Results for 'central nervous system (CNS)'

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  1.  18
    The cellular and molecular events of central nervous system remyelination.Monique Dubois-Dalcq & Regina Armstrong - 1990 - Bioessays 12 (12):569-576.
    Central nervous system (CNS)Abbreviations: CNS=central nervous system; PNS=peripheral nervous system; MS=multiple sclerosis; MBP=myelin basic protein; MHC=major histocompatibility complex; EAE=experimental allergic encephalomyelitis; O‐2A=oligodendrocyte‐type 2 astrocyte; GC=galactocerebroside; GFAP=glial fibrillary acidic protein; FGF=fibroblast growth factor; IGF1=insulin‐like growth factor. regeneration is a subject of great interest, particularly in diseases causing a dramatic loss of neurons. However, some CNS diseases do not affect neurons but damage other cells, such as the myelin‐forming cells — called oligodendrocytes — which (...)
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    Interactions between neural cells and blood vessels in central nervous system development.Keiko Morimoto, Hidenori Tabata, Rikuo Takahashi & Kazunori Nakajima - 2024 - Bioessays 46 (3):2300091.
    The sophisticated function of the central nervous system (CNS) is largely supported by proper interactions between neural cells and blood vessels. Accumulating evidence has demonstrated that neurons and glial cells support the formation of blood vessels, which in turn, act as migratory scaffolds for these cell types. Neural progenitors are also involved in the regulation of blood vessel formation. This mutual interaction between neural cells and blood vessels is elegantly controlled by several chemokines, growth factors, extracellular matrix, (...)
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    The Role of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Signaling in Central Nervous System Disease Pathogenesis.Shu-Hui Dou, Yu Cui, Shu-Ming Huang & Bo Zhang - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Recent studies have found abnormal levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in a variety of central nervous system diseases. This suggests that BDNF may be involved in the pathogenesis of these diseases. Moreover, regulating BDNF signaling may represent a potential treatment for such diseases. With reference to recent research papers in related fields, this article reviews the production and regulation of BDNF in CNS and the role of BDNF signaling disorders in these diseases. A brief introduction of the (...)
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    Nervous system modification by transplants and gene transfer.Laurie C. Doering - 1994 - Bioessays 16 (11):825-831.
    New possibilities to modify function and direct repair in the central nervous system (CNS) have been established by the merger of gene transfer technology with neural transplantation. Rapid advances in viral‐mediated DNA‐delivery procedures permit the study of novel gene expression in neurons and glial cells. Foreign genes, transferred by a virus vector, can be used to generate new cell lines, identify transplanted cells, and express growth factors or enzymes for neurotransmitter synthesis. In addition to CNS cell types, (...)
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    Retinoic acid and development of the central nervous system.Malcolm Maden & Nigel Holder - 1992 - Bioessays 14 (7):431-438.
    We consider the evidence that RA†, the vitamin A metabolite, is involved in three fundamental aspects of the development of the CNS: (1) the stimulation of axon outgrowth in particular neuronal sub‐types; (2) the migration of the neural crest; and (3) the specification of rostrocaudal position in the developing CNS (forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain, spinal cord). The evidence we discuss involves RA‐induction of neurites in cell cultures and explants of neural tissue; the teratological effects of RA on the embryo's nervous (...)
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    The peripheral mind: philosophy of mind and the peripheral nervous system.István Aranyosi - 2013 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Philosophers of mind, both in the conceptual analysis tradition and in the empirical informed school, have been implicitly neglecting the potential conceptual role of the Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) in understanding sensory and perceptual states. Instead, the philosophical as well as the neuroscientific literature has been assuming that it is the Central Nervous System (CNS) alone, and more exactly the brain, that should prima facie be taken as conceptually and empirically crucial for a philosophical analysis (...)
  7.  55
    Electrical Stimulation Elicits Neural Stem Cells Activation: New Perspectives in CNS Repair.Yanhua Huang, YeE Li, Jian Chen, Hongxing Zhou & Sheng Tan - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:156639.
    Researchers are enthusiastically concerned about neural stem cell (NSC) therapy in a wide array of diseases, including stroke, neurodegenerative disease, spinal cord injury (SCI) and depression. Although enormous evidences have demonstrated that neurobehavioral improvement may benefit from NSC-supporting regeneration in animal models, approaches to endogenous and transplanted NSCs are blocked by hurdles of migration, proliferation, maturation and integration of NSCs. Electrical stimulation (ES) may be a selective nondrug approach for mobilizing NSCs in the central nervous system (CNS). (...)
