Results for 'affirmative ethics'

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  1.  28
    Enacting affirmative ethics in education: A materialist/posthumanist framing.Dianne Mulcahy - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (7):1003-1013.
    The aim of this article is to explore the worth of a materialist/posthumanist approach to ethics, specifically affirmative ethics, within the field of education. I work empirical material that ‘does’ this ethics in classrooms and draw on Deleuze’s ethically guided materialism as taken up by Braidotti, to gain purchase on it. Defined as a relational matter of human and non-human powers of acting in pursuit of affirmative values, affirmative ethics focuses up relations, forces (...)
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  2. Affirmative Ethics and Generative Life.Rosi Braidotti - 2019 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 13 (4):463-481.
    Rosi Braidotti's contribution to the Deleuze Studies Conference 2016 held in Rome, later transcribed and then revised by the author, points firmly to the current need for an affirmative thinking approach, actively standing to the present, while assessing its becoming and imagining new configurations. Saying yes to the world, being worthy of it, does not entail passive acceptance but rather the activation of transformative and critical thinking. To this aim, Braidotti looks at Deleuze as well as at feminist theory. (...)
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    A Levinasian Opening on the Affirmative Ethics of Care.Antonio Sandu - 2016 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 15 (43):28-47.
    In the order of beingness, duty is a state much closer to Dasein than any form of rationality could be. The true duty and the true respect for the golden rule can only come from the authenticity of one’s beingness. The same goes for what we call humility. This duty, as an existential state, is a movement of the spirit which seems to be overwhelmed by the care for the Other, towards the Other. Any duty which does not “move the (...)
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    Posthuman Affirmative Business Ethics: Reimagining Human–Animal Relations Through Speculative Fiction.Janet Sayers, Lydia Martin & Emma Bell - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 178 (3):597-608.
    Posthuman affirmative ethics relies upon a fluid, nomadic conception of the ethical subject who develops affective, material and immaterial connections to multiple others. Our purpose in this paper is to consider what posthuman affirmative business ethics would look like, and to reflect on the shift in thinking and practice this would involve. The need for a revised understanding of human–animal relations in business ethics is amplified by crises such as climate change and pandemics that are (...)
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    The Affirmation Process of Fashion Styles in Indonesia: Exploring Cultural Ethics and Individual Tastes.Tyar Ratuannisa, Imam Santosa, Kahfiati Kahdar & Chandra Tresnadi - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:413-426.
    Fashion are implemented with regard to social context through a variety of studies, including the examination of fashion style. The period between 2010 and 2019 was selected as the guiding time frame. The objective of this study is to present an implementation process of a fashion style in Indonesia, both in synchronic and diachronic perspectives. This qualitative research with a historical approach employs a variety of data source including literature data from journals, books, fashion magazines, interviews with fashion experts, and (...)
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  6. The Ethical Case for Affirmative Action.Prue Burns & Jan Schapper - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 83 (3):369-379.
    Affirmative action has been a particularly contentious policy issue that has polarised contributions to the debate. Over recent times in most western countries, support for affirmative action has, however, been largely snuffed out or beaten into retreat and replaced by the concept of ‹diversity management’. Thus, any contemporary study that examines the development of affirmative action would suggest that its opponents have won the battle. Nonetheless, this article argues that because the battle has been won on dubious (...)
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    Investigators' affirmation of ethical, safeguard, and scientific commitments in human research.Laura Weiss Roberts & Timothy L. McAuliffe - 2006 - Ethics and Behavior 16 (2):135 – 150.
    Little is known about how researchers view ethically salient aspects of human studies. As part of a National Institutes of Mental Health-funded study, the authors performed a confidential written survey to assess the attitudes, views, and experiences of researchers with institutional review board approved protocols at the University of New Mexico. A total of 363 researchers (57% response rate) participated. Investigators overall held favorable views of general ethical aspects of research and ethics-based safeguards, and they identified a positive role (...)
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    The Ethical Course Is To Recommend Infant Male Circumcision — Arguments Disparaging American Academy of Pediatrics Affirmative Policy Do Not Withstand Scrutiny.Brian J. Morris, John N. Krieger, Jeffrey D. Klausner & Beth E. Rivin - 2017 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 45 (4):647-663.
