Results for 'W. Luty'

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  1. La dialectique: tradition et actualité. La loi de l'unité et de la lutte des contraires-aspect méthodologique (esquisse d'une histoire du problème).W. Luty - 1988 - Studia Filozoficzne 274:15-28.
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    Sensy obiektywności. Henri Poincaré i Ernst Cassirer w kontekście realizmu strukturalnego.Damian Luty - 2020 - Diametros 18 (67):54-70.
    Celem artykułu jest częściowe uzasadnienie negacji tezy, którą nazywam tezą o genezie realizmu strukturalnego. Dotyczy ona postulowanych w obrębie pewnej metafilozoficznej narracji związków między współczesnymi stanowiskami zwanymi epistemicznym realizmem strukturalnym i ontycznym realizmem strukturalnym a poglądami filozofów z początku XX wieku. W artykule rekonstruuję wymienione dwa stanowiska, postulowane związki, jakie mają one mieć z dwoma filozofami, Henri Poincarém oraz Ernstem Cassirerem, a następnie przedstawiam, dlaczego te postulowane związki są nietrafnie rozpoznane. Niesie to za sobą wnioski dotyczące swoistości wymienionych stanowisk oraz (...)
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    Czasoprzestrzeń – część struktury czy strukturalny aspekt? Ontologia czasoprzestrzeni w kontekście umiarkowanego ontycznego realizmu strukturalnego.Damian Luty - 2018 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 52 (4):83.
    Opisane i skrytykowane zostaje stanowisko umiarkowanego ontycznego realizmu strukturalnego, zaproponowane przez Michaela Esfelda i Vincenta Lama. Postawione są trzy tezy: pierwsza, że odnośne stanowisko uwikłane jest w traktowanie czasoprzestrzeni jako własności pola grawitacyjnego; druga – wykorzystanie przez to stanowisko metafizyki własności generuje niepożądane konsekwencje w postaci odrzucenia równoważności heurystyk służących do budowania reprezentacji grawitacji w ogólnej teorii względności; trzecia, że czasoprzestrzeń powinna być metafizycznie interpretowana jako element szerszej struktury grawitacyjnej.Stanowisko Esfelda i Lama zostaje zrekonstruowane, odniesienie do zagadnienia heurystyk budowania reprezentacji (...)
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  4. Teoria kapitalizmu monopolistycznego a koncepcja socjalizmu w poglądach Langego z lat trzydziestych.Włodzimierz Luty - 1984 - Colloquia Communia 14 (3-4):167-190.
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    Jak możliwa jest adaptacyjna analiza sztuki? Niektóre problemy metodologiczne estetyki ewolucyjnej.Jerzy Luty - 2020 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 56 (1):55-78.
    Estetyka ewolucyjna jako młoda i obiecująca dyscyplina nadal w zasadzie nie posiada wypracowanej metodologii, choćby takiej jak neuroestetyka. Na przykład spory wokół tego, kiedy dane zachowanie artystyczne można uznać za adaptację, nie prowadzą do jasnych konkluzji, co wynika z faktu, że otrzymywane wyniki badań można często przypisać do wielu hipotetycznych funkcji. Z kolei, jeśli hipoteza o tym, że dane zachowanie jednoczy ludzi, zostanie potwierdzona empirycznie, to i tak nie musi to oznaczać, że zachowanie to jest adaptacją. Aby wyjaśnienie ewolucyjnego pochodzenia (...)
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  6. W poszukiwaniu granic muzyki: przypadek Cage\'a [J. Luty, John Cage. Filozofia muzycznego przypadku].Renata Chunderbalsingh - 2011 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia.
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  7. Przyczyna i Wyjaśnianie: Studium Z Filozofii i Metodologii Nauk.Paweł Kawalec - 2006 - Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL.