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    Toward a Model of Functional Brain Processes II: Central Nervous System Functional Macro-architecture.Mark H. Bickhard - 2015 - Axiomathes 25 (4):377-407.
    The first paper in this pair (Bickhard in Axiomathes, 2015) developed a model of the nature of representation and cognition, and argued for a model of the micro-functioning of the brain on the basis of that model. In this sequel paper, starting with part III, this model is extended to address macro-functioning in the CNS. In part IV, I offer a discussion of an approach to brain functioning that has some similarities with, as well as differences from, the model presented (...)
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    Toward a Model of Functional Brain Processes I: Central Nervous System Functional Micro-architecture.Mark H. Bickhard - 2015 - Axiomathes 25 (3):217-238.
    Standard semantic information processing models—information in; information processed; information out —lend themselves to standard models of the functioning of the brain in terms, e.g., of threshold-switch neurons connected via classical synapses. That is, in terms of sophisticated descendants of McCulloch and Pitts models. I argue that both the cognition and the brain sides of this framework are incorrect: cognition and thought are not constituted as forms of semantic information processing, and the brain does not function in terms of passive input (...)
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  10.  19
    The Link between Autotomy and CNS Regeneration: Echinoderms as Non‐Model Species for Regenerative Biology.Maria Byrne - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (3):1900219.
    Achieving regeneration of the central nervous system (CNS) is a major challenge for regenerative medicine. The inability of mammals to regrow a severed CNS contrasts with the amazing regenerative powers of their deuterostome kin, the echinoderms. Rapid CNS regeneration from a specialized autotomy plane in echinoderms presents a highly tractable and suitable non‐model system for regenerative biology and evolution. Starfish arm autotomy triggers mass cell migration and local proliferation, facilitating rapid CNS regeneration. Many regeneration events in (...)
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  11.  18
    A theoretical framework for CNS arousal.Donald Pfaff & Jayanth R. Banavar - 2007 - Bioessays 29 (8):803-810.
    Rapid changes of state in central nervous systems (CNS), as required following stimuli that must arouse the CNS from a quiescent state in order to activate a behavioral response, constitute a particularly appropriate application of non‐linear dynamics. Chaotic dynamics would provide tremendous amplification of neuronal activity needed for CNS arousal, sensitively dependent on the initial state of the CNS. This theoretical approach is attractive because it supposes dynamics that are deterministic and it links the elegant mathematics of chaos (...)
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    Advance statement of consent from patients with primary CNS tumours to organ donation and elective ventilation.Umang Jash Patel - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (3):143-144.
    A deficit in the number of organs available for transplantation persists even with an increase in donation rates. One possible choice of donor for organs that appears under-referred and/or unaccepted is patients with primary brain tumours. In spite of advances in the treatment of high-grade primary central nervous system (CNS) tumours, the prognosis remains dire. A working group on organs from donors with primary CNS tumours showed that the risk of transmission is small and outweighs the benefits (...)
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  13.  23
    Function and Mechanism of Myelin Regulation in Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.James Rice & Chen Gu - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (7):1800255.
    Excessive alcohol use has adverse effects on the central nervous system (CNS) and can lead to alcohol use disorders (AUDs). Recent studies have suggested that myelin reductions may directly contribute to CNS dysfunctions associated with AUDs. Myelin consists of compact lipid membranes wrapped around axons to provide electrical insulation and trophic support. Regulation of myelin is considered as a new form of neural plasticity due to its profound impacts on the computation of neural networks. In this review, (...)
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  14.  58
    Does the nervous system depend on kinesthetic information to control natural limb movements?S. C. Gandevia & David Burke - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (4):614-632.
    This target article draws together two groups of experimental studies on the control of human movement through peripheral feedback and centrally generated signals of motor commands. First, during natural movement, feedback from muscle, joint, and cutaneous afferents changes; in human subjects these changes have reflex and kinesthetic consequences. Recent psychophysical and microneurographic evidence suggests that joint and even cutaneous afferents may have a proprioceptive role. Second, the role of centrally generated motor commands in the control of normal movements and movements (...)
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  15.  23
    The limitations of central nervous systemdirected gene transfer.Beverly L. Davidson - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):54-55.
    Complementation and correction of a genetic defect with CNS manifestations lags behind gene therapy for inherited disorders affecting other organ systems because of shortcomings in delivery vehicles and access to the CNS. The effects of improvements in viral and nonviral vectors, coupled with the development of delivery strategies designed to transfer genetic material thoughout the CNS are being investigated by a number of laboratories in efforts to overcome these problems.