    We critically evaluate arguments in a recent Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics article by Svoboda, Adler, and Van Howe disputing the 2012 affirmative infant male circumcision policy recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics. We provide detailed evidence in explaining why the extensive claims by these opponents are not supported by the current strong scientific evidence. We furthermore show why their legal and ethical arguments are contradicted by a reasonable interpretation of current U.S. and international law and (...)
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  9.  21
    A More Severe Morality: Nietzsche's Affirmative Ethics.Robert C. Solomon - 1985 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 16 (3):250-267.
  10.  10
    Ethical Relativism and the Affirmation of Impossibility to Understand - Focusing on Elvin Hatch’s Theory -. 이충한 - 2019 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 95:261-280.
    엘빈 해치(Elvin Hatch)는 윤리적 상대주의가 지닌 관용(Tolerance)의 미덕을 긍정한다. 하지만 그러한 미덕은 인간의 복지라는 인도주의의 원칙을 위반하지 않는 한도 내에서만 긍정될 수 있다고 본다. 해치는 윤리적 상대주의를 완전히 폐기하는 것에 반대한다. 하지만 최종적으로 어느 한계에 이르면 인도주의의 원칙에 의해서 상대주의는 극복되어야 한다고 생각한다. 그러나 이러한 해치의 주장은 여전히 인도주의라는 명분하에 가해질 수 있는 억압과 폭력을 정당화할 수 있는 위험을 지닌다는 점에서 적극적으로 지지하기 어려워 보인다. 적어도 해치가 이러한 어려움과 위험에서 벗어나기 위해서는 그의 기본적인 전략 즉 부분적으로 윤리적 상대주의를 지지하면서 인도주의를 (...)
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    Affirmative action and redistributive ethics.Richard F. America - 1986 - Journal of Business Ethics 5 (1):73 - 77.
    Management faces complex race related issues in which groups arguing entitlement appear to claim benefits historically enjoyed by others. Thus many affirmative action issues provoke animosity because they are framed as zero sum problems. To some extent they are zero sum. Therefore, rationales for corporate policy must address that forthrightly. Up to now the corporate justification has been weak. The article describes a social debt owed interracially resulting from the accumulation of current class benefits from past discrimination, and asserts (...)
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  12. Nietzsche's Ethical Thought: Reassurance and Affirmation.Robert Guay - 2000 - Dissertation, The University of Chicago
    My dissertation concerns Nietzsche's ethical thought. At the center of Nietzsche's philosophical ethics was the attempt to provide some reassurance about the status of norms and values. On his diagnosis, intensifying self-scrutiny with regard to ethical commitments has led to a contemporary situation in which no way of life seems particularly authoritative or worthwhile. Nietzsche therefore sought some means to extend and satisfy critical scrutiny, so as to find norms and values that sustain their "force." ;In the first chapter (...)
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  13. Affirmation and Creation - How to lead ethically.Finn Janning - 2014 - Tamara Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry 12 (3):25-35.
    This paper proposes an alternative approach towards ethical leadership. Recent research tells us that socioeconomic and cultural differences affect moral intuition, making it difficult to locate a guiding organizational principle. Nevertheless, in this paper I attempt to open an alternative path towards an ethics that might serve as a guide for leaders – especially leaders who are leading a highly professionalized workforce. Using the Chilean writer Roberto Bolaño and the French philosopher Gilles Deleuze as points of reference, I develop (...)
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  14. The affirmative side of government ethics.Mark O. Hatfield - 1989 - In John J. Stuhr & Robin M. Cochran (eds.), Public morals and private interest: ethics in government and public service. Eugene, Or.: University of Oregon Books.
  15. Prospects of a Dusselian Ethics of Liberation among US Minorities: The Case of Affirmative Action in Higher Education.Sergio A. Gallegos - 2015 - Inter-American Journal of Philosophy 6 (1):1-15.
    This paper proposes an application of Enrique Dussel’s ethics of liberation to an issue of crucial importance to US minorities: the debate on affirmative action. Over the past fifty years, this debate has been framed in terms of the opposition between advocates of affirmative action who claim that it is needed in order to achieve the integration and participation of traditionally oppressed groups to society without which there is no equality of rights, and critics who argue that (...)
