Results for 'externally visible characteristics'

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  1.  28
    Differential impact of chief executive officer tenure on the firm's external and internal corporate social responsibility: Moderating effects of firm's visibility and slack.Marwan Al-Shammari, Soumendra Banerjee, Miguel Caldas & Krist Swimberghe - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (3):961-985.
    Inconsistent corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices across stakeholder groups may induce undesired consequences for the firm. This study investigates the longitudinal and differential effect of chief executive officer (CEO) tenure on external and internal CSR and the moderating effects of two important contingencies relevant to the firm's social investments: firm visibility and slack availability. It presents CEO tenure as an important upper echelon factor that may induce differential preferences toward external and internal CSR and, therefore, CSR inconsistencies. Accordingly, it proposes (...)
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    The (De)materialization of Criminal Bodies in Forensic DNA Phenotyping.Filipa Queirós, Helena Machado & Rafaela Granja - 2021 - Body and Society 27 (1):60-84.
    Forensic DNA phenotyping is a genetic technology that might be used in criminal investigations. Based on DNA samples of the human body found at crime scenes, it allows to infer externally visible characteristics (such as eye, hair and skin colour) and continental-based biogeographical ancestry. By indicating the probable visible appearance of a criminal suspect, forensic DNA phenotyping allows to narrow down the focus of a criminal investigation. In this article, drawing on interviews with forensic geneticists, we (...)
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    Phenotypes from ancient DNA: Approaches, insights and prospects.Gloria G. Fortes, Camilla F. Speller, Michael Hofreiter & Turi E. King - 2013 - Bioessays 35 (8):690-695.
    The great majority of phenotypic characteristics are complex traits, complicating the identification of the genes underlying their expression. However, both methodological and theoretical progress in genome‐wide association studies have resulted in a much better understanding of the underlying genetics of many phenotypic traits, including externally visible characteristics (EVCs) such as eye and hair color. Consequently, it has become possible to predict EVCs from human samples lacking phenotypic information. Predicting EVCs from genetic evidence is clearly appealing for (...)
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    Vertane Chancen? Die aktuelle politische Debatte um Erweiterte DNA‐Analysen in Ermittlungsverfahren.Veronika Lipphardt - 2018 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 41 (3):279-301.
    Wasted Chances? The Current Political Debate on DNA Phenotyping and Biogeographical Ancestry Analysis in Criminal Investigation in Germany. This paper discusses diverse understandings of ‘responsible science’ in heated political debates. It takes a current public debate around a German law amendment draft concerning the use of novel forensic genetic techniques, namely DNA‐phenotyping and biogeographical ancestry analysis, as an example. A distinction is being made between an understanding that emphasizes scientific debate and precision, and another one that focuses on political agency. (...)
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    Ethical, legal and social implications of forensic molecular phenotyping in South Africa.Nandi Slabbert & Laura Jane Heathfield - 2018 - Developing World Bioethics 18 (2):171-181.
    Conventional forensic DNA analysis involves a matching principle, which compares DNA profiles from evidential samples to those from reference samples of known origin. In casework, however, the accessibility to a reference sample is not guaranteed which limits the use of DNA as an investigative tool. This has led to the development of phenotype prediction, which uses SNP analysis to estimate the physical appearance of the sample donor. Physical traits, such as eye, hair and skin colour, have been associated with certain (...)
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    Time and the Idea of Time.Oliver A. Johnson - 1989 - Hume Studies 15 (1):205-219.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:205 TIME AND THE IDEA OF TIME Hume entitled Part II of Book I of the Treatise "Of the Ideas of Space and Time." Students of this most obscure Part of the Book are aware, however, that he spends little time in it on time. The main reason for his concentration on space. is polemical. In Part II his primary object is to exhibit the contradictions and absurdities implicit (...)
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    The Lore Dımensıons of Islamıc Art.Kadir ÖZKÖSE - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (3):955-971.
    In this article, it is often pointed out to a more specific area by using the term Ṣūfi art on the basis of the aforementioned understanding. Thus, an analytic approach is adopted along with the usage of deductive method, and a layer of meaning is tried to be established through criticism and analysis. Firstly, a basic framework was constructed by mentioning the origins of Ṣūfi art. Then the attention was drawn to the sacredness included in Ṣūfi art in terms of (...)
