Results for 'delayed instructions'

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  1.  21
    The influence of delayed instructions to learn upon human performance.E. H. Porter - 1938 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 23 (6):633.
  2.  54
    Excess: The Obscene Supplement in Slavoj Žižek’s Religion and Politics.Tad DeLay - 2014 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 8 (2).
    Slavoj Žižek often refers to an obscene excess-supplement that, depending on the subject’s pathological disposition, serves to either 1) sustain a conscious injunction by disavowing an unconscious “underside” or 2) instruct the subject to transgress the injunction. This supplemental excess is at work in neurotic and perverse belief but functions in significantly different modes depending on whether the supplement affects the ego or superego. This paper surveys and analyzes Žižek’s use of the obscene excess-supplement in his theological and political applications (...)
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    Effects of trace versus delay conditioning, interstimulus interval variability, and instructions on UCR diminution.William W. Grings & Anne M. Schell - 1971 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 90 (1):136.
  4.  21
    Recall of accessible items from memory as a function of executive instructions, delay tasks, and serial position.Bert Zippel - 1980 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 15 (1):45-47.
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    Associating LIPS and SWOLLEN: delayed attentional disengagement following words in sex contexts.Suzanne Oosterwijk, Andries R. van der Leij & Mark Rotteveel - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 31 (6):1197-1210.
    ABSTRACTWith a series of three studies, using an adapted dot-probe paradigm, we investigated the elicitation of spontaneous affective meaning. Although it is well established that humans show delays in disengaging their attention from conventional affective stimuli, it is unknown whether contextually acquired affective meaning similarly impacts attention. We examined attentional disengagement following pairs of neutral or slightly ambiguous words that in combination could evoke sex, violence or neutral associations. Study 1 demonstrated slower disengagement following words that conveyed sex or violence (...)
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    Retention of verbal material as a function of motivating instructions and experimentally-induced failure.Wallace A. Russell - 1952 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 43 (3):207.
  7.  64
    Critical thinking in North America: A new theory of knowledge, learning, and literacy. [REVIEW]Richard W. Paul - 1989 - Argumentation 3 (2):197-235.
    The pace of change in the world is accelerating, yet educational institutions have not kept pace. Indeed, schools have historically been the most static of social institutions, uncritically passing down from generation to generation outmoded didactic, lecture-and-drill-based, models of instruction. Predictable results follow. Students, on the whole, do not learn how to work by, or think for, themselves. They do not learn how to gather, analyze, synthesize and assess information. They do not learn how to analyze the diverse logic of (...)
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  8. Knowledge mediates the timeframe of covariation assessment in human causal induction.Marc J. Buehner & Jon May - 2002 - Thinking and Reasoning 8 (4):269 – 295.
    How do humans discover causal relations when the effect is not immediately observable? Previous experiments have uniformly demonstrated detrimental effects of outcome delays on causal induction. These findings seem to conflict with everyday causal cognition, where humans can apparently identify long-term causal relations with relative ease. Three experiments investigated whether the influence of delay on adult human causal judgements is mediated by experimentally induced assumptions about the timeframe of the causal relation in question, as suggested by Einhorn and Hogarth (1986). (...)
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    The Voice of Patients: The Exclusive Work of a Human Who Can Advocate.Laisson DeSouza - 2024 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 14 (3):170-171.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Voice of Patients:The Exclusive Work of a Human Who Can AdvocateLaisson DeSouzaThere is much conversation in the medical interpreter community about the effects of artificial intelligence in the work we do, and how we may or may not be out of a job in the coming years. Back in the day, I used to think about the future of interpreting and dread the day machines would do something (...)
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    How to Speak Silently - Rethinking Materiality, Agency, and Communicative Competence in Virtual Reality.Maria Erofeeva, Nils Klowait & Denis Zababurin - 2023 - Sociology of Power 34 (3-4):156-181.
    While thinkers of the material turn offer new conceptual resources for talking about non-human ontologies, interaction researchers are trying to reassemble the social situation fragmented by telecommunication. Conversation analysts tend to see technical objects in their situation-constitutive role, but they can also disrupt the current projects of the participants whilst remaining "unseen and unnoticed" (e.g. Zoom delays). We propose a conceptualization of the relationship between the participant and the interaction environment as a source of agency, which makes it possible to (...)
