Results for 'Yuki Miyamoto'

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  1.  27
    Influence of Social Distance Expressed by Driving Support Agent’s Utterance on Psychological Acceptability.Tomoki Miyamoto, Daisuke Katagami, Yuka Shigemitsu, Mayumi Usami, Takahiro Tanaka, Hitoshi Kanamori, Yuki Yoshihara & Kazuhiro Fujikake - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    In this study, we discuss the psychological acceptability of an utterance strategy used by the Driving Support Agent. Previous literature regarding DSA suggests that the adoption of a small robot as a form will increase acceptability. However, the agent’s utterance has been reported as a problem faced by the user. Therefore, in this study, we designed the agent’s utterance using politeness strategy as described by Brown and Levinson’s famous sociolinguistics and pragmatics theory and analyzed its acceptability through a participant-based experiment. (...)
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    Beyond the Mushroom Cloud: Commemoration, Religion, and Responsibility after Hiroshima by Yuki Miyamoto[REVIEW]Christopher Ives - 2013 - Philosophy East and West 63 (4):689-691.
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    Miyamoto Takenosuke chosakushū.Takenosuke Miyamoto - 1991 - Tōkyō: Shinkyō Shuppansha.
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    Learning individual talkers’ structural preferences.Yuki Kamide - 2012 - Cognition 124 (1):66-71.
  5.  43
    Regarding Doubt and Certainty in al-Ghazālī's Deliverance from Error and Descartes' Meditations.O. Ruddle-Miyamoto Akira - 2017 - Philosophy East and West 67 (1):160-176.
    Man is the measure of all things: of things that are, that they are; of things that are not, that they are not. In “The Age of the World Picture” Heidegger writes that the “essence of the modern age can be seen in the fact that man frees himself from the bonds of the Middle Ages in freeing himself to himself.”1 He goes on to explain that “What is decisive is not that man frees himself to himself from previous obligations, (...)
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    Bone regeneration via skeletal cell lineage plasticity: All hands mobilized for emergencies.Yuki Matsushita, Wanida Ono & Noriaki Ono - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (1):2000202.
    An emerging concept is that quiescent mature skeletal cells provide an important cellular source for bone regeneration. It has long been considered that a small number of resident skeletal stem cells are solely responsible for the remarkable regenerative capacity of adult bones. However, recent in vivo lineage‐tracing studies suggest that all stages of skeletal lineage cells, including dormant pre‐adipocyte‐like stromal cells in the marrow, osteoblast precursor cells on the bone surface and other stem and progenitor cells, are concomitantly recruited to (...)
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  7.  24
    Linear Ballistic Accumulator Modeling of Attentional Bias Modification Revealed Disturbed Evidence Accumulation of Negative Information by Explicit Instruction.Yuki Nishiguchi, Jiro Sakamoto, Yoshihiko Kunisato & Keisuke Takano - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  8.  43
    Feature and Configuration in Face Processing: Japanese Are More Configural Than Americans.Yuri Miyamoto, Sakiko Yoshikawa & Shinobu Kitayama - 2011 - Cognitive Science 35 (3):563-574.
    Previous work suggests that Asians allocate more attention to configuration information than Caucasian Americans do. Yet this cultural variation has been found only with stimuli such as natural scenes and objects that require both feature- and configuration-based processing. Here, we show that the cultural variation also exists in face perception—a domain that is typically viewed as configural in nature. When asked to identify a prototypic face for a set of disparate exemplars, Japanese were more likely than Caucasian Americans to use (...)
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  9. Emotion colors time perception unconsciously.Yuki Yamada & Takahiro Kawabe - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (4):1835-1841.
    Emotion modulates our time perception. So far, the relationship between emotion and time perception has been examined with visible emotional stimuli. The present study investigated whether invisible emotional stimuli affected time perception. Using continuous flash suppression, which is a kind of dynamic interocular masking, supra-threshold emotional pictures were masked or unmasked depending on whether the retinal position of continuous flashes on one eye was consistent with that of the pictures on the other eye. Observers were asked to reproduce the perceived (...)
