Results for 'collectives'

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  1. Jan Tore l0nning.Collective Readings Of Definite & Indefinite Noun Phrases - 1987 - In Peter Gärdenfors, Generalized Quantifiers. Reidel Publishing Company. pp. 203.
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  2. Steven Lukes.Conscience Collective - 1997 - In Raymond Boudon, Mohamed Cherkaoui & Jeffrey C. Alexander, The classical tradition in sociology: the European tradition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. pp. 3--216.
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    Combahee River Collective Statement.The Combahee River Collective - 2006 - In Elizabeth Hackett & Sally Anne Haslanger, Theorizing feminisms: a reader. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 362–72.
  4. è «WÜv'SV fr28ÀHf VcaÞwH¥ ef Vr@ Ûsc'tVÛ£ rséVefSVF'æ² éV fcTÛsrsHfH! c'ÝD Ûsc'tVHPe fS ÛsefWÜt vd F'v'rstTefHRç.Collecting Dialogs - 1999 - In P. Brezillon & P. Bouquet, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. Springer. pp. 2182--20.
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    Breaking the Boundaries Collective – A Manifesto for Relationship-based Practice.D. Darley, P. Blundell, L. Cherry, J. O. Wong, A. M. Wilson, S. Vaughan, K. Vandenberghe, B. Taylor, K. Scott, T. Ridgeway, S. Parker, S. Olson, L. Oakley, A. Newman, E. Murray, D. G. Hughes, N. Hasan, J. Harrison, M. Hall, L. Guido-Bayliss, R. Edah, G. Eichsteller, L. Dougan, B. Burke, S. Boucher, A. Maestri-Banks & Members of the Breaking the Boundaries Collective - 2024 - Ethics and Social Welfare 18 (1):94-106.
    This paper argues that professionals who make boundary-related decisions should be guided by relationship-based practice. In our roles as service users and professionals, drawing from our lived experiences of professional relationships, we argue we need to move away from distance-based practice. This includes understanding the boundary stories and narratives that exist for all of us – including the people we support, other professionals, as well as the organisations and systems within which we work. When we are dealing with professional boundary (...)
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  6. A complete list of Sen's writings is available a t http://www. economics. harvard.Collective Choice & Social Welfare - 2009 - In Christopher W. Morris, Amartya Sen. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    The Third Man—The Man Who Never Was, WILLIAM E. MANN.Collective Actions & Secondary Actions - 1979 - American Philosophical Quarterly 16 (3).
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  8. Migrantencrisis’/‘Vluchtelingencrisis.New Keywords Collective & Yolande Jansen - 2016 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 56 (4):6-15.
    Amsterdam University Press is a leading publisher of academic books, journals and textbooks in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Our aim is to make current research available to scholars, students, innovators, and the general public. AUP stands for scholarly excellence, global presence, and engagement with the international academic community.
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    Part 3 Beyond Structural Wholes?Collectives Encompassment - 2010 - In Ton Otto & Nils Bubandt, Experiments in holism: theory and practice in contemporary anthropology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 175.
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    Everything is Burning.Raqs Media Collective - 2024 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 33 (67).
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  11. Feminist Ethics and the Politics of Love: Feminist Review Issue 60.The Feminist Review Collective (ed.) - 1998 - Routledge.
    First published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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  12. Suspended animation : thoughts recovered from the memory of first entering the ex-Alumix Factory.Raqs Media Collective - 2009 - In Eva Ebersberger, Daniela Zyman & Thordis Arrhenius, Jorge Otero-Pailos: The Ethics of Dust. Dist. By Art Publishers.
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    The Event-Shaped Hole, and the Photographic Image.Raqs Media Collective - 2021 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 30 (61-62):154-159.
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  14. Di antwiklung funm eiropeishn denken un der idisher beitrag.I. S. Polishuck & Heller Collection - 1945 - [Chicago,: L. M. Shteyn.
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  15. Frederick R. post.Collaborative Collective Bargaining - 2001 - Ethics in the Workplace: Selected Readings in Business Ethics 1:64.
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  16. G. David Garson.Beyond Collective Bargaining - forthcoming - Contemporary Issues in Business Ethics.
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    Soldiers in War as Homo Sacer.AssociAte PrOfessor Of Military Ethics At THe Military Academy In Belgradehe Is Also Lecturer In Ethics at The School Of National Defence he Is An Elected Member Of The Board Of Directors Of The EuropeAn Society For Military Ethics & War Collection He is A. Reserve Officer in the Serbian Armed Forces Editor-in-Chief of the Online Ethics of Peace - forthcoming - Journal of Military Ethics:1-13.
