Results for 'Wolfram Janzen'

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  1.  72
    The Reflexive Nature of Consciousness.Greg Janzen - 2008 - John Benjamins.
    Combining phenomenological insights from Brentano and Sartre, but also drawing on recent work on consciousness by analytic philosophers, this book defends the view that conscious states are reflexive, and necessarily so, i.e., that they have a built-in, implicit awareness of their own occurrence, such that the subject of a conscious state has an immediate, non-objectual acquaintance with it. As part of this investigation, the book also explores the relationship between reflexivity and the phenomenal, or what-it-is-like, dimension of conscious experience, defending (...)
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  2. On Wolfram Hogrebe’s Philosophical Approach.Wolfram Hogrebe & Adam Knowles - 2010 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 31 (2):201-218.
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    An essay on names and truth.Wolfram Hinzen - 2007 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This pioneering book lays new foundations for the study of reference and truth.
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    Rhythm and Music-Based Interventions in Motor Rehabilitation: Current Evidence and Future Perspectives.Thenille Braun Janzen, Yuko Koshimori, Nicole M. Richard & Michael H. Thaut - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Research in basic and clinical neuroscience of music conducted over the past decades has begun to uncover music’s high potential as a tool for rehabilitation. Advances in our understanding of how music engages parallel brain networks underpinning sensory and motor processes, arousal, reward, and affective regulation, have laid a sound neuroscientific foundation for the development of theory-driven music interventions that have been systematically tested in clinical settings. Of particular significance in the context of motor rehabilitation is the notion that musical (...)
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    Shared spaces, shared mind: Connecting past and present viewpoints in American Sign Language narratives.Terry Janzen - 2019 - Cognitive Linguistics 30 (2):253-279.
    In American Sign Language (ASL) narratives, signers map conceptualized spaces onto actual spaces around them that can reflect physical, conceptual, and metaphorical relations among entities. Because verb tenses are not attested in ASL, a question arises: How does a signer distinguish utterances about past events from utterances within a present conversational context? In narratives, the story-teller’s past-event utterances move the story along; accompanying these will often be subjective comments on the story, evaluative statements, and the like, that are geared, in (...)
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    Life's Solution: Inevitable Humans in a Lonely Universe.Wolfram Hinzen - 2003 - Cambridge University Press.
    Life's Solution builds a persuasive case for the predictability of evolutionary outcomes. The case rests on a remarkable compilation of examples of convergent evolution, in which two or more lineages have independently evolved similar structures and functions. The examples range from the aerodynamics of hovering moths and hummingbirds to the use of silk by spiders and some insects to capture prey. Going against the grain of Darwinian orthodoxy, this book is a must read for anyone grappling with the meaning of (...)
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    Media, Modernity and Dynamic Plants in Early 20th Century German Culture.Janet Lindeblad Janzen - 2016 - Brill | Rodopi.
    In _Media, Modernity and the Dynamic Plant_, Janet Janzen traces the motif of the “dynamic plant” through early 20th century German culture. In examples from film and literature, she demonstrates a shift in the perception of plants to living beings.
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  8. Bennett and Hacker on neural materialism.Greg Janzen - 2008 - Acta Analytica 23 (3):273-286.
    In their recent book Philosophical Foundations of Neuroscience, Max Bennett and Peter Hacker attack neural materialism (NM), the view, roughly, that mental states (events, processes, etc.) are identical with neural states or material properties of neural states (events, processes, etc.). Specifically, in the penultimate chapter entitled “Reductionism,” they argue that NM is unintelligible, that “there is no sense to literally identifying neural states and configurations with psychological attributes.” This is a provocative claim indeed. If Bennett and Hacker are right, then (...)
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  9. Pure proof theory aims, methods and results.Wolfram Pohlers - 1996 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 2 (2):159-188.
    Apologies. The purpose of the following talk is to give an overview of the present state of aims, methods and results in Pure Proof Theory. Shortage of time forces me to concentrate on my very personal views. This entails that I will emphasize the work which I know best, i.e., work that has been done in the triangle Stanford, Munich and Münster. I am of course well aware that there are as important results coming from outside this triangle and I (...)
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  10. The Ends of Capital: Terminal Crisis and the Substance of Value.David Janzen - 2022 - Historical Materialism 30 (2):29-55.
