Results for 'active principles'

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  1. The active principle in stoic philosophy.Havard Lokke - 2009 - In Juhani Pietarinen & Valtteri Viljanen (eds.), The World as Active Power: Studies in the History of European Reason. Leiden: Brill.
  2. Matter, Mind, and Active Principles in Mid-Eighteenth-Century British Physiology.John Wright - 1985 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 4:17-27.
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    Active Principles and Trinities in Berkeley's Siris.Timo Airaksinen - 2010 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 135 (1):57.
    La Siris est une série d’arguments qui aboutit à Dieu. D’abord, Dieu est un principe métaphysique qui, par causalité, régit le monde, ou macrocosme. Mais les paragraphes terminaux de la Siris traitent de Dieu dans une perspective théologique : Berkeley introduit la notion de Trinité et la relie à ses raisonnements antérieurs. Il dit que le Père, le Fils et l’Esprit correspondent aux notions philosophiques de soleil, de lumière et de chaleur. J’étudie ces paragraphes théologiques et leur articulation avec ce (...)
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    Monitoring Autophagy Flux and Activity: Principles and Applications.Takashi Ueno & Masaaki Komatsu - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (11):2000122.
    Macroautophagy is a major degradation mechanism of cell components via the lysosome. Macroautophagy greatly contributes to not only cell homeostasis but also the prevention of various diseases. Because macroautophagy proceeds through multi‐step reactions, researchers often face a persistent question of how macroautophagic activity can be measured correctly. To make a straightforward determination of macroautophagic activity, diverse monitoring assays have been developed. Direct measurement of lysosome‐dependent degradation of radioisotopically labeled cell proteins has long been applied. Meanwhile, indirect monitoring procedures have been (...)
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    The Body As the Active Principle in the Constitution of Perceptual Space.David L. Thompson - unknown
    My thesis is that modern neurological discoveries overthrow the classical dualism which assigns all the constitutive activity of perception to the mind and leaves the body a purely passive role. The paper is in four parts: first I will present the traditional theory, using Berkeley's concept of activity as the key; then I will summarize the relevant aspects of contemporary neurology; third, the incompatibility of these two approaches will be discussed; finally, I will propose that we must reject the materialistic (...)
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  6. Occult Qualities and the Experimental Philosophy: Active Principles in Pre-Newtonian Matter Theory.John Henry - 1986 - History of Science 24 (4):335-381.
  7. Reason, Morality, and Hume’s “Active Principles”: Comments on Rachel Cohon’s Hume’s Morality: Feeling and Fabrication.Elizabeth S. Radcliffe - 2008 - Hume Studies 34 (2):267-276.
    Rachel Cohon's Hume is a moral sensing theorist, who holds both that moral qualities are mind-dependent and that there is such a thing as moral knowledge. He is an anti-rationalist about motivation, arguing that reason alone does not motivate, but allows that both beliefs and passions are motivating. And he is both a descriptive and a normative moral theorist who, despite having resources for putting checks on our sentimentally-based moral evaluations, does end up with a kind of a relativistic account (...)
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    Notes on some experiments with the active principle of mesembrianthemum tortuosum, L.Isaac Meiring - 1895 - Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 9 (1):48-50.
  9. Ontological principles and the intelligibility of epistemic activities.Hasok Chang - 2008 - In Henk W. De Regt, Sabina Leonelli & Kai Eigner (eds.), Scientific Understanding: Philosophical Perspectives. University of Pittsburgh Press. pp. 64--82.
  10. The Markov blankets of life: autonomy, active inference and the free energy principle.Michael David Kirchhoff - 2018 - Journal of the Royal Society Interface 15 (138).
    This work addresses the autonomous organization of biological systems. It does so by considering the boundaries of biological systems, from individual cells to Home sapiens, in terms of the presence of Markov blankets under the active inference scheme—a corollary of the free energy principle. A Markov blanket defines the boundaries of a system in a statistical sense. Here we consider how a collective of Markov blankets can self-assemble into a global system that itself has a Markov blanket; thereby providing (...)
