Results for 'argument by repetition'

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  1.  15
    Argument by Repetition.Leigh Kolb - 2018-05-09 - In Robert Arp, Steven Barbone & Michael Bruce (eds.), Bad Arguments. Wiley. pp. 215–218.
    This chapter focuses on one of the common fallacies in Western philosophy called 'argument by repetition' (ABR). ABR controls the script by repeating the script, and it often distracts audiences in the process. Truthiness is a key to how ABR is a pervasive propaganda technique. ABR takes many forms: jingles for advertising shampoo, phrases politicians use to evoke fear or gain favor, and narratives to malign certain groups of people. Adolf Hitler's Big Lie technique in Mein Kampf extols (...)
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    Great Risks from Small Benefits Grow: Against the Repetition Argument.Sayid R. Bnefsi - 2021 - Philosophia 49 (2):603-610.
    Tom Dougherty (2013) argues that the following moral principles are inconsistent: (α) it is impermissible to benefit many people slightly rather than save someone’s life, and (β) it is permissible to risk someone’s life slightly to benefit them slightly. This inconsistency has highly counterintuitive consequences for non-consequentialist moral theories. However, Dougherty’s argument, the “Repetition Argument,” relies on a premise that ignores a morally important distinction between acting with statistical knowledge and acting with individualized knowledge. According to this (...)
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  3. Token-Reflexivity and Repetition.Alexandru Radulescu - 2018 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 5:745-763.
    The classical rule of Repetition says that if you take any sentence as a premise, and repeat it as a conclusion, you have a valid argument. It's a very basic rule of logic, and many other rules depend on the guarantee that repeating a sentence, or really, any expression, guarantees sameness of referent, or semantic value. However, Repetition fails for token-reflexive expressions. In this paper, I offer three ways that one might replace Repetition, and still keep (...)
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    Negation, concession and refutation in counter-argumentative composition by pupils from 8 to 12 years old and adults.Dominique Guy Brassart - 1992 - Argumentation 6 (1):77-98.
    In a theoretical first part we attempt to articulate the notions of concession, refutation and negation for monological linguistic activity, on the basis among other things of Mœschler's work on conversation. We distinguish the illocutionary act of refutation and the complex intervention of refutation, concession-invention, concession-repetition and concession-quotation. In a second part we analyze the place and role of (descriptive) negation in counter-argumentative texts written by 8- to 12-year-old pupils and adults in an artificial situation. We consider phenomena observed (...)
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    Difference and repetition in both sitting duet.Valerie A. Briginshaw - 2004 - Topoi 24 (1):15-28.
    In this paper I identify and explore resonances between a contemporary dance piece – Jonathan Burrowss and Matteo Fargions Both Sitting Duet (2003) – and some theories from Gilles Deleuzes Difference and Repetition (1994). The duet consists of rhythmic, repetitive patterns of mainly hand movements performed by two men, for the most part, sitting on chairs. My argument, with Deleuze, is that the repetitions in the dance are productive rather than reductive. They are never repetitions of the same. (...)
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    Radical Hermeneutics: Repetition, Deconstruction and the Hermeneutic Project by John D. Caputo. [REVIEW]Robert E. Lauder - 1989 - The Thomist 53 (4):722-725.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS people will in fact he causally influenced to do B as well. The former is a philosophical issue and the latter is an empirical one. There are many interesting issues in these last three chapters. But the most important planks in Rachels's radical view are his distinction between biological and biographical life and his Bare Difference argument against the active killing/passive letting die distinotion. This hook (...)
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  7. (1 other version)About the Infinite Repetition of Histories in Space.Manuel Alfonseca & Francisco José Soler Gil - 2014 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 29 (3):361.
    This paper analyzes two different proposals, one by Ellis and Brundrit, based on classical relativistic cosmology, the other by Garriga and Vilenkin, based on the DH interpretation of quantum mechanics, both concluding that, in an infinite universe, planets and beings must be repeated an infinite number of times. We point to possible shortcomings in these arguments. We conclude that the idea of an infinite repetition of histories in space cannot be considered strictly speaking a consequence of current physics and (...)
