Results for 'closed society'

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  1.  47
    Closed Societies, Open Minds: Andrzej Walicki, Isaiah Berlin and the Writing of Russian History During the Cold War.Gary M. Hamburg - 2006 - Dialogue and Universalism 16 (1/2):7-72.
    This article compares the thinking of Andrzej Walicki and Isaiah Berlin on the nineteenth-century Russian intelligentsia and on Soviet totalitarianism. It suggests that Berlin saw totalitarianism as an externally imposed political system, whereas Walicki understood totalitarianism to depend both on external pressure and inner coercion. The article draws on a variety of published and unpublished sources, including personal interviews with Walicki and Berlin’s archives at the New Bodleian Library in Oxford, England.
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    The Empirical Author: Salman Rushdie's The Satanic Verses.Anthony Close - 1990 - Philosophy and Literature 14 (2):248-267.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Anthony Close THE EMPIRICAL AUTHOR: SALMAN RUSHDIE'S THE SATANIC VERSES HOBBES, comparing the author ofan action to the owner ofgoods, asserts, "And as the right of possession, is called dominion; so the right of doing any action, is called authority" (Leviathan, Book I, chap. 16). My purpose in this essay is to apply this Hobbesian maxim to the relation Author/Text, expanding somewhat Hobbes's notion of authority. I presuppose that (...)
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    Balancing Patient and Societal Interests in Decisions About Potentially Life-Sustaining Treatment: An Australian Policy Analysis.Eliana Close, Ben P. White & Lindy Willmott - 2020 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 17 (3):407-421.
    BackgroundThis paper investigates the content of Australian policies that address withholding or withdrawing life-sustaining treatment to analyse the guidance they provide to doctors about the allocation of resources.MethodsAll publicly available non-institutional policies on withholding and withdrawing life-sustaining treatment were identified, including codes of conduct and government and professional organization guidelines. The policies that referred to resource allocation were isolated and analysed using qualitative thematic analysis. Eight Australian policies addressed both withholding and withdrawing life-sustaining treatment and resource allocation.ResultsFour resource-related themes were (...)
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    Pragmatism and the closed society: A juxtaposition of Charles Peirce and George orwell.Peter Skagestad - 1986 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 11 (4):307-329.
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    Popper's theory of the closed society conflicts with his theory of research.John Wettersten - 2007 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 37 (2):185-209.
    Popper's theory of the attraction of closed societies conflicts with his theory of research: the former sees rational thought as contrary to man's nature, whereas the latter sees it as an innate psychological process. This conflict arose because Popper developed a theory of the movement from the closed society—Heimat—to civilized society, which sees civilized society as a burden, before he adapted Selz's view of directed thought processes as problem solving, which sees rationality as natural. Rejecting (...)
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    Open Minds Against Closed Societies.Wacław Sadkowski - 2006 - Dialogue and Universalism 16 (1-2):5-6.
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    Rawls' the closed society assumption.Ljubica Strnčević & Vladimir Gligorov - 1995 - Theoria 38 (2):53-64.
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    Isaiah Berlin and Andrzej Walicki as Intellectual Historians and Liberal Philosophers: A Comment on G. M. Hamburg’s “Closed Societies, Open Minds”.Randall A. Poole - 2006 - Dialogue and Universalism 16 (1-2):81-104.
    This essay is an explication and analysis of the work of Sergei Kotliarevskii, a major Russian liberal theorist, focusing on his 1915 treatise Vlast’ i pravo. Problema pravovogo gosudarstva (Power and Law: The Problem of the Lawful State). Although the “lawful state” has long been a subject of interest and controversy (even at the definitional level) among historians and political scientists, curiously Kotliarevskii has not received the attention he deserves. His study of the concept of the lawful state, which for (...)
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    Closed Education in the Open Society: Kibbutz Education as a Case Study.Chen Yehezkely (ed.) - 2012 - Rodopi.
    Why is education in the open society not open? Why is this option not even considered in the debate over which education is most suited for the open society? Many consider such an option irresponsible. What, then, are the minimal responsibilities of education? The present volume raises these questions and many more. It is a book we have been waiting for. It offers a rare combination of two seemingly opposite, unyielding attitudes: critical and friendly. Dr. Yehezkely applies a (...)
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    The Closing of the Civic Mind: Marcel Gauchet on the `Society of Individuals'.Antoon Braeckman - 2008 - Thesis Eleven 94 (1):29-48.