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  16.  7
    Hope and affirmation: An Ethics of Reciprocity.Marguerite La Caze - 2013 - In Steven Churchill & Jack Reynolds (eds.), Sartre's Legacy. New York: Routledge. pp. 206-12.
    Jean-Paul Sartre’s final ethics of the “we” or reciprocity remains controversial and less developed than his other ethics. Scholars have generally accepted the periodization of his ethics into three, as Sartre himself described them: the first ethics of authenticity, the second Marxist or dialectical ethics, and this final ethics, that considers the ontological basis of ethics, based primarily on the 1980 interviews in Hope Now (1996) (L’espoir maintenant, 1991). I will focus on Sartre’s (...)
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  17. Ethics and Affirmative Action—A Managerial Approach.R. W. Berne & R. E. Freeman - forthcoming - Business Ethics and Common Sense.
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  18.  33
    Credentialing the Clinical Ethics Consultant: An Academic Medical Center Affirms Professionalism and Practice.Cathleen A. Acres, Kenneth Prager, George E. Hardart & Joseph J. Fins - 2012 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 23 (2):156-164.
    In response to national trends calling for increasing accountability and an emerging dialogue within bioethics, we describe an effort to credential clinical ethicists at a major academic medical center. This effort is placed within the historical context of prior calls for credentialing and certification and efforts currently underway within organized bioethics to engage this issue. The specific details, and conceptual rationale, behind the New York-Presbyterian Hospital’s graduated credentialing plan are shared as is their evolution and ratification within the context of (...)
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  19. State-Mandated Ethics Oversight Is Inappropriate for Gender-Affirming Care.Hilary Mabel, Laura Guidry-Grimes & Lauren R. Sankary - 2024 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 52 (4):950-952.
    A proposed state administrative rule would have required medical ethicists to approve certain aspects of gender-affirming care. The authors argue the proposed rule lacked appropriate justification compared to other instances of state-mandated ethics oversight and would undermine trust, raise practical challenges, and send harmful messages to society, patients, and providers.
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  20. Nietzsche's Ethics of Affirmation.Tom Stern - 2019 - In The New Cambridge Companion to Nietzsche. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 351-373.
    This chapter looks at Nietzsche's notion of the affirmation of life. It begins with the origins of the concept in Schopenhauer and in the Schopenhauerian philosophy known to Nietzsche. It then examines affirmation in three phases of Nietzsche's writing: early, middle and late. It relates affirmation to other key Nietzschean concepts like the Apollonian and the Dionysian, eternal recurrence, amor fati and will to power.
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    Objects, Elements, and Affirmation of the Ethical.Matthew Z. Donnelly - 2013 - Open Journal of Philosophy 3 (2):285-291.
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    A Study on the Ethical Justification of Affirmative Action.Sangdeuk Kim - 2017 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 86:461-494.
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    Integrative Clinical Ethics Support in Gender Affirmative Care: Lessons Learned.Laura Hartman, Guy Widdershoven, Annelou de Vries, Annelijn Wensing-Kruger, Martin den Heijer, Thomas Steensma & Bert Molewijk - 2019 - HEC Forum 31 (3):241-260.
    Clinical ethics support for health care professionals and patients is increasingly seen as part of good health care. However, there is a key drawback to the way CES services are currently offered. They are often performed as isolated and one-off services whose ownership and impact are unclear. This paper describes the development of an integrative approach to CES at the Center of Expertise and Care for Gender Dysphoria at Amsterdam University Medical Center. We specifically aimed to integrate CES into (...)
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    Articulating Nietzsche’s ‘Aesth-Ethics’ of Affirmation in an Age of Doubt.Ricardo Jose Gutierrez - 2013 - Kritike 7 (2):71-83.
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    Veganism as Affirmative Biopolitics: Moving Towards a Posthumanist Ethics?Eva Giraud - 2013 - PhaenEx 8 (2):47.
    This article addresses tensions within the emerging field of animal studies, which have arisen in the process of trying to craft an ethics that is not grounded in humanist rights-frameworks, by--firstly--mapping how these debates are manifested and--secondly--positing Cary Wolfe’s concept of "affirmative biopolitics" as means of overcoming these conceptual rifts. Building on work that attributes these tensions to the influence of posthumanism, it argues that the embrace of posthumanist thought has marginalised critique by framing perspectives such as ecofeminism (...)