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  8. Hegel's Defense of the Ontological Argument for the Existence of God.Kevin Harrelson - 2004 - Dissertation, University of Kentucky
    The following dissertation is a study of the "ontological proof' for God's existence, specifically of the controversy concerning this proof from the seventeenth through the nineteenth centuries. As the title indicates, the primary theme is Hegel's defense and reformulation of the proof. I argue for a metaphysical interpretation of Hegel's Science of Logic, by showing that one of Hegel's chief goals in the Logic is to provide a demonstration for the thesis that "necessary existence belongs to God's nature." I conclude (...)
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    History and Repetition.Seiji M. Lippit (ed.) - 2011 - Columbia University Press.
    Kojin Karatani wrote the essays in _History and Repetition_ during a time of radical historical change, triggered by the collapse of the Cold War and the death of the Showa emperor in 1989. Reading Karl Marx in an original way, Karatani developed a theory of history based on the repetitive cycle of crises attending the expansion and transformation of capital. His work led to a rigorous analysis of political, economic, and literary forms of representation that recast historical events as a (...)
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    Beyond mere repetition: On tradition, creativity and theological speech.Robert R. Vosloo - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (2):6.
    This article argues for understanding Christian theological speech, including a Reformed engagement with confessions, as ‘traditioned creativity’. The argument is introduced by highlighting a theological hermeneutic that underlies the Belhar confession’s accompanying letter. This discussion points towards an account of Christian discourse that is ‘traditioned’ by the past but also moves beyond the mere repetition of the tradition’s authoritative statements. The article, therefore, affirms the need to distinguish between a living tradition and a narrow traditionalism. In addition, the (...)
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  11.  14
    An Argument for Standardized Ethical Directives for Secular Healthcare Services.Jamie C. Watson & Abram L. Brummett - 2022 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 33 (3):175-188.
    We argue that the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities has endorsed a facilitation approach to clinical ethics consultation that asserts that bioethicists can offer moral recommendations that are well-grounded in bioethical consensus. We claim that the closest thing the field currently has to a citable, nationally endorsed bioethical consensus are the 22 Core References used to construct the questions for the Healthcare Ethics Consultant-Certified (HEC-C) exam. We acknowledge that the Core References reflect some important points of bioethical consensus, but (...)
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  12. A Theater of Ideas: Performance and Performativity in Kierkegaard’s Repetition.Martijn Boven - 2018 - In Eric Ziolkowski (ed.), Kierkegaard, Literature, and the Arts. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University press. pp. 115-130.
    In this essay, I argue that Søren Kierkegaard’s oeuvre can be seen as a theater of ideas. This argument is developed in three steps. First, I will briefly introduce a theoretical framework for addressing the theatrical dimension of Kierkegaard’s works. This framework is based on a distinction between“performative writing strategies” and “categories of performativity.” As a second step, I will focus on Repetition: A Venture in Experimenting Psychology, by Constantin Constantius, one of the best examples of Kierkegaard’s innovative (...)
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    Replicating Reasons: Arguments, Memes, and the Cognitive Environment.Christopher W. Tindale - 2017 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 50 (4):566-588.
    The human being is an imitative animal. This statement, or description, resonates across time and cultures. Its familiarity derives from its repetition. It has, in terms appropriate to this discussion, a memetic quality. What Aristotle says is that "imitation is natural to man from childhood, one of his advantages over the lower animals being this, that he is the most imitative creature in the world, and learns first by imitation". The proof for this, Aristotle goes on to explain, lies (...)
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    Linguistic Complexity and Argumentative Unity: A Lvov-Warsaw School Supplement.Peter Simons - 2014 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 36 (1):101-119.
    It is argued that the source of complexity in language is twofold: repetition, and syntactic embedding. The former enables us to return again and again to the same subject across many sentences, and to maintain the coherence of an argument. The latter is governed by two forms of complexification: the functor-argument structure of all languages and the operator-bound-variable mechanism of familiar formal languages. The former is most transparently represented by categorial grammar, and an extension of this can (...)
