Results for 'cross sector social interactions'

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  1.  24
    Cross-Sector Social Interactions and Systemic Change in Disaster Response: A Qualitative Study.Anne M. Quarshie & Rudolf Leuschner - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (2):357-384.
    The United States National Preparedness System has evolved significantly in the recent past. These changes have affected the system structures and goals for disaster response. At the same time, actors such as private businesses have become increasingly involved in disaster efforts. In this paper, we begin to fill the gap in the cross-sector literature regarding interactions that have systemic impacts by investigating how the simultaneous processes of systemic change and intensifying cross-sector interaction worked and interacted (...)
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    Editorial: Cross-Sector Social Interactions[REVIEW]Maria May Seitanidi & Adam Lindgreen - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 94 (1):1 - 7.
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    Trickle Effects of Cross-Sector Social Partnerships.Ans Kolk, Willemijn van Dolen & Marlene Vock - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 94 (1):123 - 137.
    Cross-sector social partnerships are often studied from a macro and meso perspective, also in an attempt to assess effectiveness and societal impact. This article pays specific attention to the micro perspective, i.e. individual interactions between and within organizations related to partnerships that address the 'social good'. By focusing on the potential effects and mechanisms at the level of individuals and the organization(s) with which they interact, it aims to help fill a gap in research on (...)
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    Value Frame Fusion in Cross Sector Interactions.Marlene J. Le Ber & Oana Branzei - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 94 (1):163 - 195.
    Prior research flags the inherent incompatibilities between for-profit and nonprofit partners and cautions that clashing value creation logics and conflicting identities can stall social innovation in cross sector partnerships. Process narratives of successful versus unsuccessful cross sector partnerships paint a more optimistic picture, whereby the frequency, intensity, breadth, and depth of interactions may afford frame alignment despite partners' divergent value creation approaches. However, little is known about how cross sector partners come to (...)
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    Partnership Formation for Change: Indicators for Transformative Potential in Cross Sector Social Partnerships. [REVIEW]Maria May Seitanidi, Dimitrios N. Koufopoulos & Paul Palmer - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 94 (1):139 - 161.
    We provide a grounded model for analysing formation in cross sector social partnerships to understand why business and nonprofit organizations increasingly partner to address social issues. Our model introduces organizational characteristics, organizational motives and history of partner interactions as critical factors that indicate the potential for social change. We argue that organizational characteristics, motives and the history of interactions indicate transformative capacity, transformative intention and transformative experience, respectively. Together, these three factors consist of (...)
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  6. Adaptive responsibilities: Non-linear interactions across social sectors. Cases from cross sector partnerships.Maria May Seitanidi - 2008 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 10 (3):51-64.
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    No Seat at the Table: How Territoriality Constrains Cross-Sector Collaboration in Disaster Response.Dorothee Nussbruch & Verena Girschik - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-24.
    In the context of increasingly frequent climate-related disasters, this article examines whether and how private sector actors can participate in disaster response and work closely with established authorities. We adopt the concept of territoriality from human geography to explain why actors in authoritative positions may exclude others from participation even when they present a clear value proposition. Grounded in an in-depth case study of a local private sector organization in Vanuatu, we identify three relational dynamics between a private (...)
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    The Targeted “Solution” in the Spotlight: How a Product Focus Influences Collective Action Within and Beyond Cross-Sector Partnerships.Özgü Karakulak & Lea Stadtler - 2022 - Business and Society 61 (3):606-648.
    Based on a comparative case study of six cross-sector partnerships (CSPs) in global health, we illustrate how a CSP’s aim to address a social issue on the basis of products influences the governance of collective action within the partnership and beyond, at the field level. We show how such product focus, through specialization, influences a CSP’s structures and interaction culture and, as a reflection of the partners’ underlying logics, generates different CSP-field effects. Specifically, if conceived as self-contained (...)
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  9. Decontesting Corporate Responsibility for Collaboration: A Case Study of a Cross-Sector Coalition Lobbying for Human Rights Regulation.Visa Penttilä, Frank den Hond, Martin Fougère & Nikodemus Solitander - forthcoming - Business and Society.