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  18. Collectives’ and individuals’ obligations: a parity argument.Stephanie Collins & Holly Lawford-Smith - 2016 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 46 (1):38-58.
    Individuals have various kinds of obligations: keep promises, don’t cause harm, return benefits received from injustices, be partial to loved ones, help the needy and so on. How does this work for group agents? There are two questions here. The first is whether groups can bear the same kinds of obligations as individuals. The second is whether groups’ pro tanto obligations plug into what they all-things-considered ought to do to the same degree that individuals’ pro tanto obligations plug into what (...)
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  19. The Phaedo of Plato.Benjamin Plato, Jowett & Herman Finkelstein Collection Congress) - 1928 - London: Oxford University Press UK. Edited by Patrick Duncan.
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    Emotional collectives: How groups shape emotions and emotions shape groups.Gerben A. van Kleef & Agneta H. Fischer - 2016 - Cognition and Emotion 30 (1):3-19.
  21. Collectives and intentionality.Jennifer Hornsby - 1997 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 57 (2):429-434.
  22. Distributing Collective Obligation.Sean Aas - 2015 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 9 (3):1-23.
    In this paper I develop an account of member obligation: the obligations that fall on the members of an obligated collective in virtue of that collective obligation. I use this account to argue that unorganized collections of individuals can constitute obligated agents. I argue first that, to know when a collective obligation entails obligations on that collective’s members, we have to know not just what it would take for each member to do their part in satisfying the collective obligation, but (...)
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    Wyclif on collectives.Laurent Cesalli - 2019 - In Amerini F., Binini I. & Mugnai M., Mereology in Medieval Logic and Metaphysics. Proceedings of the 21st European Symposium of Medieval Logic and Semantics. Pisa: Edizioni della Normale. pp. 297-311.
    Collectives are familiar items in Wyclif's ontology. They are characterized as aggregates – aggregata – and this is the technical term I first took to be a trustworthy lexical indicator for collectives in Wyclif. But his use of that technical term turned out to be way too wide, for aggregata are all over the place in Wyclif. Here are some examples. Wyclif calls aggregates, in logic: propositions, truths, and inferences; in metaphysics: individual substances, relations, mixed bodies, integral wholes (...)
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    Expressivism and Collectives.Michael Ridge - 2018 - Mind 127 (507):833-861.
    Expressivists have a problem with collectives. I initially illustrate the problem against the background of Allan Gibbard’s expressivist theory, where it is especially stark. I then argue that the problem generalizes. Gibbard’s account entails that judgments about what collective agents ought to do are contingency plans for what to do if one is in the circumstances facing the relevant collective agent. So, for example, my judgment that the United States ought not to have invaded Iraq is a contingency plan (...)
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    Evil Collectives.Geoffrey Scarre - 2012 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 36 (1):74-92.
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    Identités collectives et images de l'autre: Les pièges de la pensée collectiviste.Jan Berting - 2001 - Hermes 30:41.
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    Collectives and Collections.Paul Gilbert - 1990 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 7 (2):229-230.
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    Collections, collectives, and individuals: Preschoolers’ attributions of intentionality.Hammad Sheikh & Lawrence A. Hirschfeld - 2019 - Cognition 190 (C):99-104.
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  29. Can collectives have beliefs?Raimo Tuomela - 1990 - Acta Philosophica Fennica 49:454-72.
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  30. COLLECTIVES. Set in stone.Sonja van Kerkhoff, Parisa Damandan & Rudi Struik - 2021 - In Helen Westgeest, Kitty Zijlmans & Thomas J. Berghuis, Mix & stir: new outlooks on contemporary art from global perspectives. Amsterdam: Valiz.
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  31. Does Collective Identity Presuppose an Other: On the Alleged Incoherence of Global Solidarity.Arash Abizadeh - 2005 - American Political Science Review 99 (1):45-60.
    Two arguments apparently support the thesis that collective identity presupposes an Other: the recognition argument, according to which seeing myself as a self requires recognition by an other whom I also recognize as a self (Hegel); and the dialogic argument, according to which my sense of self can only develop dialogically (Taylor). But applying these arguments to collective identity involves a compositional fallacy. Two modern ideologies mask the particularist thesis’s falsehood. The ideology of indivisible state sovereignty makes sovereignty as such (...)
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    Morality, Individuals and Collectives.Keith Graham - 1987 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lecture Series 22:1-18.
    My discussion in this paper is divided into three parts. In section I, I discuss some fairly familiar lines of approach to the question how moral considerations may be shown to have rational appeal. In section II, I suggest how our existence as constituents in collective entities might also influence our practical thinking. In section III, I entertain the idea that identification with collectives might displace moral thinking to some degree, and I offer Marx's class theory as a sample (...)