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  11. Human Creative Activity as Separability of Principles: The Possibility of Good and Evil.M. Millucci - 1999 - Analecta Husserliana 60:461-472.
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    Is Cultural-Historical Activity Theory Threatened to Fall Short of its Own Principles and Possibilities as a Dialectical Social Science?Ines Langemeyer & Wolf-Michael Roth - 2006 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 8 (2):20-42.
    In recent years, many researchers engaged in diverse areas and approaches of “cultural-historical activity theory” (CHAT) realized an increasing international interest in Lev S. Vygotsky’s, A. N. Leont’ev’s, and A. Luria’s work and its continuations. Not so long ago, Yrjö Engeström noted that the activity approach was still “the best-held secret of academia” (p. 64) and highlighted the “impressive dimension of theorizing behind” it. Certainly, this remark reflects a time when CHAT was off the beaten tracks. But if this situation (...)
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  13. The duality principle: Irreducibility of sub-threshold psychophysical computation to neuronal brain activation.Jonathan Bentwich - 2006 - Synthese 153 (3):451-455.
    A key working hypothesis in neuroscience is ‘materialistic reductionism’, i.e., the assumption whereby all physiological, behavioral or cognitive phenomena is produced by localized neurochemical brain activation (but not vice versa). However, analysis of sub-threshold Weber’s psychophysical stimulation indicates its computational irreducibility to the direct interaction between psychophysical stimulation and any neuron/s. This is because the materialistic-reductionistic working hypothesis assumes that the determination of the existence or non-existence of any psychophysical stimulation [s] may only be determined through its direct interaction [di1] (...)
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    Using Principles of Catholic Social Thought to Evaluate Business Activities.S. Gerald F. Cavanagh, Jeanne M. David & S. Simon J. Hendry - 2013 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 10 (1):155-177.
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    Principles of Experimental Psychology: The Levels of Activity and the Utilization of Experience.Henri Piéron - 1929 - Routledge.
    First Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    The Principle of Cooperation in Confidential Withholdings of HIV Status from Partners of Sexually Active Patients Who Do Not Intend to Disclose: A Role for Organizational Moral Agency.Peter A. Depergola Ii - 2018 - Journal of Clinical Research and Bioethics 9 (2).
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    Moral Principles, Freedom, and the Work Activity of the Individual.V. T. Efimov - 1978 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 17 (3):25-43.
    The policy adopted by the Twenty-fifth Congress of the CPSU on raising the quality of work and the effectiveness of social production means that work must be more highly organized and disciplined and that initiative and creative searching must be fostered. "The country sets as its goal enlargement of the real opportunities for citizens to apply their creative powers, abilities, and gifts and for comprehensive development of the individual.".
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  18. The principle of discrimination or distinction.Larry May - unknown
    The principle of discrimination (or distinction, as it is sometimes called in legal circles) requires that soldiers treat civilians differently from fellow soldiers, generally not attacking the former except in extreme situations. The Geneva Conventions call for a clear separation of people into two camps: those who are protected from assault, including army medical personnel, injured soldiers, prisoners of war, and civilians on the one hand, and soldiers actively engaged in hostilities on the other hand. Since the Middle Ages, it (...)
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    Integrating religious principles and human resource management activities.Daniel J. Koys - 2001 - Teaching Business Ethics 5 (2):121-139.
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  20. Active Externalism and Epistemic Internalism.J. Adam Carter & S. Orestis Palermos - 2015 - Erkenntnis 80 (4):753-772.
    Internalist approaches to epistemic justification are, though controversial, considered a live option in contemporary epistemology. Accordingly, if ‘active’ externalist approaches in the philosophy of mind—e.g. the extended cognition and extended mind theses—are _in principle_ incompatible with internalist approaches to justification in epistemology, then this will be an epistemological strike against, at least the _prima facie_ appeal of, active externalism. It is shown here however that, contrary to pretheoretical intuitions, neither the extended cognition _nor_ the extended mind theses are (...)