    This article examines how non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and firms can collaborate on a contested corporate social responsibility (CSR) issue in lobbying the government to regulate businesses. Previous research has established how various contextual, organizational, and interactional factors affect cross-sector collaboration. However, there is little research on specific strategies that organizations can use to collaborate on contested and divisive issues. While research on CSR has introduced decontestation as a way of establishing dominant interpretations or depoliticization of CSR, through (...)
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    What Prompts Companies to Collaboration With NGOs? Recent Evidence From the Netherlands.Jonathan Doh, Frank de Bakker & Frank den Hond - 2015 - Business and Society 54 (2):187-228.
    This article examines the factors that influence the propensity of corporations to engage with NGOs. Drawing from resource dependency theory and related theories of social networks and the resource-based view of the firm, the authors develop a series of hypotheses that draw from this conceptual foundation to predict a range of factors that influence firms to collaborate with NGOs. These factors include the level of commitment of the firm to CSR, the strategic fit between the firm’s and the NGO’s (...)
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  11.  73
    Platforms for Cross-Sector Social Partnerships: Prospective Sensemaking Devices for Social Benefit. [REVIEW]John W. Selsky & Barbara Parker - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 94 (1):21 - 37.
    Cross-sector social partnerships (CSSPs) can produce benefits at individual, organizational, sectoral and societal levels. In this article, we argue that the distribution of benefits depends in part on the cognitive frames held by partnership participants. Based on Selsky and Parker's (J Manage 31(6):849-873, 2005) review of CSSPs, we identify three analytic "platforms" for social partnerships — the resource-dependence platform, the social-issue platform, and the societal-sector platform. We situate platforms as prospective sensemaking devices that help (...)
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  12.  29
    Pathways to Lasting Cross-Sector Social Collaboration: A Configurational Study.Christiana Weber, Helen Haugh, Markus Göbel & Hannes Leonardy - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 177 (3):613-639.
    Cross-sector social collaborations are increasingly recognised as valuable inter-organizational arrangements that seek to combine the commercial capabilities of private sector companies with the deep knowledge of social and environmental issues enrooted in social sector organizations. In this paper we empirically examine the configurations of conditions that lead to lasting cross-sector social collaboration. Situating our enquiry in Schütz’s theory of life-worlds and the reciprocity literature, we employ fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis to (...)
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    Institutional Antecedents of Partnering for Social Change: How Institutional Logics Shape Cross-Sector Social Partnerships.Clodia Vurro, M. Tina Dacin & Francesco Perrini - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 94 (1):39-53.
    Heeding the call for a deeper understanding of how cross-sector social partnerships can be managed across different contexts, this article integrates ideas from institutional theory with current debate on cross-boundary collaboration. Adopting the point of view of business actors interested in forming a CSSP to address complex social problems, we suggest that “appropriateness” needs shape business approaches toward partnering for social change, exerting an impact on the benefits that can be gained from it. A (...)
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  14.  53
    Legitimation Work Within a Cross-Sector Social Partnership.Dominik Rueede & Karin Kreutzer - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 128 (1):39-58.
    This study illuminates how a cross-sector social partnership legitimizes itself toward multiple internal and external stakeholders. Within a single-case study design, we collected retrospective and real time data on the partnership between Deutsche Post DHL and The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. Within this partnership, Deutsche Post DHL provides corporate volunteers that support disaster response after natural disasters on a pro bono basis. The main objects that needed legitimacy as well as the audiences (...)
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  15. Can social interaction constitute social cognition?Hanne De Jaegher, Ezequiel Di Paolo & Shaun Gallagher - 2010 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 14 (10):441-447.
    An important shift is taking place in social cognition research, away from a focus on the individual mind and toward embodied and participatory aspects of social understanding. Empirical results already imply that social cognition is not reducible to the workings of individual cognitive mechanisms. To galvanize this interactive turn, we provide an operational definition of social interaction and distinguish the different explanatory roles – contextual, enabling and constitutive – it can play in social cognition. We (...)
