Results for 'Wayne Leon Payne'

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  1.  38
    The Mind of Charles Hartshorne: A Critical Examination by Donald Wayne Viney and George W. Shields (review).Leon Niemoczynski - 2022 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 43 (1):94-97.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Mind of Charles Hartshorne: A Critical Examination by Donald Wayne Viney and George W. ShieldsLeon NiemoczynskiThe Mind of Charles Hartshorne: A Critical Examination. Donald Wayne Viney and George W. Shields. Anoka, MN: Process Century Press, 2020. 584 pp. $40.00 cloth.Over the past decade process philosophy has undergone a significant renaissance most notably due to the towering presence of the thought of Alfred North Whitehead in (...)
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    Aggressive Tax Avoidance: A Conundrum for Stakeholders, Governments, and Morality.Dinah M. Payne & Cecily A. Raiborn - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 147 (3):469-487.
    This is the conundrum that gives rise to the issue of tax avoidance: Although governments always seem to lack sufficient funds to support the needs of society, tax codes are often written that offer “a way out” of paying taxes for some but not all constituents. The ways out are referred to as loopholes that allow taxpayers to avoid taxes. This paper first defines the basic terms of tax avoidance and tax evasion and then offers an ethical review of the (...)
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    Sex, race, and psychomotor reminiscence.R. B. Payne & Ira D. Turkat - 1982 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 19 (6):336-338.
  4.  43
    Corrigendum: Somatic Experiencing: using interoception and proprioception as core elements of trauma therapy.Peter Payne, Peter A. Levine & Mardi A. Crane-Godreau - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  5. The Division of Goods and Praising Justice for Itself in Republic II.Andrew Payne - 2011 - Phronesis 56 (1):58-78.
    In Republic II Glaucon assigns to Socrates the task of praising justice for itself. What it means to praise justice for itself is unclear. A new interpretation is offered on the basis of an analysis of Glaucon's division of goods. A distinction is developed between criterial benefits, those valuable consequences of a thing which provide a standard for evaluating a thing as a good instance of its type, and fringe benefits, valuable consequences which do not provide such a standard. Socrates (...)
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    Commentary on 'Payment in challenge studies: ethics, attitudes and a new payment for risk model'.Ruth Payne - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (12):829-830.
    Grimwade et al highlight the current lack of a universal, standardised approach to the payment of participants taking part in controlled human infection model studies.1 As they discuss, payment for these studies is controversial, with many voicing arguments for and against higher payments, particularly for those studies which involve significant burdens to the participant. The main concerns about overpayment relate to the concepts of undue inducement or coercion, whereas underpayment raises concern about exploitation and unfair treatment. In many healthy volunteer (...)
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  7.  24
    A Qualitative Study of the Views of Patients With Medically Unexplained Symptoms on The BodyMind Approach®: Employing Embodied Methods and Arts Practices for Self-Management.Helen Payne & Susan Deanie Margaret Brooks - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The arts provide openings for symbolic expression by engaging the sensory experience in the body they become a source of insight through embodied cognition and emotion, enabling meaning-making, and acting as a catalyst for change. This synthesis of sensation and enactive, embodied expression through movement and the arts is capitalized on in The BodyMind Approach®. It is integral to this biopsychosocial, innovative, unique intervention for people suffering medically unexplained symptoms applied in primary healthcare. The relevance of embodiment and arts practices (...)
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  8.  58
    Kant and the concept of community.Charlton Payne & Lucas Thorpe (eds.) - 2011 - Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press.
  9. Abstraction Relations Need Not Be Reflexive.Jonathan Payne - 2013 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 2 (2):137-147.
    Neo-Fregeans such as Bob Hale and Crispin Wright seek a foundation of mathematics based on abstraction principles. These are sentences involving a relation called the abstraction relation. It is usually assumed that abstraction relations must be equivalence relations, so reflexive, symmetric and transitive. In this article I argue that abstraction relations need not be reflexive. I furthermore give an application of non-reflexive abstraction relations to restricted abstraction principles.
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    Sluts: Heteronormative Policing in the Stories of Lesbian Youth.Elizabethe Payne - 2010 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 46 (3):317-336.
    The power of compulsory heterosexuality regulates the sexuality of adolescent lesbians as strongly as it does their heterosexual peers. Marked with a sexual(ized) identity, young Southern lesbians in this life history study made claim to moral high ground by consistently identifying with the hegemonic good girl construct and by participating in the naming of women whose sexual behavior demonstrated a disregard for the ?rules.? The good girl/bad girl, the virgin/slut binaries, played significant roles in their identity claims, in their relationships, (...)
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  11. Natural Deduction for Modal Logic with a Backtracking Operator.Jonathan Payne - 2015 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 44 (3):237-258.