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    How Ecological Collectives Are Morally Considerable.J. Baird Callicott - 2015 - In Stephen Mark Gardiner & Allen Thompson, The Oxford Handbook of Environmental Ethics. Oxford University Press USA.
    Populations, species, biotic communities, ecosystems, landscapes, biomes, and the biosphere are the referents of “ecological collectives.” The essence-accident moral ontology prevailing in twentieth-century moral philosophy cannot, while the theory of moral sentiments originating with Hume, biologized by Darwin, and ecologized by Leopold can, endow ecological collectives with moral considerability. The Hume-Darwin-Leopold approach to environmental ethics has been validated by twenty-first-century evolutionary moral psychology, while the twenty-first-century analysis of the human microbiome has revealed that erstwhile human “individuals” are themselves (...)
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    Tic et pratiques collectives : Nouveaux liens, nouveaux outils.Claude Henry - 2004 - Hermes 39:35.
    Depuis l'appropriation des outils numériques par une fraction notable de la population des pays développés, plusieurs métaphores ont surgi, désignant des usages individuels de ces nouveaux moyens d'information. Simultanément, certains usages collectifs non-marchands sont apparus. Dans ce qu'on appelle trop simplement la «société civile» ou le « tiers-secteur », des groupes divers expérimentent désormais des modes de relations dans lesquelles « le lien est plus fort que le bien ». Les outils numériques, encore limités, dont on dispose aujourd'hui y sont (...)
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    Where (Who) Are Collectives in Collectivism? Toward Conceptual Clarification of Individualism and Collectivism.Marilynn B. Brewer & Ya-Ru Chen - 2007 - Psychological Review 114 (1):133-151.
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    Self-induced Moral Incapacity, Collective Responsibility, and Collective Attributability.Felix Lambrecht - forthcoming - Philosophical Explorations.
    Niels de Haan (2023) defends the possibility of holding collectives morally responsible against a challenge posed by the problem of self-induced moral incapacity. Self-induced moral incapacity seems to introduce a responsibility gap that corporate agents might exploit to avoid responsibility. De Haan argues that the problem does not introduce responsibility gaps because collective moral agents become responsible for actions they committed while they were incapacitated once they reacquire moral capacity. I argue that de Haan’s argument is incomplete. Simply because (...)
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  37. Collective Essence and Monotonicity.Justin Zylstra - 2019 - Erkenntnis 84 (5):1087-1101.
    This paper focuses on the concept of collective essence: that some truths are essential to many items taken together. For example, that it is essential to conjunction and negation that they are truth-functionally complete. The concept of collective essence is one of the main innovations of recent work on the theory of essence. In a sense, this innovation is natural, since we make all sorts of plural predications. It stands to reason that there should be a distinction between essential and (...)
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    Immigration, Imagined Communities, and Collective Memories of Asian American Experiences: A Content Analysis of Asian American Experiences in Virginia U.S. History Textbooks.Yonghee Suh, Sohyun An & Danielle Forest - 2015 - Journal of Social Studies Research 39 (1):39-51.
    This study explores how Asian American experiences are depicted in four high school U.S. history textbooks and four middle school U.S. history textbooks used in Virginia. The analytic framework was developed from the scholarship of collective memories and histories of immigration in Asian American studies. Content analysis of the textbooks suggests the overall narrative of Asian American history in U.S. history textbooks aligns with the grand narrative of American history, that is, the “story of progress.” This major storyline of Asian (...)
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  39. Actions by collectives.Raimo Tuomela - 1989 - Philosophical Perspectives 3:471-496.
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    Représentations individuelles et représentations collectives.Emile Durkheim - 1898 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 6 (3):273 - 302.
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  41. Collective Intentions And Team Agency.Natalie Gold & Robert Sugden - 2007 - Journal of Philosophy 104 (3):109-137.
    In the literature of collective intentions, the ‘we-intentions’ that lie behind cooperative actions are analysed in terms of individual mental states. The core forms of these analyses imply that all Nash equilibrium behaviour is the result of collective intentions, even though not all Nash equilibria are cooperative actions. Unsatisfactorily, the latter cases have to be excluded either by stipulation or by the addition of further, problematic conditions. We contend that the cooperative aspect of collective intentions is not a property of (...)
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    Collective Action for Social Justice: An Exploration into Preservice Social Studies Teachers’ Conceptions of Discussion as a Tool for Equity.Rory P. Tannebaum - 2017 - Journal of Social Studies Research 41 (3):195-205.