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    Can the Testing Effect for General Knowledge Facts Be Influenced by Distraction due to Divided Attention or Experimentally Induced Anxious Mood?Chi-Shing Tse, Meingold Hiu-Ming Chan, Wai-Shing Tse & Savio Wai-Ho Wong - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:423111.
    Studies on testing effect have showed that a practice test on study materials leads to better performance in a final test than restudying the materials for the same amount of time. Two experiments were conducted to test how distraction, as triggered by divided attention or experimentally induced anxious mood in the practice phase, could modulate the benefit of testing (vs. restudying) on the learning of interesting and boring general knowledge facts. Two individual difference factors (trait test anxiety and working memory (...)
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    How Policies and Practices in Medical Settings Impact Communication Access with Deaf Patients and Caregivers.Kelley Cooper, Maggie Russell, Debra Chaiken, Michael W. Mazzaroppi & Gretchen Roman - 2024 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 14 (3):3-6.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:How Policies and Practices in Medical Settings Impact Communication Access with Deaf Patients and CaregiversKelley Cooper, Maggie Russell, Debra Chaiken, Michael W. Mazzaroppi, and Gretchen RomanIntroductionWe are a group of Deaf community members, sign language interpreters, organizational leaders, and academic partners. We have a collective point of view about how policies and practices in medical settings impact communication access with Deaf patients and caregivers. Here, we account multiple stories (...)
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  13. Self-Driving Vehicles—an Ethical Overview.Sven Ove Hansson, Matts-Åke Belin & Björn Lundgren - 2021 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (4):1383-1408.
    The introduction of self-driving vehicles gives rise to a large number of ethical issues that go beyond the common, extremely narrow, focus on improbable dilemma-like scenarios. This article provides a broad overview of realistic ethical issues related to self-driving vehicles. Some of the major topics covered are as follows: Strong opinions for and against driverless cars may give rise to severe social and political conflicts. A low tolerance for accidents caused by driverless vehicles may delay the introduction of driverless systems (...)
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  14.  39
    Using Morally Controversial Human Cell Lines after Dignitas personae.Nicanor Pier Giorgio Austriaco - 2010 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 10 (2):265-272.
    Human cell lines are well-characterized laboratory cultures of human cells derived from a single source. In recent years, much moral controversy has surrounded human cell lines and biological materials obtained from aborted fetuses and destructive human embryo research. Dignitas personae instructs scientists of good conscience to avoid using biological materials of illicit origin, to distance themselves from evil, and to avoid scandal. The author suggests that the Instruction allows a scientist to delay discontinuing the use of a morally controversial cell (...)
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    Aquinas on the Beginning and End of Human Life by Fabrizio Amerini (review).John Langan - 2014 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 24 (1):103-106.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Aquinas on the Beginning and End of Human Life by Fabrizio AmeriniJohn LanganReview: Fabrizio Amerini, Aquinas on the Beginning and End of Human Life, trans. Mark Henninger, Harvard University Press, 2013The ongoing and apparently interminable debate over the moral and legal status of abortion has come over the years to resemble the Western front in World War I, with two contending armies facing each other with limited maneuvering (...)
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    Blind Myself: Simple Steps for Editors and Software Providers to Take Against Affiliation Bias.János Tóth - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (3):1875-1877.
    This letter contains suggestions for editors and software providers to help avoid affiliation bias in the initial and concluding stages of the peer review process. Submission management systems have a responsibility to ensure protection against affiliation bias. This can be achieved by automatically withholding the author’s identity and affiliation information from all editors, including the Editor-in-Chief, until a decision about publication has been made. Journals relying on email-based submissions are in a more difficult situation. Not having external support in confirming (...)
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  17. Circumcising Donne: The 1633 Poems and Readerly Desire.Ben Saunders - 2000 - Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies 30:375-399.
    This essay reconsiders the haphazard arrangement of Donne's first printed collection of poems in relation to an elegy written for Donne by one Thomas Browne, published for the first and only time in that same volume. The earliest recorded response we have to Donne's verse considered as a complete body of work, Browne's elegy thematizes the readerly tendency to interpret this textual body in the light of "subjective" notions of "proper" desire. Through a close reading of Browne's poem, in which (...)
