Results for 'biographies spirituelles'

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  1.  6
    Jacques et Raïssa Maritain: les mendiants du Ciel: biographies croisées.Jean-Luc Barré - 1995 - Paris: Stock.
    L'aventure de Jacques et Raîssa Maritain constitue un parcours unique par son ampleur et son rayonnement. Centre de gravité de la vie spirituelle et littéraire pendant l'entre-deux-guerres, point de ralliement des générations perdues et refuge des poètes maudits, le couple tissa autour de lui le réseau d'influence le plus riche et foisonnant de l'histoire de ce siècle. Disciples de Bergson et de Léon Bloy, confidents de François Mauriac, de julien Green et de Jean Cocteau, amis de Péguy, de Mounier et (...)
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    Review: Pierre-André Burton, Aelred de Rievaulx (1110-1167) Essai de biographie existentielle et spirituelle, Paris: Cerf, 2010. [REVIEW]Rob Faesen - 2011 - Bijdragen: Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie En Theologie 72 (3):348-349.
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    L’influenza de la Dialectique des “exercices spirituels” de Saint Ignace de Loyola nel pensiero di Jorge Mario Bergoglio.Massimo Borghesi - 2020 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76 (4):1707-1724.
    When in October 2016 I started working on my book Jorge Mario Bergoglio. An intellectual biography I did not have the slightest idea of ​​the importance played by the figure and work of Gaston Fessard in the formation of Bergoglio’s thought. There was nothing to suggest that Gaston Fessard could be a relevant author for the intellectual formation of the future Pope. I was struck by the polar and dialectical model of thought that animated him, the possibility of harmonizing opposites, (...)
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    When Silence Reigns. Traces of Women’s Voices on Sexuality in the xviith century.Sylvie Steinberg - 2010 - Clio 31:79-110.
    Les historiens qui se sont intéressés à la sexualité au xviie siècle ont souvent noté qu’il était rare d’accéder à une parole féminine. Quelques bribes en subsistent pourtant, que délivrent les biographies et autobiographies spirituelles de femmes dévotes et les archives des tribunaux d’Église (Officialités). À partir de cette parole enchâssée dans d’autres discours – ceux des hommes et femmes d’Église qui les recueillent, ceux des juges qui les enregistrent –, opacifiée par des visées particulières – hagiographique ou (...)
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    Pensée concrète, Art abstrait.Jean-Louis Major - 1962 - Dialogue 1 (2):188-201.
    Les biographies de poètes et d' écrivains sont beaucoup plus nombreuses que celles de philosophes. Pour expliquer ce phénomène il se présente sûrement plusieurs raisons. Je n'en veux souligner qu'une: l'apparente objectivité du système philosophique, qui se fonderait sur la distance de l'œuvre à l'égard de son auteur et sur l'absence de marques personnelles. Pourtant on peut accepter que l'interrogation philosophique soit intemporelle ou « perennis » tout en concevant qu'elle soit liée à l'époque dans la formulation des problèmes (...)
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    (1 other version)Claude FRANCIS, Fernande GONTIER, Colette, Paris, Perrin, 1997, 439 p. ; Nicole FERRIER-CAVERIVIÈRE, Colette l'authentique, Paris, PUF, 1997, 237 p. [REVIEW]Christine Bard - 1998 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 1:30-30.
    La nouvelle biographie de Colette vient satisfaire une curiosité qui ne faiblit pas depuis sa mort en 1954. Contrairement à tant de ses contemporaines dans le monde des lettres, aujourd'hui oubliées, Colette a gagné la bataille de la postérité. Sa vie toute en audace puis en sagesse, son œuvre sensuelle et spirituelle, enfin sa place paradoxale dans le siècle lui donnent en effet une envergure exceptionnelle. Colette était moderne et l'est restée. Claude Francis et Fernande Gontier, qu..
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  7. Henry More - Enchiridion Metaphysicum - Manuel de métaphysique : ou une dissertation courte et claire sur les substances incorporelles.Francoise Monnoyeur - 2020 - Paris: Les Belles Lettres. Edited by Francoise Monnoyeur.
