Results for 'disorientation'

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  1.  82
    Disorientation and the medicalization of struggle.Ami Harbin - 2014 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 7 (1):99.
    As a text in use by mental health practitioners, policy makers, and ordinary individuals, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) categorizes a variety of mental, psychological, and emotional experiences on a wide spectrum of disorders. Many common experiences are described there as symptoms, chiefly for the purposes of identifying, diagnosing, and treating disorders. “Disorientations” are not (yet) categorized as a stand-alone disorder in the DSM, but involve a cluster of experiences that border on and overlap with experiences (...)
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    Disorientation and Moral Life.Ami Harbin - 2016 - New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    This book is a philosophical exploration of disorientation and its significance for action. Disorientations are human experiences of losing one's bearings, such that life is disrupted and it is not clear how to go on. In the face of life experiences like trauma, grief, illness, migration, education, queer identification, and consciousness raising, individuals can be deeply disoriented. These and other disorientations are not rare. Although disorientations can be common and powerful parts of individuals' lives, they remain uncharacterized by Western (...)
  3. Bodily Disorientation and Moral Change.Ami Harbin - 2012 - Hypatia 27 (2):261-280.
    Neglect of the moral promise of disorientation is a persistent gap in even the most sophisticated philosophies of embodiment. In this article, I begin to correct this neglect by expanding our sense of the range and nature of disoriented experience and proposing new visions of disorientation as benefiting moral agency. Disorientations are experienced through complex interactions of corporeal, affective, and cognitive processes, and are characterized by feelings of shock, surprise, unease, and discomfort; felt disorientations almost always make us (...)
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    Doubt, Disorientation, and Death in the Plague Time.Jamie Lindemann Nelson - 2020 - Hastings Center Report 50 (3):4-4.
    An account of an experience with contracting an illness that may well have been Covid‐19 gives rise to reflections on doubt and on the art of dying well. The upshot: our mortality remains a fundamentally disorienting condition of our existence. If there's any wisdom to be had concerning our deaths, it likely lies in the direction of accepting their deranging character, rather than in searching for the philosophical insight that will reconcile us to our fate.
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    Disorientation in a Time of the Absence of Limits.Jelica Šumič Riha - 2023 - Filozofski Vestnik 43 (3).
    Seen from the perspective of the inconsistency of the Other, the post-truth era can be considered to be an era emerging from a crisis in belief in the existence of the Other, which is to be taken in a twofold sense: as a belief in the Other of the Other, that is, the Other of Law, and a belief in the Other considered as the subject supposed to know. Insofar as the contemporary subject does not want to know anything about (...)
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    Disorientation as an Emotional Experience: An Introduction from an Interactionist Perspective.Edgar Cabanas - forthcoming - Human Studies:1-21.
    Disorientation is a versatile, multidisciplinary concept. Whether associated with its spatial meaning or its non-spatial, more metaphorical sense, various disciplines have used disorientation to describe a broad range of philosophical, cultural, and social phenomena in the last decades. However, the focus on the concept from an emotional perspective remains scarce. To expand the current investigation on the topic, the present paper attempts a first approach to conceptualize disorientation as an emotional experience from an interactionist perspective. The paper (...)
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  7.  52
    (1 other version)Grief, disorientation, and futurity.Constantin Mehmel - 2021 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences:1-20.
    This paper seeks to develop a phenomenological account of the disorientation of grief, specifically the relationship between disorientation and the breakdown in practical self-understanding at the heart of grief. I argue that this breakdown cannot be sufficiently understood as a breakdown of formerly shared practices and habitual patterns of navigating lived-in space that leaves the bereaved individual at a loss as to how to go on. Examining the experience of losing a loved person and a loved person-to-be, I (...)
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    Divorce, Disorientation, and Remarriage.Christopher Cowley - 2020 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 23 (3-4):531-544.
    This paper asks three inter-related questions, proceeding chronologically through a divorcee’s experience: is it responsible and rational to make an unconditional marital vow in the first place? does divorce break that unconditional marital vow? And the main question: can the divorcee make a second unconditional marital vow in all moral seriousness? To the last question I answer yes. I argue that the divorce process is so disorienting – to use Amy Harbin’s term – as to transform the divorcee and therefore (...)
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  9.  22
    Technics and Time, 2: Disorientation.Bernard Stiegler - 1998 - Stanford University Press.