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  16. Voluntary Rehabilitation? On Neurotechnological Behavioural Treatment, Valid Consent and (In)appropriate Offers.Lene Bomann-Larsen - 2011 - Neuroethics 6 (1):65-77.
    Criminal offenders may be offered to participate in voluntary rehabilitation programs aiming at correcting undesirable behaviour, as a condition of early release. Behavioural treatment may include direct intervention into the central nervous system (CNS). This article discusses under which circumstances voluntary rehabilitation by CNS intervention is justified. It is argued that although the context of voluntary rehabilitation is a coercive circumstance, consent may still be effective, in the sense that it can meet formal criteria for informed consent. (...)
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  17.  7
    Segment polarity genes in neuroblast formation and identity specification during Drosophila neurogenesis.Krishna Moorthi Bhat - 1999 - Bioessays 21 (6):472-485.
    The relatively simple central nervous system (CNS) of the Drosophila embryo provides a useful model system for investigating the mechanisms that generate and pattern complex nervous systems. Central to the generation of different types of neurons by precursor neuroblasts is the initial specification of neuroblast identity and the Drosophila segment polarity genes, genes that specify regions within a segment or repeating unit of the Drosophila embryo, have emerged recently as significant players in this process. (...)
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  18.  12
    How astrocytic chloride modulates brain states.Verena Untiet & Alexei Verkhratsky - 2024 - Bioessays 46 (6):2400004.
    The way the central nervous system (CNS) responds to diverse stimuli is contingent upon the specific brain state of the individual, including sleep and wakefulness. Despite the wealth of readout parameters and data delineating the brain states, the primary mechanisms are yet to be identified. Here we highlight the role of astrocytes, with a specific emphasis on chloride (Cl−) homeostasis as a modulator of brain states. Neuronal activity is regulated by the concentration of ions that determine excitability. (...)
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    Messenger RNAs in dendrites: localization, stability, and implications for neuronal function.Fen-Biao Gao - 1998 - Bioessays 20 (1):70-78.
    In the mammalian central nervous system (CNS), each neuron receives signals from other neurons through numerous synapses located on its cell body and dendrites. Molecules involved in the postsynaptic signaling pathways need to be targeted to the appropriate subcellular domains at the right time during both synaptogenesis and the maintenance of synaptic functions. The presence of messenger RNAs (mRNAs) in dendrites offers a mechanism for synthesizing the appropriate molecules at the right place in response to local extracellular (...)
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  20.  7
    Messenger RNAs in dendrites: localization, stability, and implications for neuronal function.Mikhail V. Blagosklonny - 1998 - Bioessays 20 (1):70-78.
    In the mammalian central nervous system (CNS), each neuron receives signals from other neurons through numerous synapses located on its cell body and dendrites. Molecules involved in the postsynaptic signaling pathways need to be targeted to the appropriate subcellular domains at the right time during both synaptogenesis and the maintenance of synaptic functions. The presence of messenger RNAs (mRNAs) in dendrites offers a mechanism for synthesizing the appropriate molecules at the right place in response to local extracellular (...)
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    Brain Ventricular System and Cerebrospinal Fluid Development and Function: Light at the End of the Tube.Ryann M. Fame, Christian Cortés-Campos & Hazel L. Sive - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (3):1900186.
    The brain ventricular system is a series of connected cavities, filled with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), that forms within the vertebrate central nervous system (CNS). The hollow neural tube is a hallmark of the chordate CNS, and a closed neural tube is essential for normal development. Development and function of the ventricular system is examined, emphasizing three interdigitating components that form a functional system: ventricle walls, CSF fluid properties, and activity of CSF constituent factors. The (...)
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  22. Why study movement variability in autism?Maria Brincker & Elizabeth Torres - 2017 - In Torres Elizabeth & Whyatt Caroline, Autism the movement-sensing approach. CRC Press - Taylor & Francis Group.
    Autism has been defined as a disorder of social cognition, interaction and communication where ritualistic, repetitive behaviors are commonly observed. But how should we understand the behavioral and cognitive differences that have been the main focus of so much autism research? Can high-level cognitive processes and behaviors be identified as the core issues people with autism face, or do these characteristics perhaps often rather reflect individual attempts to cope with underlying physiological issues? Much research presented in this volume will point (...)