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  8. The Consecration of History: an Essay On the Genealogy of the Historical Consciousness: To Jean Ullmo.Kostas Papaioannou & Wells F. Chamberlin - 1960 - Diogenes 8 (31):29-55.
    How did it become possible to philosophize about history? Man has generally sought to locate himself in natural space rather than in historical time. The various oriental philosophies give no place to history. “Humanistic” Greece herself, in other respects so eager to explore human conduct in all its characteristic dimensions and in all its aspects, prudently recoiled from anything which might give value to time or cause history to appear as the specifically human mode of existence. No other culture, perhaps, (...)
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    Aristotle on the Etruscan Robbers: A Core Text of "Aristotelian Dualism".A. P. Bos - 2003 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 41 (3):289-306.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Aristotle on the Etruscan Robbers:A Core Text of "Aristotelian Dualism"Abraham P. Bos (bio)1. A Non-Platonic Dualism in Aristotle's Lost WorksThe Soul of a Mortal on Earth is not "At Home," says Aristotle in his dialogue Eudemus. The story about the mantic dream of the expatriate Eudemus and his expectation that he "will return home"1 is well known. It makes clear that, in Aristotle's view, the death of the human (...)
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  10. The Status of a Scientist in the Corporate Culture of the University.Ирина Александровна Савченко - 2025 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 62 (1):148-169.
    The contradictions inherent in the corporate status of a university scientist are being studied. In higher education institutions, employees who are intensively engaged in scientific work make up about a fifth of the teaching staff. The situational study conducted by the author showed that, expressing its attitude towards scientists in its environment, the scientific and educational community is more focused on conditional corporate principles than on encouraging scientific achievements, despite the fact that the latter are important indicators for evaluating the (...)
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    Two Wrongs Make a ‘Right’? Exploring the Ethical Calculus of Earnings Management Before Large Labor Dismissals.Ionela Andreicovici, Nava Cohen, Silvia Ferramosca & Alessandro Ghio - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 172 (2):379-405.
    This paper examines whether firms strategically legitimize large labor dismissals by performing ex-ante downward earnings management. We further assess whether the effect is larger under stakeholder pressure and whether these practices influence the external perception of firms’ behavior. As laying off employees without an economic reason is perceived as a breach of the social contract, stakeholders pressure firms to provide economic justification for LLDs. We argue that firms strategically legitimize LLDs by artificially worsening their financial performance through downward earnings management. (...)
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    Green Practices and Customer Evaluations of the Service Experience: The Moderating Roles of External Environmental Factors and Firm Characteristics.Wei Jiang, Liwen Wang & Kevin Zheng Zhou - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 183 (1):237-253.
    Given that services differ from goods in terms of intangibility, heterogeneity, and inseparability, customers may evaluate green services differently from how they evaluate green goods. Previous research has investigated customers’ perceptions and purchase decisions regarding green products. However, limited attention has been paid to the impact of green practices on customer evaluations of the service experience as well as important contingencies that bear on this relationship. Drawing on stakeholder theory, our study examines the impact of green practices on customer evaluations (...)
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  13. Interactive Effects of External Environmental Conditions and Internal Firm Characteristics on MNEs’ Choice of Strategy in the Development of a Code of Conduct.Linda M. Sama - 2006 - Business Ethics Quarterly 16 (2):137-165.
    Effects of globalization have amplified the magnitude and frequency of corporate abuses, particularly in developing economies where weak or absent rules undermine social norms and principles. Improving multinational enterprises’ (MNEs) ethical conduct is a factor of both the ability of firms to change behaviors in the direction of the moral good, and their willingness to do so. Constraints and enablers of a firm’s ability to act ethically emanate from the external environment, including the industry environment of which the firm is (...)
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  14. A preliminary investigation of the relationship between selected organizational characteristics and external whistleblowing by employees.Tim Barnett - 1992 - Journal of Business Ethics 11 (12):949 - 959.
    Whistleblowing by employees to regulatory agencies and other parties external to the organization can have serious consequences both for the whistleblower and the company involved. Research has largely focused on individual and group variables that affect individuals'' decision to blow the whistle on perceived wrongdoing.This study examined the relationship between selected organizational characteristics and the perceived level of external whistleblowing by employees in 240 organizations. Data collected in a nationwide survey of human resource executives were analyzed using analysis of (...)
