Results for 'augmented body'

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  1.  12
    The Augmented Body. From Fiction to Reality.Nadine Boudou - 2023 - Iris 43.
    Our goal is to show how science fiction films have dealt with the augmentation of bodily and cognitive faculties. These cinematographic imaginaries allow us to question the interest of such innovations. They depict a world in which the artificialization and mechanization of many activities leads to a loss of control over them. This would mean that we would run the risk, in the long term, of being deprived of our human qualities. However, we will show that these films do not (...)
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    Colonial Space and Augmented Body: the Primera parte de los problemas y secretos maravillosos de las Indias (México, 1591) of the Doctor Juan de Cárdenas.Christine Orobitg - 2023 - Iris 43.
    In 1591, in a very innovative way, the doctor Juan de Cárdenas asserts in his Primera parte de los problemas y secretos maravillosos de las Indias, the superiority of the criollos (white people of Spanish origin, born in the American territory) over the Spaniards. His text considers American space as an element that “increases” the capacities of the body and, consequently, of the mind, making the criollos superior to the Spaniards. Cárdenas’ text appears to be a clear break with (...)
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  3. GoPro : augmented bodies, somatic images.Richard Bégin - 2016 - In Dominique Chateau & José Moure (eds.), Screens: from materiality to spectatorship: a historical and theoretical reassessment. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
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    Cyborg Bodies—Self-Reflections on Sensory Augmentations.Stefan Greiner - 2014 - NanoEthics 8 (3):299-302.
    Sensory augmentation challenges current societal norms and views of what is conceived as a “normal” human being. Beginning with self reflections of a bodyhacker, the author proposes an extended view onto the human or respectively cyborg body. Based on cognitive theories, it is argumented that we are already mental cyborgs. Our brains plastically restructure themselves in order to meet new requirements of the technological extended human.
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    Restlessness and an Increased Urge to Move (Drive for Activity) in Anorexia Nervosa May Strengthen Personal Motivation to Maintain Caloric Restriction and May Augment Body Awareness and Proprioception: A Lesson From Leptin Administration in Anorexia Nervosa.Regina C. Casper - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Anorexia nervosa, a disorder of voluntary food restriction leading to severe weight loss in female adolescents, remains an enigma. In particular, the appropriation of the starved thin body into the self-concept in AN is a process insufficiently researched and still poorly understood. Healthy humans undergoing starvation experience a slowing of movements and avoid voluntary exercise. By contrast, AN tends to be not infrequently associated with voluntary, sometimes excessive and/or compulsive exercise. Such deliberate exercise, not reported in starvation, seems to (...)
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    Augmenting justice: Google glass, body cameras, and the politics of wearable technology.Kevin Healey & Niall Stephens - 2017 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 15 (4):370-384.
    Purpose This paper aims to uncover the assumptions and concerns driving public debates about Google Glass and police body cameras. In doing so, it shows how debates about wearable cameras reflect broader cultural tensions surrounding race and privilege. Design/methodology/approach The paper employs a form of critical discourse analysis to discover patterns in journalistic coverage of these two technologies. Findings Public response to Glass has been overwhelmingly negative, while response to body cameras has been positive. Analysis indicates that this (...)
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    Augmenting the cartesian medical discourse with an understanding of the person's lifeworld, lived body, life story and social identity.Helena Sunvisson, Barbara Habermann, Sara Weiss & Patricia Benner - 2009 - Nursing Philosophy 10 (4):241-252.
    Using three paradigm cases of persons living with Parkinson's Disease (PD) the authors make a case for augmenting and enriching a Cartesian medical account of the pathophysiology of PD with an enriched understanding of the lived body experience of PD, the lived implications of PD for a particular person's concerns and coping with the illness. Linking and adding a thick description of the lived experience of PD can enrich caregiving imagination and attunement to the patient's possibilities, concerns and constraints. (...)
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    Augmenting Instructional Animations with a Body Analogy to Help Children Learn about Physical Systems.Wim T. J. L. Pouw, Tamara van Gog, Rolf A. Zwaan & Fred Paas - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Virtuality+: The physical body in virtual reality and the path toward augmented virtuality.Philippe Bédard - 2023 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 16 (1):61-72.
