Results for 'Yusuke Haruki'

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  1. Folk Intuitions about Free Will and Moral Responsibility: Evaluating the Combined Effects of Misunderstandings about Determinism and Motivated Cognition.Kiichi Inarimori, Yusuke Haruki & Kengo Miyazono - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (11):e70014.
    In this study, we conducted large-scale experiments with novel descriptions of determinism. Our goal was to investigate the effects of desires for punishment and comprehension errors on people’s intuitions about free will and moral responsibility in deterministic scenarios. Previous research has acknowledged the influence of these factors, but their total effect has not been revealed. Using a large-scale survey of Japanese participants, we found that the failure to understand causal determination (intrusion) has limited effects relative to other factors and that (...)
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  2. Special Theory of Relativity Seen from a Perspective of the Humanities.Yusuke Kaneko - 2018 - The Basis: The Annual Bulletin of ResearchCenter for Liberal Education (Musashino University) 8 (2018):141-162.
    Although written in Japanese, an overall picture of special theory of relativity is drawn, which would surely be useful for beginners as well as researchers of the humanities.
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  3. Man as Woman : Beauvoir’s Gender Theory in terms of a Sartrian Philosophy.Yusuke Kaneko - 2019 - Journal of Humanities Chiba University 48:1-30.
    Although written in Japanese, this article deals with what the gender theory is all about by reference to Beauvoir's Le Deuxième Sexe. Sartre's works are also heavily cited to clarify the background of Beauvoir's philosophy.
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    複合属性による領域分割を用いた決定木 Dtmacc.Inazumi Hiroshige Kushi Yusuke - 2002 - Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 17:44-52.
    A decision tree is one of the machine learning techniques and also one of the major knowledge representations of data mining results.This is because it is easy to understand its meaning for human analysts.Even ID3, the representative algorithm, is known to exhibit remarkable performance deterioration under certain circumstances, particularly due to strong correlation between attributes representing the class of examples. One of the approaches to get more preferable decision trees is pre-processing the training data to extend its description, such as (...)
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    行為理由はなんのために.Yusuke Kaneko - 2021 - Kagaku Tetsugaku 53 (2):215-238.
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  6. Bukkyō to sono tetsuri.Yusuke Yamaguchi - 1968 - Okura Shuppan.
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    Metacontrast masking is ineffective in the first 6 months of life.Yusuke Nakashima, So Kanazawa & Masami K. Yamaguchi - 2024 - Cognition 242 (C):105666.
  8. An Observation of the Political in Husserl’s Phenomenological Critique and Subjectivity:A Schmittian Investigation.Yusuk Lee - 2018 - Research in Philosophy and Phenomenology 78:105-145.
    The concept and the logic of the political, the most notable Schmittian ideas, based on the friend/enemy distinction and his thought on political theology have been widely and critically discussed and actively appropriated with various interpretations. On the other hand, we find that there is certain definite momentum piercing through the theoretical structure of Husserl’s phenomenology in general both as a form of metaphysics and as a philosophical movement, which can also be called the political. In this circumstance, we find (...)
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  9.  44
    The early development of executive function and its relation to social interaction: a brief review.Yusuke Moriguchi - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
  10.  18
    Doing reflecting: Embodied solitary confirmation of instructed enactment.Yusuke Arano - 2020 - Discourse Studies 22 (3):261-290.
    Employing conversation analysis, this article investigates instructions in lessons for guitar and Japanese calligraphy. In receiving an instruction, the students in the guitar lessons are expected to immediately follow the instruction. In contrast to the guitar lessons, the students in the calligraphy lessons are not institutionally expected to immediately follow the teacher’s instructions but to receive them. However, the students often gesticulate what they learned from and could make sense of the prior instruction upon completion of an instruction activity. I (...)
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    Eugen Finks Kant-Interpretation.Yusuke Ikeda - 2015 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 4 (2):154-185.
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    Cadaveric donation and the family: Perspectives from the legal history of Japan.Yusuke Inoue & Hyunsoo Hong - 2009 - Asian Bioethics Review 1 (4):342-353.