    Technics and Time 2: Disorientation continues Stiegler's interrogation of prosthetic and ortho-thetic memory in light of the crisis that arises when speed and delay are irreconcilable, the crisis of "human being" itself.
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    What Is Disorientation in Thinking?Ami Harbin - 2016 - In Disorientation and Moral Life. New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    This chapter argues that some disorientations prompt individuals to gain new awareness in politically and morally important ways, even when they do not prompt capacities for decisive moral judgment or confidence. It investigates disorientations of experiencing racism, white privilege, consciousness-raising, and critical education, drawing on first-person, philosophical, and empirical accounts of double consciousness, white anti-racism, moral shock, double ontological shock, gaslighting, outlaw emotions, and feminist pedagogy. It demonstrates how, in some cases, these disorientations generate awareness of contingent oppressive norms and (...)
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  11.  11
    Political Disorientation and Legibility Loss in the Trumpian Years.Roberto Alejandro - 2024 - Philosophy and Global Affairs 4 (1):21-58.
    This essay discusses political disorientation and what I define as a legibility crisis ushered in by the election of Donald Trump in 2016. After defining these concepts, it provides evidence for them and fleshes out how they were expressed in prophecies about Trump in white evangelical communities. A legibility crisis is the realization that some fundamental aspects of the symbolic domain (language, civic values, political practices, and institutions) are no longer binding or recognizable. There is a loss of touch (...)
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  12.  40
    Productive Disorientations: The Anomalous Volume 7 of Tristram Shandy.Dawn Morgan - 2011 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 30:61.
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  13.  30
    Disorientation and self-consciousness: a phenomenological inquiry.Pablo Fernández Velasco - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 21 (1):203-222.
    The present paper explores the phenomenology of disorientation and its relationship with self-consciousness. Section 1 discusses previous literature on the links between self-location and self-consciousness and proposes a distinction between minimal self-location and integrated self-location. The double aim of the paper is to use this distinction to deepen our understanding of spatial disorientation, and to use the phenomenology of disorientation to elucidate the role that integrated self-location plays in shaping self-consciousness. Section 2 starts by looking at the (...)
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  14.  16
    Disorientation and Cognitive Enquiry.Owen Earnshaw - 2019 - In Laura Candiotto (ed.), The Value of Emotions for Knowledge. Springer Verlag. pp. 177-193.
    In this chapter, I argue that the experience of the emotion of disorientation should be a background affect in intellectual enquiry, both motivating the enquiry and being necessary to instill certain epistemic virtues in the inquirer and can also play the role of an indicator of when the project threatens to traverse the boundary of sense. I firstly elaborate how disorientation can be understood as an emotion and the type of emotion it is, namely what aspect of the (...)
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  15.  9
    Technics and Time, 2: Disorientation.Stephen Barker (ed.) - 1998 - Stanford University Press.
    _Disorientation_ is the first publication in English of the second volume of _Technics and Time_, in which French philosopher Bernard Stiegler engages in a close dialogue with Husserl, Derrida, and other philosophers who have devoted their energies to technics, such as Heidegger and Simondon.The author's broad intent is to respond to Western philosophy's historical exclusion of technics and techniques from its metaphysical questionings, and in so doing to rescue critical and philosophical thinking. For many years, Stiegler has explored the origins (...)
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  16. Disorientation as a Tool of Surveillance-Coercion-Control in the Family Policing/Regulation System.Joyce McMillan - 2024 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 34 (2):236-257.
    This article analyzes how the family policing/regulation system utilizes disorientation as a tool to implement successive stages of surveillance, coercion, and control and to tear apart Black families while capturing children in the foster system. Through specific examples based on both the author’s own experiences and those she has witnessed in her work, the process of how families are targeted and ensnared in the family policing/regulation system becomes visible.
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  17.  32
    Orientations and Disorientations in the History of Science How Measures Made a Difference at the Imperial Meridian.Simon Schaffer - 2022 - Centaurus 64 (4):829-856.
    Historians of the sciences have paid great attention to the ways that faith in what has been called the quantitative spirit emerged as a dominant feature of the politics of science, a theme of obvious salience in current epidemiological and climate crises. There are instructive connexions between measurement practices and orientation towards other cultures—as though scientific modernity somehow appeared through the primacy of robust quantification over subaltern, past, and exotic worlds, where merely provisional judgment allegedly still operated. This highly simplistic (...)