    While many scholars have decried the erasure of the body in virtual reality (VR), this paper focuses on the body – and the physical reality for which it stands – as a critical component of any experience of virtual reality. Specifically, studying VR from the perspective of the physical body allows for a more nuanced appreciation of the unique reality of this «virtual» reality. Moreover, this paper argues that the body should not be seen as a (...)
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    Reincarnating the Body of the Future Through Speculative Science Fiction: The Employees (2018) by Olga Ravn.Joaquín Jesús Marto - 2023 - Iris 43.
    Through the epistemic potential of speculative science fiction, this article offers a reflection on the impacts of technologies on the human body. More precisely, this article illuminates how literary texts anticipate the challenges which will arise in relation with the body of the future from our most awaited and fantasized technologies. Olga Ravn’s novel, The employees (2018), will be the basis of this article’s inquiry into how the augmented body, extraterrestrial life and artificial intelligence impact the (...)
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    Augmented Spatial Mediators of Late 20th Century and their Impact on the Realization Process of the Smooth Space in Architectural Discourse: Fresh Water Expo Pavilion Case.Emine Görgül - 2015 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 13:155-172.
    With the rising influence of digitalization and its immense penetration intoeven everyday life, the last decade of the 20th Century addressed to a critical threshold in the successive transformation process of the spatiality in its long-term run. The advanced digital technologies of ubiquitous computing and generative design, as well as the invention of smart materials in late 90’s have all provoked the fluid characteristics of spatiality, and strengthen the transformative capacities of the architectural space through the emergence of computer-augmented (...)
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    The Architectonic Experience of Body and Space in Augmented Interiors.Isabella Pasqualini, Maria Laura Blefari, Tej Tadi, Andrea Serino & Olaf Blanke - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Meaningful Human-Machine Interaction: Some Suggestions From the Perspective of Augmented Intelligence.Martina Properzi - 2022 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:101-112.
    In this article I will address the issue of the meaning of human-machine interaction as it is configured today in the light of substantial results achieved in the design and the manufacture of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems. My starting point is a refined solution for meaningful AI recently suggested by Froese and Taguchi from the perspective of so-called augmented intelligence. Interpreted as a kind of human-machine interaction, augmented intelligence distinguishes itself by the fact that it merges the interacting (...)
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    Body, Technology and Society: a Dance of Encounters.Bárbara Nascimento Duarte & Enno Park - 2014 - NanoEthics 8 (3):259-261.
    In the special section ‘Body Hacking: Self-Made Cyborgs and Visions of Transhuman Corporeality’, attention is drawn to cyborgism, a set of cultural and very personal practices of experimentation with the human body that often take place outside the confines of institutionalised technoscience. Known, for example, as ‘body hackers’, ‘grinders’ or ‘self-made cyborgs’ and engaging in unusual forms of body modification, the practitioners are enthusiasts who do not necessarily have any ‘disability’ in the conventional sense of the (...)
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  15.  22
    Sola dosis facit venenum: The Ethics of Soldier Optimisation, Enhancement, and Augmentation.Gareth Rice & Jason Selman - 2022 - Journal of Military Ethics 21 (2):97-115.
    This article examines soldier performance optimisation, enhancement, and augmentation across the three dimensions of physical performance, cognitive performance, and socio-cultural understanding. Optimisation refers to combatants attaining their maximum biological potential. Enhancement refers to combatants achieving a level of performance beyond their biological potential through drugs, surgical procedures, or even gene editing. Augmentation refers to a blending of organic and biomechatronic body parts such as electronic or mechanical implants, prosthetics, and brain–machine interfaces. This article identifies that soldier optimisation is a (...)
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    Simulation and augmentation: Issues of wearable computers. [REVIEW]Ana Viseu - 2003 - Ethics and Information Technology 5 (1):17-26.
    As the physical and digital worlds interact,some fields of technoscience have started toshift from an approach emphasizing simulation –in which the physical is replicated in thedigital – to one focusing on augmentation, inwhich the digital is utilized to enhance thephysical. A good place to study theimplications this shift has on the individualis the field of personal wearable technologies.Here, the body is not simply extended byinformation and communication technologies(ICTs), but also becomes their intimate host.This represents a new step in theconceptualization (...)