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    (1 other version)Logic of My Mind (心の論理 Kokoro no ronri).Yusuke Kaneko - 2016 - Koyo-shobo, Inc..
    Although written in Japanese, this book becomes a landmark of my works so far: that on Zangwill (Kaneko, 2011), that on Utilitarianism (2013), and so on. The novelty shown in it is a formalization of traditional philosophy including Kant (its practical philosophy), Utilitarianism (Hume, Bentham, and Mill), and furthermore, Descartes. I try to locate these traditional thoughts within modern forms which I make in the name of "practical syllogism." This attempt would open up a new approach to ethical motivation.
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    Building rapport through sequentially linked joke-serious responses in Second Language job interviews.Yusuke Okada - 2015 - Pragmatics and Society 6 (4):593-614.
    This study aims to explicate interviewer and candidate conversational practices in L2 job interviews as they relate to the assessment of a candidate’s qualification for a particular position. The data consisted of 27 audio-recorded job interviews for the position of student assistant in English classes at a Japanese university. The analysis of these interactional data, conducted using conversational analysis methodology, revealed that the inadequacy of a candidate’s response is constructed by means of the interviewer’s subsequent pursuit of a relevant answer (...)
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    A Note on Implementation of Bargaining Solutions.Yusuke Samejima - 2005 - Theory and Decision 59 (3):175-191.
    Miyagawa (Games and Economics Behavior 41(2), 292–308 [2002]) provides a simple extensive game form that implements a large class of two-agent bargaining solutions in subgame-perfect equilibrium. This class includes all of the Nash, Kalai–Smorodinsky, and relative utilitarian solutions. This note extends Miyagawa’s result to multi-agent bargaining problems.
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  16. Cloning Centering at Egoism.Yusuke Kaneko - 2019 - The Basis : The Annual Bulletin of Research Center for Liberal Education 9:245-260.
    Cloning research caught a great deal of attention when Dolly the sheep was born (§4). While some fear surrounded the attainment (§§14-15), Wilmutʼs research itself has grown well, providing a less vicious manner to gain ES cells (§12). In this article, we review the progress of cloning research along with the concern of medical circles about its application to reproductive cloning, that is to say, making replicas of human beings (§§16-21). Note that all the content is ascribed to the author (...)
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  17.  23
    An Observation of the Political in Husserl’s Phenomenological Critique and Subjectivity. Yusuk - 2018 - Phenomenology and Contemporary Philosoph 78:105-145.
    “정치적인 것” 또는 “정치적임”(the political)은 칼 슈미트 정치이론에서 핵심적 역할을 하는 개념이다. 친구와 적을 실존적으로 구분하는 것을 이 개념논리의 핵심으로 간주하고, 모든 서구 근대 국가정치이론의 권력개념의 근간을 서구신학에서 찾고 있는 슈미트의 정치신학적 사유는 많은 논란과 함께 오랫동안 널리 논의되고 다양하게 해석되어 왔다. 한편, 우리는 자칭 최고형태의 형이상학이자 철학운동의 한 형태인 후썰현상학 체계 전반을 관통하는 일종의 “구조적 정치성”이 있음을 발견한다. 특히 후썰식 현상학적 주체와 비판 개념의 형이상학적 이론구조는 “정치적”이라는 개념으로 표상되고 파악되는 특성을 분명히 보이고 있다. 이러할 때, 우리는 슈미트식 정치 개념과 (...)
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  18.  45
    Editorial: Development of Executive Function during Childhood.Yusuke Moriguchi, Nicolas Chevalier & Philip D. Zelazo - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  19.  11
    L'allégeance à l'État moderne: construction de la morale politique en France et au Japon.Yusuke Inenaga - 2015 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    La 4ème de couverture indique : "La consolidation de la IIIe République et de l’État Meiji s’appuie sur trois piliers : administration agricole, éducation publique et conscription universelle. À cet égard, l’analyse comparée de la construction de la morale politique française et japonaise au XIXe siècle est instructive, qui révèle une proximité. L’attachement égal du citoyen républicain et du sujet impérial à une sacralité, qu’elle fût « laïque » ou « théocratique », du régime politique le définissant, montre que la (...)
