Results for 'Wolfgang Wurm'

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  1.  10
    Substanz und Qualität: ein Beitr. z. Interpretation d. plotin. Traktate VI 1, 2 u. 3.Klaus Wurm - 1973 - New York: de Gruyter.
    In der 1970 gegründeten Reihe erscheinen Arbeiten, die philosophiehistorische Studien mit einem systematischen Ansatz oder systematische Studien mit philosophiehistorischen Rekonstruktionen verbinden. Neben deutschsprachigen werden auch englischsprachige Monographien veröffentlicht. Gründungsherausgeber sind: Erhard Scheibe (Herausgeber bis 1991), Günther Patzig (bis 1999) und Wolfgang Wieland (bis 2003). Von 1990 bis 2007 wurde die Reihe von Jürgen Mittelstraß mitherausgegeben.
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    Substanz und Qualität: Ein Beitrag zur Interpretation der plotinischen Traktate VI,1, 2 und 3.Klaus Wurm - 1973 - New York: De Gruyter.
    In der 1970 gegründeten Reihe erscheinen Arbeiten, die philosophiehistorische Studien mit einem systematischen Ansatz oder systematische Studien mit philosophiehistorischen Rekonstruktionen verbinden. Neben deutschsprachigen werden auch englischsprachige Monographien veröffentlicht. Gründungsherausgeber sind: Erhard Scheibe (Herausgeber bis 1991), Günther Patzig (bis 1999) und Wolfgang Wieland (bis 2003). Von 1990 bis 2007 wurde die Reihe von Jürgen Mittelstraß mitherausgegeben.
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  3. Objects of Choice.Wolfgang Schwarz - 2021 - Mind 111.
    Rational agents are supposed to maximize expected utility. But what are the options from which they choose? I outline some constraints on an adequate representation of an agent’s options. The options should, for example, contain no information of which the agent is unsure. But they should be sufficiently rich to distinguish all available acts from one another. These demands often come into conflict, so that there seems to be no adequate representation of the options at all. After reviewing existing proposals (...)
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  4. How Will Capitalism End? Essays on a Failing System.Wolfgang Streeck - unknown
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    Complexity-sensitive decision procedures for abstract argumentation.Wolfgang Dvořák, Matti Järvisalo, Johannes Peter Wallner & Stefan Woltran - 2014 - Artificial Intelligence 206 (C):53-78.
  6. Hybrid proper names.Wolfgang Künne - 1992 - Mind 101 (404):721-731.
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    Semantics and complexity of recursive aggregates in answer set programming.Wolfgang Faber, Gerald Pfeifer & Nicola Leone - 2011 - Artificial Intelligence 175 (1):278-298.
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    Augmenting tractable fragments of abstract argumentation.Wolfgang Dvořák, Sebastian Ordyniak & Stefan Szeider - 2012 - Artificial Intelligence 186 (C):157-173.
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    Big Data.Wolfgang Pietsch - 2021 - Cambridge University Press.
    Big Data and methods for analyzing large data sets such as machine learning have in recent times deeply transformed scientific practice in many fields. However, an epistemological study of these novel tools is still largely lacking. After a conceptual analysis of the notion of data and a brief introduction into the methodological dichotomy between inductivism and hypothetico-deductivism, several controversial theses regarding big data approaches are discussed. These include, whether correlation replaces causation, whether the end of theory is in sight and (...)
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    Plan-based integration of natural language and graphics generation.Wolfgang Wahlster, Elisabeth André, Wolfgang Finkler, Hans-Jürgen Profitlich & Thomas Rist - 1993 - Artificial Intelligence 63 (1-2):387-427.
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    On the expressive power of collective attacks.Wolfgang Dvořák, Jorge Fandinno & Stefan Woltran - 2019 - Argument and Computation 10 (2):191-230.
  12. Causation, Decision, Belief Change and Statistics.Wolfgang Spohn - 1988 - Kluwer Academic Publishers.
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  13. A Survey of Ranking Theory.Wolfgang Spohn - 2009 - In Franz Huber & Christoph Schmidt-Petri (eds.), Degrees of belief. London: Springer.
    "A Survey of Ranking Theory": The paper gives an up-to-date survey of ranking theory. It carefully explains the basics. It elaborates on the ranking theoretic explication of reasons and their balance. It explains the dynamics of belief statable in ranking terms and indicates how the ranks can thereby be measured. It suggests how the theory of Bayesian nets can be carried over to ranking theory. It indicates what it might mean to objectify ranks. It discusses the formal and the philosophical (...)