    Henry More est le plus connu des Platoniciens de Cambridge et l’Enchiridion Metaphysicum, son dernier ouvrage, représente l’accomplissement de sa pensée. Il s’agit d’une enquête métaphysique dont le principal objectif est d’établir l’existence d’une substance immatérielle, d’une âme du monde, sorte d’intermédiaire entre Dieu et le monde par laquelle les choses agissent. More nous invite ainsi à découvrir la vraie métaphysique qui consiste en la découverte de la nature véritable de l’étendue des êtres spirituels comme Dieu, les anges et les (...)
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  8. Front Matter Front Matter (pp. i-iv).Nietzsche Biographies & Dichtung und Wahrheit - 2011 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 42 (1).
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    Cultures of Dissection and Anatomies of Generation.On Sociological Biographies - 2008 - Annals of Science 65 (3):439-444.
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    Representing Wonch'uk.Buddhist Biographies - 2002 - In Benjamin Penny (ed.), Religion and Biography in China and Tibet. Curzon Press. pp. 74.
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    Social Aspects of Science.On Sociological Biographies - 2008 - Annals of Science 65 (3):453-455.
  12. Mencwel A., pietrzycka a.Biography Spiritual - 2001 - Dialogue and Universalism 11 (9-10):225-228.
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    Vasily Sesemann and Ksenia Miloradovich: Intercrossing Themes and Biographies.Nadezda Kh Orlova & Орлова Надежда Хаджимерзановна - 2023 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 27 (1):27-40.
    The article is devoted to two talented representatives of the Russian university philosophical community of the first quarter XX century: Vasily Sesemann and Ksenia Miloradovich. It’s shown that their university routes are very similar, as far as it was possible for male and female biographies of that time. The most complete list of their original works published before 1922 is given. The thematic focus of their publications and journals in which they were published is compared and the translation activity (...)
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  14. On Scientific Biography and Biographies of Scientists.Helge Kragh - 2015 - In Ana Simões, Jürgen Renn & Theodore Arabatzis (eds.), Relocating the History of Science: Essays in Honor of Kostas Gavroglu. Springer Verlag.
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    Le Néo-Platonisme Alexandrin, Hiéroclès D'Alexandrie: Filiations Intellectuelles Et Spirituelles d'Un Néo-Platonicien du Ve Siècle.Noël Aujoulat - 1986 - Leiden: Brill.
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    Charles M. ODAHL, Constantine and the Christian Empire. Roman Imperial Biographies.Josef Rist - 2006 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 99 (1):260-261.
    Das vorliegende Buch ist bereits der dreizehnte Band der Reihe Roman Imperial Biographies. Sein Verfasser, der an der Boise State University (Idaho) lehrende Althistoriker Charles Matson Odahl (O.), ist seit den späten 70er Jahren durch eine Reihe einschlägiger Publikationen zu Konstantin und der Spätantike hervorgetreten.
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    Genius and Art: Kant’s Theory of Genius and the Concept of Genius in Ukrainian Fictionalized Biographies of Artists.Oksana Levytska - 2024 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 11:87-109.
    The article is dedicated to analyzing the nature of genius in the context of the development of fiction about artists. From the biographies of the famous Renaissance artists by G. Vasari, who made one of the first attempts at chronicling the lives of geniuses of his time, to modern fictionalized biographies of genius artists – we can trace the desire of writers to comprehend the nature of the artists and sculptors’ genius. The foundation of the concept of genius (...)
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  18. Le néo-platonisme alexandrin. Hiéroclès d'Alexandrie. Filiations intellectuelles et spirituelles d'un néo-platonicien du Ve siècle.[author unknown] - 1989 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 51 (1):125-126.
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    Discourses on Women's Biographies and Cultural Identity: Twentieth-Century Representations of the Life of 'A'isha Bint Abi Bakr.Hoda Elsadda - 2001 - Feminist Studies 27 (1):37-64.
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    La composition hylémorphique des substances spirituelles. Les débuts de la controverse.Dom Odon Lottin - 1932 - Revue Néo-Scolastique de Philosophie 34 (33):21-41.
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    The Challenge to Education in Sartre's Biographies.Haim Gordon & Rivca Gordon - 1996 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 27 (1):77-91.
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  22. Geulincx and Spinoza: Books, Backgrounds and Biographies.Han Van Ruler - 1999 - Studia Spinozana: An International and Interdisciplinary Series 15:89-106.
