Results for 'autonomy-based prerogatives'

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  1. Joseph Raz, from The Morality of Freedom (1986).Autonomy-Based Freedom - 2007 - In Ian Carter, Matthew H. Kramer & Hillel Steiner, Freedom: a philosophical anthology. Malden, MA: Blackwell. pp. 413.
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  2. The Rules of Rescue: Cost, Distance, and Effective Altruism, by Theron Pummer. [REVIEW]Daniel Muñoz - 2025 - Mind 134 (533).
  3. An autonomy-based approach to assisted suicide: a way to avoid the expressivist objection against assisted dying laws.Esther Braun - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (7):497-501.
    In several jurisdictions, irremediable suffering from a medical condition is a legal requirement for access to assisted dying. According to the expressivist objection, allowing assisted dying for a specific group of persons, such as those with irremediable medical conditions, expresses the judgment that their lives are not worth living. While the expressivist objection has often been used to argue that assisted dying should not be legalised, I show that there is an alternative solution available to its proponents. An autonomy- (...) approach to assisted suicide regards the provision of assisted suicide (but not euthanasia) as justified when it is autonomously requested by a person, irrespective of whether this is in her best interests. Such an approach has been put forward by a recent judgment of the German Federal Constitutional Court, which understands assisted suicide as an expression of the person’s right to a self-determined death. It does not allow for beneficence-based restrictions regarding the person’s suffering or medical diagnosis and therefore avoids the expressivist objection. I argue that on an autonomy-based approach, assisted suicide should not be understood as a medical procedure but rather as the person’s autonomous action. (shrink)
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  4. Autonomy-Based Reasons for Limitarianism.Danielle Zwarthoed - 2018 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 21 (5):1181-1204.
    This paper aims to provide autonomy-based reasons in favour of limitarianism. Limitarianism affirms it is of primary moral importance that no one gets too much. The paper challenges the standard assumption that having more material resources always increases autonomy. It expounds five mechanisms through which having too much material wealth might undermine autonomy. If these hypotheses are true, a theory of justice guided by a concern for autonomy will support a limitarian distribution of wealth. Finally, (...)
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    Autonomy-based criticisms of the patient preference predictor.E. J. Jardas, David Wasserman & David Wendler - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (5):304-310.
    The patient preference predictor is a proposed computer-based algorithm that would predict the treatment preferences of decisionally incapacitated patients. Incorporation of a PPP into the decision-making process has the potential to improve implementation of the substituted judgement standard by providing more accurate predictions of patients’ treatment preferences than reliance on surrogates alone. Yet, critics argue that methods for making treatment decisions for incapacitated patients should be judged on a number of factors beyond simply providing them with the treatments they (...)
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    Autonomy-Based Accounts of the Right to Secede.Steven Weimer - 2013 - Social Theory and Practice 39 (4):625-642.
    Voluntarist accounts of secession are those that attempt to ground a moral right to secede in autonomy. This paper argues that no such account is likely to succeed. After describing the serious problems that plague the most straightforward Voluntarist approach, I examine two recent accounts that employ novel approaches designed to avoid those difficulties. I argue that both accounts fail, shedding considerable doubt on the possibility of a plausible autonomy-based account of the moral right to secede. I (...)
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    Autonomy-based bioethics and vulnerability during the COVID-19 pandemic: towards an African relational approach.Mbih Jerome Tosam - 2024 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 45 (3):183-197.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has provoked new interest in the notion of vulnerability and in identifying alternative approaches for responding to vulnerable patients and populations during health emergencies. In this paper, I argue that the autonomy-based approach (the most dominant approach in bioethics) to responding to vulnerability during health emergencies is deficient because it focuses only on the interests, values, and decisions of the individual patient. It overly emphasizes respect for autonomy and not respect for the patient as (...)
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    An Autonomy-Based Approach to Justifying Physician-Assisted Death: A Recent Judgment of the German Federal Constitutional Court.Jochen Vollmann, Matthé Scholten, Jakov Gather & Esther Braun - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (2):71-73.
