Results for 'Wallis Mieczyslaw'

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  1. Uwagi o symbolach.Mieczysław Wallis - 1977 - Studia Semiotyczne 7:91-99.
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  2. Napisy w obrazach.Mieczysław Wallis - 1971 - Studia Semiotyczne 2:39-64.
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  3. The origin and foundations of non-objective painting.Mieczyslaw Wallis - 1960 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 19 (1):61-71.
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  4. Polish contributions to aesthetics and science of art before 1939: A selective bibliography.Mieczyslaw Wallis - 1948 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 7 (1):51-53.
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    Semantic and Symbolic Elements in Architecture: Iconology as a First Step Towards an Architectural Semiotic.Mieczyslaw Wallis - 1973 - Semiotica 8 (3).
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    Przezycie i Wartosc.Max Rieser & Mieczyslaw Wallis - 1970 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 28 (4):548.
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    Mieczyslaw Wallis: Experience and value.Bokiniec Monika & Wallis Mieczyslaw - 2009 - Estetika: The Central European Journal of Aestetics; Until 2008: Estetika (Aesthetics) 46 (1).
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  8. Les énoncés des appréciations et des normes.".Mieczyslaw Wallis-Walfisz - 1937 - Studia Philosophica 2:421-437.
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    Mieczysław Wallis – historyk sztuki czy filozof?Joanna Zegzuła-Nowak - forthcoming - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria:191-210.
    The paper presents a scientific profile of Mieczysław Wallis in the perspective of the question of his intellectual status. The author looks for the answer within two areas that were the subject of Wallis’ interest: philosophy and history of art. She analyses the path of Wallis’ intellectual development and the formation of his creative interests: from his education (in Heidelberg and Warsaw) and inspirations, through his first intellectual concerns, to an analysis of his scientific output. In his (...)
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    The Main Ideas of Mieczysław Wallis’ Program of Philosophical Anthropology.Joanna Zegzuła-Nowak - 2022 - Filozofia Nauki 30 (2):79-93.
    The article presents the results of several years of analytical and reconstruction efforts carried out by the author who focused on archival writings by Mieczysław Wallis, a representative of the second generation of the Lvov-Warsaw School, which were to a large extent unknown to readers. Wallis’ intellectual profile has been associated so far mostly with his writings on art criticism, aesthetics, theory, and history of art. In the light of painstaking, multistage research of the large collection of his (...)
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    The problem of dehumanisation in the light of Mieczysław Wallis' intellectual biography.Joanna Zegzuła-Nowak - 2024 - Analiza I Egzystencja 66:25-78.
    Artykuł przedstawia etyczny problem dehumanizacji w perspektywie prac i doświadczeń Mieczysława Wallisa, polskiego uczonego, przedstawiciela filozoficznej szkoły lwowsko-warszawskiej. W czasie II wojny światowej myśliciel ten spędził około 5 lat w niemieckich obozach jenieckich. Nie poddał się jednak wówczas atmosferze niepokoju i rezygnacji, nie pogrążył w strachu przed długotrwałą niewolą, lecz nieprzerwanie kontynuował swoją pracę naukową i dydaktyczną. W rezultacie, nie tylko zilustrował mechanizmy dehumanizacji zachodzące w rzeczywistości obozowej, ale także sformułował autorski intelektualny „program profilaktyczny”, który pozwalał obronić ludzką psychikę, osobowość, (...)
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    Henryk Elzenberg w świetle nieznanych źródeł archiwalnych Mieczysława Wallisa.Joanna Dorota Zegzuła-Nowak - 2016 - Studia Z Historii Filozofii 7 (2):137-153.
    Archive Materials of Mieczysław Wallis are in the collection of Combined Libraries of Philosophy and Sociology Faculties of the University of Warsaw, the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Science and the Polish Philosophical Society. There are two files devoted to Henryk Elzenberg. They contain a rich historical material, not published before and not known to many people. It is a valuable source of knowledge in the field of the history of Polish philosophy. Wallis’s (...)
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    Aksjologia Władysława Tatarkiewicza.Bohdan Dziemidok - 2011 - Filo-Sofija 11 (13):459-472.
    Author: Dziemidok Bohdan Title: AXIOLOGY OF WŁADYSŁAW TATARKIEWICZ (Aksjologia Władysława Tatarkiewicza) Source: Filo-Sofija year: 2011, vol:.13/14, number: 2011/2-3, pages: 459-472 Keywords: AXIOLOGY, AESTHETIC THEORY, WŁADYSŁAW TATARKIEWICZ, OLD AGE Discipline: PHILOSOPHY Language: POLISH Document type: ARTICLE Publication order reference (Primary author’s office address): E-mail: www:Władysław Tatarkiewicz was not only a co-creator of Polish aesthetics (aside Roman Ingarden, Stanisław Ossowski and Mieczysław Wallis) but also, aside Henryk Elzenberg, a co-creator of Polish axiology. Main issues of Tatarkiewicz’s axiological development were: value and (...)
