (3):432-448.
    Historically, Chinese educational philosophy has been dominated by Confucianism and, since 1949, by Marxism. However, rapid industrialization, ideological demands, and loyalty to traditions have now led to a situation where various Western philosophies have been adopted into vocational education in hopes of moving the country forward without challenging the status quo too vigorously. The result is that China presently has no clear philosophical foundation that can help the country make solid decisions on how vocational education shall contribute to economic growth (...)
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    The Philosophy & Foundations of Vocational Education.H. C. Kazanas (ed.) - 1973 - New York: Mss Information.
    Basic Beliefs in Distributive Education .... Crawford Changing the Context in which Occupational Education Takes Place The Task Force on ...
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    Vocational Education in Teaching Philosophy. 임규정 - 2016 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 86:193-216.
    대학 평가에서 취업률이 주요 지표가 된 이후 대학은 인문학 계열 학과들을 통폐합하거나 폐지하고 있다. 정부 정책 또한 인문학 계열 학과의 정원을 줄이고 취업률이 높은 공학계열 학과의 정원을 늘이는 방향으로 나아가고 있다. 이에 그 동안 철학계는 철학교육에 대해 많은 연구와 토론 및 논의를 진행해 왔다. 그러나 그것은 주로 철학교육의 외연 확장이나 커리큘럼을 수정하는데 집중되어 왔으며, 실질적인 교육의 내용은 크게 달라진 것이 없기 때문에 사정은 별로 나아지지 않았다. 따라서 이에 대처하기 위한 실질적인 변화가 필요한 시점이다. 그 실질적인 변화란 철학교육의 관점에서 직업교육을 비판적으로 (...)
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    The Philosophy of Vocation.William K. Frankena - 1976 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 51 (4):393-408.
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    La vocation de la liberté dans la philosophie de Paul Ricœur.Rosaire Bergeron - 1974 - Montréal: Bellarmin.
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    Philosophy as a Vocation: Heidegger and University Reform in the Early Interwar Years.Steven Galt Crowell - 1997 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 14 (2):255 - 276.
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    The political vocation of philosophy.Donatella Di Cesare - 2021 - Medford, MA: Polity Press. Edited by David Broder.
    This book seeks to redefine the purpose of philosophy for our times. Faced with the saturated immanence of the world, philosophy is summoned to return to its original vocation and, after a long absence in which it lost its voice, it is called on to reawaken the community and protect the life we share in common.
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  13. La vocation dans la philosophie de René Le Senne.G. Berger - 1955 - Giornale di Metafisica 10 (3):390.
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    Philosophy, teaching and the academic vocation.Hayden Ramsay - 2001 - The Australasian Catholic Record 78 (2):131.
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    Principles and a Philosophy for Vocational Education.Melvin D. Miller - 1984 - National Center for Research in Vocational Education, Ohio State University.
    Discussion of the philosophical principles underlying vocational training and vocational education in the USA - discusses the importance of philosophical concepts educational policy and training policy setting and evaluation; analyses principles relative to people (vocational guidance, work attitudes, etc.), to programme (curriculum development, etc.), and to processes (educational planning, educational research). References.
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    La vocation de l'écriture: la littérature et la philosophie à l'épreuve de la violence.Marc Crépon - 2014 - Paris: Odile Jacob.
    Il y a dans la violence que doivent aujourd’hui affronter nos sociétés une dimension propre à la langue. Quiconque a fait l’apprentissage de l’éducation doit reconnaître au creux de sa propre expérience la manière dont la langue façonne, modèle, impose. Quant au XXe siècle, il s’est chargé de nous montrer comment la langue peut condamner à une mort certaine. C’est cette dimension propre au langage que se propose d’explorer le philosophe Marc Crépon, convaincu que le nœud de toute violence tient (...)
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    The vocation of writing: literature, philosophy, and the test of violence.Marc Crépon - 2018 - Albany: SUNY Ptess. Edited by Donald J. S. Cross & Tyler M. Williams.
    Explores how violence structures language and the writing of literature and philosophy. Within the violence our societies must confront today exists a dimension proper to language. Anyone who has been through the educational system, for example, recognizes how language not only shapes and models us, but also imposes itself upon us. During the twentieth century, this system revealed how language can condemn one to a certain death. In The Vocation of Writing, philosopher Marc Crépon explores this dimension of language, (...)
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    La Philosophie, sa vocation créatice, sa position devant la science.Jérôme Grynpas - 1967 - Paris,: l'Inter.
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    (2 other versions)Philosophy as (Vocational) Education.James W. Garrison - 1990 - Educational Theory 40 (3):391-406.
  20. The Human Vocation and the Question of the Earth: Karoline von Günderrode’s Philosophy of Nature.Dalia Nassar - 2022 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 104 (1):108-130.