    Florijn’s analysis of the Dutch Supreme Court ruling on the Albert Heringa case demonstrates that the Dutch approach to justifying physician-assisted death is based primarily on the physician...
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    An Autonomy-Based Justification for Intellectual Property Rights of Indigenous Communities.Anthony J. Stenson & Tim S. Gray - 1999 - Environmental Ethics 21 (2):177-190.
    The claim that indigenous communities are entitled to have intellectual property rights (IPRs) to both their plant varieties and their botanical knowledge has been put forward by writers who wish to protect the plant genetic resources of indigenous communities from uncompensated use by biotechnological transnational corporations. We argue that while it is necessary for indigenous communities to have suchrights, the entitlement argument is an unsatisfactory justification for them. A more convincing foundation for indigenous community IPRs is the autonomy theory (...)
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    Response to commentaries: ‘autonomy-based criticisms of the patient preference predictor’.David Wasserman & David Wendler - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (8):580-582.
    The authors respond to four JME commentaries on their Feature Article, ‘Autonomy-based criticisms of the patient preference predictor’.
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    Autonomy-Based Obligations to Patients in the Emergency Department Following Opioid Overdose.Ben Schwan & Grayson Holt - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (5):56-58.
    Marshall et al. (2024) persuasively argue that some patients with opiate use disorder (OUD), who refuse observation after naloxone resuscitation in the emergency department (ED), “may be making non...
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    Critique of autonomybased arguments against legalising assisted dying.Thomas Søbirk Petersen & Morten Dige - 2022 - Bioethics 37 (2):165-170.
    The aim of this article is to present and critically investigate a type of argument against legalising assisted dying on request (ADR) for patients who are terminally ill and experiencing suffering. This type of argument has several variants. These—which we call ‘autonomy-based arguments’ against legalising ADR—invoke different specifications of the premise that we ought not to respect requests for assistance in dying made by terminally ill and suffering patients because the basic conditions of autonomy cannot be met (...)
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  13. Autonomy-based arguments against physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia: a critique. [REVIEW]Manne Sjöstrand, Gert Helgesson, Stefan Eriksson & Niklas Juth - 2013 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 16 (2):225-230.
    Respect for autonomy is typically considered a key reason for allowing physician assisted suicide and euthanasia. However, several recent papers have claimed this to be grounded in a misconception of the normative relevance of autonomy. It has been argued that autonomy is properly conceived of as a value, and that this makes assisted suicide as well as euthanasia wrong, since they destroy the autonomy of the patient. This paper evaluates this line of reasoning by investigating the (...)
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    Commentary on ‘Autonomy-based criticisms of the patient preference predictor’.Collin O'Neil - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (5):315-316.
    When a patient lacks sufficient capacity to make a certain treatment decision, whether because of deficits in their ability to make a judgement that reflects their values or to make a decision that reflects their judgement or both, the decision must be made by a surrogate. Often the best way to respect the patient’s autonomy, in such cases, is for the surrogate to make a ‘substituted’ judgement on behalf of the patient, which is the decision that best reflects the (...)
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  15.  25
    Why caregivers have no autonomybased reason to respect advance directives in dementia care.Sigurd Lauridsen, Anna P. Folker & Martin M. Andersen - 2023 - Bioethics 37 (4):399-405.
    Advance directives (ADs) have for some time been championed by ethicists and patient associations alike as a tool that people newly diagnosed with dementia, or prior to onset, may use to ensure that their future care and treatment are organized in accordance with their interests. The idea is that autonomous people, not yet neurologically affected by dementia, can design directives for their future care that caregivers are morally obligated to respect because they have been designed by autonomous individuals. In this (...)
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    Assisted suicide and the discrimination argument: Can people with mental illness fulfill beneficence‐ and autonomybased eligibility criteria?Esther Braun, Matthé Scholten & Jochen Vollmann - 2023 - Bioethics 38 (1):61-68.
    According to the “discrimination argument,” it would be discriminatory and hence impermissible to categorically exclude people with mental illness (PMI) from access to assisted suicide (AS) if AS is accessible to people with somatic illnesses. In objection to this, it could be argued that excluding PMI is not discriminatory, but rather based on their inability to meet certain eligibility criteria for AS. Which criteria are deemed necessary depends on the approach taken to justifying AS. In this article, we describe (...)