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  14. Przedmiot estetyki, jej zadania, metoda i miejsce pośród nauk w Szkole Lwowsko-Warszawskiej.Aleksandra Horecka - 2007 - Filozofia Nauki 3.
    The aim of the paper is to present views and opinions of the representatives of Lvov-Warsaw School upon subject, tasks, methods of aesthetics and its place among others sciences. Although writings on aesthetical problems appeared in the Lvov-Warsaw School relatively late, many scholars from that scientific circle contributed very much to the development of aesthetics - among others - Stanisław Ossowski, Mieczysław Wallis, Leopold Blaustein, Władysław Tatarkiewicz, Tadeusz Czeżowski, Stefan Baley, Władysław Witwicki and Tadeusz Witwicki. The opinions of these (...)
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    Zagadnienie swoistości sfery estetycznej.Antoni B. Stępień - 2004 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 52 (2):325-332.
    There are various authors who discussed the nature and manner of the existence of aesthetic values and the characterisation of aesthetic experience, among others, Thomas Acquinas, Roman Ingarden, Władyslaw Tatarkiewicz, Stanisław Ossowski, and Mieczysław Wallis. Taking into consideration their positions, the author claims that, potentially, each object as a coincidence of respective qualities is suitable for an aesthetic attitude. It may appear aesthetically somewhat, such that it alone may move (with its contents), i.e. it may draw attention, stir, delight, (...)
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    The Concept of Aesthetic Value in the Lvov-Warsaw School: An Overview.Aleksandra Horecka - 2022 - Filozofia Nauki 30 (2):95-139.
    This article discusses selected conceptions of aesthetic value formulated by representatives of the Lvov-Warsaw School, including Kazimierz Twardowski, Władysław Witwicki, Władysław Tatarkiewicz, Tadeusz Czeżowski, Mieczysław Walfisz-Wallis, Stanisław Ossowski, Leopold Blaustein, and Tadeusz Kotarbiński.
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    Alexandri quod fertur in Aristotelis sophisticos elenchos commentarium: Editio consilio et auctoritate academiae litterarum regiae Borussicae.Maximilian Wallies (ed.) - 1962 - De Gruyter.
    Seit dem 2. nachchristlichen Jahrhundert werden die Schriften von Aristoteles kommentiert. Diese Ausgabe enthält griechische Kommentare zu seinem Werk vom 3. bis 8. Jahrhundert n. Chr., u. a. von Alexander von Aphrodiensias, Themistios, Joh. Philoponus, Simplicius in griechischer Sprache.
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    Percepts, intervening variables, and neural mechanisms.Wally Welker - 1980 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (3):405-406.
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    Marx and philosophy: three studies.Wallis Arthur Suchting - 1986 - New York: New York University Press.
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    The Construction of Impossibility: A Logic-Based Analysis of Conjuring Tricks.Wally Smith, Frank Dignum & Liz Sonenberg - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  21. Learning to recognise objects.Guy Wallis & Heinrich Bülthoff - 1999 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 3 (1):22-31.
    Evidence from neurophysiological and psychological studies is coming together to shed light on how we represent and recognize objects. This review describes evidence supporting two major hypotheses: the first is that objects are represented in a mosaic-like form in which objects are encoded by combinations of complex, reusable features, rather than two-dimensional templates, or three-dimensional models. The second hypothesis is that transform-invariant representations of objects are learnt through experience, and that this learning is affected by the temporal sequence in which (...)
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    Notes on the cultural significance of the sciences.Wallis A. Suchting - 1994 - Science & Education 3 (1):1-56.
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    Avoiding policy failure.Steven Wallis - 2010 - Emergent Publications.
    Why do policies fail? How can we objectively choose the best policy from two (or more) competing alternatives? How can we create better policies? To answer these critical questions this book presents an innovative yet workable approach. Avoiding Policy Failure uses emerging metapolicy methodologies in case studies that compare successful policies with ones that have failed. Those studies investigate the systemic nature of each policy text to gain new insights into why policies fail. -/- In addition to providing intriguing directions (...)
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    Educational struggles and political community in South Africa.Wally Morrow - 1993 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 12 (1):71-83.
