Results for 'Witold Jablonski'

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  1.  22
    Les "Siao-hal-yu" de Pékin; un essai sur la poésie populaire en ChineLes "Siao-hal-yu" de Pekin; un essai sur la poesie populaire en Chine.J. K. Shryock, Witold Jabloński & Witold Jablonski - 1936 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 56 (3):375.
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    Antologia literatury chińskiejAntologia literatury chinskiej.Denzel Carr, Witold Jabƚoński, Chmielewski, Aleksy Debnicki, Olgierd Wojtasiewicz & Witold Jablonski - 1958 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 78 (2):130.
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    Retelling słowiańskich mitów i polskich legend w twórczości Witolda Jabłońskiego.Aleksandra Mikinka - 2024 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 68 (1):207-223.
    Celem artykułu jest przybliżenie sylwetki łódzkiego pisarza, Witolda Jabłońskiego, współczesnego prozaika i tłumacza, znanego zarówno miłośnikom fantastyki historycznej, jak i popularnego w ostatnich latach gatunku fantastyki słowiańskiej. Część interpretacyjną poprzedza biogram pisarza, przez całe życie związanego z Łodzią, mieszkającego tutaj i tworzącego. W drugiej części artykułu przyglądamy się pogańskim motywom w powieściach z cyklu _Saga Słowiańsk_a, tj. _Dary Bogów, Popiel_ oraz _Wanda_, starając się prześledzić bogate tropy intertekstualne w retellingowych narracjach będących znakiem rozpoznawczym tego autora. Jabłoński wymieniany jest dzisiaj po (...)
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    The Address from Henryk Jabłoński, President of the Council of State.Henryk Jabłoński - 1977 - Dialectics and Humanism 4 (4):6-6.
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    The Letter from Henryk Jabłoński, President of the Council of State.Henryk Jabłoński - 1976 - Dialectics and Humanism 3 (2):4-4.
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  6. Neue Beiträge Zum Briefwechsel Zwischen D.E. Jablonsky Und G.W. Leibniz, Herausg. Von J. Kvacala.Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz & Daniel Ernst Jablonski - 1899
  7.  70
    Witold Mackiewicz, Brzozowski.Witold Mackiewicz - 1980 - Dialectics and Humanism 7 (2):165-167.
  8.  51
    Meditation Apps and the Promise of Attention by Design.Rebecca Jablonsky - 2022 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 47 (2):314-336.
    This article demonstrates how meditation apps, such as Headspace and Calm, are imbricated within public discourse about technology addiction, exploring the consequences of this discourse on contemporary mental life. Based on ethnographic research with designers and users of meditation apps, I identify a promise put forth by meditation app companies that I call attention by design: a discursive strategy that frames attention as an antidote to technology addiction, which is ostensibly made possible when design is done right. I argue that (...)
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  9.  33
    Anagram solution as a function of instructions, priming, and imagery.Eugene M. Jablonski & John H. Mueller - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 94 (1):84.
  10.  6
    Czy koniec teorii prawa?: z zagadnień teorii i filozofii prawa.Paweł Jabłoński (ed.) - 2011 - Wrocław: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego.
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    Filozoficzna interpretacja życia społecznego w ujęciu Petera Wincha.Arkadiusz Jabłoński - 1998 - Lublin: Red. Wydawnictw Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelsliego.
  12.  8
    Kontrowersje dyskursywne między wiedzą specjalistyczną a praktyka ̨społeczna ̨.Arkadiusz Jabłoński, Jan Szymczyk & Mariusz Zemło (eds.) - 2012 - Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL.
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  13. \"Myślenie alternatywne\" w nauce i technologii.Bartosz Jabłoński & Andrzej Rusiecki - 2002 - Colloquia Communia 72 (1):169-188.
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  14. Nauka jako wytwór społeczeństwa w ujęciu K. R. Poppera.Arkadiusz Jabłoński - 2002 - Colloquia Communia 72 (1):147-168.
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  15.  33
    Religious Language Interpretation.Przemyslaw Jablonski & Jan Van Der Lans - 1994 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 21 (1):208-219.
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  16.  9
    Values and their cognition in the semiotic theory of Charles S. Peirce.Ma Ciej Jablonski - 1996 - In Eero Tarasti, Paul Forsell & Richard Littlefield, Musical semiotics in growth. Imatra: International Semiotics Institute. pp. 83.
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  17. W sprawie pojęcia “prawdy” w muzyce.Maciej Jabłoński - 1998 - Sztuka I Filozofia (Art and Philosophy) 15:254.
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  18.  89
    A Controversy Over the Existence of Fictional Objects: Husserl and Ingarden on Imagination and Fiction.Witold Płotka - 2020 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 51 (1):33-54.