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  20. Logic of ethics(リンリのロンリ:カントと功利主義にいたる六十三の哲学講義).Yusuke Kaneko - 2020 - Kyoto: Koyo-shobo, Inc..
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  21. On the Net: Baran, Dreyfus, Merleau-Ponty, and Austin.Yusuke Kaneko - 2020 - The Basis : The Annual Bulletin of Research Center for Liberal Education, Musashino University 10:183-201.
    The Internet was born in 1960’s, then Internet ethics appeared as a branch of information ethics. It seems, however, our status on the Net is not yet scrutinized. We investigate this problem with the help of philosophers like Dreyfus, Merleau-Ponty, and Austin.
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  22. The Role of Positivism in Husserl’s Transcendental Phenomenology.Yusuk Lee - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 19:61-68.
    Husserl’s phenomenology opens itself with a critique of positive sciences. Husserl problematizes the hardcore presupposition of positivism that the world is a definite sort of an existential totality of objects and thus it is exhaustible with empirical data and deductive-conceptual abstraction on the basis of causalspatio-temoprality. Criticizing the wholesome reduction of nature into a physical reality and the instrumentalizing of theoretical reason, he proposes transcendental phenomenology, as an ideal form of science. Self-entitled as the genuine science, the science of origin, (...)
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    Can young children learn words from a robot?Yusuke Moriguchi, Takayuki Kanda, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Yoko Shimada & Shoji Itakura - 2011 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 12 (1):107-118.
    Young children generally learn words from other people. Recent research has shown that children can learn new actions and skills from nonhuman agents. This study examines whether young children could learn words from a robot. Preschool children were shown a video in which either a woman or a mechanical robot labeled novel objects. Then the children were asked to select the objects according to the names used in the video. The results revealed that children in the human condition were more (...)
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  24. Existential Import : an Extensional Approach.Yusuke Kaneko - 2023 - The Basis : The Annual Bulletin of Research Center for Liberal Education, Musashino University 13 (1):85-102.
    The original interest of this article lies in existential import. It provides a broader view on the problem by reference to modern, symbolic logic (ch.1). Gradually, however, our interest will change into the amalgamated expressions often used in logic; that is, why are such expressions as “x is a round triangle” applied in logic? We critically discuss this question from an extensional viewpoint, namely model theoretic semantics (ch.2). We also touch on Church’s λ-calculus in the appendix (app.2).
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    Practical Syllogisms: From Humeanism To Utilitarianism.Yusuke Kaneko - 2024 - E-Logos 31 (2).
    The practical syllogism of the customary type, “desire, belief /∴ action”, which we may also formulate as “WI (q), BI (p→q) /∴ p”, is the main topic of the following discussions. This syllogism is not valid, viewed at the level of rigid, symbolic logic. That is the initial claim made in this article (§2). Kant may save us from this dead end (§1); but his logic of the imperative is never always provided for our ordinary lives (§3.1). Contrasting the two, (...)
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    Teaching others rule-use improves executive function and prefrontal activations in young children.Yusuke Moriguchi, Yoko Sakata, Mikako Ishibashi & Yusuke Ishikawa - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  27. The Wrath of Thrasymachus: A Thought on the Politics of Philosophical Praxis based on a Counter-Phenomenological Reinvestigation of the Thrasymachus-Socrates Debate in Plato’s Republic. Yusuk - 2020 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 52 (3):203-222.
    The phenomenological vision, particularly, Husserl’s idea of critique as an infinite vocational theoria and Patočka’s as an enduring programme, view Platonic logic and Socratic act as the paradigms for a normative justification of the idea of universal science and philosophy. In light of that, the Thrasymachus-Socrates debate is interpreted as a case to testify the critical power of philosophy successfully exercised over sophistic tyrannical non-philosophy. This paper criticizes the phenomenological idealization of the Socratic victory as an ethico-teleologically anticipated success of (...)
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    Children and Genetic Identification of Talent.Yusuke Inoue & Kaori Muto - 2011 - Hastings Center Report 41 (5):49-49.
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    最大共通要素をたてる見方に抗うということ.Yusuke Ogawa - 2020 - Journal of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 47 (2):81-96.