    Democracy is often said to rest on some form of deeper argument, some self-understanding amongst people as belonging to a common political community. This paper explores this issue in the situation of South Africa. The policies of Apartheid have left a legacy of a morally fractured society with little by way of a shared moral discourse, and the paper raises the question of whether the concepts of democracy and community which emerged out of educational struggles in South Africa might provide (...)
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    Becoming Like God.R. T. Wallis - 1973 - The Classical Review 23 (01):49-.
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    Treating Pain in Sickle Cell Disease with Opioids: Clinical Advances, Ethical Pitfalls.Wally R. Smith - 2014 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 42 (2):139-146.
    Sickle cell disease is an autosomal recessive hemoglobinopathy found mainly in populations of African and Mediterranean descent, including approximately 100,000 Americans. It is also very common in Spanish-speaking regions of Central America, South America, and parts of the Caribbean, in Saudi Arabia, and in India and Sri Lanka. The disorder is characterized most commonly by lifelong recurrent unpredictable vaso-occlusive pain that may be disabling, and by chronic tissue damage and organ dysfunction. There are several genotypes of the disease. Although SCD (...)
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    Les différents types de famille au sein des modes de production.Wally Seccombe - 2005 - Actuel Marx 37 (1):27-42.
    Marxists expand the mode of production concept to make room for family forms, situating them in the daily and generational production of labour power. Family forms are active elements in the constitution and development of modes of production, above all because they are central to the production of people and their capacities for work, compliance and resistance. Our focus is on the turnover phase of the cycle when offspring reach adulthood, marry, join or form households, and begin to procreate, while (...)
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  28. Neter. The egyptian word for God by E. A. Wallis Budge.E. A. Wallis Budge - 1903 - The Monist 13 (4):481 - 492.
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    Basic Teachings of the Buddha.Glenn Wallis - 2007 - New York City: Random House.
    A new translation and compilation, with a guide to reading the texts. -/- In Basic Teachings of the Buddha, Glenn Wallis selects sixteen essential dialogues drawn from more than five thousand Pali-dialect suttas of the Buddhist canon. The result is a vibrant introductory guide to studying Buddhist thought, applying its principles to everyday life, and gaining a deeper understanding of Buddhist themes in modern literature. Focusing on the most crucial topics for today’s readers, Wallis presents writings that address (...)
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    How to Fix Education: A Handbook for Direct Action.Glenn Wallis - 2020 - New York City: Warbler Press.
    What concrete actions might a change-minded teacher take? This is the question driving How to Fix Education. -/- An uncanny anticipation fills the halls of American higher education today. It is the sense that a reckoning is coming. Whether it is the case that higher education is in the teeth of a catastrophic crisis or only headed in that direction, many college professors, administrators, and students can no longer stave off their suspicion that something is seriously amiss. -/- In How (...)
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    How a Model of Object Recognition Learns to Become a Model of Face Recognition.Wallis Guy - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    The Platonic Theology of Proclus.R. T. Wallis - 1970 - The Classical Review 20 (03):324-.
  33. Between self-knowledge and self-enjoyment: I'NWOI CAYTON in the skeleton mosaic from beneath the Monastery of San Gregorio.Wally V. Cirafesi - 2023 - In Ole Jakob Filtvedt & Jens Schröter, Know yourself: echoes and interpretations of the Delphic maxim in ancient Judaism, Christianity, and philosophy. Boston: De Gruyter.
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    The socio-economic context of Capernaum’s limestone synagogue and Jewish–Christian relations in the late-ancient town.Wally V. Cirafesi - 2021 - Nordisk judaistik/Scandinavian Jewish Studies 32 (1):46-65.
    In this article, I consider a set of contextual questions related to the social and economic influences on the construction and use of Capernaum’s great limestone synagogue, and ask what these influences might tell us about Jewish–Christian relations in this village during the fifth and sixth centuries CE. After a survey of current scholarship, I address issues of method and engage in the interpretation of the relevant primary sources, some of which have only very recently been discov­ered, while others have (...)
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  35. Jesus’ Emotions in the Gospels.P. Wallis - unknown
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    Behavior and purpose.Wilson D. Wallis - 1922 - Journal of Philosophy 19 (21):580-582.
  37. Progress and power.Wilson D. Wallis - 1937 - Journal of Social Philosophy and Jurisprudence 2 (4):338.
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  38. The Bible and Modern Belief.Louis Wallis - 1949
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    The Problem of Personality.Wilson D. Wallis - 1914 - International Journal of Ethics 24 (2):201-215.
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    X. Textkritisches zu der aristotelischen Topik und den sophistischen Widerlegungen.Max Wallies - 1922 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 78 (3-4):301-329.