    Contra widespread readings of Karoline von Günderrode’s 1805 “Idea of the Earth ” as a creative adaptation of Schelling’s philosophy of nature, this article proposes that “Idea of the Earth” furnishes a moral account of the human relation to the natural world, one which does not map onto any of the more well-known romantic or idealist accounts of the human-nature relation. Specifically, I argue that “Idea of the Earth” responds to the great Enlightenment question concerning the human vocation, but (...)
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    The Human Vocation in German Philosophy.Anne Pollok & Courtney D. Fugate (eds.) - 2023 - Bloomsbury.
    In 18th-century Germany philosophers were occupied with questions of who we are and what we should be. Can the individual fulfill its vocation or is this possible only for humanity as a whole? Is significant progress towards perfection in any way possible for me or just for me as part of humanity? By following the origin and nature of these debates, this collection sheds light on the vocation of humanity in early German philosophy. Featuring translations of Spalding's Contemplation (...)
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    Vocation versus profession in philosophy.Cecil H. Miller - 1940 - Philosophy of Science 7 (2):140-150.
    In the Prologue to the third book of Gargantua, Francois Rabelais compares his own predicament to that of the philosopher Diogenes of Sinope during the seige of Cornith. “I held it not a little disgraceful”, he confides, “to be only an idle spectator of so many valorous, eloquent and warlike persons, who in the view and sight of all Europe act this notable interlude or tragi-comedy, and not exert myself and contribute thereunto this nothing, my all, which remained for me (...)
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    History of Philosophy as a Vocation.Sergii Secundant, Illiya Orekhov, Kateryna Ustymenko & Maria Shevchuk - 2019 - Sententiae 38 (2):165-200.
    The interview focuses on the status of historico-philosophical science in the USSR, including comparative analysis of education at Moscow University and in provincial universities. Models of socialization, social elevators, level of professionalism, ideological control, as well as the Soviet heritage in the academic practices of independent Ukraine are discussed.
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    The Vocation of the History of Philosophy.Georges Gusderf - 1957 - Philosophy Today 1 (2):80.
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    Integrating vocational and general education: a Rudolf Steiner School: case study of the Hibernia School, Herne, Federal Republic of Germany.Georg Rist - 1979 - Hamburg: Unesco Institute for Education. Edited by Peter Schneider.
    Monograph describing the theoretical basis and curriculum development of the hibernia experimental school, combining vocational education with general education and located in the ruhr region of Germany, Federal Republic - in light of rudolf steiner's integrated approach to education, traces its evolution from factory training unit to an integrated comprehensive school, reviews the structure of practical education, and applies pedagogics of steiner's "study of man" to the process of learning. Bibliography pp. 191 to 196 and diagrams.
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    Vocation and Service Learning.Nathaniel J. Brown, Anji E. Wall & John P. Buerck - 2010 - Teaching Ethics 10 (2):37-46.
    This paper proposes a new definition of vocation that honors the concept’s ancient roots, is consistent with how the term is used in modern contexts, and also expands the concept for greater versatility. We discuss the centrality of service in the concept of vocation locating it as part of the bridge between a student’s core values and their embodiment in community life. The commitment to one’s profession begins before independent status as a practitioner of that profession. It begins (...)
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    Vocation of Humanity in Genesis 2-3 and its Implications for Eco-Theology in Africa.Luke Emehielechukwu Ijezie - 2021 - European Journal of Theology and Philosophy 1 (2):1-6.
    This essay recognizes the fact that human beings are created for a purpose, and this is referred to as the human vocation. The essay examines how the text of Genesis 2-3 presents this vocation and its ecological dimensions with implications for eco-theology in Africa. The aim is to provide a theological contribution to the contemporary ecological problems with particular reference to the African continent. Contemporary Africa is faced with a myriad of problems emanating from the way people treat (...)
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    Vocația: factor hotărâtor în cultura popoarelor.C. Rădulescu-Motru - 1935 - Craiova: Scrisul Romanesc Beladi.
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    La Philosophie, sa vocation créatrice, sa position devant les sciences, ses rapports avec l'homme et la société d'aujourd'hui. Par Grynpas Jérôme. Marabout Université, 1967. [REVIEW]Maurice Carignan - 1970 - Dialogue 9 (3):477-480.
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    Vocational life: personal, communal and temporal structures.Sara Heinämaa - 2023 - Continental Philosophy Review 56 (3):461-481.
    This paper offers a new philosophical account of vocations as deeply personal but at the same time also communal and generational forms of multimodal intending. It provides a reconstruction and a systematic development of Edmund Husserl’s scattered discussions on vocations. On these grounds, the paper argues that vocational life is a general human possibility and not determined by any set of material values, religious, epistemic or moral. Rather, vocations are distinguished from other complexes of intentional acts and attitudes by certain (...)