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    Silent witness, articulate collective: Dna evidence and the inference of visible traits.Amade M'charek - 2008 - Bioethics 22 (9):519-528.
    DNA profiling is a well-established technology for use in the criminal justice system, both in courtrooms and elsewhere. The fact that DNA profiles are based on non-coding DNA and do not reveal details about the physical appearance of an individual has contributed to the acceptability of this type of evidence. Its success in criminal investigation, combined with major innovations in the field of genetics, have contributed to a change of role for this type of evidence. Nowadays DNA evidence is not (...)
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  16. The visibility of philosophy of science in the sciences, 1980–2018.Mahdi Khelfaoui, Yves Gingras, Mael Lemoine & Thomas Pradeu - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):1-31.
    In this paper, we provide a macro level analysis of the visibility of philosophy of science in the sciences over the last four decades. Our quantitative analysis of publications and citations of philosophy of science papers, published in 17 main journals representing the discipline, contributes to the longstanding debate on the influence of philosophy of science on the sciences. It reveals the global structure of relationships that philosophy of science maintains with science, technology, engineering and mathematics and social sciences and (...)
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  17.  26
    Investigating the Impact of the External Environment and Benchmark Characteristics on the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor’s Construction: A COVID-19 Perspective.Aidi Xu, Abdul Hameed Pitafi & Yunfeng Shang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The economic stability of a country, such as Pakistan is dependent on the construction of mega-projects, such as the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. However, certain external factors and project characteristics may delay the construction of infrastructure projects; scholars have not investigated the development of CPEC from this perspective. In addition, the COVID-19 outbreak has hindered CPEC initiatives. This analysis will examine the effect of external environment factors on CPEC, and benchmark the project’s effects on economic stability through CPEC’s development by (...)
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  18.  24
    EU External Relations and the Law.Marise Cremona - 2015 - In Dennis Patterson, A Companion to European Union Law and International Law. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 371–393.
    This chapter examines the role of law in European Union (EU) external relations from two perspectives. First, it examines the EU as a rule‐based (international) actor Law and focuses mainly on EU law‐ governs both the extent of the European Union's external powers and their exercise, the constitutional foundations of EU external relations and the legal principles that govern external action. Second the chapter turns to the European Union's characteristic use of law as an instrument and objective of its foreign (...)
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    Visible Yet Transparent: The Lens in Nineteenth-Century Photographic Cultures.Andrés Mario Zervigón - 2023 - Critical Inquiry 49 (4):626-662.
    In 1890, the famous Jena Glass Works of Carl Zeiss released the Anastigmat photographic lens to great fanfare. The nearly faultless realism it generated seemed to conclude a chapter in optical technology that had progressed in a predetermined manner since photography’s origins. But why exactly had Zeiss developed its expensive mechanism, and what drove photographers to buy it? This article proposes that the consistent focus and varied depth of field that the Anastigmat provided were not in and of themselves the (...)
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  20. The New Visibility.John B. Thompson - 2005 - Theory, Culture and Society 22 (6):31-51.
    This article examines the characteristics of a new form of visibility which has become a pervasive feature of the modern world and which is linked to the development of communication media. With the development of the media, the visibility of individuals, actions and events is severed from the sharing of a common locale: one no longer has to be present in the same spatial-temporal setting in order to see the other or to witness an action or event. The rise (...)
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  21.  15
    Visible Fictions: Cinema: Television: Video.John Ellis - 2002 - Routledge.
    This revised edition of a standard textbook combines an examination of the cinema and television industries with a detailed analysis of their aesthetic and semiotic characteristics. John Ellis draws on his experience as an independent television producer to provide a comprehensive and challenging overview of the place of film, television and video in our daily lives and their future prospects in a changing media landscape.
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    Visibility of brief images: The dual-process approach.Talis Bachmann - 1997 - Consciousness and Cognition 6 (4):491-518.
    If successive, brief visual images are exposed for recognition or for psychophysical ratings, various effects and phenomena of fast dynamics of conscious perception such as mutual masking, metacontrast, proactive enhancement of contrast, proactive speed-up of the latency of subjective visual experience, the Fröhlich Effect, the Tandem Effect, attentional facilitation by visuospatial precuing, and some others have been found. The theory proposed to deal with these phenomena proceeds from the assumption that two types of brain processes are necessary in order to (...)