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    Dancing robots: Social interactions are performed, not depicted.Guido Orgs & Emily S. Cross - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e40.
    Clark and Fischer's depiction hypothesis is based on examples of western mimetic art. Yet social robots do not depict social interactions, but instead perform them. Similarly, dance and performance art do not rely on depiction. Kinematics and expressivity are better predictors of dance aesthetics and of effective social interactions. In this way, social robots are more like dancers than actors.
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    Collaborative Strategic Management: Strategy Formulation and Implementation by Multi—Organizational CrossSector Social Partnerships.Amelia Clarke & Mark Fuller - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 94 (S1):85-101.
    The focus of this article is on multi-organizational cross-sector social partnerships (CSSP), an increasingly common means of addressing complex social and ecological problems that are too extensive to be solved by any one organization. While there is a growing body of literature on CSSP, there is little focus on collaborative strategic management, especially where implementation and outcomes are concerned. This study addresses these gaps by offering a conceptual model of collaborative strategic management, which is then tested (...)
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    Cross-sector Alliances for Corporate Social Responsibility Partner Heterogeneity Moderates Environmental Strategy Outcomes.Haiying Lin - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 110 (2):219-229.
    This article provides a new mechanism in understanding how partner heterogeneity moderates an alliance's ability to advance corporate social responsibility goals. I identified the antecedents for firms to select a more diverse set of partners and explored whether more diverse alliances (especially cross-sector alliances) may facilitate partners to achieve more proactive environmental outcomes. I employ 146 environmental alliances formed in the U.S. between 1990 and 2009 to test the assertions. Results suggest that firms with innovative orientation and (...)
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    Dynamics of Institutional Logics in a Cross-Sector Social Partnership: The Case of Refugee Integration in Germany.Andreas Hesse, Karin Kreutzer & Marjo-Riitta Diehl - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 159 (3):679-704.
    This study examines how institutional logics interplay in a cross-sector social partnership that manages refugee integration in a rural district in Germany. In an inductive 15-month case study that drew on interviews and observations, we observe the dynamic materialization of institutional logics in day-to-day practices and an increasing contradiction and even rivalry between community- and market-based institutional logics over time. As a result, we delineate a model explaining the interplay of institutional logics along two dimensions: the dominance (...)
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  20.  42
    Cross-Sector Partnerships for Systemic Change: Systematized Literature Review and Agenda for Further Research.Amelia Clarke & Andrew Crane - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (2):303-313.
    The literature on cross-sector partnerships has increasingly focused attention on broader systemic or system-level change. However, research to date has been partial and fragmented, and the very idea of systemic change remains conceptually underdeveloped. In this article, we seek to better understand what is meant by systemic change in the context of cross-sector partnerships and use this as a basis to discuss the contributions to the Thematic Symposium. We present evidence from a broad, multidisciplinary systematized review (...)
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  21.  28
    Tightrope Walking: Navigating Competition in Multi-Company Cross-Sector Social Partnerships.Lea Stadtler - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 148 (2):329-345.
    Many challenges to economic and social well-being require close collaboration between business, government, and civil-society actors. In this context, the involvement of multiple companies rather than a single company may enhance such cross-sector social partnerships’ outcomes. However, extant literature cautions about the tensions arising from companies’ competitive interests and the detrimental effects on the CSSP’s social outcome. Similarly, studies analyzing simultaneous collaboration and competition suggest shielding off competitive elements from the collaboration. Based on insights into (...)
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  22.  46
    Collide or Collaborate: The Interplay of Competing Logics and Institutional Work in Cross-Sector Social Partnerships.Juelin Yin & Dima Jamali - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 169 (4):673-694.
    An increasing body of institutional research has examined organizations’ response to conflicting institutional logics, but few studies have looked into how cross-sector organizational actors experiencing institutional complexity strategize their response mechanisms to create value in the context of corporate social responsibility (CSR). We conduct a comparative case study of nine social partnerships between multinational companies (MNCs) and nonprofits in China. We identify a partnership logic among the value-creating partnerships where partners guided by an either/and mindset take (...)
