Results for 'developmental issue'

966 found
  1. Some developmental issues in transpersonal experience.Harry T. Hunt - 1995 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 16 (2):115-115.
    Developmental understanding of transpersonal experience and its diverse impact on human life has been bedeviled by the opposed, monolithic extremes of Freud's regression to infant "narcissism," on the one hand, and more recent views of the transpersonal as the sole endpoint for any "higher" or "postformal operations" development of human intelligence, on the other. Here it is shown that "higher states of consciousness" can be more specifically understood as developments of a "presentational" intelli-gence, thereby constituting one line of adult (...)
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    Developmental issues in model-based reasoning during childhood.Patricia H. Miller - 2001 - Mind and Society 2 (2):49-58.
    One approach to understanding model-based reasoning in science is to examine how it develops during infancy, childhood, and adolescence. The way in which thinking changes sometimes provides clues to its nature. This paper examines cognitive developmental aspects of modeling practices and discusses how a developmental perspective can enrich the study of model-based scientific reasoning in adults. The paper begins with issues concerning developmental change, followed by a model of model-based reasoning. The rest of the paper describes how (...)
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    What is a perspective problem? Developmental issues in belief ascription and dual identity.Josef Perner, Johannes L. Brandl & Alan Garnham - 2003 - Facta Philosophica 5 (2):355-378.
    We develop a criterion for telling when integrating two pieces of information, e.g. two pictures or statements requires an understanding of perspective. Problems that require such an understanding are perspective problems. With this criterion we can show that understanding false beliefs vis-à-vis reality pose a perspective problem, so does understanding spatial descriptions given from different viewing points (a classical example of what is commonly seen as a problem of perspective) and individuating objects with different sortals (naming objects). We use the (...)
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    Evolutionary developmental biology: philosophical issues.Alan Love - 2014 - In Thomas Heams, Philippe Huneman, Guillaume Lecointre & Marc Silberstein, Handbook of Evolutionary Thinking in the Sciences. Springer. pp. 265-283.
    Evolutionary developmental biology (Evo-devo) is a loose conglomeration of research programs in the life sciences with two main axes: (a) the evolution of development, or inquiry into the pattern and processes of how ontogeny varies and changes over time; and, (b) the developmental basis of evolution, or inquiry into the causal impact of ontogenetic processes on evolutionary trajectories—both in terms of constraint and facilitation. Philosophical issues are found along both axes surrounding concepts such as evolvability, novelty, and modularity. (...)
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    Developmental Models for Estimating Ecological Responses to Environmental Variability: Structural, Parametric, and Experimental Issues.Julia L. Moore & Justin V. Remais - 2014 - Acta Biotheoretica 62 (1):69-90.
    Developmental models that account for the metabolic effect of temperature variability on poikilotherms, such as degree-day models, have been widely used to study organism emergence, range and development, particularly in agricultural and vector-borne disease contexts. Though simple and easy to use, structural and parametric issues can influence the outputs of such models, often substantially. Because the underlying assumptions and limitations of these models have rarely been considered, this paper reviews the structural, parametric, and experimental issues that arise when using (...)
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  6. Evolutionary developmental biology: philosophical issues.Alan Love - 2014 - In Thomas Heams, Philippe Huneman, Guillaume Lecointre & Marc Silberstein, Handbook of Evolutionary Thinking in the Sciences. Springer. pp. 265-283.
    The Darwinian theory of evolution is itself evolving and this book presents the details of the core of modern Darwinism and its latest developmental directions. The authors present current scientific work addressing theoretical problems and challenges in four sections, beginning with the concepts of evolution theory, its processes of variation, heredity, selection, adaptation and function, and its patterns of character, species, descent and life. -/- The second part of this book scrutinizes Darwinism in the philosophy of science and its (...)
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  7. How development changes evolution: Conceptual and historical issues in evolutionary developmental biology.Stavros Ioannidis - 2008 - Biology and Philosophy 23 (4):567-578.
    Evolutionary developmental biology (Evo-Devo) is a new and rapidly developing field of biology which focuses on questions in the intersection of evolution and development and has been seen by many as a potential synthesis of these two fields. This synthesis is the topic of the books reviewed here. Integrating Evolution and Development (edited by Roger Sansom and Robert Brandon), is a collection of papers on conceptual issues in Evo-Devo, while From Embryology to Evo-Devo (edited by Manfred Laubichler and Jane (...)
