Results for 'Y. Feldman'

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  1. Diderot, ses idées philosophiques.I. Luppol, Y. Feldman & V. Feldman - 1937 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 44 (2):16-16.
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    Geach and Relative Identity [with Rejoinder and Reply].Fred Feldman & P. T. Geach - 1968 - Review of Metaphysics 22 (3):547 - 561.
    It would seem that Geach's claim is that the relation expressed by 'is identical with' is like the relation expressed by 'is better than', at least in one respect. If x and y are people, it may turn out that x is a better golfer than y, while y is a better poet than x. If we merely say that x is better than y, we fail to specify the respect in which we hold x to be the better. Another (...)
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    Geach and Relative Identity.Fred Feldman - 1969 - Review of Metaphysics 22 (3):547-555.
    Since Geach did not give any account of what is to be considered the same form of relative identity, I assumed that 'x is the same A as y' expresses the same form of relative identity as 'x is the same B as y' if and only if 'A' means the same as 'B'. If this is an incorrect assumption, then I must ask what is the criterion of identity for forms of relative identity?
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  4. Y. A. Kang, Schema and Symbol: A Study in Kant's Doctrine of Schematism. [REVIEW]S. Feldman - 1988 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 79 (2):239.
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    Gersonides: Judaism within the limits of reason (review).Y. Tzvi Langermann - 2011 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 49 (3):376-377.
    Over the past few decades, Seymour Feldman has contributed important studies on the philosophy of Levi ben Gershom, better known as Gersonides (1288-1344), as well as a highly acclaimed annotated translation of Gersonides' philosophical opus, The Wars of the Lord. Feldman now offers a succinct conspectus of Gersonides' positions on the pivotal issues of medieval Jewish philosophy and the arguments he offers in their favor: creation; God and His attributes; divine omniscience, providence, and omnipotence; prophecy; humanity; and the (...)
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  6. Prioritization of Referrals in Outpatient Physiotherapy Departments in Québec and Implications for Equity in Access.Simon Deslauriers, Marie-Hélène Raymond, Maude Laliberté, Anne Hudon, François Desmeules, Debbie E. Feldman & Kadija Perreault - 2018 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 1 (3):49-60.
    Dans le contexte actuel de longs délais d’attente pour accéder aux services de réadaptation, la grande majorité des établissements utilisent la priorisation des demandes de référence pour aider à gérer les listes d’attente. Les pratiques de priorisation varient grandement d’un milieu à l’autre et il y a peu de consensus sur la meilleure façon de prioriser les demandes de référence. Cet article décrit les processus de priorisation de services en physiothérapie au Québec et leurs implications potentielles en termes d’équité dans (...)
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    Bela Feldman-Bianco, Liliana Rivera Sánchez, Carolina Stefoni, Marta Inés Villa Martínez (Compiladoras), La construcción social del sujeto migrante en América Latina. Prácticas, representaciones y categorías, CLACSO - FLACSO – UAH, Buenos Aires, Quito, Santiago, 2011, 366 p. [REVIEW]María Gabriela Córdova - 2012 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 31.
    Una paradoja constitutiva de la cuestión migratoria a nivel mundial, tiene relación con el derecho humano a la libre circulación y la incapacidad política para avalarlo. Principalmente porque las garantías extendidas al emigrante no son las mismas que se ofrecen al inmigrante, y varían dependiendo de lo reconocido legítimamente por los Estados en su constitución y del interés, la conveniencia y la voluntad política de los gobiernos. Los que muchas veces tienden a politizar un problema social,..
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    Reflexiones sobre las relaciones entre racionalidad, emotividad y ética.Domingo Fernández Agis - 2023 - Dilemata 41:27-39.
    Partiendo de los trabajos de Denis Diderot y Hervé Guibert, se pretende en este escrito poner de relieve ciertas líneas de aproximación a las relaciones entre racionalidad, emotividad y ética. Se plantea en él una reflexión sobre diversos aspectos relacionados con la experiencia de la discapacidad y se intenta mostrar que la toma en consideración de las vivencias emocionales a las que se enfrentan las personas que padecen tales limitaciones posee una importancia crucial para que se pueda hacer frente de (...)
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    «Imago Templi» de la Iglesia Invisible: Idealismo y Arte Abstracto.Haris Ch Papoulias - 2017 - RAPHISA REVISTA DE ANTROPOLOGÍA Y FILOSOFÍA DE LO SAGRADO 1 (2).
    Dos eventos, aparentemente distantes uno del otro y sin vínculos directos entre ellos, pero sin embargo estrictamente relacionados por un legado espiritual común, constituyen el tema de este trabajo. El primero, tuvo lugar en 1971, cuando una «capilla ecuménica» muy especial abrió sus puertas al público. Es conocida bajo el nombre de «Rothko Chapel», debido al proyecto general, realizado por el pintor Mark Rothko. Desde entonces, se ha convertido en una de las obras de arte más valiosas que representan la (...)