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    An examination of task factors that influence the associative memory deficit in aging.Ricarda Endemann & Siri-Maria Kamp - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Aging is accompanied by a decline in associative memory, whereas item memory remains relatively stable compared to young adults. This age-related associative deficit is well replicated, but its mechanisms and influencing factors during learning are still largely unclear. In the present study, we examined mediators of the age-related associative deficit, including encoding intentionality, strategy instructions, the timing of the memory test and the material being learned in a within-subject design. Older and younger adults performed seven encoding tasks on word (...)
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    Peer-Based Interventions on Academic Integrity: Assessing Immediate and Long Term Learning.Preet K. Chauhan, Eileen Wood, Tarique Plummer & Gail Forsyth - 2018 - Journal of Academic Ethics 16 (2):133-149.
    The current study extends previous literature regarding the effectiveness of learning about academic integrity through peer instruction by assessing the impact of a peer instructional approach for actual and perceived learning gains over time. One trained residence don provided one interactive 30-min presentation covering four major aspects of academic integrity and misconduct to groups of undergraduate students. In total, 192 participants attended the workshop and were surveyed for their knowledge of academic integrity immediately before the presentation, immediately after the presentation, (...)
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  20.  38
    Forgetting of Foreign‐Language Skills: A Corpus‐Based Analysis of Online Tutoring Software.Ridgeway Karl, C. Mozer Michael & R. Bowles Anita - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (4):924-949.
    We explore the nature of forgetting in a corpus of 125,000 students learning Spanish using the Rosetta Stone® foreign-language instruction software across 48 lessons. Students are tested on a lesson after its initial study and are then retested after a variable time lag. We observe forgetting consistent with power function decay at a rate that varies across lessons but not across students. We find that lessons which are better learned initially are forgotten more slowly, a correlation which likely reflects a (...)
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  21.  24
    Selective attention affects conceptual object priming and recognition: a study with young and older adults.Soledad Ballesteros & Julia Mayas - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:109084.
    In the present study, we investigated the effects of selective attention at encoding on conceptual object priming (Experiment 1) and old-new recognition memory (Experiment 2) tasks in young and older adults. The procedures of both experiments included encoding and memory test phases separated by a short delay. At encoding, the picture outlines of two familiar objects, one in blue and the other in green, were presented to the left and to the right of fixation. In Experiment 1, participants were instructed (...)
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  22.  23
    Moving to Learn: How Guiding the Hands Can Set the Stage for Learning.Neon Brooks & Susan Goldin-Meadow - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (7):1831-1849.
    Previous work has found that guiding problem-solvers' movements can have an immediate effect on their ability to solve a problem. Here we explore these processes in a learning paradigm. We ask whether guiding a learner's movements can have a delayed effect on learning, setting the stage for change that comes about only after instruction. Children were taught movements that were either relevant or irrelevant to solving mathematical equivalence problems and were told to produce the movements on a series of (...)
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  23.  15
    Evidence for Teaching in an Australian Songbird.Hollis Taylor - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:593532.
    Song in oscine birds (as in human speech and song) relies upon the rare capacity of vocal learning. Transmission can be vertical, horizontal, or oblique. As a rule, memorization and production by a naïve bird are not simultaneous: the long-term storage of song phrases precedes their first vocal rehearsal by months. While a wealth of detail regarding songbird enculturation has been uncovered by focusing on the apprentice, whether observational learning can fully account for the ontogeny of birdsong, or whether there (...)
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  24.  17
    Up right, not right up: Primacy of verticality in both language and movement.Véronique Boulenger, Livio Finos, Eric Koun, Roméo Salemme, Clément Desoche & Alice C. Roy - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:981330.
    When describing motion along both the horizontal and vertical axes, languages from different families express the elements encoding verticality before those coding for horizontality (e.g., going up right instead of right up). In light of the motor grounding of language, the present study investigated whether the prevalence of verticality in Path expression also governs the trajectory of arm biological movements. Using a 3D virtual-reality setting, we tracked the kinematics of hand pointing movements in five spatial directions, two of which implied (...)
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  25. Worked Examples and Tutored Problem Solving: Redundant or Synergistic Forms of Support?Ron J. C. M. Salden, Vincent Awmm Aleven, Alexander Renkl & Rolf Schwonke - 2009 - Topics in Cognitive Science 1 (1):203-213.