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  8. Water rights: Ethical issues and developmental impact.Christopher Ryan Maboloc - 2021 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 31 (5):284-287.
    Ethical approaches and the right development framework are critical in water use and conservation. Water as a resource is not unlimited. Darryl Macer et al. point to the necessity of understanding the basics of water, uses of water, water resource availability, and conflict. Water is a very precious resource that in the future can be a source of tension due to unabated urbanization. In the Kaliwa Dam Project in the Philippines, the Dumagat Tribe is at the heart of the (...). If the right policies are not in place, progress can have a severe impact on communities. Water has become a commodity because urbanization has resulted in massive water use in big cities that do not have their own source. This means that urban centers need to get their water from somewhere else resulting in social discord and disputes pertaining to water rights. In addressing the issue of water supply and use, this paper examines the role of policy, efficient infrastructure, and good governance. (shrink)
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    Controversies and issues in developmental theories of mind: Some constructive remarks.Steven R. Quartz & T. J. Sejnowski - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (4):578-588.
    As the commentaries reveal, cognitive neuroscience's first steps toward a theory of development are marked by vigorous debate, ranging from basic points of definition to the fine details of mechanism. In this Response, we present the neural constructivist position on this broad spectrum of issues, from basic questions such as what sets constructivism apart from other theories (particularly selectionism) to its relation to behavioral theories and to its underlying mechanisms. We conclude that the real value of global theories at this (...)
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    Developmental Timescale of Rapid Adaptation to Conflicting Cues in Real‐Time Sentence Processing.Angele Yazbec, Michael P. Kaschak & Arielle Borovsky - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (1):e12704.
    Children and adults use established global knowledge to generate real‐time linguistic predictions, but less is known about how listeners generate predictions in circumstances that semantically conflict with long‐standing event knowledge. We explore these issues in adults and 5‐ to 10‐year‐old children using an eye‐tracked sentence comprehension task that tests real‐time activation of unexpected events that had been previously encountered in brief stories. Adults generated predictions for these previously unexpected events based on these discourse cues alone, whereas children overall did not (...)
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    Introduction to the Special Issue 'From Embryology to Developmental Biology'.Richard M. Burian & Denis Thieffry - 2000 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 22 (3):313 - 323.
  12. Developmental Level of Moral Judgment Influences Behavioral Patterns during Moral Decision-making.Hyemin Han, Kelsie J. Dawson, Stephen J. Thoma & Andrea L. Glenn - forthcoming - Journal of Experimental Education.
    We developed and tested a behavioral version of the Defining Issues Test-1 revised (DIT-1r), which is a measure of the development of moral judgment. We conducted a behavioral experiment using the behavioral Defining Issues Test (bDIT) to examine the relationship between participants’ moral developmental status, moral competence, and reaction time when making moral judgments. We found that when the judgments were made based on the preferred moral schema, the reaction time for moral judgments was significantly moderated by the moral (...)
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    The concept of metamemory: Cognitive, developmental, and clinical issues.Roger A. Dixon - 2000 - In G. Berrios & J. Hodges, Memory Disorders in Psychiatric Practice. Cambridge University Press. pp. 47.
  14. Being human: Issues in sexuality for people with developmental disabilities.Sheryl Robinson Civjan - 1996 - Bioethics Forum 12 (3):31-36.
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    Developmental psychology: historical and philosophical perspectives.Richard M. Lerner (ed.) - 1983 - Hillsdale, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates.
    Originally published in 1983, the purpose of this book was to discuss the relations between philosophy and developmental psychology, as those relations existed over the course of the history of the discipline and as they existed at that time. Although not all portions of developmental psychology are surveyed, major proponents of several key areas are represented. In addition, discussion of many currently prominent issues are included. The diversity of approaches and of interests present in the book are representative (...)
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    Developmental Task Attainment in Adolescents from Families with a Recovering Alcoholic or Active Alcoholic Father.Lidia Cierpiałkowska & Iwona Grzegorzewska - 2011 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 42 (3):95-104.
