Results for 'cosa en sí'

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  1.  23
    Cosa fare del male che si è guardato in faccia?Aharon Appelfeld - 2010 - Rivista di Estetica 45:21-32.
    Aharon Appelfeld, one of the most important Israeli writers, reflects on the multiform nature of evil that those who experienced the Holocaust, as he did, had to face, and he discusses how this experience can be communicated, even in its sensuality, only through literature. Literature – differently form philosophy, historiography, and all other disciplines – “has the capacity to lead the atrocious experience back into the circle of life, to move it from the category of history to the category of (...)
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    La cosa que se traza a sí misma: límites y aporías del aparecer sensible desde la fenomenología temprana.Felipe Johnson - 2021 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 33 (2):265-292.
    Este artículo se propone indagar la presencia de las cosas sensibles a la luz de los trabajos de la fenomenología temprana. Para ello se elaborará una reflexión desde las problemáticas que algunos pensadores del círculo de Gotinga esbozaron en el contexto de las tesis husserlianas referentes a la Abschattung. Así, distinguiremos entre las cosas y su trazo sensible, detectando las posibilidades de su mutua vinculación y desvinculación fenoménica. Por esta vía, se identificará una relación triple en la que la (...) empírica aparece, compuesta por las cualidades sensibles, las sensaciones del sujeto percipiente y su ubicación espacial, para examinar cuál de tales instancias explica el necesario vínculo entre trazo sensible y cosa como posibilidad de su aparecer efectivo en la realidad. Se concluirá que hay un ajuste a priori entre las cualidades y las propiedades cósicas que permitirá comprender la función presentativa del trazo sensible de las cosas. (shrink)
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    Cosas del ritmo.Adriana Guzmán - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Resumen : Cosas del ritmo : cosas del estar vivo. En esta ocasión interesa explorar los ritmos y el ritmo como experiencia y como concepto, buscando hacerlo, además, desde el ritmo mismo, es decir, desde rhuthmos, aquello que se rinde al flujo de la gestualidad humana, posibilidad de toda aprehensión y conocimiento de sí y del mundo, universo de fuerzas que están presentes a cada instante y que es posible observar con determinación inaudita en la danza o en el ritual, (...)
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    (1 other version)“Una cosa es necesaria” según Nietzsche.L. Jaime Sologuren - 2017 - Revista de Filosofía 73:351-354.
    Nietzsche formula la prescripción siguiente: “una cosa es necesaria: que el hombre alcance la satisfacción consigo mismo”. Para cumplir con lo anterior, una condición sería, también, necesaria: “tener fe en sí mismo”. Y, además, el cómo se lleve a cabo tal prescripción permitirá distinguir entre dos tipos de hombres: por un lado, los fuertes, que dan estilo a su carácter, es decir, someten las fuerzas y debilidades de sus naturalezas a un plan artístico y, por otra parte, los débiles (...)
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    Cosas de niños, tan solo eso.Marco A. Arévalo - 2024 - Aoristo - International Journal of Phenomenology, Hermeneutics and Metaphysics 6 (2):3-18.
    El artículo desenvuelve un esquema del pensamiento de Gadamer con relación a su teoría estética donde confluyen juego y tradición, salpicados aquí y allá de matices y contrastes, principalmente heideggerianos, sin descuidar aportaciones más críticas como las de Adorno. Comienza por un recorrido alrededor del juego. Desde ahí, se adentra en el proceso de transformación, en la construcción, en su sentido, en su necesidad. Prosigue abordando el significado de las obras, si es que alguno transporta. Y termina fundiendo verdad con (...)
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    El encuentro con las cosas mismas. La mirada estética y la sorpresa como experiencias de acceso privilegiadas.Patricio Mena Malet - 2021 - Ideas Y Valores 70 (176):95-116.
    En el siguiente texto se intentará dilucidar si acaso es posible hacer la experiencia de las cosas en su momento no temático ni objetivo con los recursos que aporta la nuevafenomenología, en particular, los propios de las obras de Marion y Maldiney. Con este fin, se interrogará la fenomenalidad propia de los objetos, para luego avanzar hacia el examen de dos experiencias privilegiadas buscando dilucidar lo que significa e implica hacer el encuentro de las cosas a-temáticamente, esto es: la mirada (...)
