Results for 'Wilhelm Sendner'

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  1. Über Die Gründe des Verfalls der Künste = de Causis Corruptarum Artium.Juan Luis Vives, Wilhelm Sendner, Christian Wolf & Emilio Hidalgo-Serna - 1990
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  2. Executive functions and self-regulation.Wilhelm Hofmann, Brandon J. Schmeichel & Alan D. Baddeley - 2012 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16 (3):174-180.
  3. Typical: A Theory of Typicality and Typicality Explanation.Isaac Wilhelm - 2022 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 73 (2):561-581.
    Typicality is routinely invoked in everyday contexts: bobcats are typically short-tailed; people are typically less than seven feet tall. Typicality is invoked in scientific contexts as well: typical gases expand; typical quantum systems exhibit probabilistic behaviour. And typicality facts like these support many explanations, both quotidian and scientific. But what is it for something to be typical? And how do typicality facts explain? In this paper, I propose a general theory of typicality. I analyse the notion of a typical property. (...)
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  4. Pluralities, counterparts, and groups.Isaac Wilhelm - 2022 - Philosophical Studies 179 (7):2133-2153.
    I formulate a theory of groups based on pluralities and counterparts: roughly put, a group is a plurality of entities at a time. This theory comes with counterpart-theoretic semantics for modal and temporal sentences about groups. So this theory of groups is akin to the stage theory of material objects: both take the items they analyze to exist at a single time, and both use counterparts to satisfy certain conditions relating to the modal properties, temporal properties, and coincidence properties of (...)
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  5. Centering the Everett Interpretation.Isaac Wilhelm - 2022 - Philosophical Quarterly 72 (4):1019-1039.
    I propose an account of probability in the Everett interpretation of quantum mechanics. According to the account, probabilities are objective chances of centered propositions. As I show, the account solves a number of problems concerning the role of probability in the Everett interpretation. It also challenges an implicit assumption, concerning the aim and scope of fundamental physical theories, that is made throughout the philosophy of physics literature.
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  6. New data on the representation of women in philosophy journals: 2004–2015.Isaac Wilhelm, Sherri Lynn Conklin & Nicole Hassoun - 2018 - Philosophical Studies 175 (6):1441-1464.
    This paper presents new data on the representation of women who publish in 25 top philosophy journals as ranked by the Philosophical Gourmet Report for the years 2004, 2014, and 2015. It also provides a new analysis of Schwitzgebel’s 1955–2015 journal data. The paper makes four points while providing an overview of the current state of women authors in philosophy. In all years and for all journals, the percentage of female authors was extremely low, in the range of 14–16%. The (...)
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    Einführung in die Phänomenologie Edmund Husserls.Wilhelm Szilasi - 1959 - Tübingen,: M. Niemeyer.
  8. Tractability and laws.Isaac Wilhelm - 2022 - Synthese 200 (4):1-17.
    According to the Best System Account of lawhood, laws of nature are theorems of the deductive systems that best balance simplicity and strength. In this paper, I advocate a different account of lawhood which is related, in spirit, to the BSA: according to my account, laws are theorems of deductive systems that best balance simplicity, strength, and also calculational tractability. I discuss two problems that the BSA faces, and I show that my account solves them. I also use my account (...)
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  9. (1 other version)Geschichte und Naturwissenschaft.Wilhelm Windelband - 1895 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 3 (2):3-4.
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  10. Centering the Principal Principle.Isaac Wilhelm - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 178 (6):1897-1915.
    I show that centered propositions—also called de se propositions, and usually modeled as sets of centered worlds—pose a serious problem for various versions of Lewis's Principal Principle. The problem, put roughly, is that in scenarios like Elga's `Sleeping Beauty' case, those principles imply that rational agents ought to have obviously irrational credences. To solve the problem, I propose a centered version of the Principal Principle. My version allows centered propositions to be objectively chancy.
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  11. Everyday temptations: an experience sampling study of desire, conflict, and self-control.Wilhelm Hofmann, Roy Baumeister, Georg Förster & Kathleen Vohs - 2012 - Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 102 (6):1318.
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  12. The Stage Theory of Groups.Isaac Wilhelm - 2020 - Tandf: Australasian Journal of Philosophy 98 (4):661-674.
    I propose a `stage theory’ of groups: a group is a fusion of group-stages, where a group-stage is a plurality of individuals at a world and a time. The stage theory consists of existence conditions, identity conditions, and parthood conditions for groups.
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  13. Explanatory priority monism.Isaac Wilhelm - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 178 (4):1339-1359.
    Explanations are backed by many different relations: causation, grounding, and arguably others too. But why are these different relations capable of backing explanations? In virtue of what are they explanatory? In this paper, I propose and defend a monistic account of explanation-backing relations. On my account, there is a single relation which backs all cases of explanation, and which explains why those other relations are explanation-backing.
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  14. Intrinsicality and Entanglement.Isaac Wilhelm - 2022 - Mind 131 (521):35-58.