    Developmental Task Attainment in Adolescents from Families with a Recovering Alcoholic or Active Alcoholic Father The problem under consideration is the issue of adolescent developmental tasks in families with alcohol-related problems, especially in families which contain one or more treated alcoholics. In the present work it was hypothesised that the treatment of alcoholic fathers would be one of the more important protective factors in families coping with alcoholism. The participants of the study included 91 children, aged 17-18. (...)
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  17. Developmental Reaction Norms: the interactions among allometry, ontogeny and plasticity.Massimo Pigliucci, Carl Schlichting, Cynthia Jones & Kurt Schwenk - 1996 - Plant Species Biology 11:69-85.
    How micro- and macroevolutionary evolutionary processes produce phenotypic change is without question one of the most intriguing and perplexing issues facing evolutionary biologists. We believe that roadblocks to progress lie A) in the underestimation of the role of the environment, and in particular, that of the interaction of genotypes with environmental factors, and B) in the continuing lack of incorporation of development into the evolutionary synthesis. We propose the integration of genetic, environmental and developmental perspectives on the evolution of (...)
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    A Developmental Model of Interreligious Competence.Jonathan Morgan & Steven J. Sandage - 2016 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 38 (2):129-158.
    This paper articulates a developmental model for how individuals relate to religious difference. We begin by reviewing scholarly work on multicultural competencies and initial research on religious diversity. To provide a framework for our model, we explore the Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity and its relationship to research within the psychology of religion. The review closes by examining and critiquing a preliminary model of interreligious sensitivity. From this multi-faceted review, we propose a developmental model of interreligious competence (...)
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    Merleau-Ponty’s Developmental Ontology.David Morris - 2018 - Carbondale, IL, USA: Northwestern University Press.
    Merleau-Ponty's Developmental Ontology shows how the philosophy of Maurice Merleau-Ponty, from its very beginnings, seeks to find sense or meaning within nature, and how this quest calls for and develops into a radically new ontology. -/- David Morris first gives an illuminating analysis of sense, showing how it requires understanding nature as engendering new norms. He then presents innovative studies of Merleau-Ponty's The Structure of Behavior and Phenomenology of Perception, revealing how these early works are oriented by the problem (...)
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  20.  12
    Embodiment and Epigenesis: Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Understanding the Role of Biology Within the Relational Developmental System Part A: Philosophical, Theoretical, and Biological Dimensions.Richard M. Lerner & Janette B. Benson (eds.) - 2013 - Elsevier.
    Volume 44 & 45 of Advances in Child Development and Behavior includes chapters that highlight some the most recent research in the area of embodiment and epigenesis. A wide array of topics are discussed in detail, including multiple trajectories in the developmental psychobiology of human handedness and the integration of culture and biology in human development. Each chapter provides in-depth discussions, and this volume serves as an invaluable resource for developmental or educational psychology researchers, scholars, and students. Chapters (...)
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  21. Developmental Systems Theory: What Does it Explain, and How Does It Explain It?Paul E. Griffiths & James G. Tabery - 2013 - In Richard M. Lerner & Janette B. Benson, Embodiment and Epigenesis: Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Understanding the Role of Biology Within the Relational Developmental System Part A: Philosophical, Theoretical, and Biological Dimensions. Elsevier. pp. 65--94.
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    Book review: Crustacean Issues 15: Evolutionary Developmental Biology of Crustacea. [REVIEW]Cassandra G. Extavour - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (11):1256-1258.
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    Are developmental disabilities the same in children and adults?Paula Tallal - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (6):768-769.
    Thomas & Karmiloff-Smith (T&K-S) raise an issue of considerable theoretical importance: Are developmental disorders like cases of adult brain damage? However, a related question: Are developmental disabilities the same in children and adults? is rarely addressed. Failure to consider the cumulative and differing effects of aberrant development across the life span confounds the current literature on both developmental dyslexia and Specific Language Impairment.
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    The developmental mechanisms and the signal functions of early infant crying.Joseph Soltis - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (4):477-484.
    The majority of the commentaries focused on excessive crying and colic and included two major themes: the consideration of proximate physiological mechanisms, and challenges to my interpretation of the signal functions of early infant crying amount. I initially concluded that none of the competing signaling hypotheses enjoyed strong support, but I nevertheless favored the signaling vigor hypothesis above the signaling need and manipulation hypotheses. Consideration of the neurobiological causation of the n-shaped crying curve and further evidence and argumentation concerning the (...)