    Harold Hodes in [1] introduces an extension of first-order modal logic featuring a backtracking operator, and provides a possible worlds semantics, according to which the operator is a kind of device for ‘world travel’; he does not provide a proof theory. In this paper, I provide a natural deduction system for modal logic featuring this operator, and argue that the system can be motivated in terms of a reading of the backtracking operator whereby it serves to indicate modal scope. I (...)
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  12. (1 other version)The world as will and representation.Arthur Schopenhauer & E. F. J. Payne - 1958 - New York,: Dover Publications. Edited by Judith Norman, Alistair Welchman & Christopher Janaway.
    First published in 1818, The World as Will and Representation contains Schopenhauer's entire philosophy, ranging through epistemology, metaphysics, philosophy of mind and action, aesthetics and philosophy of art, to ethics, the meaning of life and the philosophy of religion, in an attempt to account for the world in all its significant aspects. It gives a unique and influential account of what is and is not of value in existence, the striving and pain of the human condition and the possibility of (...)
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  13.  89
    Similarities in Business and IT Professional Ethics: The Need for and Development of A Comprehensive Code of Ethics.Dinah Payne & Brett J. L. Landry - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 62 (1):73-85.
    The study of business ethics has led to the development of various principles that are the foundation of good and ethical business practices. A corresponding study of Information Technology (IT) professionals’ ethics has led to the conclusion that good ethics in the development and uses of information technology correspond to the basic business principle that good ethics is good business. Ergo, good business ethics practiced by IT professionals is good IT ethics and vice versa. IT professionals are professionals in businesses; (...)
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  14.  52
    Challenges for research ethics and moral knowledge construction in the applied social sciences.Stephen L. Payne - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 26 (4):307 - 318.
    Certain critical accounts of conventional research practices in business and the social sciences are explored in this essay. These accounts derive from alternative social paradigms and their underlying assumptions about appropriate social inquiry and knowledge construction. Among these alternative social paradigms, metatheories, mindscapes, or worldviews are social constructionist, critical, feminist, and postmodern or poststructural thinking. Individuals with these assumptions and values for knowledge construction are increasingly challenging conventional scholarship in what has been referred to as paradigm debates or wars. Issues (...)
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  15. (1 other version)Data mining: Proprietary rights, people and proposals.Dinah Payne & Cherie Courseault Trumbach - 2009 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 18 (3):241-252.
    This article focuses on the issue of data mining as it relates to the consumer and to the issue of whether the consumer's private information has any proprietary status. A brief review of data mining is provided as a background for a better understanding of the purposes and uses of data mining. Also examined are several issues of the ethics of data mining, including a review of stakeholders, who they are and which may be most seriously affected by unethical data (...)
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  16.  71
    Character and The Forms of Friendship in Aristotle.Andrew Payne - 2000 - Apeiron 33 (1):53 - 74.
  17. Extensionalizing Intensional Second-Order Logic.Jonathan Payne - 2015 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 56 (1):243-261.
    Neo-Fregean approaches to set theory, following Frege, have it that sets are the extensions of concepts, where concepts are the values of second-order variables. The idea is that, given a second-order entity $X$, there may be an object $\varepsilon X$, which is the extension of X. Other writers have also claimed a similar relationship between second-order logic and set theory, where sets arise from pluralities. This paper considers two interpretations of second-order logic—as being either extensional or intensional—and whether either is (...)
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    Self-ownership, not self-production, modulates bias and agency over a synthesised voice.Bryony Payne, Angus Addlesee, Verena Rieser & Carolyn McGettigan - 2024 - Cognition 248 (C):105804.
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    Nondescriptive meaning and reference: an ideational semantics.Wayne A. Davis - 2005 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Wayne Davis presents a highly original approach to the foundations of semantics, showing how the so-called "expression" theory of meaning can handle names and other problematic cases of nondescriptive meaning. The fact that thoughts have parts ("ideas" or "concepts") is fundamental: Davis argues that like other unstructured words, names mean what they do because they are conventionally used to express atomic or basic ideas. In the process he shows that many pillars of contemporary philosophical semantics, from twin earth arguments (...)
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  20.  23
    Entrevista com Leon Kossovitch.Leon Kossovitch, Pedro Fernandes Galé, Pedro Paulo Pimenta & Yuri Ulbricht Brandão - 2022 - Discurso 52 (1):179-189.
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    The book of Leon: philosophy of a fool.Leon Black - 2017 - New York: Gallery Books. Edited by J. B. Smoove & Iris Bahr.
    Everyone's favorite houseguest who never left, Leon Black (played by award-winning comedian JB Smoove on HBO's Curb Your Enthusiasm) drops his wisdom and good-bad advice for the masses. Learn the secrets Larry David has gleaned from the Falstaff of television."--Amazon.
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  22.  27
    Preferences among gambles with equal underlying distributions.John W. Payne & Myron L. Braunstein - 1971 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 87 (1):13.
