Results for 'food ethics public debates'

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  1.  98
    The Routledge Handbook of Food Ethics.Mary C. Rawlinson & Caleb Ward (eds.) - 2016 - London: Routledge.
    While the history of philosophy has traditionally given scant attention to food and the ethics of eating, in the last few decades the subject of food ethics has emerged as a major topic, encompassing a wide array of issues, including labor justice, public health, social inequity, animal rights and environmental ethics. This handbook provides a much needed philosophical analysis of the ethical implications of the need to eat and the role that food plays (...)
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    Ethics and responsibilisation in agri-food governance: the single-use plastics debate and strategies to introduce reusable coffee cups in UK retail chains.Damian Maye, James Kirwan & Gianluca Brunori - 2019 - Agriculture and Human Values 36 (2):301-312.
    This paper extends arguments about the potential for reflexive governance in agri-food sustainability by linking food ethics to the notion of ‘unintended consequences’ and ‘responsibilisation’. Analysis of sustainable consumption governance shows the way authorities and intermediaries use food waste reduction projects to ‘responsibilise’ the consumer, including recent examples of shared responsibility. This paper takes this argument further by developing a ‘strategies of responsibilisation’ framework that connects relations between food system outcomes, problematisation in public discourse (...)
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    The food debate: Ethical versus substantial equivalence. [REVIEW]Sylvie Pouteau - 2002 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 15 (3):289-303.
    Substantial equivalence has beenintroduced to assess novel foods, includinggenetically modified food, by means ofcomparison with traditional food. Besides anumber of objections concerning its scientificvalidity for risk assessment, the maindifficulty with SE is that it implies that foodcan be qualified on a purely substantial basis.SE embodies the assumption that only reductivescientific arguments are legitimate fordecision-making in public policy due to theemphasis on legal issues. However, the surge ofthe food debate clearly shows that thistechnocratic model is not accepted (...)
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    The debate over food biotechnology in the united states: Is a societal consensus achievable?Edward Groth - 2001 - Science and Engineering Ethics 7 (3):327-346.
    Unless the public comes to agree that the benefits of food biotechnology are desirable and the associated risks are acceptable, our society may fail to realize much of the potential benefits. Three historical cases of major technological innovations whose benefits and risks were the subject of heated public controversy are examined, in search of lessons that may suggest a path toward consensus in the biotechnology debate. In each of the cases—water fluoridation, nuclear power and pesticides—proponents of the (...)
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    Public Concerns in the United Kingdom about General and Specific Applications of Genetic Engineering: Risk, Benefit, and Ethics.Richard Shepherd, Chaya Howard & Lynn J. Frewer - 1997 - Science, Technology and Human Values 22 (1):98-124.
    The repertory grid method was used to determine what terminology respondents use to distinguish between different applications of genetic engineering drawn from food- related, agricultural, and medical applications. Respondents were asked to react to fifteen applications phrased in general terms, and results compared with a second study where fifteen more specific applications were used as stimuli. Both sets of data were submitted to generalized Procrustes analysis. Applications associated with animals or human genetic material were described as causing ethical concern, (...)
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  6.  36
    Identifying public trust building priorities of gene editing in agriculture and food.Christopher Cummings, Theresa Selfa, Sonja Lindberg & Carmen Bain - 2024 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (1):47-60.
    Gene editing in agriculture and food (GEAF) is a nascent development with few products and is unfamiliar among the wider US public. GEAF has garnered significant praise for its potential to solve for a variety of agronomic problems but has also evoked controversy regarding safety and ethical standards of development and application. Given the wake of other agribiotechnology debates including GMOs (genetically modified organisms), this study made use of 36 in-depth key interviews to build the first U.S. (...)
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  7.  24
    Local food systems, citizen and public science, empowered communities, and democracy: hopes deserving to live.William Lacy - 2022 - Agriculture and Human Values 40 (1):1-17.
    Since 1984, the AHV journal has provided a key forum for a community of interdisciplinary, international researchers, educators, and policy makers to analyze and debate core issues, values and hopes facing the nation and the world, and to recommend strategies and actions for addressing them. This agenda includes the more specific challenges and opportunities confronting agriculture, food systems, science, and communities, as well as broader contextual issues and grand challenges. This paper draws extensively on 40 years of AHV journal (...)