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  25. Management and morality: a developmental perspective.Patrick Maclagan - 1998 - Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.
    Management and Morality provides a comprehensive and accessible overview of the moral and ethical dimension to organizational and individual behavior, while adding an original, developmental perceptive. Management and Morality combines organizational theory and behavior with approaches to organizational and individual development. The first two sections of the book, Ethical Thinking and Management Practice, and Moral Issues in Organizations, provide a clear and thorough coverage of these areas relevant to ethical behavior in and of organizations. On this basis, the third (...)
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  26. Genes, behavior, and developmental emergentism: One process, indivisible?Kenneth F. Schaffner - 1998 - Philosophy of Science 65 (2):209-252.
    The question of the influence of genes on behavior raises difficult philosophical and social issues. In this paper I delineate what I call the Developmentalist Challenge (DC) to assertions of genetic influence on behavior, and then examine the DC through an indepth analysis of the behavioral genetics of the nematode, C. elegans, with some briefer references to work on Drosophila. I argue that eight "rules" relating genes and behavior through environmentally-influenced and tangled neural nets capture the results of developmental (...)
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    Eating disorders in adolescence: attachment issues from a developmental perspective.Manuela Gander, Kathrin Sevecke & Anna Buchheim - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  28.  19
    Ecological and Developmental Perspectives on Social Learning.Helen Elizabeth Davis, Alyssa N. Crittenden & Michelle Scalise Sugiyama - 2021 - Human Nature 32 (1):1-15.
    In this special issue of Human Nature we explore the possible adaptive links between teaching and learning during childhood, and we aim to expand the dialogue on the ways in which the social sciences, and in particular current anthropological research, may better inform our shifting understanding of how these processes vary in different social and ecological environments. Despite the cross-disciplinary trend toward incorporating more behavioral and cognitive data outside of postindustrial state societies, much of the published cross-cultural data is (...)
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    Developmental constraints on ethical behavior in business.Claudia Harris & William Brown - 1990 - Journal of Business Ethics 9 (11):855 - 862.
    Ethical behavior — the conscious attempt to act in accordance with an individually-owned morality — is the product of an advanced stage of the maturing process. Three models of ethical growth derived from research in human development are applied to issues of business ethics.
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    Dynamics and indeterminism in developmental and social processes.Alan Fogel, Maria C. D. P. Lyra & Jaan Valsiner (eds.) - 1997 - Mahwah, N.J.: L. Erlbaum.
    One of the most profound insights of the dynamic systems perspective is that new structures resulting from the developmental process do not need to be planned in advance, nor is it necessary to have these structures represented in genetic or neurological templates prior to their emergence. Rather, new structures can emerge as components of the individual and the environment self-organize; that is, as they mutually constrain each other's actions, new patterns and structures may arise. This theoretical possibility brings into (...)
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    Developmental Trajectories in the Understanding of Everyday Uncertainty Terms.Björn Meder, Ralf Mayrhofer & Azzurra Ruggeri - 2022 - Topics in Cognitive Science 14 (2):258-281.
    Topics in Cognitive Science, Volume 14, Issue 2, Page 258-281, April 2022.
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    Developmental origins of environmental ethics: The life experiences of activists.Wendy A. Horwitz - 1996 - Ethics and Behavior 6 (1):29 – 53.
    Twenty-nine environmental activists (mean age, 49.8) responded in writing to questions on influences that gave rise to environmental ethics in their own lives. Answers represented all phases of the lifespan. Through a qualitative analysis, six principle themes emerged: (a) deep environmental concern and an affiliation with nature often began in early childhood; (b) a combination of intellectual or academic and direct experiences with nature contributed to the development of environmental ethics; (c) familial and extra familial models were influential; (d) for (...)
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    All Together Now: Developmental and ethical considerations for biologically uplifting nonhuman animals.George Dvorsky - 2008 - Journal of Evolution and Technology 18 (1):129-142.
    As the potential for enhancement technologies migrates from the theoretical to the practical, a difficult and important decision will be imposed upon human civilization, namely the issue as to whether or not we are morally obligated to biologically enhance nonhuman animals and integrate them into human and posthuman society. Precedents for intra-species cultural uplift abound in human history, providing both sobering and edifying episodes showcasing the possibilities for the instigated and accelerated advancement of technologically delayed societies. As a number (...)