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  17.  50
    Two Conceptions of Positive Liberty: Towards an Autonomy-based Theory of Constitutional Rights.Kai Möller - 2009 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 29 (4):757-786.
    In the jurisprudence of constitutional courts around the world, there is an emerging trend towards an autonomy-based understanding of constitutional rights: increasingly, rights are interpreted as being about enabling people to live autonomous lives, rather than disabling the state in certain ways. This article investigates the conception of autonomy employed by courts by presenting two candidates and examining which of them explains the current practice of constitutional rights law better. The first, labelled the excluded reasons conception of (...)
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  18.  49
    Remember Evil: Remaining Assumptions In Autonomy-based Accounts Of Conscience Protection.Bryan C. Pilkington - 2019 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 16 (4):483-488.
    Discussions of the proper role of conscience and practitioner judgement within medicine have increased of late, and with good reason. The cost of allowing practitioners the space to exercise their best judgement and act according to their conscience is significant. Misuse of such protections carve out societal space in which abuse, discrimination, abandonment of patients, and simple malpractice might occur. These concerns are offered amid a backdrop of increased societal polarization and are about a profession which has historically fought for (...)
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  19.  23
    Rethinking Health Recommender Systems for Active Aging: An Autonomy-Based Ethical Analysis.Simona Tiribelli & Davide Calvaresi - 2024 - Science and Engineering Ethics 30 (3):1-24.
    Health Recommender Systems are promising Articial-Intelligence-based tools endowing healthy lifestyles and therapy adherence in healthcare and medicine. Among the most supported areas, it is worth mentioning active aging. However, current HRS supporting AA raise ethical challenges that still need to be properly formalized and explored. This study proposes to rethink HRS for AA through an autonomy-based ethical analysis. In particular, a brief overview of the HRS’ technical aspects allows us to shed light on the ethical risks and (...)
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    The right not to know: an autonomy based approach.R. Andorno - 2004 - Journal of Medical Ethics 30 (5):435-439.
    The emerging international biomedical law tends to recognise the right not to know one’s genetic status. However, the basis and conditions for the exercise of this right remain unclear in domestic laws. In addition to this, such a right has been criticised at the theoretical level as being in contradiction with patient’s autonomy, with doctors’ duty to inform patients, and with solidarity with family members. This happens especially when non-disclosure poses a risk of serious harm to the patient’s relatives (...)
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    Developing an ethics support tool for dealing with dilemmas around client autonomy based on moral case deliberations.L. A. Hartman, S. Metselaar, A. C. Molewijk, H. M. Edelbroek & G. A. M. Widdershoven - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):97.
    Moral Case Deliberations are reflective dialogues with a group of participants on their own moral dilemmas. Although MCD is successful as clinical ethics support, it also has limitations. 1. Lessons learned from individual MCDs are not shared in order to be used in other contexts 2. Moral learning stays limited to the participants of the MCD; 3. MCD requires quite some organisational effort, 4. MCD deals with one individual concrete case. It does not address other, similar cases. These limitations warrant (...)
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    Etyka normatywna. Między konsekwencjalizmem a deontologią.Krzysztof Saja - 2015 - Universitas.
    The primary goal of this monograph is to justify the possibility of building a hybrid theory of normative ethics which can combine ethical consequentialism, deontology and virtue ethics. The aim of the book is to demonstrate the possibility of constructing a synthetic theory from ethical traditions that are generally considered to be contradictory. In addition, I propose an outline of an original theory which tries to carry out such a synthesis. I call it Institutional Function Consequentialism. The justification for a (...)
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  23. Principlism, medical individualism, and health promotion in resource-poor countries: can autonomy-based bioethics promote social justice and population health? [REVIEW]Jacquineau Azétsop & Stuart Rennie - 2010 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 5:1.
