Results for 'frazioni continue'

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  1.  6
    Proposizione 3 della κύκλου μέτρησις: la più emblematica delle opere di Archimede (Proposition 3 of the κύκλου μέτρησις: the most emblematic of Archimedes' works). [REVIEW]Antonella Palma & Luca Dragone - 2024 - Science and Philosophy 12 (1).
    _Sunto_ Nella proposizione 3 della κύκλου μέτρησις Archimede costruisce due numeri razionali che approssimano la misura del rapporto tra la circonferenza e il suo diametro, oggi noto come π. In questo lavoro vogliamo porre l’accento su due aspetti del trattato di Archimede: il primo riguarda le scelte dei valori razionali approssimati per eccesso e per difetto di √3 utilizzati all’inizio della procedura di calcolo, che risultano essere i migliori approssimanti in base alla moderna teoria delle frazioni continue, i (...)
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    Law Society Seminars/Events.Continuing Legal Education - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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  3. Ronsard, polemic, and palinode.Continuation du Discours la Royne & Remonstrance Au Peuple de France - 1999 - Mediaevalia 22 (1999-2000):75.
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    When inspiration strikes, don't bottle it up! Write to me at: Philosophy Now 43a Jerningham Road• London• SE14 5NQ, UK or email rick. lewis@ philosophynow. org Keep them short and keep them coming! [REVIEW]God Correspondents, Debate Will Continue & No Doubt - forthcoming - Philosophy Now.
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    This Intifada Must Continue.Muna Hamzeh - 2001 - Radical Philosophy Review 3 (2):153-158.
    Muna Hamzeh is a Palestinian-American journalist living in Dheisheh refugee camp outside Bethlehem. The three diary entries below articulate her thoughts and feelings about death, freedom, and the importance of resist-ance and the Intifada. They reflect as well the growing determination among Palestinians to make this a “struggle till the end, till we win.”.
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    Should female circumcision continue to be banned?Morayo Atoki - 1995 - Feminist Legal Studies 3 (2):223-235.
    This paper has attempted to steer a middle course between two opposing views. Although the examination tilts in favour of the conservationist, by proposing legal regulation of the practice, it also seeks to contain the fear of the abolitionist. The proposed regulation will make it illegal for minors to undergo female circumcision, and only those adults who wish to have it done will be permitted under the strict scrutiny of the law.Female circumcision has returned to mainstream debate again and one (...)
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    Erratum : « Pour une lecture continue de Hugo Dingler ».Norbert Schappacher - 2014 - Philosophia Scientiae 18:269-272.
    Suite à un problème de communication lors de la dernière correction d’épreuves de cet article, la version publiée dans le numéro 18-2 de Philosophia Scientiæ contient quelques passages qu’il convient de corriger comme suit. p. version publiée version corrigée 105 Il est l’unique représentant de cette discipline qui s’est ouvertement et inconditionnellement engagé pour le régime nazi, avec des gestes d’opportunisme et d’antisémitisme outranciers, du début jusqu’à la fin de ce régime. Ses idées...
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    On feeling unable to continue as oneself.Matthew Ratcliffe - 2024 - European Journal of Philosophy 32 (4):1293-1303.
    This paper sets out a phenomenological account of what it is to feel unable to continue as oneself. I distinguish the feeling that a particular identity has become unsustainable from a sense that the world has ceased to offer the kinds of possibilities required to sustain any such identity. In feeling unable to continue as oneself, possibilities may remain for carrying on in practically meaningful ways but not as who one is or was. I reflect on the kinds (...)
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    Why Employers Will Continue to Provide Health Insurance: The Impact of the Affordable Care Act.Linda J. Blumberg, Matthew Buettgens, Judith Feder & John Holahan - 2012 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 49 (2):116.
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    Les enjeux sociaux de la formation professionnelle continue.Jean-Yves Causer - 2005 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 79 (3):328-333.
    On cherche à démontrer que les logiques de fonctionnement de la formation professionnelle continue rendent difficile la réalisation d’objectifs contenus dans la législation de 1971. En effet, loin de contribuer à la promotion sociale du plus grand nombre des salariés, la formation professionnelle continue se caractérise surtout par des inégalités d’accès et des mécanismes discriminants qui participent au maintien de l’employabilité pour ceux qui sont déjà pourvus des qualifications les plus hautes et les plus compétitives.