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    Wynne, Rationality and Ritual: Participation and Exclusion in Nuclear Decision-Making. London and Washington, DC: Earthscan, 2011. Pp. xxvii + 228. ISBN 978-1-84971-161-6. £24.99. [REVIEW]Max Wallis - 2012 - British Journal for the History of Science 45 (4):708-709.
  42. Entitlement and achievement in education.Wally Morrow - 1994 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 13 (1):33-47.
    The central claim of this paper is that the culture of entitlement in education is incoherent to the extent to which it rejects: concepts of educational achievement. It gives an account of some of the conceptual features of achievement and educational achievement, and argues that although educational and academic achievement are closely linked with each other they are distinct. It tries to show why academic practices are central in our conceptions of the value of educational achievement. In terms of the (...)
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    Misleading Forecasts in Accounting Estimates: A Form of Ethical Blindness in Accounting Standards?Wally Smieliauskas, Kathryn Bewley, Ulfert Gronewold & Ulrich Menzefricke - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 152 (2):437-457.
    The current financial reporting environment, with its increasing use of accounting estimates, including fair value estimates, suggests that unethical accounting estimates may be a growing concern. This paper provides explanations and empirical evidence for why some types of accounting estimates in financial reporting may promote a form of ethical blindness. These types of ethical blindness can have an escalating effect that corrupts not only an individual or organization but also the accounting profession and the public interest it serves. Ethical blindness (...)
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    Cross-currents in Astronomy and Navigation: Thomas Hornsby, FRS.Ruth Wallis - 2000 - Annals of Science 57 (3):219-240.
    Thomas Hornsby was a hard-working, scientifically ambitious and significant man of vision during the second half of the eighteenth century. He was a notable astronomical observer, founder of the Radcliffe Observatory at Oxford, a successful lecturer, a Commissioner of Longitude at a critical time, and editor of James Bradley's Astronomical Observations. This paper presents some long-neglected facts; in assembling scattered fragments into a coherent account, it raises new speculations.
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    (1 other version)Stich, Content, Prediction, and Explanation in Cognitive Science.Charles Wallis - 1990 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1990:327 - 340.
    In this paper I consider Stich's principle of autonomy argument (From Folk Psychology To Cognitive Science) as an argument that computationalism is an incorrect approach to explanation and prediction in cognitive science. After considering the principle of autonomy argument in light of several computational systems and psychological examples, I conclude that the argument is unsound. I formulate my reasons for rejecting Stich's argument as unsound into the conjunction argument. Finally, I argue that the conjunction argument is sound, and that its (...)
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    Distinguishing Primary and Secondary Early Intervention Programs: Implications for Families, Clinicians, and Policymakers.Kate E. Wallis & Elliott M. Weiss - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (11):65-67.
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    Edward Cocker (1632?–1676) and his Arithmetick: De Morgan demolished.Ruth Wallis - 1997 - Annals of Science 54 (5):507-522.
    Summary Edward Cocker was a well-known writing master and engraver during his lifetime, but is chiefly remembered for his posthumous arithmetic textbook, immortalized in the saying ?According to Cocker?. The book proved popular, being right for its time, and it remained in use for a century. It unexpectedly became the subject of controversy when Augustus De Morgan pronounced it to be the produce of its editor, John Hawkins. Research now shows that there is little doubt that it was really Cocker's (...)
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    The glory of gravity—Halley's Comet 1759.Ruth Wallis - 1984 - Annals of Science 41 (3):279-286.
    During the eighty years since the publication of the Principia, Newton's theories had been popularized. Based upon them, the first predicted return of any comet aroused anticipation and then elation. Contemporary accounts in widely-read periodicals show the interest in the vindication of gravitational theory provided by fulfilment of the prediction.
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  49. Using representation to explain.Charles Wallis - 1994 - In Eric Dietrich, Thinking Computers and Virtual Persons: Essays on the Intentionality of Machines. Academic Press.
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  50. Consciousness, context, and know-how.Charles Wallis - 2008 - Synthese 160 (1):123 - 153.
    In this paper I criticize the most significant recent examples of the practical knowledge analysis of knowledge-how in the philosophical literature: David Carr [1979, Mind, 88, 394–409; 1981a, American Philosophical Quarterly, 18, 53–61; 1981b, Journal of Philosophy of Education, 15(1), 87–96] and Stanley & Williamson [2001, Journal of Philosophy, 98(8), 411–444]. I stress the importance of know-how in our contemporary understanding of the mind, and offer the beginnings of a treatment of know-how capable of providing insight in to the use (...)
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