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    The Internationalization of Industrial Relations in Europe: Prospects and Problems.Wolfgang Streeck - 1998 - Politics and Society 26 (4):429-459.
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    Causal laws are objectifications of inductive schemes.Wolfgang Spohn - 1955 - In Anthony Eagle (ed.), Philosophy of Probability. Routledge. pp. 223-252.
    And this paper is an attempt to say precisely how, thus addressing a philosophical problem which is commonly taken to be a serious one. It does so, however, in quite an idiosyncratic way. It is based on the account of inductive schemes I have given in (1988) and (1990a) and on the conception of causation I have presented in (1980), (1983), and (1990b), and it intends to fill one of many gaps which have been left by these papers. Still, I (...)
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  16.  35
    Franz Brentano.Wolfgang Huemer - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  17.  13
    Laws of Seeing.Wolfgang Metzger - 2009 - MIT Press.
    The first English translation of a classic work in vision science from 1936 by a leading figure in the Gestalt movement, covering topics that continue to be major issues in vision research today. This classic work in vision science, written by a leading figure in Germany's Gestalt movement in psychology and first published in 1936, addresses topics that remain of major interest to vision researchers today. Wolfgang Metzger's main argument, drawn from Gestalt theory, is that the objects we perceive (...)
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  18. Was Brentano a systematic philosopher?Wolfgang Huemer - 1976 - In Linda McAlister (ed.), The Philosophy of Franz Brentano. Duckworth.
    In a series of recent contributions it has been argued that Franz Brentano’s philosophical position constituted a unified system; Uriah Kriegel has called Brentano's philosophy as “the last grand system of Western philosophy”. The goal of the present paper is to scrutinise this claim and shed light on Brentano's methodological approach and his style of reasoning. I pay particular attention to two aspects: Brentano’s view that philosophy should be done in a rigorous, scientific manner and the fragmentary character of Brentano’s (...)
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    Phenomenological Aspects of Complementarity and Entanglement in Exceptional Human Experiences (ExE).Wolfgang Fach - 2011 - Axiomathes 21 (2):233-247.
    The mental system of an individual usually generates a reality-model that includes a self-model and a world-model as fundamental components. Exceptional experiences (ExE) can be classified as subjectively experienced anomalies in the self-model or the world-model or in the relation of both. Empirical studies show significant correlations between specific patterns of ExE and socially and clinically relevant variables. In order to examine the ontological status of anomalous phenomena a psychophysical approach is presented in which the principle of complementarity is of (...)
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  20.  43
    Preparing the Ground for Kant’s Highest Good in the World.Wolfgang Ertl - 2021 - Philosophia 49 (5):1837-1852.
    In his new book, Rossi emphasizes the prominent role of enlightened religion in the political project of establishing perpetual peace. My paper discusses Rossi’s stance on the question as to whether Kant, in his later years, moved to an immanentist conception of the highest good. Kant’s own position in this regard can arguably be better described as comprehensive, according to which an immanent and a transcendent conception of the highest good are upheld as realizable side by side. Rossi’s account looks (...)
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  21. The Measurement of Ranks and the Laws of Iterated Contraction.Wolfgang Spohn & Matthias Hild - 2008 - Artificial Intelligence 172 (10):1195-1218.
    Ranking theory delivers an account of iterated contraction; each ranking function induces a specific iterated contraction behavior. The paper shows how to reconstruct a ranking function from its iterated contraction behavior uniquely up to multiplicative constant and thus how to measure ranks on a ratio scale. Thereby, it also shows how to completely axiomatize that behavior. The complete set of laws of iterated contraction it specifies amend the laws hitherto discussed in the literature.
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    Konstruktion und selektion: Argumente gegen einen morphologisch verkürzten selektionismus.Wolfgang Friedrich Gutmann & Dieter Stefan Peters - 1973 - Acta Biotheoretica 22 (4):151-180.
    It is argued that the narrow concept of selection used since the time ofDarwin is only concerned with the relation between organism and its environment . It did not include the organism itself, which was the object of the pre-phylogenetic idealistic morphology. An adequate understanding of the mechanism of evolution dispenses with the concept of morphology as the basis of phylogeny.Es wird aufgezeigt, da\ der aufDarwin selbst zurückgehende eingeengte Gebrauch des Selektionskonzeptes auf die Beziehung zwischen Organismus und Umwelt die biologische (...)