    Crisis is endemic to capitalism. But can it be proved that capitalism will bring about its own terminal crisis? This article frames this question in light of ongoing debates in theories of crisis and value by polemically comparing two related but divergent perspectives. The first, that of Robert Kurz and several Wertkritik authors, argues that cyclical crises of capital necessarily lead to a terminal crisis – and that this terminal crisis is already underway. The second, that of Michael Heinrich, argues (...)
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  11. A Critique of the Right Intention Condition as an Element of Jus ad Bellum.Greg Janzen - 2016 - Journal of Military Ethics 15 (1):36-57.
    According to just war theory, a resort to war is justified only if it satisfies the right intention condition. This article offers a critical examination of this condition, defending the thesis that, despite its venerable history as part of the just war tradition, it ought to be jettisoned. When properly understood, it turns out to be an unnecessary element of jus ad bellum, adding nothing essential to our assessments of the justice of armed conflict.
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  12. Antrittsvorlesungen Philosophische Fakultät ; von Wolfram Hogrebe... [Et Al.].Wolfram Hogrebe - 1997
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    21 Undecidability and Intractability in Theoretical Physics.Stephen Wolfram - 2008 - Emergence: Contemporary Readings in Philosophy and Science.
    This chapter explores some fundamental consequences of the correspondence between physical process and computations. Most physical questions may be answerable only through irreducible amounts of computation. Those that concern idealized limits of infinite time, volume, or numerical precision can require arbitrarily long computations, and so be considered formally undecidable. The behavior of a physical system may always be calculated by simulating explicitly each step in its evolution. Much of theoretical physics has, however, been concerned with devising shorter methods of calculation (...)
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    Timing skills and expertise: discrete and continuous timed movements among musicians and athletes.Thenille Braun Janzen, William Forde Thompson, Paolo Ammirante & Ronald Ranvaud - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Composite utterances in a signed language: Topic constructions and perspective-taking in ASL.Terry Janzen - 2017 - Cognitive Linguistics 28 (3):511-538.
    Journal Name: Cognitive Linguistics Issue: Ahead of print.
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    Anti-realist semantics.Wolfram Hinzen - 2000 - Erkenntnis 52 (3):281-311.
    I argue that the implementation of theDummettian program of an ``anti-realist'' semanticsrequires quite different conceptions of the technicalmeaning-theoretic terms used than those presupposed byDummett. Starting from obvious incoherences in anattempt to conceive truth conditions as assertibilityconditions, I argue that for anti-realist purposesnon-epistemic semantic notions are more usefully kept apart from epistemic ones rather than beingreduced to them. Embedding an anti-realist theory ofmeaning in Martin-Löf's Intuitionistic Type Theory(ITT) takes care, however, of many notorious problemsthat have arisen in trying to specify suitableintuitionistic (...)
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  17.  36
    Civically Engaged Philosophy as a Way of Life.Monica Janzen, Benjamin Hole & Ramona Ilea - 2021 - American Association of Philosophy Teachers Studies in Pedagogy 6:141-155.
    Teachers committed to seeing philosophy as a way of life (PWOL) often focus on assignments that help students develop personal practices, so they experience peace of mind, independence, and a cure from anguish. While we applaud these goals, our work highlights another important aspect of philosophy as a way of life that sometimes is overlooked. We want our students to experience a transformation toward seeing themselves as moral agents, growing in civic virtues, and developing “cosmic consciousness.” To reach this end, (...)
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    Rethinking the role of language in autism.Wolfram Hinzen - 2022 - Evolutionary Linguistic Theory 4 (1):129-151.
    Linguists have long sought to draw support from developmental disorders like Williams Syndrome (WS) and Specific Language Impairment (SLI) for linguistic theories and the modularity of language in particular. Linguistic diversity in the autism spectrum (ASD) has received comparatively little attention from linguists. Here I argue, against recent claims to the contrary, that language patterns in ASD do not support the modularity of language any more than WS or SLI are by now acknowledged to do. Rather, conceptualizing the linguistic diversity (...)
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  19. Fifty Years of Prosopography: The Later Roman Empire, Byzantium and Beyond.Brandes Wolfram - 2003
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  20. 75 Jahre Quantentheorie: Festbd. zum 75. Jahrestag d. Entdeckung d. Planckschen Energiequanten.Wolfram Brauer, Hans-Waldemar Streitwolf & Kurt Werner (eds.) - 1977 - Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
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    Concepção bakhtiniana de literatura ea análise de personagens nos livros didáticos de LEM/Bakhtinian concept of literature and the analysis of characters in modern foreign language textbooks.Henrique Evaldo Janzen - forthcoming - Bakhtiniana.