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    Ethical tools to support systematic public deliberations about the ethical aspects of agricultural biotechnologies.Volkert Beekman & Frans W. A. Brom - 2007 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 20 (1):3-12.
    This special issue of the Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics presents so-called ethical tools that are developed to support systematic public deliberations about the ethical aspects of agricultural biotechnologies. This paper firstly clarifies the intended connotations of the term “ethical tools” and argues that such tools can support liberal democracies to cope with the issues that are raised by the application of genetic modification and other modern biotechnologies in agriculture and food production. The paper secondly characterizes (...)
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  9.  15
    An Ethical Toolkit for Food Companies: Reflections on its Use.M. Deblonde, R. Graaff & F. Brom - 2007 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 20 (1):99-118.
    Nowadays many debates are going on that relate to the agricultural and food sector. It looks as if present technological and organizational developments within the agricultural and food sector are badly geared to societal needs and expectations. In this article we briefly present a toolkit for moral communication within the food chain. This toolkit is developed as part of a European research project. Next, we discuss what such a toolkit can bring about, given the characteristics of (...)
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  10.  73
    Taking consumers seriously: Two concepts of consumer sovereignty. [REVIEW]Michiel Korthals - 2000 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 14 (2):201-215.
    Governments, producers, and international free tradeorganizations like the World Trade Organization (WTO) areincreasingly confronted with consumers who not only buy (or don'tbuy) goods, but also demand that those goods are producedconforming to certain ethical (often diverse) standards. Not onlysafety and health belong to these ethical ideals, but animalwelfare, environmental concerns, labor circumstances, and fairtrade. However, this phantom haunts the dusty world of social andpolitical philosophy as well. The new concept ``consumersovereignty'' bypasses the conceptual dichotomy of consumer andcitizen.According to the narrow (...)
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  11.  17
    Diets, Diseases, and Discourse: Lessons from COVID-19 for Trade in Wildlife, Public Health, and Food Systems Reform.Adam R. Houston & Angela Lee - 2020 - Food Ethics 5 (1-2).
    The COVID-19 pandemic has brought to light significant failures and fragilities in our food, health, and market systems. Concomitantly, it has emphasized the urgent need for a critical re-evaluation of many of the policies and practices that have created the conditions in which viral pathogens can spread. However, there are many factors that are complicating this process; among others, the uncertain, rapidly evolving, and often poorly reported science surrounding the virus’ origins has contributed to a politically charged and often (...)
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  12.  30
    (2 other versions)Public Health Ethics.Stephen Holland - 2007 - Hoboken, NJ: Polity.
    How far should we go in protecting and promoting public health? Can we force people to give up unhealthy habits and make healthier choices, or does everyone have the right to decide their own lifestyle? Should we stop treating smokers who refuse to give up smoking? Should we put a tax on fatty foods and ban vending machines in schools to address the obesity epidemic? Should parents be required to have their children vaccinated? Are some of our screening programmes (...)
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  13.  38
    Gene technology, food production, and public opinion: A UK study. [REVIEW]Paul Sparks, Richard Shepherd & Lynn J. Frewer - 1994 - Agriculture and Human Values 11 (1):19-28.
    In this paper, dimensions of the debate surrounding the application of gene technology to food production are discussed and a study assessing perceptions of the technology among a sample of the UK public (n = 1499) is reported. The general picture that emerges from the study is one of people expressing low familiarity with the technology, with more people associating it with high risks than with low risks, and more people expecting it to provide low benefits than high (...)
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  14.  51
    Opening the debate on deep brain stimulation for Alzheimer disease – a critical evaluation of rationale, shortcomings, and ethical justification.Merlin Bittlinger & Sabine Müller - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):1-23.