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    Scientific Observation Is Socio-Materially Augmented Perception: Toward a Participatory Realism.Tom Froese - 2022 - Philosophies 7 (2):37.
    There is an overlooked similarity between three classic accounts of the conditions of object experience from three distinct disciplines. Sociology: the “inversion” that accompanies discovery in the natural sciences, as local causes of effects are reattributed to an observed object. Psychology: the “externalization” that accompanies mastery of a visual–tactile sensory substitution interface, as tactile sensations of the proximal interface are transformed into vision-like experience of a distal object. Biology: the “projection” that brings forth an animal’s Umwelt, as impressions on its (...)
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  18. Policy and Practice Recommendations for Augmented and Mixed Reality.Ben Colburn, Fiona Macpherson, Derek H. Brown, Laura Fearnley, Calum Hodgson & Neil McDonnell - 2024 - Enlighen.
    This policy report arises from the research project Augmented Reality: Ethics, Perception, Metaphysics, conducted at the University of Glasgow’s Centre for the Study of Perceptual Experience between November 2021 and November 2023. It was funded by a grant from the Royal Society of Edinburgh. The project brought together experts in various academic fields, with partners from industry and regulatory bodies, to explore the nature of augmented and mixed reality technology, the theories underpinning them, and the ethical and legal (...)
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    (1 other version)Gut Instinct: The body and learning.Robyn Barnacle - 2009 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 41 (1):22-33.
    In the current socio‐political climate pedagogies consistent with rationalism are in the ascendancy. One way to challenge the purchase of rationalism within educational discourse and practice is through the body, or by re‐thinking the nature of mind‐body relations. While the orientation of this paper is ultimately phenomenological, it takes as its point of departure recent feminist scholarship, which is demonstrating that attending to physiology can provide insight into the complexity of mind‐body relations. Elizabeth Wilson's account of the (...)
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  20. Body Phenomenology, Somaesthetics and Nietzschean Themes in Medieval Art.Matthew Crippen - 2014 - Pragmatism Today 5:40-45.
    Richard Shusterman suggested that Maurice Merleau-Ponty neglected “‘lived somaesthetic reflection,’ that is, concrete but representational and reflective body consciousness.” While unsure about this assessment of Merleau-Ponty, lived somaesthetic reflection, or what the late Sam Mallin called “body phenomenology”—understood as a meditation on the body reflecting on both itself and the world—is my starting point. Another is John Dewey’s bodily theory of perception, augmented somewhat by Merleau-Ponty. -/- With these starting points, I spent roughly 20 hours with (...)
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  21.  9
    Refashioning Bodies, Reshaping Agency.Dawn Goodwin - 2008 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 33 (3):345-363.
    Poovey has argued that the anesthetized “unresisting body” can offer no impediment to a doctor's interpretation of its conduct. In contrast, drawing on ethnographic data of anesthetic practice, this article suggests that the technological augmentation of the body required by present-day anesthesia enhances the ability of an unconscious body to convey its needs and shape the course of the anesthetic. In analyzing the expressions of anesthesia's cyborgs, the author draws on Haraway, Latour, and Suchman to reconsider the (...)
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  22. The Problem of the Body in Husserl's Phenomenology.James Dodd - 1996 - Dissertation, Boston University
    The thesis of the dissertation is that Husserl's phenomenological analyses of the human body are important in assessing the claim that phenomenology provides the basis for a "transcendental idealism". The central role of these analyses is to reconcile the sense of consciousness as a world-creating transcendental synthesis and as an empirical self: if successful, Husserl's idealism could boast a sensitivity to the empirical that would significantly augment its plausibility. ;The argument begins by setting up the problem vis-a-vis the experience (...)
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    The Pauli–Jung Conjecture and Its Relatives: A Formally Augmented Outline.Harald Atmanspacher - 2020 - Open Philosophy 3 (1):527-549.