    The current research investigates a combination of two instructional approaches, tutored problem solving and worked examples. Tutored problem solving with automated tutors has proven to be an effective instructional method. Worked‐out examples have been shown to be an effective complement to untutored problem solving, but it is largely unknown whether they are an effective complement to tutored problem solving. Further, while computer‐based learning environments offer the possibility of adaptively transitioning from examples to problems while tailoring to an individual learner, the (...)
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  26. Effect of beverages on the disintegration time of drugs in the tablet dosage form.Fathi M. Sherif - 2024 - Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 4 (2):69-74.
    Disintegration is the most important step for drug bioavailability because after, the disintegration process, the ingredients of solid dosage forms dissolve and become bioavailable. Generally, the tablets and capsules should be taken with a glass of water otherwise the manufacturer gives instructions to use the proper beverage. Several drugs are taken with different forms of beverages to ensure easy swallowing of the tablet, masking the bad taste of the drug and overcoming the drug aftertaste, these beverages can influence the (...)
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  27. Grande Sertão: Veredas by João Guimarães Rosa.Felipe W. Martinez, Nancy Fumero & Ben Segal - 2013 - Continent 3 (1):27-43.
    INTRODUCTION BY NANCY FUMERO What is a translation that stalls comprehension? That, when read, parsed, obfuscates comprehension through any language – English, Portuguese. It is inevitable that readers expect fidelity from translations. That language mirror with a sort of precision that enables the reader to become of another location, condition, to grasp in English in a similar vein as readers of Portuguese might from João Guimarães Rosa’s GRANDE SERTÃO: VEREDAS. There is the expectation that translations enable mobility. That what was (...)
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    Self-Generation in the Context of Inquiry-Based Learning.Irina Kaiser, Jürgen Mayer & Dumitru Malai - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:407972.
    Self-generation of knowledge can activate deeper cognitive processing and improve long-term retention compared to the passive reception of information. It plays a distinctive role within the concept of inquiry-based learning, which is an activity-oriented, student-centered collaborative learning approach in which students become actively involved in knowledge construction. This approach allows students to not only acquire content knowledge, but also an understanding of investigative procedures/inquiry skills – in particular the control-of-variables strategy (CVS). From the perspective of cognitive load theory, generating answers (...)
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    Communicating Conversion: Penitential Turn Transmission in the Early Franciscan Fraternity.Krijn Pansters - 2022 - Franciscan Studies 80 (1):171-189.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Communicating Conversion:Penitential Turn Transmission in the Early Franciscan FraternityKrijn PanstersIntroductionThe literature on religious conversion shows that there is no comprehensive inventory of individual conversion stories that may provide the basic materials for a genealogy of Christian conversion, or of a further examination of its tradition.1 The scholarly interpretations that we have almost exclusively concern conversion narratives about anonymous masses, such as the Saxons under Charlemagne, or the conversions of (...)
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  30.  14
    Dual Coding or Cognitive Load? Exploring the Effect of Multimodal Input on English as a Foreign Language Learners’ Vocabulary Learning.Wenwen Li, Jia Yu, Zina Zhang & Xiaobin Liu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In the era of eLearning 4.0, many researchers have suggested that multimodal input helps to enhance second language vocabulary learning. However, previous studies on the effects of multimodal teaching have failed to yield definitive conclusions. Furthermore, only few studies on the multimodal input of vocabulary learning have aimed at junior high school students and have focused on explicit vocabulary instruction in class. To explore the effects of multimodal input on English as a foreign language learners’ vocabulary learning and summarize effective (...)
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    Innovation, Choice, and the History of Music.Leonard B. Meyer - 1983 - Critical Inquiry 9 (3):517-544.
    Before going further, it will be helpful to consider briefly the notion that novelty per se is a fundamental human need. Experiments with human beings, as well as with animals, indicate that the maintenance of normal, successful behavior depends upon an adequate level of incoming stimulation—or, as some have put it, of novelty.2 But lumping all novelty together is misleading. At least three kinds of novelty need to be distinguished. Some novel patterns arise out of, or represent, changes in the (...)
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    Softlifting: A model of motivating factors. [REVIEW]Penny M. Simpson, Debasish Banerjee & Claude L. Simpson - 1994 - Journal of Business Ethics 13 (6):431 - 438.