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  23.  52
    The Manchester Super Casino: Experience and Learning in a Cross-Sector Social Partnership. [REVIEW]Jon Reast, Adam Lindgreen, Joëlle Vanhamme & François Maon - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 94 (1):197 - 218.
    The management of cross-sector social partnerships (CSSPs) among government, business, and not-for-profit entities can be complex and difficult. This article considers the importance of organizational experience and learning for the successful development of CSSPs. By analyzing the Manchester Super Casino, this research emphasizes the significant benefits of prior experience with CSSPs that enable partners to learn and develop relationships, skills, and capabilities over time, which then have positive influences on future performance. The result is a refined learning (...)
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  24.  25
    Scorched Earth: Employers’ Breached Trust in Refugees’ Labor Market Integration.Katja Wehrle, Mari Kira, Ute-Christine Klehe & Guido Hertel - 2024 - Business and Society 63 (1):60-107.
    Employment is critical for refugees’ positive integration into a receiving country. Enabling employment requires cross-sector collaborations, that is, employers collaborating with different stakeholders such as refugees, local employees, other employers, unofficial/official supporters, and authorities. A vital element of cross-sector collaborations is trust, yet the complexity of cross-sector collaborations may challenge the formation and maintenance of trust. Following a theory elaboration approach, this qualitative study with 37 employers and 27 support workers in Germany explores how (...)
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  25. Cross-Sector Alliance Learning and Effectiveness of Voluntary Codes of Corporate Social Responsibility.Jane E. Salk - 2006 - Business Ethics Quarterly 16 (2):211-234.
    Firms and industries increasingly subscribe to voluntary codes of conduct. These self-regulatory governance systems can be effective in establishing a more sustainable and inclusive global economy. However, these codes can also be largely symbolic, reactive measures to quell public criticism. Cross-sector alliances (between for-profit and nonprofit actors) present a learning platform for infusing participants with greater incentives to be socially responsible. They can provide multinationals new capabilities that allow them to more closely ally social responsibility with economic (...)
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    Transitioning Collaborative Cross-Sector Business Models for Sustainability Innovation: Multilevel Tension Management as a Dynamic Capability.Ana Felgueiras, Vanessa Mato-Santiso & Marta Rey-Garcia - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (5):1132-1173.
    Collaborative cross-sector business models for sustainability innovation (CCSBMSI) in response to grand challenges are rich foci for tensions. This is the case of CCSBMSI targeting independent living through Information and Communication Technology–enabled care. This research aims at identifying the relevant tensions, understanding their interactions, and assessing how they can be effectively managed so that CCSBMSI become more valuable for partners and transformative for society. A conceptual framework that understands the management of interrelated institutional and interorganizational tensions as (...)
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    Does Cross-Sector Collaboration Lead to Higher Nonprofit Capacity?Michelle Shumate, Jiawei Sophia Fu & Katherine R. Cooper - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (2):385-399.
    Cross-sector social partnership case-based theory and research have long argued that nonprofits that engage in more integrative and enduring cross-sector partnerships should increase their organizational capacity. By increasing their capacity, nonprofits increase their ability to contribute to systemic change. The current research investigates this claim in a large-scale empirical research study. In particular, this study examines whether nonprofits that have a greater number of integrated cross-sector partnerships have greater capacities for financial management, strategic (...)
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    The Gatekeeping Function of Trust in Crosssector Social Partnerships.Ronald Venn & Nicola Berg - 2014 - Business and Society Review 119 (3):385-416.
    Hunger and deprivation, lack of education, sanitation, and health care are only a few pressing issues related to poverty in developing countries. Addressing such complex social issues requires pooling complementary resources of the civil, public, and private sector. Over the last decade, stakeholders tried to cocreate innovative solutions in crosssector social partnerships (CSSPs) at the base of the economic pyramid (BoP), but collaboration proved to be very challenging. Practitioners become increasingly frustrated with operational differences, intransparency, (...)
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    Cross-Sector Alliance Learning and Effectiveness of Voluntary Codes of Corporate Social Responsibility.Bindu Arya & Jane E. Salk - 2006 - Business Ethics Quarterly 16 (2):211-234.