    An extensive body of research details the lack of discussion and collaboration occurring in K12 classrooms in the United States. This study seeks to examine this issue by exploring the associations preservice social studies teachers make between the underlying principles of democratic education and the use of discussion in the social studies classroom. The present qualitative multi-case study uses a collection of field-based data and university coursework to examine how six preservice social studies teachers at a large southeastern university conceptualize (...)
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    Individual Responsibility for Collective Climate Change Harms.Adriana Placani - 2025 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 28 (1):79-94.
    This work employs Elizabeth Cripps’ collectivist account of responsibility for climate change in order to ground an individual duty to reduce one’s GHG emissions. This is significant not only as a critique of Cripps, but also as an indication that even on some collectivist footings, individuals can be assigned primary duties to reduce their emissions. Following Cripps, this work holds the unstructured group of GHG emitters weakly collectively responsible for climate change harms. However, it argues against Cripps that what follows (...)
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  44. Collective Obligations: Their Existence, Their Explanatory Power, and Their Supervenience on the Obligations of Individuals.Bill Wringe - 2016 - European Journal of Philosophy 24 (2):472-497.
    In this paper I discuss a number of different relationships between two kinds of obligation: those which have individuals as their subject, and those which have groups of individuals as their subject. I use the name collective obligations to refer to obligations of the second sort. I argue that there are collective obligations, in this sense; that such obligations can give rise to and explain obligations which fall on individuals; that because of these facts collective obligations are not simply reducible (...)
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  45. Représentations individuelles et Représentations collectives. E. Durkheim - 1898 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 6:273-302.
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  46. Collective moral agency and self-induced moral incapacity.Niels de Haan - 2023 - Philosophical Explorations 26 (1):1-22.
    Collective moral agents can cause their own moral incapacity. If an agent is morally incapacitated, then the agent is exempted from responsibility. Due to self-induced moral incapacity, corporate responsibility gaps resurface. To solve this problem, I first set out and defend a minimalist account of moral competence for group agents. After setting out how a collective agent can cause its own moral incapacity, I argue that self-induced temporary exempting conditions do not free an agent from diachronic responsibility once the agent (...)
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  47. The Collected Papers of Bertrand Russell : Man's Peril, 1954 - 55.Andrew Bone (ed.) - 2003 - Routledge.
    _The Collected Papers 28 _signals reinvigoration of Russell the public campaigner. The title of the volume is taken from one of his most famous and eloquent short essays and probably the best known of his many broadcasts for the BBC. _Man's Peril, 1954-55_ not only captures the essence of Russell's thinking about nuclear weapons and the Cold War in the mid-1950s, its extraordinary impact served to jolt him into political protest once again. The activism of which we glimpse the initial (...)
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  48. Dismantling the deficit model of science communication using Ludwik Fleck’s theory of thinking collectives.Victoria M. Wang - forthcoming - In Jonathan Y. Tsou, Shaw Jamie & Carla Fehr, Values, Pluralism, and Pragmatism: Themes from the Work of Matthew J. Brown. Cham: Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science. Springer.
    Numerous societal issues, from climate change to pandemics, require public engagement with scientific research. Such engagement reveals challenges that can arise when experts communicate with laypeople. One of the most common frameworks for framing these communicative interactions is the deficit model of science communication, which holds that laypeople lack scientific knowledge and/or positive attitudes towards science, and that imparting knowledge will fill knowledge gaps, lead to desirable attitude/behavior changes, and increase trust in science. §1 introduces the deficit model in more (...)
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  49. Filling Collective Duty Gaps.Stephanie Collins - 2017 - Journal of Philosophy 114 (11):573-591.
    A collective duty gap arises when a group has caused harm that requires remedying but no member did harm that can justify the imposition of individual remedial duties. Examples range from airplane crashes to climate change. How might collective duty gaps be filled? This paper starts by examining two promising proposals for filling them. Both proposals are found inadequate. Thus, while gap-filling duties can be defended against objections from unfairness and demandingness, we need a substantive justification for their existence. I (...)
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    The Semantics of Collectives and Distributives in Papago.Almerindo E. Ojeda - 1998 - Natural Language Semantics 6 (3):245-270.
    The purpose of this paper is to propose a satisfying model-theoretic account of the notions of singularity, collective plurality, and distributive plurality expressed by both the nouns and the verbs of Papago according to Mathiot (1983). The approach will be algebraic in the sense of Link (1983). Informally, our proposal is that while English has only one form of plurality, Papago has two: one based on identity and the other on equivalence. The identity-based plural is one that Papago shares with (...)
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