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    (1 other version)An Evaluative Study to Determine the Extent of Shat Al-Arab Corniche Design Conformity with Active Urban Design Principles.Amenah Abdulmunem Alkamil, Dr Lina Ghanim Yaqub & Dr Mufeed Ehsan - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1328-1341.
    The trend of active urban design appeared in the year 2005, and as a result of the increasing factors encouraging inactivity and lack of physical activity, cities began to move towards active urban design to make physical activity part of daily practices in the urban environment, which supports the health of its residents. The research dealt with the concept of active urban design, its principles, and the most important influences on human behaviour that encourage active (...)
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  22.  51
    Active inference models do not contradict folk psychology.Ryan Smith, Maxwell J. D. Ramstead & Alex Kiefer - 2022 - Synthese 200 (2):1-37.
    Active inference offers a unified theory of perception, learning, and decision-making at computational and neural levels of description. In this article, we address the worry that active inference may be in tension with the belief–desire–intention model within folk psychology because it does not include terms for desires at the mathematical level of description. To resolve this concern, we first provide a brief review of the historical progression from predictive coding to active inference, enabling us to distinguish between (...)
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    Positivist and hermeneutic principles in psychology: Activity and social categorisation.László Garai & Margit Köcski - 1991 - Studies in East European Thought 42 (2):123-135.
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    Societal-level ethical responsibilities regarding active euthanasia: an analysis using the Universal Declaration of Ethical Principles for Psychologists.Carole Sinclair - 2020 - Ethics and Behavior 30 (1):14-27.
    Using the Universal Declaration of Ethical Principles for Psychologists as an ethical framework, some of the major successes, challenges and needs that psychology has regarding its responsibilities to society in the area of end-of-life decision making and active euthanasia are outlined in this paper. Four particular responsibilities are highlighted: (a) increase professional and scientific knowledge; (b) use psychological knowledge for beneficial purposes; (c) adequately train its members: and (d) encourage beneficial social structures and policies. For each responsibility, some (...)
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    Particulars and principles of nervous activity.George Székely - 1980 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (4):562-562.
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  26. The precautionary principle : egoism, altruism, and the active SETI debate.Adam Korbitz - 2014 - In Douglas A. Vakoch (ed.), Extraterrestrial altruism: evolution and ethics in the cosmos. New York: Springer.
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  27. Active Inference and the Primacy of the ‘I Can’.Jelle Bruineberg - 2017 - Philosophy and Predictive Processing.
    This paper deals with the question of agency and intentionality in the context of the free-energy principle. The free-energy principle is a system-theoretic framework for understanding living self-organizing systems and how they relate to their environments. I will first sketch the main philosophical positions in the literature: a rationalist Helmholtzian interpretation (Hohwy 2013; Clark 2013), a cybernetic interpretation (Seth 2015b) and the enactive affordance-based interpretation (Bruineberg and Rietveld 2014; Bruineberg et al. 2016) and will then show how agency and intentionality (...)
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    An Activation‐Based Model of Sentence Processing as Skilled Memory Retrieval.Richard L. Lewis & Shravan Vasishth - 2005 - Cognitive Science 29 (3):375-419.
    We present a detailed process theory of the moment‐by‐moment working‐memory retrievals and associated control structure that subserve sentence comprehension. The theory is derived from the application of independently motivated principles of memory and cognitive skill to the specialized task of sentence parsing. The resulting theory construes sentence processing as a series of skilled associative memory retrievals modulated by similarity‐based interference and fluctuating activation. The cognitive principles are formalized in computational form in the Adaptive Control of Thought–Rational (ACT–R) architecture, (...)
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    New Theoretical Framework for Approaching Artistic Activity: the Principle of Uncertainty. Pierre-Michel Menger’s Sociology of Creative Work.Dan-Eugen Raţiu - 2012 - Cultura 9 (1):101-122.
    This article explores recent developments in the sociology of the arts, namely the new theoretical framework set up by the French sociologist Pierre-Michel Menger in order to approach the artistic activity. It aims to show how he has shaped new tools of understanding and modelling for exploring the arts, as a particular world of action. Laying down the foundation of a conception of action related to symbolic interactionism and drawing on the economic analysis of risk and uncertainty, Menger move towards (...)
