Results for 'embodied human nature as preference'

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  1.  6
    The limit of Jeong Yak-Yong’s ‘Human Nature as Preference’ and its after : Embodied Human Nature as Preference. 고명문 - 2018 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 91:1-27.
    본 논문의 목적은 ‘체험주의’의 시각을 통해 정약용의 ‘성 기호설’의 의미와 한계를 밝히고, 더 나아가 그 한계를 극복할 수 있는 대안을 제시하는 데 있다. 정약용에 의하면 사람의 본성은 기호다. 그리고 모든 사람에게는 두 가지 유형의 기호가 있다고 한다. 하나는 단것을 좋아하고 쓴 것을 싫어하는 유형의 형구지기호이고, 다른 하나는 선을 좋아하고 악을 싫어하는 유형의 영지지기호이다. 그중 형구지기호는 기질적인 육체의 성향으로서 사람의 도덕성과는 관련이 없지만 영지지기호는 초자연적 하늘이 부여한 정신의 성향으로서 ‘순선무악’하여 이것을 따르면 인의예지를 실천할 수 있게 된다.BR 체험주의의 시각에서 보면 정약용의 성 (...)
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    Human nature and the feasibility of inclusivist moral progress.Andrés Segovia-Cuéllar - 2022 - Dissertation, Ludwig Maximilians Universität, München
    The study of social, ethical, and political issues from a naturalistic perspective has been pervasive in social sciences and the humanities in the last decades. This articulation of empirical research with philosophical and normative reflection is increasingly getting attention in academic circles and the public spheres, given the prevalence of urgent needs and challenges that society is facing on a global scale. The contemporary world is full of challenges or what some philosophers have called ‘existential risks’ to humanity. Nuclear wars, (...)
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    Dasan Jeong Yagyong’s Theory of The Public and The Private - Theory of Human Nature as Preference(性嗜好說) and Virtue -. 김우진 - 2022 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 109:181-199.
    본 연구의 목적은 현대 민주주의의 공론에서 유학이 가지는 의미를 규명하기 위해 유학의 다양한 스펙트럼 중 성리학의 특징을 분석하고, 성리학의 성론(性論)과 덕론(德論)에 대한 다산 정약용의 비판과 그 비판의 원리를 중심으로 그의 공사론을 규정하는 단초를 마련하는 것이다. 다산 성론과 덕론의 핵심은 덕을 성으로 정의하는 성리학과는 달리, 성을 하늘의 원리가 아니라 선하는 것을 좋아하는 경향으로 규정하고 덕을 도덕적 실천을 통해 나타나는 결과라는 것이다. 이는 성기호설을 바탕으로 하는 그의 공사론이 성리학의 도덕 형이상학적 공사론과 어떻게 다른지 규명하는 데 출발점이 된다.
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    The Embodied Fluency Model: Uncanniness Between the Mere-Exposure Effect and Angst.Kevin Michael Stevenson - 2022 - International Journal of Theology, Philosophy and Science 11 (6):39-53.
    Human beings can be said to naturally seek familiarity in their environment for survival purposes, and this can explain why the mere-exposure effect, where being merely exposed to external factors in our environment, can increase preference for these factors. Familiarity in this sense can thus be framed as important for affect and preference formation and considered built upon both the subjective process of fluency and the objects of experience being processed. The feeling of uncanniness is often considered (...)
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  5.  43
    Understanding human nature through taste: Dasan Jeong Yak‐yong's account of humannature‐as‐taste.Dobin Choi - 2023 - Philosophical Forum 54 (4):315-331.
    This essay investigates Dasan Jeong Yak‐yong's (1762–1836) account of humannature‐as‐taste, by comparing his commentaries on significant chapters in the Mengzi to Zhu Xi's commentaries. Dasan argues that human nature is understood through giho, taste sentiments and desires, and not as Principle (li). I first introduce Dasan's account of humannature‐as‐taste in his commentaries to 3A1 and 7A4. Next, I argue that giho is most appropriately translated as “taste,” because this term captures the dispositional characteristics of (...)