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    Concepção bakhtiniana de literatura e a análise de personagens nos livros didáticos de LEM.Henrique Evaldo Janzen - 2012 - Bakhtiniana 7 (1):107-124.
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  23.  12
    Deep Thought: Structure and Intention in Kongo Prophetism, 1910-1921.John Janzen - 1979 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 46.
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  24. Just Faith? A National Survey Connecting Faith and Justice Within the Christian Reformed Church.Rich Janzen, Steve van de Hoef, Alethea Stobbe, Allyson Carr, Joshua Harris, Ronald A. Kuipers & Hector Acero Ferrer - 2016 - Review of Religious Research 58 (2):229–47.
  25. Kompass fürs Leben.Nikolai Janzen - 1960 - Leipzig,: Urania-Verlag.
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  26.  10
    Peoples Temple and Black Religion in America.Rod Janzen - 2005 - Utopian Studies 16 (2):294-297.
  27.  18
    Some varied effects of punishment on ongoing avoidance behavior in the hamster.William B. Janzen, Katharina R. Geissler & Kenneth B. Melvin - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 6 (2):201-203.
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    The Yoke That Gives Rest.J. Gerald Janzen - 1987 - Interpretation 41 (3):256-268.
    Deuteronomy displays how Israel felt itself called by God to dissociate itself from other gods and to display in its loyalty to his will the faithfulness he had shown to them.
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    Una síntesis crítica mínima de las portaciones de los paradigmas interpretativo y sociocrítico a la investigación educacional.Walter Walker Janzen - 2022 - Enfoques 34 (2):13-33.
    El presente artículo analiza, mediante una síntesis crítica, los aportes de los paradigmasinterpretativo y sociocrítico a la investigación educacional a partir de la fuenteinterpretativa común llamada hermenéutica por los posmodernistas; confronta elparadigma cuantitativo con el cualitativo y da razones sobre la conveniencia de lainvestigación cualitativa en esta área social y la necesidad de su desarrollo.
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    Chancen einer ökumenischen Wirtschaftsethik: Kirche und Ökonomie vor den Herausforderungen der Globalisierung.Wolfram Stierle - 2001 - Frankfurt am Main: Lembeck.
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    Medieval Studies in America’ und ‘American Medievalism.Herwig Wolfram - 1977 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 11 (1):396-408.
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    Riskante Lebensnähe: Die Szenische Existenz des Menschen.Wolfram Hogrebe - 2009 - Akademie Verlag.
    Philosophie ist wissentlicher Einhegungsversuch des Nichtwissens. Wo immer sie daher die Bedeutung und Wirksamkeit des Nichtwissens nicht präsent hält, verfehlt sie ihre Mitte. Das hat sich seit der Antike bis heute nicht geändert. Allerdings blieb es den Interessen der Zeiten und Denker vorbehalten, die Mischformen von Wissen und Nichtwissen in ihrer Eigenart mehr oder weniger eingehend zu analysieren. Selbst wenn die sokratische Formel vom Wissen des Nichtwissens durchgängig gerne zitiert wurde: Wie die Formen des Wissens in ihren schwachen, aber unentbehrlichen (...)
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    Experiences with an interactive museum tour-guide robot.Wolfram Burgard, Armin B. Cremers, Dieter Fox, Dirk Hähnel, Gerhard Lakemeyer, Dirk Schulz, Walter Steiner & Sebastian Thrun - 1999 - Artificial Intelligence 114 (1-2):3-55.
  34. Frankfurt Cases, Alternate Possibilities, and Prior Signs.Greg Janzen - 2013 - Erkenntnis 78 (5):1037-1049.
    In his seminal paper ‘Alternate Possibilities and Moral Responsibility’, Harry Frankfurt argues against the principle of alternate possibilities (PAP)—the principle that persons are morally responsible for what they have done only if they could have done otherwise—by presenting a case in which, apparently, a person is morally responsible for what he has done even though, due to the presence of a counterfactual intervener, he could not have done otherwise. According to a compelling (yet relatively under-discussed) response to Frankfurt’s attack on (...)
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    Space rotation, perspective shift, and verb morphology in ASL.Terry Janzen - 2004 - Cognitive Linguistics 15 (2).
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  36.  68
    The foe, radical evil: Political theology in Immanuel Kant and Carl Schmitt.Wolfram Malte Fues - 2010 - Philosophical Forum 41 (1-2):181-204.