    Deep brain stimulation (DBS) as investigational intervention for symptomatic relief from Alzheimer disease (AD) has generated big expectations. Our aim is to discuss the ethical justification of this research agenda by examining the underlying research rationale as well as potential methodological pitfalls. The shortcomings we address are of high ethical importance because only scientifically valid research has the potential to be ethical. We performed a systematic search on MEDLINE and EMBASE. We included 166 publications about DBS for AD into the (...)
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  15.  50
    Novel foods and consumer rights: Concerning food policy in a liberal state. [REVIEW]Klaus Peter Rippe - 2000 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 12 (1):71-80.
    In the public debate concerning novel foods, someconsumer groups claim a consumer right to have accessto certain kinds of food in the market. To discusssuch statements, the paper identifies the reasons thatmay justify liberal states to regulate food. Althoughit defends certain paternalistic activities, itfavours an autonomy-centred food policy. Autonomy andconsumer sovereignty require that certain conditionsare fulfilled. It may be argued that one suchcondition is that the consumer should have choices.Against this position, the paper defends the view (...)
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  16.  28
    A Framework for Thawing Value Conflicts in the GMO Debate.Samantha Noll - 2020 - In Shannon Vallor (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Technology. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, Usa. pp. 50-90.
    This chapter explores the ethical dimensions of one of the most contentious applications of agricultural biotechnology: the genetic modification of food products. While the development of genetically modified breeds and seeds has many advantages, the public has consistently expressed worries concerning the adoption of genetically modified organisms. The first section of this chapter uses the AquAdvantage salmon debate in the United States to highlight the most common concerns discussed in current labeling debates, from the potential for environmental (...)
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  17.  45
    An ethical toolkit for food companies: Reflections on its use. [REVIEW]M. Deblonde, R. de Graaff & F. Brom - 2007 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 20 (1):99-118.
    Nowadays many debates are going on that relate to the agricultural and food sector. It looks as if present technological and organizational developments within the agricultural and food sector are badly geared to societal needs and expectations. In this article we briefly present a toolkit for moral communication within the food chain. This toolkit is developed as part of a European research project. Next, we discuss what such a toolkit can bring about, given the characteristics of (...)
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  18.  52
    Food poverty, food waste and the consensus frame on charitable food redistribution in Italy.Sabrina Arcuri - 2019 - Agriculture and Human Values 36 (2):263-275.
    Food poverty and food waste are two major contemporary food system problems, which have gained prominence amongst both scholars and policy-makers, due to recent economic and environmental concerns. In this context, the culturally dominant perspective portrays charitable food redistribution as a “win–win solution” to confront food poverty and food waste in affluent societies, although this view is contested by many scholars. This paper applies the notions of framings and flat/sharp keyings to unpack the different (...)
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  19.  53
    Farming ethics in practice: from freedom to professional moral autonomy for farmers.Franck L. B. Meijboom & Frans R. Stafleu - 2016 - Agriculture and Human Values 33 (2):403-414.
    Food production, water management, land use, and animal and public health are all topics of extensive public debate. These themes are linked to the core activities of the agricultural sector, and more specifically to the work of farmers. Nonetheless, the ethical discussions are mostly initiated by interest groups in society rather than by farmers. At least in Europe, consumer organizations and animal welfare and environmental organizations are more present in the public debate than farmers. This is (...)
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  20.  64
    Trust, food, and health. Questions of trust at the interface between food and health.Franck L. B. Meijboom - 2007 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 20 (3):231-245.
    The food sector and health sector become more and more intertwined. This raises many possibilities, but also questions. One of them is the question of what the implication is for public trust in food and health issues. In this article, I argue that the products on the interface between food and health entails some serious questions of trust. Trust in food products and medical products is often based upon a long history of rather clear patterns (...)
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  21. Food aid and the famine relief argument (brief return).Paul B. Thompson - 2010 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 23 (3):209-227.
    Recent publications by Pogge ( Global ethics: seminal essays. St. Paul: Paragon House 2008 ) and by Singer ( The life you can save: acting now to end world poverty. New York: Random House 2009 ) have resuscitated a debate over the justifiability of famine relief between Singer and ecologist Garrett Hardin in the 1970s. Yet that debate concluded with a general recognition that (a) general considerations of development ethics presented more compelling ethical problems than famine relief; and (...)