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    Profession philosophe, vocation écrivain: imaginer et créer.Nicolas Poirier - 2022 - Lormont: Le Bord de l'eau.
    Les vocations sont des chemins que la mémoire trace après-coup pour donner sens au parcours singulier qui nous mène de l'enfance à l'âge adulte. Aux lisières de l'adolescence, je me voyais chauffeur de train ou de taxi, même si je rêvais surtout de devenir journaliste. Je voulais écrire pour raconter ce que je voyais, pour rendre compte d'événements dont j'étais le témoin. L'essentiel était de prendre la route, d'explorer quelque chose qui n'avait été qu'entrevu ou d'en parler d'une manière originale. (...)
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    The Vocational PortfoIio of an Adult Educator-in-Process.Dorothy Lander - 2000 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 19 (3):20-33.
    In this research article I reconstitute portfolio assessment of my work as a new faculty member in the form of critical reflexive dialogue. I reassemble artifacts of my works-in-process in a vocational portfolioin order to signal that quality in my work is nuanced as a calling to serve. This metaphor entails portfolio assessment that does not isolate the adult learner and worker from self-assessment and others’assessment. I structure my portfolio dialogically so that my evaluators and I can respond critically to (...)
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    Vocational Education and Training.Paul Hager & Terry Hyland - 2002 - In Nigel Blake, Paul Smeyers, Richard D. Smith & Paul Standish (eds.), The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Education. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 271–287.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Vocational‐Academic Distinctions Criticisms of the Vocational Education/General Education Dichotomy The Front‐end Model and its Increasing Problems Vocational Education and Training: Developments and Strategies Conclusion: Enhancing Vocational Studies.
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    Vocation.Robert Merrihew Adams - 1987 - Faith and Philosophy 4 (4):448-462.
    Is there a way in which we can have obligations that do not follow from general ethical principles in conjunction with non-normative facts about our situation in the world? I argue for an affirmative answer to this question, based on a divine command theory of vocation. I explore the structure of such a theory, deriving from Kierkegaard the idea that a vocation will normally be closely connected with one’s selfhood, and that it may override other prima facie obligations. (...)
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    Vocation of the Artist.Thomas Ewens - 1992 - Philosophy and Theology 6 (4):329-352.
    Macmurray’s understanding of the vocation of the artist and how it is that the artist can create and be are discussed in two sections. In the first, which is subdivided into four smaller sections, presents a discussion of what Macmurray means by ‘contemplation’. The second is devoted to the artist’s role in helping to bring about ‘the Kingdom of the Future’.
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    The Vocation of Man.Johann Gottlieb Fichte - 1956 - New York: Liberal Arts Press.
    _Contents:_ Translator's Introduction_ Selected Bibliography Note on the Text _ The Vocation of Man__ Preface Book One: Doubt Book Two: Knowledge Book Three: Faith.
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    Vocation, Business Leadership, and the Pursuit of Understanding.J. Michael Stebbins - 2020 - The Lonergan Review 11:36-52.
    To have a vocation is to be called to a life of ongoing participation in the redemptive work of the Son and the Holy Spirit. Being faithful to the vocation we have received requires adopting a stance of continuing alertness, ready to notice, correctly interpret, and effectively respond to the various forms of communication by which God draws us into closer cooperation with the redemptive missions of the Son and the Spirit. In this paper I focus on a (...)
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    The Teacher’s Vocation: Ontology of Response.Ann Game & Andrew Metcalfe - 2008 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 27 (6):461-473.
    We argue that pedagogic authority relies on love, which is misunderstood if seen as a matter of actions and subjects. Love is based not on finite subjects and objects existing in Euclidean space and linear time, but, rather, on the non-finite ontology, space and time of relations. Loving authority is a matter of calling and vocation, arising from the spontaneous and simultaneous call-and-response of a lively relation. We make this argument through a reading of Buber’s I–You relation and Murdoch’ (...)
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    The Vocation of the Catholic Philosopher: From Maritain to John Paul Ii.John Hittinger (ed.) - 2010 - the Catholic University of America Press.
    "Investigates the role of Catholic philosophers in confronting the ideas brought about by modern developments in philosophy, medicine,and politics"--Provided by publisher.
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    The Burden of the Empire and the Vocation of Russia: George Fedotov’s Philosophy of History.J. V. Klepikova - 2019 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 62 (4):44-57.