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  10.  21
    Directional Control Mechanisms in Multidirectional Step Initiating Tasks.Yuki Inaba, Takahito Suzuki, Shinsuke Yoshioka & Senshi Fukashiro - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  11.  15
    Codings and strongly inaccessible cardinals.Tadatoshi Miyamoto - 2017 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 56 (7-8):1037-1044.
    We show that a coding principle introduced by J. Moore with respect to all ladder systems is equiconsistent with the existence of a strongly inaccessible cardinal. We also show that a coding principle introduced by S. Todorcevic has consistency strength at least of a strongly inaccessible cardinal.
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  12. (1 other version)Iwanami tetsugaku jiten.Wakichi Miyamoto (ed.) - 1922 - Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten.
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  13.  13
    Nihon no biishiki.Kenji Miyamoto - 2008 - Tōkyō: Kōbunsha.
    人間は「生」を得た瞬間から「死」という「滅び」に向かって生きている。そうであるからこそ「生」を尊ぶという考え方が日本の美をつくってきた。日本の美意識の基層をなし、自然に美を見いだした「優美」。演技を七 分にとどめ、完全に演じ切らないことを説いた世阿弥の「幽玄」。慢心する秀吉を戒め、侘びることを説いた利休の「侘び」。旅の途中で寂びつくして命つきることを願った芭蕉の「さび」。西欧文化の影響が背景にある「 きれい」。そして、二一世紀に世界を席巻する「かわいい」とは―。日本の美の潮流を俯瞰し、心のふるさとに耳をすます。.
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  14.  14
    Infants’ Hemodynamic Modulation in the Temporal Region.Yuki Tsuji, So Kanazawa & Masami K. Yamaguchi - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    This study examined whether 8-month-old infants’ hemodynamic responses in the temporal region were modulated by repeated presentation of “Peekaboo” by using functional near-infrared spectroscopy. Previous studies have shown that infants’ temporal region responds to faces. A recent electroencephalography study showed that the neural activity of infants was modulated by repeated presentation of “Peekaboo.” Some fNIRS studies also revealed that the movie of “Peekaboo” activated the hemodynamic response of the temporal region in infancy. However, no studies have shown the hemodynamic modulation (...)
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  15.  24
    Socially Anxious Tendencies Affect Impressions of Others’ Positive and Negative Emotional Gazes.Yuki Tsuji & Sotaro Shimada - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  16.  37
    Awareness shaping or shaped by prediction and postdiction: Editorial.Yuki Yamada, Takahiro Kawabe & Makoto Miyazaki - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  17.  19
    The Rise and Fall of Japan’s New Far Right: How Anti-Korean Discourses Went Mainstream.Yuki Asahina & Sharon J. Yoon - 2021 - Politics and Society 49 (3):363-402.
    Why has right-wing activism in Japan, despite its persistence throughout the postwar era, only gained significant traction recently? Focusing on the Zaitokukai, an anti-Korean movement in Japan, this article demonstrates how the new Far Right were able to popularize formerly stigmatized right-wing ideas. The Zaitokukai represents a political group distinct from the traditional right and reflective of new Far Right movements spreading worldwide. In Japan, concerns about the growing influence of South Korea and China in the 1980s as well as (...)
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  18.  14
    Face-Specific Pupil Contagion in Infants.Yuki Tsuji, So Kanazawa & Masami K. Yamaguchi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Pupil contagion is the phenomenon in which an observer’s pupil-diameter changes in response to another person’s pupil. Even chimpanzees and infants in early development stages show pupil contagion. This study investigated whether dynamic changes in pupil diameter would induce changes in infants’ pupil diameter. We also investigated pupil contagion in the context of different faces. We measured the pupil-diameter of 50 five- to six-month-old infants in response to changes in the pupil diameter of upright and inverted faces. The results showed (...)
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  19.  19
    How to Crack Pre-registration: Toward Transparent and Open Science.Yuki Yamada - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  20.  30
    The Influence of Globally Ungrammatical Local Syntactic Constraints on Real‐Time Sentence Comprehension: Evidence From the Visual World Paradigm and Reading.Yuki Kamide & Anuenue Kukona - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (8):2976-2998.