    1. Phenomenology is first and foremost about intentionality. As Husserl puts it, “Intentionality is the name of the problem encompassed by the whole of phenomenology”.1 Broadly understood, the phen...
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  19.  59
    Witold Marciszewski, Podstawy logicznej teorii przekonań (Foundations of a Logical Theory of Assent). [REVIEW]Witold Marciszewski - 1979 - Dialectics and Humanism 6 (3):149-154.
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  20.  18
    Mechanization of Reasoning in a Historical Perspective.Witold Marciszewski & Roman Murawski (eds.) - 1995 - Brill | Rodopi.
    This volume is written jointly by Witold Marciszewski, who contributed the introductory and the three subsequent chapters, and Roman Murawski who is the author of the next ones - those concerned with the 19th century and the modern inquiries into formalization, algebraization and mechanization of reasonings. Besides the authors there are other persons, as well as institutions, to whom the book owes its coming into being. The study which resulted in this volume was carried out in the Historical Section (...)
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  21.  77
    (1 other version)From psychology to phenomenology : A controversy over the method in the school of Twardowski.Witold Płotka - 2019 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 19 (1):141-167.
    This paper seeks to define the main trends, arguments and problems regarding the question of method formulated by Twardowski and his students. In this regard, the aim of the paper is twofold. First, I situate Brentano’s project of descriptive psychology within the context of disputes in the school of Twardowski concerning the method of both psychology and phenomenology, arguing that descriptive-psychological analysis was dominant in this respect. Second, the study explores the notion of eidetic phenomenology, as founded on a methodological (...)
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  22.  26
    Double trouble? The communication dimension of the reproducibility crisis in experimental psychology and neuroscience.Witold M. Hensel - 2020 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 10 (3):1-22.
    Most discussions of the reproducibility crisis focus on its epistemic aspect: the fact that the scientific community fails to follow some norms of scientific investigation, which leads to high rates of irreproducibility via a high rate of false positive findings. The purpose of this paper is to argue that there is a heretofore underappreciated and understudied dimension to the reproducibility crisis in experimental psychology and neuroscience that may prove to be at least as important as the epistemic dimension. This is (...)
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  23.  35
    Shirley C. Strum; and Linda M. Fedigan . Primate Encounters: Models of Science, Gender, and Society. xvi + 635 pp., figs., tables, apps., bibl., index.Chicago/London: University of Chicago Press, 2000. $35. [REVIEW]Nina Jablonski - 2002 - Isis 93 (1):168-169.
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  24.  56
    Commentary: Distributed Cognition and Distributed Morality: Agency, Artifacts and Systems.Witold M. Wachowski - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  25.  27
    The Josefson–Nissenzweig theorem and filters on $$\omega $$.Witold Marciszewski & Damian Sobota - 2024 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 63 (7):773-812.
    For a free filter F on $$\omega $$ ω, endow the space $$N_F=\omega \cup \{p_F\}$$ N F = ω ∪ { p F }, where $$p_F\not \in \omega $$ p F ∉ ω, with the topology in which every element of $$\omega $$ ω is isolated whereas all open neighborhoods of $$p_F$$ p F are of the form $$A\cup \{p_F\}$$ A ∪ { p F } for $$A\in F$$ A ∈ F. Spaces of the form $$N_F$$ N F constitute the (...)
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  26.  59
    (1 other version)The deduction theorem for Łukasiewicz many-valued propositional calculi.Witold A. Pogorzelski - 1964 - Studia Logica 15 (1):7-19.
  27.  63
    Przegląd twierdzeń o dedukcji dla rachunków zdań.Witold A. Pogorzelski - 1964 - Studia Logica 15 (1):163-178.
  28. Podstawy logicznej teorii przekonań.Witold Marciszewski - 1973 - Studia Logica 32:198-201.
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  29.  25
    Does Science Progress Towards Ever Higher Solvability Through Feedbacks Between Insights and Routines?Witold Marciszewski - 2018 - Studia Semiotyczne 32 (2):153-185.
    The affirmative answer to the title question is justified in two ways: logical and empirical. The logical justification is due to Gödel’s discovery that in any axiomatic formalized theory, having at least the expressive power of PA, at any stage of development there must appear unsolvable problems. However, some of them become solvable in a further development of the theory in question, owing to subsequent investigations. These lead to new concepts, expressed with additional axioms or rules. Owing to the so-amplified (...)
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  30.  37
    Introduction: Shifting Attention.Nick Seaver, Tero Karppi & Rebecca Jablonsky - 2022 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 47 (2):235-242.