    Firms and industries increasingly subscribe to voluntary codes of conduct. These self-regulatory governance systems can be effective in establishing a more sustainable and inclusive global economy. However, these codes can also be largely symbolic, reactive measures to quell public criticism. Cross-sector alliances (between for-profit and nonprofit actors) present a learning platform for infusing participants with greater incentives to be socially responsible. They can provide multinationals new capabilities that allow them to more closely ally social responsibility with economic (...)
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    Cross-Sector Partnerships and the Co-creation of Dynamic Capabilities for Stakeholder Orientation.Domenico Dentoni, Verena Bitzer & Stefano Pascucci - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 135 (1):35-53.
    This paper explores the relationship between business experience in cross-sector partnerships and the co-creation of what we refer to as ‘dynamic capabilities for stakeholder orientation,’ consisting of the four dimensions of sensing, interacting with, learning from and changing based on stakeholders. We argue that the co-creation of dynamic capabilities for stakeholder orientation is crucial for CSPs to create societal impact, as stakeholder-oriented organizations are more suited to deal with “wicked problems,” i.e., problems that are large, messy, and complex. (...)
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    Cross-Sector Partnerships: City Regeneration and Social Justice. [REVIEW]Nelarine Cornelius & James Wallace - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 94 (1):71 - 84.
    In this article, the ability of partnerships to generate goods that enhance the quality-of-life of socially and economically deprived urban communities is explored. Drawing on Rawl's study on social justice [Rawls, J.: 1971, A Theory of Justice (Harvard University Press, Cambridge)] and Sen's capabilities approach [Sen, A.: 1992, Inequality Re-Examined (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA); 1999, Development as Freedom (Oxford University Press, Oxford); 2009, The Idea of Justice (Ellen Lane, London)], we undertake an ethical evaluation of the effectiveness of (...)
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  32. On the role of social interaction in individual agency.Hanne De Jaegher & Tom Froese - 2009 - Adaptive Behavior 17 (5):444-460.
    Is an individual agent constitutive of or constituted by its social interactions? This question is typically not asked in the cognitive sciences, so strong is the consensus that only individual agents have constitutive efficacy. In this article we challenge this methodological solipsism and argue that interindividual relations and social context do not simply arise from the behavior of individual agents, but themselves enable and shape the individual agents on which they depend. For this, we define the notion (...)
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    CrossSector Partnerships: An Examination of Success Factors.Laura Pincus Hartman & Kanwalroop Kathy Dhanda - 2018 - Business and Society Review 123 (1):181-214.
    In this paper, we examine the drivers involved in an alternative business model: cross-sector social partnerships between for-profit, predominantly multinational corporations and nonprofit organizations. We explore these cross-sector social partnerships from the perspective of these primary stakeholders, examining the questions of power differentials and the definitions and determinants of success. In order more deeply to understand these drivers, we review the evolution of the concept of “value” and the perception of the value that each (...)
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  34.  42
    The effect of induced social interaction on positive and negative affect.Curtis W. McIntyre, David Watson, Lee Anna Clark & Stephen A. Cross - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (1):67-70.
  35.  35
    Where Relational Commons Take Place: The City and its Social Infrastructure as Sites of Commoning.Christof Brandtner, Gordon C. C. Douglas & Martin Kornberger - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 184 (4):917-932.
    Commons enjoy recognition as an alternative to the dichotomy of state and market. In contrast to liberal market theorists who frame the commons as resource-based, we build on alternative and critical conceptions that describe the commons as processual, social, and inherently relational. Our analysis adds to these accounts an articulation of the contemporary commons as “social infrastructure” in the urban spatial conditions where the social processes of commoning take place. We argue that the relational features of urban (...)
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    Cross-Sectoral Big Data: The Application of an Ethics Framework for Big Data in Health and Research.Graeme T. Laurie - 2019 - Asian Bioethics Review 11 (3):327-339.