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  6.  6
    Embodied Human Agents Inhabiting a Material World?Charles T. Hughes - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (3):389-413.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:EMBODIED HUMAN AGENTS INHABITING A MATERIAL WORLD? CHARLES T. HUGHES Chapman University Orange, California I. /n;troduction HE CONCEPT of a "logically possible world" has roven useful in the investigation of issues within many ranches of philosophy, including the philosophy of religion.1 Since this paper includes an analysis of one "possible worlds" objection to Christian theism, based upon the problem of evil, it will prove useful to preface (...)
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  7.  77
    Self-Cultivation as Education Embodying Humanity.Tu Wei-Ming - 1999 - The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 3:27-39.
    The primary purpose of Confucian education is character-building, and the starting point and source of inspiration for character-building is self-cultivation. This deceptively simple assertion is predicated on the vision of the human as a learner, who is endowed with the authentic possibility of transforming given structural constraints into dynamic processes of self-realization. The true function of education as characterbuilding is learning to be human. Paideia or humanitas is, in its core concern, educating the art of embodiment. Through embodiment (...)
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  8. Theodicies and human nature : Dostoevsky on the saint as witness.Timothy O'Connor - 2009 - In Kevin Timpe (ed.), Metaphysics and God: Essays in Honor of Eleonore Stump. New York: Routledge.
    Fyodor Dostoevsky understood this practical dimension well, and it is embodied in his literary treatment of the problem of evil in his masterpiece, The Brothers' Karamazov.1 In what follows, I will interpret the powerful existential repudiation of Christianity based on the facts of human suffering voiced by the antagonist, Ivan. After noting some similarities of Ivan’s case to that given by the French existentialist philosopher Albert Camus in his novel, The Plague, I then turn to Dostoevsky’s response, expressed (...)
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  9.  39
    Embodied Collective Memory: The Making and Unmaking of Human Nature.Rafael F. Narváez - 2012 - Embodied Collective Memory: The Making and Unmaking of Human Nature.
    The human body is not a given fact; it is not, as Descartes believed, a machine made up of flesh and bones. The body is acquired, achieved, and learned. It is thus full of mimetic and mnemonic implications. The body remembers, and it does so in collectively relevant ways. Gestures, corporeal and phonetic rhythms, affective idioms, and emotional styles perceptual, sensorial, motoric, and affective schemata are all largely learned in shared social contexts. These aspects of the embodied experience (...)
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  10.  55
    Human, Nature, Dynamism: The Effects of Content and Movement Perception on Brain Activations during the Aesthetic Judgment of Representational Paintings.Cinzia Di Dio, Martina Ardizzi, Davide Massaro, Giuseppe Di Cesare, Gabriella Gilli, Antonella Marchetti & Vittorio Gallese - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:154298.
    Movement perception and its role in aesthetic experience have been often studied, within empirical aesthetics, in relation to the human body. No such specificity has been defined in neuroimaging studies with respect to contents lacking a human form. The aim of this work was to explore, through functional magnetic imaging (fMRI), how perceived movement is processed during the aesthetic judgment of paintings using two types of content: human subjects and scenes of nature. Participants, untutored in the (...)
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    Human Nature in Nineteenth-Century British Novels: Doing the Math.Joseph Carroll, Jonathan Gottschall, John A. Johnson & Daniel J. Kruger - 2009 - Philosophy and Literature 33 (1):50-72.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Human Nature in Nineteenth-Century British Novels:Doing the MathJoseph Carroll, Jonathan Gottschall, John A. Johnson, and Daniel J. KrugerIThree broad ambitions animate this study. Building on research in evolutionary social science, we aimed (1) to construct a model of human nature—of motives, emotions, features of personality, and preferences in marital partners; (2) use that model to analyze some specific body of literary texts and the responses (...)
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  12.  25
    A critique of Paulo Freire’s perspective on human nature to inform the construction of theoretical underpinnings for research.Kate Sanders - 2020 - Nursing Philosophy 21 (3):e12300.
    This article presents a critique of Paulo Freire's philosophical perspective on human nature in the context of a doctoral research study to explore “muchness” or nurses’ subjective experience of well‐being; and demonstrates how this critique has informed the refinement of the theoretical principles used to inform research methodology and methods. Engaging in philosophical groundwork is essential for research coherence and integrity. Through this groundwork, largely informed by Freire's critical pedagogy and his ideas on humanization, I recognized the need (...)
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  13.  41
    Embodied human language models vs. Large Language Models, or why Artificial Intelligence cannot explain the modal be able to.Sergio Torres-Martínez - 2024 - Biosemiotics 17 (1):185-209.