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  18.  8
    Disorientation and Habitability.Ami Harbin - 2016 - In Disorientation and Moral Life. New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    This chapter argues that the extent to which disorientations can benefit agency depends in part on the ways disoriented people are responded to in communities. Drawing on feminist philosophy of emotional expression, it defends the view that how individuals experience their own disorientations can depend on what experiences they are enabled to express to others. The possibility that disorientations will benefit individuals depends in part on each individual’s ability to have and express such experiences, which depends on the existence of (...)
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  19.  51
    Topographical Disorientation: Clinical and Theoretical Significance of Long-Lasting Improvements Following Imagery-Based Training.Maddalena Boccia, Alessia Bonavita, Sofia Diana, Antonella Di Vita, Maria Paola Ciurli & Cecilia Guariglia - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  20. Disorientation and inferred autonomy : Kant and Schelling on torture, global contest, and practical messianism.F. Scott Scribner - 2016 - In S. J. McGrath & Joseph Carew (eds.), Rethinking German idealism. London: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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  21.  47
    The Disorientations of Acting against Injustice.Ami Harbin - 2014 - Journal of Social Philosophy 45 (2):162-181.
  22. Sexual Disorientation: Moral implications of gender norms.Peter Higgins - 2005 - In Lisa Nicole Gurley, Claudia Leeb & Anna Aloisia Moser (eds.), Feminists Contest Politics and Philosophy: Selected Papers of the 3rd Interdisciplinary Conference Celebrating International Women's Day. PIE - Peter Lang.
    This paper argues that participating exclusively or predominantly in heterosexual romantic or sexual relationships is prima facie morally impermissible. It holds that this conclusion follows from three premises: (1) gender norms are on-balance harmful; (2) conforming to harmful social norms is prima facie morally impermissible; and (3) participating exclusively or predominantly in heterosexual romantic or sexual relationships is a way of conforming to gender norms.
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  23.  47
    Interdisciplinary Disorientation: A Student's Perspective.Gretchen Sween - 1991 - Philosophica 48.
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  24.  41
    Disorientation, Reorientation, A Compulsion to Explain.Roberta Tucker - 2004 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 11 (5-6):5-6.
    The articles in this issue attempt to better understand the specific relationship between literature and the workings of the brain/mind. It includes articles from a literary scholar and poet who examines the neurological basis of writing poetry, and from four literary scholars: one who looks at the relation between some specific poetic techniques and the functioning of certain processing systems in the brain, one who examines how bodily systems outside the brain are enlisted in the reading experience, one who uses (...)
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  25.  21
    Embodiment and Disorientation: A Phenomenological Analysis of Work from Home During COVID-19.Neha Aggarwal, Saurabh Todariya & Kriti Trehan - 2024 - Human Studies 47 (3):635-649.
    Working from home (WFH) is a new reality and norm in today’s work culture. COVID-induced lockdown introduced the concept of WFH for many people. Blurring home and workplace boundaries was a prominent cause of disorientation in people’s lives. Hence, WFH becomes a significant phenomenon to explore as it raises the fundamental question of body and space in shaping people’s experiences. To study this, the researchers designed a phenomenological inquiry and examined the lived phenomenon of WFH during the COVID lockdown. (...)
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  26.  9
    Prediction of Disorientation by Accelerometric and Gait Features in Young and Older Adults Navigating in a Virtually Enriched Environment.Stefan J. Teipel, Chimezie O. Amaefule, Stefan Lüdtke, Doreen Görß, Sofia Faraza, Sven Bruhn & Thomas Kirste - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectiveTo determine whether gait and accelerometric features can predict disorientation events in young and older adults.MethodsCognitively healthy younger and older participants navigated on a treadmill through a virtual representation of the city of Rostock featured within the Gait Real-Time Analysis Interactive Lab system. We conducted Bayesian Poisson regression to determine the association of navigation performance with domain-specific cognitive functions. We determined associations of gait and accelerometric features with disorientation events in real-time data using Bayesian generalized mixed effect models. (...)
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  27. Indeterminacy in Emotion Perception: Disorientation as the Norm.Ditte Marie Munch-Jurisic - 2023 - Passion: Journal of the European Philosophical Society for the Study of Emotion 1 (2):185-199.