    According to Gauchet we are living in a `society of individuals'. But a central term is missing from that formula, and not by any accident, for contemporary society has lost it from view: the term of the political. In sum, thus reads Gauchet's diagnosis, society today is haunted by a kind of individualism out of which no society can be conceived, as it obfuscates its political dimension. The aim of this article is to elaborate this diagnosis, (...)
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  11.  36
    The Closed Commercial State: Perpetual Peace and Commercial Society from Rousseau to Fichte.David James - 2014 - The European Legacy 19 (1):122-124.
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    Closing session – the corporation and society.Trevor Phillips, Bill Eyres & Richard Howitt - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 32 (2):119 - 126.
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    Closing the Educational Gaps Between Science, Technology, and Society.Paul DeHart Hurd - 1992 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 12 (3):127-135.
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    The Closed Commercial State: Perpetual Peace and Commercial Society from Rousseau to Fichte.Efraim Podoksik - 2015 - The European Legacy 20 (2):197-198.
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    Dilemmas of Plant Closing Policy in Liberal Society: Equality, Rights, Justice.Oren M. Levin-Waldman - 1990 - Public Affairs Quarterly 4 (1):33-53.
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  16.  10
    Science and Society—Faculties Close or Apart?Jüri Engelbrecht - 2001 - In Rein Vihalemm (ed.), Estonian studies in the history and philosophy of science. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 77--88.
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    A Framework to Integrate Ethical, Legal, and Societal Aspects (ELSA) in the Development and Deployment of Human Performance Enhancement (HPE) Technologies and Applications in Military Contexts.Human Behaviour Marc Steen Koen Hogenelst Heleen Huijgen A. Tno, The Hague Collaboration, Human Performance The Netherlandsb Tno, The Netherlandsc Tno Soesterberg, Aerospace Warfare Surface, The NetherlAndsmarc Steen Works As A. Senior Research ScientIst At Tno The Hague, Value-Sensitive Design Human-Centred Design, Virtue Ethics HIs Mission is To Promote The Design Applied Ethics Of Technology, Flourish Koen Hogenelst Works As A. Senior Research Scientist at Tno ApplicAtion Of Technologies In Ways That Help To Create A. Just Society In Which People Can Live Well Together, His Research COncentrates on Measuring A. Background In Neuroscience, Cognitive Performance Improving Mental Health, Military Domains HIs Goal is To Align Experimental Research In Both The Civil, Field-Based Research Applied, Practical Use To Pave The Way For Implementation, Consultant At Tno Impact Heleen Huijgen Is A. Legal Scientist & StrAtegic Environment Her MIssion is To Create Legal Safeguards Fo Technologies - 2025 - Journal of Military Ethics 23 (3):219-244.
    In order to maximize human performance, defence forces continue to explore, develop, and apply human performance enhancement (HPE) methods, ranging from pharmaceuticals to (bio)technological enhancement. This raises ethical, legal, and societal concerns and requires organizing a careful reflection and deliberation process, with relevant stakeholders. We discuss a range of ethical, legal, and societal aspects (ELSA), which people involved in the development and deployment of HPE can use for such reflection and deliberation. A realistic military scenario with proposed HPE application can (...)
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  18.  12
    County officials close to the people—Power structures and the operation of grassroots society.Huang Kuan-Chung - 2022 - Chinese Studies in History 55 (1-2):6-39.
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    Civil servants close to the people: Swedish University intellectuals and society at the turn of the century.Sven-Erick Lieden - 1987 - History of European Ideas 8 (2):155-166.
  20. Identity Politics, Irrationalism, and Totalitarianism: The Relevance Of Karl Popper’s ‘Open Society’.Danny Frederick - 2019 - Cosmos + Taxis 6 (6-7):33-42.
    In ‘The Open Society and its Enemies,’ Karl Popper contrasts closed and open societies. He evaluates irrationalism and the different kinds of rationalism and he argues that critical rationalism is superior. Living in an open society bestows great benefits but involves a strain that may in some people engender a longing to return to a closed society of tribal submission and an attraction for irrationalism. Attempts to recreate a closed society lead to totalitarianism. (...)
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  21.  38
    An Odd Lot. Presidential Address Delivered at the Close of the Meeting of the History of Science Society at Brown University, 5 April 1952.Harcourt Brown - 1952 - Isis 43 (4):307-311.
  22.  49
    Close Engagements with Artificial Companions: Key social, psychological, ethical and design issues.Yorick Wilks (ed.) - 2010 - John Benjamins Publishing.