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  15.  39
    Omne Agens Agit Sibi Simile: A "Repetition" of Scholastic Metaphysics (review).John Inglis - 1998 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 36 (1):131-133.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Omne Agens Agit Sibi Simile: A “Repetition” of Scholastic Metaphysics by Philipp W. RosemannJohn InglisPhilipp W. Rosemann. Omne Agens Agit Sibi Simile: A “Repetition” of Scholastic Metaphysics. Louvain Philosophical Studies, Vol. 12. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 1996. Pp. 368. Paper, BF 1,450.The technical sounding title of this volume could mislead the reader into thinking that it concerns some obscure point of Latin medieval thought, rather than (...)
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    Kinship: The Relationship Between Johnstone's Ideas about Philosophical Argument and the Pragma-Dialectical Theory Of Argumentation.Frans H. van Eemeren & Peter Houtlosser - 2007 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 40 (1):51-70.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Kinship:The Relationship Between Johnstone's Ideas about Philosophical Argument and the Pragma-Dialectical Theory of ArgumentationFrans H. van Eemeren and Peter Houtlosser1. Johnstone on the Nature of Philosophical ArgumentAs he himself declared in Validity and Rhetoric in Philosophical Argument (1978, 1), the late philosopher Henry W. Johnstone Jr. devoted a long period of his professional life to clarifying the nature of philosophical argument. His well-known view was that (...)
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    Kinship: The relationship between Johnstone's ideas about philosophical argument and the pragma-dialectical theory of argumentation.F. H. Eemerevann & Peter Houtlosser - 2007 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 40 (1):51-70.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Kinship:The Relationship Between Johnstone's Ideas about Philosophical Argument and the Pragma-Dialectical Theory of ArgumentationFrans H. van Eemeren and Peter Houtlosser1. Johnstone on the Nature of Philosophical ArgumentAs he himself declared in Validity and Rhetoric in Philosophical Argument (1978, 1), the late philosopher Henry W. Johnstone Jr. devoted a long period of his professional life to clarifying the nature of philosophical argument. His well-known view was that (...)
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    The Meaning of Meat and the Structure of the Odyssey by Egbert J. Bakker (review).Susan A. Curry - 2014 - American Journal of Philology 135 (3):485-489.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Meaning of Meat and the Structure of the Odyssey by Egbert J. BakkerSusan A. CurryEgbert J. Bakker. The Meaning of Meat and the Structure of the Odyssey. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013. xiv + 191 pp. Cloth, $90.Meat-eating in the Odyssey is a risky business. Inextricably intertwined with song itself in the context of the aristocratic feast, meat-eating in excess becomes a weapon of the Suitors in (...)
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    The timing of brain events: Reply to the “Special Section” in this journal of September 2004, edited by Susan Pockett.Benjamin Libet - 2006 - Consciousness and Cognition 15 (3):540-547.
    In this “Reply” paper, the arguments and experimental findings by Pockett, Pollen, and Haggard et al. are analyzed. It had been shown that a 0.5 s duration of repetitive activations of sensory cortex is required to produce a threshold of sensation. The view that this is due to a facilitatory buildup in excitatory state to finally elicit neuronal firing is shown to be incompatible with several lines of evidence. Objections to the phenomenon of subjective referral backwards in time are also (...)
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  20.  49
    Kinship: The Relationship Between Johnstone's Ideas about Philosophical Argument and the Pragma-Dialectical Theory Of Argumentation.F. H. Van Eemeren & Peter Houtlosser - 2007 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 40 (1):51-70.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Kinship:The Relationship Between Johnstone's Ideas about Philosophical Argument and the Pragma-Dialectical Theory of ArgumentationFrans H. van Eemeren and Peter Houtlosser1. Johnstone on the Nature of Philosophical ArgumentAs he himself declared in Validity and Rhetoric in Philosophical Argument (1978, 1), the late philosopher Henry W. Johnstone Jr. devoted a long period of his professional life to clarifying the nature of philosophical argument. His well-known view was that (...)