    We investigated the influence of globally ungrammatical local syntactic constraints on sentence comprehension, as well as the corresponding activation of global and local representations. In Experiment 1, participants viewed visual scenes with objects like a carousel and motorbike while hearing sentences with noun phrase (NP) or verb phrase (VP) modifiers like “The girl who likes the man (from London/very much) will ride the carousel.” In both cases, “girl” and “ride” predicted carousel as the direct object; however, the locally coherent combination (...)
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  21.  29
    Endosteal stem cells at the bone‐blood interface: A double‐edged sword for rapid bone formation.Yuki Matsushita, Jialin Liu, Angel Ka Yan Chu, Wanida Ono, Joshua D. Welch & Noriaki Ono - 2024 - Bioessays 46 (3):2300173.
    Endosteal stem cells are a subclass of bone marrow skeletal stem cell populations that are particularly important for rapid bone formation occurring in growth and regeneration. These stem cells are strategically located near the bone surface in a specialized microenvironment of the endosteal niche. These stem cells are abundant in young stages but eventually depleted and replaced by other stem cell types residing in a non‐endosteal perisinusoidal niche. Single‐cell molecular profiling and in vivo cell lineage analyses play key roles in (...)
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  22.  2
    The metaphysics and epistemology of the early Vaiśeṣikas: with an appendix Daśapadārthī of Candramati (a translation with a reconstructed Sanskrit text, notes, and a critical edition of the Chinese version).Keiichi Miyamoto - 1996 - Pune: Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute.
    Study of Vaiśeṣika philosophy with special reference to Vaiśeṣikadaśapadārthaśāstra.
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  23.  27
    Influence of being videotaped on the prevalence effect during visual search.Yuki Miyazaki - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  24.  41
    Bringing food desert residents to an alternative food market: a semi-experimental study of impediments to food access.Yuki Kato & Laura McKinney - 2015 - Agriculture and Human Values 32 (2):215-227.
    The emerging critique of alternative food networks (AFNs) points to several factors that could impede the participation of low-income, minority communities in the movement, namely, spatial and temporal constraints, and the lack of economic, cultural, and human capital. Based on a semi-experimental study that offers 6 weeks of free produce to 31 low-income African American households located in a New Orleans food desert, this article empirically examines the significance of the impeding factors identified by previous scholarship, through participant surveys before, (...)
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  25.  28
    Herbrand complexity and the epsilon calculus with equality.Kenji Miyamoto & Georg Moser - 2023 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 63 (1):89-118.
    The $$\varepsilon $$ -elimination method of Hilbert’s $$\varepsilon $$ -calculus yields the up-to-date most direct algorithm for computing the Herbrand disjunction of an extensional formula. A central advantage is that the upper bound on the Herbrand complexity obtained is independent of the propositional structure of the proof. Prior (modern) work on Hilbert’s $$\varepsilon $$ -calculus focused mainly on the pure calculus, without equality. We clarify that this independence also holds for first-order logic with equality. Further, we provide upper bounds analyses (...)
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  26.  69
    Weight lifting can facilitate appreciative comprehension for museum exhibits.Yuki Yamada, Shinya Harada, Wonje Choi, Rika Fujino, Akinobu Tokunaga, YueYun Gao & Kayo Miura - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  27.  15
    The Many Uses of Explain.Yuki Sugawara & Kazuho Kambara - 2023 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 32:23-46.
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  28.  8
    Mechanistic stance: An epistemic norm among scientists (Proceedings of the CAPE International Workshops, 2012. Part I: IHPST, Paris - CAPE, Kyoto philosophy of biology workshop).Yuki Sugawara & Hisashi Nakao - 2013 - CAPE Studies in Applied Philosophy and Ethics Series 1:50-59.
    November 4th-5th, 2012 at Kyoto University. Organizers: Hisashi Nakao & Pierre-Alain Braillard.
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    Cross-sectional analysis of financial relationships between board certified allergists and the pharmaceutical industry in Japan.Yuki Senoo & Anju Murayama - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-9.