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  26.  6
    Affirmations for manifestation: 365 daily affirmations to attract the life you want.Candice Nikeia - 2024 - New York: Adams Media Corporation.
    Affirmations for Manifestation is an inspiring collection of daily affirmations that helps you shift your mindset, focus on positivity, and channel your inner power to create the changes you wish to see in the world around you. Touching on common goals for everyday life--from improving your career, to strengthening your relationships, to building your self-esteem--this book is a daily guide to manifesting change."--Provided by publisher.
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    Navigating Evolving Ethical Questions in Decision Making for Gender-Affirming Medical Care for Adolescents.Caroline Salas-Humara, Samantha Busa, Jeremy Wernick, Baer Karrington, Kelly McBride Folkers & Laura Kimberly - 2021 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 32 (4):307-321.
    As more young people feel safe to outwardly identify as transgender or gender expansive (TGE), meaning that their gender identity does not align with the sex they were assigned at birth, an increasing number of youth who identify as TGE seek gender-affirming medical care (GAMC). GAMC raises a number of ethical questions, such as the capacity of a minor to assent or consent, the role of parents or legal guardians in decisions about treatment, and implications for equitable access to care (...)
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  28.  29
    Ricœur’s Affirmation of Life in this World and his Journey to Ethics.Morny Joy - 2019 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 9 (2):104-123.
    Although Paul Ricœur never wrote a book on acting and suffering, the essay focuses on Ricœur’s engagement with this topic. It was one of Ricœur’s abiding interests that consistently appeared over the years in a number of his works. Given his compassionate affirmation of life in this world, he was vitally concerned about human beings’ inhumanity, in the form of inflicting unmerited suffering on their fellow beings. His distress on this issue was clearly evident. This essay is an overview of (...)
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  29. Derrida's ethics of affirmation: The challenge of educational rights and responsibility.Denise Egéa-Kuehne - 2001 - In Gert Biesta & Denise Egéa-Kuehne (eds.), Derrida & education. New York: Routledge. pp. 186--216.
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  30. Affirmative action: An ethical evaluation. [REVIEW]Bill Shaw - 1988 - Journal of Business Ethics 7 (10):763 - 770.
    This paper examines four major arguments advanced by opponents of race and gender conscious affirmative action and rebuts them on the basis of moral considerations. It is clear that the problem of past racial/gender discrimination has not disappeared; its effects linger, resulting in a wide disparity in opportunities and attainments between minorities/women and whites/males. Affirmative action, although not the perfect solution, is by far the most viable method of redressing the effects of past discrimination. Thus it cannot be (...)
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    Integrative Clinical Ethics Support in Gender Affirmative Care: Lessons Learned.Bert Molewijk, Thomas Steensma, Martin Heijer, Annelijn Wensing-Kruger, Annelou Vries, Guy Widdershoven & Laura Hartman - 2019 - HEC Forum 31 (3):241-260.
    Clinical ethics support (CES) for health care professionals and patients is increasingly seen as part of good health care. However, there is a key drawback to the way CES services are currently offered. They are often performed as isolated and one-off services whose ownership and impact are unclear. This paper describes the development of an integrative approach to CES at the Center of Expertise and Care for Gender Dysphoria (CEGD) at Amsterdam University Medical Center. We specifically aimed to integrate (...)
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  32.  25
    Sharing decisions amid uncertainties: a qualitative interview study of healthcare professionals’ ethical challenges and norms regarding decision-making in gender-affirming medical care.Bert C. Molewijk, Fijgje de Boer, Baudewijntje P. C. Kreukels, Marijke A. Bremmer, Casper Martens & Karl Gerritse - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-17.
    BackgroundIn gender-affirming medical care (GAMC), ethical challenges in decision-making are ubiquitous. These challenges are becoming more pressing due to exponentially increasing referrals, politico-legal contestation, and divergent normative views regarding decisional roles and models. Little is known, however, about what ethical challenges related to decision-making healthcare professionals (HCPs) themselves face in their daily work in GAMC and how these relate to, for example, the subjective nature of Gender Incongruence (GI), the multidisciplinary character of GAMC and the role HCPs play in assessing (...)
