Results for 'Vulgate'

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  1.  65
    Revising the Vulgate: Jerome and his Jewish Interlocutors.Görge K. Hasselhoff - 2012 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 64 (3):209-221.
    The Church Father Jerome is well-known for his translation (or revision) of the Latin Bible which later was named Vulgate. He did not translate from the Greek as was the case with the so-called Vetus Latina but he sought the Hebrew truth (hebraica veritas). However, this raises the question as to how good his understanding of the Hebrew language actually was. Therefore it is asked where Jerome might have learned Hebrew and who his Jewish interlocutors might have been.
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    The Vulgate Tradition of the Consolatio Philosophiae in the Fourteenth Century.Barnet Kottler - 1955 - Mediaeval Studies 17 (1):209-214.
  3.  29
    Aristarchus and the Modern Vulgate of Homer.T. W. Allen - 1899 - The Classical Review 13 (09):429-432.
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    The 'Ancient Vulgate' of Plato and Vind. F.H. Stuart Jones - 1902 - The Classical Review 16 (08):388-391.
  5.  21
    The "Vulgate" Commentary on Ovid's Metamorphoses: The Creation Myth and the Story of Orpheus by Frank T. Coulson. [REVIEW]William Anderson - 1992 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 86:175-176.
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    Ps-Rufinus (the “Syrian”) and the Vulgate.Walter Dunphy - 2012 - Augustinianum 52 (1):219-256.
    The name of Rufinus the Syrian (as presumed author of the Liber de Fide) is frequently given for the hitherto unidentified translator of part of the Vulgate New Testament. The evidence of the text of the Liber, however, does not support the claim that it is a witness to a Vulgate text. Furthermore, the biblical text in the Liber is frequently independent of even the Vetus Latina tradition, and shows close dependence on a Greek original. The use made (...)
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    Characteristics of the Homeric Vulgate.T. W. Allen - 1902 - The Classical Review 16 (01):1-3.
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    The Ancient and Modern Vulgate of Homer.T. W. Allen - 1899 - The Classical Review 13 (07):334-339.
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    Concordance of the Vulgate[REVIEW]From the Preface - 1979 - Philosophy and History 12 (1):19-22.
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    The Nature of the Ancient Homeric Vulgate.T. W. Allen - 1901 - The Classical Review 15 (01):4-9.
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  11. The Old Testament, Newly translated from the Vulgate Latin, Vol. I, Genesis to Esther.Ronald Knox - 1948
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  12.  14
    Erasmus, Lee and the correction of the Vulgate: the shaking of the foundations.Andrew Pettegree - 1995 - History of European Ideas 21 (1):153-154.
  13. Neoliberal newspeak: notes on the new planetary vulgate.Pierre Bourdieu & Loic Wacquant - 2001 - Radical Philosophy 105 (Jan):1-6.
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    Matthew A. Kraus, Jewish, Christian, and Classical Exegetical Traditions in Jerome’s Translation of the Book of Exodus. Translation Technique and the Vulgate.Giuseppe Caruso - 2020 - Augustinianum 60 (2):642-644.
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    The importance of the Bologna and Imola fragments for the reconstruction of the ‘Post-Vulgate Roman du Graal’.Fanni Bogdanow - 1998 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 80 (1):33-64.
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  16. The Holy Bible: A translation from the Latin Vulgate in the light of the Hebrew and Greek Originals.Ronald Arbuthnott Knox - 1956
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  17.  46
    The Oldest Manuscript of the Vulgate Gospels. Deciphered and edited, with an Introduction and Appendix, by Cuthbert Hamilton Turner, Pp. lxiii + 217. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1931. [REVIEW]H. John Chapman - 1932 - The Classical Review 46 (1):41-41.
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  18.  35
    Dr. Wordsworth's Edition of the Latin Vulgate[REVIEW]T. K. Abbott - 1893 - The Classical Review 7 (5):216-217.
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    Bishop Wordsworth's Edition of the Vulgate[REVIEW]T. K. Abbott - 1889 - The Classical Review 3 (10):452-454.
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  20.  18
    Latin and greek in Christian writings - (t.A.) Bergren a latin–greek index of the vulgate new testament and the apostolic fathers. (Wissenschaftliche untersuchungen zum neuen testament 403.) Pp. XII + 262. Tübingen: Mohr siebeck, 2018. Cased, €114. Isbn: 978-3-16-156024-8. [REVIEW]Anna Persig - 2019 - The Classical Review 69 (2):484-485.