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    La L3‐37 Continue.Joshua Jowitt - 2023 - In Jason T. Eberl & Kevin S. Decker (eds.), Star Wars and Philosophy Strikes Back. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. pp. 152–161.
    The droid rights movement may also need a snappy byline. “La Lutte Continue” – may the struggle continue – was one of the most popular social justice slogans to emerge from L'Atelier Populaire during the 1968 Paris riots. This chapter looks at what legal personhood actually means. Legal systems today still operate on this binary. But most legal systems see no necessary connection between moral persons and legal persons. Instead, they see legal persons as an entirely separate legal (...)
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  12. Factors leadind corporations to continue.Marius Gavrila & Radu-Marius Gavrila - 2019 - Dissertation, Walden University
    Accountability for corporate social responsibility (CSR) and its societal challenges is undetermined, and it is unclear whether business or society should carry these responsibilities. Despite severe criticism from some, many organizations continue to invest in and promote CSR. The purpose of this multiple-case study was to increase the understanding of the phenomenon from the perspective of a purposeful sample of participants who contribute to CSR execution and who were representatives of the 10 organizations identified as active promoters. The participant (...)
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    Pour une lecture continue de Hugo Dingler.Norbert Schappacher - 2014 - Philosophia Scientiae 18:105-117.
    Au vu, d’une part, de l’intérêt considérable pour certains aspects de la pensée dinglerienne, en particulier pour le fondement des sciences expérimentales, et d’autre part, des textes et des actions de Dingier inspirés par le nazisme de 1933 à 1945, l’article explore la cohérence globale de l’œuvre de Dingler.
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  14. Ignatius of Loyola On Medical Education. or: Should Todays Jesuits Continue To Run Health Sciences Schools?Jos V. M. Welie - 2003 - Early Science and Medicine 8 (1):26-43.
    There are at present 28 Jesuit colleges and universities in the United States, which together offer more than 50 health sciences degree programs. But as the Society's membership is shrinking and the financial risks involved in sponsoring health sciences education are rising, the question arises whether the Society should continue to sponsor health sciences degree programs. In fact, at least eight Jesuit health sciences schools have already closed their doors. This paper attempts to contribute to the resolution of this (...)
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    Declining to Provide or Continue Requested Life-Sustaining Treatment: Experience With a Hospital Resolving Conflict Policy.Emily B. Rubin, Ellen M. Robinson, M. Cornelia Cremens, Thomas H. McCoy & Andrew M. Courtwright - 2023 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 20 (3):457-466.
    In 2015, the major critical care societies issued guidelines outlining a procedural approach to resolving intractable conflict between healthcare professionals and surrogates over life-sustaining treatments (LST). We report our experience with a resolving conflict procedure. This was a retrospective, single-centre cohort study of ethics consultations involving intractable conflict over LST. The resolving conflict process was initiated eleven times for ten patients over 2,015 ethics consultations from 2000 to 2020. In all cases, the ethics committee recommended withdrawal of the contested LST. (...)
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    Enjoyment as a Predictor of Exercise Habit, Intention to Continue Exercising, and Exercise Frequency: The Intensity Traits Discrepancy Moderation Role.Diogo S. Teixeira, Filipe Rodrigues, Luis Cid & Diogo Monteiro - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:780059.
    Given the need to explore the factors that can account for a better understanding of the intention-behavior gap in exercise practice in health club settings, and considering the emergence of hedonic assumptions related to exercise adherence, this cross-sectional study aimed to test the moderation effect of the intensity traits agreement/disagreement in three relevant outcomes of exercise enjoyment: exercise habit, intention to continue exercising, and exercise frequency. A sample consisted of 273 exercisers (male = 127; Mage = 36.21; SD = (...)
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    Seeing Complexity To Continue to Understand Emotions.Dina Mendonça - 2021 - Journal of Philosophy of Emotion 3 (1):39-48.
    Commentary on Michael S. Brady’s book, Emotion: The Basics, indicating that it offers an overview of the field of philosophy of emotions while raising awareness about the intrinsic complexity of the issues in emotion research. This makes it possible to show how emotion research is inevitably tied to specific philosophical assumptions. Three illustrations are discussed that hopefully also testify that, as Brady states, the philosophy of emotion is inevitably tied to the question of what it means to do philosophy.