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  21.  21
    The Cosmic Common Good: Religious Grounds for Ecological Ethics by Daniel P. Scheid.John J. Fitzgerald - 2018 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 38 (1):197-198.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Cosmic Common Good: Religious Grounds for Ecological Ethics by Daniel P. ScheidJohn J. FitzgeraldThe Cosmic Common Good: Religious Grounds for Ecological Ethics Daniel P. Scheid new york: oxford university press, 2016. 264 pp. $31.95Published shortly after the first encyclical to focus on the environment (Pope Francis's Laudato Si'), Daniel Scheid's first book is a significant advance in Christian ethics and religious ecology. Scheid argues that resources in (...)
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    Semiotics and Pragmatism: Theoretical Interfaces by Ivo Assad Ibri (review).Robert E. Innis - 2023 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 59 (2):257-261.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Semiotics and Pragmatism: Theoretical Interfaces by Ivo Assad IbriRobert E. InnisIvo Assad Ibri Semiotics and Pragmatism: Theoretical Interfaces Springer, 2022, xxvii + 341 pp., incl. indexIn the chapter on 'The Heuristic Power of Agapism in Peirce's Philosophy' in his recent book, Semiotics and Pragmatism: Theoretical Interfaces, Ivo Ibri points out that access to Peirce's work requires something on the part of the reader that is "not readily available (...)
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    Whose Antigone? The Tragic Marginalization of Slavery by Tina Chanter (review).M. D. Usher - 2013 - American Journal of Philology 134 (1):159-162.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Whose Antigone? The Tragic Marginalization of Slavery by Tina ChanterM. D. UsherTina Chanter. Whose Antigone? The Tragic Marginalization of Slavery. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2011. xli + 233 pp. Cloth, $90; paper, $29.95.Tina Chanter’s book sets out to re-read Sophocles’ Antigone in light of two modern reworkings of the play from sub-Saharan Africa—Athol Fugard’s The Island (1974), which is based on an actual all-male performance (...)
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    Ovid, remedia Amoris 95: Verba dat omnis Amor.L. B. T. Houghton - 2013 - Classical Quarterly 63 (1):447-449.
    Anagrams and syllabic wordplay of the kind championed by Frederick Ahl in his Metaformations have not always been favourably received by scholars of Latin poetry; I would hesitate to propose the following instance, were it not for the fact that its occurrence seems peculiarly apposite to the context in which it appears. That Roman poets were prepared to use such techniques to enhance the presentation of an argument by exemplifying its operation at a verbal level is demonstrated by the (...)
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    Siren Songs: Gender, Audiences, and Narrators in the Odyssey (review).Erwin F. Cook - 1998 - American Journal of Philology 119 (3):461-464.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Siren Songs: Gender, Audiences, and Narrators in the OdysseyErwin F. CookLillian Doherty. Siren Songs: Gender, Audiences, and Narrators in the Odyssey. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1995. viii 1 220 pp. Cloth, $37.50.Siren Songs makes a significant contribution to feminist literature on Homer. Most importantly, Doherty is able to show in detail how the very sensibilities that make Homer appealing to the modern reader can seduce the (...)
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  26.  71
    Training, Training, Training.Michael Luntley - 2012 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 4 (2):88-104.
    Both Wittgenstein and Dewey have a role for the concept of skills and techniques in their understanding of practices and thereby the possession of concepts. Skills are typically acquired through training. It can seem, however, that their respective appeals to practice are dissimilar: Dewey’s appeal is, like Peirce’s, programmatic. It is meant to do philosophical work. In contrast, for Wittgenstein, the appeal to practice can seem a primitive, something that is meant to put an end to philosophical work. I argue (...)