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  34. A trio of trials: The past as prologue, prelude and pretext: Some problems and issues for a theoretically-oriented life-span developmental psychology; Sweeny among the nightingales—A call to controversy.Bernard Kaplan - 1983 - In Richard M. Lerner, Developmental psychology: historical and philosophical perspectives. Hillsdale, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates. pp. 185--228.
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  35. The history of philosophy and the philosophy of history in developmental psychology: A view of the issues.Richard M. Lerner - 1983 - In Developmental psychology: historical and philosophical perspectives. Hillsdale, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates.
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    Editorial: Parenthood From Biology to Relation. Prevention, Assessment and Interventions for Developmental and Clinical Issues.Silvia Salcuni & Alessandra Simonelli - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    A developmental-ecological perspective on Strawson's 'the self'.George Butterworth - 1998 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 5 (2):132-140.
    Galen Strawson considers the self to be best described as a cognitive, `distinctively mental' phenomenon. He asserts that the mental sense of self comes to every normal human being in childhood and comprises the sense of being a mental presence, of being alone in one's head, with the body `just a vehicle or vessel for the mental thing that is what one really or most essentially is' . His thesis is determinedly cognitivist and it is with this that I take (...)
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    Philosophical perspectives on developmental psychology.James Russell (ed.) - 1987 - New York, NY: Blackwell.
    Presents major topics of developmental psychology from the perspective of philosophy. The areas covered include the status of developmental explanation, perceptual development, ego development and issues in stage theory.
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    The origins of number: Getting developmental.Kelly S. Mix - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (6):662-662.
    Rips et al. raise important questions about the relation between infant quantification and achievement of natural number concepts. However, they may be oversimplifying the interactions that characterize actual development in real time. Though they propose a worthwhile agenda for future research, its explanatory power will be limited if it does not address developmental issues with greater sensitivity.
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    Cognitive-Developmental Education Based on Stages of Understanding Experiences of Beauty.Rhett Diessner, Lana Schuerman, Amy Smith, Kelsey Marker, Alex Wilson & Katherine Wilson - 2016 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 50 (3):27-52.
    Arthur Danto has written:I came to view that in writing about beauty as a philosopher, I was addressing the deepest kind of issue there is. Beauty is but one of an immense range of aesthetic qualities, and philosophical aesthetics has been paralyzed by focusing as narrowly on beauty as it has. But beauty is the only one of the aesthetic qualities that is also a virtue, like truth and goodness. It is not simply among the values we live by, (...)
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    Controversy as a Developmental Tool in Cross Self-Confrontation Analysis.Katia Kostulski & Laure Kloetzer - 2014 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 15 (2):54-73.
    In Psychology, the issue of language usage as a means of action in psychological life requires that we question the relations between the forms of language expression and their psychological functions. The current paper contributes to an understanding of this question. The relation between form and function is examined here, with particular focus on a discursive and dialogic method employed in the Activity Clinic approach to elicit controversy as a means of developing dialogical thinking. We argue that the interfunctionality (...)
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    Hume's Pyrrhonism: A Developmental Interpretation.James Fieser - 1989 - Hume Studies 15 (1):93-119.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:93 HUME'S PYRRHONISM: A DEVELOPMENTAL INTERPRETATION* Hume's approach to philosophical problems is unique. Whether the issue is causality, external objects, or personal identity, we find the same approach. He begins by launching devastating attacks against popular theories. He then convinces us that his solution to the issue at hand is the only one that makes sense. But, then, he dashes our hopes by arguing that even (...)
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    Developmental Disorders: Diagnostic Criteria and Clinical Assessment.Stephen R. Hooper, George W. Hynd & Richard E. Mattison (eds.) - 1991 - Psychology Press.
    These two companion volumes provide a comprehensive review and critical evaluation of the major DSM-III and DSM-III-R child disorders. Their major goal is to provide diagnostic and assessment guidelines that are based on scientific literature in specific clinical domains. Each chapter contains a discussion of the historical background of a particular diagnosis, definitional issues, a critical but selective review of the literature addressing the diagnosis in question, proposed changes in the diagnostic criteria based on the available literature, and proposed assessment (...)