    Przedmowa Problematyka związana z zależnościami przyczynowymi, ich modelowaniem i odkrywa¬niem, po długiej nieobecności w filozofii i metodologii nauk, budzi współcześnie duże zainteresowanie. Wiąże się to przede wszystkim z dynamicznym rozwojem, zwłaszcza od lat 1990., technik obli¬czeniowych. Wypracowane w tym czasie sieci bayesowskie uznaje się za matematyczny język przyczynowości. Pozwalają one na daleko idącą auto¬matyzację wnioskowań, co jest także zachętą do podjęcia prób algorytmiza¬cji odkrywania przyczyn. Na potrzeby badań naukowych, które pozwalają na przeprowadzenie eksperymentu z randomizacją, standardowe metody ustalania zależności przyczynowych (...)
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  8. Worlds away.W. V. Quine - 1976 - Journal of Philosophy 73 (22):859-863.
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    Algebraic semantics for deductive systems.W. Blok & J. Rebagliato - 2003 - Studia Logica 74 (1-2):153 - 180.
    The notion of an algebraic semantics of a deductive system was proposed in [3], and a preliminary study was begun. The focus of [3] was the definition and investigation of algebraizable deductive systems, i.e., the deductive systems that possess an equivalent algebraic semantics. The present paper explores the more general property of possessing an algebraic semantics. While a deductive system can have at most one equivalent algebraic semantics, it may have numerous different algebraic semantics. All of these give rise to (...)
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  10.  32
    Some Manuscripts of Plato's Apologia Socratis.W. S. M. Nicoll - 1966 - Classical Quarterly 16 (01):70-.
    The Platonic MS. Vat. gr. 225 contains tetr. I, VI. 3, 4, II–IV, while its companion volume in the same hand Vat. gr. 226 contains V–VI. 2, VIII. 3, VII, Spp., VIII. 1, 2. Posts states that for tetr. I and VI. 3 A is close to Vind. suppl. gr. 7 and thereafter derives from the Clarkianus . I am here concerned only with the testimony of Δ in. 2 . This manuscript has been largely ignored by commentators and editors. (...)
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    (1 other version)Unification of universes in set theory.W. V. Quine - 1956 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 21 (3):267-279.
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    (1 other version)Jevons and logic.W. Mays & D. P. Henry - 1953 - Mind 62 (248):484-505.
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    The anti-essential Locke and natural kinds.W. L. Uzgalis - 1988 - Philosophical Quarterly 38 (152):330-339.
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    Halley's Ode on the Principia of Newton and the Epicurean Revival in England.W. R. Albury - 1978 - Journal of the History of Ideas 39 (1):24.
  15. Balanced bilingualism and early age of second language acquisition as the underlying mechanisms of a bilingual executive control advantage: why variations in bilingual experiences matter.W. Quin Yow & Xiaoqian Li - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  16. On ordered pairs.W. V. Quine - 1945 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 10 (3):95-96.
  17. Beyond the axioms: The question of objectivity in mathematics.W. TaitW - 2001 - Philosophia Mathematica 9 (1):21-36.
    This paper contains a defense against anti-realism in mathematics in the light both of incompleteness and of the fact that mathematics is a ‘cultural artifact.’. Anti-realism (here) is the view that theorems, say, of aritltmetic cannot be taken at face value to express true propositions about the system of numbers but must be reconstrued to be about somctliiiig else or about nothing at all. A ‘bite-the-bullet’ aspect of the defease is that, adopting new axioms, liitherto independent, is not. a matter (...)
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  18.  50
    The structure of Daltonian stoichiometry.W. Balzer, C. -U. Moulines & J. D. Sneed - 1987 - Erkenntnis 26 (1):103 - 127.
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    Nachträgliches über Mismos und Mida.W. Drexler - 1894 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 52 (1-4):587-587.
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    A Preliminary Discussion of Dai Zhen’s Philosophy of Language.W. U. Genyou - 2010 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 5 (4):523-542.