    Discussion of uses of biomedical data often proceeds on the assumption that the data are generated and shared solely or largely within the health sector. However, this assumption must be challenged because increasingly large amounts of health and well-being data are being gathered and deployed in cross-sectoral contexts such as social media and through the internet of things and wearable devices. Cross-sectoral sharing of data thus refers to the generation, use and linkage of biomedical data beyond (...)
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    Enhancing the Impact of Cross-Sector Partnerships: Four Impact Loops for Channeling Partnership Studies.Rob van Tulder, M. May Seitanidi, Andrew Crane & Stephen Brammer - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 135 (1):1-17.
    This paper addresses the topic of this special symposium issue: how to enhance the impact of cross-sector partnerships. The paper takes stock of two related discussions: the discourse in cross-sector partnership research on how to assess impact and the discourse in impact assessment research on how to deal with more complex organizations and projects. We argue that there is growing need and recognition for cross-fertilization between the two areas. Cross-sector partnerships are reaching a (...)
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    Crosssector alliances in the global refugee crisis: An institutional theory approach.Aimei Yang, Wenlin Liu & Rong Wang - 2020 - Business Ethics 29 (3):646-660.
    The global refugee crisis has posed severe challenges to social stability and sustainable development around the world. While the business sector is expected to shoulder social responsibility in crisis relief efforts, our initial assessment shows that refugee‐related corporate social responsibility (CSR) significantly diverged across the Global Fortune 500 corporations. To advance scholars and managers' understanding of this complex CSR issue, this study draws upon National Business System Theory to explore how country‐level factors influence the multinational corporations' (...)
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    Enhancing the Impact of Cross-Sector Partnerships.Stephen Brammer, Andrew Crane, M. Seitanidi & Rob Tulder - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 135 (1):1-17.
    This paper addresses the topic of this special symposium issue: how to enhance the impact of cross-sector partnerships. The paper takes stock of two related discussions: the discourse in cross-sector partnership research on how to assess impact and the discourse in impact assessment research on how to deal with more complex organizations and projects. We argue that there is growing need and recognition for cross-fertilization between the two areas. Cross-sector partnerships are reaching a (...)
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    Enhancing Executive Functions Through Social Interactions: Causal Evidence Using a Cross-Species Model.Rosemarie E. Perry, Stephen H. Braren, Millie Rincón-Cortés, Annie N. Brandes-Aitken, Divija Chopra, Maya Opendak, Cristina M. Alberini, Regina M. Sullivan & Clancy Blair - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The Formation of Cross-Sector Development Partnerships: How Bridging Agents Shape Project Agendas and Longer-Term Alliances.Stephan Manning & Daniel Roessler - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 123 (3):527-547.
    Cross-sector development partnerships are project-based collaborative arrangements between business, government, and civil society organizations in support of international development goals such as sustainability, health education, and economic development. Focusing on public private partnerships in development cooperation, we examine different constellations of bridging agents and their effects in the formation of single CSDP projects and longer-term alliances. We conceptualize bridging agency as a collective process involving both internal partner representatives and external intermediaries in initiating and/or supporting roles. We find (...)
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    The impact of social information on how we perceive and interact with other agents.Cross Emily & Ramsey Richard - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Investigating Humor in Social Interaction in People With Intellectual Disabilities: A Systematic Review of the Literature.Darren David Chadwick & Tracey Platt - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    Background: Humor, both producing and appreciating, underpins positive social interactions acting as a facilitator of communication. There are clear links to wellbeing that go along with this form of social engagement. However, humor appears to be a seldom studied, cross-disciplinary area of investigation when applied to people with an intellectual disability, this review collates the current state of knowledge regarding the role of humor behavior in the social interactions of people with intellectual disabilities and (...)
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    Health Professionals on Cross‐Sectoral Collaboration Between Mental Health Hospitals and Municipalities: A Critical Discourse Analysis.Kim Jørgensen, Kristine Bro Jørgensen, Jesper Frederiksen, Emma Watson, Morten Hansen & Bengt Karlsson - 2025 - Nursing Inquiry 32 (1):e12685.