    What will it be like to admit Artificial Companions into our society? How will they change our relations with each other? How important will they be in the emotional and practical lives of their owners since we know that people became emotionally dependent even on simple devices like the Tamagotchi? How much social life might they have in contacting each other? The contributors to this book discuss the possibility and desirability of some form of long-term computer Companions now being (...)
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  23. Popper's ideal types: Open and closed, abstract and concrete societies.Ian Jarvie - 1999 - In Ian Charles Jarvie & Sandra Pralong (eds.), Popper's Open Society After Fifty Years: The Continuing Relevance of Karl Popper. New York: Routledge.
  24.  18
    Society semantics for four-valued Łukasiewicz logic.Edson Vinícius Bezerra - 2020 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 28 (5):892-911.
    We argue that many-valued logics (MVLs) can be useful in analysing informational conflicts by using society semantics (SSs). This work concentrates on four-valued Łukasiewicz logic. SSs were proposed by Carnielli and Lima-Marques (1999, Advances in Contemporary Logic and Computer Science, 235, 33–52) to deal with conflicts of information involving rational agents that make judgements about propositions according to a given logic within a society, where a society is understood as a collection $\mathcal{A}$ of agents. The interesting point (...)
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    Society action and space: an alternative human geography.Benno Werlen - 1993 - New York: Routledge.
    What is space? And why are questions of space important to social theory? Society, Action and Space is the first English translation of a book which has been widely recognized in Europe as a major contribution to the interface between geography and social theory. Benno Werlen focuses on the issues which are at the heart of the most important debates in human and social geography today. One of the most significant recent developments in social analysis has been the increasing (...)
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    Closing the Future: Environmental Research and the Management of Conflicting Future Value Orders.Erik Westholm & Jenny Andersson - 2019 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 44 (2):237-262.
    This paper examines a struggle over the future use of Nordic forests, which took place from 2009 to 2012 within a major research program, Future Forests—Sustainable Strategies under Uncertainty and Risk, organized and funded by Mistra, The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research. We explore the role of strategic environmental research in societal constructions of long-term challenges and future risks. Specifically, we draw attention to the role played by environmental research in the creation of future images that become dominant for (...)
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    Closing the gap in customer service encounters: Customers’ use of upshot formulations to manage service responses.Heidi Kevoe-Feldman - 2015 - Pragmatics and Society 6 (1):67-88.
    Within the context of service inquiries, and the specialized inferential logic associated with the particularized activities there is a gap in the orientations of customers and service representatives. Specifically, one problem that arises in customer service encounters is that customers and service representatives appear to arrive at different understandings of what constitutes a relevant response to a service inquiry. By examining one type of customer service context, calls to an electronic repair facility, this article offers a conversation analytic account of (...)
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    Reviving Philosophical Discussion of Close Encounters through the Strieber Letters in advance.Kimberly S. Engels - forthcoming - Philosophy and Theology.
    This paper revisits close encounters with perceived non-human intelligences through the Strieber letters that are available in the Rice University Woodson Archives. In 1997, Michael E. Zimmerman first published on the ‘alien abduction’ phenomenon in hopes of generating philosophical conversation regarding these extraordinary and unexplained experiences. I begin by comparing the contents of the Strieber letters to other research that has been done on abduction and close encounters. I then explain how the experiences violate the existing social ontology, that is (...)
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    A closed country in the open seas: Engelbert Kaempfer's Japanese solution for European modernity's predicament.David Mervart - 2009 - History of European Ideas 35 (3):321-329.
    By offering an apology of Japan's closed country policy, Engelbert Kaempfer (1651–1716) was contributing not so much to the literature of exotic journey record, but rather to the field of European political and moral theory, and importantly to the debate over the relative merits of ancient and modern societies and effects of international commerce. There is a marked lack of scholarly attention given to Kaempfer as a modestly interesting political theorist, compared to a substantial body of research praising his (...)
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  30.  19
    Closing the Gold Window: The End of Bretton Woods as a Contingency Plan.Christoffer J. P. Zoeller - 2019 - Politics and Society 47 (1):3-22.
    In August of 1971, President Nixon announced that the United States was “closing the gold window,” bringing an end to the postwar system of international exchange rate stability and precipitating a period of significant uncertainty and transformation in global institutions. Although this critical historical episode is important for an understanding of historical “neoliberalism” and institutional change, modern sociological perspectives have scarcely been applied to it. The present analysis uses archival data to show that closing the gold window was never the (...)