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  27.  21
    Against the Greek Logicians (review).Charles E. Butterworth - 2000 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 38 (2):273-275.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Against the Greek LogiciansCharles E. ButterworthIbn Taimiyya. Against the Greek Logicians. Translated with an introduction and notes by Wael B. Hallaq. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1993. Pp. lviii + 204. $55.00.Wael Hallaq's most readable translation of Ibn Taimiyya's famous work is complemented by a masterful introduction and intelligent, relevant footnotes. In addition, he has taken care to help the reader in many ways, adding, for example, a list of (...)
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  28.  48
    Pechter's Specter: Milton's Bogey Writ Small; Or, Why Is He Afraid of Virginia Woolf?Christine Froula - 1984 - Critical Inquiry 11 (1):171-178.
    The specter of Mr. Pechter’s complaints haunted me as I wrote “When Eve Reads Milton,” as those friends who helped me to write by continually banishing it can attest. This ghost seemed somehow familiar, a shadow of Milton’s bogey or an echo of that angel in the house who still stalks the precincts of academia. Indeed, if Mr. Pechter did not exist, I confess that I could have invented him, although the specter of my imagining was rather more daunting, with (...)
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  29.  19
    Can We Make a Democratic Decision by Voting? 김동일 - 2019 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (125):211-225.
    Can we make a democratic decision by voting? We cannot, this paper argues, unless we presuppose a democratic principle that cannot be chosen in a democratic way. This argument takes the following steps. Having set up the democratic decision-making situation and explained the characteristics of a democratic decision, this paper examines a voting process as a normal way to make a democratic decision. It is argued that we cannot make a democratic decision by voting because the democratic decision-making situation (...)
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    Socrates Plays the Buffoon: Cautionary Protreptic in Euthydemus.Ann N. Michelini - 2000 - American Journal of Philology 121 (4):509-535.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Socrates Plays the Buffoon:Cautionary Protreptic in EuthydemusAnn N. MicheliniPlato's Euthydemus is somewhat uninteresting to traditional philosophers, who tend to treat the dialogues from the aspect of their theoretical content.1 The arguments repeatedly presented by Socrates' opponents are below Platonic standards,2 while Socrates carries on only a single, somewhat truncated logos of his own. The dialogue's primary interest lies elsewhere, in the odd use it makes of protreptic or conversionary (...)
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  31. Forgiveness and Revenge. By Trudy Govier. [REVIEW]William O. Stephens - 2003 - Essays in Philosophy 4 (2).
    Govier conceives of forgiveness as “a process of overcoming attitudes of resentment and anger that may persist when one has been injured by wrongdoing” (viii). She offers an account of bilateral, unilateral, and mutual forgiveness. Her work has pronounced political import in that she argues that attitudes and dispositions can be attributed to groups, that groups can suffer harm, and that groups can be responsible agents of wrongdoing. As a consequence, Govier contends that groups can forgive. Her method is to (...)
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    Wittgenstein: Meaning and Mind. Volume 3 of an Analytical Commentary on the Philosophical Investigations by P. M. S. Hacker. [REVIEW]John Churchill - 1995 - The Thomist 59 (1):161-167.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 161 Wittgenstein: Meaning and Mind. Volume 3 of an Analytical Commentary on the Philosophical lnvestigatwns. By P. M. S. HACKER. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1990. Pp. xxi + 575. In this third volume of his magisterial analytical commentary on Ludwig Wittgenstein's Philosophical lnvestigatwns, Professor P. M. S. Hacker of St. John's College, Oxford, writes without Gordon Baker, who collaborated on the first two books. Each volume covers a (...)
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    Time, Freedom, and the Common Good by Charles M. Sherover.Thomas S. Hibbs - 1991 - The Thomist 55 (2):329-331.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 329 I find Farley's theory of tragic existence and divine compassion distressing and depressing. To sufferers, it says: "C'est la vie!" Put more learnedly, "created perfection is fragile, tragically structured.. •. And yet, without creation, divine eros remains merely potential, inarticulate. The fragility of creation and the nonabsolute power of God culminate in the tragedy and rupture of history" (p. 124). Thank God, I can now have (...)