    This study investigates the role of language in crosssector collaboration between mental health hospitals and municipalities, focusing on the challenges of maintaining continuity of care and integrating patient‐centered approaches. Using Fairclough's framework for critical discourse analysis, we examined focus group interviews with 21 healthcare professionals, including nurses, social workers, and psychiatrists, to identify key themes and patterns in how crosssector collaboration is discussed. The analysis revealed a dominant medicalized discourse in hospital settings, which often emphasized (...)
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    Corporate Social Responsibility through Crosssector Partnerships: Implications for Civil Society, the State, and the Corporate Sector in I ndia.Helena Hede Skagerlind, Moa Westman & Henrik Berglund - 2015 - Business and Society Review 120 (2):245-275.
    Corporations are increasingly forced to widen their agendas to include social and environmental concerns, or corporate social responsibility (CSR). This development has been recorded in the current academic debate, and the views regarding its implications for business, the state, and civil society diverge. However, there is agreement within the CSR and corporate governance literatures that there is a lack of thorough empirical studies of these effects. Based on a case study of the multinational wind energy company Suzlon Energy's (...)
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    Communicating CSR relationships in COVID‐19: The evolution of crosssector communication networks on social media.Jingyi Sun, Jieun Shin, Yiqi Li, Yan Qu, Lichen Zhen, Hye Min Kim, Aimei Yang, Wenlin Liu & Adam J. Saffer - forthcoming - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility.
    Cross-sector relationship building is an important strategy in corporate social responsibility initiatives, and communicating cross-sector relationships on social media can help raise the visibility of collaborative relationships. A noticeable gap in the literature is how social media enables and constrains the formation patterns of cross-sector connections. To understand how businesses communicate their relationships with government agencies and nonprofits about social issues on social media, we propose a theoretical framework that (...)
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    Maintenance of Cross-Sector Partnerships: The Role of Frames in Sustained Collaboration.Elizabeth J. Klitsie, Shahzad Ansari & Henk W. Volberda - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (2):401-423.
    We examine the framing mechanisms used to maintain a cross-sector partnership that was created to address a complex long-term social issue. We study the first 8 years of existence of an XSP that aims to create a market for recycled phosphorus, a nutrient that is critical to crop growth but whose natural reserves have dwindled significantly. Drawing on 27 interviews and over 3000 internal documents, we study the evolution of different frames used by diverse actors in an (...)
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    Examining the Intergovernmental and Interorganizational Network of Responding to Major Accidents for Improving the Emergency Management System in China.Pan Tang, Haojia Chen & Shiqi Shao - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-16.
    Since the SARS crisis in 2003, institutionalized emergency management systems have been established in each government level for improving inter-organizational collaboration in China. Major accidents require participation of public organizations affiliated with multiple government levels, and the lack of collaboration and coordination among the involved organizations within the critical time constraints during the response process is an existing problem. In this research, a case study of examining the intergovernmental and cross-sectoral collaboration for responding to a well-known oil pipeline explosion (...)
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    Managing Tensions and Divergent Institutional Logics in Firm–NPO Partnerships.Alireza Ahmadsimab & Imran Chowdhury - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 168 (3):651-670.
    This paper investigates the process through which firms and non-profit organizations reconcile divergent worldviews in the development of firm–NPO partnerships. Drawing on data from two long-lived firm–NPO partnerships, this study suggests that the dynamics of reconciliation in situations of institutional complexity can be better understood by examining how firms and NPOs manage the interplay of both market and social logics in an inter-organizational context. We have found that during the initial stages of collaboration, partners manage differences by engaging in (...)
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    Investigating Everyday Musical Interaction During COVID-19: An Experimental Procedure for Exploring Collaborative Playlist Engagement.Ilana Harris & Ian Cross - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Musical Group Interaction (MGI) has been found to promote prosocial tendencies, including empathy, across various populations. However, experimental study is lacking in respect of effects of everyday forms of musical engagement on prosocial tendencies, as well as whether key aspects—such as physical co-presence of MGI participants—are necessary to enhance prosocial tendencies. We developed an experimental procedure in order to study online engagement with collaborative playlists and to investigate socio-cognitive components of prosocial tendencies expected to increase as a consequence of engagement. (...)
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