Results for 'Wolfgang Heilmann'

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    Critique of Pure Reason.Wolfgang Schwarz - 1966 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 26 (3):449-451.
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  2. (1 other version)An Architectonic for Science.Wolfgang Balzer, C. Ulises Moulines & Joseph D. Sneed - 1990 - Philosophy of Science 57 (2):349-350.
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  3. .Wolfgang Rother - 2016
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  4. Causation, Decision, Belief Change and Statistics.Wolfgang Spohn - 1988 - Kluwer Academic Publishers.
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    Progress in Motor Control: A Multidisciplinary Perspective.Wolfgang Pauli, Charles P. Enz & K. V. Meyenn - 2008 - Springer.
    This ground-breaking book brings together researchers from a wide range of disciplines to discuss the control and coordination of processes involved in perceptually guided actions. The research area of motor control has become an increasingly multidisciplinary undertaking. Understanding the acquisition and performance of voluntary movements in biological and artificial systems requires the integration of knowledge from a variety of disciplines from neurophysiology to biomechanics.
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    Structuralist theory of science: focal issues, new results.Wolfgang Balzer & Carles Ulises Moulines (eds.) - 1996 - New York: Walter de Gruyter.
  7.  69
    Conditionals: A Unifying Ranking-Theoretic Perspective.Wolfgang Spohn - 2015 - Philosophers' Imprint 15.
    The paper takes an expressivistic perspective, i.e., it takes conditionals of all sorts to primarily express conditional beliefs. Therefore it is based on what it takes to be the best account of conditional belief, namely ranking theory. It proposes not to start looking at the bewildering linguistic phenomenology, but first to systematically study the various options of expressing features of conditional belief. Those options by far transcend the Ramsey test and include relevancies of various kinds and in particular the so-called (...)
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    Bayesian Nets Are All There Is To Causal Dependence.Wolfgang Spohn - unknown
    The paper displays the similarity between the theory of probabilistic causation developed by Glymour et al. since 1983 and mine developed since 1976: the core of both is that causal graphs are Bayesian nets. The similarity extends to the treatment of actions or interventions in the two theories. But there is also a crucial difference. Glymour et al. take causal dependencies as primitive and argue them to behave like Bayesian nets under wide circumstances. By contrast, I argue the behavior of (...)
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    (1 other version)Leibniz's logic.Wolfgang Lenzen - 2004 - In Dov M. Gabbay, John Woods & Akihiro Kanamori (eds.), Handbook of the history of logic. Boston: Elsevier. pp. 3--1.
  10.  16
    The complexity landscape of claim-augmented argumentation frameworks.Wolfgang Dvořák, Alexander Greßler, Anna Rapberger & Stefan Woltran - 2023 - Artificial Intelligence 317 (C):103873.
  11. Platon und die Formen des Wissens.Wolfgang Wieland - 1984 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 38 (3):479-482.
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    Kants Kosmologie-Kritik: eine formale Analyse der Antinomienlehre.Wolfgang Malzkorn - 1999 - Walter de Gruyter.
    This series publishes outstanding monographs and edited volumes that investigate all aspects of Kant's philosophy, including its systematic relationship to other philosophical approaches, both past and present. Studies that appear in the series are distinguished by their innovative nature and ability to close lacunae in the research. In this way, the series is a venue for the latest findings in scholarship on Kant.
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  13. Safety, Sensitivity and “Distant” Epistemic Luck.Wolfgang Freitag - 2013 - Theoria 80 (1):44-61.
    Prominent instances of anti-luck epistemology, in particular sensitivity and safety accounts of knowledge, introduce a modal condition on the pertinent belief in terms of closeness or similarity of possible worlds. Very roughly speaking, a belief must continue to be true in close possibilities in order to qualify as knowledge. Such closeness-accounts derive much support from their (alleged) ability to eliminate standard instances of epistemic luck as they appear in prominent Gettier-type examples. The article argues that there are new Gettier-type examples (...)
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  14. Paradoxes of modernity: culture and conduct in the theory of Max Weber.Wolfgang Schluchter - 1996 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    One of the world's pre-eminent Max Weber scholars here presents a comprehensive analysis of Weber's ambiguous stance toward modernity considered from a normative, theoretical, and historical point of view. The book is in two parts. Part I scrutinises Weber's world view. On the basis of his thinking about the meaning and inter-relationships of science, politics, and ethics in the modern era, Weber is seen as the embodiment of a social scientist and political thinker who exposes himself to intellectual risks and (...)