    This paper explores the challenges posed by the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence specifically Large Language Models (LLMs). I show that traditional linguistic theories and corpus studies are being outpaced by LLMs’ computational sophistication and low perplexity levels. In order to address these challenges, I suggest a focus on language as a cognitive tool shaped by embodied-environmental imperatives in the context of Agentive Cognitive Construction Grammar. To that end, I introduce an Embodied Human Language Model (EHLM), inspired (...)
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  14.  11
    Religion and Human Nature.Keith Ward - 1998 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Continuing Keith Ward's series on comparative religion, this book deals with religious views of human nature and destiny. The beliefs of six major traditions are presented: the view of Advaita Vedanta that there is one Supreme Self, unfolding into the illusion of individual existence; the Vaishnava belief that there is an infinite number of souls, whose destiny is to be released from material embodiment; the Buddhist view that there is no eternal Self; the Abrahamic belief that persons are (...)
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  15.  14
    Human Nature and Normativity in Plotinus.Christopher Noble - 2021 - In Peter Adamson & Christof Rapp (eds.), State and Nature: Studies in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 269-292.
    Plotinus, following certain Platonic cues, maintains that ‘we’ and ‘the true human being’ correspond to the rational part of the embodied human soul. This view is counterintuitive because it is natural to see ourselves and our humanity as including parts of the human organism additional to reason. In this paper, I propose that Plotinus’ view that we are our rational part is best understood as expressing a teleological claim. Since our proper end is an activity of (...)
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  16.  16
    2. Human agents as strong evaluators.Arto Laitinen - 2008 - In Strong Evaluation Without Moral Sources. On Charles Taylor’s Philosophical Anthropology and Ethics. De Gruyter. pp. 61-105.
    In this chapter I discuss Taylor’s claim that strong evaluation is inevitable for human agency: without a framework of strong evaluations human agents would be in a crisis which Taylor calls, perhaps misleadingly, “an identity crisis”. With a broad brush I introduce some of the essential background in first three sections, and scrutinize the inevitability of strong evaluation more closely in the last three sections. I introduce first the distinction between the engaged perspective, which in Taylor’s view provides (...)
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  17.  19
    Meaning and embodiment: human corporeity in Hegel's anthropology.Nicholas Mowad - 2019 - Albany: SUNY Press.
    Examines Hegel’s insights regarding the complexity and significance of embodiment in human life, identity, and experience. Meaning and Embodiment provides a detailed study of Hegel’s anthropology to examine the place of corporeity or embodiment in human life, identity, and experience. In Hegel’s view, to be human means in part to produce one’s own spiritual embodiment in culture and habits. Whereas for animals nature only has meaning relative to biological drives, humans experience meaning in a way that (...)
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  18.  33
    Taste as Experience: The Philosophy and Aesthetics of Food.Nicola Perullo - 2016 - Columbia University Press.
    Taste as Experience puts the pleasure of food at the center of human experience. It shows how the sense of taste informs our preferences for and relationship to nature, pushes us toward ethical practices of consumption, and impresses upon us the importance of aesthetics. Eating is often dismissed as a necessary aspect of survival, and our personal enjoyment of food is considered a quirk. Nicola Perullo sees food as the only portion of the world we take in on (...)
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  19.  10
    The Stoics: Human Nature and the Point of View of the Universe.Julia Annas - 1993 - In The Morality of Happiness. New York: Oxford University Press.
    The Stoics appeal to human nature in their theory of virtue and ‘preferred indifferents’, showing in a developmental account how grasping virtue is the culmination of a natural progression. They also appeal to the nature of the cosmos to support ethics as a whole, but this does not, as issometimes claimed, provide premises from which specific ethical conclusions are inferred.
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    Meaning and Embodiment: Human Corporeity in Hegel’s Anthropology by Nicholas Mowad.Elisa Magrì - 2021 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 59 (1):156-157.
    Readers of Hegel’s philosophy will welcome Nicholas Mowad’s interpretation of Hegel’s anthropology not just as a fundamental addition to Hegel scholarship, but also, and more fundamentally, as a necessary invitation to read Hegel in a new key. This entails paying attention to questions of embodiment, race, and gender that are intrinsic to Hegel’s philosophical anthropology. The book’s chief merit lies in the way Mowad convincingly shows that issues of race and gender cannot be avoided while reading Hegel, and that Hegel’s (...)