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    The relation between ethical behaviour and workstress amongst a group of managers working in affirmative action positions.Ebben van Zyl & Kobus Lazenby - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 40 (2):111-119.
    Unethical acts and reported cases of corruption and commercial crimes in South African business are increasing. Literature studies showed that risk groups (for instance South African managers in affirmative action positions) are functioning in a stressful environment which can give rise to unethical acts. Results pointed out that high stress correlates substantially with: to claim credit for a subordinate's work; to fail to report a co-worker's violation of company policy, to offer potential clients fully paid holidays; and to purchase (...)
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    Gender-affirming care in the context of medical ethics – gatekeeping v. informed consent.Anastacia Tomson - 2018 - South African Journal of Bioethics and Law 11 (1):24.
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  35. Gender Affirming Hormone Treatment for Trans Adolescents: A Four Principles Analysis.Hane Htut Maung - 2024 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry (2):345-363.
    Gender affirming hormone treatment is an important part of the care of trans adolescents which enables them to develop the secondary sexual characteristics congruent with their identified genders. There is an increasing amount of empirical evidence showing the benefits of gender affirming hormone treatment for psychological health and social well-being in this population. However, in several countries, access to gender affirming hormone treatment for trans adolescents has recently been severely restricted. While much of the opposition to gender affirming hormone treatment (...)
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    Affirmative naturalism : Deleuze and epicurianism.Keith Ansell-Pearson - 2014 - Cosmos and History 10 (2):121-137.
    In this essay I explore the nature of Deleuze’s commitment to an affirmative naturalism that is based on certain Epicurean principles and insights. The essay is divided into two main parts. In the first part I bring to light some of the key features of Lucretius’s great poem on the nature of things, and I do so with the aid of Bergson and his reading of the teaching as fundamentally melancholic. In the second part I switch my attention to (...)
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    Affirming Life in the Face of Death: Ricoeur’s Living Up to Death as a modern ars moriendi and a lesson for palliative care.Ds Frits de Lange - 2014 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 17 (4):509-518.
    In his posthumously published Living Up to Death Paul Ricoeur left an impressive testimony on what it means to live at a high old age with death approaching. In this article I present him as a teacher who reminds us of valuable lessons taught by patients in palliative care and their caretakers who accompany them on their way to death, and also as a guide in our search for a modern ars moriendi, after—what many at least experience as—the breakdown of (...)
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    Affirming: letters 1975-1997.Isaiah Berlin - 2015 - London: Chatto & Windus. Edited by Henry Hardy, Mark Pottle & Nicholas Hall.
    ‘IB was one of the great affirmers of our time.’ John Banville, New York Review of Books The title of this final volume of Isaiah Berlin’s letters is echoed by John Banville’s verdict in his review of its predecessor, Building: Letters 1960–75, which saw Berlin publish some of his most important work, and create, in Oxford’s Wolfson College, an institutional and architectural legacy. In the period covered by this new volume (1975–97) he consolidates his intellectual legacy with a series of (...)
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    Aesthetic value and the ethics of life affirmation.Rolf Ekman - 1963 - British Journal of Aesthetics 3 (1):54-66.
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    Self-affirmation in sled dogs? Affordances, perceptual agency, and extreme sport.Eric Gilbertson & Bob Fischer - 2023 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 17 (4):443-455.
    We argue that extreme endurance sport can be valuable for some nonhuman animals. To make the case, we focus specifically on dogsled racing. We argue that, given certain views about the nature of self-affirmation, perceptual agency, and affordances, sled dogs are capable of realizing significant value through extreme endurance running. Because our focus is on the axiological question of the nature of the value of the sport for its participants, we do not claim that extreme dogsledding is ethical; indeed, we (...)
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  41. A Bite of the Forbidden Fruit: The Abject of Food and Affirmative Environmental Ethics.Anne Sauka - 2022 - Open Philosophy 5 (1):281-295.
    This article explores the negative framing of environmental concern in the context of food procurement and consumption, through the lens of the myth of Eden considering the ontological and genealogical aspects of the experienced exile from nature. The article first considers the theoretical context of the negative framing of food ethics. Demonstrating the consequences of the experience of food as abject, the article then goes on to discuss the exile from Eden as an explanatory myth for the perceptual inbetweenness (...)