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    Should we continue to study consciousness?Richard M. Warren - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (2):270-271.
    Block has attempted to reduce the confusion and controversy concerning the term “consciousness” by suggesting that there are two forms or types of consciousness, each of which has several characteristics or properties. This suggestion appears to further becloud the topic, however. Perhaps consciousness cannot be defined adequately and should not be considered as a topic that can be studied scientifically.
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    Why We Should Continue to Worry about the Therapeutic Misconception.Larry Churchill, Nancy King & Gail Henderson - 2013 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 24 (4):381-386.
    In a recent article in The Journal of Clinical Ethics, David Wendler argues that worries about the therapeutic misconception (TM) are not only misconceived, but detract from the larger agenda of a proper informed consent for subjects involved in clinical research. By contrast, we argue that Wendler mischaracterizes those who support TM research, and that his arguments are fragmentary, often illogical, and neglect a critical difference between clinical care and clinical research. A clear explanation about the chief aim of research (...)
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    Pour une politique de la formation continue en philosophie.Jérôme Jardry - 2012 - L’Enseignement Philosophique 62 (1):60-72.
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    Dalla Grande Guerra alle guerre continue.Aldo Meccariello & Luca Mencacci (eds.) - 2021 - Trieste: Asterios editore.
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    Place de la frise continue d'entablement dans les temples grecs.Robert Demangel - 1935 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 59 (1):1-6.
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    Do Mathematical Gender Differences Continue? A Longitudinal Study of Gender Difference and Excellence in Mathematics Performance in the U.S.Cody S. Ding, Kim Song & Lloyd I. Richardson - 2006 - Educational Studies 40 (3):279-295.
    A persistent belief in American culture is that males both outperform and have a higher inherent aptitude for mathematics than females. Using data from two school districts in two different states in the United States, this study used longitudinal multilevel modeling to examine whether overall performance on standardized as well as classroom tests reveals a gender difference in mathematics performance. The results suggest that both male and female students demonstrated the same growth trend in mathematics performance (as measured by standardized (...)
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    Same planet, different worlds: why projects continue to fail. A generalist review of project management with special reference to electronic research administration.Ian McCormick - 2006 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 10 (4):102-108.
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    “Sure, I Would Like to Continue”: A Method for Mapping the Experience of Engagement in Video Games.Thomas Bjørner & Henrik Schønau-Fog - 2012 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 32 (5):405-412.
    In order to explore one aspect of the engaging nature of computer games, this study will propose a method that aims at classifying the experience of engagement in video games. Inspired by a literature review, we will focus on the fundamental causes of engagement that motivate a player so much that he or she wants to continue playing. By organizing this willingness to continue playing into six broad types of causes of engagement—intellectual, physical, sensory, social, narrative, and emotional—we (...)
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    Le développement de l'agir éthique chez les professionnels en éducation: formations initiale et continue.Lise-Anne St Vincent (ed.) - 2015 - Québec: Presses de l'Université du Québec.
    Faire preuve d'éthique professionnelle est une responsabilité qui incombe à tous les enseignants, ceux en devenir, les directeurs d'établissements scolaires et les professionnels de l'éducation. Or l'éthique professionnelle est une construction en mouvance faite d'expériences, de politiques, de pratiques... Dresser un plan linéaire des étapes à franchir pour la développer serait présomptueux, mais il est nécessaire d'en explorer les différentes facettes. Cet ouvrage met en lumière les éléments présents dans le processus de construction de l'agir éthique chez les professionnels de (...)
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    May Newman’s Example Continue to Inspire New Generations of Students to Draw Abundantly from the Richness of the Christian Tradition in Order to Respond to the Deepest Yearnings of The Human Spirit...John T. Ford - 2007 - Newman Studies Journal 4 (1):3-4.
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    How to continue Kant's Perpetual Peace with Addams' newer Ideals of Peace.Axel Mueller - 2011 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 46:93-122.
    This article examines some arguments in favor of taking peace as a political obligation that can be found in one of the most important founders of the pacifist movement, Jane Addams. The main focus is on her 1907 book Newer Ideals of Peace, which has often been read as idealistic and outdated, and above all, as more of an activist’s manifesto than a serious contribution to either political philosophy or political theory. I point out that this owes much to an (...)
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    Senate to continue discussing changes in western culture.Harry Papasotiriou - forthcoming - Minerva.