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    Teaching evolutionary developmental biology: concepts, problems, and controversy.A. C. Love - 2013 - In Kostas Kampourakis, The Philosophy of Biology: a Companion for Educators. Dordrecht: Springer. pp. 323-341.
    Although sciences are often conceptualized in terms of theory confirmation and hypothesis testing, an equally important dimension of scientific reasoning is the structure of problems that guide inquiry. This problem structure is evident in several concepts central to evolutionary developmental biology (Evo-devo)—constraints, modularity, evolvability, and novelty. Because problems play an important role in biological practice, they should be included in biological pedagogy, especially when treating the issue of scientific controversy. A key feature of resolving controversy is synthesizing methodologies (...)
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    Persons with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and Information Technologies. Some Ethical Observations—A Comment on Chalgoumi et al.Fiachra O’Brolcháin & Bert Gordijn - 2019 - Ethics and Behavior 29 (3):218-222.
    This comment on Chalgoumi et al.’s article “Information Privacy for Technology Users with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: Why Does It Matter?” focuses on the concept of autonomy in order to expand the scope of the ethical discussion. First we explore the conceptual and practical relations between privacy and autonomy. Following this, we address the issue of underfunding of information technology for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities in terms of distributive justice and provide some potential policy solutions.
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    Face perception: A developmental perspective.Mark Johnson - 2011 - In Andy Calder, Gillian Rhodes, Mark Johnson & Jim Haxby, Oxford Handbook of Face Perception. Oxford University Press. pp. 1.
    This article views face perception as the ideal case study example for understanding the deeper principles underlying human neurodevelopment. It illustrates how face perception has been one of oldest battlegrounds for resolving key issues in human development. It argues that taking a developmental approach to face perception can resolve some of the major current debates in the adult face perception and cognitive neuroscience literature. Thus, face perception and development continue to be mutually informative domains of study. The work on (...)
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    Bridging Cultural and Developmental Approaches to Psychology: New Syntheses in Theory, Research, and Policy.Lene Arnett Jensen - 2010 - Oxford University Press USA.
    This cutting-edge book brings together eminent experts who propose ways to bridge cultural and developmental approaches to human psychology. The experts heed the call of cultural psychology to study different peoples around the world and to recognize that culture profoundly impacts how we think, feel, and act. At the same time, they also take seriously the developmental science perspective that humans everywhere share common life stage tasks and ways of learning. Doing what has not previously been done, the (...)
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  48. DDS: Dynamics of developmental systems. [REVIEW]Evelyn Fox Keller - 2005 - Biology and Philosophy 20 (2-3):409-416.
    The acronym Developmental systems theory (DST) has been introduced into the literature on development in at least three different contexts in recent years – twice for DST, and before that, for Dynamical Systems Theory – and in all cases, to designate a new perspective for understanding development. Subtle but significant differences in argument and aims distinguish these uses, and confound the difficulty of saying just what DST is. My aim in this paper is to disambiguate these different terms – (...)
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    The Ontology and Developmental Root Of the First-Person Perspective.Murat Arici & Pınar Toy - 2014 - GSTF Journal of General Philosophy 1 (2):1-6.
    Many philosophers take for granted the distinction between the first-person and third-person perspectives. They employ this distinction in a variety of philosophical debates including those concerning self-consciousness, phenomenal properties, subjectivity of phenomenal consciousness, and conceivability issues. This paper aims to explore the developmental root of the distinction in question. Through several analyses, the paper attempts to show that infants in the early childhood are exposed to cognitive, behavioral and experiential processes that are constitutive of the first-person perspective. The striking (...)
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    Stages in the development of a model organism as a platform for mechanistic models in developmental biology: Zebrafish, 1970–2000.Robert Meunier - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43 (2):522-531.
    Model organisms became an indispensable part of experimental systems in molecular developmental and cell biology, constructed to investigate physiological and pathological processes. They are thought to play a crucial role for the elucidation of gene function, complementing the sequencing of the genomes of humans and other organisms. Accordingly, historians and philosophers paid considerable attention to various issues concerning this aspect of experimental biology. With respect to the representational features of model organisms, that is, their status as models, the main (...)
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