    The dual-aspect monist conjecture launched by Pauli and Jung in the mid-20th century will be couched in somewhat formal terms to characterize it more concisely than by verbal description alone. After some background material situating the Pauli–Jung conjecture among other conceptual approaches to the mind–matter problem, the main body of this paper outlines its general framework of a basic psychophysically neutral reality with its derivative mental and physical aspects and the nature of the correlations that connect these aspects. Some (...)
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    Microtiming in Swing and Funk affects the body movement behavior of music expert listeners.Lorenz Kilchenmann & Olivier Senn - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:152862.
    The theory of Participatory Discrepancies (or PDs) claims that minute temporal asynchronies (microtiming) in music performance are crucial for prompting bodily entrainment in listeners, which is a fundamental effect of the “groove” experience. Previous research has failed to find evidence to support this theory. The present study tested the influence of varying PD magnitudes on the beat-related body movement behavior of music listeners. 160 participants (79 music experts, 81 non-experts) listened to twelve music clips in either Funk or Swing (...)
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  25.  14
    The Bio-Artist’s Body: from Fiction to Reality.Catherine Voison - 2023 - Iris 43.
    Today, new artistic practices incorporate scientific techniques linked to medical research that modify the body’s biological performance in vivo, transforming it into a singular laboratory object. In this way, some artists are making works of their bodies by subjecting them to various biotechnological procedures, often invasive. Augmented, the biological body of these performance artists becomes a site for experimentation. DIY (Do It Yourself) enthusiasts or accompanied by biologists and doctors, are these ‘bio-artists’ evidence of the changes brought (...)
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    Potency in All the Right Places: Viagra as a Technology of the Gendered Body.Laura Mamo & Jennifer R. Fishman - 2001 - Body and Society 7 (4):13-35.
    New pharmacological therapies, often dubbed `lifestyle drugs', demonstrate the enactment of yet another interface between technologies and bodies that promises a re-fashioning of the body with transformative, life-enhancing results. This article analyzes the emergence of one lifestyle drug, Viagra, from a technoscience studies perspective, conceptualizing Viagra as a new medical technology of the body. Through an analysis of promotional materials for Viagra, we argue that this pharmaceutical device performs ideological work through its discursive scripts that serves to reinforce (...)
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  27.  14
    “Too Good to Be Real”: The Obviously Augmented Breast in Women’s Narratives of Cosmetic Surgery.Debra L. Gimlin - 2013 - Gender and Society 27 (6):913-934.
    Although consumers and physicians alike have long described the goal of aesthetic surgery as the production of an “improved” but still “natural-looking” body, interviews with women who had cosmetic surgery between 1990 and 2007 suggest that the “artificial” is becoming increasingly prevalent within consumers’ narratives of breast enlargement. This article explores that change in relation to processes of conspicuous consumption, the growing cultural emphasis on continual self-transformation, and the increasing normalization of cosmetic modification. Following Fraser, it treats consumers’ accounts (...)
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  28.  24
    Communication Strategies and Intensive Interaction Therapy Meet the Theology of the Body.Pia Matthews - 2013 - The New Bioethics 19 (2):97-110.
    Academic bioethics does not appear to be interested in communication and its ethical concerns unless communication is to do with issues such as capacity, consent, truth telling and confidentiality. In contrast practitioners are interested in actually communicating with their patients and they are often particularly perplexed when it comes to people with profound disabilities where communication appears disrupted. Although some new and not so new communication strategies, and especially intensive interaction, are available, little has been written on either the ethical (...)
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    Mapping Communicative Activity: A CHAT Approach to Design of Pseudo- Intelligent Mediators for Augmentative and Alternative Communication.Julie Hengst, Maeve McCartin, Hillary Valentino, Suma Devanga & Martha Sherrill - 2016 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 17 (1):05-38.
    The development of AAC technologies is of critical importance to the many people who are unable to speak intelligibly due to a communication disorder, and to their many everyday interlocutors. Advances in digital technologies have revolutionized AAC, leading to devices that can “speak for” such individuals as aptly as it is illustrated in the case of the world famous physicist, Stephen Hawking. However, given their dependence on prefabricated language, current AAC devices are very limited in their ability to mediate everyday (...)