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  15.  11
    Neue Wege der Wissenschaftsphilosophie.Wolfgang Stegmüller - 1980 - New York: Springer.
    Der vorliegende Band enthalt sechs teilweise stark iiberarbeitete Aufsatze, die in der Zeit zwischen der Niederschrift des Buches Theorienstrnkturen und Theoriendynamik, Springer-Verlag 1973, im folgenden mit [Theoriendynamik] bezeichnet, und der Monographie The Strncturalist View of Theories. A Pos­ sible Analogue of the Bourbaki Programme in Physical Science, Springer-Ver­ lag 1979, im folgenden kurz [Strnkturalismus] genannt, entstanden sind. In diesen Abhandlungen werden jeweils gewisse Aspekte des strukturalistischen Theorienkonzeptes behandelt. Am starksten iiberarbeitet wurden die Auf­ satze II, IV, V und VI, die (...)
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  16.  31
    On a new Definition of Theoreticity.Wolfgang Balzer - 1985 - Dialectica 39 (2):127-145.
    SummaryA simple and precise definition is offered of “term t of theory T being T‐theoretical” which can be applied to any formalized theory. The definition is in line with and emends traditional accounts of theoreticity. Its adequacy is demonstrated by application to three examples: exchange economics, classical mechanics and collision mechanics.
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  17. Diagnose.Wolfgang W. Wieland - 1977 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 31 (2):323-323.
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  18.  78
    Causal laws are objectifications of inductive schemes.Wolfgang Spohn - 1955 - In Anthony Eagle (ed.), Philosophy of Probability. Routledge. pp. 223-252.
    And this paper is an attempt to say precisely how, thus addressing a philosophical problem which is commonly taken to be a serious one. It does so, however, in quite an idiosyncratic way. It is based on the account of inductive schemes I have given in (1988) and (1990a) and on the conception of causation I have presented in (1980), (1983), and (1990b), and it intends to fill one of many gaps which have been left by these papers. Still, I (...)
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  19.  58
    (1 other version)Fragments of Heyting arithmetic.Wolfgang Burr - 2000 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 65 (3):1223-1240.
    We define classes Φnof formulae of first-order arithmetic with the following properties:(i) Everyφϵ Φnis classically equivalent to a Πn-formula (n≠ 1, Φ1:= Σ1).(ii)(iii)IΠnandiΦn(i.e., Heyting arithmetic with induction schema restricted to Φn-formulae) prove the same Π2-formulae.We further generalize a result by Visser and Wehmeier. namely that prenex induction within intuitionistic arithmetic is rather weak: After closing Φnboth under existential and universal quantification (we call these classes Θn) the corresponding theoriesiΘnstill prove the same Π2-formulae. In a second part we consideriΔ0plus collection-principles. We (...)
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  20. Direct and indirect causes.Wolfgang Spohn - 1990 - Topoi 9 (2):125-145.
  21. Counterpart Theory and the Paradox of Occasional Identity.Wolfgang Schwarz - 2014 - Mind 123 (492):1057-1094.
    Counterpart theory is often advertised by its track record at solving metaphysical puzzles. Here I focus on puzzles of occasional identity, wherein distinct individuals at one world or time appear to be identical at another world or time. To solve these puzzles, the usual interpretation rules of counterpart theory must be extended beyond the simple language of quantified modal logic. I present a more comprehensive semantics that allows talking about specific times and worlds, that takes into account the multiplicity and (...)
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  22.  32
    L-algebras and three main non-classical logics.Wolfgang Rump - 2022 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 173 (7):103121.
  23.  38
    A Causal Approach to Analogy.Wolfgang Pietsch - 2019 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 50 (4):489-520.
    Analogical reasoning addresses the question how evidence from various phenomena can be combined and made relevant for theory development and prediction. In the first part of my contribution, I review some influential accounts of analogical reasoning, both historical and contemporary, focusing in particular on Keynes, Carnap, Hesse, and more recently Bartha. In the second part, I sketch a general framework. To this purpose, a distinction between a predictive and a conceptual type of analogical reasoning is introduced. I then take up (...)
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  24.  49
    A combined approach to the dynamics of theories.Wolfgang Stegmüller - 1978 - Theory and Decision 9 (1):39-75.
  25.  31
    Aristotle’s theory of time is not flawed.Wolfgang Detel - 2023 - Revue de Philosophie Ancienne 2:245-294.