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    Estados de cosas y relaciones de fundación.José Tomás Alvarado - 2014 - Tópicos 28:01-31.
    un estado de cosas es una estructura no-mereológica compuesta por universales, objetos y tiempos. En principio, un estado de cosas no está fundado en sus componentes, pues tales componentes podrían existir, pero no el estado de cosas que componen. La introducción de otras relaciones de 'instanciación' no mejoran la situación, si tales relaciones son universales. Un estado de cosas, sin embargo, sí está fundado en un universal, uno o varios objetos, un tiempo y un tropo que, esencialmente, es la instanciación (...)
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  8.  12
    Ubicación espacial, exhortación y cuerpo: la espacialidad corporal del existir «entre las cosas circundantes».Felipe Johnson - 2024 - Pensamiento 79 (306):1739-1759.
    El presente artículo propone indagar el problema de nuestra ubicación espacial en términos existenciales. Para ello atenderemos a las consideraciones del espacio planteadas en la analítica del Dasein de Martin Heidegger, destacando un carácter de concernimiento según el cual el existir se despliega en cuanto relación ocupada con el mundo. Atendiendo a las descripciones de Oskar Becker, se planteará la pregunta si acaso una inclusión del fenómeno del cuerpo puede contribuir a una comprensión de nuestro particular «hallarnos en un lugar». (...)
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  9. ¿Era Wittgenstein pragmatista, los pragmatistas son wittgensteinianos, o ni una cosa ni la otra?: Sobre reglas, verdades y acciones sociales.Miguel Ángel Quintana Paz - 2010 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía:275-292.
    Existe una aparente incongruencia entre, por una parte, la gran distancia que Ludwig Wittgenstein detectaba entre sus objetivos filosóficos y los de los pragmatistas y, por otra, el acercamiento que posteriormente se ha producido en la historia de la recepción de la filosofía wittgensteiniana entre esta y el (neo)pragmatismo. Con afán de tratar de arrojar algo de luz sobre tal discordancia, nos ocuparemos aquí de modo privilegiado en las reflexiones de Wittgenstein en torno al cumplimiento de reglas (es decir, sobre (...)
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  10. ¿ Era Wittgenstein pragmatista, los pragmatistas son wittgensteinianos, o ni una cosa ni la otra?: sobre reglas, verdades y acciones sociales.Miguel Angel Quintana Paz - 2010 - Daimon: Revista de Filosofia Supplemento 3:275-292.
    Existe una aparente incongruencia entre, por una parte, la gran distancia que Ludwig Wittgenstein detectaba entre sus objetivos filosóficos y los de los pragmatistas y, por otra, el acercamiento que posteriormente se ha producido en la historia de la recepción de la filosofía wittgensteiniana entre esta y el pragmatismo. Con afán de tratar de arrojar algo de luz sobre tal discordancia, nos ocuparemos aquí de modo privilegiado en las reflexiones de Wittgenstein en torno al cumplimiento de reglas , y la (...)
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    La Distracción de Sí. Jacques Derrida y la Auto-Afección.Cristóbal Durán - 2015 - Trans/Form/Ação 38 (2):53-69.
    En este texto buscamos hacer inteligible el lugar y los derroteros que sigue el concepto de auto-afección en el pensamiento de Jacques Derrida. Dicho concepto se desarrolla a partir de una interpretación de Kant y el problema de la metafísica, de Heidegger. En la elaboración del concepto en Derrida se enfatiza el momento de distancia en el que el sí-mismo no puede reducir al otro, sino que tiene que hacer patente la demora en su propia formación. Esto implicaría considerar que (...)
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    Evidence and Agency: Norms of Belief for Promising and Resolving.Berislav Maru%si'C. - 2015 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Berislav Maru%si'c explores how we should take evidence into account when thinking about future actions, such as resolving to do something we know will be difficult. Should we believe we will follow through, or not? He argues that if it is important to us, we can rationally believe we will do it, even if our belief contradicts the evidence.
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    The historical context in conversation: Lexical differentiation and memory for the discourse history.Si On Yoon, Aaron S. Benjamin & Sarah Brown-Schmidt - 2016 - Cognition 154 (C):102-117.
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    Characterizing alternative food networks in China.Zhenzhong Si, Theresa Schumilas & Steffanie Scott - 2015 - Agriculture and Human Values 32 (2):299-313.