  23. What a Law of Nature is.W. Russ Payne - forthcoming - Philosophical Explorations.
    The title of David Armstrong’s book on the topic asks “What is a Law of Nature?” [1] The answer I will develop and motivate in this paper is that causal laws are analyses of dispositions. We describe dispositions in terms of subjunctive conditionals. For sugar to be soluble in water, for instance, is just for it to be such that if it were submerged in water (under appropriate conditions), it would dissolve. In general, we can say that for a thing (...)
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  24.  32
    (1 other version)A. V. petrovskij'shistory of soviet psychology.T. R. Payne - 1968 - Studies in East European Thought 8 (2-3):181-187.
  25.  21
    Buddhism and the Sciences: Historical Background, Contemporary Developments.Richard K. Payne - 2020 - Journal of Dharma Studies 3 (2):219-243.
    While discourse on the relation between Christianity and science has a long history, it has only been in the last century that Buddhists and Buddhist scholars have begun to consider the relation between their own religious tradition and the promises and challenges of modern science. This does not mean that there has not been a long history of a relation between Buddhism and the sciences. However, rarely has that relation been conceived of in terms of “discourse on religion and science” (...)
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    Bringing Home the Bacon or Not? Globalization and Government Respect for Economic and Social Rights.Caroline L. Payne - 2009 - Human Rights Review 10 (3):413-429.
    The impact of globalization on human rights has generated substantial debate. On the one hand, those making liberal, free-market arguments assert that globalization has a positive impact on developing countries through the increased generation of wealth (e.g., Garrett 1998; Richards et al. in International Studies Quarterly 45:219–239, 2001; Rodrik in Challenge 41:81–94, 1997). On the other hand, the critical perspective claims that globalization negatively impacts respect for human rights because trading arrangements, while open, are detrimentally uneven (e.g., Carleton 1989; Haggard (...)
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  27.  24
    Continuity in Georg Lukács theory of literary realism.J. W. Payne - unknown
    This thesis attempts to show that Georg Lukacs' Marxist theory of realism is best understood, not as a self sufficient body of theory, but in the context of his pre- Marxist theory of literature and his,role in the Communist movement, A comparison of the theory expounded in "Die Seele and die Fonaen" and "Die Theorie des Romans" with the main positions of "Geschichte und Kiassenbewusstsein" reveals that it was remarkably easy for Lukacs to accommodate his literary theory within the newly-acquired (...)
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  28.  32
    Definition and Inquiry in Archytas.Andrew Payne - 2021 - Ancient Philosophy Today 3 (1):98-119.
    In Archytas of Tarentum, Carl Huffman reconstructs Archytas’ theory of definition by linking definitions to the mathematical study of ratios and proportions. This paper considers whether and how Archytas used definitions and whether he possessed a theory of definition. Our evidence does not support the claim that Archytas has a theory of definition, and his approach to the science of harmonics suggests that he relied on analogies and proportions in the practice of inquiry. We understand sounds and other entities by (...)
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  29. Enough of enough.W. Russ Payne - manuscript
    This is a short critique of sufficiency views.
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  30. Free Churchmen, Unrepentant and Repentant, and Other Papers.Ernest A. Payne - 1965
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    Health and Medicine in the Perspective of the Westminster Confession of Faith.F. E. Payne - 2014 - Christian Bioethics 20 (1):67-79.
    The Presbyterian and Reformed tradition, as one representation of Biblical theology and ethics, has considerable application to physical health. This perspective is effectively embodied in the Westminster Confession of Faith which includes “the moral law,” especially as illustrated in the Larger Catechism Questions and Answers on the Ten Commandments. The WCF has many Biblical principles that promote health and prevent disease, for example, the Seventh Commandment can be “extensively demonstrated empirically” that violations promote morbidity and mortality. This result markedly contrasts (...)
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    Heterosexism, Perfection, and Popularity: Young Lesbians' Experiences of the High School Social Scene.Elizabethe C. Payne - 2007 - Educational Studies 41 (1):60-79.
    (2007). Heterosexism, Perfection, and Popularity: Young Lesbians' Experiences of the High School Social Scene. Educational Studies: Vol. 41, No. 1, pp. 60-79.
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    Integrating Christ and the Saints into Buddhist Ritual: The Christian Homa of Yogi Chen.Richard K. Payne - 2015 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 35:37-48.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Integrating Christ and the Saints into Buddhist Ritual:The Christian Homa of Yogi ChenRichard K. PayneConcern with dual belonging reflects the increasing religious pluralism of European and American societies. This pluralism has included both an increasing variety of religious traditions from outside the monotheistic mainstream of Abrahamic religions as well as new movements and sects within that mainstream. Awareness that religious pluralism is a reality and that many people have (...)