    Through its adoption of the biomedical model of disease which promotes medical individualism and its reliance on the individual-based anthropology, mainstream bioethics has predominantly focused on respect for autonomy in the clinical setting and respect for person in the research site, emphasizing self-determination and freedom of choice. However, the emphasis on the individual has often led to moral vacuum, exaggeration of human agency, and a thin (liberal?) conception of justice. Applied to resource-poor countries and communities within developed countries, (...)
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    (Not So) Happy Cows: An AutonomyBased Argument for Regulating Animal Industry Misleading Commercial Speech.Rubén Marciel & Pablo Magaña - 2024 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 41 (3):498-515.
    Happy cow messages are instances of commercial speech by the animal industry which, by action or by omission, mislead consumers about the harmful effects that the industry has for nonhuman animals, the environment, or human health. Despite their ubiquity, happy cow messages have received little philosophical scrutiny. This paper aims to call attention to this form of speech, and to make the case for its restriction. To do so we first conceptualize happy cow messages. Second, we argue that they encroach (...)
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  25. Female genital mutilation and male circumcision: toward an autonomy-based ethical framework.Brian Earp - forthcoming - Medicolegal and Bioethics:89.
  26.  78
    Out-Kanting Rawls: An Argument for Responsibility-Sensitive Theories of Justice from an Autonomy-Based Account of Normativity.Teun J. Dekker - 2009 - Dialogue 48 (2):353.
    ABSTRACT: When considering normative concepts, such as distributive justice, one must consider both the question how concepts can have normative force and which particular conceptions of these concepts have this normative force. In this article I consider the view that the human capacity for autonomy accounts for normativity, and argue that adopting this view commits one to a responsibility-sensitive theory of distributive justice. This conclusion puts me directly at odds with the work of John Rawls, who derives his responsibility-insensitive (...)
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  27. Autonomy, problem-based learning, and the teaching of medical ethics.M. Parker - 1995 - Journal of Medical Ethics 21 (5):305-310.
    Autonomy has been the central principle underpinning changes which have affected the practice of medicine in recent years. Medical education is undergoing changes as well, many of which are underpinned, at least implicitly, by increasing concern for autonomy. Some universities have embarked on graduate courses which utilize problem-based learning (PBL) techniques to teach all areas, including medical ethics. I argue that PBL is a desirable method for teaching and learning in medical ethics. It is desirable because the (...)
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    Justifying a principle of informed consent: A case study in autonomy-based ethics.Martin Gunderson - 1990 - Public Affairs Quarterly 4 (3):249-265.
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    Relational autonomy: what does it mean and how is it used in end-of-life care? A systematic review of argument-based ethics literature.Carlos Gómez-Vírseda, Yves de Maeseneer & Chris Gastmans - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):1-15.
    BackgroundRespect for autonomy is a key concept in contemporary bioethics and end-of-life ethics in particular. Despite this status, an individualistic interpretation of autonomy is being challenged from the perspective of different theoretical traditions. Many authors claim that the principle of respect for autonomy needs to be reconceptualised starting from a relational viewpoint. Along these lines, the notion of relational autonomy is attracting increasing attention in medical ethics. Yet, others argue that relational autonomy needs further clarification (...)
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    Two Understandings of Liberalist Sexual Ethics: Pleasure-based Liberalism and Autonomy-based Liberalism. 김은희 - 2013 - Korean Feminist Philosophy 19 (null):85-123.
    이 논문에서는 자유주의 성윤리로서 제시되어온 기존의 입장들이 검토되고, 그 안에서 발견되는 긴장, 혼란, 그리고 한계들이 지적된다. 그리고 최종적으로이런 문제점들을 제거할 수 있는 이론적 자원을 갖춘 자유주의 성윤리가 새롭게 제안될 것이다. 이렇게 제안된 새로운 자유주의는 자유주의 담론이 가진 본래 취지를더 선명히 드러내며, 자유주의 성윤리에 대한 혼란과 오해를 줄일 수 있다. 첫째, 나는 자유주의가 비판의 대상으로 삼았던 보수주의 성윤리를 검토한다. 나는 여기서 보수주의 성윤리의 대표적인 네 가지 이론적 원천들을 검토하며 그 한계를 지적하지만, 그것들을 완전히 폐기하지는 않는다. 이것은 충분히 자유주의 성윤리 담론을 새롭게 (...)