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  22.  54
    New Food Technologies in Europe, India and China.David Coles, Sachin Chaturvedi, Qiang Li & Miltos Ladikas - 2014 - In Coles David, Chaturvedi Sachin, Li Qiang & Ladikas Miltos (eds.). pp. 111-124.
    The use of technology and innovation in developing long-term global food security, and ensuring sustainable and adequate food production, is contextualized by values and controversies associated with food technologies. The framing and context of these technologies may impact on consumer perceptions and acceptance. In some countries this can influence policy decisions. Analysis of the public discourses on the themes of innovation, risk, power and control, and their socio-economic and ethical implications, is applied to explain the utility (...)
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  23.  51
    Parents' and Children's Perceptions of the Ethics of Marketing Energy-Dense Nutrient-Poor Foods on the Internet: Implications for Policy to Restrict Children's Exposure.K. P. Mehta, J. Coveney, P. Ward & E. Handsley - 2014 - Public Health Ethics 7 (1):21-34.
    Children’s exposure to the marketing of energy-dense nutrient-poor (EDNP) foods is a public health concern and marketing investment is known to be shifting to non-broadcast media, such as the Internet. This paper examines the perceptions of parents and children on ethical aspects of food marketing to which children are exposed. The research used qualitative methods with parent-child (aged between 8–13 years), from South Australia. Thirteen parent-child pairs participated in this research. Ethical concerns raised by parents and children included, (...)
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    Subversive Future Seeks Like-Minded Model: On the Mismatch between Visions of Food Sovereignty Futures and Quantified Scenarios of Global Food Futures.Yashar Saghai - 2021 - Ethics and International Affairs 35 (1):51-67.
    Will we, by 2050, be able to feed a rapidly growing population with healthy and sustainably grown food in a world threatened by systemic environmental crises? There are too many uncertainties for us to predict the long-term evolution of the global agri-food system, but we can explore a wide range of futures to inform policymaking and public debate on the future of food. This is typically done by creating scenarios and quantifying them with computer simulation models (...)
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    Food System Fragility and Resilience in the Aftermath of Disruption and Controversy.Robert M. Chiles - 2016 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 29 (6):1021-1042.
    Discussions about “disruptive” food controversies abound in popular and academic literatures, particularly with respect to meat production and consumption, yet there is little scholarship examining what makes an event disruptive in the first instance. Filling this gap will improve our understanding of how food controversies unfold and why certain issues may be more likely to linger in the public consciousness as opposed to others. I address these questions by using focus groups and in-depth interviews to analyze five (...)
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  26. Ethics in the societal debate on genetically modified organisms: A (re)quest for sense and sensibility. [REVIEW]Yann Devos, Pieter Maeseele, Dirk Reheul, Linda Van Speybroeck & Danny De Waele - 2008 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 21 (1):29-61.
    Via a historical reconstruction, this paper primarily demonstrates how the societal debate on genetically modified organisms (GMOs) gradually extended in terms of actors involved and concerns reflected. It is argued that the implementation of recombinant DNA technology out of the laboratory and into civil society entailed a “complex of concerns.” In this complex, distinctions between environmental, agricultural, socio-economic, and ethical issues proved to be blurred. This fueled the confusion between the wider debate on genetic modification and the risk assessment of (...)
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  27.  48
    Food waste reduction and food poverty alleviation: a system dynamics conceptual model.Francesca Galli, Alessio Cavicchi & Gianluca Brunori - 2019 - Agriculture and Human Values 36 (2):289-300.
    The contradictions between food poverty affecting a large section of the global population and the everyday wastage of food, particularly in high income countries, have raised significant academic and public attention. All actors in the food chain have a role to play in food waste prevention and reduction, including farmers, food manufacturers and processors, caterers and retailers and ultimately consumers. Food surplus redistribution is considered by many as a partial solution to food (...)
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    Argumentation theory and GM foods.Miltos Ladikas & Doris Schroeder - 2005 - Poiesis and Praxis 3 (3):216-225.