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    Sound and relatively complete belief Hoare logic for statistical hypothesis testing programs.Yusuke Kawamoto, Tetsuya Sato & Kohei Suenaga - 2024 - Artificial Intelligence 326 (C):104045.
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  31. Modern Philosophy and Gender.Yusuke Kaneko - 2008 - Philosophical Studies (University of Tokyo) 27:151-164.
    Written in Japanese, the overall picture of the thoughts of modern philosophers, namely Hume, Kant, and Mill, is put forward.
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    The Gaze-Cueing Effect in the United States and Japan: Influence of Cultural Differences in Cognitive Strategies on Control of Attention.Saki Takao, Yusuke Yamani & Atsunori Ariga - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  33. Gödel's Incomplete Theorem: a sequel to Logic and Analytic Philosophy.Yusuke Kaneko - 2021 - The Basis : The Annual Bulletin of Research Center for Liberal Education 11:81-107.
    Although written in Japanese, this article handles historical and technical survey of Gödel's incompleteness theorem thoroughly.
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  34. What is the Statistical Inference? : An Invitation to Carnap's inductive Logic.Yusuke Kaneko - 2022 - The Basis : The Annual Bulletin of Research Center for Liberal Education 12:91-117.
    Although written in Japanese, what the statistical inference is philosophically investigated.
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    What is LK? Vol.5. Solved Problems in Propositional Logic (Textbook Series in Symbolic Logic).Yusuke Kaneko - 2024 - Amazon Kindle.
    LK is much more difficult than NK, and to make matters worse, Gentzen's intention is still unclear when it comes to that system (LK). -/- After long surveys conducted from Vol.1 to Vol.4, all of which shares the common title What is LK?, this fifth volume finally handles the solved problems in the realm of propositional logic in LK.
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    What is LK? Vol.6. Solved Problems in Propositional Logic II (Textbook Series in Symbolic Logic).Yusuke Kaneko - 2024
    LK is much more difficult than NK, and to make matters worse, Gentzen's intention is still unclear when it comes to that system (LK). -/- After long surveys conducted from Vol.1 to Vol.5, all of which shares the common title What is LK?, this sixth volume, a direct continuation of Vol.5, successively handles the solved problems in the realm of propositional logic in LK.
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  37. Ronri no tetsugaku.Yusuke Yamaguchi - 1979
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    L’événementialité du phénomène selon « Neue Phänomenologie in Frankreich ».Yusuke Ikeda - 2015 - Revue Internationale Michel Henry 6:177-202.
    Cet article cherche à examiner la thèse fondamentale de Neue Phänomenologie in Frankreich, selon laquelle la spécificité du mouvement phénoménologique récent en France consisterait à décrire le « phénomène phénoménologique » d’une nouvelle manière et précisément selon son « événementialité ». À cette fin, il ne suffit pas simplement de reconstruire ou de résumer cette thèse telle qu’elle est exposée dans l’ouvrage, mais il est également nécessaire de construire de manière progressive le concept général d’événement et celui de « phénomène (...)
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    Fink und Kants Dialektik.Yusuke Ikeda - 2022 - Phänomenologische Forschungen 2022 (2):76-94.
    This paper elucidates Fink’s phenomenology of the world in its basic conception by illustrating his Kant-interpretation. However, some scholars support that his conceptions are not related to Kant’s transcendental dialectic but rather generated from Hegelian speculative one. In contrast to those views in secondary literature, this study demonstrates, on the one hand, the decisive meaning of Kant’s transcendental dialectic, especially the “cosmological antinomy”, for the formation of Fink’s philosophy as a whole and, on the other hand, how Fink elucidates phenomenologically (...)
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    What is LK? Vol.3. Operational Inference-Figures for Propositional Logic (Textbook Series in Symbolic Logic).Yusuke Kaneko - 2024 - Amazon Kindle.
    LK is much more difficult than NK, and to make matters worse, Gentzen's intention is still unclear when it comes to that system (LK). -/- The second and third volumes of the series titled What is LK? conduct the detailed survey of each inference-figure in a toe-to-toe way, as it were, which most mathematicians looked through. -/- The present volume, Vol.3, looks deeper into those operational inference-figures which concerns propositional logic.
