Results for 'eudemonism'

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  1.  23
    The Eudemonic Wellbeing of Volunteers in a Public Health Emergency: COVID-19 in China.Juan Tang, Xiao-Chen Li & Xi Zhang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    With improvements in the public awareness regarding volunteer opportunities, more people are participating in social work, particularly during emergency events. The mental health of volunteers has been attracting more academic attention due to its increasing social significance. Drawing on the Theory of Planned Behavior, a qualitative interview was conducted to identify important attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived control factors guiding people’s volunteering behaviors in an emergency context. Then, a sequential quantitative survey was implemented based on the results of the qualitative (...)
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    Disease Acceptance and Eudemonic Well-Being Among Adults With Physical Disabilities: The Mediator Effect of Meaning in Life.Małgorzata Szcześniak, Agata H. Świątek, Małgorzata Cieślak & Daria Świdurska - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Mapuche Az-Mapu and Nature's Contribution to People: Eudemonic Values for Living Well.Juan Ñanculef-Huaiquinao, Yohana Coñuecar-Llancapani, Francisco Araos Leiva, Wladimir Riquelme Maulén, Christopher Raymond & Jeremy Anbleyth-Evans - 2023 - Environmental Values 32 (3):291-314.
    In the context of understanding Nature's Contribution to People, this article explores the Mapuche value system and its contributions to living well by conserving nature. Through the context-specific approach, the findings shows that the Mapuche Az-Mapu is important for bio-cultural conservation in Chile. Deepening understanding of the distinct Mapuche value system shows the importance of rights and sovereignty for other coastal stateless nations who are enhancing bio-cultural conservation around the world. The article explores the importance of maintaining Mapuche values in (...)
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    Hedonism and eudemonism in Aquinas--not the same as happiness.Timothy A. Mitchell - 1983 - Chicago, Ill.: Franciscan Herald Press.
  5. Happiness, harmony, wisdom and elegance : A perspective of contemporary eudemonism.Jiang Chang - 2009 - In Jinfen Yan & David E. Schrader (eds.), Creating a Global Dialogue on Value Inquiry: Papers From the Xxii Congress of Philosophy (Rethinking Philosophy Today). Edwin Mellen Press.
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    Die Allgemeine Glückseligkeit: Zur Systematischen Stellung Und Funktionen der Glückseligkeit Bei Kant.Ji Young Kang - 2015 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Kant is regarded as the key critic of eudemonic ethics. Interpreters have claimed that for Kant, happiness was neither a precondition for morality nor a reward for moral conduct. However, this study shows that happiness does play a key role in Kant s moral philosophy. It reveals Kant s practical philosophy as a theory that seriously considers the irrefutable necessity for individual happiness in life.".
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    Nietzsche und die hellenistische philosophie. Der übermensch und der Weise.Andrea Christian Bertino - 2007 - Nietzsche Studien 36 (1):108-143.
    In der Abhandlung wird zum estern Mal Nietzsches Auseinandersetzung mit der hellenistischen Philosophie, dem Epikureismus, dem Stoizismus und dem Skeptizismus, systematsich rekonstruiert. Alle drei Schulen sind relevant auch für Nietzsches Kritik der Moral und des Christentums. Epikur bietet Nietzsche eine existentielle Alternative zum Platonismus, selbst wenn er nicht mehr zum vorsokratischen Philosophieren, Nietzsches Idealtypus des Philosophierens, zurückkommt. Auch Nietzches Auseinandersetzung mit dem Stoizismus ist noch von der vorsokratischen Philosophie her bestimmt, vor allem durch heraklit. Stoische Argumente teilt Nietzsche auch in (...)
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    Breve storia dell'etica.Sergio Cremaschi - 2012 - Roma RM, Italia: Carocci.
    The book reconstructs the history of Western ethics. The approach chosen focuses the endless dialectic of moral codes, or different kinds of ethos, moral doctrines that are preached in order to bring about a reform of existing ethos, and ethical theories that have taken shape in the context of controversies about the ethos and moral doctrines as means of justifying or reforming moral doctrines. Such dialectic is what is meant here by the phrase ‘moral traditions’, taken as a name for (...)
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    Discourse of Nature in Gregory Skovoroda’s Teaching.Alexey V. Malinov - 2018 - Rivista di Estetica 67:33-48.
    Gregory Savich Skovoroda (1724-1794) belongs both to the Russian and Ukrainian philosophy. His philosophical doctrine was only revivified at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, which was caused by the affinity of the philosophical searches of the Silver Age (beginning of the 1890s-1922) with the religious and philosophical doctrine by Gregory Skovoroda. In the history of philosophy, Gregory Skovoroda can be considered «boundary figure» marking transition from the Middle Ages to the culture of the Modernity. The article deals with the (...)
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  10.  20
    El rol de la felicidad ajena en la filosofía práctica de Kant.Macarena Marey - 2017 - Dianoia 62 (78):119-145.