    I explore the relationship between a prominent analysis of intrinsic properties, due to Langton and Lewis, and the phenomenon of quantum entanglement. As I argue, the analysis faces a puzzle. The full analysis classifies certain properties of entangled particles as intrinsic. But when combined with an extremely plausible assumption about duplication, the main part of the analysis classifies those properties as non-intrinsic instead. I conclude that much of Lewis’s metaphysics is in trouble: Lewis based many of his metaphysical views—his thesis (...)
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  15. The Counteridentical Account of Explanatory Identities.Isaac Wilhelm - 2021 - Journal of Philosophy 118 (2):57-78.
    Many explanations rely on identity facts. In this paper, I propose an account of how identity facts explain: roughly, the fact that A is identical to B explains another fact whenever that other fact depends, counterfactually, on A being identical to B. As I show, this account has many virtues. It avoids several problems facing accounts of explanatory identities, and when precisified using structural equations, it can be used to defend interventionist accounts of causation against an objection.
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    Vorlesungen über Naturphilosophie: Gehalten im Sommer 1901 an der Universität Leipzig.Wilhelm Ostwald - 1902 - Leipzig,: De Gruyter.
    Keine ausführliche Beschreibung für "Vorlesungen über Naturphilosophie" verfügbar.
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    Die Logik der Neuzeit.Wilhelm Risse - 1964 - Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt,: F. Frommann.
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    Vom Mythos zum logos.Wilhelm Nestle - 1940 - Stuttgart,: A. Kröner.
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  19. The Typical Principle.Isaac Wilhelm - forthcoming - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
    If a proposition is typically true, given your evidence, then you should believe that proposition; or so I argue here. In particular, in this paper, I propose and defend a principle of rationality---call it the `Typical Principle'---which links rational belief to facts about what is typical. As I show, this principle avoids several problems that other, seemingly similar principles face. And as I show, in many cases, this principle implies the verdicts of the Principal Principle: so ultimately, the Typical Principle (...)
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  20. The Limits of State Action.Wilhelm von Humboldt - 1969
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    Logical Propaedeutic: Pre-school of Reasonable Discourse.Wilhelm Kamlah, Paul Lorenzen & Hoke Robinson - 1984 - Lanham, MD and London: University Press of Amer.
    Presents for the first time in English, this 1967 text which came to be known as the 'bible' of a new movement in German philosophy of language, the 'Erlanger School.' This school of linguistic philosophy's treatment of language is rooted in the tradition of transcendentalism, and bases its system on Kant and his Continental successors. For the Erlanger School, 'language is not just a fact we discover...but a human cultural accomplishment whose construction reason can and should be controlled.' An influential (...)
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    A history of philosophy.Wilhelm Windelband - 1901 - London,: Macmillan & co.. Edited by James Hayden Tufts.
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    Comparing the structures of mathematical objects.Isaac Wilhelm - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):6357-6369.
    A popular method for comparing the structures of mathematical objects, which I call the ‘subset approach’, says that X has more structure than Y just in case X’s automorphisms form a proper subset of Y’s automorphisms. This approach is attractive, in part, because it seems to yield the right results in some comparisons of spacetime structure. But as I show, it yields the wrong results in a number of other cases. The problem is that the subset approach compares structure using (...)
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    Abstraction and empathy.Wilhelm Worringer - 1953 - New York,: International Universities Press.
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    (1 other version)Axel Honneth: Reconceiving Social Philosophy.Dagmar Wilhelm - 2016 - New York: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    This book offers a critical assessment of Axel Honneth’s complex and growing opus in social and political philosophy. It examines this in the context of the history and future of the Frankfurt School and in its relation to contemporary analytic approaches to social and political philosophy as well as postmodernist critics.
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  26. Franz Brentano.Wilhelm Baumgartner - 2004 - In Arkadiusz Chrudzimski & Wolfgang Huemer, Phenomenology and analysis: essays on Central European philosophy. Lancaster: Ontos.
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  27. Der Gott der Philosophen.Wilhelm Weischedel - 1974 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 36 (1):171-173.
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  28. Worlds are Pluralities.Isaac Wilhelm - 2024 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 102 (1):221-231.
    I propose an account of possible worlds. According to the account, possible worlds are pluralities of sentences in an extremely large language. This account avoids a problem, relating to the total number of possible worlds, that other accounts face. And it has several additional benefits.
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    (4 other versions)Lehrbuch der geschichte der philosophie.Wilhelm Windelband (ed.) - 1903 - Leipzig,: J.C.B. Mohr.
    Book digitized by Google from the library of the University of Michigan and uploaded to the Internet Archive by user tpb.
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    India and the comparative method.Wilhelm Halbfass - 1985 - Philosophy East and West 35 (1):3-15.
  31. The development of hermeneutics*(1900).Wilhelm Dilthey - 2003 - In Gerard Delanty & Piet Strydom, Philosophies of social science: the classic and contemporary readings. Phildelphia: Open University. pp. 99.
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    (1 other version)Lehrbuch der Geschichte der Philosophie.Wilhelm Windelband - 1936 - Philosophical Review 45:631.