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  21. Theodicies and Human Nature: Dostoevsky on the Saint as Witness.Timothy O'Connor - 2009 - In Kevin Timpe (ed.), Metaphysics and God: Essays in Honor of Eleonore Stump. New York: Routledge.
    Fyodor Dostoevsky understood this practical dimension well, and it is embodied in his literary treatment of the problem of evil in his masterpiece, The Brothers' Karamazov.1 In what follows, I will interpret the powerful existential repudiation of Christianity based on the facts of human suffering voiced by the antagonist, Ivan. After noting some similarities of Ivan’s case to that given by the French existentialist philosopher Albert Camus in his novel, The Plague, I then turn to Dostoevsky’s response, expressed (...)
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  22.  9
    Human Nature and Normativity in Plotinus.Christopher Noble - 2021 - In Peter Adamson & Christof Rapp (eds.), State and Nature: Studies in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 269-291.
    Plotinus, following certain Platonic cues, maintains that ‘we’ and ‘the true human being’ correspond to the rational part of the embodied human soul. This view is counterintuitive because it is natural to see ourselves and our humanity as including parts of the human organism additional to reason. In this paper, I propose that Plotinus’ view that we are our rational part is best understood as expressing a teleological claim. Since our proper end is an activity of (...)
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  23.  10
    The blind storyteller: how we reason about human nature.Iris Berent - 2020 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Do newborns think-do they know that 'three' is greater than 'two'? Do they prefer 'right' to 'wrong'? What about emotions--do newborns recognize happiness or anger? If they do, then how are our inborn thoughts and feelings encoded in our bodies? Could they persist after we die? Going all the way back to ancient Greece, human nature and the mind-body link are the topics of age-old scholarly debates. But laypeople also have strong opinions about such matters. Most people believe, (...)
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  24.  11
    The Meaning of Concepts of Human Nature in Organizational Life in Business Ethics Context.Anna Horodecka - 2014 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 17 (4):53-64.
    The main goal of this paper is to exhibit the role of the concept of human nature for the ethical orientation of organizational life. Therefore, after presenting some definitions of the concepts of human nature, which depict the complexity of these phenomena, some models of the concepts of human nature are described. Furthermore, the setting of the concepts of human nature in the organizational life is discussed. Those concepts can be perceived as (...)
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  25. Notes on Deleuze and human nature.John Protevi - unknown
    As befits a French philosopher of the 1960s, Gilles Deleuze (1925-995), was famous for his antihumanism and his anti-essentialism. Humans are fully part of nature with no supernatural supplement; and essences are not the way to individuate things. That doesn’t seem to leave much room for a Deleuzean human nature, but that’s what I want to try to explore. I’ll take my clue from what he says in A Thousand Plateaus about nomads, who “reterritorialize on their power (...)
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  26.  65
    Thomas Aquinas on Human Nature[REVIEW]Bonnie Kent - 2003 - Philosophical Review 112 (1):103-106.
    Despite its subtitle, Thomas Aquinas on Human Nature is far more than a philosophical study of Summa theologiae, part 1, qq. 75-89. Not only does Robert Pasnau venture into topics never mentioned in this section of the Summa, he draws freely on Aquinas’s disputed questions, his commentaries on Aristotle’s works, and many other texts, including a wide range of works in both contemporary philosophy and the history of philosophy writ large. Anthony Kenny’s Aquinas on Mind focuses on the (...)
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  27. Telenoid android robot as an embodied perceptual social regulation medium engaging natural human–humanoid interaction.R. Sorbello, A. Chella, C. Calì, M. Giardina, S. Nishio & H. Ishiguro - 2014 - Robotics and Autonomous System 62:1329-1341.
    The present paper aims to validate our research on human–humanoid interaction (HHI) using the minimalist humanoid robot Telenoid. We conducted the human–robot interaction test with 142 young people who had no prior interaction experience with this robot. The main goal is the analysis of the two social dimensions (‘‘Perception’’ and ‘‘Believability’’) useful for increasing the natural behaviour between users and Telenoid.Weadministered our custom questionnaire to human subjects in association with a well defined experimental setting (‘‘ordinary and goal-guided (...)