    Dans l’histoire de la philosophie et des sciences, Aristote a été le premier à élaborer une théorie du temps. Cette théorie, telle qu’elle est présentée en Physique IV 10-14 et VI 2, soulève de nombreuses questions et semble comporter un certain nombre d’énigmes. Toute tentative de lui donner un sens est alourdie par sa complexité et sa présentation souvent cryptique. La plupart des spécialistes modernes pensent que la théorie du temps d’Aristote est imparfaite. Ils se plaignent notamment que cette théorie (...)
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  26.  43
    Analytic Functionalism.Wolfgang Schwarz - 2015 - In Barry Loewer & Jonathan Schaffer (eds.), A companion to David Lewis. Chichester, West Sussex ;: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 504–518.
    David Lewis's position, often called analytic functionalism, was inspired by Ryle's analytic behaviorism, which took psychological predicates to express complex sets of behavioral dispositions. In this chapter, the author reviews some tenets of Lewis's philosophy of mind and begins with some comments on the methodology Lewis employed in his analysis of psychological terms, which has become standard in functionalist accounts across philosophy. Then, he discusses the difference between what are often called “realizer functionalism” and “role functionalism,” and argues that Lewis (...)
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  27.  19
    The intervals of the lattice of recursively enumerable sets determined by major subsets.Wolfgang Maass & Michael Stob - 1983 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 24 (2):189-212.
  28.  48
    The Range of Interpretation.Wolfgang Iser - 2000 - Columbia University Press.
    There is a tacit assumption that interpretation comes naturally, that human beings live by constantly interpreting. In this sense, we might even rephrase Descartes by saying: We interpret, therefore we are. While such a basic human disposition makes interpretation appear to come naturally, the forms it takes, however, do not. In this work, Iser offers a fresh approach by formulating an "anatomy of interpretation" through which we can understand the act of interpretation in its many different manifestations. For Iser, there (...)
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  29. Defining Disposition Concepts: A brief history of the problem.Wolfgang Malzkorn - 2001 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 32 (2):335-353.
    The aim of this paper is twofold. Firstly, I give a brief account of the history of the debate on the problem of defining disposition concepts from its beginning in the late 1920s until today. This account is divided into four parts, corresponding with 2, 3, 4 and 5 of the paper, each of which deals with a major period of the debate. Section 2 reports up to the mid-1950s. Section 3 deals with important contributions to the discussion between 1955 (...)
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    Fichte.Wolfgang Janke - 1970 - Berlin,: De Gruyter.
    Keine ausführliche Beschreibung für "Fichte" verfügbar.
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    Common Process Demands of Two Complex Dynamic Control Tasks: Transfer Is Mediated by Comprehensive Strategies.Wolfgang Schoppek & Andreas Fischer - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  32. Strukturwandel der Medizin und ärztlichen Ethik.Wolfgang Wieland - 1988 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 42 (2):345-348.
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  33. High-Tech-Kapitalismus: Analysen zu Produktionsweise, Arbeit, Sexualität, Krieg und Hegemonie (Hamburg.Wolfgang Fritz Haug - forthcoming - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal.
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    Queries about social representation and construction.Wolfgang Wagner - 1996 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 26 (2):95–120.
  35.  57
    The Kolmogorov-Loveland stochastic sequences are not closed under selecting subsequences.Wolfgang Merkle - 2003 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 68 (4):1362-1376.
    It is shown that the class of Kolmogorov-Loveland stochastic sequences is not closed under selecting subsequences by monotonic computable selection rules. This result gives a strong negative answer to the question whether the Kolmogorov-Loveland stochastic sequences are closed under selecting sequences by Kolmogorov-Loveland selection rules, i.e., by not necessarily monotonic, partial computable selection rules. The following previously known results are obtained as corollaries. The Mises-Wald-Church stochastic sequences are not closed under computable permutations, hence in particular they form a strict superclass (...)
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    The Non-plurality of the I: On the Question of the Ultimate Subject of Experience.Wolfgang Fasching - 2016 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 23 (1-2):140-157.
    In his contribution to this special issue, Almaas is keen to distinguish the individual streams of consciousness from 'pure awareness'. Since the existence of the former is presumably quite uncontroversial in present-day philosophy, I wish to concentrate on the latter, in particular on Almaas's claim that pure awareness is non-individual and ultimately it is 'the true owner of all experiences of all streams'. In my contribution, I wish to make plausible, by a philosophical reflection on the puzzling nature of the (...)