  21.  13
    La critique textuelle au Moyen Âge.Gilbert Dahan - 2021 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 104 (4):663-673.
    Les correctoires sont des recueils de notes critiques sur le texte (latin) de la Vulgate. Est donné comme exemple le correctoire Sorbonne II (ms. BnF lat. 15554, seconde partie) sur Osée. On y perçoit la richesse des sources (texte massorétique, vieilles latines et manuscrits de la Vulgate, Pères de l’Église, autres correctoires) et on a un exemple de la méthode : les auteurs comparent les textes de leurs bibles au texte massorétique pour déterminer les interpolations, les omissions et (...)
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  22.  17
    Сакраментальність біблії в католицькій традиції: Від тридентського до другого ватиканського собору.Sannіkov Serhii - 2016 - Схід 6 (146):110-115.
    The most of Christian traditions embrase the notion of sacrament. This notion deals with the church directives in a narrow meaning. According to Saint Augustine, the sacrament is a visible action of an invisible grace thus the Church, the Christ, the Bible, being material phenomena where two natures combine, are also considered to be sacraments. Therefore, the author of the article presents the Bible as the most outstanding and the most visible example of a sacrament in a broad meaning. Using (...)
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  23.  8
    Bien plus que des hôtes.Gilles Berceville - 2022 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 106 (2):267-288.
    De Marius Victorinus à la Nouvelle Vulgate, ces deux versets ont été dans l’exégèse latine le lieu d’interrogations sur la signification du terme grec ξένοι et sur le rapport des Juifs et des Non-Juifs avant et après le Christ. Ils ont permis d’approfondir le sens théologique de l’hospitalité. Ils ont aussi contribué à développer l’idée d’un dépassement de l’antique hospitalité en vue d’une fraternité universelle dans une cité ou une demeure commune. Il serait dommage d’oublier ou de négliger cet (...)
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  24.  32
    Logic for the Decalogue.Stamatios Gerogiorgakis - 2014 - Sophia 53 (3):331-338.
    In this article, I offer two different formalizations for prescriptions which correspond to two different forms of biblical prohibitions. I discuss the known fact that the prohibitive commandments of the Decalogue according to the Septuagint and the Vulgate, Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5, are formulated with normative future tense indicatives. However, the Greek and Latin sources provide in Mark 10:19 variants of five biblical prohibitive commandments which are formulated with prohibitive subjunctives. I argue that there are semantic differences between (...)
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  25.  66
    (1 other version)La durée bergsonienne et le temps d'Einstein.Pierre-Alexandre Fradet - 2012 - Symposium 16 (1):52-85.
    Une vulgate interprétative a repéré chez Bergson deux intentions majeures : d'une part, celle de montrer que le temps d'Einstein est compatible avec la conception de la durée : d'autre part, celle de subordonner le temps einsteinien au temps vécu. Les pages qui suivent seront l'occasion pour nous d'ébranler le second volet de cette interprétation. Sans le réfuter de point en point, nous voudrions en effet montrer que de nombreux passages de l'oeuvre bergsonienne permettent d'atténuer l'idée que Bergson ait (...)
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  26.  39
    Class, consciousness, and the fall of the bourgeois revolution.David A. Bell - 2004 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 16 (2-3):323-351.
    Abstract The Marxian vulgate, which long dominated the historiography of the French Revolution, and which was broadly accepted in the social sciences, is no longer sustainable. But newer attempts to frame the issue of class in entirely linguistic terms, producing the claim that France had no bourgeoisie because few people explicitly described themselves as ?bourgeois,? are not entirely convincing. The Revolution brought into being, and helped to sustain, a new social group: the ?state bourgeoisie,? which defined itself by its (...)
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  27.  16
    Propertius 3.10.17.Marc Dominicy - 2013 - Classical Quarterly 63 (1):439-442.
    Université libre de BruxellesThe vulgate text at Prop. 3.10.17–18 reads as follows: et pete, qua polles, ut sit tibi forma perennis inque meum semper stent tua regna caput. 17–18 om. N 17 polles T, uulgo: pelles FLP.
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    On the Cunning of Imperialist Reason.Pierre Bourdieu & Loïc Wacquant - 1999 - Theory, Culture and Society 16 (1):41-58.