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  23.  37
    Characteristics and conflicts in Norwegian agriculture.Reidar Almås - 1989 - Agriculture and Human Values 6 (1-2):127-136.
    This article raises the issue of the extent to which a single nation can develop a “national agricultural policy,” pursuing internal goals in agrarian development, goals that vary significantly from those of other industrialized countries. What are the conflicts arising from such a policy and how do these conflicts interfere with the general agricultural crisis of these countries? The Norwegian case is explored as an example of a blend of social-democratic and center-populist agricultural policies. The decision in 1975 by the (...)
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    Characteristics and practices of “christian-based” companies.Nabil A. Ibrahim, Leslie W. Rue, Patricia P. McDougall & G. Robert Greene - 1991 - Journal of Business Ethics 10 (2):123 - 132.
    There is a sizeable group of self-described Christian companies which have declared their belief in the successful merging of biblical principles with business activities. As these companies have become more visible, an increasing number of anecdotal newspaper and magazine articles about these companies have appeared. Surprisingly, no rigorous research has been conducted prior to our recent study. This article provides national estimates of the size and predominant characteristics of self-identified Christian companies. In addition, the study investigated the types (...)
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    Some personal and social adjustment characteristics associated with differences between externally and phenomenologically derived social class levels of secondary school students.J. Maxson Reeves - 1955 - [Buffalo]: [Buffalo].
  26. Reid’s Direct Realism and Visible Figure.Keith A. Wilson - 2013 - Philosophical Quarterly 63 (253):783-803.
    In his account of visual perception, Thomas Reid describes visible figure as both ‘real and external’ to the eye and as the ‘immediate object of sight’. These claims appear to conflict with Reid's direct realism, since if the ‘immediate’ object of vision is also its direct object, then sight would be perceptually indirect due to the role of visible figure as a perceptual intermediary. I argue that this apparent threat to Reid's direct realism may be resolved by understanding (...)
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    Digital/commercial (in)visibility: The politics of DAESH recruitment videos.Anna Leander - 2017 - European Journal of Social Theory 20 (3):348-372.
    This article explores one aspect of digital politics, the politics of videos and more specifically of DAESH recruitment videos. It proposes a practice theoretical approach to the politics of DAESH recruitment videos focused on the re-production of regimes of (in)visibility. The article develops an argument demonstrating specifically how digital and commercial logics characterize the aesthetic, circulatory, and infrastructuring practices re-producing the regime of (in)visibility. It shows that digital/commercial logics are at the heart of the combinatorial marketing of multiple, contradictory images (...)
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  28.  56
    Firm Characteristics, Industry Context, and Investor Reactions to Environmental CSR: A Stakeholder Theory Approach.James J. Cordeiro & Manish Tewari - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 130 (4):833-849.
    We use an event study to capture the investor reaction to the first Newsweek Green Rankings in September 2009, a notable, multi-dimensional recent development in the rating of corporate environmental CSR performance. Drawing on stakeholder theory, we develop hypotheses about market investor reaction to the disclosure of new, relevant corporate environmental performance in both the short and longer term, whether market investors’ reaction reflects industry context, and whether firm-level contextual variables representing firm size, and market legitimacy significantly impacts the investor (...)
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  29.  30
    Dynamic Characteristic Analysis and Clutch Engagement Test of HMCVT in the High-Power Tractor.Yuan Chen, Yu Qian, Zhixiong Lu, Shuang Zhou, Maohua Xiao, Petr Bartos, Yeping Xiong, Guanghu Jin & Wei Zhang - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-8.
    Hydromechanical continuously variable transmission is capable of bearing large torque and has wide transmission range, which is suitable for high-power tractors. Dynamic characteristics could influence the tractor life, especially in a high-power tractor. Wet clutch is the crucial component in the HMCVT, which could smooth and soft power transmission. Therefore, it is important to study the dynamic characteristics and implement the wet clutch test of HMCVT. In this paper, AMESim is used to establish virtual models of gearbox, pump-controlled (...)