    Amid the many food safety scandals that have erupted in recent years, Chinese food activists and consumers are turning to the creation of alternative food networks to ensure better control over their food. These Chinese AFNs have not been documented in the growing literature on food studies. Based on in-depth interviews and case studies, this paper documents and develops a typology of AFNs in China, including community supported agriculture, farmers’ markets, buying clubs, and recreational garden plot rentals. We unpacked the (...)
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    Ethos politico nello stato democratico secondo Luigi Sturzo.Zdzisława Kobylińska - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 10 (1):217-236.
    Che cosa ci puoa dire oggi una riflessione sulla pohtica quando la politica come, per esempio cento anni fa, e vista come una „cosa sporca"? Se veramente una tale riflessione ha solo un valore teoretico o anche storico? Sembra di no... Uno dei modi per evitare le controversie sulla realtä e per comprendere bene i meccanismi del funzionamento di uno Stato, della societa, di un partite e delVethos politico nella sua complessita e quelle di intendersi sui concetto di (...)
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    Audience Design in Multiparty Conversation.Si On Yoon & Sarah Brown-Schmidt - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (8):e12774.
    How do speakers design what they say in order to communicate effectively with groups of addressees who vary in their background knowledge of the topic at hand? Prior findings indicate that when a speaker addresses a pair of listeners with discrepant knowledge, that speakers Aim Low, designing their utterances for the least knowledgeable of the two addressees. Here, we test the hypothesis that speakers will depart from an Aim Low approach in order to efficiently communicate with larger groups of interacting (...)
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    Contextual Integration in Multiparty Audience Design.Si On Yoon & Sarah Brown-Schmidt - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (12):e12807.
    Communicating with multiple addressees poses a problem for speakers: Each addressee necessarily comes to the conversation with a different perspective—different knowledge, different beliefs, and a distinct physical context. Despite the ubiquity of multiparty conversation in everyday life, little is known about the processes by which speakers design language in multiparty conversation. While prior evidence demonstrates that speakers design utterances to accommodate addressee knowledge in multiparty conversation, it is unknown if and how speakers encode and combine different types of perspective information. (...)
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    Compatibility constraint at interfaces with elastic, crystalline solids–I: Theory.Xiuhua Si, Eun-Suok Oh & J. C. Slattery - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (5):655-663.
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    Freedom and Self-Government: Ham Seok-heon’s Readings of Zhuangzi.Si-Cheon Kim - 2023 - THE JOURNAL OF ASIAN PHILOSOPHY IN KOREA 60:119-148.
    What does it mean to read Ham Seok-heon in the 21st century? Furthermore, what does it mean to read the ‘East-Asian Classics’ through him? In this article, I would like to raise a few issues that existing discussions on the relationship between Ham Seok-heon and the East-Asian Classics have not paid attention to, in order to point out the points that we should give more weight to in the hermeneutics of Ham Seok-heon’s ‘Chewing on Old Classics’. First, Ham’s should be (...)
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    Performance Investigation of Stochastic Resonance in Three Types of Asymmetric Bistable System Driven by Trichotomous Noise.Si-Hai Zhao, Jiang-Ye Xu, Yu-Xiao Liu, Ze-Xing Zhao & Zhong-Shun Qin - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-12.
    This paper proposes a new system whose potential function is with three types of asymmetric potential wells, driven by trichotomous noise. Firstly, the three types of asymmetric bistable system are described in detail, and the changes of asymmetric bistable system potential function under different asymmetric factors are analyzed. Secondly, the effect of potential function parameters, asymmetric factorα, noise intensity D, and the probability of particle transition q is discussed, using numerical simulation. The detection effects of traditional symmetric SR and three (...)
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  21.  37
    Fairly Meaningful: Mechanisms Linking Organizational Fairness to Perceived Meaningfulness.Wei Si, Jialing Xiao & Leni Chen - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 187 (1):53-72.
    This research develops and tests a multiple-mediator model of the relationship between organizational fairness and employees’ perceived meaningfulness. Integrating (Rosso et al., Research in Organizational Behavior 30:91–127, 2010) theoretical framework on meaningfulness with theories on fairness, we examined four parallel mechanisms linking organizational fairness to perceived meaningfulness: organization-based self-esteem (OBSE), authenticity at work, moral identification, and organizational identification. We tested our model with three time-lagged studies. All of the studies found significant mediating effects of OBSE and authenticity at work, whereas (...)
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  22.  46
    The Effect of Human Capital on Stock Price Crash Risk.Yi Si & Chongwu Xia - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 187 (3):589-609.