    This article poses the question of the social and intellectual conditions for genuine social scientific internationalism, through an analysis of the worldwide spread of a new global vulgate resulting from the false and uncontrolled universalization of the folk concepts and preoccupations of American society and academe. The terms, themes and tropes of this new planetary doxa - `multiculturalism', `globalization', `liberals versus communitarians', `underclass', racial `minority' and identity, etc. - tend to project and impose on all societies American concerns and (...)
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    The Encounter of Chinese and Western Philosophies: A Critique.Benoît Vermander - 2023 - De Gruyter.
    This book revisits the encounter between Chinese and Western philosophy while unfolding questions about the way "comparative philosophy" is conducted today. In the vulgate of intellectual history, "Western thought" has constructed a substantialist view of reality that puts "relations" and "processes" into a subordinate position. The same view explains for the primacy given to the autonomy of individual beings. In contrast, according to the same vulgate, Chinese thought has been mainly stressing the fluidity of all phenomena and forms (...)
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  30.  36
    The Genitive ὈΔΥΣΕΥΣ (OD. 24.398) and Homer's 'Awkward' Parentheses.Bruno Currie - 2013 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 133:21-42.
    Modern editions read vulgate (nominative). This yields a different syntax: a rapid double change of subject or, equivalently, a parenthesis interrupting the flow of the sentence. This possibility, raised and dismissed by Eustathius, goes unmentioned by modern scholars, who are often in general (unlike their second-century counterpart Nicanor) ill-disposed to Homeric parentheses. A survey of Homeric parentheses shows the phenomenon in general and the specific instance postulated at Od. 24.398 to be unobjectionable. The validity of the terms and for (...)
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  31.  42
    Iphigeneia and the Bears of Brauron.T. C. W. Stinton - 1976 - Classical Quarterly 26 (01):11-.
    In her masterly article on this passge, Dr. Christiane Sourvinou-Inwood goes most of the way towards solving two serious problems: the text of Lys. 645, where the vulgate makes the ‘bears’ more than ten years old, contrary to all other evidence; and the meaning of of A. Ag. 239 . She argues cogently that in Aeschylus means ‘shedding’ the saffron robe, as most editors including Fraenkel have thought, and not ‘letting her robes fall to the ground’ as Lloyd-Jones, followed (...)
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  32. Anaximander’s Fragment: Another Attempt.Jaap Mansfeld - 2011 - Phronesis 56 (1):1-32.
    I argue for the interpretation of Anaximander's world as an unstable system. The inconsistency found by scholars in Theophrastus/Simplicius' text disappears when it is realized that the elemental forces of nature do not change into each other. They are in the Infinite in time as well as in space. To some extent preference is given to Aristotle's evidence over the doxographical vulgate habitually derived from Theophrastus, though of course the Theophrastean passage containing the verbatim quotation remains the primary witness.
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    Problems in Ovid's Fasti.E. H. Alton - 1973 - Classical Quarterly 23 (1):144-151.
    IGM form a unified group and we denote their consensus by the sign Z; in the absence of I we signify the consensus of GM with £. It will be seen that in the earlier part of Book I this family is reduced to M. Here one may sometimes call on the help of Harleianus 2564 saec. xv, which we call h; this manuscript, though overlaid with the vulgate text, shows a number of striking readings which reveal a source (...)
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    Reflections on the Jābāli Episode in the Vālmīki Rāmāyaṇa.Ramkrishna Bhattacharya - 2016 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 44 (3):597-615.
    Jābāli, one of the priest-cum-counsellors of king Daśaratha, has long been recognized as an odd character, preaching materialism in order to persuade Rāma to go back to Ayodhyā after the death of his father. The critical edition of the Vālmīki Rāmāyaṇa reveals several stanzas interpolated in the vulgate so as to denigrate Jābāli and brand him as a rank opportunist. In spite of that, whatever remains of Jābāli’s speech addressed to Rāma evinces one of the basic tenets of materialist (...)
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  35. Transubstantiation and the latin text of the Bible: A problem in the Nova Vulgata bibliorum.Lynne C. Boughton - 2002 - Gregorianum 83 (2):209-224.
    Dans les textes anciens du Canon Romain aussi bien que dans le Missale Romanum de 1570 et 1970 les paroles de consécration parlent de sang qui sera versé . Ce temps futur a été longtemps accepté comme consistant avec la traduction dans la Vulgate de Jérôme du participe ekunnomenon qui apparaît dans des textes des trois évangiles synoptiques. Cependant, en 1979 la Nuova Vulgata Bibliorum, publiée pour servir de nouveau texte officiel de la Vulgate dans l'Eglise catholique, substitua (...)