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  30.  14
    L’analogie du visible aux invisibilia Dei.Emmanuel Durand - 2021 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 105 (1):3-72.
    Pour resituer l’analogie théologique dans sa constellation propre, cette étude explore les divers arguments dans lesquels Thomas d’Aquin recourt à Rm 1, 19-20a et/ou à Sg 13, 5. Le passage du visible aux invisibilia Dei est un moment (rationnel) qui a un ressort noétique interne, un fondement externe dans l’expressivité du créé, des vertus et des limites au sein d’une économie de la manifestation de Dieu par le sensible. La connaissance de Dieu par les sages des nations est orientée (...)
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  31.  40
    Characteristics of Confucian Rituals —A Critique of Fan Ruiping’s Interpretation.Chenyang Li - 2014 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 13 (3):407-411.
    In this paper I argue that Fan Ruiping’s explication of the Confucian notion of li 禮 is problematic in several ways. First, his division of human activities into “social” and “natural” is less than illuminating, as human “natural” activities are already inescapably social. Second, I question the appropriateness for him to characterize li in terms of “closed activities,” as some rituals are evidently open-ended. Third, he seems to have overemphasized the constitutive function of li and understated its regulative function. Fourth, (...)
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  32.  44
    Communicating Corporate Social Responsibility: External Stakeholder Involvement, Productivity and Firm Performance.Jing Yang & Kelly Basile - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 178 (2):501-517.
    Assessing the impact of CSR initiatives can be a complex task for marketers given the variety of methods of communicating about CSR as well as the broad range of stakeholders that CSR initiatives might interest. Social media helps increase the visibility and credibility of CSR communication and provides new ways of reaching and involving stakeholders in CSR initiatives. Using data collected and coded from Facebook pages of the Top 100 Global Brands, the authors introduce a new measure of effectiveness for (...)
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    Auditee Religiosity, External Monitoring, and the Pricing of Audit Services.Ferdinand A. Gul & Anthony C. Ng - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 152 (2):409-436.
    Based on prior studies which show that firms headquartered in high religiosity counties exhibit high level of business ethics, this study examines whether these firms are associated with low audit risk, and therefore low audit fees. In investigating this relationship, we draw a distinction between intrinsic and extrinsic religiosity of auditees. Using a sample of 25,872 U.S. observations from 2003 to 2012, we find that intrinsic religiosity of the auditees is associated with low audit fees after controlling for auditee extrinsic (...)
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  34. Projecting sensations to external objects: Evidence from skin conductance response.V. S. Ramachandran - unknown
    Subjects perceived touch sensations as arising from a table (or a rubber hand) when both the table (or the rubber hand) and their own real hand were repeatedly tapped and stroked in synchrony with the real hand hidden from view. If the table or rubber hand was then ‘injured’, subjects displayed a strong skin conductance response (SCR) even though nothing was done to the real hand. Sensations could even be projected to anatomically impossible locations. The illusion was much less vivid, (...)
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  35.  27
    A Tsunami of Love: Overcoming the Violence of Curiosity—The Lived Experiences of Young Adults Born with Variations of Sex Characteristics.Eva De Clercq - 2021 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 14 (2):11-35.
    This study provides insight into the experiences of young adults born with variations of sex characteristics to identify aspects of care and social support that need improvement. Semi-structured interviews with intersex youths in Switzerland were analyzed using interpretative, phenomenological analysis. Young adults desire timely, patient-centered information about their diagnoses. Peer support is key to delivering high-quality care but rarely systematically implemented. Intersex youth often face misrepresentation, stigma, and discrimination in medical settings and in society. Increased visibility alone cannot tackle (...)
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    Taking Internal Advantage of External Events - Two Astronomical Examples From Nineteenth Century Portugal.Vitor Bonifácio, Isabel Malaquias & João Fernandes - 2009 - Centaurus 51 (3):213-234.
    A country‘s development is bound to be influenced by external occurrences. This article analyses two astronomical examples in which Portuguese nationals used high visibility events in the international scientific community to press their own scientific interests upon the government, whether these interests were, or were not, directly linked to the events themselves.During the 1840s and 1850s the parallax, i.e. the distance, of Groombridge’s star 1830 was hotly debated. The astronomer Hervé Faye‘s suggestion at the Académie des Sciences de Paris that (...)