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  30. Phenomenal, Subjective, Self-Aware: A Clear Distinction with a View to Augmented Sensory Modalities.Daniel Andrade & Eduardo Chagas - 2024 - Revista Dialectus 35 (35):209-220.
    This paper aims to analyze the concepts of phenomenal experiences, subjective standpoints, and self-awareness in light of an enactive approach to mind. In doing so, it assumes that a clear-cut reorganization of those three concepts will help to deal more safely with technological enhancements of sensory modalities, including the hypothetical introspection of a person’s own neural states. It argues in favor of understanding the mental as a subcategory of the physical and of considering measurement scales and mutually complementary perspectives while (...)
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  31.  18
    The Efficacy of Psychological Intervention on Body Image in Breast Cancer Patients and Survivors: A Systematic-Review and Meta-Analysis.Valeria Sebri, Ilaria Durosini, Stefano Triberti & Gabriella Pravettoni - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The experience of breast cancer and related treatments has notable effects on women's mental health. Among them, the subjective perception of the body or body image is altered. Such alterations deserve to be properly treated because they augment the risk for depression and mood disorders, and impair intimate relationships. A number of studies revealed that focused psychological interventions are effective in reducing BI issues related to breast cancer. However, findings are inconsistent regarding the dimension of such effects. This (...)
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    To Learn the World Again: Examining the Impact of Elective Breast Surgery on Body Schema.Sara Rodrigues - 2018 - Human Studies 41 (2):255-273.
    This paper comprises a feminist phenomenological exploration of women’s experiences with breast augmentation and breast reduction. Situating the results of semi-structured interviews in the context of body schema, this study discloses how women perceive, think, feel and respond to bodily change created by elective breast surgery. Women’s narratives express that breast augmentation and reduction shifted their conception of the lived body and its possibilities by provoking bodily reorientations and adjustments as well as changes in bodily sensations. In contrast (...)
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    Conceptualising Corporate Social Responsibility: 'Relational Governance' Assessed, Augmented, and Adapted. [REVIEW]Jenny Fairbrass & Anna Zueva-Owens - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 105 (3):321-335.
    Academic interest in corporate social responsibility (CSR) can be traced back to the 1930s. Since then an impressive body of empirical data and theory-building has been amassed, mainly located in the fields of management studies and business ethics. One of the most noteworthy recent conceptual contributions to the scholarship is Midttun’s (Corporate Governance 5(3):159–174, 2005 ) CSR-oriented embedded relational model of societal governance. It re-conceptualises the relationships between the state, business, and civil society. Other scholars (In Albareda et al. (...)
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    The "Quarantine 15," Prepandemic Bodies, and Diet Culture.Sophia Pavlos - 2022 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 15 (1):102-103.
    In March of 2019, with a modicum of superiority and significant financial strain, I made the decision to buy a Peloton bike. I was in good company; many other Americans reacted to social distancing measures and citywide closures by investing in personal exercise equipment, and I imagine at least some did for the same reasons as I did: namely, to avoid the pitfalls of pandemic-related weight gain aka Stay in Shape. I entered into my own personal "emergency maintenance" mode, unwilling (...)
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    The technocene: reflections on bodies, minds, and markets.Hermínio Martins - 2018 - New York: Anthem Press. Edited by S. Ravi Rajan & Danielle Crawford.
    Table of contents -- Preface -- Editor's introduction: hermínio martins and the technocene -- The technocene: on bodies, minds, and markets -- Technology sublime: paths to the post-human -- Perpetual augmentation: from eugenics to human genetic capitalism -- The body vanishes! momenta of discarnation in technoscience today -- When universities become body-shops -- A select bibliography of hermínio martin's works.
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  36. The Return of the New Flesh : Body Memory in David Cronenberg’s The Fly.Dylan Trigg - 2011 - Film-Philosophy 15 (1):82-99.
    From the “psychoplasmic” offspring in The Brood (1979) to the tattooed encodings in Eastern Promises (2007), David Cronenberg presents a compelling vision of embodiment, which challenges traditional accounts of personal identity and obliges us to ask how human beings persist through different times, places, and bodily states while retaining their sameness. Traditionally, the response to this question has emphasised the importance of cognitive memory in securing the continuity of consciousness. But what has been underplayed in this debate is the question (...)
