Results for 'World culture'

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  1.  11
    Confucianisms for a Changing World Cultural Order.Roger T. Ames & Peter D. Hershock (eds.) - 2017 - University of Hawaii Press.
    In a single generation, the rise of Asia has precipitated a dramatic sea change in the world’s economic and political orders. This reconfiguration is taking place amidst a host of deepening global predicaments, including climate change, migration, increasing inequalities of wealth and opportunity, that cannot be resolved by purely technical means or by seeking recourse in a liberalism that has of late proven to be less than effective. The present work critically explores how the pan-Asian phenomenon of Confucianism offers (...)
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    Key Worlds, Culture and Cognition.Cliff Goddard & Anna Wierzbicka - 1995 - Philosophica 55.
  3. Mass Culture and World Culture: On "Americanisation" and the Politics of Cultural Protectionism.Gregory Claeys - 1986 - Diogenes 34 (136):70-97.
    The debate over the influence of American culture upon Europe and the rest of the world is hardly new. Discussions about the cultural effects of video recorders, satellite broadcasting, cable television and their likely content are only the latest episode in a long-running drama in which the young and aggressive culture of America bludgeons the elderly culture of old Europe (or correspondingly overruns and wipes out the quaint but ill-armed ethnic cultures of the less-developed world, (...)
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  4. Small Business and the Community.Essential Cultural Similarities - 1991 - In Charles V. Blatz (ed.), Ethics and agriculture: an anthology on current issues in world context. Moscow, Idaho: University of Idaho Press.
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    Reflexes of world culture in the language of contemporary Russian poetry.M. A. Steshenko - 2015 - Liberal Arts in Russia 4 (6):413.
    In this article, the author concentrates on the space of contemporary Russian poetry and through the means of allusive proper names specifically focuses upon reflections of international culture. In this regard, expressive possibilities, text-formation role, as well as typological, semantic and functional characteristics of allusive proper names are considered. Attempts are made to analyze, formulate basic mechanisms of intertextual connections and identify the readers’ role in the creation of meaning of precedent anthroponyms in accordance with the context of the (...)
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  6. Cosmopolitans and Locals in World Culture.Ulf Hannerz - 1990 - Theory, Culture and Society 7 (2-3):237-251.
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    Introduction to Semiotics of World Cultures.Massimo Leone - 2012 - Cultura 9 (2):7-12.
    Tourism industry is increasingly stripping traveling of one of its most fundamental anthropological and existential values: its being a laboratory in which travelerscan temporarily experience the disruption of their regime of sedentary belonging, protected by a plan of return. According to this perspective, non-touristy travelingis one of the best ways to test the limits of one’s tolerance to cultural diversity and acknowledge, as a consequence, the identity of one’s cultural and existential‘home.’ Yet, modern and contemporary travelogues mostly extol the traveler’s (...)
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    World Culture and the Black Experience. [REVIEW]Essie A. Eddins - 1975 - Teaching Philosophy 1 (2):218-218.
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    The End of the World: Cultural Apocalypse and Transcendence, by Ernesto de Martino.Evan F. Kuehn - 2024 - The European Legacy 30 (2):231-233.
    Volume 30, Issue 2, March 2025, Page 231-233.
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    The End of the World: Cultural Apocalypse and Transcendence, by Ernesto de Martino.Evan F. Kuehn - 2025 - The European Legacy 30 (2):231-233.
    Ernesto de Martino left The End of the World unfinished at his death in 1965. His student Clara Gallini published the first Italian edition in 1977, which was followed by an updated version in 2002...
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    Introduction to Semiotics of World Cultures.Asunción López-Varela - 2012 - Cultura 9 (2):7-12.
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  12. Mediating concepts in contrasting world cultures.The Editor The Editor - 1947 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 28 (1):5.
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    Outline of world cultures.George Peter Murdock - 1972 - New Haven,: Human Relations Area Files.
  14. Globalization and world culture.John Boli & Frank J. Lechner - 2001 - In Neil J. Smelser & Paul B. Baltes (eds.), International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Elsevier. pp. 6261--6266.
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  15. Religious Faith and World Culture.William Loos - 1951
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    A Review on the World Cultural Typology of Zhu qianzhi - On the base of three world cultures. 전홍석 - 2015 - Journal of Eastern Philosophy 81 (81):371-404.