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    The End of Open Society Realism?Robert Schuett - 2022 - Analyse & Kritik 44 (2):219-242.
    Does the ‘Zeitenwende’ herald the beginning of a new and as yet undefined open society realism? The present essay argues this question requires critical discussion of nature and value of realist political theory, particularly at a time where international society is accelerating to somewhere which is itself as yet unclear. Adding to revisionist research on political realism in International Relations (IR) theory I sketch how a political vision I call open society realism may be developed out of (...)
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  32.  42
    Society, Subjectivity and the Cosmos.Peter Dickens - 2011 - Journal of Critical Realism 10 (1):5-35.
    The social sciences have paid little sustained attention to society’s relations with the universe. This paper attempts to redress this failure, arguing that human beings have been increasingly alienated from the cosmos. This estrangement is a product of three closely related processes. These are the division between mental and manual labour in master–slave societies, the strengthening of abstraction due to the market, and the tendency of human beings to dichotomize a world they do not understand or experience as threatening. (...)
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  33.  21
    Gilles Deleuze's societies of control: Implications for mental health nursing and coercive community care.Etienne Paradis-Gagné & Dave Holmes - 2022 - Nursing Philosophy 23 (2):e12375.
    Since the era of deinstitutionalisation, many clinical approaches have emerged to enable the care and treatment of people suffering from mental illness. In recent years, the use of coercive approaches in the community (e.g., outpatient commitment or community treatment orders) has also increased internationally. Although nurses' role regarding these coercive approaches is central and significant, few empirical and theoretical writings have tackled this controversial nursing practice. The purpose of this paper is to analyse coercive nursing care through the lens of (...)
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  34.  23
    Ethnographic Research in Closed Institutions: Ethical Issues.Jane Hubert & Sheila Hollins - 2007 - Research Ethics 3 (4):122-126.
    This paper discusses a number of ethical issues that arise in the context of ethnographic research with people with severe intellectual disabilities and mental health problems living in closed institutions. These very vulnerable people have tended to live emotionally and physically deprived lives in segregated and bleak environments, and because they cannot communicate through speech, and often have seriously challenging behaviour, they have tended to become socially and physically isolated from society. Most research with people who do not (...)
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    The quixotic element in the open society.Peter Munz - 1997 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 27 (1):39-55.
    While the ethics and the sociology of The Open Society can stand up to criticism after 50 years, it is argued that Popper's thesis that closed societies are prompted and promoted by "historicism" cannot. Moreover, Popper's conceptions of "historicism" and of "developmental law" are based on a misunderstanding of our knowledge of history, the practice of historical writing, and the discipline of sociology. In conclusion there is an attempt to explain why, of all people Popper ever criticized for (...)
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  36. Science in a free society.Paul Feyerabend - 1978 - London: NLB.
    No study in the philosophy of science created such controversy in the seventies as Paul Feyerabend's Against Method. In this work, Feyerabend reviews that controversy, and extends his critique beyond the problem of scientific rules and methods, to the social function and direction of science today. In the first part of the book, he launches a sustained and irreverent attack on the prestige of science in the West. The lofty authority of the "expert" claimed by scientists is, he argues, incompatible (...)
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  37.  10
    Close Encounters of the Muslim Kind: The CMS and Islam on the East African Coast, 1874-1911.Ethan R. Sanders - 2010 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 27 (4):248-260.
    When the Anglican Church Missionary Society started work on the East African coast in 1874 it had no intention of working among Muslims, nor did it mention Islam as a motivation for its desire to work with the people of the interior. This was due largely to the fact that members of the mission thought Islam in the region was stagnant and posed no threat to their work. As the organisation expanded inland, and as missionaries observed the Muslims of (...)
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  38.  75
    The Grammar of Society: The Nature and Dynamics of Social Norms.Cristina Bicchieri - 2005 - Cambridge University Press.
    In The Grammar of Society, first published in 2006, Cristina Bicchieri examines social norms, such as fairness, cooperation, and reciprocity, in an effort to understand their nature and dynamics, the expectations that they generate, and how they evolve and change. Drawing on several intellectual traditions and methods, including those of social psychology, experimental economics and evolutionary game theory, Bicchieri provides an integrated account of how social norms emerge, why and when we follow them, and the situations where we are (...)