  37.  13
    Mind Design and Minimal Syntax.Wolfram Hinzen - 2006 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This book introduces generative grammar as an area of study and asks what it tells us about the human mind. Wolfram Hinzen lays the foundation for the unification of modern generative linguistics with the philosophies of mind and language. He introduces Chomsky's program of a 'minimalist' syntax as a novel explanatory vision of the human mind. He explains how the Minimalist Program originated in work in cognitive science, biology, linguistics, and philosophy, and examines its implications for work in these (...)
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  38.  17
    Prädikation und Genesis: Metaphysik als Fundamentalheuristik im Ausgang von Schellings "Die Weltalter".Wolfram Hogrebe - 1989 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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  39. ‘Brain-Malfunction’ Cases and the Dispositionalist Reply to Frankfurt's Attack on PAP.Greg Janzen - 2016 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 94 (4):646-657.
    Harry Frankfurt has famously argued against the principle of alternate possibilities by presenting a case in which, apparently, a person is morally responsible for what he has done even though he could not have done otherwise. A number of commentators have proposed dispositionalist responses to Frankfurt, arguing that he has not produced a counterexample to PAP because, contrary to appearances, the ability to do otherwise is indeed present but is a disposition that has been ‘masked’ or ‘finked’ by the presence (...)
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  40. Guilt and sin in traditional China.Wolfram Eberhard - 1967 - Berkeley,: University of California Press.
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    Dynamic field theory of movement preparation.Wolfram Erlhagen & Gregor Schöner - 2002 - Psychological Review 109 (3):545-572.
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    Songs of Gods, Songs of Humans: The Epic Tradition of the Ainu.Wolfram Eberhard & Donald L. Philippi - 1982 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 102 (3):580.
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    The shifting ground of swidden agriculture on Palawan Island, the Philippines.Wolfram Dressler & Juan Pulhin - 2010 - Agriculture and Human Values 27 (4):445-459.
    Recent literature describing the process and pathways of the agrarian transition in Southeast Asia suggests that the rise of agricultural intensification and the growth of commodity markets will lead to the demise of swidden agriculture. This paper offers a longitudinal overview of the conditions that drive the agrarian transition amongst indigenous swidden cultivators and migrant paddy farmers in central Palawan Island, the Philippines. In line with regional agrarian change, we describe how a history of conservation policies has criminalized and pressured (...)
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  44. Collision: Poverty/Line: Aesthetic and Political Subjects in Santiago Sierra's “Line” Photographs.David W. Janzen - 2014 - Evental Aesthetics 2 (4):56-65.
    This Collision examines photographs of Santiago Sierra’s “Line” installations, discovering in these works a unique formulation of the tension between the social and formal aspects of contemporary art. Developing the philosophical implications of this formulation, this essay connects divergent trajectories embodied by the work (i.e. trajectories initiated by the material elements of the works, the body and the line) to divergent trajectories in contemporary aesthetic theory (i.e. the trajectory that emphasises the socio-political possibilities of artistic representation versus the trajectory that (...)
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  45. In Defense of the What-It-Is-Likeness of Experience.Greg Janzen - 2011 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 49 (3):271-293.
    It is common parlance among philosophers who inquire into the nature of consciousness to speak of there being something it is like for the subject of a mental state to be in it. The popularity of the ‘what-it-is-like’ phrase stems, in part, from the assumption that it enables us to distinguish, in an intuitive and illuminating way, between conscious and unconscious mental states: conscious mental states, unlike unconscious mental states, are such that there is something it is like for their (...)
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  46. Autonomy and radical evil: a Kantian challenge to constitutivism.Wolfram Gobsch - 2019 - Philosophical Explorations 22 (2):194-207.
    Properly understood, Kant’s moral philosophy is incompatible with constitutivism. According to the constitutivist, being subject to the moral law cannot be a matter of free choice, and failure to c...
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  47. Über einige empirische Annahmen der Bedeutungstheorie.Wolfram Hinzen - 2001 - Philosophia Naturalis 38 (2):147-178.
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  48. The mind we do not change.Wolfram Hinzen - 2006 - In Erik J. Olsson (ed.), Knowledge and Inquiry: Essays on the Pragmatism of Isaac Levi. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Fichtes Wissenschaftslehre, 1794: philosophische Resonanzen.Wolfram Hogrebe (ed.) - 1995 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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    II. Expressive und begriffliche Dimensionen des Surrealen.Wolfram Hogrebe - 2014 - In Philosophischer Surrealismus. De Gruyter. pp. 59-97.
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