    The European debate around genetically modified foods was one of the most sustained and ardent public discussions in the late 1990s. Concerns about risks to human health and the environment were voiced alongside claims that healthier foods can be produced more efficiently and in a more environmentally friendly manner using the new technology. The aims of this paper are to test the usefulness of Stephen Toulmin’s argumentation model for the analysis of public debates almost 50 years after (...)
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  29.  60
    Crop Biotechnology for the Environment?Sven Ove Hansson & Karin Joelsson - 2013 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 26 (4):759-770.
    In public debates, agricultural biotechnology is almost invariably discussed as a potential threat to the environment and to human health. Without downplaying the risks associated with this technology we emphasize that if properly regulated, it can be a forceful tool to solve environmental problems and promote human health. Agricultural biotechnology can reduce environmental problems in at least three ways: it can diminish the need for environmentally damaging agricultural practices such as pesticides, fertilizers, tillage, and irrigation. It can reduce (...)
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  30. X-Novel, Natural, Nutritious: Towards a Philosophy of Food.Ruth Chadwick - 2000 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 100 (2):193-208.
    The possibilities of genetic engineering, particularly as applied to human beings, have provoked considerable debate for over two decades, but more recently the focus of public concern, at least, has turned to genetically modified food. Food has occasionally caught the attention of philosophers and bioethicists but is now ripe for further attention in the light of the implications of GM for policy in health, economics and politics. Macer has identified opposing reactions to novel foods—to prefer to eat (...)
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    The political import of intrinsic objections to genetically engineered food.Robert Streiffer & Thomas Hedemann - 2005 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 18 (2):191-210.
    Many people object to genetically engineerehd (GE) food because they believe that it is unnatural or that its creation amounts to playing God. These objections are often referred to as intrinsic objections, and they have been widely criticized in the agricultural bioethics literature as being unsound, incompatible with modern science, religious, inchoate, and based on emotion instead of reason. Many of their critics also argue that even if these objections did have some merit as ethicalobjections, their quasi-religious nature means (...)
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  32.  54
    Governance in the Global Agro-food System: Backlighting the Role of Transnational Supermarket Chains.Jason Konefal, Michael Mascarenhas & Maki Hatanaka - 2005 - Agriculture and Human Values 22 (3):291-302.
    With the proliferation of private standards many significant decisions regarding public health risks, food safety, and environmental impacts are increasingly taking place in the backstage of the global agro-food system. Using an analytical framework grounded in political economy, we explain the rise of private standards and specific actors – notably supermarkets – in the restructuring of agro-food networks. We argue that the global, political-economic, capitalist transformation – globalization – is a transition from a Fordist regime to (...)
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  33.  74
    Considering animals: Kheel's nature ethics and animal debates in ecofeminism.Noël Sturgeon - 2009 - Ethics and the Environment 14 (2):pp. 153-162.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Considering AnimalsKheel's Nature Ethics and Animal Debates in EcofeminismNoël Sturgeon (bio)How we treat the use of animals by humans for sport, experimentation or food has been controversial within ecofeminism. While it is fair to say that all ecofeminists agree that factory farming and cruel treatment of animals is morally wrong, universal arguments for vegetarianism or veganism have been, if one forgives the metaphor, a bone of (...)
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  34.  9
    Eating Anxiety: The Perils of Food Politics.Chad Lavin - 2013 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    Debates about obesity are really about the meaning of responsibility. The trend toward local foods reflects the changing nature of space due to new communication technologies. Vegetarian theory capitalizes on biotechnology’s challenge to the meaning of species. And food politics, as this book makes powerfully clear, is actually about the political anxieties surrounding globalization. In _Eating Anxiety_, Chad Lavin argues that our culture’s obsession with diet, obesity, meat, and local foods enacts ideological and biopolitical responses to perceived threats (...)
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    Do we need Berlin walls or chinese walls between research, public consultation, and advice? New public responsibilities for life scientists.Michiel Korthals - 2003 - Journal of Academic Ethics 1 (4):385-395.
    During the coming decades, life scientists will become involved more than ever in the public and private lives of patients and consumers, as health and food sciences shift from a collective approach towards individualization, from a curative to a preventive approach, and from being driven by desires rather than by technology. This means that the traditional relationships between the activities of life scientists – conducting research, advising industry, governments, and patients/consumers, consulting the public, and prescribing products, be (...)