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    Self-tracking in the Digital Era: Biopower, Patriarchy, and the New Biometric Body Projects.Rachel Sanders - 2017 - Body and Society 23 (1):36-63.
    This article employs Foucauldian and feminist analytics to advance a critical approach to wearable digital health- and activity-tracking devices. Following Foucault’s insight that the growth of individual capabilities coincides with the intensification of power relations, I argue that digital self-tracking devices (DSTDs) expand individuals’ capacity for self-knowledge and self-care at the same time that they facilitate unprecedented levels of biometric surveillance, extend the regulatory mechanisms of both public health and fashion/beauty authorities, and enable increasingly rigorous body projects devoted to (...)
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    The goddess and her icon: body and mind in the era of artificial intelligence.George Zarkadakis - 2024 - AI and Society 39 (1):87-89.
    As the pagan classical world was subsumed into Christianity sexually hyperactive gods and goddesses transmuted into saints, their former statues that glorified the perfection of their bodies smashed into pieces and reimagined as austere two-dimensional icons to be worshipped by the new faithful. That dualistic and polemic narrative, where the soul’s purpose was to annihilate the body, survives today in the distinction between software and hardware, algorithms and robots, the former as the “ghosts” that animate the empty vessels, the (...)
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    Spaces for Miracles. Constructing Sacred Space through the Body, from Conques to the Mediterranean, and Beyond.Ivan Foletti - 2022 - Convivium 9 (1):168-185.
    Reconstruction of the basilica that preceded the present abbey church at Conques lends itself to exploring the notion of “sacred space”. Like its successor, the original basilica, probably built around 900, was dedicated to St Foy and held her remains. Textual evidence, augmented with (albeit scarce) archeological data, enables a reconstruction of what emerges as an unusual building containing a “physical” sacred space clearly conceived as a place into which the whole cult of St Foy could be “condensed”. At (...)
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    Introduction.Françoise Sylvos - 2023 - Iris 43.
    Beyond simple verbal or technical strategies aimed at extending man’s physical capacities and range of action, our modern times provide unusual means of emancipating ourselves from the limitations and imperfections of the body. Science and the arts inspire each other when they discuss the new possibilities offered by chemistry, genetics, devices, cybertechnologies (A.I.), scientific achievements in the field of transsexuality, developments in digital imaging and immersive 3D virtual experiences, and speculation on the potential of so-called quantum therapies, which most (...)
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    (1 other version)Material Virtue: Ethics and the Body in Early China (review). [REVIEW]Edward Gilman Slingerland - 2006 - Philosophy East and West 56 (4):694-699.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Material Virtue: Ethics and the Body in Early ChinaEdward SlingerlandMaterial Virtue: Ethics and the Body in Early China. By Mark Csikszentmihalyi. Leiden: Brill, 2005. Pp. vi + 402. Hardcover $180.00.Material Virtue: Ethics and the Body in Early China by Mark Csikszentmihalyi is a fascinating and meticulously researched study of early Chinese discussions of virtue and moral education in the period following what we might call (...)
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    Radiation from Bodies with Extreme Acceleration II: Kinematics. [REVIEW]Ulrich H. Gerlach - 2003 - Foundations of Physics 33 (2):179-221.
    When applied to a dipole source subjected to acceleration which is violent and long lasting (“extreme acceleration”), Maxwell's equations predict radiative power which augments Larmor's classical radiation formula by a nontrivial amount. The physical assumptions behind this result are made possible by the kinematics of a system of geometrical clocks whose tickings are controlled by cavities which are expanding inertially. For the purpose of measuring the radiation from such a source we take advantage of the physical validity of a spacetime (...)
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    Touching intelligence.David Morris - 2002 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 29 (149-162):149-162.
    Touch requires that one move in concert with one's tactile object. This provokes the question how joint movement of this sort yields perception of tactile qualities of the object vs. tactile qualities of an object-augmented body. Phenomenological analysis together with results of dynamic systems theory (in psychology) suggest that the difference stems from 'resonant' vs. 'reverberant' modalities of body-object movement. The further suggestion is that tactile movement is itself a form of discriminative intelligence, and that the peculiar (...)