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  37.  10
    Aufsätze und Vorträge über Physik und Erkenntnistheorie.Wolfgang Pauli - 1961 - Braunschweig,: F. Vieweg.
  38.  35
    On the Epistemology of Data Science: Conceptual Tools for a New Inductivism.Wolfgang Pietsch - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This book addresses controversies concerning the epistemological foundations of data science: Is it a genuine science? Or is data science merely some inferior practice that can at best contribute to the scientific enterprise, but cannot stand on its own? The author proposes a coherent conceptual framework with which these questions can be rigorously addressed. Readers will discover a defense of inductivism and consideration of the arguments against it: an epistemology of data science more or less by definition has to be (...)
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  39. Basic principles, systems, and phenomena. Cognition and action.Wolfgang Prinz, Gisa Aschersleben & Iring Koch - 2009 - In Ezequiel Morsella, John A. Bargh & Peter M. Gollwitzer (eds.), Oxford handbook of human action. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    On reduced matrices.Wolfgang Rautenberg - 1993 - Studia Logica 52 (1):63 - 72.
    It is shown that the class of reduced matrices of a logic is a 1 st order -class provided the variety associated with has the finite replacement property in the sense of [7]. This applies in particular to all 2-valued logics. For 3-valued logics the class of reduced matrices need not be 1 st order.
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    Strategic Rationality.Wolfgang Spohn - unknown
    The paper argues that the standard decision theoretic account of strategies and their rationality or optimality is much too narrow, that strategies should rather condition future action to future decision situations (a point of view already developed in my Grundlagen der Entscheidungstheorie, sect. 4.4), that practical deliberation must therefore essentially rely on a relation of superiority and inferiority between possible future decision situations, that all this allows to substantially broaden the theory of practical rationality, that a long list of points (...)
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  42.  28
    Gibt es Fehler im fiktionalen Kontext? Grenzen der dichterischen Freiheit.Wolfgang Huemer - 2010 - In Otto Neumaier (ed.), Was aus Fehlern zu lernen ist in Alltag, Wissenschaft und Kunst. LIT Verlag. pp. 211-227.
  43.  8
    Selbstbewusstsein und Erfahrung: zu Kants transzendentaler Deduktion und ihrer argumentativen Rekonstruktion.Wolfgang Becker - 1984
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    Rationalismus der Weltbeherrschung: Studien zu Max Weber.Wolfgang Schluchter - 1980 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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    Norm und Sanktion.Wolfgang Freitag - 2017 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 65 (3):436-455.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie Jahrgang: 65 Heft: 3 Seiten: 436-455.
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  46.  52
    Brentano on Beauty and Aesthetics.Wolfgang Huemer - 2017 - In Uriah Kriegel (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Franz Brentano and the Brentano School. London and New York: Routledge.
    In his entire oeuvre Brentano defended a scientific conception of philosophy and advocated the adoption of a rigorous, scientific method. Given this background it might come as a surprise that in his reflections on aesthetics he firmly rejected the classic definition of aesthetics as the science of beauty. This must not be read as an expression of disinterest in – or a dismissal of – aesthetics, though. It is rather an expression of Brentano's view concerning the position of aesthetics in (...)
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  47.  27
    Logical Empiricism and Phenomenology: Felix Kaufmann.Wolfgang Huemer - 2003 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 10:151-161.
  48. (1 other version)Das System der Leibnizschen Logik.Wolfgang Lenzen - 1992 - Studia Leibnitiana 24 (1):112-116.
  49.  34
    The fallacy of misplaced intentionality in social representation research.Wolfgang Wagner - 1994 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 24 (3):243–165.
    This paper argues that social representations cannot be used as independent variables in causal explanations of social behaviour. It is shown that the structure of investigations often follows a causally explanatory design despite explicit statements to the contrary by the researchers. This fact is analyzed with three investigations. It is argued that verbal data used to assess the contents of a representation as independent variable are logically equivalent to data obtained from the “dependent” overt behaviour. Therefore these two kinds of (...)
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  50.  72
    Kant über die Teilbarkeit der Materie.Wolfgang Malzkorn - 1998 - Kant Studien 89 (4):385-409.
    In this paper it is argued that the _Physical Monadology of 1756 has to be seen as an attempt to evade the same paradox as the one given in the second antinomy of the _Critique of Pure Reason. Since this attempt presupposes the claim that space rests upon relations between substances, it contradicts the thesis that it is a mere form of intuition, presented by Kant in his dissertation of 1770. Therefore, at least since 1770 the paradox of the divisibility (...)
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