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    El Problema de la Generalidad En la Epistemología Confiabilista.Carlos Emilio García Duque - 2011 - Praxis Filosófica 25:5-19.
    Las discusiones sobre epistemología confiabilista suelen centrarse en elexamen de teorías de proceso confiable, según las cuales una creencia esjustificada syss es producida por procesos que son generalmente confiables.Pero la noción de “proceso-tipo confiable” es muy controvertida. Por ejemplo,autores como Conee y Feldman consideran que las teorías de la justificaciónde proceso confiable son irremediablemente defectuosas, debido al “problemade la generalidad”. En este trabajo me propongo bosquejar la idea central dejustificación en términos confiabilistas, y determinar hasta qué punto sepueden sostener (...)
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  11. Reconstructing the Past: A Century of Ideas About Emotion in Psychology.Maria Gendron & Lisa Feldman Barrett - 2009 - Emotion Review 1 (4):316-339.
    Within the discipline of psychology, the conventional history outlines the development of two fundamental approaches to the scientific study of emotion—“basic emotion” and “appraisal” traditions. In this article, we outline the development of a third approach to emotion that exists in the psychological literature—the “psychological constructionist” tradition. In the process, we discuss a number of works that have virtually disappeared from the citation trail in psychological discussions of emotion. We also correct some misconceptions about early sources, such as work by (...)
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    (1 other version)Modeling Statistical Insensitivity: Sources of Suboptimal Behavior.Annie Gagliardi, Naomi H. Feldman & Jeffrey Lidz - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (7):188-217.
    Children acquiring languages with noun classes have ample statistical information available that characterizes the distribution of nouns into these classes, but their use of this information to classify novel nouns differs from the predictions made by an optimal Bayesian classifier. We use rational analysis to investigate the hypothesis that children are classifying nouns optimally with respect to a distribution that does not match the surface distribution of statistical features in their input. We propose three ways in which children's apparent statistical (...)
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    Amenable versus hyperfinite borel equivalence relations.Alexander S. Kechris - 1993 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 58 (3):894-907.
    LetXbe a standard Borel space, and letEbe acountableBorel equivalence relation onX, i.e., a Borel equivalence relationEfor which every equivalence class [x]Eis countable. By a result of Feldman-Moore [FM],Eis induced by the orbits of a Borel action of a countable groupGonX.The structure of general countable Borel equivalence relations is very little understood. However, a lot is known for the particularly important subclass consisting of hyperfinite relations. A countable Borel equivalence relation is calledhyperfiniteif it is induced by a Borel ℤ-action, i.e., (...)
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  14. From imago Dei in the jewish-Christian traditions to human dignity in contemporary jewish law.Y. Michael Barilan - 2009 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 19 (3):pp. 231-259.
    The article surveys and analyzes the roles in Judaism of the value of imago Dei/human dignity, especially in bioethical contexts. Two main topics are discussed. The first is a comparative analysis of imago Dei as an anthropological and ethical concept in Jewish and Western thought (Christianity and secular European values). The Jewish tradition highlights the human body and especially its procreative function and external appearance as central to imago Dei. The second is the role of imago Dei as a moral (...)
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    The Concept of Probability in Statistical Physics.Y. M. Guttmann - 1999 - Cambridge University Press.
    Foundational issues in statistical mechanics and the more general question of how probability is to be understood in the context of physical theories are both areas that have been neglected by philosophers of physics. This book fills an important gap in the literature by providing a most systematic study of how to interpret probabilistic assertions in the context of statistical mechanics. The book explores both subjectivist and objectivist accounts of probability, and takes full measure of work in the foundations of (...)
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    Political and moral concepts in the Śāntiparvan of the Mahābhārata.Y. S. Walimbe - 1990 - Delhi, India: Ajanta Books International.
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    Temperature dependence of the structure of liquid mercury up to 250°C.Y. Waseda, K. Yokoyama & K. Suzuki - 1974 - Philosophical Magazine 29 (6):1427-1430.
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    The structure of rare earth metals in the liquid state.Y. Waseda & S. Tamaki - 1977 - Philosophical Magazine 36 (1):1-8.
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    Creep behaviour in a discontinuous SiC–Zn-22% Al composite.Y. Xun & F. A. Mohamed * - 2005 - Philosophical Magazine 85 (24):2767-2785.
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  20. Filosofía de la ley según santo Tomás de Aquino..Carreras Y. Arañó & Juan[From Old Catalog] - 1919 - Madrid,: Editorial Reus (s. a.).