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    Social Autonomy and Family-Based Informed Consent.James Stacey Taylor - 2019 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 44 (5):621-639.
    The Western focus on personal autonomy as the normative basis for securing persons’ consent to their treatment renders this autonomy-based approach to informed consent vulnerable to the charge that it is based on an overly atomistic understanding of the person. This leads to a puzzle: how does this generally-accepted atomistic understanding of the person fits with the emphasis on familial consent that occurs when family members are provided with the opportunity to veto a prospective donor’s wish (...)
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    Evidence-based medicine and patient autonomy.Robyn Bluhm - 2009 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 2 (2):134-151.
    Evidence-based medicine (EBM) was developed to ensure that health-care decisions are based on the best available research evidence. Making this evidence available to patients is supposed to increase their autonomy by putting them in a position to make better-informed choices. In this paper, I draw on work in feminist bioethics to critique EBM’s approach to involving patients in decision making, in which patients are asked merely to select their preferences among various possible treatment outcomes but are not (...)
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  33. A Non-Ideal Authenticity-Based Conceptualization of Personal Autonomy.Jesper Ahlin Marceta - 2019 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 22 (3):387-395.
    Respect for autonomy is a central moral principle in bioethics. The concept of autonomy can be construed in various ways. Under the non-ideal conceptualization proposed by Beauchamp and Childress, everyday choices of generally competent persons are autonomous to the extent that they are intentional and are made with understanding and without controlling influences. It is sometimes suggested that authenticity is important to personal autonomy, so that inauthenticity prevents otherwise autonomous persons from making autonomous decisions. Building from Beauchamp (...)
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  34. The Need for Authenticity-Based Autonomy in Medical Ethics.Lucie White - 2018 - HEC Forum 30 (3):191-209.
    The notion of respect for autonomy dominates bioethical discussion, though what qualifies precisely as autonomous action is notoriously elusive. In recent decades, the notion of autonomy in medical contexts has often been defined in opposition to the notion of autonomy favoured by theoretical philosophers. Where many contemporary theoretical accounts of autonomy place emphasis on a condition of “authenticity”, the special relation a desire must have to the self, bioethicists often regard such a focus as irrelevant to (...)
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    Autonomy is not a sufficient basis for analysing the choice for medical assistance in dying in unjust conditions: in favour of a dignity-based approach.Maria DiDanieli - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (6):421-422.
    In their paper titledChoosing death in unjust conditions: hope, autonomy and harm reduction,Wiebe and Mullin argue against the stance of diminished autonomy in chronically ill, disabled patients living in unjust sociopolitical environments who pursue medical assistance in dying (MAiD). They suggest that it would be paternalistic to deny these people this choice and conclude that MAiD should actually be seen as a form of harm reduction for them.This response to their article argues that basing discussions surrounding this important (...)
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    Does Basing Rights on Autonomy Imply Obligations of Political Allegiance?James W. Nickel - 1989 - Dialogue 28 (4):531-.
    Charles Taylor's well-known essay, “Atomism”, criticizes libertarian theories of rights like Nozick's that make individual rights independent of any duties to belong to, support, or obey the law in the society in which those rights are to be enjoyed. Taylor argues that if one grounds rights to important liberties on the human capacity for autonomy, this commits one to the view that the development of autonomy in oneself and others is morally obligatory. Further, Taylor argues that most people (...)
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  37. Autonomy and Enhancement.G. Owen Schaefer, Guy Kahane & Julian Savulescu - 2013 - Neuroethics 7 (2):123-136.
    Some have objected to human enhancement on the grounds that it violates the autonomy of the enhanced. These objections, however, overlook the interesting possibility that autonomy itself could be enhanced. How, exactly, to enhance autonomy is a difficult problem due to the numerous and diverse accounts of autonomy in the literature. Existing accounts of autonomy enhancement rely on narrow and controversial conceptions of autonomy. However, we identify one feature of autonomy common to many (...)