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    Quest for the Absolute: The Philosophical Vision of Joseph Maréchal by Anthony Matteo.Michael Kerlin - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (1):153-156.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 153 These objections to one side, one must compliment Anglin on the thoroughness with which he pursues his points. He almost always provides several arguments for the same point. So we get eight arguments for libertarianism, five for how natural evil comports with the existence of a benevolent, all-powerful God, and so on. These arguments carefully avoid the repetitiveness one might expect and rather skillfully succeed in (...)
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    Argument by Association: On the Transmissibility of Commitment in Public Political Arguments.Dima Mohammed - 2023 - Topoi 42 (2):625-634.
    In this paper, I examine the question of commitment transmissibility in public political arguments. I explore the idea that under certain conditions, arguers become accountable for the commitments of their “argumentative associates” (Mohammed 2019a ). I present cases where arguers make discursive effort to distance themselves from an undesirable associate in order to avoid acquiring the associate’s commitments, as well as cases where arguers fail to do so and face the consequences. I discuss the concept of commitment in argumentation (e.g. (...)
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  36. Arguments by Leibniz’s Law in Metaphysics.Ofra Magidor - 2011 - Philosophy Compass 6 (3):180-195.
    Leibniz’s Law (or as it sometimes called, ‘the Indiscerniblity of Identicals’) is a widely accepted principle governing the notion of numerical identity. The principle states that if a is identical to b, then any property had by a is also had by b. Leibniz’s Law may seem like a trivial principle, but its apparent consequences are far from trivial. The law has been utilised in a wide range of arguments in metaphysics, many leading to substantive and controversial conclusions. This article (...)
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    Argumentation by Analogy and Weighing of Reasons.José Alhambra - 2022 - Informal Logic 43 (4):749-785.
    John Woods and Brent Hudak’s theory on arguments by analogy (1989), although correct in its meta-argumentative approach, gives rise to problems when we consider the possibility of weighing reasons. I contend that this is an outcome of construing the relationship between the premises and the conclusion of arguments compared in argumentation by analogy as inferences. An interpretation in terms of reasons is proposed here. The reasons-based approach solves these problems and allows the theory to be extended to account for a (...)
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    Written Argumentation by a 10-Year-Old Pupil in Sweden.Ewa Bergh Nestlog - 2009 - Argumentation 23 (4):437-449.
    Most pupils become confident with narrative texts. However, studies show that pupils do not learn to master discursive genres in a satisfactory way. Therefore it is important to study pupils’ written argumentation and to develop knowledge about text production in an education that also highlights linguistic structures. The present article investigates written argumentations produced by 10–12 year-old pupils. The aim is to investigate perspectives in the texts, and thereby catch the entire texts—their content, function and form—and to relate text analysis (...)
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    David Hume and Eighteenth Century Monetary Thought: A Critical Comment on Recent Views.Salim Rashid - 1984 - Hume Studies 10 (2):156-164.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:DAVID HUME AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURY MONETARY THOUGHT: A CRITICAL COMMENT ON RECENT VIEWS To the argument that it makes little difference what precise roles were played by various actors in a great movement, and that the busy modern reader cannot be bothered to go behind the scenes of popular successes, the answer is simple: it is on the whole better to call men and events by their right (...)
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    A Particularist Approach to Arguments by Analogy.José Alhambra - 2023 - Argumentation 37 (4):553-575.
    In this article I defend what I call a ‘particularist approach to arguments by analogy.’ Particularism is opposed to generalism, which is the thesis that arguments by analogy require a universal principle that covers cases compared and guarantees the conclusion. Particularism rejects this claim and holds that arguments by analogy operate on particular cases. I elaborate on two ideas that support this position. On the one hand, I contend that an analogy can be seen as a parallelism of argumentative relationships, (...)
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    Cassirer’s Dialectic.Stephen A. Erickson - 1974 - Idealistic Studies 4 (3):251-266.