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    Improving the agri-food biotechnology conversation: bridging science communication with science and technology studies.Garrett M. Broad - 2023 - Agriculture and Human Values 40 (3):929-938.
    At a time when agri-food biotechnologies are receiving a surge of investment, innovation, and public interest in the United States, it is common to hear both supporters and critics call for open and inclusive dialogue on the topic. Social scientists have a potentially important role to play in these discursive engagements, but the legacy of the intractable genetically modified (GM) food debate calls for some reflection regarding the best ways to shape the norms of that conversation. This (...)
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  37.  52
    Healthy Eating Policy and Political Philosophy: A Public Reason Approach.Anne Barnhill & Matteo Bonotti - 2021 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Edited by Matteo Bonotti.
    Who gets to decide what it means to live a healthy lifestyle, and how important a healthy lifestyle is to a good life? As more governments make preventing obesity and diet-related illness a priority, it's become more important to consider the ethics and acceptability of their efforts. When it comes to laws and policies that promote healthy eating--such as special taxes on sugary drinks and the banning of food deemed unhealthy--critics argue that these policies are paternalistic, and that (...)
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  38.  42
    Famine Ethics.Olivier Rubin - 2019 - Food Ethics 4 (2):123-138.
    This paper revitalizes the debate of an ethics of contemporary famine. Famine constitutes a distinct development challenge that has only received moderate public and academic attention. Singer’s Famine Relief Argument from 1972 emphasizing a strong obligation of charitable benevolence towards victims of famine, for example, continues to constitute the dominant ethical principle of famine. The paper argues this revisionary principle still constitutes a strong and convincing ethical argument. However, the dynamics of contemporary famine makes it necessary to expand (...)
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    Business ethics.Michael Shally-Jensen (ed.) - 2019 - Amenia, NY: Grey House Publishing.
    efining Documents in American History: Business Ethics offers an in-depth analysis of 67 primary source documents at the foundation of the study of business ethics. These include letters, newspaper accounts, book excerpts, speeches, political debates, testimony, firsthand accounts, memoirs, court rulings, legal texts, legislative acts, excerpts from both fiction and nonfiction books, and dialogues from dramatic works. More and more, the specific ethics policies that have many businesses and corporations developed in the 1970s and 80s are (...)
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    Food ethics: A critique of some islamic perspectives on genetically modified food.Mariam al-Attar - 2017 - Zygon 52 (1):53-75.
    This article critiques some Islamic approaches to food ethics and the debate over genetically modified food. Food ethics is a branch of bioethics, and is an emerging field in Islamic bioethics. The article critically analyzes the arguments of the authors who wrote in favor of genetically modified organisms from an Islamic perspective, and those who wrote against GMOs, also from an Islamic perspective. It reveals the theological and the epistemological foundations of the two main approaches. (...)
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    The impact of BSE and FMD on ethics and democratic process.Jo Murphy-Lawless - 2004 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 17 (4-5):385-403.
    The recent crises of BSE and FMD in the United Kingdom have revealed widespread concerns on the part of farmers and consumers about government regulations and handling of animal movements, animal welfare, and food safety. Both crises raised issues of government accountability and the lack of openness in public debate. The issues of democratic process and decision-making were especially strong in relation to the mass slaughter policy of the government to control FMD. This article explores public disquiet (...)
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    Mapping the public debate on ethical concerns: algorithms in mainstream media.Balbir S. Barn - 2019 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 18 (1):124-139.
    Purpose Algorithms are in the mainstream media news on an almost daily basis. Their context is invariably artificial intelligence and machine learning decision-making. In media articles, algorithms are described as powerful, autonomous actors that have a capability of producing actions that have consequences. Despite a tendency for deification, the prevailing critique of algorithms focuses on ethical concerns raised by decisions resulting from algorithmic processing. However, the purpose of this paper is to propose that the ethical concerns discussed are limited in (...)