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  28.  48
    Connected Lives: Human Nature and an Ethics of Care.Ruth E. Groenhout - 2004 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Connected Lives examines the account of human nature that is implicit in an ethics of care, a picture of human lives that emphasizes interdependency, embodiment, and social connectedness. The book makes important connections to the picture of human life found in theorists of love such as St. Augustine and Emmanuel Levinas, and shows that when care theory is articulated clearly, it provides resources for thinking through some of the difficult moral issues we face in the contemporary (...)
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  29. Medicine as Combining Natural and Human Science.H. L. Dreyfus - 2011 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 36 (4):335-341.
    Medicine is unique in being a combination of natural science and human science in which both are essential. Therefore, in order to make sense of medical practice, we need to begin by drawing a clear distinction between the natural and the human sciences. In this paper, I try to bring the old distinction between the Geistes and Naturwissenschaften up to date by defending the essential difference between a realist explanatory theoretical study of nature including the body in (...)
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  30.  37
    Heidegger on Hegel on Time.Markus Gabriel - 2021 - In Cynthia D. Coe (ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of German Idealism and Phenomenology. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 343-359.
    In Being and Time Heidegger gives preference to Hegel’s ontology of time over earlier conceptions of time, on account of his insight that time is in some sense neither subjective nor objective. However, he objects to Hegel’s method of unfolding the concept of time, which according to him relapses into a “vulgar” conception of presence as an empty point. Heidegger confuses Hegel’s method with an object-level claim about the ontology of time and, therefore, misses—among other things—the crucial Hegelian insight (...)
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    The Origin of Cities: Analysis of Words in the Meaning of Settlement in the Qur’ān.Ferruh Kahraman - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (1):391-413.
    In the Qur’ān the most significant words used to indicate settlement are diyār, qarya, madīna, miṣr and balad. Among these, qarya and madīna are the most important ones. While Qarya means, county, city, urban, land and settlement, madīna means town. Miṣr is used for a city as well as for a specific name of a country. Diyār indicates a geographic border and the places of a settlement, and balad infers a political unity of a number of settlements. Due to this (...)
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  32. Embodied Cognition, Habit, and Natural Agency in Hegel’s Anthropology.Italo Testa - 2020 - In Marina F. Bykova & Kenneth R. Westphal (eds.), The Palgrave Hegel Handbook. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 395-416.
    The aim of this chapter is to discuss the central role of the notion of " habit " (Gewohnheit) in Hegel's theory of " embodiment " (Verleiblichung) and to show that the philosophical outcome of the Anthropology is that habit, understood as a sensorimotor life form, is not only an enabling condition for there to be mindedness, but is more strongly an ontological constitutive condition of all its levels of manifestation. Moreover, I will argue that Hegel's approach somehow makes a (...)
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  33. (1 other version)A Developmental Systems Account of Human Nature.Karola Stotz & Paul Griffiths - 2018 - In Elizabeth Hannon & Tim Lewens (eds.), Why We Disagree About Human Nature. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 00-00.
    It is now widely accepted that a scientifically credible conception of human nature must reject the folkbiological idea of a fixed, inner essence that makes us human. We argue here that to understand human nature is to understand the plastic process of human development and the diversity it produces. Drawing on the framework of developmental systems theory and the idea of developmental niche construction we argue that human nature is not embodied (...)
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  34. Urban Nature Experiences for Public Health: An Embodied Perspective.Ivo Wallimann-Helmer & Shea McBride - 2022 - In Donald Bruce & Ann Bruce (eds.), Transforming Food Systems: Ethics, Innovation and Responsibility. Brill Wageningen Academic. pp. 132-137.
    Initiatives advocating for nature-based solutions, such as increased urban biodiversity, aim to promote public health as a part of creating sustainable cities. These initiatives are supported by a plenitude of scientific literature demonstrating the link between human health and nature contact. Despite these findings, positive human-nature interactions are declining worldwide, negatively effecting human development and health. We support an embodied approach to mental health. Taking this approach seriously illuminates how cities can be enhanced (...)
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    Stream: social data and knowledge collective intelligence platform for TRaining Ethical AI Models.Yuwei Wang, Enmeng Lu, Zizhe Ruan, Yao Liang & Yi Zeng - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-9.