    The argument of this paper develops in four stages. In the first I expose two fundamental and at the same time highly problematical questions which serve as points of departure for Cassirer’s philosophy of symbolic forms. In the second stage I set forth an answer which serves to unite the two questions and reveal their interpenetration. This answer assumes the form of an explication of the fundamental structure of experience. The third stage serves as a justification of this procedure (...)
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    Argument by Multimodal Metaphor as Strategic Maneuvering in TV Commercials: A Case Study.Chuanrui Zhang & Cihua Xu - 2018 - Argumentation 32 (4):501-517.
    Drawing on insights from contemporary studies on conceptual metaphor and multimodal metaphor, the present study proposes a tentative analysis of multimodal metaphorical argument from the perspective of the extended theory of pragma-dialectics. A case, Liqun Commercial, is presented as an illustration. This commercial proves to use a conceptual metaphor, life is a journey, that underlies a multimodal metaphorical argument. The conceptual metaphor is highly acceptable in the cultural context of the Chinese target audience. Due to the restrictions imposed (...)
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  43. A New Approach to Argument by Analogy: Extrapolation and Chain Graphs.Daniel Steel & S. Kedzie Hall - 2010 - Philosophy of Science 77 (5):1058-1069.
    In order to make scientific results relevant to practical decision making, it is often necessary to transfer a result obtained in one set of circumstances—an animal model, a computer simulation, an economic experiment—to another that may differ in relevant respects—for example, to humans, the global climate, or an auction. Such inferences, which we can call extrapolations, are a type of argument by analogy. This essay sketches a new approach to analogical inference that utilizes chain graphs, which resemble directed acyclic (...)
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    Reply by Repetition and Reminder.Jonathan E. Adler - 1997 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 30 (4):367 - 375.
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  45. Argument by Analogy.André Juthe - 2005 - Argumentation 19 (1):1-27.
    ABSTRACT: In this essay I characterize arguments by analogy, which have an impor- tant role both in philosophical and everyday reasoning. Arguments by analogy are dif- ferent from ordinary inductive or deductive arguments and have their own distinct features. I try to characterize the structure and function of these arguments. It is further discussed that some arguments, which are not explicit arguments by analogy, nevertheless should be interpreted as such and not as inductive or deductive arguments. The result is that (...)
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    Deductive Argumentation by Enhanced Sequent Calculi and Dynamic Derivations.Ofer Arieli & Christian Straßer - 2016 - Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 323:21–37.
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    Post-critical pedagogy as poetic practice: combining affirmative and critical vocabularies.Kai Wortmann - 2019 - Ethics and Education 14 (4):467-481.
    Currently, the repetition of a critical way of speaking results in a stagnating tendency in educational debates. This had led to the endeavour of developing a ‘post-critical pedagogy’. This paper employs Rortyan and Latourian language in order to tackle the question of how such a post-critical pedagogy should deal with critique. It argues that if one takes critique as what Latour calls a debunking activity, then post-critical pedagogy should leave critique behind. If however critique means simply to say how (...)
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    Modulation of sensorimotor cortex by repetitive peripheral magnetic stimulation.Eugen Gallasch, Monica Christova, Alexander Kunz, Dietmar Rafolt & Stefan Golaszewski - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Political Argumentation by Reciting Poems in the Spring and Autumn Period of Ancient China.Shi-er Ju, Zhi-xi Chen & Yang He - 2020 - Argumentation 35 (1):9-33.
    This paper introduces the Generalized Argumentation Theory which takes argumentation as a locally rational socio-cultural interaction governed by social norms and carried out through discourse between the members of a socio-cultural community in order to reason things out. Then we bring in the basic structure of generalized argumentation and the localized procedure of Generalized Argumentation Theory for studying the argumentative rules. On the basis of above introduction, we use the localized procedure to analyze a case of political argumentation by reciting (...)
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    Reason and argument by P. T. Geach.J. E. Tiles & Mary Tiles - 1977 - Philosophical Books 18 (2):86-86.
    REASON AND ARGUMENT by P. T. Geach. Blackwell, 1977. xi + 99 pp. £4 cloth, £ 1.75 paper.
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