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    The Decentered Subject and the Promethean Shame in De Synthèse by Karoline Georges (2017).Greta Lansen - 2023 - Iris 43.
    De Synthèse breaks with the concept of the organic body as a producer of meaning. By dividing identity and opening it up to the transcendent, the novel challenges the fundamental Cartesian distinction between a singular body and a soul. Using everything in her power, the protagonist-narrator aspires to complete liberation from her organic body. For the protagonist, blood and flesh gradually become more abstract than the virtual augmented bodies she creates for herself. Instead of defining her (...)
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    Krisenpolitik und Planwirtschaft.Gerhard Meyer - 1935 - Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung 4 (3):398-436.
    The body of measures promulgated to deal with the emergency of the depression is frequently linked up with the idea of a planned economy. That emergency measures have little or no essential connection with planning is the central thesis of this essay.The author discusses the four most important premises of the emergency measures : the intensity of the depression, the degree of organization reached by the country in depression, its social stratification, and its political set-up. Two emergency methods are (...)
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    Art, technology and the Internet of Living Things.Vibeke Sørensen & J. Stephen Lansing - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (6):2401-2417.
    Intelligence augmentation was one of the original goals of computing. Artificial Intelligence (AI) inherits this project and is at the leading edge of computing today. Computing can be considered an extension of brain and body, with mathematical prowess and logic fundamental to the infrastructure of computing. Multimedia computing—sensing, analyzing, and translating data to and from visual images, animation, sound and music, touch and haptics, as well as smell—is based on our human senses and is now commonplace. We use data (...)
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  47. What is so Special About Online (as Compared to Offline) Hate Speech?Alexander Brown - 2018 - Ethnicities 18:297–326.
    There is a growing body of literature on whether or not online hate speech, or cyberhate, might be special compared to offline hate speech. This article aims to both critique and augment that literature by emphasising a distinctive feature of the Internet and of cyberhate that, unlike other features, such as ease of access, size of audience, and anonymity, is often overlooked: namely, instantaneousness. This article also asks whether there is anything special about online (as compared to offline) hate (...)
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    A phenomenological study on the Image in the Society of The Fourth Industrial Revolution - On the Base of Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology -. 김병환 - 2018 - Journal of the Daedong Philosophical Association 84:43-70.
    This thesis aims to clarify the intrinsic characteristics of ‘image’ of everything for the image in the society of the fourth industrial revolution by the phenomenological dimention based on Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology, and to clarify the value of image, the intrinsic characteristics of ‘painting-image’, ‘photo-image’ and ‘film-image’. It will reveal that ‘thing-image’, ‘artifact-image’, ‘digital image’, ‘robot-image’ become the images for society of humanities by these clarifications. The image of everything is ‘appearance-image’ to reveal itself, ‘expression-image’ from the phenomenological, ontic point of (...)
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  49. Language as a disruptive technology: Abstract concepts, embodiment and the flexible mind.Guy Dove - 2018 - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 1752 (373):1-9.
    A growing body of evidence suggests that cognition is embodied and grounded. Abstract concepts, though, remain a significant theoretical chal- lenge. A number of researchers have proposed that language makes an important contribution to our capacity to acquire and employ concepts, particularly abstract ones. In this essay, I critically examine this suggestion and ultimately defend a version of it. I argue that a successful account of how language augments cognition should emphasize its symbolic properties and incorporate a view of (...)
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  50. Muslim Women and the Politics of Religious Identity in a (Post) Secular Society.Nuraan Davids - 2013 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 33 (3):303-313.
    Women’s bodies, states Benhabib (Dignity in adversity: human rights in troubled times, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2011: 168), have become the site of symbolic confrontations between a re-essentialized understanding of religious and cultural differences and the forces of state power, whether in their civic-republican, liberal-democratic or multicultural form. One of the main reasons for the emergence of these confrontations or public debates, says Benhabib (2011: 169), is because of the actual location of ‘political theology’. She asserts that within the context (...)
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