    This paper presents social data and knowledge collective intelligence platform for TRaining Ethical AI Models (STREAM) to address the challenge of aligning AI models with human moral values, and to provide ethics datasets and knowledge bases to help promote AI models “follow good advice as naturally as a stream follows its course”. By creating a comprehensive and representative platform that accurately mirrors the moral judgments of diverse groups including humans and AIs, we hope to effectively portray cultural and group (...)
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    Why Russian Philosophy Is So Important and So Dangerous.Mikhail Epstein - 2023 - Common Knowledge 29 (3):405-409.
    The academic community in the West tends to be suspicious of Russian philosophy, often relegating it to another category, such as “ideology” or “social thought.” But what is philosophy? There is no simple universal definition, and many thinkers consider it impossible to formulate one. The most credible attempt is nominalistic: philosophy is the practice in which Plato and Aristotle were involved. As Alfred North Whitehead wrote, “The safest general characterization of the European philosophical tradition is that it consists of a (...)
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    Interactionism and innateness in the evolutionary study of human nature.Christopher D. Horvath - 2000 - Biology and Philosophy 15 (3):321-337.
    While most researchers who use evolutionary theory to investigatehuman nature especially human sexuality describe themselves as ``interactionists'', there is no clear consensus on the meaning of thisterm in this context. By interactionism most people in the fieldmean something like, both nature and nurture ``count'' in thedevelopment of human psychology and behavior. Nevertheless, themultidisciplinary nature of evolutionary psychology results in a widevariety of interpretations of this general claim. Today, mostdebates within evolutionary psychology about the innateness of (...)
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    Love and Politics: Persistent Human Desires as a Foundation for Liberation.Jeffery Nicholas - 2021 - New York: Routledge.
    In, Love and Politics Jeffery L. Nicholas argues that Eros is the final rejection of an alienated life, in which humans are prevented from developing their human powers; Eros, in contrast, is an overflowing of acting into new realities and new beauties, a world in which human beings extend their powers and senses. Nicholas uniquely interprets Alasdair MacIntyre's Revolutionary Aristotelianism as a response to alienation defined as the divorce of fact from value. However, this account cannot address alienation (...)
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    Embodiment and self-knowledge.Jeremy Walker - 1969 - Dialogue 8 (1):44-67.
    Self-knowledge is a permanent and necessary aim for man. By ‘self-knowledge’ I mean the knowledge of oneself as a human being; the understanding of what it is to be a human being; the grasp of human nature as such. There are many sides to this knowledge: the sciences and social sciences, the arts, history, reflexion on day-to-day experience. Philosophy has traditionally been seen as a road that can lead towards self-knowledge. What I propose here is an (...)
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    An Empirical Argument for Mencius’ Theory of Human Nature.Ilari Mäkelä - 2022 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 21 (2):235-259.
    Mencius 孟子 is famous for arguing that human nature is good. In this article, I offer a reading of Mencius’ argument which can be evaluated in terms of empirical psychology. In this reading, Mencius’ argument begins with three claims: humans naturally have prosocial inclinations, prosocial inclinations can be cultivated into mature forms of virtue, and the growth of prosocial inclinations is more natural than the growth of their alternatives. I also argue that each of these claims is well (...)
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  41. The Ethics of Embodied Nature Through the Lens of Environmental Sustainability.Akanksha Prajapati & Rajakishore Nath - 2024 - Ethical Thought 24 (2):120–137.
    The conception of embodiment addresses relationships between knowledge, the mind, and the physical environment. The embodiment is the experience of becoming conscious of what the soma is as a whole. The stance of eco-somatic embodied sustainability places the unfolding of this venture in the perceptual interaction and relation between the human body and nature. The environment at the intersection of human and non-human nature highlights the necessity and importance of acknowledging nature’s participation in (...)
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  42. Commentary on John Dupré’s Human Nature and the Limits of Science. [REVIEW]Daniel C. Dennett - 2004 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 69 (2):473–483.
    Suppose we discovered that all the women in the Slobbovian culture exhibit a strong preference for blue-handled knives and red-handled forks. They would rather starve than eat with utensils of the wrong color. We’d be rightly puzzled, and eager to find an explanation. ‘Well,” these women tell us, “blue-handled knives are snazzier, you know. And just look at them: these red-handled forks are, well, just plain beautiful!” This should not satisfy us. Why do they say this? Their answers may (...)