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  33. Bohmian Collapse.Isaac Wilhelm - 2024 - In Angelo Bassi, Sheldon Goldstein, Roderich Tumulka & Nino Zanghi, Physics and the Nature of Reality: Essays in Memory of Detlef Dürr. Springer. pp. 63-70.
    I present and explain the Bohmian account of collapse in quantum mechanics.
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  34. The meaning of 'wertfreiheit' on the background and motives of Max Weber's "postulate".Wilhelm Hennis, Ulrike Brisson & Roger Brisson - 1994 - Sociological Theory 12 (2):113-125.
  35.  14
    Conditional logic and the Principle of Entropy.Wilhelm Rödder - 2000 - Artificial Intelligence 117 (1):83-106.
  36.  74
    A statistical analysis of luck.Isaac Wilhelm - 2018 - Synthese (2):1-19.
    A modal analysis of luck, due to Duncan Pritchard, has become quite popular in recent years. There are many reasons to like Pritchard’s analysis, but at least two compelling problems have been identified. So I propose an alternative analysis of luck based on the laws of statistical mechanics. The statistical analysis avoids the two problems facing Pritchard’s analysis, and it has many other attractive features.
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  37. The pitiless 'sobriety of judgement': Max Weber between Carl Menger and Gustav von Schmoller — the academic politics of value freedom.Wilhelm Hennis - 1991 - History of the Human Sciences 4 (1):27-59.
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    Some ways of operationally introducing dispositional predicates with regard to scientific and ordinary practice.Wilhelm K. Essler & Rainer Trapp - 1977 - Synthese 34 (4):371 - 396.
  39.  9
    Geschichte und Naturwissenschaft.Wilhelm Windelband - 1904 - Strassburg,: Heitz.
  40.  8
    Ger-Abstraktion Und Einfuhlung.Wilhelm Worringer - 1948 - Wentworth Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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  41. Abstraktion und Einfühlung.Wilhelm Worringer - 1908 - München,: R. Piper.
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    Die Geschichte der neueren Philosophie.Wilhelm Windelband - 1878 - Karben: Petra Wald.
    Bd. I. Von der Renaissance bis Kant -- Bd. II. Die Blütezeit der deutschen Philosophie.
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  43. Centering the Born Rule.Isaac Wilhelm - 2023 - Quantum Reports 5 (1):311-324.
    The centered Everett interpretation solves a problem that various approaches to quantum theory face. In this paper, I continue developing the theory underlying that solution. In particular, I defend the centered Everett interpretation against a few objections, and I provide additional motivation for some of its key features.
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  44. The Value of Naturalness.Isaac Wilhelm - 2025 - Erkenntnis 90 (2).
    It is often assumed that theorizing in terms of natural properties is more objectively valuable than theorizing in terms of non-natural properties. But this assumption faces an explanatory challenge: explain the greater objective value of theorizing in terms of natural properties. In this paper, I answer that challenge by proposing and exploring three different accounts of the objective value of naturalness. Two appeal to constitutive natures: it is part of the constitutive nature of explanation, or of objective value, that theorizing (...)
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  45. The young Carl Stumpf. His spiritual, intellectual, and professional development.Wilhelm Baumgartner - 2015 - In Denis Fisette & Riccardo Martinelli, Philosophy from an Empirical Standpoint: Essays on Carl Stumpf. Boston: Rodopi.
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    The Sacred Books of the East.Eugen Wilhelm, F. Max Muller & L. H. Mills - 1889 - American Journal of Philology 10 (1):91.
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  47. (1 other version)Kritische oder genetische Methode (1883).Wilhelm Windelband - 1907 - In Präludien. Tübingen: Mohr Verlag. pp. 318-354.
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    Some comments on the concept of state in quantum mechanics.Wilhelm Ochs - 1981 - Erkenntnis 16 (3):339 - 356.
  49.  21
    Kategoriendeduktion und produktive Einbildungskraft in der theoretischen Philosophie Kants und Fichtes.Wilhelm Metz - 1991 - Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Fromman-Holzboog.
    Der Untersuchung geht es um einen Systemvergleich zwischen Kant und Fichte anhand zentraler Lehrstucke ihrer theoretischen Philosophie. Die Philosophien Kants und Fichtes werden daruber hinaus gegenuber Rousseau, Jacobi, Schiller, Schelling und Hegel systematisch abgegrenzt.
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    Bibliographia philosophica vetus: repertorium generale systematicum operum philosophicorum usque ad annum MDCCC typis impressorum.Wilhelm Risse - 1998 - New York: Georg Olms Verlag.
    Pars 1. Philosophia generalis -- pars 2. Logica -- pars 3. Metaphysica -- pars 4. Ethica et politica -- pars 5. De anima -- pars 6. Philosophia naturalis -- pars 7. Doxoscopia -- pars 8. Theses academicae. T. 1. Index disputationum: Aagardus- Maes. T. 2. Maestlinus-Zyra. Opera anonyma. T. 3. Index respondentium -- Pars 9. Syllabus auctorum.
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