    Softlifting (software piracy by individuals) is an unethical behavior that pervades today''s computer dependent society. Since a better understanding of underlying considerations of the behavior may provide a basis for remedy, a model of potential determinants of softlifting behavior is developed and tested. The analysis provides some support for the hypothesized model, specifically situational variables, such as delayed acquisition times, and personal gain variables, such as the challenge of copying, affect softlifting behavior. Most importantly, the analysis indicated that ethical (...)
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  33. Synchronous vs non-synchronous imitation: using dance to explore interpersonal coordination during observational learning.Cassandra Crone, Lilian Rigoli, Gaurav Patil, Sarah Pini, John Sutton, Rachel Kallen & Michael J. Richardson - 2021 - Human Movement Science 102776 (102776).
    Observational learning can enhance the acquisition and performance quality of complex motor skills. While an extensive body of research has focused on the benefits of synchronous (i.e., concurrent physical practice) and non-synchronous (i.e., delayed physical practice) observational learning strategies, the question remains as to whether these approaches differentially influence performance outcomes. Accordingly, we investigate the differential outcomes of synchronous and non-synchronous observational training contexts using a novel dance sequence. Using multidimensional cross-recurrence quantification analysis, movement time-series were recorded for novice (...)
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    Simulation Models of the Influence of Learning Mode and Training Variance on Category Learning.Renée Elio & Kui Lin - 1994 - Cognitive Science 18 (2):185-219.
    This article uses simulation as an empirical method for identifying process models of strategy effects in a category-learning task. A general set of learning assumptions defined a symbolic learning framework in which alternative simulation models were defined and tested. The goal was to identify process models that could account for previously reported data on the interaction between how a learner encounters category variance across a series of training samples and whether the task instructions suggested an active, hypothesis-testing approach, or (...)
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    Memory Deficits for Health Information Provided Through a Telehealth Video Conferencing System.Benjamin Rich Zendel, Bethany Victoria Power, Roberta Maria DiDonato & Veronica Margaret Moore Hutchings - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    It is critical to remember details about meetings with healthcare providers. Forgetting could result in inadequate knowledge about ones' health, non-adherence with treatments, and poorer health outcomes. Hearing the health care provider plays a crucial role in consolidating information for recall. The recent COVID-19 pandemic has meant a rapid transition to videoconference-based medicine, here described as telehealth. When using telehealth speech must be filtered and compressed, and research has shown that degraded speech is more challenging to remember. Here we present (...)
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    The Contributions of the Council of Trent to the Catholic Reformation.Robert Fastiggi - 2020 - Perichoresis 18 (6):3-20.
    This article begins by examining what is meant by the Catholic Reformation and how it relates to the other frequently used term, Counter–Reformation. It then discusses the different ways Catholics and Protestants in the early 16th century understood ecclesial reform. Next there is a consideration of the call for a general or ecumenical council to resolve the differences between the Catholics and Protestant reformers; the reasons for the delay of the council; and the reasons why the Protestants did not participate. (...)
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    ‘The Genome Is the Brain of the Cell!’ How Japanese English Learners Mediate Understanding of Academic Content through Metaphor.Dennis Lindenberg - 2023 - Metaphor and Symbol 38 (1):23-49.
    This study investigates metaphor in its role to mediate concepts in academic textbooks and promote content understanding in the English-medium instruction (EMI) context. Of particular interest is how the language of the discourse affected and possibly hindered metaphor comprehension. Drawing on the theoretical insights found in sociocultural theory and cognitive linguistics, a stance was assumed in which language is treated as embodied and contextual, and verbalizing thoughts (languaging) assists understanding. Three pairs of Japanese students with varying English proficiency levels were (...)
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    The Role of Calcium in the Recall of Stored Morphogenetic Information by Plants.Marie-Claire Verdus, Camille Ripoll, Vic Norris & Michel Thellier - 2012 - Acta Biotheoretica 60 (1-2):83-97.
    Flax seedlings grown in the absence of environmental stimuli, stresses and injuries do not form epidermal meristems in their hypocotyls. Such meristems do form when the stimuli are combined with a transient depletion of calcium. These stimuli include the “manipulation stimulus” resulting from transferring the seedlings from germination to growth conditions. If, after a stimulus, calcium depletion is delayed, meristem production is also delayed; in other words, the meristem-production instruction can be memorised. Memorisation includes both storage and recall (...)