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  36.  20
    Positions de la sophistique: colloque de Cerisy.Barbara Cassin (ed.) - 1986 - Paris: Librairie Philosophique Vrin.
    Qu'est-ce que la sophistique? Un mouvement des Lumieres, rationalisation de l'essor democratique dans les cites grecques? Ou au contraire un conservatisme d'hommes epris de culture et de beau langage? Une philosophie de la conscience et de l'authenticite existentielle, ou une pratique utilitariste et devoyee des pouvoirs du logos, une non-philosophie? Le lecteur francais, reduit jusqu'ici a une vulgate platonico-aristotelicienne, ignore l'existence et les enjeux d'un debat, qui n'est pourtant pas de pure erudition. C'est un debat d'histoire de la philosophie, (...)
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    Le Sūtra d'Amida PrêChé par le Buddha (review).Roger Corless - 2000 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 20 (1):296-298.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 20 (2000) 296-298 [Access article in PDF] Book Review Le Sutra D'amida Prêché Par Le Buddha Le Sutra D'amida Prêché Par Le Buddha. By Jérôme Ducor. Schweizer Asiatische Studien: Monographien; Vol. 29. Bern: Peter Lang, 1998. 216 pp. Paper. $35.95 (in U.S.A.; available from the New York office of the publisher) It is immediately clear that this edition of the Smaller Sukhavativyuha Sutra must be regarded as (...)
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  38.  11
    The 'Lamia' and Aristotle's Beaver: The Consequences of a Mistranscription.Hana Šedinová - 2016 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 79 (1):295-306.
    In Greek mythology, Lamia, daughter of the king of Libya, bore several children to Zeus, but his jealous wife, Hera, killed all but one of them. Transformed by grief and anger, Lamia became a monster with the manners and physical traits of an animal. The word lamia can also be found in the form of an appellative. In the book of Isaiah in the Vulgate, the lamia is among the animals, beasts and monsters which will despoil Jerusalem when God's (...)
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  39.  30
    Quam lepide lexeis compostae…: Catullus 64.174.A. S. Gratwick - 1979 - Classical Quarterly 29 (01):112-.
    Most editors and commentators have acquiesced without enthusiasm in the reading in Creta religasset at 174, though Mynors in his Oxford text reverted to what had been the old vulgate in Cretam religasset ; Vulpius' . If we read in Cretam, the sense must be ‘ had not untied his rope.
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    The Madrid Ms of Manilius and its Kindred.A. E. Housman - 1907 - Classical Quarterly 1 (04):290-.
    That family of Manilius' MSS which is now usually called the second, and is designated by the letter β, made its first decisive entrance into criticism in the year 1739. The early vulgate had shaped itself out of hybrid copies in which the tradition of the two families α and β was indistinguishably blended; one good and ancient representative of α, the Gemblacensis, was brought into employment by Scaliger in 1600: but the testimony of β was never disengaged and (...)
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  41. English Wycliffite Sermons: Volume Iii.Anne Hudson (ed.) - 1990 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This third volume completes the text of the cycle of 294 English Wycliffite sermons; the first two volumes appeared in 1983 and 1987 respectively. The 120 sermons here were intended to provide material for all the weekday occasions for which the Sarum rite offers a separate gospel reading; such complete coverage of ferial days is unparalleled in English medieval homiliaries, and seems unknown elsewhere in contemporary European cycles of sermons. The introduction to the present book, which is intended to be (...)
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  42. Roger Bacon essays.A. G. Little - 1914 - Oxford,: Clarendon press.
    On Roger Bacon's life and works, by A. G. Little.--Der einfluss des Robert Grosseteste auf die wissenschaftliche richtung des Roger Bacon, von Ludwig Baur.--La place de Roger Bacon parmi les philosophes du XIIIe siècle, par François Picavet.--Roger Bacon and the Latin vulgate, by Francis Aidan, cardinal Gasquet.--Roger Bacon and philology, by S. A. Hirsch.--The place of Roger Bacon in the history of mathematics, by David Eugene Smith.--Roger Bacon und seine verdienste um die optik, von Eilhard Wiedemann.--Roger Bacons lehre von (...)
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  43.  10
    L'esthétique soviétique contre Staline.Anatoly Vasilievich Lunacharsky - 2005 - Paris: Delga.