    Resumen: En este trabajo, presento e intento resolver un problema que la oposición de Kant al eudaimonismo podría plantear al segundo deber de virtud. Tras analizarlo, propondré que el deber de la felicidad ajena consigue disolver al menos uno de los obstáculos para alcanzar la felicidad en la Tierra. El motivo de esto es que el deber de promover los fines de los demás logra reubicar la felicidad hedónica en el plano de la moralidad, algo que la noción intelectual de (...)
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    Коментарі до українського перекладу трактату аль-фарабі «послання, що вказує шлях до щастя».Михайло Якубович - 2017 - Sententiae 36 (1):105-108.
    The commentary dwells on certain features of al-Farabi’s work Risala fi Tanbih ‘ala Sabil al-Saadah and first of all the “Islamic” and universalist visions of the text. It explores the essential ethical doctrine of al-Farabi: the notions of “good deeds”, “appropriate states of soul” and, finally, “good distinction”. The strict observance of these "means" in pursuit of happiness leads, according to al-Farabi, to perfection of one’s virtues. It is concuded that al-Farabi links rationality and ethics placing his logical views in (...)
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    Utopias in the Classical Age.Corin Braga - 2015 - Iris 36:43-55.
    Avec l’essor et le succès croissant de la littérature de voyages, nourrie par les grandes explorations et découvertes, les utopistes de l’Âge classique ont commencé à s’intéresser plus au sujet épique qu’à l’encadrement rhétorique de la relation utopique. Avec comme résultat des utopies réalistes dans lesquelles les narrateurs, en imitant le schéma de la littérature de voyages et d’exploration, prétendent avoir découvert des civilisations exotiques idéales, crédibles et applicables, qu’ils offrent en modèle à leurs contemporains. Les principaux procédés de construction (...)
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    Medytacja w praktyce filozoficznej jako „żywa metafizyka”.Marcin Piotr Fabjański - 2020 - Folia Philosophica 44 (2):1-9.
    This article argues that if contemporary philosophical counseling wishes to perpetuate the spirit of ancient philosophy, it must also incorporate metaphysics. This kind of incorporation means, among other things, regarding as essential the implementation of the meditation practices of certain historical schools of philosophy. Meditation was an inherent feature not only of Eastern schools of thought, but also within Western philosophy. These practices lead to a psychophysical state, known as ataraxia, which causes the perception of reality to undergo a radical (...)
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    Social Entrepreneurship as a Family Resemblance Concept with Distinct Ethical Views.Filipa Lancastre, Carmen Lages & Filipe Santos - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-22.
    Almost 25 years after Dees’ article on the meaning of social entrepreneurship, conceptual controversy persists. Based on a qualitative analysis of 209 definitions of social entrepreneurship and respective academic articles, we argue that the concept follows a family resemblance structure and identify the 12 distinct attributes that comprehensively define it. Membership in social entrepreneurship is not defined by a case possessing a universally accepted set of criterial features but by carrying shared attributes with other cases. The family resemblance structure points (...)
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    Zagadnienie eudajmonizmu i etyki stosowanej w świetle teorii kultury.Anna Malitowska - 2012 - Filo-Sofija 12 (18).
    THE PROBLEM OF EUDAIMONISM AND APPLIED ETHICS IN THE LIGHT OF THE THEORY OF CULTURE This paper is situated within some contemporary debates over the problem of the gap between professional ethical reflection and moral practice. Starting with J. Habermas’ thesis about the deficiency of communication between expert cultures and the world of everyday life, and J. Kmita’s culture-theoretical analysis of the process of liberation of the worldview from practical spheres of culture, the author explicates the problem of a discrepancy (...)
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  16.  25
    Somente uma Nova Fórmula: A propósito das críticas eudemonistas de Tittel à Filosofia Moral de Kant.Valerio Rohden - 2005 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 61 (3/4):747 - 755.
    No presente trabalho são expostas e examinadas as críticas eudemonistas de Gottlob August Tittel (1739-1816) à Fundamentação da metafísica dos costumes, a partir da alusão indirecta de Kant a elas no Prefácio à Crítica da razão prática. Por outro lado, são também fornecidas em apêndice as informações, constantes na correspondência de Hamann, de que Kant com aquela primeira obra de filosofia moral preparava uma crítica ao eudemonismo similar de Garve, expresso em seus comentários ao De officiis de Cícero. O artigo (...)
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    Virtù e felicità in Kant.Daniela Tafani - 2006 - Firenze: L.S. Olschki.
    Sono prese in esame – attraverso le opere pubblicate, ma anche attraverso le lezioni e le riflessioni – tre questioni centrali nell’etica di Kant: lo spessore teorico, e le modificazioni, dei concetti di virtù e di felicità, nonché le maniere con cui Kant tentò di armonizzarli, nell’idea di sommo bene. La filosofia morale di Kant è presentata non come un sistema compiuto una volta per tutte, bensì come un ragionare in lotta con il proprio oggetto. L’autrice mostra – presentando una (...)
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  18. Los medios para el desarrollo humano: Ética y dianoética del desarrollo.Felipe Correa - 2021 - Revista Ethika+ 3:19-40.