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    The Literature of the Book: Biographies and Autobiographies.Gordon Graham - 2004 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 15 (4):200-201.
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    Paracelsisme et alchimie chez Béroalde de Verville à la lumière des Apprehensions spirituelles (1583).Didier Kahn - 2004 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 66 (1):23-38.
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    Lost in translation? The role of language in migrants’ biographies: What can micro-sociologists learn from Eva Hoffman?Helma Lutz - 2011 - European Journal of Women's Studies 18 (4):347-360.
    In her famous memoir Lost in Translation, the journalist and psychoanalyst Eva Hoffman describes her childhood metamorphosis from a Polish into a North American girl by reconstructing her experience with learning a new language. She equates this with loss and acquisition of identities. This article focuses on Hoffman’s interest in language as an identity issue since this is a highly relevant theme for migration researchers, particularly for those working with narrative material. The article explores the role of language in biographical (...)
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  26. Creole Hadramis in the cosmopolitan Malay world of the 1800s : fragments of biographies and connected histories.Sumit K. Mandal - 2015 - In Sharmani Patricia Gabriel & Fernando Rosa (eds.), Cosmopolitan Asia: Littoral Epistemologies of the Global South. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  27. Marked Identities: Narrating Lives between Social Labels and Individual Biographies.[author unknown] - 2015
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  28. Screening Science: Pedagogy and Practice in William Dieterle's Film Biographies of Scientists.T. Hugh Crawford - 1997 - Common Knowledge 6:52-68.
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  29. Life before the work? Notes on the biographies of painters and sculptors in Belgium in the 19th century.Christine A. Dupont - 2005 - Revue Belge de Philologie Et D’Histoire 83 (4).
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    Prominent Scientists: An Index to Collective Biographies. Paul A. Pelletier.Clark Elliott - 1982 - Isis 73 (2):283-284.
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    The treatment of ancestry in earlier biographies.W. T. J. Gun - 1934 - The Eugenics Review 26 (3):205.
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    Al-Jabartī, ʿAjāʾib al-āthār fī l-tarājim wa-l-akhbār (The Marvelous Chronicles: Biographies and Events). Edited by Shmuel Moreh.Nelly Hanna - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 137 (4).
    Al-Jabartī, ʿAjāʾib al-āthār fī l-tarājim wa-l-akhbār. Edited by Shmuel Moreh. Max Schloessinger Memorial Series, Texts, vol. 9. 5 vols. Jerusalem: Hebrew University, 2013. Pp. 2,780. $525.
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    Religion and Politics in the Bellocian Biographies.Edward N. Peters - 1986 - The Chesterton Review 12 (2):195-200.
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    Skulls, Brains, and Memorial Culture: On Cerebral Biographies of Scientists in the Nineteenth Century.Michael Hagner - 2003 - Science in Context 16 (1-2):195-218.
    ArgumentIn this paper I will argue that the scientific investigation of skulls and brains of geniuses went hand in hand with hagiographical celebrations of scientists. My analysis starts with late-eighteenth century anatomists and anthropologists who highlighted quantitative parameters such as the size and weight of the brain in order to explain intellectual differences between women and men and Europeans and non-Europeans, geniuses and ordinary persons. After 1800 these parameters were modified by phrenological inspections of the skull and brain. As the (...)
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    Thinkers, writers and kinds of intellectual biographies: contribution to a symposium on Sophie Scott-Brown’s Colin Ward and the Art of Everyday Anarchy.Melanie Nolan - 2024 - History of European Ideas 50 (5):864-867.
    One of his obituarists describes Colin Ward (1924-2010) as ‘as one of the greatest anarchist thinkers of the past half century’, ‘a pioneering social historian’ and a chuckling anarchist.1 In the p...
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    Writing the Life of Karl Marx: A Comparative Study of Marx Biographies by Mehring and Riazanov.Liu Xunqian - 2023 - Philosophy Study 13 (12).
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  37. Bulletin d'histoire Des doctrines chrétiennes: VI. - occident. Temps modernes: 3. - doctrines spirituelles catholiques.M. Chenu - 1930 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 19:623-626.
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  38. circonstances concrètes le travail de la poésie claudélienne dans la pensée ecclésiastique. Claudel les entretient tous d'une Bible moins savante que priante. Nous n'entrons pas seulement dans les coulisses des retraites spirituelles de l'écrivain ou de ses rapports avec les institutions religieuses; nous assistons à la genèse.L. Fraisse - 2006 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 86 (3-4):571.