    BackgroundFinancial interactions between pharmaceutical companies and physicians lead to conflicts of interest. This study examines the extent and trends of non-research payments made by pharmaceutical companies to board-certified allergists in Japan between 2016 and 2020.MethodsA retrospective analysis of disclosed payment data from pharmaceutical companies affiliated with the Japanese Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association was conducted. The study focused on non-research payments for lecturing, consulting, and manuscript drafting made to board-certified allergists from 2016 to 2020. We performed descriptive analyses on payment data. Trends (...)
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  30.  12
    The Outcome of Neurorehabilitation Efficacy and Management of Traumatic Brain Injury.Miyamoto Akira, Takata Yuichi, Ueda Tomotaka, Kubo Takaaki, Mori Kenichi & Miyamoto Chimi - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    For public health professionals, traumatic brain injury and its possible protracted repercussions are a significant source of worry. In opposed to patient neurorehabilitation with developed brain abnormalities of different etiologies, neurorehabilitation of affected persons has several distinct features. The clinical repercussions of the various types of TBI injuries will be discussed in detail in this paper. During severe TBI, the medical course frequently follows a familiar first sequence of coma, accompanied by disordered awareness, followed by agitation and forgetfulness, followed by (...)
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  31.  29
    Demonstration of Understanding Through the Deployment of Japanese Enactment.Yuki Arita - 2021 - Human Studies 44 (2):305-331.
    The present study examines the interactional phenomenon of enactment, wherein conversation participants act out themselves or others by utilizing both linguistic and non-linguistic resources and demonstrate certain ideas rather than describe them. While past research has revealed that people, based on their first- or second-hand experiences, frequently use enactment during storytelling activities to depict what story characters said and/or did, this article explores cases in which participants in Japanese conversations enact based on what co-participants have experienced. In such cases, producers (...)
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  32.  9
    Hōtagen shugi: kōsaku suru kokkahō to hikokkahō.Yuki Asano - 2018 - Tōkyō-to Chiyoda-ku: Kōbundō.
    法実証主義の現代的展開として法多元主義を位置づけるとともに、社会保障と自衛官合祀訴訟という個別の題材、さらに、組織論にもアプローチ。グローバル化がもたらす国家法と非国家法が交錯する世界を読み解く法理論 。.
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  33.  17
    The Effects of the Environment on the Drawings of an Extraordinarily Productive Orangutan Artist.Yuki Hanazuka, Hidetoshi Kurotori, Mika Shimizu & Akira Midorikawa - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  34.  30
    (1 other version)La naissance de l'éhiyehlogie.Hisao Miyamoto - 2009 - Diogène 227 (3):73-.
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  35.  20
    Measurement Accuracy of Freezing of Gait Scoring Based on Videos.Yuki Kondo, Katsuhiro Mizuno, Kyota Bando, Ippei Suzuki, Takuya Nakamura, Shusei Hashide, Hideki Kadone & Kenji Suzuki - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Freezing of gait is a common symptom in the late stages of Parkinson’s disease and related disorders. Videos are the gold standard method to conduct FOG scoring; however, the measurement accuracy of FOG scoring based on videos has not been formally assessed, despite its use in previous studies. This study aimed to calculate the measurement accuracy of video-based FOG scoring. Three evaluators scored the FOG based on 157 video data points collected from 21 patients using an annotation tool. One evaluator (...)
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  36. A quantitative measurement of colour assimilation.K. Miyamoto & T. Hasegawa - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva (ed.), Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 105-105.
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  37. Gendai shisō.Takenosuke Miyamoto & Shigeru Aoki - 1966 - Tokyodo. Edited by Shigeru Aoki.
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  38. Ningengaku to shite no tetsugaku.Fujio Miyamoto - 1970
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  39. Truthmakers for Negative Truths.Yuki Miyoshi - 2007 - Sorites 19:92-107.
    Finding truthmakers for negative truths has been a problem in philosophy for a long time. I will present and discuss the solution to this problem offered by Bertrand Russell, Raphael Demos, D. M. Armstrong, and myself. I will argue that some negative truths do not require truthmakers and that truthmakers for the other negative truths are the entities that these negative truths imply exist. I will also argue that truthmakers for general truths of the form, only X, Y, Z, and (...)
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  40.  30
    Evil as a social action.Yuki Nakamura - 2018 - Thesis Eleven 144 (1):46-58.