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  37. Water absorption, capillarity action, and materials composition of different bricks and panels as part of the external coating of buildings. Case study: Tirana, Albania. (5th edition).Klodjan Xhexhi & Besnik Aliaj - 2024 - 5Th International Conference on Environmental Design and Health (Iced2024) 585:6.
    The article aims to provide insight into the water absorption, capillarity action, and material composition of various bricks and panels used as external coatings for buildings. The materials analyzed include silicate brick, red clay brick, normal clay hollow brick, concrete block, and EPS fibre cement composite wall panel. These types of bricks and panels are widely used in buildings in Albania, making their water absorption characteristics and hygroscopic moisture levels important factors to consider for future applications. The study is (...)
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    Induced feelings of external influence during instructed imaginations in healthy subjects.Kathrin N. Eckstein, David Rosenbaum, Nadine Zehender, Sonja Pleiss, Sharon Platzbecker, Anne Martinelli, Matthias L. Herrmann & Dirk Wildgruber - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The psychopathological phenomenon of delusions of influence comprises variable disturbances of the self-environment-border leading to the feeling of external influence on thoughts, feelings, impulses or behaviors. Delusions of influence are a hallmark in psychotic illness, but nevertheless, attenuated forms can also appear in healthy individuals. Here we present a newly developed paradigm to induce and assess feelings of external influence during instructed imaginations in healthy individuals. In the current study, we asked 60 healthy individuals to visually imagine different objects. To (...)
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    Do Immediate External Rewards Really Enhance Intrinsic Motivation?Yuxia Liu, Yang Yang, Xue Bai, Yujie Chen & Lei Mo - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Researchers have conducted many studies on the relationship between external rewards and intrinsic motivation. A recent study showed that, compared with delayed rewards, rewards delivered immediately after the experiment enhanced the participants’ intrinsic motivation. However, this study did not rule out the possibility of a misattribution effect of extrinsic motivation. The present research conducted three studies to explore whether immediate rewards actually enhance intrinsic motivation. To rule out the interference of the misattribution effect of extrinsic motivation, according to the different (...)
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    Just One of the Guys?: How Transmen Make Gender Visible at Work.Kristen Schilt - 2006 - Gender and Society 20 (4):465-490.
    This article examines the reproduction of gendered workplace inequalities through in-depth interviews with female-to-male transsexuals. Many FTMs enter the workforce as women and then transition to become men, an experience that can provide them with an “outsider-within” perspective on the “patriarchal dividend”—the advantages men in general gain from the subordination of women. Many of the respondents in this article find themselves, as men, receiving more authority, reward, and respect in the workplace than they received as women, even when they remain (...)
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    Making knowledge visible in discourse: Implications for the study of linguistic evidentiality.Ilana Mushin - 2013 - Discourse Studies 15 (5):627-645.
    Linguistic studies of evidentiality, the coding of source of knowledge, have often appeared divided into two camps: those whose focus is the semantic, morphological and typological characteristics of grammaticalized morphological evidential systems, and those whose focus is on the social functions of non-grammaticalized evidential constructions as markers of epistemic authority and responsibility. While interest in the discourse functions of all evidential systems has been growing as seen in the recent special issue of the journal Pragmatics and Society on ‘Evidentiality (...)
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    Action Attenuates the Effect of Visibility on Gesture Rates.Autumn B. Hostetter - 2014 - Cognitive Science 38 (7):1468-1481.
    Much evidence suggests that semantic characteristics of a message (e.g., the extent to which the message evokes thoughts of spatial or motor properties) and social characteristics of a speaking situation (e.g., whether there is a listener who can see the speaker) both influence how much speakers gesture. However, the Gesture as Simulated Action (GSA) framework (Hostetter & Alibali, ) predicts that these effects should not be independent but should interact such that the effect of visibility is lessened when (...)
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    Internal and External Questions about God: ROBIN LE POIDEVIN.Robin Le Poidevin - 1995 - Religious Studies 31 (4):485-500.
    Characteristic of metaphysics are general questions of existence, such as ‘Are there numbers?’ This kind of question is the target of Carnap's argument for deflationism, to the effect that general existential questions, if taken at face value, are meaningless. This paper considers deflationism in a theological context, and argues that the question ‘Does God exist?’ can appropriately be grouped with the ‘metaphysical’ questions attacked by Carnap. Deflationism thus has the surprising consequence that the correct approach to theism is that of (...)