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  23.  14
    The human biological advantage over AI.William Stewart - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-10.
    Recent advances in AI raise the possibility that AI systems will one day be able to do anything humans can do, only better. If artificial general intelligence (AGI) is achieved, AI systems may be able to understand, reason, problem solve, create, and evolve at a level and speed that humans will increasingly be unable to match, or even understand. These possibilities raise a natural question as to whether AI will eventually become superior to humans, a successor “digital species”, with a (...)
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    Movement through slits: Cellular migration via the Slit family.Michael Piper & Melissa Little - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (1):32-38.
    First isolated in the fly and now characterised in vertebrates, the Slit proteins have emerged as pivotal components controlling the guidance of axonal growth cones and the directional migration of neuronal precursors. As well as extensive expression during development of the central nervous system (CNS), the Slit proteins exhibit a striking array of expression sites in non-neuronal tissues, including the urogenital system, limb primordia and developing eye. Zebrafish Slit has been shown to mediate mesodermal migration during (...)
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  25.  33
    Genes, neurons and codes: Remarks on biological communication.Michel Kerszberg - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (7):699-708.
    I examine critically the application of information‐theoretic ideas to biological communication during embryonic development and in the functioning central nervous system (CNS). I show that intercellular communication relies mostly on simple signals whose role is to effect a selection among predetermined cellular states. Hence, a crucial role is played by cellular memory, which stabilizes such states. Memory in cells is partly located in the nuclear DNA; no less important however is (phenotypic) memory lying in the cell's organelles (...)
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  26.  27
    Inside and Outside: The Relation between Emotional States and Expressions.Michael Lewis - 2011 - Emotion Review 3 (2):189-196.
    The association between emotional expression and physiological emotional states is at best, modest. Using data from the autonomic nervous system (ANS), central nervous system (CNS), and hormonal systems there appears to be an association which accounts for approximately 10—20% of the variance between them. Excluding measurement error, it is proposed that the need for action and regulation accounts for the low levels of synchrony. Understanding system responses allows for the study of individual differences as (...)
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  27.  99
    The case against memory consolidation in Rem sleep.Robert P. Vertes & Kathleen E. Eastman - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (6):867-876.
    We present evidence disputing the hypothesis that memories are processed or consolidated in REM sleep. A review of REM deprivation (REMD) studies in animals shows these reports to be about equally divided in showing that REMD does, or does not, disrupt learning/memory. The studies supporting a relationship between REM sleep and memory have been strongly criticized for the confounding effects of very stressful REM deprivation techniques. The three major classes of antidepressant drugs, monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), and (...)
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  28.  39
    Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy companied with multiple-related diseases.Ming-Ming Sun, Huan-fen Zhou, Qiao Sun, Hong-en Li, Hong-Juan Liu, Hong-lu Song, Mo Yang, Shi-hui da TengWei & Quan-Gang Xu - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:964550.
    ObjectiveTo elucidate the clinical, radiologic characteristics of Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) associated with the other diseases.Materials and methodsClinical data were retrospectively collected from hospitalized patients with LHON associated with the other diseases at the Neuro-Ophthalmology Department at the Chinese People’s Liberation Army General Hospital (PLAGH) from December 2014 to October 2018.ResultsA total of 13 patients, 24 eyes (10 men and 3 women; mean age, 30.69 ± 12.76 years) with LHON mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations, were included in the cohort. 14502(5)11778(4)11778 (...)
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  29.  52
    Empirically testable models are needed for understanding visual prediction.Giuseppe Trautteur, Edoardo Datteri & Matteo Santoro - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (2):217-218.
    Nijhawan argues convincingly that predictive mechanisms are pervasive in the central nervous system (CNS). However, scientific understanding of visual prediction requires one to formulate empirically testable neurophysiological models. The author's suggestions in this direction are to be evaluated on the basis of more realistic experimental methodologies and more plausible assumptions on the hierarchical character of the human visual cortex.
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    Untangling the cortex: Advances in understanding specification and differentiation of corticospinal motor neurons.Lorelei D. Shoemaker & Paola Arlotta - 2010 - Bioessays 32 (3):197-206.
    The mature cerebral cortex contains a staggering variety of projection neuron subtypes, and a number of complementary studies have recently begun to define their identity and embryonic origin. Among the different types of cortical projection neurons, subcerebral projection neurons, including corticospinal motor neurons (CSMN), have been extensively studied and some of the molecular controls over their differentiation have been elucidated. Here, we first provide an overview of the approaches used to purify and molecularly profile neuronal populations of the neocortex and, (...)