    Dai Zhen’s philosophy of language took the opportunity of a transition in Chinese philosophy to develop a form of humanist positivism, which was different from both the Song and Ming dynasties’ School of Principles and the early Qing dynasty’s philosophical forms. His philosophy of language had four primary manifestations: It differentiated between “names pointing at entities and real events” and “names describing summum bonum and perfection”; In discussing the metaphysical issue of “the Dao,” it was the first to introduce a (...)
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    Sorani Gynaeciorum Libri IV.W. A. Heidel & Ioannes Ilberg - 1928 - American Journal of Philology 49 (1):98.
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    XI. Ueber den syrischen palimpsest der Ilias.W. C. Kayser - 1855 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 10 (1-4):193-198.
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    Conjectures on Cicoro, Ad Q. fratrom and Ad Brutum.W. B. Sedgwick - 1958 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 102 (1-2):157-158.
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  24. An Adventure in Love.W. Taliaferro Thompson - 1956
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    STS in Engineering: The Teaching and Research Activities of the Centre for Technology and Social Development at the University of Toronto.W. H. Vanderburg - 1998 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 18 (1):54-58.
    The conceptual framework and core courses of the certificate program in Preventive Engineering and Social Development of the Centre for Technology and Social Development at the University of Toronto are briefly described. Preventive approaches for the engi neering, management, and regulation of technology examine how technology fits into, interacts with, and depends on human life, society, and the biosphere in order to apply this understanding in a negative feed back mode to avoid or reduce harmful effects to these contexts. These (...)
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    Inductive logic.W. G. Ballantine - 1896 - Boston,: Ginn.
    Unlike some other reproductions of classic texts (1) We have not used OCR(Optical Character Recognition), as this leads to bad quality books with introduced typos. (2) In books where there are images such as portraits, maps, sketches etc We have endeavoured to keep the quality of these images, so they represent accurately the original artefact. Although occasionally there may be certain imperfections with these old texts, we feel they deserve to be made available for future generations to enjoy.
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  27. Der mensch als thierrasse und seine triebe.W. Rheinhard - 1902 - Leipzig,: T. Thomas.
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  28. The Amiable Tyranny of Peisistratus.W. H. Alexander - 1936 - Classical Weekly 30:127-135.
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  29. Divine Causation: A Critical Study concerning "Intermediaries".W. J. Beale - 1937 - Philosophy 12 (48):504-504.
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    Lighting up gap junction channels in a flash.W. Howard Evans & Patricia E. M. Martin - 2002 - Bioessays 24 (10):876-880.
    Gap junction intercellular communication channels permit the exchange of small regulatory molecules and ions between neighbouring cells and coordinate cellular activity in diverse tissue and organ systems. These channels have short half‐lives and complex assembly and degradation pathways. Much of the recent work elucidating gap junction biogenesis has featured the use of connexins (Cx), the constituent proteins of gap junctions, tagged with reporter proteins such as Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) and has illuminated the dynamics of channel assembly in live cells (...)
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    II.—Variation, Heredity and Consciousness.W. P. Montague - 1921 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 21 (1):13-50.
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    A new papyrus of Sallust.W. Morel - 1968 - The Classical Review 18 (01):23-24.
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    Ancient Records of Assyria and Babylonia.W. F. Albright & Daniel David Luckenbill - 1928 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 48:93.
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    The Temple of Hibis in El Khargeh Oasis.W. F. Albright & H. E. Winlock - 1945 - American Journal of Philology 66 (1):104.
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    On Aristotle Metaphysics 5.W. E. Alexander & Dooley - 1993 - Bloomsbury Academic.
    "Aristotle was a systematic writer who often cross-referred to the definitions of terms given elsewhere in his work. Book 5 of the Metaphysics is important because it consists of definitions of the main uses of key terms in Aristotle's philosophy, and it is extremely valuable to have a commentary on this important text by Alexander of Aphrodisias, the leading commentator of his school. Alexander provides a detailed commentary on all of the thirty terms analysed in Book 5, weighing alternative interpretations (...)
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  36. Old Testament Prophets.W. A. C. Allen - 1920 - The Monist 30:479.