    This paper studies how the human capital embedded in rank-and-file employees affects firms’ stock price crash risk. Employing a unique setting in China where we measure human capital using employee information at the firm level, we show that human capital quality improves firms’ internal information environments, curbs bad-news hoarding and overinvestment, leading to lower stock price crash risk. The findings are robust to instrumental variable regressions. Our study highlights the internal informational role of human capital and sheds light on its (...)
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  23. Entangled subjects : feminism, religion and the obligation to alterity.Sîan Hawthorne - 2014 - In Mary Evans, Clare Hemmings, Marsha Henry, Hazel Johnstone, Sumi Madhok, Ania Plomien & Sadie Wearing, The SAGE handbook of feminist theory. Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE reference.
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    Help Others and Yourself Eventually: Exploring the Relationship between Help-Giving and Employee Creativity under the Model of Perspective Taking.Si Li & Shudi Liao - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    The Culture And Art Of The Istanbul, To Mithat Cemal's Three Istanbul And The Stories Of The Yakup Kadri Karaosmanoğlu.Berna Akyüz Si̇zgen - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:2411-2431.
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    The philosophy of appearances.Miklós Almási - 1989 - Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  27. Twenty five years of theoretical biology.G. Blandino Si - 1993 - Aquinas 36 (3):527-537.
  28.  24
    Cryptocurrency Financial Risk Analysis Based on Deep Machine Learning.Si Chen - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-8.
    Digital currency is considered a form of currency which is used in the digital world such as digital forms or electronic devices. Several terms are synonyms for digital currency like digital money, electronic money, and cyber cash. Accurate prediction of the digital currency is an urgent necessity due to its impacts on the economic community. The electronic economy is very dangerous and must be approached with great caution, so as to avoid or minimize the risks that occur in such cases. (...)
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    Different Roles of the Left and Right Ventrolateral Prefrontal Cortex in Cognitive Reappraisal: An Online Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Study.Si Cheng, Xiufu Qiu, Sijin Li, Licheng Mo, Feng Xu & Dandan Zhang - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    The ventrolateral prefrontal cortex plays a pivotal role in cognitive reappraisal. Previous studies suggested a functional asymmetry of the bilateral VLPFC, but the evidence is still insufficient during cognitive reappraisal. In this study, we conducted an online single-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation to investigate the causal and distinct roles of the left and right VLPFC in reappraisal. Participants were instructed to reappraise or attend to pictures depicting social exclusion scenarios while the spTMS was applied over the left or right VLPFC of (...)
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    How active and passive social media use affects impulse buying in Chinese college students? The roles of emotional responses, gender, materialism and self-control.Si Chen, Kuiyun Zhi & Yongjin Chen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Social media plays a vital role in consumers’ purchasing decision making. There are still gaps in existing research on the relationship between divided dimensions of social media use and impulse buying, as well as the mediating and moderating effects therein. This study explored the mediation and moderation effects in the relationship between different social media usage patterns, emotional responses, and consumer impulse buying. Data from 479 college students who were social media users in China were analyzed using structural equation modeling. (...)
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    Surface instability and mass transfer during the bonding of ice spheres.Si Chen, Ian Baker & Harold J. Frost - 2013 - Philosophical Magazine 93 (23):3177-3193.
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    On Some Verbs Both Transitive and Intransitive in the Turkic Runic Inscriptions.Şi̇ri̇n User Hatice - 2011 - Journal of Turkish Studies 6:589-593.
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    Humanistic approach of the early protestant medical missionaries in nineteenth‐century china.Si Jia Jane & Dong Shaoxin - 2016 - Zygon 51 (1):100-112.
    The efficacies of Western and Chinese medicine have been under debate for a long time, and the whole issue still raises questions for the contemporary world. The article emphasizes the humanistic approach as well as the scientific method of the early Protestant medical missionaries to China, so as to give a more comprehensive scope to understand their historical roles and practices in a cross-cultural context. The authors also wish to call for a global readership to further discuss this historical legacy (...)
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    Between Usefulness and Uselessness: The Paradox of Uselessness and its Philosophical Implications in the Zhuangzi.Si-Cheon Kim - 2019 - Journal of the Society of Philosophical Studies 60:1-22.
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    The Friends on the Way - the Friendship and its Meaning in the Philosophy of Chuang-tzu -.Si Cheon Kim - 2019 - EPOCH AND PHILOSOPHY 30 (2):43-78.