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  34. Key Concepts in.G. Payne & J. Payne - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    Lethal Fire.Richard Payne - 2018 - Journal of Religion and Violence 6 (1):11-31.
    An important element in the ritual corpus of Shingon Buddhism, a tantric tradition in Japan, is the homa. This is a votive ritual in which offerings are made into a fire, and has roots that trace to the Vedic ritual tradition. One of the five ritual functions that the homa can fulfill is destruction, abhicāra. A destructive ritual with Yamāntaka as the chief deity is one such ritual in the contemporary Shingon ritual corpus. Consideration of this ritual provides entrée into (...)
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  36.  45
    Liminal mind, creative consciousness: From the artists’ vantage point.Pam Payne - 2012 - Technoetic Arts 9 (2-3):189-195.
    It has been said that our ability to identify and describe consciousness is like that of a fish describing water. Since a fish has always been immersed in water it cannot provide an accurate description. It stands to reason then that those who have experienced alternative states of consciousness have unique insight into the nature of consciousness. The historic use of imagery, music, poetry and other creative forms to describe as well as communicate not only emotion, not only intellectual data, (...)
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  37.  47
    Minds, Bodies, Machines, 1770–1930.Lynda Payne - 2013 - The European Legacy 18 (6):792-793.
  38.  10
    Medial clauses and interpropositional relations in Panare.Thomas E. Payne - 1991 - Cognitive Linguistics 2 (3):247-282.
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  39.  12
    Outside/Inside/Outside.Kate Payne - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (6):54-55.
    White, Shelton, and Rivais (2018) invite us to consider the history of clinical ethics consultation and some of the key ideas that continue to inform professional ethics practice. That history now...
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  40.  29
    Parerga and Paralipomena: Volume 1: Six Long Philosophical Essays.E. F. J. Payne (ed.) - 1974 - New York: Clarendon Press.
    This is the only complete English translation of one of the most significant and fascinating works of the great philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer. The Parerga are six long essays; the Paralipomena are shorter writings arranged under thirty-one different subject-headings. These works won widespread attention on their publication in 1851, and helped secure lasting international fame for Schopenhauer. Their intellectual vigour, literary power, and rich diversity are still striking today. They are essential to a full understanding of Schopenhauer's thought.
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  41.  23
    Poetry, Vegetality, Relief From Being.Mark Payne - 2018 - Environmental Philosophy 15 (2):255-274.
    In ancient Greek ecological thought, vegetality is the most basic ground of life. It is followed by animality and rationality as increasingly active, self-aware forms of life. An ontology of forms of life need not justify a hierarchy among actual living beings, but in practice it often does. This paper shows how the poetic representation of plants resists this slippage. Poetry offers human beings an ecstasis from their own animality so that they can apprehend their participation in the vegetality of (...)
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  42. Retinotopic specificity of flexible spatial-frequency processing.H. E. Payne, P. T. Sowden, E. Özgen & P. G. Schyns - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva (ed.), Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 173-174.
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  43.  61
    Recent Texts in the Philosophy of Science.W. Russ Payne - 2010 - Teaching Philosophy 33 (1):67-84.
    Given the significance of developments in the philosophy of science over the course of the twentieth century and their centrality to philosophy in general, the appeal of teaching the philosophy of science at the introductory level is compelling. But given the abstract and sometimes technical nature of its problems and approaches, teaching this curriculum at the introductory level is bound to be challenging. This challenge has been admirably taken on by a number of authorsin recent years. In this article I (...)
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  44.  11
    Response to Steve L. Porter.Don J. Payne - 2020 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 13 (2):300-309.
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  45.  51
    (1 other version)Symposia.Jude C. Payne - 1981 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 2 (1):125-125.
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  46.  19
    S. L. Rubinštejn and the philosophical foundations of Soviet psychology.T. R. Payne - 1968 - Dordrecht,: D. Reidel.
    This work is intended as an introduction to the study of Soviet psy chology. In it we have tried to present the main lines of Soviet psycho logical theory, in particular, the philosophical principles on which that theory is founded. There are surprisingly few books in English on Soviet psychology, or, indeed, in any Western European language. The works that exist usually take the form of symposia or are collections of articles translated from Soviet periodicals. The most important of these (...)
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  47.  12
    The archaeology of Sasanian politics.Richard Payne - 2014 - Journal of Ancient History 2 (2):80-92.
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  48.  8
    (1 other version)Talking Around Terrorism: A Conference Report.J. Payne - 1987 - Télos 1987 (74):141-146.
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    The effects of experimentally induced attitudes upon task proficiency.R. B. Payne & G. T. Hauty - 1954 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 47 (4):267.
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  50.  43
    The Nobility and Excellence of Women and the Defects and Vices of Men. Lucrezia Marinella, Anne Dunhill.Lynda Payne - 2001 - Isis 92 (4):779-780.
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