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  21. Obispado Castrense de Colombia, Colombia. Una ética para la paz desde la perspectiva cristiana.Área Jovenes Educación Y. Cultura, Obispado Castrense de Colombia, Juan Andrés Vargas Molina & Presbítero Obispado Castrense de Colombia - 2014 - In Javier Fernández Leal, S. Contreras & Jorge Orlando (eds.), Los retos éticos de las fuerzas militares. Medellín, Colombia: Biblioteca Jurídica Diké.
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    Modern Dönem Nesih Tartışmaları ve İbn Kesîr’in Neshe Yaklaşımı.Melek Yılmaz - 2016 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 20 (2):349-349.
    Abrogation (naskh) is one of the controversial themes of Islamic studies, especially in later period that of principle of exegesis (uṣūl al-tafsīr). However, the recent studies on abrogation (naskh) do not offer a comprehensive analysis on the concept. In fact, the problem of naskh (abrogation) is in need of a systematic and holistic approach, which would only be possible with a detailed study on how the concept of abrogation (naskh) is understood in Islamic interpretive tradition (tafsīr). With this purpose in (...)
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  23. La responsabilidad profesional del médico.Royo Villanova Y. Morales & Ricardo[From Old Catalog] - 1958 - Madrid,: Editorial Cultura Clásica y Moderna.
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  24. Apocalypse of the therapeutic: The cabin in the woods and the death of mimetic desire.Peter Y. Paik - 2015 - In Scott Cowdell, Chris Fleming & Joel Hodge (eds.), Mimesis, movies, and media. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
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  25. Teoría del conocimiento.Montes de Oca Y. Silva & José[From Old Catalog] - 1949 - México: [Departamento de Extensión Universitaria].
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    Detection of material property errors in handbooks and databases using artificial neural networks with hidden correlations.Y. M. Zhang, J. R. G. Evans & S. F. Yang - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (33):4453-4474.
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    Higienismo en la educación para indígenas.Agustín Assaneo & María Emilia Sabatella - 2021 - Saberes y Prácticas. Revista de Filosofía y Educación 6 (2):1-20.
    Durante las últimas décadas del siglo XIX y las primeras del siglo XX, el paradigma higienista se constituyó en una de las principales influencias para determinar políticas en pos de la construcción de un proyecto de país y de una ciudadanía homogénea desde el parámetro de la civilización. El objetivo de este artículo será indagar la forma en la que el higienismo como política, paradigma y disciplina se instaló como el conocimiento autorizado para mejorar las condiciones de salud de la (...)
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  28. Aspects of Language. Y. Bar-Hillel - 1973 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 24 (2):190-193.
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    Threat perception after the Boston Marathon bombings: The effects of personal relevance and conceptual framing.Jolie Baumann Wormwood, Spencer K. Lynn, Lisa Feldman Barrett & Karen S. Quigley - 2016 - Cognition and Emotion 30 (3):539-549.
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    The Biblical Antiquities of Philo.Johannes Renger, M. R. James & Louis H. Feldman - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (1):118.
  31. Numbers 1, 2 Special Issue: Objects and Attention.Brian Scholl, Brian J. Scholl, Michael Kubovy, David van Valkenburg, Zenon W. Pylyshyn, Jacob Feldman, Susan Carey, Fei Xu & Claudia Uller - 2001 - Cognition 80 (301):301-302.
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  32. Orce y Cueva Victoria: hacia un nuevo paradigma.Josep Gibert Clols & Paxo Gibert Beotas [Y.] Lluis Gibert Beotas - 1997 - Ludus Vitalis 1 (UMERO ESPECIAL):145-164.
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  33. Hand voice, left right cooperation in music performance-analogous asymmetries.Y. Guiard - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (5):328-328.
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    Collapse, creation, and continuity in Europe: How do people change.Y. P. Häyrynen - 1999 - In Yrjö Engeström, Reijo Miettinen & Raija-Leena Punamäki-Gitai (eds.), Perspectives on activity theory. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 115--132.
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    Transparency, Evaluation and Going From “Ethics-Washing” to Enforceable Regulation: On Machine Learning-Driven Clinician Decision Aids.Yuan Y. Stevens & Ma’N. H. Zawati - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (9):117-120.
    There is significant potential for machine learning (ML) models and systems to enhance prognostic, diagnostic, and therapeutic decision-making in the healthcare context. When used in clinical setti...
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    Verantwortung als Aufforderung.Kristin Y. Albrecht, Giulia Battistoni & Sabrina Zucca-Soest - 2024 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 110 (4):483-490.
    Responsibility is a central juridical, moral and social concept that calls on individuals to act in ways that are necessary and morally right. It represents a fundamental normative relationship that bridges abstract philosophical ideas with empirical social realities. Despite its everyday importance, the derivation and application of responsibility are complex and often contested. This article explores the meaning and conditions under which responsibility can be justifiably demanded, as well as its practical enforceability. Responsibility is understood as a normative relationship with (...)