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    O rganizations, small and large, public and private, continue to rely on health communication as a way to motivate and support healthful.Specifying When & How Gain - 2011 - In Gideon Keren (ed.), Perspectives on framing. New York: Psychology Press. pp. 257.
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    The Uniform Determination of Death Act is Not Changing. Will Physicians Continue to Misdiagnose Brain Death?Michael Nair-Collins - forthcoming - American Journal of Bioethics:1-12.
    Efforts to revise the Uniform Determination of Death Act in order to align law with medical practice have failed. Medical practice must now align with the law. People who are not dead under the law that defines death should not be declared dead. There is no compelling reason to continue the practice of declaring legally living persons to be dead.
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    ‘I Pray for the Factory to Continue Earning Money’: The Familial Factory Regime of the ‘Sun’ Food Factory in Turkey.Ermine Erdogan - 2016 - Feminist Review 113 (1):68-84.
    This paper explores the factory regime in the ‘Sun'1 food processing factory in Turkey, drawing on participant observation in the factory, informal interviews with women workers and in-depth interviews with the managers of the factory's ‘gherkin department’ in which I worked. This paper argues that the ‘Sun’ bottling and canning factory is best understood through my concept of the ‘familial factory regime’. By ‘familial factory regime’ I mean a factory regime in which the features of the extended patriarchal family are (...)
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    On prenatal diagnosis and the decision to continue or terminate a pregnancy in France: a clinical ethics study of unknown moral territories.Marie Gaille - 2016 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 19 (3):381-391.
    This article presents a part of the results of an empirical study conducted at a Parisian hospital between 2011 and 2014. It aimed at understanding the women and couples’ motivations to terminate or not a pregnancy once a prenatal diagnosis has revealed a genetically related disease in the embryo or fetus. The article first presents the social and legal context of the study, the methodology used and the pathologies that were encountered. Then, it examines the results of the interviews conducted (...)
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    Back to the Rough Ground: Working in International HIV Prevention as Ethical Debates Continue.Kathleen M. MacQueen & Jeremy Sugarman - 2003 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 25 (2):11-13.
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  35. Manville lives on as victims continue to die.A. Sharplin - 1988 - Business and Society Review 65:25-29.
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  36. The Pope on the Moral Obligation to Continue Tube Feeding for Patients in Post-coma Unresponsiveness.Norman Ford - 2004 - Chisholm Health Ethics Bulletin 9 (4):1.
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    De l’observation des enfants à l’analyse interactionnelle : contributions de la recherche à la formation continue des éducateurs et éducatrices de l’enfance.Marianne Zogmal & Isabelle Durand - 2020 - Revue Phronesis 9 (2):108-122.
    This contribution presents an adult education workshop implemented in the field of early childhood education. One of the specificities of education and care practices lies in the competences of the professionals to give a central role to the detailed observation of situations, in order to adjust their modalities of action. How can such observational work be developed and transformed? A participatory research-training approach aims to support the co-construction of an analytical view on observable phenomena in the course of interactions. In (...)
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    Por qué es interesante que la vida continúe en la Tierra tras nuestra desaparición.Alexis Ricardo Sánchez Marmolejo - 2018 - Luxiérnaga - Revista de Estudiantes de Filosofía 8 (16):13.
    En el presente trabajo ofrecemos una explicación de diversas teorías que se encargan de analizar la interacción del hombre con la Naturaleza, teniendo como objetivo impulsar la reflexión en las personas. Comenzamos hablando de los rasgos particulares del antropocentrismo fuerte, el cual nos ha definido como especie humana desde hace varios siglos, posteriormente, nos enfocamos en el antropocentrismo débil con la intención de saber por qué es considerada una propuesta insuficiente. Por último, abordamos las propuestas del biocentrismo (reflexionando en torno (...)
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  39. Will the Explosive Growth of China Continue?Leonid Grinin, Sergey Tsirel & Andrey Korotayev - 2015 - Technological Forecasting and Social Change 95:394-308.
    The role of China in the world economy is constantly growing. In particular we observe that it plays more and more important role in the support of theworld economic growth (as well as high prices of certain very important commodities). In the meantime the perspectives of the Chinese economy (as well as possible fates of the Chinese society) remain unclear, whereas respective forecasts look rather contradictory. That is why the search for new aspects and modes of analysis of possible development (...)