    Most psychological and philosophical theories assume that we know what we feel. This general view is often accompanied by a range of more specific claims, such as the idea that we experience one emotion at a time, and that it is possible to distinguish between emotions based on their cognition, judgment, behaviour, or physiology. One common approach is to discriminate emotions based on their motivations or ultimate goals. Some argue that empathic distress, for instance, has the potential to motivate empathic (...)
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    Editorial ‘the Value of Disorientation’.Henk Jasper van Gils-Schmidt, Clinton Peter Verdonschot & Katrien Schaubroeck - 2020 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 23 (3-4):495-499.
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  29.  52
    Response to commentaries on Disorientation and Moral Life.Ami Harbin - 2018 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 4 (2).
    In Disorientation and Moral Life, I consider disorientations as experiences of not knowing how to go on following serious life events and experiences like those involved in traumas, grief, illness, education, consciousness raising, and migration. I challenge a history of moral philosophy that I claim has been preoccupied by a focus on the best moral agents as those who are most decisive, wholehearted, and clear about how they ought to act. In this piece, I respond to three commentaries on (...)
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  30.  28
    Disorientation and moral life Ami harbin studies in feminist philosophy. Oxford: Oxford university press, 2016; 227 pp.; $29.95. [REVIEW]Corinne Lajoie - 2019 - Dialogue 58 (1):191-192.
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    Disorientation and Moral Life.Christine M. Koggel - 2017 - Ethics and Social Welfare 11 (2):191-197.
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    Temporal Disorientation and Sentimental Time.Martin Coleman - 2022 - The Pluralist 17 (2):35-40.
    acknowledgment of a global pandemic in March 2020 and subsequent containment policies disrupted routines. Violent suppression of anti-racists and ongoing state-sanctioned killings in the United States made and continue to make plain the precariousness of justice. The disruption, violence, and uncertainty have resulted in strange, disturbing, and disorienting experiences of time, leading some to describe time as distorted and elastic.I have repeatedly forgotten what day it is and sometimes, upon being reminded of the month, had the shocking sense of weeks (...)
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  33.  67
    Being at Home: A Feminist Phenomenology of Disorientation in Illness.Corinne Lajoie - 2019 - Hypatia 34 (3):546-569.
    This article explores the relation among illness, home, and belonging. Through a feminist phenomenological framework, I describe the disorientations of being diagnosed with borderline personality disorder and living with mental illness. This research anticipates the consequences of illness and serious disorientations for a conception of belonging as seamless body–world compatibility. Instead, this article examines how the stability of bodily dwellings in experiences of disorientation can suggest ways of being in the world that are more attentive to interdependency, unpredictability, and (...)
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  34.  9
    Chapter Two. Overcoming Disorientation.Bernard Reginster - 2006 - In The affirmation of life: Nietzsche on overcoming nihilism. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. pp. 54-102.
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    Psalm 58: Curse As Voiced Disorientation.Brian Doyle - 1996 - Bijdragen 57 (2):122-148.
    A close reading of Psalm 58, focusing particularly on its stylistic features, reveals the centrality of God's presence to his people in the midst of injustice and evil. In spite of its imprecatory language, Psalm 58 is a song of God's saving activity and a celebration of justice. A powerful seven-fold curse full of rich yet horrific images calls out for the disempowerment of the wicked. The Hebrew text, together with significant text-critical notes, along with a critical translation, colometric division (...)
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  36.  62
    Attunement and Disorientation: The Moods of Philosophy in Heidegger and Sartre.Stephen Mulhall - 2011 - In Hagi Kenaan & Ilit Ferber (eds.), Philosophy's moods: the affective grounds of thinking. New York: Springer. pp. 123--139.
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  37.  16
    Beckett's Disorientated Bodies.Mikkel Bruun Zangenberg - 2000 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 12 (22).
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  38. Orientation by Disorientation. Presented in Honor of William A. Beardslee.Richard A. Spencer - 1980
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    La ética vocacional, heroica, deportiva e ilustrada de Ortega y Gasset para tiempos de desorientación, parte I [The vocational, heroic, sportive and enlightened ethics of Ortega y Gasset for times of disorientation, part I].Antonio Gutiérrez - 2020 - Cinta de Moebio 68:108-119.
    Resumen: Este artículo pretende mostrar cómo Ortega y Gasset propone una ética vocacional, heroica y deportiva contra, por una parte, el idealismo abstracto y universalista de Kant y, por otra, contra el nihilismo ético de la época de las masas, que acaba en un positivismo utilitarista y en desorientación. Esa ética orteguiana presenta además un carácter humanista mundano, alejado de todo trascendentalismo y fundado sobre la autoilustración del sujeto. De esta forma, el sujeto puede ser dueño y señor de sí (...)