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    Autonomy plus communion: a double-dignity African efficient-based moderate cosmopolitanism.Austin Moonga Mbozi - 2023 - Journal of Global Ethics 19 (2):114-134.
    African ethicists have so far not agreed on a single, precise, secular and comprehensive basic norm, an Afro-Grundnorm, which captures the core values of Ubuntu sub-Saharan African cosmopolitanism. This article constructs and proffers the ‘double-dignity’ Grundnorm that partly shares with Western stoic cosmopolitans the view that our common human ontological capacity for autonomy identifies us as members of the human species. This capacity grants our first dignity, inherent dignity. Inherent dignity only grants our universal basic (security and subsistence) rights. (...)
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    Patient Autonomy Investigation Under the Technology-Based Health Care System.Yi Yang - 2012 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 32 (2):163-170.
    With widespread advances in the diffusion and application of medical technologies, the phenomena of misuse and overuse have become pervasive. These phenomena not only increase the cost of health care systems and deplete the accessibility and availability of health care services, they also jeopardize patient autonomy. From a literature review on this aspect of medical technology, an impact on patient autonomy is found in almost all cases, with the exception of philosophical or ethical writings, in which there is (...)
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  40. Autonomy and the Limits of Cognitive Enhancement.Jonathan Lewis - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (1):15-22.
    In the debates regarding the ethics of human enhancement, proponents have found it difficult to refute the concern, voiced by certain bioconservatives, that cognitive enhancement violates the autonomy of the enhanced. However, G. Owen Schaefer, Guy Kahane and Julian Savulescu have attempted not only to avoid autonomy-based bioconservative objections, but to argue that cognition-enhancing biomedical interventions can actually enhance autonomy. In response, this paper has two aims: firstly, to explore the limits of their argument; secondly, and (...)
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  41. Agent-Relative Prerogatives to Do Harm.Jonathan Quong - 2016 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 10 (4):815-829.
    In this paper, I offer two arguments in support of the proposition that there are sometimes agent-relative prerogatives to impose harm on nonliable persons. The first argument begins with a famous case where most people intuitively agree it is permissible to perform an act that results in an innocent person’s death, and where there is no liability-based or consequentialist justification for acting. I show that this case is relevantly analogous to a case involving the intentional imposition of lethal (...)
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    Blurred lines: Ethical challenges related to autonomy in home-based care.Cecilie Knagenhjelm Hertzberg, Anne Kari Tolo Heggestad & Morten Magelssen - forthcoming - Nursing Ethics.
    Background Home-based care workers mainly work alone in the patient’s home. They encounter a diverse patient population with complex health issues. This inevitably leads to several ethical challenges. Aim The aim is to gain insight into ethical challenges related to patient autonomy in home-based care and how home-based care staff handle such challenges. Research design The study is based on a 9-month fieldwork, including participant observation and interviews in home-based care. Data were analysed with (...)
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  43. Political liberalism and autonomy education: Are citizenship-based arguments enough?Gina Schouten - 2018 - Philosophical Studies 175 (5):1071-1093.
    Several philosophers of education argue that schooling should facilitate students’ development of autonomy. Such arguments fall into two main categories: Student-centered arguments support autonomy education to help enable students to lead good lives; Public-goods-centered arguments support autonomy education to develop students into good citizens. Critics challenge the legitimacy of autonomy education—of the state imposing a schooling curriculum aimed at making children autonomous. In this paper, I offer a unified solution to the challenges of legitimacy that both (...)
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    Promoting trans patient autonomy in surgical preparation for phalloplasty and metoidioplasty: results from a community-based cross-sectional survey and implications for preoperative assessments.Leo L. Rutherford, Elijah R. Castle, Noah Adams, Logan Berrian, Linden Jennings, Ayden Scheim, Aaron Devor & Nathan J. Lachowsky - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-12.