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  30. Brain activity and cognition: a connection from thermodynamics and information theory.Guillem Collell & Jordi Fauquet - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
    The connection between brain and mind is an important scientific and philosophical question that we are still far from completely understanding. A crucial point to our work is noticing that thermodynamics provides a convenient framework to model brain activity, whereas cognition can be modeled in information-theoretical terms. In fact, several models have been proposed so far from both approaches. A second critical remark is the existence of deep theoretical connections between thermodynamics and information theory. In fact, some well-known authors claim (...)
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    The Principle of Self-Embodiment Architectonic Philosophy of Technique.Bernhard J. Mitterauer - 2018 - Journal of Global Issues and Solutions 18 (3).
    The essence of the Architectonic Philosophy of Technique is the human self-embodiment in ontogenetic, evolutionary and permanent times (Mitterauer, 1989; 2009). These time conceptions may allow the interpretation of technical processes of self-embodiment and challenge the concept of the soul. The existence of the soul in timeless permanence is my fundamental argument that technical embodiments in robots can only be generated in ontogenetic and evolutionary time periods, but not in permanence. Admittedly, the concept of the soul does not play a (...)
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    Healing is an active merci and the foundation of solidarity. Discussion about the past and future of bioethics dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Pavel Dmitrievich Tishchenko.П.Д Тищенко, Н. Н Седова & К.А Петров - 2022 - Bioethics 15 (1):6-18.
    Pavel Dmitrievich Tishchenko, one of the founders of Russian bioethics, turned 75 on January 10, 2022. Joining the numerous congratulations, journal “Bioethics” publishes the text of the discussion dedicated to this event. The discussion was initiated by the question of the history of Russian bioethics formation in the perspective of its simultaneous emergence in Moscow, Volgograd, St. Petersburg, Kazan. The participants exchanged opinions on the significance of I.T. Frolov's ideas for the formation of the Moscow School of Bioethics. The influence (...)
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  33. The active inference approach to ecological perception: general information dynamics for natural and artificial embodied cognition.Adam Linson, Andy Clark, Subramanian Ramamoorthy & Karl Friston - 2018 - Frontiers in Robotics and AI 5 (21):1-22.
    The emerging neurocomputational vision of humans as embodied, ecologically embedded, social agents—who shape and are shaped by their environment—offers a golden opportunity to revisit and revise ideas about the physical and information-theoretic underpinnings of life, mind, and consciousness itself. In particular, the active inference framework makes it possible to bridge connections from computational neuroscience and robotics/AI to ecological psychology and phenomenology, revealing common underpinnings and overcoming key limitations. AIF opposes the mechanistic to the reductive, while staying fully grounded in (...)
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  34. Voluntary Active Euthanasia and the Doctrine of Double Effect: A View from Germany.Martin Klein - 2004 - Health Care Analysis 12 (3):225-240.
    This paper discusses physician-assisted suicide and voluntary active euthanasia, supplies a short history and argues in favour of permitting both once rigid criteria have been set and the cases retro-reviewed. I suggest that among these criteria should be that VAE should only be permitted with one more necessary criterion: that VAE should only be allowed when physician assisted suicide is not a possible option. If the patient is able to ingest and absorb the medication there is no reason why (...)
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    Active Inference and Abduction.Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen & Majid D. Beni - 2021 - Biosemiotics 14 (2):499-517.
    The background target of the research going into the present article is to forge an intellectual alliance between, on the one hand, active inference and the free-energy principle (FEP), and on the other, Charles S. Peirce’s theory of semiotics and pragmatism. In the present paper, the focus is on the allegiance between the nomenclatures of active and abductive inferences as the proper place to begin reaching at that wider target. The paper outlines the key conceptual elements involved in (...)
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    T. R. Malthus: Principles of Political Economy 2 Volume Paperback Set.John Pullen (ed.) - 2008 - Cambridge University Press.