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    Naming God: Moses Maimonides and Thomas Aquinas.Neil A. Stubbens - 1990 - The Thomist 54 (2):229-267.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:NAMING GOD: MOSES MAIMONIDES AND THOMAS AQUINAS NEIL A. 8TUBBENS The Methodist Ohurch Barnsley Oircuit, South Yorkshire MOSES MAIMONIDES (1135-U04) and Thomas Aquinas (c. U~5-1274), two of the greatest theologians of the Jewish and Christian faiths, had much in oommon.1 Like other Ohristian.writers, Aquinas made several criticisms of Maimonides' views on divine predication. In this article l will discuss these criticisms and evaluate them by means of a detailed (...)
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    Samuel Jonhson ve Mutluluğu Aramak: Habeşistan Prensi Rasselas Bir Hik'ye Üzerine Bir İnceleme.Tamer Yıldırım - 2024 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 26 (50):575-592.
    Habeşistan Prensi Rasselas Bir Hikâye, Dr. Samuel Johnson’ın (1709-1784) eserlerinin en popüler olanlarından biridir. Eserin ilk okuyucuları onu felsefî ve pratik açıdan önemli bir eser olarak görmüş ve bir roman olarak sınıflandırmanın zor olduğunu düşünmüştür. Johnson, eserini yaklaşık 250 yıl önce yazmasına rağmen bugün de okuyucuya hayatın, ölümün, evliliğin, öğrenmenin, eyleme karşı eylemsizliğin anlamını ve diğer birçok konuyu keşfettirmeye çalışmaktadır. Johnson, ahlak teorilerinden hareketle mutluluğu ele almamaktadır. Ahlakî failin kendisinden, insandan ve insanın yaşadığı hayat ve bunun koşullarından hareketle konuyu anlatmaktadır. (...)
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    Lateralized cognition: Asymmetrical and complementary strategies of pigeons during discrimination of the “human concept”.Y. Yamazaki, U. Aust, L. Huber, M. Hausmann & O. Güntürkün - 2007 - Cognition 104 (2):315-344.
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    White Matter Plasticity in Reading-Related Pathways Differs in Children Born Preterm and at Term: A Longitudinal Analysis.Lisa Bruckert, Lauren R. Borchers, Cory K. Dodson, Virginia A. Marchman, Katherine E. Travis, Michal Ben-Shachar & Heidi M. Feldman - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    What is Philosophy?José Ortega Y. Gasset & Mildred Adams, tr - 1960 - New York: Norton.
    A work powerful and pervading in its implications not only for metaphysics but also for art, political science, and the philosophy of history.
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    Meaning as behavior.Y. H. Krikorian - 1941 - Philosophy of Science 8 (1):83-88.
    Meanings have an empirical genesis and status. This simple claim has often been denied or ignored. Some metaphysicians in their exaltation of the eternal have regarded meanings as essences, or eternal objects, or neutral entities, in a subsistential or supernatural realm that is changeless and has no roots in nature. Some logicians in their zest to manipulate meanings isolate them so completely as forms of reason, or as syntactical symbols that at no point is their connection with natural events made (...)
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  43. Interpretación poética del arte.José Salvador Y. Conde - 1984 - Salamanca: Universidad Pontificia.
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    V Congreso Internacional de Derecho Canónico de la Edad Media.Antonio García Y. García - 1977 - Salmanticensis 24 (1):163-165.
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  45. Chapter 7 Challenges of Promoting End-of-Life Care in Residential Care Homes in Hong Kong.Y. L. Chan Helen, M. C. Pang Samantha & M. F. Leung Edward - 2013 - In Maria Rossi & Luiz Ortiz (eds.), End-of-life care: ethical issues, practices and challenges. New York: Nova Publishers.
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  46. Estudios de derecho constitucional.Manuel Herrera Y. Lasso - 1940 - Polis 2.
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    Postmodernism as a Borderland of Ages.Y. V. Oleinikov - 2019 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 62 (2):26-41.
    Postmodernism is considered as the historical stage of the transition of contemporary society from mature industrial capitalism to the qualitatively new technological and social production order. The real transformations of contemporary society’s factors have been brought into the correlation with the production changes that determine transition from Modern Age machine technologies to nanotechnologies. Existence of Postmodern society is presented as the borderland of historical ages, that is, as the period of the fading away of the Modern Age social forms and (...)
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  48. Wholes and structures: an attempt at a philosophical analysis.Knut Erik Tranøy - 1959 - Copenhagen,: Munksgaard.
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    The structures of 3d-transition metals in the liquid state.Y. Waseda & S. Tamaki - 1975 - Philosophical Magazine 32 (2):273-281.
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    Ilana Löwy: Imperfect pregnancies: a history of birth defects & prenatal diagnosis: Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 2017, 277 pp.Y. M. Barilan - 2019 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 22 (1):147-151.
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