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  31.  48
    Is the multi-joint pointing movement model applicable to equilibrium control during upper trunk movements?Alexey Alexandrov, Alexander Frolov & Jean Massion - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (4):745-746.
    Two aspects of the target article, (1) the extension of the equilibrium point theory to multi-joint movements, and (2) the consequence that the EMG pattern is not directly controlled by the central nervous system (CNS), are discussed in light of the experiments on upper trunk bending in humans. The principle component kinematic analysis and the analysis of the EMG data, obtained under microgravity and additional loading conditions, support the application of Feldman and Levin's for multi-joint pointing movement (...)
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    Neuroblast formation and patterning during early brain development in Drosophila.Rolf Urbach & Gerhard M. Technau - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (7):739-751.
    The Drosophila embryo provides a useful model system to study the mechanisms that lead to pattern and cell diversity in the central nervous system (CNS). The Drosophila CNS, which encompasses the brain and the ventral nerve cord, develops from a bilaterally symmetrical neuroectoderm, which gives rise to neural stem cells, called neuroblasts. The structure of the embryonic ventral nerve cord is relatively simple, consisting of a sequence of repeated segmental units (neuromeres), and the mechanisms controlling the (...)
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  33.  51
    Outsourcing in the brain: Do neurons depend on cholesterol delivery by astrocytes?Frank W. Pfrieger - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (1):72-78.
    Brain function depends on the cooperation between highly specialized cells. Neurons generate electrical signals and glial cells provide structural and metabolic support. Here, I propose a new kind of job‐sharing between neurons and astrocytes. Recent studies on primary cultures of highly purified neurons from the rodent central nervous system (CNS) suggest that, during development, neurons reduce or even abandon cholesterol synthesis to save energy and import cholesterol from astrocytes via lipoproteins. The cholesterol shuttle may be restricted to (...)
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  34.  20
    A Brief Overview of the Cerebrospinal Fluid System and Its Implications for Brain and Spinal Cord Diseases.Thea Overgaard Wichmann, Helle Hasager Damkier & Michael Pedersen - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    A comprehensive understanding of the cerebrospinal fluid system is essential for our understanding of health and disease within the central nervous system. The system of CSF refers to all components involved in CSF production, movement, and absorption. In recent years, extensive research has resulted in vastly improved understanding of the CSF system in health and disease. Yet, several aspects remain to be fully clarified, notably along the spinal cord as the preponderance of research has (...)
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  35.  19
    Lower Local Dynamic Stability and Invariable Orbital Stability in the Activation of Muscle Synergies in Response to Accelerated Walking Speeds.Benio Kibushi, Shota Hagio, Toshio Moritani & Motoki Kouzaki - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12:409414.
    In order to achieve flexible and smooth walking, we must accomplish subtasks (e.g., loading response, forward propulsion or swing initiation) within a gait cycle. To evaluate subtasks within a gait cycle, the analysis of muscle synergies may be effective. In the case of walking, extracted sets of muscle synergies characterize muscle patterns that relate to the subtasks within a gait cycle. Although previous studies have reported that the muscle synergies of individuals with disorders reflect impairments, a way to investigate the (...)
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  36.  24
    Amino acid neurotransmitter transporters: Structure, function, and molecular diversity.Janet A. Clark & Susan G. Amara - 1993 - Bioessays 15 (5):323-332.
    Many biologically active compounds including neurotransmitters, metabolic precursors, and certain drugs are accumulated intracellularly by transporters that are coupled to the transmembrane Na+ gradient. Amino acid neurotransmitter transporters play a key role in the regulation of extracellular amino acid concentrations and termination of neurotransmission in the CNSAbbreviations: CNS, central nervous system; GABA, γ‐aminobutyric acid; cDNA, complementary deoxyribonucleic acid; mRNA, messenger ribonucleic acid; NMDA, N‐methyl‐D‐aspartate; PKC, protein kinase C; PMA, phorbol 12‐myristate 13‐acetate; DAG, diacyl glycerol; R59022, DAG kinase (...)
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    Central inhibitory dysfunctions: Mechanisms and clinical implications.Z. Wiesenfeld-Hallin, H. Aldskogius, G. Grant, J.-X. Hao, T. Hökfelt & X.-J. Xu - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (3):420-425.