    This set provides a definitive scholarly variorum edition of Malthus's Principles of Political Economy. It contains the full text of the first 1820 edition, including Malthus's own invaluable 70-page summary, and contains details of all the additions, omissions, and emendations that occurred between the first and the second, posthumous, edition of 1836. The first edition is extremely rare, and for over 150 years confusions and disagreements have inevitably occurred in the interpretation of Malthus's economics because of the absence of (...)
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    Principles of Criminal Liability from the Semiotic Point of View.Michał Peno & Olgierd Bogucki - 2020 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 34 (2):561-578.
    Certainly principles of criminal liability may be understood as rules or norms outlining orders or prohibitions and standing out among other norms with their weight, for legal culture, legal doctrine, etc. In such a classic approach they are norms defining basic rights and obligations in the applicable criminal law. However, is it the only possible and cognitively interesting meaning of the word “principle” in jurisprudence? From the semiotic point of view, they can occur in three forms: special-kind norms, teleological (...)
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    Active Respect and Critical Solidarity.Roberto Mordacci - 2024 - Critical Horizons 25 (1):2-12.
    This article argues that, to distinguish between “critical” and “uncritical” solidarity, the normative concept of solidarity must be grounded on the principle of respect for persons. I start analyzing the principle of respect for persons from a modified Kantian perspective, arguing that it must be interpreted as a normative relation of power in which each person must recognize the autonomy of the other as a source of power. In this perspective, the principle of respect offers a foundation for an ethical (...)
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  39. Kant on Plants: Self-Activity, Representations, and the Analogy with Life.Tyke Nunez - 2021 - Philosophers' Imprint 21 (11).
    Do plants represent according to Kant? This is closely connected to the question of whether he held plants are alive, because he explains life in terms of the faculty to act on one’s own representations. He also explains life as having an immaterial principle of self-motion, and as a body’s interaction with a supersensible soul. I argue that because of the way plants move themselves, Kant is committed to their being alive, to their having a supersensible ground of their self-activity, (...)
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    Active Inference as a Computational Framework for Consciousness.Martina G. Vilas, Ryszard Auksztulewicz & Lucia Melloni - 2022 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 13 (4):859-878.
    Recently, the mechanistic framework of active inference has been put forward as a principled foundation to develop an overarching theory of consciousness which would help address conceptual disparities in the field (Wiese 2018 ; Hohwy and Seth 2020 ). For that promise to bear out, we argue that current proposals resting on the active inference scheme need refinement to become a process theory of consciousness. One way of improving a theory in mechanistic terms is to use formalisms such (...)
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    Design Principles for Promoting Students’ Social Scientific Reasoning About Social Problems.Thomas Klijnstra, Gerhard L. Stoel, Gerard J. F. Ruijs, Geerte M. Savenije & Carla A. M. van Boxtel - 2024 - Journal of Social Studies Research 48 (3):204-217.
    Social scientific reasoning (SSR) is essential to social science education and to a democratic society as a whole. Students are challenged to analyze and reason about social problems such as social inequality, crime, and poverty. However, students experience difficulties with SSR. This study addresses the research question: Which design principles can guide teachers in designing lessons that promote social scientific reasoning? In this design-based research, four social science teachers employed a conceptualization of SSR and its levels together with three (...)
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  42. Principles of Information Processing and Natural Learning in Biological Systems.Predrag Slijepcevic - 2021 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 52 (2):227-245.
    The key assumption behind evolutionary epistemology is that animals are active learners or ‘knowers’. In the present study, I updated the concept of natural learning, developed by Henry Plotkin and John Odling-Smee, by expanding it from the animal-only territory to the biosphere-as-a-whole territory. In the new interpretation of natural learning the concept of biological information, guided by Peter Corning’s concept of “control information”, becomes the ‘glue’ holding the organism–environment interactions together. The control information guides biological systems, from bacteria to (...)
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  43. The Uniformity Principle vs. the Disuniformity Principle.Seungbae Park - 2017 - Acta Analytica 32 (2):213-222.