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  39. Painting in Bruges at the Close of the Middle Ages: Studies in Society and Visual Culture. [REVIEW]James Murray - 1999 - The Medieval Review 12.
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    David W. Kueker. Löwenheim–Skolem and interpolation theorems in infinitary languages. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 78 , pp. 211–215. - K. Jon Barwise. Mostowski's collapsing function and the closed unbounded filter. Fundamenta mathematicae, vol. 82 no. 2 , pp. 95–103. - David W. Kueker. Countable approximations and Löwenheim–Skolem theorems. Annals of mathematical logic, vol. 11 , pp. 57–103. [REVIEW]Victor Harnik - 1986 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 51 (1):232-234.
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    Closing remarks.Jeffrey Friedman - 2008 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 20 (4):527-533.
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    Bing Kurt. On arithmetical classes not closed under direct union. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 6 , pp. 836–846. [REVIEW]Abraham Robinson - 1956 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 21 (3):321-321.
  43.  49
    A. Louveau. Some results in the Wadge hierarchy of Borel sets. Cabal seminar 79–81, Proceedings, Caltech-UCLA Logic Seminar 1979–81, edited by A. S. Kechris, D. A. Martin, and Y. N. Moschovakis, Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 1019, Springer-Verlag, Berlin etc. 1983, pp. 28–55. - A. Louveau and J. Saint Raymond. Borel classes and closed games: Wadge-type and Hurewicz-type results. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 304 , pp. 431–467. - Alain Louveau and Jean Saint Raymond. The strength of Borel Wadge determinacy. Cabal seminar 81–85, Proceedings, Caltech-UCLA Logic Seminar 1981–85, edited by A. S. Kechris, D. A. Martin, and J. R. Steel, Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 1333, Springer-Verlag, Berlin etc. 1988, pp. 1–30. [REVIEW]Robert S. Lubarsky - 1992 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 57 (1):264-266.
  44.  16
    At close quarters: Combatting Facebook design, features and temporalities in social research.Stevie Docherty & Justine Gangneux - 2018 - Big Data and Society 5 (2).
    As researchers we often find ourselves grappling with social media platforms and data ‘at close quarters’. Although social media platforms were created for purposes other than academic research – which are apparent in their architecture and temporalities – they offer opportunities for researchers to repurpose them for the collection, generation and analysis of rich datasets. At the same time, this repurposing raises an evolving range of practical and methodological challenges at the small and large scale. We draw on our experiences (...)
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    Vaught R. L.. Elementary classes closed under descending intersection. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 17 , pp. 430–433. [REVIEW]Abraham Robinson - 1967 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 32 (3):413-414.
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    Understanding a Primitive Society.H. O. Mounce - 1973 - Philosophy 48 (186):347 - 362.
    In recent times Wittgenstein's work in logic has had an influence on other branches of philosophy. I am thinking, in particular, of social philosophy and the philosophy of religion. In these branches, Wittgenstein's followers have made much use of his notion of a language game. It has been argued, for example, that religion forms a language game of its own, having its own standards of reason, and is therefore not subject to criticism from outside. This argument has given rise to (...)
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    Closing the Barn Door: The Effect of Parental Supervision on Canadian Children's Online Privacy.Cheryl Webster & Valerie Steeves - 2008 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 28 (1):4-19.
    Empirical data from a large sample of Canadian youth aged 13 to 17 years suggest that, although the current privacy policy framework is having a positive effect on the extent to which young people are complying with the types of behavior promoted by adults as privacy protective, its primary focus on parental supervision is inadequate to fully protect children's online privacy. Respondents with high levels of either social interaction or identity play are more likely than those with lower levels to (...)
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    Moral learning in the open society: The theory and practice of natural liberty.Gerald Gaus & Shaun Nichols - 2017 - Social Philosophy and Policy 34 (1):79-101.
    Abstract:When people reason on the basis of moral rules, do they suppose that in the absence of a prohibitory rule they are free to act, or do they suppose that morality always requires a justification establishing a permission to act? In this essay we present a series of learning experiments that indicate when learners tend to close their system on the basis of natural liberty and when on the principle of residual prohibition. Those who are taught prohibitory rules tend to (...)
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  49. Close links between diplomacy and the law.Pedro Villagra Delgado - 2013 - Ethos: Official Publication of the Law Society of the Australian Capital Territory 227:28.
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    The Closed-List Classes of Colloquial Egyptian Arabic.Ernest Abdel-Massih & Zaki N. Abdel-Malek - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (1):130.
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