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  40.  20
    Making and Breaking Our Shared World: A Phenomenological Analysis of Disorientation as a Way of Understanding Collective Emotions in Distributed Cognition.Pablo Fernández Velasco & Roberto Casati - 2021 - In Ana Falcato (ed.), The Politics of Emotional Shockwaves. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 203-219.
    Studying disorientation is studying how, through our bodies, culture and technology, we humans are connected to our environment, and what happens when this connection is weakened or severed. What happens, of course, depends again on our environment, bodies, culture and technology: the world around us becomes at times uncanny, unfamiliar or dangerous when we get disoriented. Disorientation can be exciting and refreshing—an invitation to explore, to leave behind nagging desires for control and certainty, and to embrace instead a (...)
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  41.  24
    Analytical estimation of distance–disorientation function of the material microstructure.Yauheni Staraselski, Abhijit Brahme, Kaan Inal & Raja K. Mishra - 2013 - Philosophical Magazine 93 (24):3314-3331.
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    Lost in pandemic time: a phenomenological analysis of temporal disorientation during the Covid-19 crisis.Pablo Fernandez Velasco, Bastien Perroy, Umer Gurchani & Roberto Casati - 2023 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 22 (5):1121-1144.
    People have experienced many forms of temporal disorientation during the Covid-19 crisis. For this study, we collected a rich corpus of reports on the multifaceted experiences of disorientation during the pandemic. In this paper, we study the resulting corpus using a descriptive approach. We identify six emerging themes: temporal rift; temporal vertigo; impoverished time; tunnel vision; spatial and social scaffolding of time; suspended time. We offer a phenomenological analysis of each of the themes. Based on the phenomenological analysis, (...)
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  43.  35
    Desorientación, locura y huecos gramaticales: Wittgenstein escribe sobre lo inaudito. Disorientation, madness and grammatical gaps: Wittgenstein writes about the unheard-of.José María Ariso - 2006 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 39 (2):77-91.
    In this paper I show that madness, in the context of Wittgenstein’s later work, should not be mistaken for the grammatical gap which is opened when a reaction takes place, which has no place in the language-game played in that very moment. Besides, and bearing in mind that we often do not place worth on something until we miss it, it is emphasized that it is in the madman, taken as a grammatically isolated individual, with whom, we are best able (...)
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    Aesthetic Matters: Literature and the Politics of Disorientation.Paul Giles - 2013 - Substance 42 (2):99-113.
    Ever since Plato expelled artists from his ideal republic, the question of aesthetics has enjoyed a dubious status within the civic realm as well as among more rarefied circles of academia. Aesthetics in general have not enjoyed the intellectual prestige accorded to, say, linguistic philosophy or political history, which have traditionally been thought to grapple with more serious and substantive issues. Even when not tarnished with the popular notion of aestheticism as betokening a Wildean hedonism, the field has frequently been (...)
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  45. Brest-Litovsk as a site of political disorientation.Dina Gusejnova - 2018 - In Cosmopolitanism in conflict: imperial encounters from the Seven Years' War to the Cold War. London, United Kingdom: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Retrieving enduring spatial representations after disorientation.Xiaoou Li, Weimin Mou & Timothy P. McNamara - 2012 - Cognition 124 (2):143-155.
  47. Anxiety the birth pangs of the absolute: longing and angst in schelling and kierkegaard / B. Bergo ; Attunement and disorientation: the moods of philosophy in Heidegger and Sartre / S. Mulhall ; Anxiety and identity: beyond Husserl and Heidegger.Y. Senderowicz - 2011 - In Hagi Kenaan & Ilit Ferber (eds.), Philosophy's moods: the affective grounds of thinking. New York: Springer.
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    How do young children determine location? Evidence from disorientation tasks.Stella F. Lourenco & Janellen Huttenlocher - 2006 - Cognition 100 (3):511-529.
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    Bernard Stiegler's Theology of Writing and the Disorientation of Western Modernity.Johann Rossouw - 2018 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2018 (185):149-164.
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    Context and Complaint: On Racial Disorientation.Paul C. Taylor - 2014 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 35 (1-2):331-351.
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