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  40. La scuola italiana e le continue riforme.Gian Enrico Manzoni - 2008 - Studium 104 (3):365-370.
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    Why Public Programs Matter — And Will Continue to Matter — Even after Health Reform.Elizabeth J. Fowler & Timothy Stoltzfus Jost - 2008 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 36 (4):670-676.
    As we write this paper in spring 2008, many are hopeful that November’s election will open the door to some form of comprehensive health care reform. In all likelihood, we will elect a president who has campaigned to a greater or lesser extent on promises of improving access to health care, improving quality, and reducing costs. Equally important, it seems likely that the 111th Congress is preparing to undertake meaningful health care reform. And perhaps most important, despite recent attention to (...)
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    Born digital or fossilised digitally? How born digital data systems continue the legacy of social violence towards LGBTQI + communities: a case study of experiences in the Republic of Ireland.Noeleen Donnelly, Larry Stapleton & Jennifer O’Mahoney - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (3):905-919.
    The AI and Society discourse has previously drawn attention to the ways that digital systems embody the values of the technology development community from which they emerge through the development and deployment process. Research shows how this effect leads to a particular treatment of gender in computer systems development, a treatment which lags far behind the rich understanding of gender that social studies scholarship reveals and people across society experience. Many people do not relate to the narrow binary gender options (...)
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    Factors determining the motivation of primary health care professionals to implement and continue the 'Beweegkuur' lifestyle intervention programme.Judith H. M. Helmink, Stef P. J. Kremers, Leonieke C. van Boekel, Femke N. van Brussel-Visser & Nanne K. de Vries - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (3):682-688.
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    The Role of Clinical Equipoise and Practical Considerations in Deciding Whether to Continue to Provide a Drug on an Open-Label Extension Study for an “Unapproved Indication”.Ryan R. Nash - 2014 - American Journal of Bioethics 14 (4):59-60.
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    In Pursuit of Education: Why Some Tribal Girls Continue and Others Dropout of Schools in Rural India?Kumari Vibhuti Nayak & Randhir Kumar - 2022 - Journal of Human Values 28 (2):129-142.
    Journal of Human Values, Volume 28, Issue 2, Page 129-142, May 2022. This research focus on the barriers and facilitators of accessing primary and secondary education among the tribal girls in the hinterlands of India. Using ethnographic approach, this study provides a narrative of the girls belonging to the Oraon tribe on what enables or prohibits them to successfully complete their education. The findings reveal that the economic hardships of parents, early arranged or love marriages and the absence of role (...)
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    Si ça continue, ça va pas durer.Philippe Val - 2009 - Paris: Echappés.
    " Mai 68, avec ses slogans parfois stupides et son jargon marxisant - déjà kitsch à l'époque -, était une période joyeuse. On s'y levait tard pour gagner moins. On faisait des pieds de nez aux statues des grands hommes. On prenait au sérieux la question du bonheur. Ceux qui haïssent Mai 68, au fond, sont à plaindre : ils avouent que déjà, à vingt ans, ils étaient des petits vieux qui regardaient passer l'avenir dans un rétroviseur. Et pourtant ce (...)
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    Review essay: Continue the Rawlsian Project after Rawls. [REVIEW]Zhuoyao Li - 2017 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 43 (8):877-883.
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    Why Should We Compensate Organ Donors When We Can Continue to Take Organs for Free? A Response to Some of My Critics.M. J. Cherry - 2009 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 34 (6):649-673.
    In Kidney for Sale by Owner: Human Organs, Transplantation, and the Market, I argued that the market is the most efficient and effective—and morally justified—means of procuring and allocating human organs for transplantation. This special issue of The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy publishes several articles critical of this position and of my arguments mustered in its support. In this essay, I explore the core criticisms these authors raise against my conclusions. I argue that clinging to comfortable, but unfounded, notions (...)
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    No-fault compensation for victims of non-therapeutic research--should government continue to be exempt?R. Gillon - 1992 - Journal of Medical Ethics 18 (2):59-60.
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    Chapter nine. Causing conflicts to continue.Christopher Mitchell - 2014 - In Johanna Seibt & Jesper Garsdal (eds.), How is Global Dialogue Possible?: Foundational Reseach on Value Conflicts and Perspectives for Global Policy. De Gruyter. pp. 205-224.
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