    The pessimistic induction is built upon the uniformity principle that the future resembles the past. In daily scientific activities, however, scientists sometimes rely on what I call the disuniformity principle that the future differs from the past. They do not give up their research projects despite the repeated failures. They believe that they will succeed although they failed repeatedly, and as a result they achieve what they intended to achieve. Given that the disuniformity principle is useful in certain cases in (...)
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    Clinical trials: Active control vs placebo — what is ethical?Jacek Spławiński & Jerzy Kuźniar - 2004 - Science and Engineering Ethics 10 (1):73-79.
    The quest for effective medicines is very old. In modern times two important tools have been developed to evaluate efficacy of drugs: superiority and non-inferiority types of clinical trials. The former tests the null hypothesis of μ (the difference between a tested drug and comparator) ≤ 0 against μ > 0; the latter tests the null hypothesis of μ ≤ - Δ against, μ > - Δ, where Δ is the clinical difference from the comparator. In a superiority trial, a (...)
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    Mechanism and activity in the scientific revolution: The case of Robert Hooke.Mark E. Ehrlich - 1995 - Annals of Science 52 (2):127-151.
    Recent ‘revisionist’ studies of the Scientific Revolution have utilized Robert Hooke as an example of a mechanical philosopher who incorporated active principles in his world system. This paper carefully examines Hooke's natural philosophy in order to determine the extent to which he employed active agents in his work. Thorough investigation reveals that although Hooke sometimes refrained from offering causal explanations of the phenomena he studied, there is no solid evidence that he believed active principles were (...)
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    Activating Aesthetics: Working with Heidegger and Bourdieu for engaged pedagogy.Elizabeth Grierson - 2015 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 47 (6):546-562.
    This article seeks to investigate art in public urban space via a process of activating aesthetics as a way of enhancing pedagogies of engagement. It does this firstly by addressing the question of aesthetics in Enlightenment and twentieth-century frames; then it seeks to understand how artworks may be approached ontologically and epistemologically. The discussion works with the philosophical lenses of two different thinkers: Heidegger, in ‘Building Dwelling Thinking’ and ‘The Origin of the Work of Art’, and Marxist sociologist, Bourdieu with (...)
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    Active inference and free energy.Karl Friston - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (3):212-213.
    Why do brains have so many connections? The principles exposed by Andy Clark provide answers to questions like this by appealing to the notion that brains distil causal regularities in the sensorium and embody them in models of their world. For example, connections embody the fact that causes have particular consequences. This commentary considers the imperatives for this form of embodiment.
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    Active First Movers vs. Late Free-Riders? An Empirical Analysis of UN PRI Signatories’ Commitment.Tobias Bauckloh, Stefan Schaltegger, Sebastian Utz, Sebastian Zeile & Bernhard Zwergel - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 182 (3):747-781.
    Joining voluntary thematic initiatives can be a means for firms to legitimate their business activities. However, a lack of review mechanisms could create incentives for free-riding. This might lead to a lower commitment to the initiative’s principles, and endanger its credibility and its members’ legitimacy benefits. Whether members of voluntary initiatives take advantage of the opportunity to free-ride has not been analyzed empirically so far. To fill this research gap, we investigate from an institutional theory perspective the actual implementation (...)
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    Principles of Discourse Ethics and Human Existence in Times of War.N. K. Petruk & O. V. Gapchenko - 2023 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 23:44-54.
    _Purpose._ The authors of this paper seek to comprehend, on the basis of ethics of discourse and communicative philosophy, the dimensions of human existence in times of war. This involves solving the following research tasks: to show the importance of moral and ethical norms in the structure of human existence and to emphasize the need for their observance by a person in the realities of war; to find out what the role of responsibility and co-responsibility is in preserving the space (...)
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  50. Precautionary Principles.Tanja Rechnitzer - 2020 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    The basic idea underlying a precautionary principle is often summarized as “better safe than sorry.” Even if it is uncertain whether an activity will lead to harm, for example, to the environment or to human health, measures should be taken to prevent harm. This demand is partly motivated by the consequences of regulatory practices of the past. Often, chances of harm were disregarded because there was no scientific proof of a causal connection between an activity or substance and chances of (...)
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