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    Hume and Necessary Truth.W. A. Suchting - 1966 - Dialogue 5 (1):47-60.
    There is a widespread belief, more often implied than explicitly asserted, that Hume considered all necessary propositions to be analytic.Of course Hume did not use the analytic-synthetic distinction explicitly. This only come to the forefront with Kant; and it is Kant who is probably the main source of the above-mentioned belief. Kant ascribed to Hume the view that mathematical propositions are, in his terminology, analytic. If this is correct, then since mathematics was for Hume the paradigm of a body of (...)
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  38.  26
    The philosophy of relativity.W. Gordin - 1926 - Journal of Philosophy 23 (19):517-524.
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    Processes, end-states and social justice.W. G. Runciman - 1978 - Philosophical Quarterly 28 (110):37-45.
  40. 7 SIMMEL'S THEORY OF CONFLICT David W. Felder.David W. Felder - 1999 - In TM Powers & P. Kamolnick (ed.), From Kant to Weber: Freedom and Culture in Classical German Social Theory. pp. 125.
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  41. (1 other version)Il `De Ideis' di Aristotele e la Teoria Platonica delle Idee.W. Leszl - 1978 - Mind 87 (346):281-283.
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    Piron's foundation of quantum mechanics (comment on his paper).W. Balzer - 1981 - Erkenntnis 16 (3):403 - 406.
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    Über die bedeutung Des auslesefaktors im rekapitulationsmechanismus der phylogenetisch-ontogenetischen parallele.W. Berdel & G. Nass - 1958 - Acta Biotheoretica 12 (4):195-210.
    Haeckels theory of recapitulation shall be extended by the following rule: During the ontogenetical recapitulation of the phenotypical effects, the recapitulation of the phylogenetical natural selection factors according to the genotypical potentials is a condition of manifestation. The phylogenetical natural selectionfactor produces the activation of the gen as ontogenetical manifestation-stimulus. Factor of natural selection is the one of the extern or intern environment to which has happened the adaption in the phylogenesis. Concerning the intern environments the phenotypical effect of the (...)
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    The Contradiction in Ethical Egoism.W. D. Glasgow - 1968 - Philosophical Studies 19 (6):81 - 85.
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  45. On the irrelevance of free-will to moral responsibility, and the vacuity of the latter.W. I. Matson - 1956 - Mind 65 (260):489-497.
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    Notes on Some Astronomical Passages of Claudian—Continued.W. H. Semple - 1939 - Classical Quarterly 33 (1):1-8.
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    Maniliana.W. S. Watt - 1994 - Classical Quarterly 44 (2):451-457.
    Housman reads assueta euolitans; the former word is a conjecture of his own, the latter a conjecture of Ellis, which I think he would have ignored if the relevant fascicle of the Thesaurus had been available to show that euolitare occurs once in Columella and then not before the sixth century. If assueto is sound, mundi must be changed to mundo or to another noun. Bentley read mundo, and this may well be the right solution: the eagle carries thunderbolts to (...)
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    Seeing and hearing.W. C. Clement - 1955 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 6 (21):61-63.
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    Reversing figure and ground in the rationality debate: An evolutionary perspective.W. Todd DeKay, Martie G. Haselton & Lee A. Kirkpatrick - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (5):670-671.
    A broad evolutionary perspective is essential to fully reverse figure and ground in the rationality debate. Humans' evolved psychological architecture was designed to produce inferences that were adaptive, not normatively logical. This perspective points to several predictable sources of errors in modern laboratory reasoning tasks, including inherent, systematic biases in information-processing systems explained by Error Management Theory.
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    The group VIII platinum-group metals and the periodic table.W. P. Griffith - 2009 - Foundations of Chemistry 12 (1):17-25.
    The six platinum group metals (pgms: ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, osmium, iridium and platinum) posed a number of problems for 19th-century chemists, including Mendeleev, for their Periodic classification. This account discusses the discovery of the pgms, the determination of their atomic weights and their classification.
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