    21세기 ‘문명’이 현실상황을 진단하고 미래세계를 조망하는 본원적 기제와 학문적 탐구로 안착하기까지는 지난한 문명사적 투쟁이 자리한다. 유럽이 세계를 석권한 제국주의시대에 이르기까지 세계는 오직 하나의 세계문명이라는 단수로서의 기독교문명만이 존재했다. 그런 차원에서 문명비평가 슈펭글러와 토인비 등은 서구의 지배이념이었던 단일문명론에 맞서 문명의 복수적 의미를 인정하고 확대했다. 주쳰즈의 ‘세계문화유형론’은 이러한 지성사적 반향이라고 할 수 있다. 논구컨대 그의 ‘세계문화 3원론’은 문화학의 전체 생명선인 지식문화의 유형과 특질로부터 착상된 것이다. 이를테면 종교문화, 철학문화, 과학문화가 그것이다. 먼저 이 이론체계는 헤겔의 문화지리학의 형이상학적 이해를 통해 고원문화는 ‘인도’로서 지리적 특성상 종교적 문화를, (...)
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    Sanskrit and World Culture: Proceedings of the Fourth World Sanskrit Conference of the International Association of Sanskrit Studies, Weimar, May 23–30, 1979.Wolfgang Morgenroth (ed.) - 1986 - De Gruyter.
    No detailed description available for "Sanskrit and World Culture".
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  18. The Principles of a Creative World Culture and the Contrariety and Mutual Completement of Occidental and Oriental Culture.Heinrich Beck - 1988 - In Joseph Major Nyasani (ed.), Philosophical focus on culture and traditional thought systems in development. Nairobi: Konrad Adenauer Foundation. pp. 327.
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  19. Frame and image-europe in the context of world cultures, world powers and the world market.Cfv Weizsacker - 1995 - Filozofia 50 (2):102-113.
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    Truth as Dialogue in a World Cultured By Difference.Ogbo Ugwuanyi - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 8:275-280.
    This paper sets out to establish that dialogue defines truth in a world of divergent cultures and worldviews. It argues that culture has enormous influence on truth for which truth through monologue has inherent strong potentials that limit intellectual union and discusses how philosophy in its western tradition has served topromote this trend with its hegemony on different world cultures; the effect of which is the quest for difference by other world cultures through cultural philosophies that (...)
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    Culture in a Liquid Modern World.Zygmunt Bauman - 2011 - In Association the National Audiovisual Institute. Edited by Lydia Bauman.
    In its original formulation, ‘culture’ was intended to be an agent for change, a mission undertaken with the aim of educating ‘the people’ by bringing the best of human thought and creativity to them. But in our contemporary liquid-modern world, culture has lost its missionary role and has become a means of seduction: it seeks no longer to enlighten the people but to seduce them. The function of culture today is not to satisfy existing needs but (...)
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    The Ambitions of Curiosity: Understanding the World in Ancient Greece and China. By GER Lloyd. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. Pp. xvi+ 175. Price not given. The Art of the Han Essay: Wang Fu's Ch'ien-Fu Lun. By Anne Behnke Kinney. Tempe: Center for Asian Studies, Arizona State University, 1990. Pp. xi+ 154. [REVIEW]Thomas L. Kennedy Philadelphia, Cross-Cultural Perspectives By K. Ramakrishna, Constituting Communities, Theravada Buddhism, Jacob N. Kinnard Holt & Jonathan S. Walters Albany - 2004 - Philosophy East and West 54 (1):110-112.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Books ReceivedThe Ambitions of Curiosity: Understanding the World in Ancient Greece and China. By G.E.R. Lloyd. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. Pp. xvi + 175. Price not given.The Art of the Han Essay: Wang Fu's Ch'ien-Fu Lun. By Anne Behnke Kinney. Tempe: Center for Asian Studies, Arizona State University, 1990. Pp. xi + 154. Paper $10.00.The Autobiography of Jamgön Kongtrul: A Gem of Many Colors. By Jamgön Kongtrul (...)
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    Cultural Diversity and Universal Ethics in a Global World.Domènec Melé & Carlos Sánchez-Runde - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 116 (4):681-687.
    Cultural diversity and globalization bring about a tension between universal ethics and local values and norms. Simultaneously, the current globalization and the existence of an increasingly interconnected world seem to require a common ground to promote dialog, peace, and a more humane world. This article is the introduction to a special issue of the Journal of Business Ethics regarding these problems. We highlight five topics, which intertwine the eight papers of this issue. The first is whether moral diversity (...)