    Una interpretación aristotélica del concepto de desarrollo humano propone como fin último del desarrollo la eudaimonía o felicidad, esto es, la plena realización de la capacidad eudemónica en el alma humana. Para esto se requiere del desarrollo de sus partes racional e irracional, lo que demanda como medios una ética y una dianoética del desarrollo, referidos a los modos de ser de las respectivas partes del alma. La interacción entre ambas partes genera siempre un ciclo virtuoso, existiendo la posibilidad de (...)
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  19. As Boys Pursue the Rainbow. Whewell’s Independent Morality vs. Sidgwick’s Dogmatic Intuitionism.Sergio Volodia Marcello Cremaschi - 2011 - In Placido Bucolo, Roger Crisp & Bart Schultz (eds.), Atti del secondo Congresso internazionale su Henry Sidgwick: etica, psichica, politica. Universita degli Studi di Catania. pp. 146-235.
    I discuss Whewell’s philosophy of morality, as opposed to systematic morality, not unlike Kant’s distinction between a pure and an empirical moral philosophy. Whewell worked out a systematization of traditional normative ethics as a first step before its rational justification; he believed that the point in the philosophy of morality is justifying a few rational truths about the structure of morality such as to rule hedonism, eudemonism, and consequentialism; yet a system of positive morality cannot be derived solely from (...)
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    Tradizioni morali. Greci, ebrei, cristiani, islamici.Sergio Cremaschi - 2015 - Roma, Italy: Edizioni di storia e letteratura.
    Ex interiore ipso exeas. Preface. This book reconstructs the history of a still open dialectics between several ethoi, that is, shared codes of unwritten rules, moral traditions, or self-aware attempts at reforming such codes, and ethical theories discussing the nature and justification of such codes and doctrines. Its main claim is that this history neither amounts to a triumphal march of reason dispelling the mist of myth and bigotry nor to some other one-way process heading to some pre-established goal, but (...)
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    What Kind of Intervention Is Effective for Improving Subjective Well-Being Among Workers? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials.Asuka Sakuraya, Kotaro Imamura, Kazuhiro Watanabe, Yumi Asai, Emiko Ando, Hisashi Eguchi, Norimitsu Nishida, Yuka Kobayashi, Hideaki Arima, Mai Iwanaga, Yasumasa Otsuka, Natsu Sasaki, Akiomi Inoue, Reiko Inoue, Kanami Tsuno, Ayako Hino, Akihito Shimazu, Akizumi Tsutsumi & Norito Kawakami - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Objectives: This study aimed to conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) to improve subjective well-being (SWB), including evaluative, hedonic, and eudemonic well-being, and the mental component of quality of life (QOL) of working population. Methods: A literature search was conducted, using PubMed, Embase, PsycINFO, and PsycARTICLES. Eligible studies included those that were RCTs of any intervention, conducted among healthy workers, measured SWB as a primary outcome, and original articles in English. Study characteristics, intervention, outcomes, and (...)
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  22. Information, knowledge and wisdom: groundwork for the normative evaluation of digital information and its relation to the good life. [REVIEW]Edward H. Spence - 2011 - Ethics and Information Technology 13 (3):261-275.
    This paper provides a general philosophical groundwork for the theoretical and applied normative evaluation of information generally and digital information specifically in relation to the good life. The overall aim of the paper is to address the question of how Information Ethics and computer ethics more generally can be expanded to include more centrally the issue of how and to what extent information relates and contributes to the quality of life or the good life , for individuals and for society. (...)
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    "L'épicure" de Nietzsche: Une figure de la décadence.Philippe Choulet - 1998 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 188 (3):311-330.
    L'ambivalence du rapport de Nietzsche à Épicure s'établit sur fond de paradoxe : l'eudémonisme moral d'Épicure surdétermine ce qui, à l'origine de son geste philosophique, apparaît pourtant comme une résistance au platonisme ou à l'ascétisme chrétien. En réalité, Épicure est un décadent socratique, un « malade de la vie », et sa pensée manque la radicolite dionysiaque ; c'est pour cette raison qu'elle irrigue encore le christianisme — preuve d'une compatibilité fâcheuse. Mais Nietzsche demeure néanmoins attentif à la fécondité des (...)
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  24.  27
    The Idea of Happiness. [REVIEW]M. R. C. - 1969 - Review of Metaphysics 23 (1):134-135.
    This particular volume differs from other members of the series, in that it is historically as well as dialectically oriented, and is also less encyclopedic than the others. The first part develops six different theories of happiness and the second presents different controversies about happiness. In the first chapter, the author proposes Aristotle's eudemonism [[sic]] as the most complete and most influential of all theories of happiness, and he uses it as a matrix for most of the discussions in (...)
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  25. The Labor-Saving Device: Evidence of Responsibility?Edmund Byrne - 1990 - In Gayle L. Ormiston (ed.), From Artifact to Habitat: Studies in the Critical Engagement of Technology. Lehigh University Press. pp. 132-154.
    -/- This article was first published in Technology and Contemporary Life, Philosophy and Technoloy vol. IV, ed. Paul T. Durbin, Dordrecht/Boston: D. Reidel, 1988, pp. 63-85.
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