    Some transgender and nonbinary people undergo phalloplasty and/or metoidioplasty as part of their medical transition process. Across surgical disciplines, a variety of resources are used to assist patients who are preparing for surgeries, including educational materials, workshops, peer support, and lifestyle changes. For gender-affirming surgeries, patients undergoing assessments to discern whether they are ready to undergo the surgery, and to assist them in achieving preparedness when needed. Little research investigates what resources are useful in helping patients to feel prepared to (...)
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    Balancing Autonomy and Decisional Enhancement: An Evidence-Based Approach.Noah Castelo, Peter B. Reiner & Gidon Felsen - 2012 - American Journal of Bioethics 12 (2):30-31.
    The American Journal of Bioethics, Volume 12, Issue 2, Page 30-31, February 2012.
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    Neutrality, autonomy, and power.Eldar Sarajlić - 2017 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 20 (1):23-35.
    This paper critically examines Alan Patten’s theory of neutrality of treatment. It argues that the theory assumes an inadequate conception of personal autonomy that undermines its plausibility. Because of this assumption the theory is unable to account for various configurations of power that work against personal autonomy. However, I suggest that the theory can resolve the problem by developing and reinterpreting its conception of autonomy and introducing an additional strategy for addressing the power misbalances that result from (...)
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    An Experience of Machine-Based Images by the Autonomy of Computing System.Jae-Joon Lee - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 12:47-54.
    Contemporary production of machine-based images relay gradually on the autonomy of computing machines. Autonomous computing machines require the interaction with users like Human-Computer-Interaction technology and other interface technologies, especially computing machine-based images must also ask for viewer as an inter-actor, viewer’s participations. Whether this interaction of viewer-user is with machines or with images, if it is an interaction with each individual that have autonomy or self-organization, its interaction will be the interaction of each ecosystem. And the (...)
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    The Question of Autonomy in Maternal Health in Africa: A Rights-Based Consideration.Jimoh Amzat - 2015 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 12 (2):283-293.
    Maternal mortality is still very high in Africa, despite progress in control efforts at the global level. One elemental link is the question of autonomy in maternal health, especially at the household level where intrinsic human rights are undermined. A rights-based consideration in bioethics is an approach that holds the centrality of the human person, with a compelling reference to the fundamental human rights of every person. A philosophical and sociological engagement of gender and the notion of (...) within the household reveals some fundamental rights-based perplexities for bioethical considerations in maternal health. The right to self-determination is undermined, and therefore women’s dignity, freedom and autonomy, capacities, and choices are easily defiled. This study applies a rights-based approach to maternal health and demonstrates how rights concerns are associated with negative outcomes in maternal health in Africa. The discussion is situated at the household level, which is the starting point in health care. The paper submits that beyond legal and political rights within the context of the state, rights-based issues manifest at the household level. Many of those rights issues, especially relating to women’s autonomy, are detrimental to maternal health in Africa. Therefore, a rights-based approach in the social construction of maternal health realities will contribute to alleviating the burden of maternal mortality in Africa. (shrink)
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    Patient autonomy and choice in healthcare: self-testing devices as a case in point.Anna-Marie Greaney, Dónal P. O’Mathúna & P. Anne Scott - 2012 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 15 (4):383-395.
    This paper aims to critique the phenomenon of advanced patient autonomy and choice in healthcare within the specific context of self-testing devices. A growing number of self-testing medical devices are currently available for home use. The premise underpinning many of these devices is that they assist individuals to be more autonomous in the assessment and management of their health. Increased patient autonomy is assumed to be a good thing. We take issue with this assumption and argue that self-testing (...)
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  50. Disputing Autonomy: Second-Order Desires and the Dynamics of Ascribing Autonomy.Joel Anderson - 2008 - SATS 9 (1):7-26.
    In this paper, I examine two versions of the so-called “hierarchical” approach to personal autonomy, based on the notion of “second-order desires”. My primary concern will be with the question of whether these approaches provide an adequate basis for understanding the dynamics of autonomy-ascription. I begin by distinguishing two versions of the hierarchical approach, each representing a different response to the oft-discussed “regress” objection. I then argue that both “structural hierarchicalism” (e.g., Frankfurt, Bratman) and “procedural hierarchicalism” (e.g., (...)
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