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    Interpretations of peace in history and culture.Wolfgang Dietrich - 2012 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. Edited by Norbert Koppensteiner.
    This is the first volume in the trilogy "Many Peaces" on transrational peace and elicitive conflict transformation. It proposes an innovative analysis of peace interpretations in global history and contemporary cultures of peace, the so-called five families of energetic, moral, modern, post-modern, and transrational.
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  24. Kant's categories of reality and existence.Wolfgang Schwarz - 1987 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 48 (2):343-346.
  25.  33
    Norm und Sanktion.Wolfgang Freitag - 2017 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 65 (3):436-455.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie Jahrgang: 65 Heft: 3 Seiten: 436-455.
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  26.  51
    Gorgias and the Weakness of Logos.Wolfgang-Rainer Mann - 2021 - In Joseph Andrew Bjelde, David Merry & Christopher Roser (eds.), Essays on Argumentation in Antiquity. Cham: Springer. pp. 49-67.
    After briefly considering Plato’s objections to rhetoric—it disregards the truth, aiming only to persuade, and it manipulates our emotions rather than instructing us—I turn to the historical Gorgias. The ‘Encomium of Helen’ ascribes to logos virtually all-powerful capacities for persuasion, seduction, and even bewitchment. Here Gorgias celebrates the very things Plato rejects. Yet in the ‘Defense of Palamedes’ considerable anxieties about whether logos actually does possess such strength are voiced: the weakness, not the power, of logos comes to occupy center (...)
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    Vorwort.Wolfgang Huemer - 1991 - Kriterion - Journal of Philosophy 1 (1):2-2.
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    Deterministic Causation.Wolfgang Spohn - 2001 - In Wolfgang Spohn, Marion Ledwig & Michael Esfeld (eds.), Current Issues in Causation. Mentis. pp. 21-46.
    This paper is the most complete presentation of my views on deterministic causation. It develops the deterministic theory in perfect parallel to my theory of probabilistic causation and thus unites the two aspects. It also argues that the theory presented is superior to all regularity and all counterfactual theories of causation.
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  29. The political and social theory of Max Weber: collected essays.Wolfgang J. Mommsen - 1989 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Concentrating on Weber's engagement with political issues and their influence over his more theoretical concepts, Mommsen offers a critical analysis of Weber's notion of democracy, distinguishing its liberal and elitist features.
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    Die metaphysischen Grundlagen der Naturwissenschaft und Mathematik.Wolfgang Schwarz - 1968 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 29 (1):156-157.
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    The Sacred Marriage Rite, Aspects of Faith, Myth, and Ritual in Ancient Sumer.Wolfgang Heimpel & Samuel Noah Kramer - 1972 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 92 (2):288.
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    Glaube und Ethos im Neuen und Alten Testament: Ein Beitrag zum Problem der biblischen Begründung der christlichen Ethik.Wolfgang Schweitzer - 1961 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 5 (1):129-149.
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    Activity and Ground: Fichte, Schelling, and Hegel.Wolfgang Schwarz - 1978 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 39 (2):297-298.
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    Angst und Mobilität.Wolfgang Seidenspinner - 2007 - Das Mittelalter 12 (1).
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    Empirische Philosophieforschung. Informetrische Ansätze zur quantitativen Bestimmung philosophischer Thematiken als Teil einer empirischen Metaphilosophie.Wolfgang G. Stock - 1985 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 39 (3):431-455.
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    (1 other version)Gödelsche Funktionalinterpretation für Eine Erweiterung der Klassischen Analysis.Wolfgang Friedrich - 1985 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 31 (1‐6):3-29.
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  37.  44
    The Core of Free Will.Wolfgang Spohn - unknown
    The paper pleads for compatibilism by distinguishing the first-person’s normative and the observer’s empirical perspective. In the normative perspective one’s own actions are uncaused and free, in the empirical perspective they are caused and may be predetermined. Still, there is only one notion of causation that is able to account for the relation between the causal conceptions within the two perspectives. The other main idea for explicating free will by explaining free actions or intentions as appropriately caused in a specified (...)
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  38. Chance and Necessity : From Humean Supervenience to Humean Projection.Wolfgang Spohn - 2010 - In Ellery Eells & James H. Fetzer (eds.), The Place of Probability in Science: In Honor of Ellery Eells (1953-2006). Springer. pp. 101-132.