    In recent years, attention has become a matter of increasing public concern. New digital technologies have transformed human attention materially and discursively, reorganizing perceptual practices and inciting debates about them. The essays in this special issue emerged from a set of panels focused on attention at the 4S conference in New Orleans in 2019. They are all, in various ways, concerned with shifts among attention’s many meanings: between payment and care, instinct and agency, or vulnerability and power. Drawing on Science (...)
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  31. The influence of the frequency and the damping factor on the final deformation in magnetic forming.J. Daube, A. Dehoff, J. Jablonski & W. Mattke - 1968 - In Peter Koestenbaum, Proceedings. [San Jose? Calif.,: [San Jose? Calif..
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  32.  44
    Sob fogo cruzado: o impacto do trabalho policial militar sobre a família do policial.Fernando C. Derenusson & Bernardo Jablonski - 2010 - Revista Aletheia 32:22-37.
    Através de estudo realizado junto a 111 esposas/companheiras de policiais militares da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, procurou-se avaliar o impacto do trabalho policial sobre a família. A partir da definição de duas formas de impacto, direto (relativo à incidência de fatores circunstanciais do trabalho p..
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    Is There a Right to Futile Treatment? The Case of a Dying Patient with AIDS.Jay Alexander Gold, D. F. Jablonski, P. J. Christensen, R. S. Shapiro & D. L. Schiedermayer - 1990 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 1 (1):19-23.
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  34.  69
    Children's interpretation of biblical narratives.Jan Van Der Lans, Przemysław Jabłonski & Chris Hermans - 1997 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 22 (1):28-47.
  35.  12
    Connecting Formal Science Classroom Learning to Community, Culture and Context in India.Sameer Honwad, Erica Jablonski, Eleanor Abrams, Michael Middleton, Ian Hanley, Elaine Marhefka, Claes Thelemarck, Robert Eckert & Ruth Varner - 2019 - In Rekha Koul, Geeta Verma & Vanashri Nargund-Joshi, Science Education in India: Philosophical, Historical, and Contemporary Conversations. Springer Singapore. pp. 143-162.
    The perception of separation between school and home/community is related to diminished achievement in school and lack of motivation to learn STEM subjects. The National Council of Educational Research and Training is among many research organisations that have strongly recommended that schools bridge the disconnect between school-based knowledge and learners’ everyday knowledge. We designed the SPIRALS curriculum to bridge this gap between formal science and students’ everyday lives. SPIRALS helps students explore community-based practices to learn about science, environmental sustainability and (...)
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  36.  19
    Transfer from serial to paired-associate learning.John H. Mueller & Eugene M. Jablonski - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 2 (5):285-286.
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    Without more theory, psychology will be a headless rider.Witold M. Hensel, Marcin Miłkowski & Przemysław Nowakowski - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45.
    We argue that Yarkoni's proposed solutions to the generalizability crisis are half-measures because he does not recognize that the crisis arises from investigators' underappreciation of the roles of theory in experimental research. Rather than embracing qualitative analysis, the research community should make an effort to develop better theories and work toward consistently incorporating theoretical results into experimental practice.
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  38.  62
    Kilka uwag O pojęciu zupeŀności rachunku zdań. I.Witold A. Pogorzelski - 1968 - Studia Logica 23 (1):43 - 58.
  39.  40
    Podstawowe własności systemów dedukcyjnych opartych na nieklasycznych logikach. cz. II.Witold A. Pogorzelski & Jerzy Słupecki - 1960 - Studia Logica 10 (1):77-91.
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  40.  52
    Twierdzenie O dedukcji dla wielowartościowych rachunków zdań łukasiewicza.Witold A. Pogorzelski - 1964 - Studia Logica 15 (1):20-21.
  41. On Reduction and Interfield Integration in Neuroscience.Witold M. Hensel - 2013 - In Marcin Miłkowski & Konrad Talmont-Kaminski, Regarding Mind, Naturally. Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 167-181.
  42.  39
    Husserl’s moderate rationalism and the question of evidence.Witold Płotka - 2019 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 8 (2):389-408.
  43.  81
    U żródeł krytyki teorii poznania w szkole frankfurckiej.Witold Płotka - 2011 - Filo-Sofija 11 (13):769-790.
    Author: Płotka Witold Title: AT ORIGINS OF THE CRITIQUE OF THE THEORY OF COGNITION IN THE FRANKFURT SCHOOL (U źródeł krytyki teorii poznania w szkole frankfurckiej) Source: Filo-Sofija year: 2011, vol:.13/14, number: 2011/2-3, pages: 769-790 Keywords: THE FRANKFURT SCHOOL, ADORNO, HUSSERL, THEORY OF COGNITION, CRITIQUE OF TECHNIQUES, CRISIS OF CULTURE Discipline: PHILOSOPHY Language: POLISH Document type: ARTICLE Publication order reference (Primary author’s office address): E-mail: www:The author argues that the Frankfurt School’s critique of phenomenology as the theory of cognition (...)