    Injury to the central or peripheral nervous system is often associated with persistent pain. After ischemic injury to the spinal cord, rats develop severe mechanical allodynia-like symptoms, expressed as a pain-like response to innocuous stimuli. In its short-lasting phase the allodynia can be relieved with the [gamma]-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-B receptor agonist baclofen, which also reverses the hyperexcitability of dorsal horn interneurons to mechanical stimuli. Furthermore, there is a reduction in GABA immunoreactivity in the dorsal horn of allodynic (...)
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    A Wearable Mixed Reality Platform to Augment Overground Walking: A Feasibility Study.Emily Evans, Megan Dass, William M. Muter, Christopher Tuthill, Andrew Q. Tan & Randy D. Trumbower - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Humans routinely modify their walking speed to adapt to functional goals and physical demands. However, damage to the central nervous system often results in abnormal modulation of walking speed and increased risk of falls. There is considerable interest in treatment modalities that can provide safe and salient training opportunities, feedback about walking performance, and that may augment less reliable sensory feedback within the CNS after injury or disease. Fully immersive virtual reality technologies show benefits in boosting training-related (...)
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    Transient Global Amnesia: An Electrophysiological Disorder Based on Cortical Spreading Depression—Transient Global Amnesia Model.Xuejiao Ding & Dantao Peng - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Transient global amnesia is a benign memory disorder with etiologies that have been debated for a long time. The prevalence of stressful events before a TGA attack makes it hard to overlook these precipitating factors, given that stress has the potential to organically effect the brain. Cortical spreading depression was proposed as a possible cause decades ago. Being a regional phenomenon, CSD seems to affect every aspect of the micro-mechanism in maintaining the homeostasis of the central nervous (...). Corresponding evidence regarding hemodynamic and morphological changes from TGA and CSD have been accumulated separately, but the resemblance between the two has not been systematically explored so far, which is surprising especially considering that CSD had been confirmed to cause secondary damage in the human brain. Thus, by deeply delving into the anatomic and electrophysiological properties of the CNS, the CSD-TGA model may render insights into the basic pathophysiology behind the façade of the enigmatic clinical presentation. (shrink)
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    On the Effects of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on Cerebral Glucose Uptake During Walking: A Report of Three Patients With Multiple Sclerosis.Thorsten Rudroff, Alexandra C. Fietsam, Justin R. Deters, Craig D. Workman & Laura L. Boles Ponto - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:833619.
    Common symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS) include motor impairments of the lower extremities, particularly gait disturbances. Loss of balance and muscle weakness, representing some peripheral effects, have been shown to influence these symptoms, however, the individual role of cortical and subcortical structures in the central nervous system is still to be understood. Assessing [18F]fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) uptake in the CNS can assess brain activity and is directly associated with regional neuronal activity. One potential modality to increase cortical excitability (...)
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    Cognitive Processes and Asymmetrical Dependencies, or how Thinking is like Swimming.Andrew Winters - 2016 - Essays in Philosophy 17 (2):8-37.
    Where does the cognitive system begin and end? Intracranialists maintain that the cognitive system is entirely identifiable with the biological central nervous system. Transcranialists, on the other hand, suggest that the cognitive system can extend beyond the biological CNS. In the second division of Supersizing the Mind, Clark defends the transcranial account against various objections. Of interest for this paper is Clark’s response to what he calls “asymmetry arguments.”Asymmetry arguments can be summarized as follows: (...)
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  42. The informed neuron: Issues in the use of information theory in the behavioral sciences. [REVIEW]Jeff Coulter - 1995 - Minds and Machines 5 (4):583-96.
    The concept of “information” is virtually ubiquitous in contemporary cognitive science. It is claimed to be “processed” (in cognitivist theories of perception and comprehension), “stored” (in cognitivist theories of memory and recognition), and otherwise manipulated and transformed by the human central nervous system. Fred Dretske's extensive philosophical defense of a theory of informational content (“semantic” information) based upon the Shannon-Weaver formal theory of information is subjected to critical scrutiny. A major difficulty is identified in Dretske's equivocations in (...)
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    The Mechanics of the Mind. [REVIEW]F. J. - 1972 - Review of Metaphysics 26 (1):162-164.
    The Mechanics of the Mind, in the words of its author, "is an attempt to interpret the phenomenon of mind in terms of the physiological processes of the nervous system and to explore the philosophical implications of a realistically conceived theory." The first four chapters of the book is little more than a survey of some neurophysiological, cognitive, psychosocial and clinical experimental data, the consideration of which presumably leads one to the conclusion that behavior is strictly neuronic. This (...)
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