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    Complex Space-Time and Complex Quantum Mind—An Unified Platform to Explain the Large, Medium, and Small Scaled Mysteries of Universe and Consciousness.Si-Chen Lee - 2019 - Philosophy Study 9 (5).
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    Cognitive processing of scalar implicatures with Chinese gradable adjectives.Si Liu & Yi Yang - 2017 - Pragmatics and Cognition 24 (3):373-403.
    In previous research comparing the Context-driven Model with the Default Model of meaning processing, the former was preferred. It predicts that contexts play an exclusively decisive role in meaning processing, whereas the latter holds that the inference of literal meaning generally goes through, unless it is subsequently defaulted or cancelled by the context it is associated with. The Standardization Model, which we added to our experiments, highlights that implicatures are figured out from standardized forms typically based on the mutual background (...)
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  38. al-Insān al-Kāmil fī al-Islām wa-aṣālatihi al-nushūrīyah.taʼlīf Luwī Māsīnyūn - 1976 - In ʻAbd al-Raḥmān Badawī, al-Insān al-kāmil fī al-Islām: dirāsāt wa-nuṣūṣ ghayr manshūrah. Bayrūt: Dār al-Qalam.
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  39. Vedic texts and the knowledge systems of India: collection of articles.Sī. Ema Nīlakaṇṭhana & K. A. Ravindran (eds.) - 2010 - Kalady: Vedic Studies, Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit.
    Papers presented at a national seminar on Vedic texts and the knowledge systems of India, held at Kalady during 9-11 December 2009.
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  40. Perceptual and conceptual dimensions in childrens discrimination shift learning.Si Offenbach - 1988 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 26 (6):486-486.
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  41. Connection of qualitative and quantitative side of way of life.Si Popov - 1976 - Filosoficky Casopis 24 (6):825-835.
  42. The quality of life and contemporary ideological conflict.Si Popov - 1975 - Filosoficky Casopis 23 (4):530-541.
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    A Criticism of the Views of Bourgeois International Law on the Question of Population (1960).Qian Si - 2001 - In Stephen C. Angle & Marina Svensson, Chinese Human Rights Reader. M. E. Sharpe. pp. 239.
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    I Have Grown Up.Li Si - 2002 - Chinese Studies in History 35 (4):14-23.
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    Kant's and Schiller's different understandings of the human person.Xiaoyun Si - forthcoming - Metaphilosophy.
    Freedom is an eternal theme of thought in modern Europe. In philosophers, freedom is embodied in the freedom of reason, and in poets, freedom is embodied in the freedom of human nature. Unlike the philosopher Kant, who defined a person as the subject of practical reason and took the realisation of the supreme good—that is, the freedom of the moral person—as the goal of his thought, the poet Schiller understands the person as a “beautiful personality” harmonising sensibility and rationality, and (...)
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    Limits of knowledge society.Dan Sîmbotin & Ovidiu Gherasim (eds.) - 2012 - Iași: Institutul European.
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    The Allegorical Lover and Beloved of Divan Poetry: Gül ü Bülbül.Betül Si̇nan Ni̇zam - 2010 - Journal of Turkish Studies 5:462-478.
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    On Cultural Environment and Cultural Environment in Vietnam.Quy Ho Si - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 20:101-120.
    The problem of cultural environment is not new, but the use of the theory on cultural environment is clearly a new approach to the consideration of familiar questions. That is the problem, is it true that the context has become such that man, as an individual, is becoming increasingly smaller, weaker, more tightly defined and restrained, in a society which is steadily developing in the direction of becoming multi-dimensional and ambiguous with its “logic of imposition”? As for the cultural environment, (...)
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    Urban Green Development towards Sustainability in Northwest China: Efficiency Assessment, Spatial-Temporal Differentiation Characters, and Influencing Factors.LiJuan Si, JiaLu Wang, ShuRan Yang, Ye Yang & Jing Zhang - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-19.
    For achieving the sustainable development goals, green development has been raised to a high position for cities in China. The economic development in Northwest China is slow, the ecological environment is fragile, and the mineral resources are rich. Only through green development can we realize the comprehensive income of regional production development, rich life, and good ecology. This paper measures the green development efficiency of 30 prefecture-level cities in Northwest China by using DEA-SBM model of unexpected output, explores the differences (...)
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    Onomatopoeias And Set Phrases In Gulten Dayıoglu’s Children Stories.Nesrin SİS - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:1975-1989.
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