    Lorsqu'on pense à la politique culturelle de l'URSS, un seul mot vient à l'esprit : jdanovisme. Tout le monde connaît Andreï Jdanov, le commissaire du peuple à la culture de Staline et ses diktats en matière de création. En revanche, on ignore tout de son " prédécesseur " et pour ainsi dire, son opposé : Anatole Vassiliévitch Lounatcharski. Nul hasard. L'idéologie a tout intérêt à réduire le communisme au goulag, Lénine à Staline, le matérialisme dialectique à Lyssenko et la critique (...)
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  44.  7
    (1 other version)De principatibus.Niccolò Machiavelli & Giorgio Inglese - 1994 - Roma: Istituto storico italiano per il Medio Evo. Edited by Giorgio Inglese.
    On croit connaître le Prince. En fait, on colporte parfois à son propos une vulgate interprétative fondée sur des approximations ou des partis pris de traduction dans des éditions françaises qui se répètent et s'engendrent l'une l'autre. Le texte paraît si " connu ", voire si " évident ", que l'on pourrait oublier ainsi de s'interroger sur le rapport des traductions avec l'original italien ; c'est une des raisons pour lesquelles le texte original (récemment établi par Giorgio Inglese sous (...)
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    La question des «règles de la critique» à Port-Royal: La critique jusqu'à Kant.Martine Pécharman - 1999 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 4:463-487.
    L'histoire critique des textes bibliques a été conçue par Richard Simon comme un art de juger, selon des règles strictes, des meilleures leçons à conserver. Cette méthode, qui impose dans la traduction de l'Écriture une règle d'uniformité textuelle, aurait fait défaut selon lui dans la version du Nouveau Testament donnée à Port-Royal « selon la Vulgate, avec les différences du grec ». La critique à la manière de Richard Simon n'est cependant pour Antoine Arnauld, qui préfère l'uniformité du sens (...)
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  46.  17
    Les avatars du marxisme.Simon Petermann - 1987 - Res Publica 29 (2):177-192.
    Marxism has been for a long time the reference of the European Worker's Movement. It took the form of a millenarist faith and was embodied in large organizations. Orthodox marxism had no more reason for existence when the working class was integrated in the modern society.Communism gave a new inspiration but at the expense of an intellectual degeneration. When it became a state religion, marxism stopped to be creative and became a Gnosis. The varied forms of leftisms which emerged in (...)
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    Philosophie des sciences : Auguste Comte et après..Annie Petit - 2007 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 4 (4):419-420.
    Auguste Comte est mort en 1857. Sa philosophie et ses prolongements sociopolitiques et religieux font de la commémoration un devoir important. Aussi a-t-il paru judicieux de profiter de l’occasion pour éclairer une œuvre encore bien méconnue ou réduite à une vulgate triviale. Plusieurs colloques ont scandé l’année 2007 : l’un à la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme de Paris,..
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  48.  25
    Three Ciceroniana.Heikki Solin - 1987 - Classical Quarterly 37 (02):521-.
    Mundus istum M. Enius in the manuscripts of Att. 15.26.5 is surely corrupt, as has been unanimously acknowledged . Also the modern Vulgate Mundus iste cum M. Ennio, introduced by Wesenberg in his Teubner text, is an improbable guess. Shackleton Bailey has recently proposed Maenius or Menius as the gentile name of Mundus. Mennius, however, is a very rare name and does not occur in Republican documents, while Maenius, although attested in Republican inscriptions, diverges unnecessarily from the manuscript tradition. (...)
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    Brief Mention: The Classicist's Thirst.Philip A. Stadter - 1996 - American Journal of Philology 117 (1):143-144.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Brief Mention The Classicist’s ThirstP. A. S.( Od.11.582–92)These are some of the first lines I read of Greek poetry, thanks to Schoder’s Homeric Greek,and they are part of the reason I became a classicist. Their simplicity, directness, and clear statement of a man’s desperate longing for what is necessary and beautiful stirred my unformed youth and incited me to master as best I could this delightful impossible language. Forever (...)
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    The Text of the Pseudo-Ciceronian Epistula Ad Octavianum.W. S. Watt - 1958 - Classical Quarterly 8 (1-2):25-.
    The pseudo-Ciceronian Epistula ad Octavianum enjoys the unmerited distinction of being preserved not only in most of the manuscripts which contain the Ad Atticum letters but also in some of those which contain the second half of the Ad Familiares letters; the former tradition is usually designated Ω, the latter I shall designate X. It was on the Ω tradition that the earliest printed texts were based. In the sixteenth century Cratander and Turnebus introduced a number of readings from the (...)
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