    This paper attempts to develop a projectivistic understanding of chance or objective probability or partial determination. It does so by critically examining David Lewis’ philosophy of probability and his defense of Humean Supervenience, building thereupon the constructive projectivistic alternative, which will basically be a suitable reinterpretation of de Finetti’s position. Any treatment of the topic must show how it extends to natural necessity or deterministic laws or full determination in perfect parallel. The paper indicates at the end how this demand (...)
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  39. An old pseudoproblem.Wolfgang Kohler - 1929 - Die Naturwissenschaften 17:395-401.
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    On the Properties of Conditional Independence.Wolfgang Spohn - 1994 - In Paul Humphreys (ed.), Patrick Suppes, Scientific Philosopher Vol. 1: Probability and Probabilistic Causality. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    As the paper explains, it is crucial to epistemology in general and to the theory of causation in particular to investigate the properties of conditional independence as completely as possible. The paper summarizes the most important results concerning conditional independence with respect to two important representations of epistemic states, namely (strictly positive) probability measures and natural conditional (or disbelief or ranking) functions. It finally adds some new observations.
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  41. Die biotheoretischen Mängel der Evolutionären ErkenntnistheorieThe biotheoretical shortcomings of the evolutionary epistemology.Wolfgang Friedrich Gutmann & Michael Weingarten - 1990 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 21 (2):309-328.
    Summary The concept of evolutionary epistemology has been critically discussed by philosophers who have mainly pointed to unacceptable philosophical tenets (cf. Vittorio Hösle, this Journal, Vol. 19 (1988), pp. 348–377). However, as most philosophers are extremely reluctant to critically treat the biological theories on which the ideas of evolutionary epistemology are based, the invalid concepts of adaption escaped their critical scrutiny. Therefore the influence of preconceived biological theories on the biological basis of evolutionary epistemology and the distorting consequences on the (...)
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    (1 other version)Die zeit in der zeit aufheben der transzendentale Weg in schillers philosophie der schönheit.Wolfgang Janke - 1967 - Kant Studien 58 (1-4):433-457.
  43.  47
    On Reichenbach's Principle of the Common Cause.Wolfgang Spohn - unknown
    This paper deals with Hans Reichenbach's common cause principle. It was propounded by him in, and has been developed and widely applied by Wesley Salmon, e.g. in and. Thus, it has become one of the focal points of the continuing discussion of causation. The paper addresses five questions. Section 1 asks: What does the principle say? And section 2 asks: What is its philosophical significance? The most important question, of course, is this: Is the principle true? To answer that question, (...)
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  44.  73
    Dependency Equilibria and the Causal Structure of Decision and Game Situation.Wolfgang Spohn - unknown
    The paper attempts to rationalize cooperation in the one-shot prisoners' dilemma (PD). It starts by introducing (and preliminarily investigating) a new kind of equilibrium (differing from Aumann's correlated equilibria) according to which the players' actions may be correlated (sect. 2). In PD the Pareto-optimal among these equilibria is joint cooperation. Since these equilibria seem to contradict causal preconceptions, the paper continues with a standard analysis of the causal structure of decision situations (sect. 3). The analysis then raises to a reflexive (...)
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  45. Die Wissenschaft und ihre Methoden. Grundsätze der Wissenschaftstheorie.Wolfgang Balzer - 2000 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 31 (1):179-186.
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  46. The mineness of experience.Wolfgang Fasching - 2009 - Continental Philosophy Review 42 (2):131-148.
    In this paper I discuss the nature of the “I” (or “self”) and whether it is presupposed by the very existence of conscious experiences (as that which “has” them) or whether it is, instead, in some way constituted by them. I argue for the former view and try to show that the very nature of experience implies a non-constituted synchronic and diachronic transcendence of the experiencing “I” with regard to its experiences, an “I” which defies any objective characterization. Finally I (...)
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  47. Die Kabbala als Quelle zur Anthropologie Jakob Böhmes.Wolfgang Huber - 1971 - Kairos (misc) 13:131-50.
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    Describing behavior: A new label for an old wine?Wolfgang M. Schleidt - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (2):288-289.
  49.  16
    Die »Theologie der Revolution«, H. Marcuse und die Studenten.Wolfgang Schweltzer - 1968 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 12 (1):174-181.
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    Ideologisierung des »Rechts auf Heimat«?Wolfgang Schweltzer - 1963 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 7 (1):36-61.
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