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  44.  22
    Dwie wizje nowej ludzkości: Przedświt Zygmunta Krasińskiego i Hymny do Nocy Novalisa.Witold Trzeciakowski - 2006 - Filo-Sofija 6 (6).
    Author: Trzeciakowski Witold Title: TWO VISIONS OF THE HUMANITY – DAYBREAK OF ZYGMUNT KRASIŃSKI AND HYMNS TO NIGHT OF NOVALIS (Dwie wizje nowej ludzkości: Przedświt Zygmunta Krasińskiego i Hymny do Nocy Novalisa Source: Filo-Sofija year: 2006, vol:.6, number: 2006/1, pages: 71-90 KEYWORDS: KRASIŃSKI, NOVALIS, HEGEL, GESCHICHTSPHILOSOPHIE Discipline: PHILOSOPHY Language: POLISH Document type: ARTICLE Publication order reference (Primary author’s office address): E-mail: www:In dem Aufsatz Zwei Vorstellungen zur Zukunft der Menschheit – „Przedświt” von Zygmunt Krasiński und „Hymnen an die Nacht” (...)
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  45.  27
    Logic from a rhetorical point of view.Witold Marciszewski - 1994 - New York: W. de Gruyter.
    CHAPTER ONE On the Rhetorical Point of View. Why rhetoric declined, and what remained of it. Once upon a time rhetoric was a vast and influential branch of ...
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  46.  24
    Reduction and the Question of Beginnings in Husserl, Fink and Patočka.Witold Płotka - 2018 - Human Studies 41 (4):603-621.
    The article is an attempt to define reduction as the beginning of philosophy. The author considers such questions as: What motivates a phenomenologist to do reduction? Can one speak of philosophy before reduction? What is the essence of reduction? To answer these questions the author refers to Husserl, Fink and, Patočka, and tries to show that reduction is to be understood as an unmotivated expression of philosopher’s will to overcome evidence inherent to natural attitude. The author argues that reduction enables (...)
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  47.  8
    A Guide to Philosophy in Six Hours and Fifteen Minutes.Witold Gombrowicz - 2004 - Yale University Press.
    In a small literary gem full of sardonic wit, brilliant insights, and provocative criticism Witold Gombrowicz discusses Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard, Sartre, and Heidegger in six "one-hour" essays—and addresses Marxism in a "fifteen-minute" piece. "Who hasn't wished for a painless way to find out what the big shots of philosophy—Hegel and Kant, Nietzsche and Sartre—thought of the human condition? It has never been easy reading such formidable thinkers, and most explainers and textbooks either get it wrong or massacre the (...)
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  48.  32
    Virtuti Militari.Witold Kieżun - 2004 - Dialogue and Universalism 14 (5-6):135-140.
    During the 1944 Warsaw Uprising Witold Kieżun served in the Home Army’s “Harnaś” [Highlander] Special Unit. During an assault on the Polish Post he personally took 14 Germans prisoner, seizing large quantities of arms. He also singlehandedly damaged a German tank in the district Wola. A unit under his command captured the parish office of the Holy Cross Church and a heavy machinegun, and was the first to enter the city’s police headquarters, where it seized another heavy gun.During the (...)
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  49.  14
    Paradox of Discursive Integration: On Integrating Experiential Content Through Language.Witold Marzęda - 2021 - Folia Philosophica 46:1-20.
    Theories of discursive integration form a group of theories that see the principles responsible for the integration of experience data (apperception) in the practices and schemes of discourse. These theories indicate that the use of language unites and organizes experience data. Their main assumption can be expressed as follows: this integration does not inhere in objects and cannot be derived from them; hence this integration cannot be secondarily expressed in language, but results exclusively from the use of language (or discourse). (...)
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  50.  29
    A Critical Analysis of Blaustein’s Polemic Against Husserl’s Method.Witold Płotka - 2021 - Husserl Studies 37 (3):249-270.
    The aim of the article is to define and investigate an interpretative framework for the philosophy of Leopold Blaustein, a student of Twardowski in Lwów and Husserl in Freiburg im Breisgau. The author defends the thesis that it is justified to refer to Blaustein’s philosophy not as phenomenology sensu stricto, but as a phenomenologically-oriented descriptive psychology related but not equivalent to the project expounded by Husserl in the first edition of Logische Untersuchungen as well as in his project of phenomenological (...)
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