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    The Zayl Tradition in Ottoman Poet Biographies.Tuba Işınsu İsen-durmuş - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:1319-1329.
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    Picturing Art History in Eighteenth-Century Britain: Artists' Printed Portraits and Manuscript Biographies in Rylands English MS 60.Edward Wouk - 2019 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 95 (2):83-113.
    Rylands English MS 60, compiled for the Spencer family in the eighteenth century, contains 130 printed portraits of early modern artists gathered from diverse sources and mounted in two albums: 76 portraits in the first volume, which is devoted to northern European artists, and 54 in the second volume, containing Italian and French painters. Both albums of this ‘Collection of Engravings of Portraits of Painters’ were initially planned to include a written biography of each artist copied from the few sources (...)
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    Social Work Between Germany and Mandatory Palestine: Pre- and Post-Immigration Biographies of Female Jewish Practitioners as a Case Study of Professional Reconstruction.Dayana Lau & Ayana Halpern - 2019 - Naharaim 13 (1-2):163-188.
    When social work emerged as a profession in the first decades of the 20th century, it was strongly influenced by emancipatory motives introduced by various sociocultural and religious movements, and at the same time devoted itself to the construction and maintenance of a powerful welfare and nation state. Transnational agents and social movements promoted these processes and played a crucial role in establishing and developing national welfare systems and relevant professional discourses. This article examines the gendered construction of the social (...)
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    The Uses and Abuses of Philosophical Biographies.Tim Madigan - 2002 - Philosophy Now 35:26-28.
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    The adventure of weak theology: reading the work of John D. Caputo through biographies and events.Stefan Stofanik - 2018 - Albany: SUNY. Edited by Joeri Schrijvers.
    Adventure -- Call -- Brother paul -- Transgression -- Two loves -- Freedom -- Interlude -- Freedom again -- Between Heidegger and Derrida -- Dancing in the void -- The advent of weak theology -- Kingdom.
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    Charles Darwin's Past and Future Biographies.Ralph Colp - 1989 - History of Science 27 (2):167-197.
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    Funeral as a Hagiographic Motif in Vita Augustini and some other Biographies of Bishops.Siver Dagemark - 2000 - Augustinianum 40 (1):255-289.
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    (1 other version)Exercices spirituels et philosophie antique.Pierre Hadot - 1972 - Paris: Etudes augustiniennes.
    Bien des difficultés que nous éprouvons à comprendre les oeuvres philosophiques des Anciens proviennent souvent du fait que nous commmettons en les interprétant un double anachronisme: nous croyons que, comme beaucoup d'oeuvres modernes, elles sont destinées à communiquer des informations concernant un contenu conceptuel donné et que nous pouvons aussi en tirer directement des renseignements clairs sur la pensée et la psychologie de leur auteur. Mais en fait, elles sont très souvent des exercices spirituels que l'auteur pratique lui-même et fait (...)
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    Nicholas Orme, The Minor Clergy of Exeter Cathedral: Biographies, 1250–1548. Exeter, UK: Devon and Cornwall Record Society, 2013. Paper. Pp. x, 332. £20. ISBN: 978-0-901853-54-7. [REVIEW]Allison D. Fizzard - 2015 - Speculum 90 (3):845-846.
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    Daniel Hombergen, The Second Origenist Controversy. A New Perspective on Cyril of Scythopolis’ Monastic Biographies as Historical Sources far Sixth-Century Origenism. [REVIEW]Manlio Simonetti - 2002 - Augustinianum 42 (2):491-497.
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    A Aʿlām al-adab al-ʿarabī al-muʿaṣir: Siyar wa siyar dhātiyya. English Title Page: Contemporary Arab Writers: Biographies and AutobiographiesA Alam al-adab al-arabi al-muasir: Siyar wa siyar dhatiyya. English Title Page: Contemporary Arab Writers: Biographies and Autobiographies.Pierre Cachia & Robert B. Campbell - 1998 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 118 (3):410.
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    Ancient Historians of India. A Study in Historical Biographies.L. R. & V. S. Pathak - 1968 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 88 (2):374.
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