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  42. Gender-Affirmation and Loving Attention.E. M. Hernandez - 2021 - Hypatia 36 (4):619-635.
    In this article, I examine the moral dimensions of gender affirmation. I argue that the moral value of gender affirmation is rooted in what Iris Murdoch called loving attention. Loving attention is central to the moral value of gender affirmation because such affirmation is otherwise too fragile or insincere to have such value. Moral reasons to engage in acts that gender affirm derive from the commitment to give and express loving attention to trans people as a way of challenging their (...)
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    Theory and practice of integrative clinical ethics support: a joint experience within gender affirmative care.Laura Hartman, Giulia Inguaggiato, Guy Widdershoven, Annelijn Wensing-Kruger & Bert Molewijk - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-13.
    BackgroundClinical ethics support aims to support health care professionals in dealing with ethical issues in clinical practice. Although the prevalence of CES is increasing, it does meet challenges and pressing questions regarding implementation and organization. In this paper we present a specific way of organizing CES, which we have called integrative CES, and argue that this approach meets some of the challenges regarding implementation and organization.MethodsThis integrative approach was developed in an iterative process, combining actual experiences in a case (...)
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    Actual Ethics.James R. Otteson - 2006 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Actual Ethics offers a moral defense of the 'classical liberal' political tradition and applies it to several of today's vexing moral and political issues. James Otteson argues that a Kantian conception of personhood and an Aristotelian conception of judgment are compatible and even complementary. He shows why they are morally attractive, and perhaps most controversially, when combined, they imply a limited, classical liberal political state. Otteson then addresses several contemporary problems - wealth and poverty, public education, animal welfare, and (...)
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  45. Nietzsche's Affirmative Morality: An Ethics of Virtue.Thomas H. Brobjer - 2003 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 26 (1):64-78.
  46. Nonideal Justice, Fairness, and Affirmative Action.Matthew Adams - 2021 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 20 (3).
    I defend affirmative action on the ground that it increases certain people’s ability to exercise their basic liberties, rather than because it rectifies injustice in the narrow context of educational admission procedures. I present this justification using a Rawlsian contractualist framework to forge a “nonideal principle of justice.” Drawing on social science, I argue that this principle supports affirmative-action policies like those in the contemporary U.S., and blocks the objection that such policies are unfair. In closing, I show (...)
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    (Bio) Ethical and Social Reconstructions in Transmodernity.Sandu Antonio & Cojocaru Daniela - 2011 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 10 (30):258-276.
    Transmodern ethics establishes moral norms on liberal, pluralist and pragmatic principles. We see a comeback of the negation morals, however not of ontology-anchored morals, as is the case of the God who picks favourites or of the jealous God paradigm, and not even of morals anchored in a contractualist perspective, as is the case in the modern period. The preferred focus is on the value of positivism, of cooperation as a source of efficiency, of personal enrichment, be it cultural, (...)
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  48. Rawlsian Affirmative Action.Robert S. Taylor - 2009 - Ethics 119 (3):476-506.
    My paper addresses a topic--the implications of Rawls's justice as fairness for affirmative action--that has received remarkably little attention from Rawls's major interpreters. The only extended treatments of it that are in print are over a quarter-century old, and they bear scarcely any relationship to Rawls's own nonideal theorizing. Following Christine Korsgaard's lead, I work through the implications of Rawls's nonideal theory and show what it entails for affirmative action: viz. that under nonideal conditions, aggressive forms of formal (...)
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  49. Review of Affirmation, Care Ethics, and LGBT Identity. [REVIEW]Shelley Park - 2018 - Hypatia Reviews Online 2018.
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    Taking the Long Way Around: Towards A Depathologized Ethical Framework of Gender-Affirming Care for Trans Youth.Navin Kariyawasam & Nanky Rai - 2023 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 51 (4):926-937.
    Political debate regarding trans youth’s access to gender-affirming care (GAC) has pushed many to advocate for GAC by pointing to tragic, pathological outcomes of non-treatment, namely suicide. However, these pathologized arguments are a harmful ethical “shortcut” which should be replaced by a meaningful engagement with the ethics of providing GAC to youth.
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