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    What is LK? Vol.4. Operational Inference-Figures for Predicate Logic (Textbook Series in Symbolic Logic).Yusuke Kaneko - 2024 - Japan: Amazon Kindle.
    LK is much more difficult than NK, and to make matters worse, Gentzen's intention is still unclear when it comes to that system (LK). -/- The second, third, and fourth volumes of the series titled What is LK? conduct the detailed survey of each inference-figure in a toe-to-toe way, as it were, which most mathematicians looked through. -/- The present volume, Vol.4, looks deeper into those operational inference-figures which concerns predicate logic.
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    Goal Attribution toward Non-Human Objects during Infancy Predicts Imaginary Companion Status during Preschool Years.Yusuke Moriguchi, Yasuhiro Kanakogi, Naoya Todo, Yuko Okumura, Ikuko Shinohara & Shoji Itakura - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  43. The History of Biology and its Importance for Gender Studies.Yusuke Kaneko - 2016 - GÉNEROS –Multidisciplinary Journal of Gender Studies 5 (2).
    The aim of this paper is to call the attention, especially that of feminists, to the current progress in biology. It appears gender studies still confine themselves to outdated ideas of sex chromosomes like XX, XY (§10). However, science has been making progress. It no longer sticks to such matters as XX, XY. Its interest is now in Sry, a kind of gene (§11), and MIS, a kind of sex hormone (§14). Abnormalities of sex chromosomes are no longer evidence to (...)
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  44. The Confirmation of Singular Causal Statements by Carnap’s Inductive Logic.Yusuke Kaneko - 2012 - Logica Year Book 2011.
    The aim of this paper is to apply inductive logic to the field that, presumably, Carnap never expected: legal causation. Legal causation is expressible in the form of singular causal statements; but it is distinguished from the customary concept of scientific causation, because it is subjective. We try to express this subjectivity within the system of inductive logic. Further, by semantic complement, we compensate a defect found in our application, to be concrete, the impossibility of two-place predicates (for causal relationship) (...)
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  45. Logic and Analytic Philosophy (論理と分析:文系のための記号論理入門).Yusuke Kaneko - 2019 - Kyoto: Koyo-shobo, Inc..
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    Effect of Walking Adaptability on an Uneven Surface by a Stepping Pattern on Walking Activity After Stroke.Yusuke Sekiguchi, Keita Honda & Shin-Ichi Izumi - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Real-world walking activity is important for poststroke patients because it leads to their participation in the community and physical activity. Walking activity may be related to adaptability to different surface conditions of the ground. The purpose of this study was to clarify whether walking adaptability on an uneven surface by step is related to daily walking activity in patients after stroke. We involved 14 patients who had hemiparesis after stroke and 12 healthy controls. The poststroke patients were categorized as least (...)
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    On Kierkegaard's concept of 'inclosing reserve' in the sickness unto death.Yusuke Suzuki - 2012 - Heythrop Journal 53 (1):1-8.
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    On Kierkegaard's Religious Crisis in 1848.Yusuke Suzuki - 2014 - Heythrop Journal 55 (5):799-808.
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    Wittgenstein’s Relations to Kierkegaard Reconsidered: Wittgenstein’s Diaries 1930–1932, 1936–1937.Yusuke Suzuki - 2011 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 2011 (1):465-476.
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    Against ellipsis: arguments for the direct licensing of ‘noncanonical’ coordinations.Yusuke Kubota & Robert Levine - 2015 - Linguistics and Philosophy 38 (6):521-576.
    Categorial grammar is well-known for its elegant analysis of coordination enabled by the flexible notion of constituency it entertains. However, to date, no systematic study exists that examines whether this analysis has any obvious empirical advantage over alternative analyses of nonconstituent coordination available in phrase structure-based theories of syntax. This paper attempts precisely such a comparison. We compare the direct constituent coordination analysis of non-canonical coordinations in categorial grammar with an ellipsis-based analysis of the same phenomena in the recent HPSG (...)
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