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    The struggle over functional foods: Justice and the social meaning of functional foods. [REVIEW]Michiel Korthals - 2001 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 15 (3):313-324.
    The social and scientific debate overfunctional foods has two focal points: one isthe issue of the reliability andtrustworthiness of the claims connected withfunctional foods. You don't have to be asuspicious person to be skeptical vis-à-visthe rather exorbitant claims of most functionalfoods. They promise prevention against allkinds of illnesses and enhancement ofachievements like memory and vision, withouthaving been tested adequately. The second issueis the issue of the socio-cultural dimension offunctional foods and their so calleddetrimental effect on the social and normativemeanings of (...)
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  44.  19
    Healthy Eating Policy, Public Reason, and the Common Good.Donald B. Thompson - 2023 - Food Ethics 8 (2):1-20.
    The contribution of food and diet to health is much disputed in the background culture in the US. Many commercial or ideological advocates make claims, sometimes with health as a primary goal, but often accompanied by commercial or ideological interests. These compete culturally with authoritative recommendations made by publicly funded groups. For public policy concerning diet and health to be legitimate, not only should it not be inconsistent with the scientific evidence, but also it should not be inconsistent (...)
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    A Theoretical Model of Food Citizenship for the Analysis of Social Praxis.Carmen Lozano-Cabedo & Cristóbal Gómez-Benito - 2017 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 30 (1):1-22.
    Food citizenship is considered a helpful tool for extending the debate about the rights and duties of citizens to the field of food, and for fomenting participation of all actors in the governance of agri-food systems. Despite its generalized use, this concept has still to be systematically defined. The objective of this article is to apply the analytical framework of citizenship to the food dimension in order to identify the features which, from an analytical perspective, characterise (...)
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  46. A Public Survey on Handling Male Chicks in the Dutch Egg Sector.B. Gremmen, M. R. N. Bruijnis, V. Blok & E. N. Stassen - 2018 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 31 (1):93-107.
    In 2035 global egg demand will have risen 50% from 1985. Because we are not able to tell in the egg whether it will become a male or female chick, billons of one day-old male chicks will be killed. International research initiatives are underway in this area, and governments encourage the development of an alternative with the goal of eliminating the culling of day-old male chicks. The Netherlands holds an exceptional position in the European egg trade, but is also the (...)
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    Biotechnology activism is dead; long live biotechnology activism! The lure and legacy of market-based food movement strategies.Gabriela Pechlaner - 2024 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (2):583-597.
    Scholarly debate over the transformative potential of neoliberal, market-based, food movement strategies historically contrasts those who value their potential to reform the food-system from the inside against those who argue that their use concedes the primacy of the market, creates citizen-consumers, and undermines overall movement goals. While narrow case studies have provided important amendments, the legacy of such strategies requires impacts to be evaluated both contextually and more broadly than the specific activism. This study thus conceptualizes the ‘case’ (...)
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    Food Ethics: The Basics.Ronald L. Sandler - 2014 - Routledge.
    Food Ethics: The Basics is a concise yet comprehensive introduction to the ethical dimensions of the production and consumption of food. It offers an impartial exploration of the most prominent ethical questions relating to food and agriculture including: • Should we eat animals? • Are locally produced foods ethically superior to globally sourced foods? • Do people in affluent nations have a responsibility to help reduce global hunger? • Should we embrace bioengineered foods? • What should (...)
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    Beyond the vertical? Using value chains and governance as a framework to analyse private standards initiatives in agri-food chains.Anne Tallontire, Maggie Opondo, Valerie Nelson & Adrienne Martin - 2011 - Agriculture and Human Values 28 (3):427-441.
    The significance of private standards and associated local level initiatives in agri-food value chains are increasingly recognised. However whilst issues related to compliance and impact at the smallholder or worker level have frequently been analysed, the governance implications in terms of how private standards affect national level institutions, public, private and non-governmental, have had less attention. This article applies an extended value chain framework for critical analysis of Private Standards Initiatives (PSIs) in agrifood chains, drawing on primary research (...)
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    Meta-Ethics in Debates on Public Safety.Steven Smith - 2014 - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche 4 (3).
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