    This paper explores how to theoretically transcend the division that exists between nonautonomous and autonomous evil. Evil in the context of this paper is a social action that harms others against their will. Traditional social theory has explained the evil in modernity as a pathology or as the result of the organizational and bureaucratic structures of society that was beyond the agency of individuals. The concepts of nonautonomous and autonomous evil developed by John Kekes are used to clarify the types (...)
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  41. Depiction of the Ideal Garden in "Standing Screen of Flowers and Birds of the Four Seasons" by KANO Motonobu from the collection of Hakutsuru Museum of Art: Focusing on the Elements of Pure Land and Actual Gardens.Yuki Shimada - 2005 - Bigaku 56 (3):15-28.
    The standing screens on the title is the oldest work extant of KANO Motonobu's work as folding screens of thick colored flowers and birds with golden background. This thesis designates that the scenery and the motif of the work are in correspondence with both descriptions of the scenery of Pure Land in several Buddhist scriptures and the design of actual gardens. Firstly, a peacock on the right hand screen is focused to indicate the bird connotes the elements of auspicious birds (...)
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  42.  30
    Can Truth Pluralism Preserve Substantive Truth?真理の多元主義は実質性を保てるか.Yuki Suda - 2020 - Kagaku Tetsugaku 53 (1):1-24.
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  43.  17
    Predicting the Structure of a Lexical Environment from Properties of Verbal Working Memory.Yuki Tanida & Satoru Saito - 2022 - Cognitive Science 46 (8):e13181.
    Cognitive Science, Volume 46, Issue 8, August 2022.
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  44. Gakko no genzai.Såoichi Yuki & Satoru Natsuki - 1989 - Tōkyō: Daiwa Shobō. Edited by Satoru Natsuki.
  45.  38
    Cultural differences in the dialectical and non-dialectical emotional styles and their implications for health.Yuri Miyamoto & Carol D. Ryff - 2011 - Cognition and Emotion 25 (1):22-39.
  46.  16
    Differences in the distribution of attention to trained procedure between finders and non-finders of the alternative better procedure.Yuki Ninomiya, Hitoshi Terai & Kazuhisa Miwa - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The human ability to flexibly discover alternatives without fixating on a known solution supports a variety of human creative activities. Previous research has shown that people who discover an alternative procedure relax their attentional bias to information regarding the known solutions just prior to the discovery. This study examined whether the difference in the distribution of attention between the finders and non-finders of the alternative procedure is observed from the phase of solving the problem using the trained procedure. We evaluated (...)
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  47.  88
    Imagining the future self through thought experiments.K. Miyamoto, M. F. S. Rushworth & Nicholas Shea - 2023 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences.
    The ability of the mind to conceptualize what is not present is essential. It allows us to reason counterfactually about what might have happened had events unfolded differently or had another course of action been taken. It allows us to think about what might happen – to perform 'Gedankenexperimente' (thought experiments) – before we act. However, the cognitive and neural mechanisms mediating this ability are poorly understood. We suggest that the frontopolar cortex (FPC) keeps track of and evaluates alternative choices (...)
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  48.  22
    Forcing the Mapping Reflection Principle by finite approximations.Tadatoshi Miyamoto & Teruyuki Yorioka - 2021 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 60 (6):737-748.
    Moore introduced the Mapping Reflection Principle and proved that the Bounded Proper Forcing Axiom implies that the size of the continuum is ℵ2\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\aleph _2$$\end{document}. The Mapping Reflection Principle follows from the Proper Forcing Axiom. To show this, Moore utilized forcing notions whose conditions are countable objects. Chodounský–Zapletal introduced the Y-Proper Forcing Axiom that is a weak fragments of the Proper Forcing Axiom but implies some important conclusions from the Proper Forcing Axiom, (...)
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  49.  29
    Predictive processing of novel compounds: Evidence from Japanese.Yuki Hirose & Reiko Mazuka - 2015 - Cognition 136 (C):350-358.
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  50. Fundamentals of Japanese grammar: comprehensive acquisition.Yuki Johnson - 2013 - Philosophy East and West 63 (2).
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