    The paper discusses the philosophical and historical doctrine of the Russian philosopher and historian George Petrovich Fedotov. The author focuses on the analysis of imperial issues in the works of G.P. Fedotov, especially of his views on the cultural history of the Russian empire and the essence of imperial project in Russia. Fedotov reconsiders the historical experience and revolutionary catastrophe of Russia and searches for the foundations of the social and cultural processes determining the events of Russian history. Fedotov’s works (...)
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    Vocation across the academy: a new vocabulary for higher education.David S. Cunningham (ed.) - 2017 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Although the language of vocation was born in a religious context, the contributors in this volume demonstrate that it has now taken root within the broad framework of higher education and has become intertwined with a wide range of concerns. This volume makes a compelling case for vocational reflection and discernment in undergraduate education today, arguing that it will encourage faculty and students alike to venture out of their narrow disciplinary specializations and to reflect on larger questions of meaning (...)
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    La vocation de la personne: l'histoire du concept de personne de sa naissance augustinienne à sa redécouverte phénoménologique.Emmanuel Housset - 2007 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    La personne comme question est un sujet qui n'a cessé d'alimenter la réflexion de l'auteur, ceci en s'appuyant sur Husserl. De la préhistoire du concept de personne à son épanouissement médiéval puis jusqu'à sa réactivation phénoménologique, la personne est un combat pour le soi. La perspective généalogique adoptée dans ce livre vise à montrer que c'est la genèse du concept biblique de personne qui montre le véritable sens d'être de la personne, alors que le concept juridique en est dérivé. Citant (...)
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  43. Vocația spiritualității: studii și articole.Tudor Nedelcea - 1995 - Craiova: Scrisul românesc.
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    Vocational guidance and vocational counsellors.Aloys Fischer - 2022 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 56 (3):450-466.
    Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 56, Issue 3, Page 450-466, June 2022.
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    Reflection 6593: Kant’s Rousseau and the Vocation of the Human Being.Michael Kryluk - 2023 - Kant Studien 114 (4):728-758.
    In this essay, I examine Kant’s interpretation of Rousseau through the lens of Reflection 6593. This Reflection deserves scrutiny because it serves as a bridge between Kant’s well-known engagement with Rousseau in the mid-1760s and his later discussions of the vocation of the human being in the lectures on ethics and anthropology. Through a close reading of R 6593, I argue that the Reflection offers the earliest evidence of Kant’s philosophy of history and its integration into his treatment of (...)
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    Economics as a Science, Economics as a Vocation: A Weberian Examination of Robert Heilbroner’s Philosophy of Economics.Daniyal Khan - 2014 - Economic Thought 3 (1):56.
    In an attempt to re-envision economics, the paper analyses Robert Heilbroner’s philosophy of economics through the lens of Max Weber’s philosophy of science. Specifically, Heilbroner’s position on vision, ideology and value-freedom is examined by contextualising it within a framework of … More ›.
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    La vocation de Malebranche.Henri Gouhier - 1926 - Paris,: J. Vrin.
    Ce qui fut la these dite secondaire dans le langage universitaire de l'epoque (1926), devient un livre primordial. Qui donc, lors de ses etudes malebranchistes ne l'a pas utilise, consulte, commente? C'etait une autre facon de philosopher: aborder un auteur par ses reflexions initiales. Une oeuvre s'expliquait autrement que par son systeme ; elle avait certes des structure, mais aussi une genese. Disons que toute grande oeuvre a une jeunesse, puisque c'est bien la ce dont il s'agit dans l'etude de (...)
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  48. The vocation of motherhood: Husserl and feminist ethics. [REVIEW]Janet Donohoe - 2010 - Continental Philosophy Review 43 (1):127-140.
    In this paper, I explore a confrontation between Husserl’s ethical position of vocation and its absolute ought with a feminist ethical position. I argue that Husserl’s ethics has a great deal to offer a feminist ethics by providing for the possibility of an ethics that is particular rather than universal, that recognizes the role of the social through tradition in establishing values and norms without conceding the ethical responsibility of the individual, and that acknowledges the role of both reason (...)
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  49. Reinterpreting Science as a Vocation.Tong Zhang - 2022 - Max Weber Studies 22 (1):55-73.
    Weber's 'science as a vocation' has often been viewed as a therapeutic concept with no functional significance in the fully bureaucratized and professionalized modern science. However, development in the philosophy of science in the last century, especially the Kuhn thesis of the discontinuity of scientific progress and the Duhem-Quine thesis of underdetermination, shows that Weber's distinction between science as a vocation and science as a profession (career) can potentially answer one of the oldest questions in science studies: What (...)
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    Vocational guidance in general and vocational education schools in Germany: The relevance of informed choice for successful vocational education and the legacy of Aloys Fischer.Erika Gericke - 2022 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 56 (3):467-478.
    Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 56, Issue 3, Page 467-478, June 2022.
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