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    Review of R. Michael feener, Islam in world cultures: Comparative perspectives. [REVIEW]Martyn Oliver - 2007 - Sophia 46 (3):317-319.
    Keywords Islam - Comparative religion - Culture - Fundamentalism R. MICHAEL FEENER, ed., Islam in World Cultures: Comparative Perspectives. Oxford, UK: ABC-CLIO, 2004, 387pp., ISBN: 978-1576075166, hb.
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    Is the Western Conception of the Self “Peculiar” within the Context of the World Cultures?Melford E. Spiro - 1993 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 21 (2):107-153.
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    Dislocating Cultures: Identities, Traditions, and Third World Feminism.Uma Narayan - 1997 - Routledge.
    _Dislocating Cultures_ takes aim at the related notions of nation, identity, and tradition to show how Western and Third World scholars have misrepresented Third World cultures and feminist agendas. Drawing attention to the political forces that have spawned, shaped, and perpetuated these misrepresentations since colonial times, Uma Narayan inspects the underlying problems which "culture" poses for the respect of difference and cross-cultural understanding. Questioning the problematic roles assigned to Third World subjects within multiculturalism, Narayan examines ways (...)
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    Intersections of Western Biomedical Ethics and World Culture: Problematic and Possibility.Edmund D. Pellegrino - 1992 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 1 (3):191.
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    The Hellenistic World Culture[REVIEW]Joachim Thiel - 1990 - Philosophy and History 23 (2):156-156.
  29. A New Skeptical Worldview for Contemporary World Cultures.Lydia B. Amir - 2014 - In Jian Chang (ed.), World Culture Development Forum 2013. Chian Social Sciences Academic Press. pp. 337-363.
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    Culture and Anarchy.Matthew Arnold - 2009 - Oxford University Press UK.
    'The men of culture are the true apostles of equality.' Matthew Arnold's famous series of essays, which were first published in book form under the title Culture and Anarchy in 1869, debate important questions about the nature of culture and society that are as relevant now as they have ever been. Arnold seeks to find out 'what culture really is, what good it can do, what is our own special need of it' in an age of (...)
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    The place of the yijing in world culture: Some historical and contemporary perspectives.Richard J. Smith - 1998 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 25 (4):391-422.
  32. Dislocating Cultures: Identities, Traditions, and Third World Feminism. [REVIEW]Uma Narayan - 2001 - Hypatia 16 (2):102-106.
    Dislocating Cultures takes aim at the related notions of nation, identity, and tradition to show how Western and Third World scholars have misrepresented Third World cultures and feminist agendas.
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    The adventure of the human intellect: self, society and the divine in ancient world cultures.Kurt A. Raaflaub (ed.) - 2016 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    The Adventure of the Human Intellect presents the latest scholarship on the beginnings of intellectual history on a broad scope, encompassing ten eminent ancient or early civilizations from both the Old and New Worlds. Borrows themes from The Intellectual Adventure of Ancient Man (1946), updating an old topic with a new approach and up-to-date theoretical underpinning, evidence, and scholarship Provides a broad scope of studies, including discussion of highly developed ancient or early civilizations in China, India, West Asia, the Mediterranean, (...)
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    The Turkısh Enstrument Wıth Bow And Its Effect On World Culture.Necati Demi̇r - 2007 - Journal of Turkish Studies 2:1143-1149.
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    Cultures of fetishism.Louise J. Kaplan - 2006 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    In her latest book, Dr. Louise Kaplan, author of the groundbreaking Female Perversions, explores the fetishism strategy, a psychological defense that aims to tame, subdue, and if necessary, murder human vitalities. Through an exploration of such cultural phenomena as footbinding, reality television, and the construction of robots, Kaplan demonstrates how, in a technology-driven world, an understanding of the fetishism strategy can help to preserve the human dialogue that is the basis of all human relationships. Kaplan writes from the heart (...)
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  36. Ramakrishna movement-a symbol of world cultural unity. Abhiramananda - 1987 - Journal of Dharma 12 (2):165-179.
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    American Culture, American Tastes: Social Change and the 20th Century.Michael Kammen - 2012 - Knopf.
    Americans have a long history of public arguments about taste, the uses of leisure, and what is culturally appropriate in a democracy that has a strong work ethic. Michael Kammen surveys these debates as well as our changing taste preferences, especially in the past century, and the shifting perceptions that have accompanied them. Professor Kammen shows how the post-traditional popular culture that flourished after the 1880s became full-blown mass culture after World War II, in an era of (...)