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    The effects of cognitive reappraisal and sleep on emotional memory formation.Brandy S. Martinez, Dan Denis, Sara Y. Kim, Carissa H. DiPietro, Christopher Stare, Elizabeth A. Kensinger & Jessica D. Payne - 2023 - Cognition and Emotion 37 (5):942-958.
    Emotion regulation (i.e. either up- or down-regulating affective responses to emotional stimuli) has been shown to modulate long-term emotional memory formation. Further, research has demonstrated that the emotional aspects of scenes are preferentially remembered relative to neutral aspects (known as the emotional memory trade-off effect). This trade-off is often enhanced when sleep follows learning, compared to an equivalent period of time spent awake. However, the interactive effects of sleep and emotion regulation on emotional memory are poorly understood. We presented 87 (...)
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  40. Rat Man. [REVIEW]Michael Walsh - 1990 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 11 (1):119-122.
    Rat Man, a lucidly Lacanian rereading of Freud's famous case of obsessional neurosis, suggests at one point that an obsessional cannot establish any temporality of his or her, and is obliged to wait for what Lacan called "the hour of the Other" . As the authors preface makes clear, something similar is true of Rat Man itself; originally completed in 1977, this terse and instructive book took a full decade to find a publisher. I know nothing of the specific circumstances (...)
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    The Intelligence of Player Habits and Reflexivity in Magic: The Gathering Arena Limited Draft.Feng Zhu - 2023 - Angelaki 28 (3):38-55.
    This paper considers how players of Magic: The Gathering (MTG) limited draft turn their acquired gameplay style or disposition (their MTG “gamer habitus”), with respect to drafting, into an object of knowledge. This is done in order to then consciously rework it, to respond to new formats and to the changing metagame. I will focus on a particular case study: how streamer Chord_O_Calls' instructional video shows his own re-evaluation of certain cards. Evidently, it is a process requiring reflexivity, although I (...)
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    Proportion of unitization as an index of cued recall level.Michael A. Karchmer - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 103 (2):351.
  43. Lacoste on appearing and reduction.Steven Delay - 2023 - In Joeri Schrijvers & Martin Koci (eds.), in God and Phenomenology: Thinking with Jean-Yves Lacoste. Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock.
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  44. Les Déréglements de l'Humeur.Jean Delay & G. Roussy - 1949 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 54 (2):212-213.
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    Contemporary French Phenomenology: Levinas to Henry.Steven DeLay - 2018 - New York: Routledge.
    This book is an introduction to French phenomenology in the post-1945 period. While many of phenomenology's greatest thinkers--Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre and Merleau-Ponty--wrote before this period, Steven DeLay introduces and assesses the creative and important turn phenomenology took after these figures. He presents a clear and rigorous introduction to the work of relatively unfamiliar and underexplored philosophers, including Jean-Louis Chrétien, Michel Henry, Jean-Yves Lacoste, Jean-Luc Marion and others. After an introduction setting out the crucial Husserlian and Heideggerian background to French phenomenology, (...)
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    Before God: Exercises in Subjectivity.Steven DeLay - 2019 - Rowman & Littlefield International.
    In this original work, Steven DeLay, using a wide breadth of philosophical sources, articulates a view of selfhood which emphasizes humanity’s ineluctable experience before-God.
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    Some remarks on phenomenology’s past: Dan Zahavi : The Oxford handbook of the history of phenomenology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018. 800 pp, $150.00 HB.Steven DeLay - 2019 - Metascience 28 (2):335-340.
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    Phenomenology in France: A Philosophical and Theological Introduction.Steven DeLay - 2018 - London: Routledge.
    This book is an introduction to French phenomenology in the post 1945 period. Whilst many of phenomenology's greatest thinkers - Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre and Merleau-Ponty - wrote before this period, Steven DeLay introduces and assesses the creative and important turn phenomenology took after these figures. He presents a clear and rigorous introduction to the work of relatively unfamiliar and underexplored philosophers, including Jean-Louis Chrétien, Michel Henry, Jean-Yves Lacoste, Jean-Luc Marion and others. -/- After an introduction setting out the crucial Husserlian (...)
  49.  25
    Age and arousal in the rat.Eugene R. Delay & Walter Isaac - 1983 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 21 (4):294-296.
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  50. Aspects de la psychanalyse moderne.Jean Delay - 1956 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 146:556-558.
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