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    The Body as Outlaw: Lyotard, Kafka and the Visible Human Project.Neal Curtis - 1999 - Body and Society 5 (2-3):249-266.
    In this article, I explore the differend between the body and the law, without conceiving the body as a material or natural object external to the rules of discourse. To do this I use Jean-François Lyotard's reflections on Franz Kafka's short story `In the Penal Colony' to reflect on the bodily mode of exposure to sensibility: that is, aesthesis. This exposure comes `before' the law and is radically heterogeneous to the binary organizations of discourse, and not simply its other. This (...)
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    Parameters of social preference functions: measurement and external validity.Christoph Graf, Rudolf Vetschera & Yingchao Zhang - 2013 - Theory and Decision 74 (3):357-382.
    Most of the existing literature on social preferences either tests whether certain characteristics of the social context influence individual decisions, or tries to estimate parameters of social preference functions describing such behavior at the level of the entire population. In the present paper, we are concerned with measuring parameters of social preference functions at the individual level. We draw upon concepts developed for eliciting other types of utility functions, in particular the literature on decision making under incomplete information. Our (...)
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  46.  13
    Thinking out of sight: writings on the arts of the visible.Jacques Derrida - 2021 - London: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Ginette Michaud, Joana Masó, Javier Bassas & Laurent Milesi.
    Derrida is one of the few Continental philosopher-critics as esteemed for his writings about visual topics as for his attention to more textually based subjects. This volume collects key and scarce writings about the making and apprehension of "visual objects," though the chief focus is on drawing, painting, and photography (with sorties into video and film). What preoccupied Derrida when it came to the visual arts is visibility: what does a pencil actually trace-make visible- when someone is making a (...)
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    Shaping the External Environment.Ronald G. Cook & David Barry - 1995 - Business and Society 34 (3):317-344.
    Using a qualitative, grounded theory approach, this study examined the public policy interactions of small firms. The small firms' cognitive understanding and sensemaking approaches to government are revealed through an examination of successful and failed influence attempts. Embedded in these attempts, a set of factors (Issue Characteristics and Influence Process) were discovered, which affect the outcome of an influence effort. Issue Characteristics reflected attributes chief executive officers (CEOs) looked for when examining an issue and include Issue Impact, Issue (...)
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    The Nature of the Reward and Punishment in the Hereafter in Terms of the Method the Visible As an Evidence for the Invisible in Māturīdī.Nail Karagöz - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (2):875-892.
    The vast majority of theologians accept true news, sound senses and healthy working mind as sources of knowledge. Due to the fact that the mind is counted among the sources of knowledge, reason-based evidence has been used in many subjects. It is known that Māturīdī was the first theologian who dealt with the mentioned sources of knowledge in his work. At the very beginning of his Kitāb al-Tawhīd, he determined the ways of acquiring knowledge as correct news, sound senses and (...)
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    Embodied Rationality as a Mode of the Visibility of Ethics (To the Question of the Toolkit of Constructivism).Olga Dolska & Viktoria Lobas - 2021 - Filosofiya-Philosophy 30 (2):126-138.
    Emphasizing a keen interest in the corporeal/bodily in its dynamics and its cognitive characteristics, the authors show that the appeal to the corporeal as a cognitive option changes the understanding and perception of such traditional phenomena as the world, reality, space, things. The proposition that the subject constructs the world, and our bodily experience is determined by the word and constructed by discursive contexts, looks incomplete: its limited nature requires some additions. The authors underline that the study of human (...)
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    Idealization and external symbolic storage: the epistemic and technical dimensions of theoretic cognition.Peter Woelert - 2012 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 11 (3):335-366.
    This paper explores some of the constructive dimensions and specifics of human theoretic cognition, combining perspectives from (Husserlian) genetic phenomenology and distributed cognition approaches. I further consult recent psychological research concerning spatial and numerical cognition. The focus is on the nexus between the theoretic development of abstract, idealized geometrical and mathematical notions of space and the development and effective use of environmental cognitive support systems. In my discussion, I show that the evolution of the theoretic cognition of space apparently follows (...)
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