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    Allegories of Imperialism: Barbarians and World Cultures.I.-Chun Wang & Asun López-Varela - 2015 - Cultura 12 (1):7-16.
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    New York—This Big Family of World Culture.Liu Xiaofei - 2002 - Chinese Studies in History 36 (2):60-62.
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    “Now I Feel Comfortable Being around People I Don'T Know”: The Benefits of Including Cultural Consultants in Teaching about World Cultures.Heidi J. Torres - 2021 - Journal of Social Studies Research 45 (3):155-166.
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    The “Europa Paradigm”: European culture-world culture.Ivan Vitanyi - 1986 - World Futures 22 (1):205-236.
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    The relation between church and world/culture in view of the Pauline “as if not” [foreign font omitted].G. M. M. Pelser - 2005 - HTS Theological Studies 61 (3).
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    Avicenna in the History of World Culture.M. S. Asimov - 1981 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 19 (4):54-69.
    The history of philosophy must identify in each system the determining motifs, the genuine crystallizations present throughout the entire system, and separate them from proofs, justifications, and dialogues, from their presentations by philosophers, to the degree that the latter were conscious of them. It must separate the silently advancing mole of genuine philosophical knowledge from the wordy, exoteric, phenomenological, multiformed consciousness of the subject, that consciousness which is the receptacle and motivating force of these reasonings.
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    Why imaginary worlds? The psychological foundations and cultural evolution of fictions with imaginary worlds.Edgar Dubourg & Nicolas Baumard - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45:e276.
    Imaginary worlds are extremely successful. The most popular fictions produced in the last few decades contain such a fictional world. They can be found in all fictional media, from novels (e.g., Lord of The Rings and Harry Potter) to films (e.g., Star Wars and Avatar), video games (e.g., The Legend of Zelda and Final Fantasy), graphic novels (e.g., One Piece and Naruto), and TV series (e.g., Star Trek and Game of Thrones), and they date as far back as ancient (...)
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    The need for wholeness: a paradigm for the world culture of tomorrow.G. Altner - 1992 - Global Bioethics 5 (1):57-62.
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    The cultural divide between medical providers and their patients--aligning two world views.S. E. Tirrell - 2000 - Bioethics Forum 17 (3-4):24-30.
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    Ancient Worlds, Modern Reflections: Philosophical Perspectives on Greek and Chinese Science and Culture.Geoffrey Ernest Richard Lloyd - 2004 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Geoffrey Lloyd engages in a wide-ranging exploration of what we can learn from the study of ancient civilizations that is relevant to fundamental problems, both intellectual and moral, that we still face today. These include, in philosophy of science, the question of the incommensurability of paradigms, the debate between realism and relativism or constructivism, and between correspondence and coherence conceptions of truth. How far is it possible to arrive at an understanding of alien systems of belief? Is it possible to (...)
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    National Culture and Women Managers: Evidence From Microfinance Institutions Around the World.Godfred Adjapong Afrifa & Ernest Gyapong - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (6):1387-1430.
    We investigate the effect of national culture on women manager appointments. We argue that culture influences women manager appointments through their effects on managerial decision-making. Using firm-level data on 2,456 microfinance institutions (MFIs) across 61 countries, we document that fewer women managers are appointed in societies high on individualism and uncertainty avoidance. On the contrary, high power distance societies are positively associated with the appointment of women managers. We demonstrate that a greater number of women nonmanagers reduces (increases) (...)
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    World Heritage sites on Wikipedia: Cultural heritage activism in a context of constrained agency.Prema Smith & Ben Marwick - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (1).
    UNESCO World Heritage sites are places of outstanding significance and often key sources of information that influence how people interact with the past today. The process of inscription on the UNESCO list is complicated and intersects with political and commercial controversies. But how well are these controversies known to the public? Wikipedia pages on these sites offer a unique dataset for insights into public understanding of heritage controversies. The unique technicity of Wikipedia, with its bot ecosystem and editing mechanics, (...)
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    Life-world and cultural difference: Husserl, Schutz, and Waldenfels.Congqi You - 2019 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
    The fact that there are different cultures in the world is too obvious for words. COnsidering thus cultural differences in the light of the phenomenological concept of life-world may raise the following questions: Do we live in the same life-world regardless of such cultural differences? Or do we live in different life-worlds because of cultural differences? The first question presupposes a singular life-world, whereas the second question entails a plurality of life-worlds. IN any case, how is (...)
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