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    Experience Embodied: Early Modern Accounts of the Human Place in NatureWaldow, Anik, Experience Embodied: Early Modern Accounts of the Human Place in Nature, New York: Oxford University Press, 2020, pp. xiv + 294, US$90 (hardback). [REVIEW]Robert B. Louden - 2023 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 101 (3):765-767.
    At present, one more book on modern philosophy that opens with a chapter on Descartes, closes with one on Kant, and includes discussions of usual suspects such as Locke and Hume (among others) in-b...
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  44. Cognition as Embodied Morphological Computation.Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic - 2017 - In Vincent C. Müller (ed.), Philosophy and theory of artificial intelligence 2017. Berlin: Springer. pp. 19-23.
    Cognitive science is considered to be the study of mind (consciousness and thought) and intelligence in humans. Under such definition variety of unsolved/unsolvable problems appear. This article argues for a broad understanding of cognition based on empirical results from i.a. natural sciences, self-organization, artificial intelligence and artificial life, network science and neuroscience, that apart from the high level mental activities in humans, includes sub-symbolic and sub-conscious processes, such as emotions, recognizes cognition in other living beings as well as extended and (...)
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    The Nature of the Reward and Punishment in the Hereafter in Terms of the Method the Visible As an Evidence for the Invisible in Māturīdī.Nail Karagöz - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (2):875-892.
    The vast majority of theologians accept true news, sound senses and healthy working mind as sources of knowledge. Due to the fact that the mind is counted among the sources of knowledge, reason-based evidence has been used in many subjects. It is known that Māturīdī was the first theologian who dealt with the mentioned sources of knowledge in his work. At the very beginning of his Kitāb al-Tawhīd, he determined the ways of acquiring knowledge as correct news, sound senses and (...)
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    Embodied and Embedded Morality: Divinity, Identity, and Disgust.Heather Looy - 2004 - Zygon 39 (1):219-235.
    Our understanding of human morality would benefit from an integrated interdisciplinary approach, built on the assumption that human beings are multidimensional unities with real, irreducible, and mutually interdependent spiritual, relational, emotional, rational, and physiological aspects. We could integrate relevant information from neurobiological, psychosocial, and theological perspectives, avoiding unnecessary reductionism and naturalism. This approach is modeled by addressing the particular limited role of disgust in morality. Psychosocial research reveals disgust as a universal emotion that enables evaluation and regulation of (...)
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    The nature of human persons: metaphysics and bioethics.Jason T. Eberl - 2020 - Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press.
    The questions of whether there is a shared nature common to all human beings and, if so, what essential qualities define this nature are among the most widely discussed topics in the history of philosophy and remain the subject of perennial interest and controversy. This book offers a metaphysical investigation of the composition of the human essence-that is, with what is a human being identical or what types of parts are necessary for a human (...)
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    The Nature of Embodied Distributed Cognition.Young E. Lee - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 54:21-21.
    There has been a lot of strong evidence showing that human cognition works not in a central processing way but in a distributed way. As well known, human brain processes huge information in a parallel and distributed way. Recently cognitive scientists have contended that the minds are embodied in environment. These two ideas of distribution in cognition and embodiment in the mind can go along overall, but there is a tension between them in some specific respects, especially (...)
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    Animality and Morality: Human Reason as an Animal Activity.Christopher J. Preston - 2002 - Environmental Values 11 (4):427-442.
    Those in animal and environmental ethics wishing to extend moral considerability beyond the human community have at some point all had to counter the claim that it is reason that makes human distinct. Detailed arguments against the significance of reason have been rare due to the lack of any good empirical accounts of what reason actually is. Contemporary studies of the embodied mind are now able to fill this gap and show why reason is a poor choice (...)
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    Aquinas on the Nature of Human Beings.Jason T. Eberl - 2004 - Review of Metaphysics 58 (2):333-365.
    IN THIS PAPER, I PROVIDE A FORMULATION of Thomas Aquinas’s account of the nature of human beings for the purpose of comparing it with other accounts in both the history of philosophy and contemporary analytic philosophy. I discuss how his apparently dualistic understanding of the relationship between soul and body yields the conclusion that a human being exists as a unified substance composed of a rational soul informing, that is, serving as the specific organizing principle of, a (...)
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